The body of the late FR GRAHAM TURNER, FR ANDREW McKENZIE and Scots College ordained on Easter Monday, is brought seminarian NI CK WELSH offer insight and to St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh before inspiration ahead of the World Day of being laid to rest. Pag e 2 Prayer for Vocations. Pa ges 10-11

No 5464 Friday April 27 2012 | £1

Vandals target ‘On fire with indignation’ Carfin Grotto’s I Cardinal O’Brien urges Catholics not to be intimidated by persecution Glass Chapel By Ian Dunn By Martin Dunlop

THE president of the Bishops’ Conference of THE Glass Chapel at Carfin Grotto in Scotland has called on Catholics to become Motherwell Diocese was the subject of ‘obsessed’ with defending their Christian val- a shocking act of vandalism last week. ues in a time of increasing ‘persecution,’ such Police are currently investigating the as the backlash over the Church’s defence of incident that took place last Thursday marriage. during which the chapel was broken into Speaking to the Knights of St Columba annual and damaged. business meeting in Clydebank on Saturday, Car- The Glass Chapel (below) and St Francis dinal Keith O’Brien praised the members of the Xavier’s Church, are located at Carfin lay Catholic group as fine examples of ‘what being Grotto, Scotland’s national shrine to Our a Christian is all about.’ Lady of Lourdes. He specifically cited their planned weekend of Sources from within the St Francis witness ‘in defence of Christian values’ that will Xavier’s parish community said that, take place at parishes across Scotland and the rest during the break-in, the Sacred host had been of the UK, beginning today. scattered across the floor of the Glass Chapel. The chapel (Our Lady, Maid of the Under attack Sea) is dedicated to those who lost their Cardinal O’Brien said that bold action was vital at lives in the Lockerbie disaster in 1988 and a time when Church leaders and other Christians Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is held were facing ‘verbal attacks and other attacks’ for there every morning. their position on issues that challenge Christian A spokesman for Motherwell Diocese values, such as same-sex ‘marriage.’ said: “The diocese is working closely with “The other side are being far more intolerant the police who are investigating the inci- than we are,” he warned. “We cannot speak out dent. We would appeal to anyone with any about what has been happening in the world since information to contact the police and assist time began, that a man gets married and lives with them in their inquiries.” one woman and raises a family.” Peter Kearney, spokesman for the The cardinal said that, while he still ‘wondered’ , said that the attack high- whether the consultations by the Scottish and UK lighted a ‘most persistent’ prejudice of governments on the issues were truly genuine, all Cardinal Keith O’Brien has called on Catholics to be sex ‘marriage’ and this week a group of Glasgow ‘anti-Catholic hate crime.’ he and other Catholics had done was ‘state what consistently strong in defending our Christian values Imams urged Muslims not to vote for any candi- “We are aware, for very understandable the teaching of the Catholic Church is about: mar- amid persecution PIC: PAUL McSHERRY date in next week’s council elections who reasons, that historically Catholics in Scot- riage and the fact that we cannot really ever change endorsed any redefinition of marriage. land have felt the need to keep their heads the meaning of ‘marriage’ to mean something else.’ tution of an ox and the hide of a rhinoceros.’ “This is a serious question that deserves very down, and often decide not to highlight The cardinal also highlighted that the defence Broad shoulders, the cardinal suggested, are serious consideration by the Scottish Govern- anti-Catholic hate crime in the hope that of marriage is just one of the many issues that something all Christians should try and develop. ment,” the Council of Glasgow Imans said in a things will get better and the bigotry will go Catholics have to give their full attention to. “You have to be thick-skinned,” he said. “And statement sent to mosques all over Scotland. away,” Mr Kearney said. “I am not obsessed about same-sex ‘marriage;’ I have to say to you that if you are aware that you “Accordingly, we urge the Deputy First Minister I Continued on page 2 I am on fire with indignation, as I am about are teaching the truth and are prepared to stand up Nicola Sturgeon to look very seriously at this fun- poverty in our own country,” he said. “I hear about and be counted and put your head above the para- damentally important issue and to reconsider the I St Anne’s Church, Thurso, vandalised for bankers’ bonuses and all these sorts of things seem pet, often there will be attempts to chop it off.” full implications of what she is proposing. We third time, page 5 to have crept back again, somehow or other, after However, he also said that despite these attacks, wish to inform both her and First Minister Alex all the furore just a short time ago about them. Christians would find allies in unexpected places. Salmond that we are deeply unhappy and vigor- “I am obsessed about poverty; I am obsessed The cardinal said he had been ‘most impressed’ ously opposed to the proposed legislation for about sectarianism and so on and so forth. We with the way the Glasgow Knights of St Columba’s same-sex ‘marriage.’ There is no scope for com- have got to be, as Christians, obsessed about these recent campaign against same-sex ‘marriage’ had promise on this issue and we simply say this: No things and we have got to work together on them been backed by local Muslims. to same-sex ‘marriage.’” to try to do something about them.” “It was good in giving many other people a feel- ing of strength and solidarity when you are fea- I [email protected] Allies on difficult path tured with the Muslim community who feel Defending these Christian values would not be easy, exactly the same way as ourselves about the same- I Additional reporting, Tom Knight the cardinal warned, adding that he often recalled sex ‘marriages,’” the cardinal said. the words of the Anglican of Canterbury The Scottish Muslim community has been I More on the Knights of St Columba meeting, that ‘to be a bishop you have got to have the consti- increasingly vocal about its opposition to same- page 2

CATHOLIC MIDWIVES SCHOENSTATT SCOTLAND TAKES appeal against centre hosts lead in HCPT ruling that forces special Pilgrim Lourdes events in them to supervise Mother rally, region’s 40th abortion staff schools take part anniversary year CONSCIENCE SCHOENSTATT SCHOENSTATT

Page 3 Page 5 Page 7 PILGRIMAGE HCPT visit

SCO, 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BT I tel 0141 221 4956 I fax 0141 221 4546 I e-mail [email protected] 2 PICTURE NEWS SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday April 27 2012 Tributes paid to Fr Turner at funeral Mass in Edinburgh Cardinal Keith O’Brien remembers the life of the late priest who sadly passed away just one week after his ordination to the priesthood By Martin Dunlop

THE Mass for the StAndrews and Edinburgh priest who died a week after being ordained on Easter Monday was celebrated at Edin- burgh’s St Mary’s Cathedral on Tuesday. A funeral Mass for Fr Graham Turner, 48, who died on Monday April 16, was celebrated at his home parish of St Brendan’s, Bolton, on Monday, before his body was brought to Edin- burgh ahead of its burial at the priests’ circle in Mount Vernon. Speaking in his homily at Tuesday’s Mass, Car- dinal Keith O’Brien—who ordained Fr Turner as Scotland’s newest priest at the chapel of Salford Royal Hospital—welcomed the late priest’s par- ents, George and Marie, his brother and sister, Ian and Sue, as well as priests from Salford Diocese. Chaplains and members of staff from Salford Royal Hospital, including Catholic chaplain, Fr Frank Waterworth, Mgr Rod Strange, rector of the Pontifical Beda College in Rome, where Fr Turner studied, representatives of the student body and representatives from the Scots College in Rome also joined clergy, religious and lay Faithful from St Andrews and Edinburgh Arch- diocese at the Mass. The cardinal said that ‘Graham longed to be cle of his loving parents Marie and George and The funeral Mass for the late Fr Graham Turner (inset) Ordination ordained a priest,’ adding that Fr Turner’s ordi- his brother and sister Ian and Sue,” he said. was principally celebrated by Cardinal Keith O’Brien and was attended by 50 archdiocesan priests, vicar Cardinal O’Brien told mourners that Fr Turner had nation on Easter Monday was ‘an unforgettable “When applying for the priesthood and asked general Fr Alistair Lawson, rector Mgr Rod Strange, been ordained into the diaconate in 2010 and that, experience for all concerned—none more than what he saw as the purpose of his life Graham deacons and students from Beda College in Rome and one year later, he was prepared for ordination to Fr Graham himself.’ replied: ‘What is the purpose of my life—a difficult parish priests from Fr Turner’s home town of Bolton, the priesthood on Wednesday June 29 2011. “Although his health was obviously failing he question to answer—but I’d say it is to love and Fr Frank Waterworth and Fr Michael Cooke (main) “However that ordination did not take place was fully alert during his Mass of Ordination and serve God—and to bear witness to Him to those PICS: PAUL McSHERRY because of the fact that Graham was diagnosed enjoyed the greetings of family and friends at the around me by the way I live. I’d like to believe that as suffering from leukaemia and then followed reception which had been arranged afterwards,” I tried to do the best I can for the people I meet.’” celebrating Mass for the first and for the last time what was a succession of dates for ordination to he said. Graham realised that his life’s mission had been the priesthood followed by cancellations quite Final wishes accomplished,” Cardinal O’Brien said. simply because his health did not permit,” Car- Family Referring to Jesus speaking to His disciples of His “As Graham lay on his bed dying, he thirsted dinal O’Brien said. “However, things came to a The cardinal also spoke in his homily of Fr desire to have that Last Supper with them in St for that eternal life with his Crucified and risen head during Holy Week of this year when Gra- Turner’s ‘happy family circle.’ Luke’s Gospel, the cardinal said that Fr Turner had Lord. His life’s ambition fulfilled, Graham ham and his family were told that there was quite “Graham learned much about life from his ‘ardently longed to be a priest and to share that peacefully died.” simply nothing further that could be done to stop happy family circle and I am sure initially grew Eucharistic meal before his final suffering and death.’ the spread of disease throughout his body.” in his love of God and of others within that cir- “Having eaten that Easter meal as a priest and I [email protected] Cardinal O’Brien addresses Knights of St Columba during UK wide gathering

LAST weekend members of the Pope’s neck for the journey from Knights of St Columba gathered in Holyrood Palace to the cardinal’s the Beardmore Hotel, Glasgow for residence. a meeting of the Board of Gover- “I know you are active with HCPT, nors with the Provincial Grand helping handicapped children going to Knights from all over Britain. Lourdes and of course the income The gathering was led by the from the raffle for the Papal scarf is Supreme Knight, Ron Lynch, and the going to that magnificent cause,” he Deputy Supreme Knight, Harry Welsh, told the knights gathered. accompanied by the Ecclesiastical “But to make sure that our young Adviser, Bishop Malcolm McMahon, people as well as knowing the Faith, Bishop of Nottingham. they also are able to practice their Cardinal Keith O’Brien, president Faith. Knowing the Faith, of course, of the Bishops’ Conference of is vitally important and thank God our Scotland, was asked to address the bishops’ conference recently got assembly during the course of approval for our own national reli- Saturday evening. gious education syllabus in our The cardinal began by congratulat- Catholic schools from five to 15.” ing the knights from all parts of the “This has been a fruitful meeting UK for their loyalty to the Church and and I am grateful to His Eminence, also, in particular, for the ready way in Cardinal O’Brien, for agreeing to be which they sought to fulfil their motto with us this evening,” Br Ron Lynch An Opportunity to Serve. said. “He has given us much to think He referenced some of the ways in about and we are heartened by the which the lay Catholic group already support and encouragement he has fulfilled that remit in union with the given to our order.” Bishops’ Conference of Scotland. This, the Caritas Scheme for Young People, their apostolate against possible legis- the Knights of St Columba raffle. The Cardinal O’Brien was then presented particularly, was in regard to causes charities such as the Handicapped lation for same-sex ‘marriages.’ scarf was the one His Eminence wore with a cheque for HCPT, the Pilgrim- close to the hearts of the cardinal and Children’s Pilgrimage Trust, the wear- Following the dinner, Cardinal in the Popemobile during the visit of age Trust, by Molly Britten, mother of the bishops, including support for anti- ing of small lapel crosses, and a great O’Brien presented Br Anthony O‘Neill the Holy Father to Scotland. He had Past Supreme Knight Tony Britten. sectarian moves, the inauguration of unity with the bishops with regard to with the scarf (above) he had won in placed an identical one around the PIC: PAUL McSHERRY

EWTN CATHOLIC TV IS ON SKY EPG 589 Carfin Grotto’s Glass Chapel comes under attack from vandals Sky Freesat £175 total cost , no monthly charges. I Continued from Page 1 failed to eradicate this most per- anyone to contact us to report any or by calling: 0141 221 1168. 200 Free channels including EWTN TV & Radio. sistent of prejudice. such incidents or examples.” Those with information can Call Sky on 08442411602 for installation. “However, it is quite obvious “The Scottish Catholic Media The Scottish Catholic Media also contact Motherwell Police Call EWTN on 020 83502542 or e-mail [email protected] that anti-Catholic bigotry has not Office is continually recording Office can be reached at 5 St Office on 01698 48300. for free monthly posted programme guide and gone away, and that the policy of and responding to anti-Catholic Vincent Place, Glasgow, G1 [email protected] visit for more info. ignoring anti-Catholicism has comments or acts. We would urge 2DH, by email: [email protected] I Friday April 27 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER NEWS 3 A tribunal rules in favour of Midwives appeal abortion ruling Church approval of teachers AN employment tribunal has Mr McGrath went on to say Catholic labour ward sisters’ decision to take their conscience case further backed by SPUC ruled that the Scottish Catholic that the Church’s position was By Ian Dunn to patients during the process. Church absolutely has the well supported by the law. “Most They argued that being required to right of approval over who people do not understand that the THE two Glasgow midwives who supervise staff involved in abortions is a teaches in Catholic schools. Equality Act exists ‘without prej- were told in February that they had to violation of their human rights and took In a move that has been wel- udice’ to the existing section 21a supervise abortions, regardless of their case against NHS Greater Glasgow comed by Church and education of the Education Scotland Act their conscientious objection, have and Clyde to the Court of Session in spokesmen, the Church’s ability 1980 (which accords the Catholic launched an appeal against the deci- Edinburgh. to judge the fitness of teachers to Church the right of approval),” he sion. They said the health board decision work in Catholic education has said. “People assume that in the Judge Lady Smith, in the Outer Scottish breached their rights under Article 9 of the been upheld against a claim that it age of equality, you cannot dis- Court of Session, told the midwives, Mary European Convention on Human Rights breaches the right to freedom of criminate on the grounds of reli- Doogan, 57, and Connie Wood, 51, both (ECHR), guaranteeing the right to free- religion under the European Con- gion. But it says in this context labour ward sisters, that the conscience dom of religion. vention on Human Rights. you can in order to make the clause in the Abortion Act would exempt They are now to challenge the ruling of The judgment, by an employ- ethos of the school and that it is them from hands-on involvement in abor- Judge Lady Smith that the midwives did ment tribunal in Glasgow earlier legal to do so.” tions, but as senior midwives they had to not have direct involvement in the proce- in April, vindicates Glasgow City A spokesman for Glasgow accept management instructions to over- dure to which they object. Lady Smith Council’s decision four years ago Archdiocese also welcomed the see abortions performed by other mid- said it was not shown that their Article 9 to introduce new procedures for judgment. wives on the labour ward. rights were being interfered with. She said the appointment of teachers to “We are glad that the tribunal the midwives had agreed to take up the Catholic schools. has confirmed that the archdio- Grounds for appeal roles of labour ward co-ordinators, The McShane v Glasgow City cese and the City Council fol- The costs of the Glasgow midwives’ legal although they now took objection to the Council case resloved this month, lowed correct procedures and action are being underwritten by the Soci- ‘job content.’ was brought by a drama teacher proper legal process,” he said. ety for the Protection of Unborn Children “Nothing they have to do as part of their in the council’s permanent supply “The archdiocese is proud of its (SPUC) and Paul Tully, the organisation’s duties terminates a woman’s pregnancy,” pool. When Ms Anne McShane commitment to justice and fair- general secretary, said both SPUC and the the judge said. “They are sufficiently applied for a permanent position ness in responding to applicants midwives felt there were excellent grounds removed from direct involvement as, it the Church did not approve it but (both Catholic and non- for appeal. “We feel there are very good reasons for seems to me, to afford appropriate respect employment judge Shona Catholic) applying to teach in “The preliminary grounds for appeal are appealing against Lady Smith’s judgment,” for and accommodation of their beliefs. MacLean and two other tribunal Catholic schools. While it would being prepared at the moment,” he said. he said. “At the Inner Court three senior Further, they knowingly accepted that members have now ruled in the be inappropriate to comment on “We and the midwives agreed that the judges will be able to give a much better these duties were to be part of their job.” Church’s favour. the personal circumstances of a judgment was given highly susceptible to hearing to the legal points. So we think it’s The SPUC said that a preliminary hear- Michael McGrath, director of particular case, it is worth noting criticism and very disappointing as it di eminently worthwhile continuing.” ing in the appeal will take place at the the Scottish Catholic Education that many teachers of other not give good account of the legal position Court of Session on July 27, with a further Service, said the result was a wel- denominations provide sterling with relation to the law as it effects mid- Conscience hearing expected early next year. Anyone come one. service in Catholic schools in wives and other medical staff in senior Ms Doogan and Ms Wood had launched wishing to make a donation towards the “It shows the process is robust Glasgow and beyond.” roles.” the case on the grounds that, as conscien- midwives’ legal costs should telephone and clear in law and that each Glasgow City Council also He also said that SPUC believed the tious objectors, they are entitled to refuse SPUC on 020 7091 7091. bishop has the right to make praised what a spokeswoman case would receive a better hearing in the to delegate, supervise and support staff decisions on what appointments called a ‘very important outcome.’ Inner Court of Session. taking part in abortions or providing care I [email protected] are suitable in Catholic schools,” “The tribunal is quite clear he said. “We already knew that, that the Church’s decision to but it is no bad thing to have it refuse approval left the council Archbishop Conti speaks to pupils on religion via GLOW underlined.” with no choice,” she said. Boost for St Peter’s Seminary, Cardross ARCHBISHOP Mario Conti STV at a local level which will of Glasgow has said he was allow the Church greater ability HISTORIC Scotland is to gory A listed by Historic Scot- delighted to take part in a to reach people with news and donate half a million pounds land in 1992—while the World ‘wonderful’ web discussion, information. I was also deeply to restoring the historic Monuments Fund, which works which involved religious touched by the intelligence and St Peter’s Seminary in to preserve endangered cultural leaders and school pupils thoughtfulness of the young peo- Cardross. landmarks, added St Peter’s to from across Scotland. ple present from Holyrood Sec- The former priests’ college in its register in June 2007. Monday’s event was hosted by ondary and from other schools Cardoss was designed by Last year, public arts charity GLOW TV, a company that uses by video link. They asked lauded Glasgow architects the NVA concluded missives the internet to improve children’s important questions of the faith Gillespie, Kidd and Coia and with the Catholic Church to education, which broadcast a leaders present in a session consecrated in 1966 but is dis- buy it and use it as an arts meeting of the religious leaders expertly moderated by John ued and has lain derelict for the space. Angus Farquhar, creative of Scotland, giving pupils the MacKay from Scotland Today. I past 25 years. Its unusual archi- director of NVA, said the chance to question the leaders on left with great hope for the tectural qualities have led to £500,000 donation from the theme: ‘How is religion and future of faith in our country.” numerous attempts to revive Historic Scotland would be spirituality relevant today?’ Among the other faith leaders the building—which was Cate- hugely useful. The archbishop (right) said he who took part Mr Allan Forsyth though it had been an excellent (chair of the Baha’i Council of use of new technology. Scotland), Rev John Chalmers, “This was a wonderful event (Clerk of the General Assembly which brought together educa- of the Church of Scotland, Imam Irish Centre tors, church leaders, broadcast- Habib of Glasgow Central Pilgrimages 2012 LLOURDESOURDES ers and school children,” he said. Mosque and Rabbi Rubin, Jew- FFromrom EdinburghEdinburgh 6th6th & 113th3th JJulyuly “It was truly inspiring to learn of ish Community of Scotland. Stay with us the new opportunities offered by PIC: PAUL McSHERRY March to November MManchesteranchester ttoo LourdesLourdes March to November SSaturdaysaturdays - 7 nnightsights fromfrom £674£674 €280 3 NightNight DeparturesDepartures Thomas Marin James Scott 119th9th MMayay & 7th7th JulyJuly Independent Funeral Directors Funeral Directors 4 NightNight DeparturesDepartures “Stay local... keep it in the Your local Independent Funeral Director 222nd2nd MMayay & 10th10th JulyJuly family... offer a prompt Over eighty years of giving undivided attention, and personal service 24 24 hour care and a level of service NI & UK : 028 8224 1888 SSpecialpecial OfferOffer hours a day... make it second to none. The only independent, Ireland: 048 8224 1888 119th9th MayMay & 23rd23rd JJuneune fromfrom £599£599 affordable.” family-owned business in the area. Thomas Marin 1926 Let our family look after your family Free Monthly Draw RRegularegular DDeparturesepartures toto Three generations later, his words are just Free Monthly Draw as important to our family business today. 314 Portobello High Street, February winner: Elisabetta Vuocolo Italy Fatima,Fatima, Poland,Poland, Edinburgh EH15 2DA 62-64 St Mary Street, Tel: 0131 556 7192 or Tel: 0131 669 6333 Every month for a year we are HolyHoly LandLand & RomeRome Edinburgh EH1 1SX 0131 556 6874 (24 hrs) or 0131 669 1285 (24hrs) offering one weeks free WWee wwelcomeelcome individual,individual, groupgroup aandnd parishparish eenquiriesnquiries 7 Bridge Street, Musselburgh EH21 6AA accommodation for up to 4 people. MMancuniaancunia Tel: 0131 665 6925 MMancuniaa n c u n i a TTravelr a v e l LLtdt d Text the word PILGRIM followed by your TThehe PilgrimagePilgrimage SpecialistsSpecialists name & county to 60777 or phone us and 00161161 779090 66838838 [email protected] we can enter you for free 4 NEWS SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday April 27 2012 Get spiritually fit in the gymnasium of the soul With the Olympic Games in London fast approaching, is it time for us to put the link between spirituality and sport under the microscope? By Lawrence Sum As Christians, we, much like Olympic athletes must SCOTTISH BIBLE SOCIETY train hard, be properly motivated and disciplined in order to get the best out the Bible and indeed our faith THIS year, the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games come to Great Britain with London as the host city. Fast forward to July 23, 2014 training routines and each time finding a way to and Glasgow will take centre stage as the host improve our performance in engaging with God’s city for the Commonwealth Games. Word. Combine this with being forward-looking, Among the glamour and fanfare of the games, we should be encouraged that if we feel we have there will be those who cannot wait to hear the not been consistent in reading our Bibles before sound of a starting pistol to signal the beginning of now, we can start changing that today. the many competitions. Equally there will be those who are not interested in sport or which country Spiritual fitness leaves with the most medals. Whatever your feel- It can be said that Paul was Timothy’s ‘coach’ ings are about the games, there are some similar- and his training manual included the need to ities worth noting between sport and the Bible. have spiritual fitness (1 Timothy 4:7 & 8). Read- It has been said that the Bible is the ‘gymna- ing and engaging with the Bible gives us spiritual sium of the soul’ and we are like athletes in train- fitness as we immerse ourselves in God’s Word ing. In Philippians, Paul warns us of life’s and live out the teachings of Jesus. The effect this distractions and the downfalls of self-centred- will have on our lives is something we all know: ness. He also tells us that through self-discipline, the Bible changes lives. obedience to God’s Word and adopting the sin- This challenge is not without hardship and suf- gle-mindedness of an athlete in training, we can fering but as Paul testifies, he ‘fought the good focus on the goal of knowing Christ to have a fight’ and finished the race (2 Timothy 4:7). joyful life. Through being spiritually fit and focusing on the goal, the reward is to know God better, which is Biblical focus seen in our lives and in the lives of those with Last year we celebrated the 400th anniversary of whom we share the Good News. the King James Bible and projects such as Bible- Athletes train daily, conditioning their body fresh and The People’s Bible gave us plenty of Bibles as well as seek to introduce it to those too. He says that we should press on and look to and minds. We would do well to apply the same focus on the Bible. Some people said this was a who have not read it. the future no matter what’s happened in the past discipline to our own daily engagement with God real encouragement to read and engage with our Another hallmark of athletes is to always look (Philippians 3:13). In our hearts, many of us and His Word and so improve our own spiritual Bibles. Momentum and consistency are hall- forward. Many athletes are asked what winning a know that reading and engaging with the Bible is fitness in order to serve God here and now. marks of success for athletes and this applies to hard-earned prize or falling short of winning feels important every day. However, so often we get Christians as we look to capitalise on the like but so often there is no answer. They are distracted or find other things to do. This is why I If you would like to pray or to financially support momentum from last year to ensure that we as a already looking forward to the next competition. Paul said that like an athlete, it takes great moti- the Scottish Bible Society call: 0131 337 9701 or community continue to read and engage with our Paul’s letter to the Philippians encourages this vation and discipline to keep repeating the daily e-mail: [email protected] PTIH ON... SPOTLIGHT

The Scottish Clergy Golfing Society launched the new season with the Anderson Maguire Open at Troon Lochgreen on a sunny fresh April afternoon. Canon John McAuley, St Philomena’s, Glasgow, showed that the winter break had not dulled his talent and professional touch, winning comfortably with 38 stableford points. Fr Stephen Dunn, Sacred Heart, Bridgeton, finished second with 34 points, while Fr Des Keegan St Patrick’s, Edinburgh, came in third with 32. ‘Big Dom’ of Anderson PIC: PAUL McSHERRY Maguire joined the clergy for high tea and the presentation of prizes, with the clergy thanking their sponsor for the generous support ‘which enables such pleasant, jovial and sporting days out.’ Sparkling celebration for Canon Thomas Hanlon While Fr McAuley has secured the early bragging rights among the golfing clergy, the season is only just heating up, with five more events planned for May and early June and the priests set for another year of fierce but friendly competition on the courses APRIL 20 brought a special many of his friends from the for the priesthood in 1959. celebration for Canon clergy, including Cardinal Pictured alongside Canon Thomas Hanlon, retired Keith O’Brien, Archbishop of Hanlon and Cardinal O’Brien parish priest of St St Andrews and Edinburgh. (above) are Mgr Philip Kerr, Anthony’s, Polmont. Canon Hanlon was a lecturer Canons Bill Conway and Leo Canon Hanlon was joined for in Sacred Scripture at St Glancy, and Frs Andrew For- the celebration of Mass mark- Andrew’s College, Drygrange rest, Charlie Carr, Kevin Dow, ing the diamond jubilee of his and taught Cardinal O’Brien Simon Hughes and altar server ordination to the priesthood by when he was a student studying Kieran Lawson.

VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT http://www. sconews. Friday April 27 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER LOCAL NEWS 5 Celebrating the presence of the Pilgrim Mother shrine Cardinal Keith O’Brien visits Schoenstatt Scotland community as holy image travels there and also to two schools in East Kilbride By Martin Dunlop

CARDINAL Keith O’Brien visited the Schoenstatt Scotland community at Camp- sie Glen on Sunday, celebrating the pres- ence of the Pilgrim Mother shrine in St Andrews and Edinburgh Archdiocese. The Pilgrim Mother shrine has been traveling throughout Europe for the last three years and has visited 19 different countries. It has been in Scotland since the beginning of March and will remain here until the end of this month. It will, ultimately, be presented to Pope Benedict XVI later this year. The Pilgrim Mother image itself is a replica of the Brazilian picture with which John Pozzoben walked nearly 90,000 kms to take it to families, hospitals, schools and prisons, praying the Rosary wherever he went. Cardinal O’Brien Speaking in his homily at a Mass on Sunday with members and friends of the Schoenstatt family, Cardinal O’Brien highlighted the importance of three signs in our lives as Christians: the Sign of (Above) Cardinal O’Brien joins in the procession of the the Cross; the sign of the Pilgrim Mother shrine Pilgrim Mother shrine at the Schoenstatt Scotland leukaemia had failed, having been ordained a with having her in our own lives and bringing and the sign of the Holy Eucharist. Community in Campsie Glen. (Above right) The holy priest for St Andrews and Edinburgh Archdio- her into the lives of others.’ The cardinal added that Sr Margareta Bittner, image was also hosted by St Leonard’s Primary cese on Easter Monday. Schools leader of the Schoenstatt Scotland community, trav- School in East Kilbride “He longed for his ordination, he longed for eled to Prague on February 28 to collect the Pilgrim ABOVE PIC: PAUL McSHERRY the Eucharist coming into his hands and then into As part of its stay in Scotland, the Pilgrim Mother shrine and accompany it to Scotland. his body under the form of bread and wine, and Mother shrine has visited schools, giving young “And all of this beginning with the devotion after undertook to carry the Pilgrim Mother he longed to hand on that Eucharist to others,” Catholics the chance to learn more about its story of a Brazilian family man John Pozzebon over shrine wherever he was needed and wherever the cardinal said. from Sr Margareta. 50 years ago who joined the Schoenstatt family Mary was brought on visitation.” “Perhaps our longing does not extend to such Last month, St Leonard’s and St Vincent’s pri- in 1948 and who was given a large Pilgrim The cardinal added that the process of Beatifi- depths of spirituality—but that longing should mary schools in East Kilbride hosted the shrine, Mother in to his care to circulate within his cation for John Pozzebon, who was killed when be with us at all times—the longing for the with Sr Margareta informing pupils that over the neighbourhood,” Cardinal O’Brien said. “Here he was hit by a truck during one of his pilgrim- Eucharist —the longing for Jesus within us—the next few months, the portrait will visit England he discovered his personal mission, namely to be ages, has now been opened. longing to share Jesus with others.” and Russia before being presented to Pope Bene- an instrument for the Mother and Queen of In his homily, the cardinal also mentioned the The cardinal added that he hoped the example dict in Rome in September. Schoenstatt and her work from the shrine. Con- recent death of Fr Graham Turner—who passed of the Pilgrim Mother may ‘inspire each one of secrating his life to Our Blessed Lady he there- away on Monday April 16 after his treatment for us in our journeys through life—may we rejoice I [email protected]

St Anne’s Church is attacked for a third time Singer lends support to Andrea Kearney Fund dinner

By Ian Dunn the cost of repairing the win- ble displays of anti-Catholic SCOTTISH TV personality the only fund in the UK support- dow has been around £300, behaviour,” he said. “This is a and singer Michelle McManus ing women and their families ST ANNE’S Church in which is slightly less than the shocking and offensive display has lent her support to this coping with a cancer diagnosis Thurso is dealing with a per- insurance premium, so the of intolerance. The SCMO year’s Andrea Kearney Fund during pregnancy,” Ms McManus sistent campaign of vandal- parish is out nearly £900,” Fr records and monitors examples dinner, to be held next month. added. “Your support is crucial ism, after it was attacked for Allen added. of anti-Catholicism, and is will- Ms McManus (right) will be and has made a huge difference to the third time in three The parish priest also admit- ing to assist the authorities in among the musical performers many women’s lives. Thank you months. ted that he was growing tackling anti-Catholicism.” for the charity, which supports for your past support which is In the latest, most serious, increasingly concerned at the Fr Allen said that Northern women and their families fol- greatly appreciated.” incident a vandal smashed a severity of the attacks. Constabulary police had sent a lowing a cancer diagnosis dur- £500, and include drinks on arrival, window and then entered the “I am worried that it seems member of its CID squad to ing pregnancy, at a fundraising a three-course meal, complimen- I To book tickets for the church last Friday afternoon to be getting worse,” he said. swab for fingerprints in the dinner at Glasgow’s Radisson tary wine and a programme of Andrea Kearney Fund dinner, and, once inside, knocked the “The fact that this happened in hope of catching the culprit. Hotel on Saturday May 19. entertainment from some of Scot- visit the website: http://www. Tabernacle to the ground. broad daylight and that they The police have also appeal Andrea Kearney,the late wife of land’s most talented musicians. and click In two previous incidents, ignored the CCTV cameras for witnesses. the Scottish Catholic Media Office “The Andrea Kearney Fund is on ‘Book Tickets’ two and six weeks earlier, a suggests they were not at all “Anyone who was near St director Peter Kearney, died aged rock had been thrown through rational.” Anne’s Catholic Church, 41 in 2008, having been diagnosed the same window, which is next Fr Allen said that some Sweyn Road, Thurso, around with cancer at the beginning of to the sacristy. parishioners had been ‘upset’ Friday April 20 between the 2007, when she was 38 weeks Parish priest Fr John Allen by the attack as ‘the people up hours of 1500 hrs and 1730 pregnant with her fifth child. JOE WALSH TOURS said he believed ‘someone with here are not used to this sort of hours should please contact the “With less than a month to go, I PILGRIMAGE SPECIALISTS a grudge against the Church, thing’ however ‘on Monday duty officer at Thurso Police hope you have booked your place who is angry at God and perhaps we did have a fraternal meet- Station on 01847 893222,” a for what will be a wonderful mentally disturbed in some way’ ing of local clergy and minis- police statement said. “Infor- evening,” Ms McManus said ahead OFFICIAL TOUR OPERATOR OF GLASGOW ARCHDIOCESAN was responsible for the persist- ters, and they have been very mation can also be left anony- of the fundraising dinner.“As there PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES ent attacks because ‘this time supportive.’ mously by using was no fundraising event last year, they had gone straight for the Peter Kearney, the director of CRIMESTOPPERS 0800 everyone is hoping for a record side altar and pulled over the the Scottish Catholic Media 555111.” attendance at this year’s event.” tabernacle and tried to get into it, Office, said the church would Tickets for the fundraising din- which suggests they had some do anything they could to assist I [email protected] ner cost £55, tables of ten cost familiarity with the Church.’ St Anne’s. “There has been no major “We remain vigilant in our GROGROUPUP & PPARISHARISH PPILGRIMAGESILGRIMAGES damage but on each occasion work in response to any possi- LEISURE TIME TRAVEL » )XOO\ ÀH[LEOH LWLQHUDULHV » /RFDOO\ EDVHG RSHUDWLRQV LQ /RXUGHV )DWLPD ,WDO\ 0HGMXJRUMH LOURDES by Air or Coach » Professional co-ordinators and guides Medjugorje 2012 ROME FATIMA HOLYLAND » Incentives for group organisers June 20th and 9th September » 6SHFLDO FRQGLWLRQV IRU JURXS ERRNLQJV POLAND SHRINES KNOCK Lourdes | Fatima | Medjugorje | Italy | Holy Land | Shrines of France | Poland £534 excluding insurance Shrines of Europe | Santiago de Compostela | Steps of St. Paul | Ireland Departing from Edinburgh MEDJUGORJE PARIS Pilgrimage & Sun Holidays | School & College Tours contact Joe Walsh Tours | | 0141 530 5060 143 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2 [email protected] Roger Foster | 0151 287 8000 Bonded and Licensed by the Civil Aviation Authority in the UK | ATOL 5163 01475 793 987 5097 6 SCHOOLS NEWS SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday April 27 2012 St Vincent’s Indian connection SPOTLIGHT ON... East Kilbride school twinned with Indian school in fundraising scheme to help disadvantaged By Martin Dunlop

CHILDREN from St Vincent’s Pri- mary School in East Kilbride have the opportunity to find out more about how they are helping disadvantaged children in India. St Vincent’s has been twinned with St Mary’s School in India, a scheme organ- ised by Glasgow-based charity Mothers Care India. Charity Mothers Care India became an official charity last year, having been set up in 2008 after three Glasgow mothers were inspired One of the ways in which Mothers Care they can help other children.’ by the words of Fr Joson Tharakan, a direc- India helps disadvantaged children in India “What I feel is more important than any tor for Mary’s Meals charity in India, who is by sponsoring them to go to school. money raised is the realisation of how had come to Scotland to speak about his much our society has and how easy it is to work in helping children from some of the School Visit help others,” Ms Lonergan said. “It is a poorest communities in India. In a recent visit to St Vincent’s, Ms Lon- positive experience visiting the schools After much thought about what they ergan was delighted to announce to the and I am always met with genuine inter- could do to help, Patricia Lonergan (above school’s headteacher Eileen Tompkins and est, compassion and an eagerness to help.” left in photograph with schoolchildren her pupils that they were the first school Sadly, in 2009 Cecilia Porchetta was from St Mary’s) and mother and daughter to be officially twinned with an Indian diagnosed with Malignant Melanoma and Cecilia Porchetta and Maria McDaid, school by Mothers Care India and that, died in February 2010 aged 56. Her decided to establish a charity, with the aim through fundraising from St Vincent’s daughters Maria, Angela, Sarah, Carla and of ‘bringing hope to disadvantaged chil- pupils, they have been able to support the Chiara have continued the work she dren in deprived sections of Indian soci- education of 19 pupils at St Mary’s. started. It is part of the charity’s mission ety,’ many of whom have little access to “You have helped these children have that Cecilia’s ‘example of love in attitude education having come from families the same rights as you do,” Ms Lonergan, and deed, inspired by her faith in Jesus from the lowest caste. a parishioner of St Mary’s, Pollokshaws, Christ, will carry on as a legacy that con- Pupils from St Ninian’s High School in Kirkintilloch have recently Ms Lonergan highlighted that although told the St Vincent’s pupils. “They are now tinues to bear fruit after she is gone.’ been collecting essential items and goods for children in the Mothers Care India will always be ‘a journeying towards having a better life.” developing world. The youngsters collected the goods and filled kitchen table, family-run’ charity with vir- By taking Mothers Care India’s mes- I To find out more about Mothers Care backpacks as part of Mary’s Meals charity fundraising project for tually no overheads, it has been raising sage to more schools and setting up more India, visit the charity’s website at: schoolchildren in Malawi. Sam Donaghey, Kevin Brown and Lisa around £20,000 annually, through fundrais- partnerships, Ms Lonergan hopes that the Flaherty, from St Ninian’s LIFE group, are pictured preparing to load ing events and donations and is an organi- charity can ‘motivate children to look the bags into the Mary’s Meals van ahead of their departure sation ‘firmly found in a faith culture.’ beyond their own needs and realise that I [email protected] for Africa PIC: PAUL McSHERRY

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Reference Number (for office use only) justice issues. The newly revised Institute, Glasgow University’s to create a more just world for all. edition has been updated and Centre for Research and Devel- “I have no doubt that 80:20 includes chapters on women’s opment in Adult and Lifelong will make a big impact on those EWTNInstruction CATHOLIC to your Bank or Building TV Society.IS ON Please SKY pay the EPG Catholic 589 Herald Ltd Direct Signature(s): Debits from the account detailed in this instruction subject to the safeguards assured by rights, conflict and art. Learning, the Glasgow Centre who read and use it, and can Skythe DirectFreesat Debit £175 Guarantee. total I understandcost , no that monthly this Instruction charges. may remain with The Date: Professor Brian Boyd of for International Development, help us deliver positive change 200Catholic Free Herald channels Ltd. and, including if so, details EWTN passed electronically TV & Radio. to my Bank/Building Society. Banks and Building Societies may not accept Direct Debit Instructions for some types of account Strathclyde University highly Oxfam and SCIAF. in the future.” Call Sky on 08442411602Thisfor guarantee installation. should be detached and retained by the Payer: The Direct Debit Guarantee  This Guarantee is offered by all Banks and Building Societies that take part in the Direct Debit Scheme. The efficiency and security of the Scheme is monitored and recommended the book to teach- Philippa Bonella, SCIAF’s Callprotected EWTNby onyour020 own Bank 83502542 or Building Society.or e-mail [email protected] I To order the book, priced  If the amounts to be paid or the payment dates change, The Catholic Herald Ltd. will notify you 10 working days in advance of your account being debited or as ers and learners alike. head of education and commu- for freeotherwise monthlyagreed. posted programme guide and “If we really believe that nications, said that in addition to £17.50, contact Isabel@scot  If an error is made by The Catholic Herald Ltd. or your Bank or Building Society you are guaranteed a full and immediate refund from your bank of the amount paid. or call John Dornan visit can cancel a Direct Debitfor at more any time info. by writing to your Bank or Building Society. Please also send a copy of the letter to us. enabling young people to be SCIAF’s international pro- ‘responsible citizens’ is a funda- gramme work in Africa, Asia on 01236 707907. Friday April 27 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER LOCAL/NATIONAL NEWS 7

Church in England and Wales backs free school meals plan for families on universal credit

A PLAN to ensure that all sal credit is a key opportunity 2.2 million children living in for the government to take poverty receive free school account of the evidence and meals has been backed by public opinion, and adopt a Catholic agencies in Eng- fairer approach to this funda- land and Wales. mentally important issue.” Caritas Social Action Net- By calling for extended enti- work (CSAN), and the Catholic tlement, the provision of cash- Education Service for England less systems to remove stigma and Wales have given their and a new national review of backing to The Children’s Soci- nutritional standards, the cam- ety’s Fair and Square cam- paign hopes to secure healthy paign, which highlights that free school meals for the 1.2 more than half of children liv- million children in poverty who ing in poverty are not currently currently do not receive them. receiving free school meals. CSAN and its member chari- The charities are using gov- ties have also raised concerns ernment changes to the welfare over food provision for children system to address the situation in poverty during school holi- by arguing that all children days. whose families receive the new “I have heard first hand from universal credit should be enti- poor parents, at our St Francis Scots lead the way for HCPT Trust tled to free school meals. Family Centre in the East End Helen O’Brien, chief execu- of London, about the tremen- tive of CSAN, the official dous difficulties they have in Scotland honoured in its 40th anniversary year with leading role in Lourdes pilgrimage social action agency of the making ends meet when they Church in England and Wales, have to feed their children dur- By Martin Dunlop said that the present system ing the school holidays,” Dr must be addressed. Rosemary Keenan, CEO of the YOU are God’s Work of Art was the “The current system not only Catholic Children’s Society message Scottish pilgrims leading the disadvantages the poorest chil- (Westminster), said. way at the annual HCPT Lourdes pil- dren, jeopardising their nutri- “The free school dinner is the grimage during Holy Week took with tion, wellbeing and education; main meal of the day for their them. it additionally creates work dis- children and having free school It was the theme for this year’s 40th incentives by penalising parents meals helps parents on very anniversary of the first HCPT pilgrimage moving into low-paid employ- tight budgets to ensure that from Scotland. To mark the occasion, the ment,” she said. their child has at least one Scottish region of the pilgrimage trust pre- “The introduction of univer- healthy meal a day.” pared and led the main liturgies through- out the pilgrimage week this year. For the past 57 years, Easter Week has seen HCPT groups from many countries gather in Lourdes, for what has become the biggest annual children’s pilgrimage to the French town made famous for the Marian Apparitions. This year more than 4300 pilgrims, including more than 1500 children with spe- cial needs, joined the HCPT pilgrimage. (Top) Bishop Toal looks at himself in the mirror lains present on the pilgrimage. of the final painting he used in the homily We Bishop Toal are God’s Work of Art at the main Trust Mass Procession on April 12. (Above) Pilgrims and clergy Bishop Joseph Toal of Argyll and the Isles Scottish Pilgrims also led a Blessed Sacra- represented the Scottish bishops at the ment Procession—which was moved into HCPT pilgrimage and spoke of his joy at the Basilica due to the wet weather— participating in the events. dren and their helpers,” Bishop Toal said. prayers and the Blessing of the Sick “It was a wonderful week and a great “The music was prepared in Scotland by throughout the week. testimony to all those who support HCPT Fr John Carroll, (St Mary’s, Glasgow) the “It is especially gratifying to see so in Scotland and help bring so many chil- trust chaplain, and his team of musicians many young Scottish Catholics on the pil- dren to Lourdes each year,” Bishop Toal and singers, many of whom are members grimage and to join with them in this great said. The bishop added that he had the of the Scottish Youth Group, who support celebration of our Faith and Christian privilege of being the main celebrant and the Scottish pilgrims throughout the week commitment to the little children for preacher at the main Trust Mass, which in Lourdes.” whom it is such a special week in the com- was celebrated on the Thursday of Easter Scottish priests Fr Martin Chambers, St pany of Our Lady and St Bernadette,” Week (April 12) at the Underground Matthew’s, Kilmarnock, Fr Raymond Bishop Toal said. Pro-life chains to give silent Basilica, a Mass he described as a ‘joyous Breslin, St Cadoc’s, Halfway, and Fr Stu- and colourful celebration.’ art Parkes, St Edward’s, Airdrie, were also I To find out more about the Pilgrimage “The theme chosen for the pilgrimage involved in preparing the Liturgy for the Trust, visit witness to death of innocents by the Scottish Region was You are God’s Trust Mass, which was concelebrated by /local/scotland Banff & Buchan Branch of SPUC Work of Art, so the prayers, readings and English, Welsh and Irish bishops and the PRO-LIFE chains will be hold pro-life chain in April 2010 music presented this message to the chil- hundreds of HCPT groups that had chap- I [email protected] formed in towns and cities across the UK this weekend, giving silent witness to devices. Nor does it include the unborn babies killed in the 44 number of embryos destroyed or Britain double Olympic bronze the UK Government to conduct a Joint Services Hosanna House years since the implementa- discarded during and after in- NEWS IN BRIEF cycling medallist at the 1948 full independent inquiry, which Group (JSHHG) will take place at tion of the Abortion Act, as vitro fertilisation (IVF). London Olympic Games. At the would force religious institutions St Alexander’s Church hall, well as to the hurt caused to In Scotland, pro-life chains ARCHBISHOP NICHOLS’ OLYMPIC time I was involved in 210-mile to disclose any files they have on Denny, this evening. A number of women by abortion. will be formed this Saturday in DESIGN STAMP OF APPROVAL charity cycle ride in the Archdio- clergy who have been accused of musical performers will take part This Saturday, supporters of Edinburgh and Banff. THE leader of the Catholic Church cese of Birmingham. sexual exploitation. in the concert, which aims to help the Society for the Protection of For the Edinburgh chain, par- in England and Wales has given “Tommy Godwin kindly gave It is the first time abuse victims Scottish special needs service vet- Unborn Children (SPUC) will ticipants are asked to gather at his approval to an Olympic stamp me good advice when it comes to have joined forces with lawyers, erans have the opportunity to join form chains, standing along the 10am at Sacred Heart Church, designed by Sir Paul Smith. cycling, he said: ‘Pedal don’t push!’ charities and child safeguarding the International Military Pil- kerbside at intervals as well as Lauriston, where prayers for the Archbishop Vincent Nichols of “This cycling stamp sheet from specialists to launch a dedicated grimage to Lourdes next month. holding placards, which bring success of the chain will take Westminster spoke of his joy at the Isle of Man, inscribed to me national campaign demanding such “We constantly need your sup- home the reality of abortion. place before it is formed at Loth- endorsing the Isle of Man, Lon- by Tommy Godwin, marks both an inquiry. Members of the newly port to inform special needs vet- The Abortion Act 1967 came ian Road. The contact for this don 2012 Olympic Games, £3 London Olympic Games and is formed Stop Church Child Abuse erans of the unique respite care into effect on April 27, 1968. event is Joe Lee, who can be ‘cycling’ miniature sheet. rather special.” campaign argue that both theAngli- JSHHG provides,”Andy McDon- Since then, more than seven- reached by telephone at: 0141 “We have now less than 100 can and Catholic churches have ald, Scottish area representative and-a-half million unborn chil- 221 2094. days to go before the London CALLS FOR ABUSE INQUIRY ‘lost the right to police themselves.’ of the organisation, said. dren have been killed through For the Banff pro-life chain, Olympics are upon us,” Arch- IN CHURCHES The fundraiser will take place registered abortion in the UK, a participants are meeting on bishop Nichols said last week. SURVIVORS of childhood abuse JOINT SERVICES HOSANNA between 7pm and 10pm. figure that does not include Bridge Street at 10.45am. For “During 2004, I was so pleased by members of the Anglican and HOUSE GROUP FUNDRAISER Visit the website: http://www. abortions which may be caused further details, contact Stephen to meet Tommy Godwin, a Great Catholic churches have called on A fundraising evening for the by birth control drugs and Shaw on: 01466 751267. 8 INTERNATIONAL NEWS SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday April 27 2012 US nuns shocked by Vatican report Leadership Conference of Women Religious is reprimanded by Church over doctrine By Dominic Lynch

A PROMINENT US Catholic nuns group said it was left ‘stunned’ that it had been reprimanded in a Vatican report saying it had defied Church doctrine. In a report issued last week, the Vatican said the Leadership Conference of Women Irish lay religious group is to hold vigil Religious (LCWR), the main US associa- tion of Catholic nuns, had been ‘silent on to protest against silencing of priests the right to life’ and had failed to make the ‘Biblical view of family life and human A LAY religious group in The vigil has been planned sexuality’ a central part of its agenda. Ireland is to hold a silent ‘to express solidarity with our It also reprimanded American nuns for vigil outside the residence silenced priests and others who expressing positions on political issues of the country’s Papal nun- wish to remain anonymous.’ that differed, at times, from views held by cio, in protest at the silenc- Gina Menzies, lecturer in American bishops. Public disagreement ing of four priests. medical ethics at the Royal with the bishops—‘who are the Church’s We are Church Ireland will College of Surgeons and a authentic teachers of faith and morals’—is hold the vigil this Sunday out- friend of Fr Fagan, has lent her unacceptable, the report said. side the Apostolic Nunciature support to the vigil. The Vatican’s Congregation for the in Dublin, the home of Arch- Up to 200 Catholics are Doctrine of the Faith issued a ‘doctrinal bishop Charles John Brown, members of We are Church Ire- assessment’ saying the was com- after it was revealed that Fr land, including ‘dozens of pelled to intervene with the Leadership women’s health rights in the Vatican report ings against homosexuality, and claimed Tony Flannery (above), a nuns,’ Brendan Butler, a group Conference of Women Religious to cor- but Sr Simone (above) said the group, it was pursuing ‘radical feminist themes.’ founder of the Association of spokesman, said. rect ‘serious doctrinal problems.’ which works with the LCWR and vocally LCWR has come under criticism from Catholic Priests, was ordered “Across the board, there is a supported President Barack Obama’s the Catholic hierarchy for endorsing Pres- by the Vatican to discontinue need for Catholics to come out Statements healthcare reform legislation, would not ident Obama’s US healthcare reform, writing for the Redemptorists’ in support of these men who The nuns’ group said in a statement on its shy away from its mission, calling the Vat- including its provisions on abortion and magazine. have been silenced for speaking website: “The presidency of the Leader- ican report ‘painful’ and puzzling. contraception, in the run-up to the US The priest’s editor, Fr Gerry their mind,” he said. “But we ship Conference of Women Religious was “It was a total shock for many reasons, election in November. Moloney, was also warned not have noted particular support stunned by the conclusions of the doctrinal no one talked to us,” Sr Simone said of the “There seems to the major disconnect, to publish any content that ran for the vigil from religious sis- assessment.” three-year inquiry from the Congregation where (the Vatican) seem to think that faith contrary to Church teachings. ters who feel very vulnerable as Sr Simone Campbell, executive direc- for the Doctrine of the Faith. “We are a can only lead to one political approach,” Sr Two years ago, Fr Owen they are not considered clergy tor of Network, a Catholic social justice political, not doctrinal, organisation: we Simone said. The Network group, she said, O’Sullivan, a Capuchin, and Fr but are considered lay people lobby, also rejected condemnation from don’t teach theology.” ‘speaks for our members, not for a church. Sean Fagan, a Marist, were also by the Vatican. They can be the Vatican report. Helping others is at the heart of our faith.’ silenced for controversial writing. dispensed with quite quickly.” “We haven’t violated any teaching,” Sr Report The Congregation for the Doctrine of Simone said, insisting the group would not The report accused members of the the Faith said it has appointed the Arch- stop ‘caring for the least among us on the LCWR, which represents around 80 per bishop of Seattle, Peter Sartain, to oversee Kaczynski and started with an margins of society.’ cent of the 45,000 nuns in the US, of ‘cor- the LCWR and ensure it follows ‘the NEWS IN BRIEF open-air Mass. Network was singled out for supporting porate dissent’ with the Church’s teach- teachings and discipline of the Church.’ NIGERIAN BISHOP’S JOY AFTER CHURCH IN IRELAND ESCAPES MUSLIM COMMUNITY VISIT NEW HOUSEHOLD CHARGE? A CATHOLIC bishop in Nige- Violence against Catholics worsens as the threat IT HAS been reported that the ria has expressed joy at the visit Catholic Church in Ireland has of a Muslim community and escaped a controversial new described the gesture as ‘a good of war between Sudan and South Sudan intensifies Irish household charge. omen for the state and the coun- An Irish Mail on Sunday report try at large.’ TENSIONS remain high states that the Catholic Church has A Muslim community in between Sudan and South an exemption from all property Benue State commiserated with Sudan after a Catholic taxes because it is a charity. Bishop Athanasius Usuh over church was set ablaze at the A spokesman for the Catholic the death of 22 worshippers, weekend. Church in Ireland told the paper who died when a church build- The church that was that all properties held by it in ing collapsed at Adamgbe, attacked—in Sudan’s capital, Ireland are ‘effectively exempt.’ Mbayongo village the day Khartoum—was frequented by “To date, charities who have before Easter Sunday. South Sudanese and appeared to obtained a charity number Following the visit at the be part of the fallout from ongo- (CHY) are exempt from pay- Bishop’s House, Makurdi, ing hostilities between the ment of taxes,” the spokesman Bishop Usuh said that both mainly Muslim Sudan and the said. “Church property in the Christians and Muslims were largely Christian South Sudan majority of Irish dioceses is children of God, pointing out over control of an oil town on held in a diocesan trust, has a that there was need for all to their ill-defined border. CHY number and is regarded live together in peace as, ‘we all A local newspaper reported as a charity.” worship the same God.’ that the church in Khartoum’sAl- Jiraif district was part of a com- RALLY IN POLAND FOR CARDINAL DOLAN NAMED AS plex that included a school and CATHOLIC TELEVISION CHANNEL PERSON OF INFLUENCE dormitories, while Ethiopian MORE THAN 20,000 Polish CARDINAL Timothy Dolan of refugees living in the Sudanese demonstrators rallied in the New York has been named one capital also used the church. nation’s capital city, Warsaw, of Time Magazine’s top 100 Witnesses and several news- on Saturday, protesting most influential people for 2012. papers said a mob of several against the decision of the The magazine has said that, hundreds had been shouting National Broadcasting Coun- this year, Cardinal Dolan ‘has insults at southerners and had cil to deny the right to broad- put himself and his Church back torched the church. Fire engines cast on a free public digital in the centre of the national could not put out the fire, they network to a conservative political conversation, a public said. Catholic Trwam TV channel. square long dominated by Sudan and South Sudan have The broadcast licence had Protestant evangelicals.’ been drawing closer to a full- been denied because of alleged “In leading the opposition to scale war in recent months over Sudan in 2011, some six years The tension between the two A soldier wounded as South Sudan ‘lack of transparency’ in a proposed [US President the unresolved issues of sharing after a peace deal ended more countries is rising after the occu- took control of the Heglig oil field Catholic Trwam’s funding. The Barack] Obama Administration oil revenues and the disputed than two decades of war between pation of Heglig, oil area rests at a military hospital in channel, available on satellite rule that would have required border. the two sides. But tens of thou- claimed by both states, by the Khartoum, Sudan. Catholic leaders and private cable, belongs to a Catholic organisations like hos- Fides news agency reported sands of southerners remain in troops of South Sudan, and have appealed to the international Catholic media holding run by pitals to pay for contraceptive Church sources from Malakal, Sudan, a legacy of the civil war Khartoum's air force raids on community to step up efforts to Fr Tadeusz Rydzyk. services for female employees, southern Sudan saying that ‘only that drove hundreds of thousands some parts of South Sudan. prevent full-scale war from Saturday’s protest was organ- Dolan successfully argued that an international intervention can of them to seek relative safety in Another dispute is over Abyei, erupting over disputed territory ised by the main opposition such a policy violated the stop the war.’ the north of what was then a sin- an area also rich in oil on the along the tenuous Sudan-South conservative Law and Justice nation’s principles of religious South Sudan seceded from gle Sudanese nation. border of the two states. Sudan border (PiS) party led by Jaroslaw liberty,” the magazine said. Friday April 27 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER VATICAN NEWS 9 Holy Father calls reverence, love in the preparation for First Holy Communion

POPE Benedict XVI has the young pilgrims cheered and marked by evil and suffering, said that adults should bring released hundreds of coloured pain and fear.’ special reverence and love balloons into the Roman sky. The Pope reserved his final to the task of preparing chil- The Pope told them their words for the children in St dren to receive their first First Communion would mark Peter’s Square, before leading Holy Communion. ‘the moment when you too the recitation of the midday “Dear friends, the Church at understand the importance of a Marian prayer. Easter time usually administers personal encounter with Jesus.’ “May the Mother of God First Communion to children,” Christ promised the Church help us to listen attentively to he said during his Regina Coeli His continued presence in ‘the the Word of the Lord and par- address on Sunday. “I therefore Word and the Eucharist,’ the ticipate worthily in the urge the pastors, parents and Pope said. “Therefore, just as Eucharistic Sacrifice, to catechists to prepare this feast the disciples of Emmaus recog- become witnesses of the new of faith well, with great fer- nised Jesus in the breaking of humanity,” he declared. vour, but also with sobriety.” the bread, so we meet the Lord Among the large crowd gath- in the Eucharistic celebration.” ered in the sunshine of St Just as ‘He gave peace’ to the The Holy Father addresses the Peter’s Square were thousands disciples, ‘He is still gifting us crowd gathered in St Peter’s Square of Italian children who will His peace and opens up life to on Sunday—including many make their first Holy Commun- happiness and invites us to children from Rome preparing to ion in the coming weeks. As become His witnesses to the receive their First Holy Communion Pope Benedict addressed them, ends of the earth, in our world —from the balcony of his study Pope Benedict XVI calls on Vatican and SSPX: Promising signs global community to tackle Society of St Pius X’s clarification on ‘doctrinal preamble’ seen as positive step forward sex tourism, organ trafficking By Stephen Reilly POPE Benedict XVI called and the whole international com- A CATHOLIC traditionalist society on the international commu- munity, to increase their vigi- may be on the verge of returning to nity to tackle sex tourism and lance and to foresee and oppose full Communion with Rome, bringing organ trafficking on Monday, such aberrations.’ a 24-year rift to an end. condemning the abuse, tor- The Catholic Church is Vatican spokesman Fr Federico Lom- ture and exploitation of chil- involved in many initiatives to bardi said last week that the Society of St dren in particular. tackle clerical abuse, including a Pius X (SSPX) had taken an encouraging Tourism can facilitate people summit on clerical child abuse ‘step forward’ by clarifying its response to trafficking ‘for sexual exploita- and an Internet-based Centre for a ‘doctrinal preamble,’ a Vatican docu- tion or organ harvesting, as well Child Protection that opened this ment that has become the basis of any rec- as the exploitation of minors’, the year. onciliation. However, the society insisted Holy Father said in a speech to The Pope also used his mes- ‘a step’ had been taken but no ‘conclu- mark the 2012 World Congress sage to speak of the many posi- sion’ has been reached, and stressed its on the Pastoral Care of Tourism. tive benefits of taking a holiday. clarifications, submitted by the society’s These are ‘evils that must be “Tourism, together with vaca- superior general Bishop Bernard Fellay, dealt with urgently since they tions and free time, is a privi- must now be examined by the Vatican and trample upon the rights of mil- leged occasion for physical and Pope Benedict XVI. lions of men and women, espe- spiritual renewal; it facilitates SSPX leader had essentially assented to SSPX superior general Bishop Bernard Fellay cially among the poor, minors the coming together of people Review the latest draft of the ‘doctrinal preamble,’ (left) and Fr Federico Lombardi (above) and handicapped,’ the Pope said. from different cultural back- The Ecclesia Dei commission will now requesting only a few minor changes in The United Nations estimates grounds and offers the opportu- review that response, followed by the the text that were characterised as ‘techni- laity. It has six seminaries, three universi- there are around 2.5 million vic- nity of drawing close to nature Congregation for the Doctrine of the cal’ amendments. ties and 70 primary and secondary schools tims of human trafficking in the and hence opening the way to Faith, it will then be forwarded to Pope The Vatican has not yet released the text worldwide as well as an increasing num- world at any one time. listening and contemplation, tol- Benedict for a final decision that could of the ‘doctrinal preamble’ but Church ber of priests. Pope Benedict XVI previ- The Pope condemned ‘the erance and peace, dialogue and result in the lifting of suspensions of officials have indicated that it will be ously lifted the excommunications on four exploitation of minors, aban- harmony in the midst of diver- SSPX bishops. made public only after negotiations are SSPX bishops ordained without Pope doned into the hands of individ- sity,” he said. Both the Vatican and the SSPX have complete and the final wording is John Paul II’s approval in 1988, and initi- uals without scruples.’ “Travelling reflects our being cautioned that Bishop Fellay’s response approved. The text is intended to be part ated talks with the society in 2009. “Sexual tourism is one of the as homo viator; at the same time does not resolve all remaining disagree- of a larger Vatican document in which the most abject of these deviations it evokes that other deeper and ments between the two sides. Fr Federico SSPX will be given canonical status, end- Talks that devastate morally, psycho- more meaningful journey that we Lombardi advised caution by saying ‘we ing a breach that dates back to 1976, when Those talks culminated in the ‘doctrinal logically and physically the life are called to follow and which cannot conclude that a positive outcome the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the preamble’ that was initially rejected by the of so many persons and families, leads to our encounter with God. has been reached quite yet.’ The SSPX founder of the SSPX, was suspended from society. The SSPX issued an initial and sometimes whole communi- Travelling, which offers us the issued a statement saying that the latest ministry. response to the document that was deemed ties,” the Holy Father said. He possibility of admiring the beauty development in a three-year series of ‘insufficient’ by the Vatican earlier this then urged ‘those who are of peoples, cultures and nature, negotiations must be seen as ‘a stage and Society of St Pius X year. The Vatican then asked the SSPX to engaged for pastoral reasons or can lead to God and be the occa- not a conclusion.’ The society, founded by French Arch- clarify some points, the contents of which who work in the field of tourism, sion of an experience of faith.” Nevertheless there is now optimism bishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1969, broke were submitted to the Holy See last week. about the prospects for resolving the split away from Rome over the Second Vatican Should an agreement be reached in the between the SSPX and the Holy See. Fr Council reforms of the 1960s that the coming weeks, the Vatican is likely to give FOLLOW THE SCOTTISH Lombardi said that Bishop Fellay’s SSPX believes represented a rupture with the society its own ‘personal prelature,’ a CATHOLIC OBSERVER AT response was ‘rather encouraging.’ tradition. canonical structure in which a prelate Based in Menzingen, Switzerland, the leads a non-territorial diocese. Currently, SCO_NEWS ON TWITTER. Speculation society is predominantly made up of Opus Dei is the only personal prelature in Be first to find out all the Some Vatican journalists reported that the French, American and German priests and the Church. latest news

food, right to water and responsi- VATICAN WEBSITE WIDGET address at which users may Dicasteries of the will be celebrated throughout the NEWS IN BRIEF ble sharing, climate change, the MARKS ANNIVERSARY request the code to insert on their competent in the area as well as Church from October 11 2012 to connection between science and TO MARK Pope Benedict XVI’s own pages the widget. some representatives of the Chi- November 24 2013. POPE BENEDICT XVI’S NEW nature, and how the path of culti- seventh anniversary as Pope on nese episcopate and religious con- BOOK ON THE ENVIRONMENT vating peace is directly linked to Thursday, the Vatican internet VATICAN COMMISSION gregations. Previous meetings PAPAL FOUNDATION THANKED A NEW book called Environ- protecting creation. service announced that a new MEETS ON CHINA focused on the theme of the for- FOR FUNDRAISING ment by Pope Benedict XVI is a The Holy Father accepts that, widget is avail- THE commission established by mation of seminarians, priests and POPE Benedict XVI has thanked collection of statements on what as Pope, he has ‘an inner obliga- able. This interface enables auto- Pope Benedict XVI in 2007 met consecrated persons. This year the the Papal foundation for its efforts the Holy Father has had to say tion to struggle for the preserva- matic transfer of some of the most in the Vatican from Monday to formation of the lay Faithful will to support and help the Church in over the years regarding the tion of the environment and to important content contained at the Wednesday, to study the relation- be considered in the light of the developing nations. Members of environment. oppose the destruction of cre- institutional website to other sites. ship between Catholic Church and situation of the Catholic commu- the US-based foundation pre- The Pope has spoken fre- ation,’ Cardinal Peter Turkson The Focus area of the homepage China. The commission is com- nity in China and in the frame- sented the Pope with £5 million to quently about everyone’s right to writes in the introduction. contains the mail posed of the Superiors of those work of the Year of Faith, which support charitable projects. 10 COMMENT SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday April 27 2012 The solid foundations of formation For Vocation Sunday, NICK WELSH offers insight into his time at the Pontifical Scots College

HAVE been a seminarian at the Scottish seminarians in Rome with Mgr Pontifical Scots College in Charles Burns, centre, who was recently Rome for almost five years, and made a Canon of St Peter’s. (Inset) Nick Welsh am now in the very early stages of preparing more formally and explicitly for ordination to the dia- to what we would be used to at home, conate, which should take place in not to mention that classes are given Iaround a year’s time. I was recently in Italian. However, it is a truly admitted as a candidate for Holy Roman phenomenon that the best Orders, which is when the Church for- philosophers and theologians the mally recognises one’s vocation, and Church has to offer congregate in this the candidate declares his intention to city, and offer to us the best intellec- complete his formation and be tual formation possible. ordained. I have been thinking about the five years spent in the Scots Col- Human perspective lege and about the role the college All of this is for nothing, however, itself has had in the nourishment of without sound human formation, the my vocation, and in my formation. object of which is to form the whole It is safe to say that the person who person so that they can be as effective entered the seminary five years ago a priest as possible. An intellectual and the person I am now is roughly the genius or a spiritual master is useless same, however, the very significant if he lacks the ability to relate to peo- and positive changes which I have ple. The task of human formation is to undergone over this time, have often form wholesome, well-rounded, been the result of the formation pro- mature priests. This aspect of forma- gramme offered at the Scots College, tion asks us to get to grips with our and indeed at every seminary through- relationships, our motivations, our out the world. The Church, in Her wis- sexuality and our maturity, conform- dom, has identified the areas of our ing them to the example of Christ, in life which need to be formed and fine- order to be able to bring Christ to His tuned in order to be the best priest one people most effectively. can possibly be. John Paul II in his Looking back over these past five Apostolic Exhortation Pastores Dabo attempts at formation will certainly be experience that allows us to minister initiatives—placement here and at years at the Scots College allows me to Vobis identified four strands of for- in vain. The time in seminary is often to others, which, in turn, allows us to home—certainly help us to keep in reflect on the role of the college in gen- mation, namely; human, spiritual, compared to the time the Apostles grow as effective pastors. This is done touch with our mission ground—peo- eral as a place which nurtures the voca- intellectual and pastoral. These four spent with the Lord, a period which through parish placements in Scotland ple in parishes. tions of aspiring priests. The seminary strands aim to form the whole person prepared them for their mission. For during the summer and also through Pastoral experience inevitably should be able to take the raw and into an effective preacher of the this very reason, there is ample time pastoral work carried out here in draws on our knowledge of the Faith, unhewn enthusiasm of those who enter Gospel, taking Jesus Christ as the made available in our daily lives for Rome. My pastoral assignment this and is obviously linked to our intel- the seminary, and to mould it, day-by- model of priestly life. prayer. We do, indeed, pray together past year has been to help in a cate- lectual formation. The academic day and year-by-year into the model of Seminary life is a challenge—it is a twice a day as a community, however, chism class in one of the local strand of formation is probably that the priestly life, the Good Shepherd, challenge because it has such high there is much time available to be parishes. In Italy there are no Catholic which occupies most of our time. We Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. expectations. Taking Christ as the alone with the Lord. schools, and so the responsibility of spend our mornings, and some after- model of the priestly life means, first formal religious education falls to the noons in the various Pontifical univer- I Nick Welsh from St Andrews and of all, that much time must be spent in Living the Gospel parish. It has been a real pleasure for sities in Rome. Seminarians pursue Edinburgh Archdiocese is a student at prayer. In order to become configured Formation in the spiritual life gives us me to work in the parish these past two degrees, one in philosophy and the Pontifical Scots College in Rome. to Christ, we must get to know Him the enthusiasm to live the Gospel and few years, as often in seminary one the other in theology, before specialis- His home parish is the Sacred Heart, first. Without prayer and without a real to spread the Gospel. It is right, then, can become divorced from what is ing in an area of those subjects. The Cowie, which is linked with Our Lady relationship with Christ, all our other that we have some kind of pastoral going on at the ‘coal-face’. These two approach to teaching is very different and St Ninian's, Bannockburn

What do you think of NICK WELSH’S comments on vocations? Send your points of view to the SCO Write to Letters, SCO, 19 Waterloo St, Glasgow G2 6BT Or e-mail [email protected] Embrace new life, no matter how difficult the situation may be

IN TERMS of global history, I approach my 65th birthday. For ministry have decreased dramati- move on, I had already spent increasingly important that the 46 years is a tiny drop in the the parish community of St Mar- cally. What about the expectations more than half of my ministry shepherds and the flocks are in ocean of human experience. garet’s Dunfermline a real sense of the communities that we serve? there. I was deeply attached. No dialogue. In 1972 I was the In terms of personal history, Fr Eddie of loss and the inevitable question Have their expectations of their one, especially Jesus, ever said youngest priest in Kilmarnock. 46 years is substantial. ‘who will replace him?’ For Car- pastors in any way changed? In that discipleship was going to be Now I am, by some distance, the Twelve of us arrived in Dry- McGhee dinal Keith O’Brien again that this particular reality lies a poten- easy. Difficult decisions have to oldest. In 1972 I was one of a grange, near Melrose in the Scot- same sense of loss at the death of tial source of conflict and misun- be made. At this part of the 21st team of four priests looking after tish Borders, to begin studying for of ministry may have separated one of his brother priests. He also derstanding. Essentially, I believe century, the Church looks very only once parish community. the priesthood 46 years ago, on us geographically, but there was has to continue the great juggling that all of us, priests and parish different to the Church that you Now I am serving three different September 16, 1966. After six years always that sense that we had act as he tries to meet the sub- communities, understand intellec- and I grew up in. We can all stick parish communities. The wonder- of study, five of those original 12 begun this journey together. In stantial needs of parish communi- tually, at least, that there needs to our heads in the sand and pretend, ful thing is that I don’t do it on would be ordained. John Robinson some unique way we were part of ties within the archdiocese, with be fairly radical change. There is, or we can choose to be a part of my own. Stephen and Martin and and I were ordained on the same each others journey. Dave, John ever diminishing resources. however, much more than logic the whole picture and move for- I cooperate as much as we can. day, February 27, 1972 and David and I had been in touch as we cel- The Gospel this week tells the involved. Many of us had a deep ward creatively. So often in life, In every parish community Barr the following week. Aidan ebrated our 40th anniversary of story of the good shepherd and his emotional attachment to our however, we choose only to see there are people more than will- Cannon and Gerry Hand would be ordination. It was a moment to flock. For the parish community parish community. This means the particular, small corner of the ing to share pastoral responsibili- ordained the following year as they remember and to celebrate our of St Margaret’s, Dunfermline, a effectively that we say, ‘yes we big picture that we are in. ties. Flock and shepherd working had opted to do other work, for a durability, if nothing else. On Fri- new day in their journey of faith need change’ and then ‘change When I arrived at St Joseph’s in harmony is, very clearly, the year, in the course of their study. day April 13, just a few weeks has already begun. Their shepherd anyone as long as it is not us.’ Kilmarnock, straight from the model that today’s Gospel offers After ordination and the comple- later, I was distressed to hear that and pastor for so many years has A few years ago I was parish seminary in 1972, I was one of us. If we are following the way tion of my studies, I returned to David Barr had died unexpectedly died. They need to face a new priest of St Brendan’s, Saltcoats. four priests in there. There were of the Gospel then we can’t go Galloway Diocese to begin my in St Margaret’s, Dunfermline, reality. In David’s death, there is a Where St Brendan’s Church and two priests in Mount Carmel, and far wrong. This needs, increas- ministry. Dave, John, Aidan and where he had been parish priest reminder to all of us of how house and hall used to stand there there were two priests here in St ingly, to become the reality for Gerry were to go serve the people for almost 23 years. At 69, David uncertain our future is. is today, an empty, derelict space. Michael’s. Since then, we have all of us. Change is never to be of St Andrews and Edinburgh Barr was certainly not in the first In the 40 years that David Barr Was it tough for everyone associ- added another parish, St feared, it is to be embraced. That Archdiocese. flush of youth. In today’s terms spent in ministry there have been ated with St Brendan’s to see Matthew’s. Five local communi- is the whole message of Easter. Having spent six years together 69 is not dramatically old either. dramatic changes not just in the their church closed and subse- ties are today served by three There is new life out there no studying for the priesthood, there For me, there was a stark Church locally but in the Church quently demolished? Of course. priests, myself, Martin Chambers matter how difficult the situation. was always a bond. Forty years reminder of my own mortality as globally. The numbers of us in At the time I left St Brendan’s to and Stephen Latham. It becomes Let’s try and embrace it. Friday April 27 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER COMMENT 11 Helping priests answer God’s loving call FR ANDREW McKENZIE looks at Vocation Sunday and the challenging task of promoting the priesthood throughout Scotland

N HIS message for the 49th World Day of men, from a variety of backgrounds, have been Prayer for Vocations, Pope Benedict XVI led to consider diocesan priesthood by the stresses love as the origin of every Chris- prayers and the witness of others. We look for- tian vocation. The message is entitled ward to their growing contribution to the Church Vocations, the Gift of the Love of God. in Scotland in years to come. Pope Benedict stresses that ‘the source of every If you are considering diocesan priesthood your- perfect gift is God who is love… and whoever self, or if you are in a position to publicise the var- remainsI in love remains in God and God in him.’ ious initiatives of the Priests for Scotland initiative, The love of God always comes first and invites you may be interested in an Enquirers’Retreat that us to journey further in understanding how we will take place May 1-2. Further details are avail- might live out that love in our daily lives. It is an able from your diocesan vocations director, from awareness of that love that gives rise to ministry the Priests for Scotland office, or from the website and service in the Church. “It is in this soil of self- offering and openness to the love of God… that This retreat is an opportunity to pray and to all vocations are born and grow,” the Pope said. discuss your thoughts with other enquirers, with The Holy Father adds that ‘the profound truth of priests, and with candidates for seminary. There our existence is thus contained in this surprising is no follow up to this event, no obligation and no mystery: every creature, and in particular every expense to be incurred by the participant. Please human person, is the fruit of God’s thought and feel free to join us. an act of His love, a love that is boundless, faith- Last summer, memory sticks with vocational ful and everlasting. The discovery of this reality videos were gifted to every young person who is what truly and profoundly changes lives.’ attended World Youth Day in Madrid. The same project, which was entitled Dare to Believe, Dare ver the last year, the Priests for Scotland to Be Different, will make memory sticks available initiative, a commission of the Bishops’ to young people attending Lourdes this year as part Conference of Scotland, has through a of an official diocesan pilgrimage. If you are the varietyO of means sought to invite men to consider leader of such a group please feel free to get in how they might respond to God’s invitation to touch through the Priests for Scotland website. minister out of love as ordained priests. This Sunday, Vocation Sunday, prayer cards ooking ahead, the Priests for Scotland web- will be distributed to all those attending Mass. site is currently undergoing significant mod- The message on these cards is quite simple and ifications and redesign. It is hoped that it will it encourages us to pray, to pray for the priests Lemerge re-invigorated and able to respond to the we need for the future and for the priests that we demands not just of providing information for have today. priests, for vocations promotion and for enquirers The practice of praying for vocations and for priesthood from around Scotland, but also more praying for priests in our private prayers and in able to deal with the demands of the age of social our celebration of the Liturgy ensures that we media including Facebook and Twitter. offer lives and communities where vocations are Seminarians during Sunday Mass. Pope Benedict has precious treasure enabling us to grasp the beauty The re-launch will probably take place over spoken about the importance of creating the right nurtured, welcomed and inspired. As the Holy conditions for those hoping to join the priesthood of a life spent fully in the service of the Kingdom.” the summer and we will appreciate your support Father says, ‘it is important for the Church to cre- in contributing to the site. Look out for an initia- ate the conditions that will permit many young romoting vocations to the priesthood in tive entitled Change Your Life in Thirty Quotes, people to say ‘yes’ in generous response to God’s Eucharist to those who may be discerning a call Scotland can be a challenging task. It is which will be available soon and will herald the loving call. Please pray for vocations to the to priesthood. “The Eucharist should be the heart hoped, however, that around a dozen men re-launch of the website. priesthood.’ of every vocational journey,” he says. “It is here from the dioceses of Scotland will soon complete P I Fr Andrew McKenzie is vocations director for Pope Benedict recommends a close listening to that the love of God touches us in Christ’s sacri- their discernment process and begin their stud- the Word of God and the celebration of the fice… Scripture, prayer and the Eucharist are the ies for diocesan priesthood this September. These Priests for Scotland Scottish Catholics set to play major role in nation’s future

Dr Glen own brand of inclusive national- a more desperate attempt at titanic stated that ‘self-determination for national convener of the SNP in Union. Cardinal O’Brien famously ism, is a sentiment expressed in the salvage, following an open letter any nation is a good political princi- 1990, Alex Salmond made building said he would be ‘happy’ if Scots Reynolds Declaration of Arbroath: cum non published in the Daily Telegraph by ple that the Church would support.’ even stronger bridges with the voted for independence and drew sit Pondus nec distinccio Judei et the esteemed composer in Septem- According to their ‘draft response to Catholic community a top priority. parallels with the independence of SCOTLAND provides many Greci, Scoti aut Anglici (‘there is ber last year, where he unsuccess- UK consultation on Scotland’s Con- Following the electoral coup last the Catholic Church in Scotland. He examples of cultural conver- neither bias nor difference between fully courted the new Tory leader in stitutional Future,’ the sole determin- year, he declared with some humil- is of the view that ‘it is difficult to sion in its colourful evolution- Jew or Greek, Scot or English’). Scotland, stating ‘huge swathes of ing factor in securing the Church’s ity, that the SNP did not have a argue that ecclesiastical independ- ary history, but a more recent This is good nationalism, and Scottish ex-Labourites are now des- support is ‘to ensure that social jus- monopoly over wisdom even if it ence is acceptable but political inde- metanoia moment would be the something that the Catholic Church perate for a political voice for their tice would be improved by any con- had a majority in Holyrood. In that pendence is not.’There is in landslide victory of the SNP in has historically supported. social and moral consevatism.’ stitutional change.’ statement, the inclusive direction of nationalism something profoundly securing an historic Holyrood The SNP is no longer perceived Well, I was a member of the To give just one Catholic moral the SNP Government was made honest and utterly compatible with majority. History can repeat as ‘Scottish No Pope.’ The late Labour Party since 1977 and have perspective by way of example, the manifest. ‘It’s no longer about where the universal nature of Catholicism. itself and the Declaration of wake up was illustrated by this been a Labour councillor and Par- protection of the rights of an unborn you’re from but rather, where you To suggest otherwise is bizarre. Arbroath (April 6, 1320), esteemed organ and its centre-right liamentary candidate north and child are arguably better placed in are going’ has become an SNP cliché Independence for your own country which was sent as an appeal to unionist contributor James south of the border, yet I too have the context of a debate within a sov- that rings true for Asian voters, is a basic, indeed fundamental Pope John XXII, first con- MacMillan (someone I greatly found myself suffocated by Scot- ereign self determined state, focused migrant workers and anyone who human right. To oppose this on reli- firmed Scotland’s status as an admire, musically and otherwise), tish Labour’s antipathy to West- upon by the people of Scotland in a lives in Scotland. gious grounds is profoundly un independent, sovereign state. but could surely have done better minster acting against the interests Scottish context, as opposed to SNP MSP Bob Doris is one of Christian. The centre-right political Alex Salmond was quick to than frantically argue for a centre- of the people of Scotland. Catholic inherent problems faced with engag- several who claim Catholic concern exercise in fear can be dismissed as acknowledge that ‘without the right Christian alternative to the ex-Labourites such as me jumped ing on this and other deeply held over sectarianism would be tackled a shoddy attempt by the disparate Church, there would have been SNP (SCO March 9). I feel this the sinking Scottish Labour ship Catholic values within and under the more effectively in an independent and panicked unionist caucus, to no Scotland as a country in its was harsh on a man named after and there is a reason for that. The control of a Westminster forum. Scotland. Mr Doris, the convener of claim some kind of warped Chris- own right.’ Catholics seem set the local Kirk minister in Linlith- relationship between the SNP and This long distance approach Holyrood’s cross-party group on tian morality against the legitimate to play a significant role yet gow, a man with Christian sympa- the Catholic vote has found a appealed to Scottish Labour as it equality, said: “Sectarianism will not and universally accepted concept of again, in whether or not Scot- thies and one time boy chorister realignment. The SNP has become could argue anti Catholic sentiments be tolerated in modern Scotland, and self determination. James MacMil- tish self determination will be who still has a penchant for quoting the turbulent priest to a Westmin- from behind the protection of a secu- after the events of last [football] sea- lan’s past interventions on the sub- restored. St Augustine and John Bunyan in ster hierarchy. It has the moral lar Westminster facade. son, the Scottish Government, parlia- ject of Scotland’s anti-Catholic The rest of Britain is reeling private conversations. high ground. A total of 20 per cent of SNP ment, the clubs and police have come bigotry are excellent. However this from a complacent and neglectful A total of 48 per cent of the Perhaps Scottish Catholics and members are currently Catholic (not together to agree decisive action to time he seems to have misjudged the slumber with regard to Scottish Catholic vote went to the SNP in the for that matter, Protestants (the far off the national percentage) and eradicate it once and for all.” mood of increasingly self confident nationalism, awakening to discover May elections last year. The authori- Church of Scotland has also declared rapidly increasing. Salmond is the The quest of the Holy Grail of Scottish Catholics. the distinct possibility that the tative Strathclyde University post theological support for independence leader of a national movement that’s self determination that has Scottish Westminister coalition government election report also reveals that for Scotland) wish to exercise spiri- had Catholics integral to it from cardinals agreeing with independ- I Dr Glen Reynolds is a Tutor in will be remembered historically for Labour secured only 36 per cent of tual concerns affecting the interests founding days. Indeed, the first ence as a positive and compatible theology at Aberdeen University, a one reason—it was when they lost the Catholic vote, a tipping point in of the people without a leash being elected nationalist—the writer Sir Catholic and Christian view, led Car- member of the Scottish National Scotland from the Union. At the Scottish electoral history. Perhaps constantly reigned in from the secu- Compton Mackenzie—was a dinal’s Winning and O’Brien to Party and a Professed member of heart of the SNP agenda, within its the MacMillan article was arguably lar powers down south. The C of S Catholic convert. On becoming advocate Scottish secession from the the Secular Franciscan Order 12 HOPE CHARITY SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday April 27 2012 Friday April 27 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER LOOKING FOR THE CHURCH 13

Bringing HOPE to Pakistan’s people Holy Spirit works in a MARTIN DUNLOP speaks with Alphonse Francis, a Pakistani Catholic from St Vincent de Paul’s in most wonderful way East Kilbride, about his work with the charity HOPE, which supports those most in need in Pakistan JOE McGRATH’S monthly series aims to shed a little more light on how HE plight of suffering Christians in Mr Francis has instead dedicated himself to In accordance with HOPE’s mission, Mr Francis The HOPE charity aims to make a difference to the lives of Christian people in Pakistan through the medium of the Catholic Church works and find out what attracts people to it LOOKING FOR THE CHURCH Pakistan is something that East Kil- achieving his goal of helping others and making a believes that all children and young people ‘have education bride man Alphonse Francis of the difference to the lives of Pakistani Christians a unique potential and have the right to literacy and charity HOPE is sadly only too aware through education. basic living necessities.’ HE weather has turned went along to meet the participants in granted but require some explanation to That seemed to tie in with what the (Above left) Fr Naughton oversees RCIA in of. Last month marked the first He is one of the founding members of the “Our objectives are to establish schools and pro- colder and Easter seems to our RCIA group. There were five in a newcomer. They learned the basic candidates told me. Each of them had Motherwell Diocese. (Above) Julia was one of anniversary of the death of Shahbaz Bhatti, Pak- Human Development and Welfare Association vide free basic education, equipment and medical however, he believes the charity will be able to be fading into the past. Do the group, three young women and beliefs of the Catholic Church and were something happen or had someone in the five candidates welcomed into the Church in St Patrick’s, Coatbridge, this Easter istan’s former minorities minister, a Christian who (HOPE), a charity working towards supporting facilities,” Mr Francis said. attract a new office space, and is keen to hear from you think I am just getting Itwo men. I found that all of them had had introduced to the sacraments. That is their lives that brought them to the point Twas one of the country’s diminishing number of children and families in need of education, food It is his hope that the charity can buy land and volunteers—those with or without charity experi- older? No, surely not. Look- an awareness of God in their lives long quite a lot to take on board in a year. of exploring the possibility of joining should be mixed, men and women. influential liberals prepared to speak out against and basic health care, in Pakistan. construct a new school building and facilities for the ence—and, ultimately, those with experience in ing back to Easter, we had a very nice before they came along to RCIA. Some Cradle Catholics had a much longer the Church. Each one is different but Again, the team members should reflect Pakistan’s controversial blasphemy law—which “I was thinking in the house one day: ‘Why had children of St Anthony’s—where 450 children are office management, accountancy and the organi- Easter vigil. There were five people had been Baptised and had experience of time to assimilate all this and, indeed, there is a definite pattern of people a variety of backgrounds. Some might carries the death sentence for anyone who insults I been saved, when so many Christians in Pakistan currently packed into seven rooms, with no proper sation of fundraising projects. The most important Twelcomed into the Church that night in belonging to a Christian church. we are still learning. being called to the Church. That call be academically qualified, others might Islam—before he was assassinated by a gunman. have been killed and are still being killed?’” Mr classroom space or toilet facilities—and then take thing, Mr Francis noted though, is to have ‘a char- our parish. That made me think about Experience of religion was mixed. In Africa, I found the RCIA pro- can only come from the Spirit. be prayerful and others might just have Incidences of Christians in Pakistan being Francis, a parishioner of St Vincent De Paul’s, East their project on to more districts in Pakistan. itable heart.’ this series of articles. I am writing about Some had been closely involved in their gramme takes four years. We assume The numbers of people coming each a good no-nonsense approach. killed, attacked and having their houses and Kilbride, and former parishioner of Christ the King Of fundamental importance to the progress of what we think the Church is. Perhaps I church as children and their experiences that Europeans, growing up in societies year speak for themselves. On the first The team members tend to go unno- churches burnt to the ground are numerous. Church, Glasgow, said. “People have been beaten, Challenges HOPE, is the opportunity for Mr Francis and his have been missing something. had kept them aware of God in their based on a Christian history have a bet- Sunday in Lent, the Motherwell candi- ticed in the parish. The whole process is This persecution is something that Mr Francis burned and have had to watch as their houses and Mr Francis spoke of Christians in Pakistan as ‘a small team to bring their message to as many peo- I have always been in the Church so lives. Some had fallen away from prac- ter grasp of Christianity than someone dates all came along to the cathedral. conducted behind closed doors and has first-hand experience of. Unlike many of his churches have been burned down. third or fourth grade of community.’ As Chris- ple as possible. I see it from one perspective. Those tice. The five, though a close group, coming from one of the many native There were 82. If Motherwell is typical there is confidentiality within the group. fellow Pakistani Christians, however, he managed “There is a reason that I am here,” he added. “I tians, he said, ‘they do not have full rights, and He added that he has had plenty of well wishes adults who joined us at Easter are see- were all very different and had different religions of Africa. It is still a big under- there must be hundreds of candidates in Anything that is said in the group stays to escape from the country, fleeing with his wife have to share what I have learned from the mission- called infidel by Muslims, believing in trinity, and and support in the local community, but to move ing it from a different place. I wondered life experiences. Some had experienced taking for our candidates and I found Scotland alone. in the group. The parish priest needs to and four children in 2003. And from his East Kil- aries who came to Pakistan. I have to give something Jesus as son of God.’ the charity on, and to start having a major impact how it looked to them. They have been a difficulty that brought their faith in myself admiring their persistence and, I asked him about the course. Is it a pick a team with a variety of gifts. He bride home he is making every effort to help those back to the people that are suffering there, those that In addition to the aforementioned persecution, in the lives of Pakistani Christians; more and more following a course in The Rite of Chris- God into a sharper focus and may have indeed, enthusiasm. standard course used by all the also needs to keep his team fresh. There left behind. are being discriminated against and those that are he spoke of the many barriers facing Christians people need to become aware of HOPE’s mission. tian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) since played a part in bringing them to RCIA. parishes? The answer to that was a def- is training for the team members but suffering from religious discrimination.” and challenges they face in progressing in society. “We hope that churches and parishes may want last summer. I thought I might learn All of them had been influenced by t this stage I was still unclear inite no. The course came from Amer- there is always a need for new people to New life, new hope Many young Christian women and girls work as to here more about us and let us talk to people more about the Church by finding out someone else. It could have been a rela- about why they came to RCIA ica in the first place but there is no one avoid the whole process becoming stale. For the new life Mr Francis has in Scotland, he is Charity housemaids and are often subjected to rape and about what we are doing and what our mission is, how they saw us. tion, a spouse or a friend; but all of in the first place. I decided to book that can satisfy the needs of all the eternally grateful to God. Far from turning his Since becoming a registered charity in 2006, sexual harassment, which will regularly go unre- this would be a great help to us,” Mr Francis said. Now Christian churches, and ours in them have experienced some aspect of findA out more about the programme. I candidates. The parish teams work with left Carluke with a number of things back to the plight of Christians in his native home- HOPE has sponsored the education of some of the ported for fear of recrimination and the possible “In Pakistan, we cannot change the poverty, we particular, have not had a good press in Catholicism through contact with a contacted my old friend, Fr Jim the book and adapt, extend and modify to ponder. Is there support for the land, however, he has decided it is his vocation in children who attend St Anthony’s School in loss of jobs, or family members being killed. cannot change the terrorism, nobody can change recent times. There are complaints that Catholic they know. The RCIA course Naughton—old in the nicest sense of the materials to suit the group they have new members of the Church? Can life to try and make a difference to the lives of Gujranwala, Punjab Province. Last year, the char- “If these people can have a vocational institute it, but at least we are sowing a seed in children’s the press is against us and there is a mil- was nothing like what they expected. the word—at St Athanasius in Carluke. before them. Ithe parish help them settle in? Most Christians in Pakistan, particularly young people. ity sponsored the education of 43 children, a num- to attend then this may be able to change,” Mr hearts, so that this seed will grow within them and itant secularism in operation trying to Some had no idea what to expect while Fr Naughton has oversight of the RCIA An approach that might work well importantly, I thought, how many of us “I have to thank Jesus, and the Scottish people, ber they have managed to increase to 88 this year. Francis said. then maybe spread in their families. This is what push religion out of the way. Those others thought there would be a formal programme in Motherwell Diocese. If this year might not work at all next year would benefit from a course like this? that I am here and have this second life,” Mr Fran- Mr Francis has even greater aspirations and In addition to raising funds, Mr Francis is in need we are trying to do.” complaints might or might not be true class structure. What they actually anyone could put me in the picture, because it is a different group of peo- Those of us who were Baptised as chil- cis, who moved to Scotland in March 2003 from plans for the charity, and he is hoping to count on of people support to enable his charity to grow. but we must admit that we have brought found was a group of Catholics who surely he could. ple. The RCIA process is open to every- dren and grew up in the Church may London after being granted asylum in the UK, said. the support of the Christian community in Scot- “At the moment, we are struggling for support, we I To find out more about Human Development much of it on ourselves. Scandals, by were willing to share their Faith and Fr Naughton pointed out, straight one. You do not need any qualifications never have considered many of the From an engineering background, Mr Francis land to try and make a difference to the lives of do not have enough,” he said. “We have limited and Welfare Association (HOPE) visit the charity’s their very nature, can only damage the help them to understand what Catholi- away, that the success of RCIA was due to attend the course. It must meet the issues the RCIA teams put to their can- was employed as a senior manager of building Pakistani Christians who are suffering and living resources and limited connections. I would like the website: (website is Church. The Church, thankfully, seems cism is all about. to the Holy Spirit. There is no other needs of those who come along to didates. Do we have an adult view of services at a construction company. As a result of under poverty. Christian community to help support this good cause.” still under development and improvement stage). For to have wakened up to that. They encountered many things that I explanation for the circumstances that explore their call. our religion or are we still thinking a heart bypass in 2005—and subsequent heart “We want children to be involved in education,” any enquiries about fundraising or volunteering to In the light of our bad press I won- take for granted; statues in church, the bring people into the Church. The Some people are happy with written along the lines of the Catechism—and I attack in 2009, on New Year’s Eve when he was Mr Francis said. “Education is the key to changing Future support help his charity, Alphonse Francis can be contacted dered what brought these people to the Stations of the Cross, religious images, priests and the parish teams work hard materials and others prefer discussion. mean the old blue one? getting ready for midnight Mass—however, he is communities. When we give them education, we HOPE charity currently has its headquarters at Mr at: 9 Catacol Grove, Lindsayfield, Greenhills, East Church. I wondered what they expected practices such as the recitation of the with their groups but it is all really the A variety of approaches is needed. The unable to work for the company any more. sow the seed of Jesus into their hearts as well.” Francis’ East Kilbride home. With a little support, Kilbride, G75 9FD. Telephone: 01355 678130 and what they actually found. Rosary. These are things we take for work of the Spirit. team has to be varied too. A good team I 12 HOPE CHARITY SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday April 27 2012 Friday April 27 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER LOOKING FOR THE CHURCH 13

Bringing HOPE to Pakistan’s people Holy Spirit works in a MARTIN DUNLOP speaks with Alphonse Francis, a Pakistani Catholic from St Vincent de Paul’s in most wonderful way East Kilbride, about his work with the charity HOPE, which supports those most in need in Pakistan JOE McGRATH’S monthly series aims to shed a little more light on how HE plight of suffering Christians in Mr Francis has instead dedicated himself to In accordance with HOPE’s mission, Mr Francis The HOPE charity aims to make a difference to the lives of Christian people in Pakistan through the medium of the Catholic Church works and find out what attracts people to it LOOKING FOR THE CHURCH Pakistan is something that East Kil- achieving his goal of helping others and making a believes that all children and young people ‘have education bride man Alphonse Francis of the difference to the lives of Pakistani Christians a unique potential and have the right to literacy and charity HOPE is sadly only too aware through education. basic living necessities.’ HE weather has turned went along to meet the participants in granted but require some explanation to That seemed to tie in with what the (Above left) Fr Naughton oversees RCIA in of. Last month marked the first He is one of the founding members of the “Our objectives are to establish schools and pro- colder and Easter seems to our RCIA group. There were five in a newcomer. They learned the basic candidates told me. Each of them had Motherwell Diocese. (Above) Julia was one of anniversary of the death of Shahbaz Bhatti, Pak- Human Development and Welfare Association vide free basic education, equipment and medical however, he believes the charity will be able to be fading into the past. Do the group, three young women and beliefs of the Catholic Church and were something happen or had someone in the five candidates welcomed into the Church in St Patrick’s, Coatbridge, this Easter istan’s former minorities minister, a Christian who (HOPE), a charity working towards supporting facilities,” Mr Francis said. attract a new office space, and is keen to hear from you think I am just getting Itwo men. I found that all of them had had introduced to the sacraments. That is their lives that brought them to the point Twas one of the country’s diminishing number of children and families in need of education, food It is his hope that the charity can buy land and volunteers—those with or without charity experi- older? No, surely not. Look- an awareness of God in their lives long quite a lot to take on board in a year. of exploring the possibility of joining should be mixed, men and women. influential liberals prepared to speak out against and basic health care, in Pakistan. construct a new school building and facilities for the ence—and, ultimately, those with experience in ing back to Easter, we had a very nice before they came along to RCIA. Some Cradle Catholics had a much longer the Church. Each one is different but Again, the team members should reflect Pakistan’s controversial blasphemy law—which “I was thinking in the house one day: ‘Why had children of St Anthony’s—where 450 children are office management, accountancy and the organi- Easter vigil. There were five people had been Baptised and had experience of time to assimilate all this and, indeed, there is a definite pattern of people a variety of backgrounds. Some might carries the death sentence for anyone who insults I been saved, when so many Christians in Pakistan currently packed into seven rooms, with no proper sation of fundraising projects. The most important Twelcomed into the Church that night in belonging to a Christian church. we are still learning. being called to the Church. That call be academically qualified, others might Islam—before he was assassinated by a gunman. have been killed and are still being killed?’” Mr classroom space or toilet facilities—and then take thing, Mr Francis noted though, is to have ‘a char- our parish. That made me think about Experience of religion was mixed. In Africa, I found the RCIA pro- can only come from the Spirit. be prayerful and others might just have Incidences of Christians in Pakistan being Francis, a parishioner of St Vincent De Paul’s, East their project on to more districts in Pakistan. itable heart.’ this series of articles. I am writing about Some had been closely involved in their gramme takes four years. We assume The numbers of people coming each a good no-nonsense approach. killed, attacked and having their houses and Kilbride, and former parishioner of Christ the King Of fundamental importance to the progress of what we think the Church is. Perhaps I church as children and their experiences that Europeans, growing up in societies year speak for themselves. On the first The team members tend to go unno- churches burnt to the ground are numerous. Church, Glasgow, said. “People have been beaten, Challenges HOPE, is the opportunity for Mr Francis and his have been missing something. had kept them aware of God in their based on a Christian history have a bet- Sunday in Lent, the Motherwell candi- ticed in the parish. The whole process is This persecution is something that Mr Francis burned and have had to watch as their houses and Mr Francis spoke of Christians in Pakistan as ‘a small team to bring their message to as many peo- I have always been in the Church so lives. Some had fallen away from prac- ter grasp of Christianity than someone dates all came along to the cathedral. conducted behind closed doors and has first-hand experience of. Unlike many of his churches have been burned down. third or fourth grade of community.’ As Chris- ple as possible. I see it from one perspective. Those tice. The five, though a close group, coming from one of the many native There were 82. If Motherwell is typical there is confidentiality within the group. fellow Pakistani Christians, however, he managed “There is a reason that I am here,” he added. “I tians, he said, ‘they do not have full rights, and He added that he has had plenty of well wishes adults who joined us at Easter are see- were all very different and had different religions of Africa. It is still a big under- there must be hundreds of candidates in Anything that is said in the group stays to escape from the country, fleeing with his wife have to share what I have learned from the mission- called infidel by Muslims, believing in trinity, and and support in the local community, but to move ing it from a different place. I wondered life experiences. Some had experienced taking for our candidates and I found Scotland alone. in the group. The parish priest needs to and four children in 2003. And from his East Kil- aries who came to Pakistan. I have to give something Jesus as son of God.’ the charity on, and to start having a major impact how it looked to them. They have been a difficulty that brought their faith in myself admiring their persistence and, I asked him about the course. Is it a pick a team with a variety of gifts. He bride home he is making every effort to help those back to the people that are suffering there, those that In addition to the aforementioned persecution, in the lives of Pakistani Christians; more and more following a course in The Rite of Chris- God into a sharper focus and may have indeed, enthusiasm. standard course used by all the also needs to keep his team fresh. There left behind. are being discriminated against and those that are he spoke of the many barriers facing Christians people need to become aware of HOPE’s mission. tian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) since played a part in bringing them to RCIA. parishes? The answer to that was a def- is training for the team members but suffering from religious discrimination.” and challenges they face in progressing in society. “We hope that churches and parishes may want last summer. I thought I might learn All of them had been influenced by t this stage I was still unclear inite no. The course came from Amer- there is always a need for new people to New life, new hope Many young Christian women and girls work as to here more about us and let us talk to people more about the Church by finding out someone else. It could have been a rela- about why they came to RCIA ica in the first place but there is no one avoid the whole process becoming stale. For the new life Mr Francis has in Scotland, he is Charity housemaids and are often subjected to rape and about what we are doing and what our mission is, how they saw us. tion, a spouse or a friend; but all of in the first place. I decided to book that can satisfy the needs of all the eternally grateful to God. Far from turning his Since becoming a registered charity in 2006, sexual harassment, which will regularly go unre- this would be a great help to us,” Mr Francis said. Now Christian churches, and ours in them have experienced some aspect of findA out more about the programme. I candidates. The parish teams work with left Carluke with a number of things back to the plight of Christians in his native home- HOPE has sponsored the education of some of the ported for fear of recrimination and the possible “In Pakistan, we cannot change the poverty, we particular, have not had a good press in Catholicism through contact with a contacted my old friend, Fr Jim the book and adapt, extend and modify to ponder. Is there support for the land, however, he has decided it is his vocation in children who attend St Anthony’s School in loss of jobs, or family members being killed. cannot change the terrorism, nobody can change recent times. There are complaints that Catholic they know. The RCIA course Naughton—old in the nicest sense of the materials to suit the group they have new members of the Church? Can life to try and make a difference to the lives of Gujranwala, Punjab Province. Last year, the char- “If these people can have a vocational institute it, but at least we are sowing a seed in children’s the press is against us and there is a mil- was nothing like what they expected. the word—at St Athanasius in Carluke. before them. Ithe parish help them settle in? Most Christians in Pakistan, particularly young people. ity sponsored the education of 43 children, a num- to attend then this may be able to change,” Mr hearts, so that this seed will grow within them and itant secularism in operation trying to Some had no idea what to expect while Fr Naughton has oversight of the RCIA An approach that might work well importantly, I thought, how many of us “I have to thank Jesus, and the Scottish people, ber they have managed to increase to 88 this year. Francis said. then maybe spread in their families. This is what push religion out of the way. Those others thought there would be a formal programme in Motherwell Diocese. If this year might not work at all next year would benefit from a course like this? that I am here and have this second life,” Mr Fran- Mr Francis has even greater aspirations and In addition to raising funds, Mr Francis is in need we are trying to do.” complaints might or might not be true class structure. What they actually anyone could put me in the picture, because it is a different group of peo- Those of us who were Baptised as chil- cis, who moved to Scotland in March 2003 from plans for the charity, and he is hoping to count on of people support to enable his charity to grow. but we must admit that we have brought found was a group of Catholics who surely he could. ple. The RCIA process is open to every- dren and grew up in the Church may London after being granted asylum in the UK, said. the support of the Christian community in Scot- “At the moment, we are struggling for support, we I To find out more about Human Development much of it on ourselves. Scandals, by were willing to share their Faith and Fr Naughton pointed out, straight one. You do not need any qualifications never have considered many of the From an engineering background, Mr Francis land to try and make a difference to the lives of do not have enough,” he said. “We have limited and Welfare Association (HOPE) visit the charity’s their very nature, can only damage the help them to understand what Catholi- away, that the success of RCIA was due to attend the course. It must meet the issues the RCIA teams put to their can- was employed as a senior manager of building Pakistani Christians who are suffering and living resources and limited connections. I would like the website: (website is Church. The Church, thankfully, seems cism is all about. to the Holy Spirit. There is no other needs of those who come along to didates. Do we have an adult view of services at a construction company. As a result of under poverty. Christian community to help support this good cause.” still under development and improvement stage). For to have wakened up to that. They encountered many things that I explanation for the circumstances that explore their call. our religion or are we still thinking a heart bypass in 2005—and subsequent heart “We want children to be involved in education,” any enquiries about fundraising or volunteering to In the light of our bad press I won- take for granted; statues in church, the bring people into the Church. The Some people are happy with written along the lines of the Catechism—and I attack in 2009, on New Year’s Eve when he was Mr Francis said. “Education is the key to changing Future support help his charity, Alphonse Francis can be contacted dered what brought these people to the Stations of the Cross, religious images, priests and the parish teams work hard materials and others prefer discussion. mean the old blue one? getting ready for midnight Mass—however, he is communities. When we give them education, we HOPE charity currently has its headquarters at Mr at: 9 Catacol Grove, Lindsayfield, Greenhills, East Church. I wondered what they expected practices such as the recitation of the with their groups but it is all really the A variety of approaches is needed. The unable to work for the company any more. sow the seed of Jesus into their hearts as well.” Francis’ East Kilbride home. With a little support, Kilbride, G75 9FD. Telephone: 01355 678130 and what they actually found. Rosary. These are things we take for work of the Spirit. team has to be varied too. A good team I 14 LETTERS SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday April 27 2012


eaders often look to the Catholic press for the facts, not the secular spin, on a story of interest to our Faith community. When Pope Benedict XVI meets with other news sources sensationalise one donors of the Papal Foundation at soundbite or one out-of-context aspect of the Vatican on Saturday. The US what the Church or one of its representatives have said donors presented an $8.5 million on a subject, the Catholic press is left to fill in the (£5 million) donation that will be PICTURE used to fund scholarships and 105 Rblanks so that the real message is not lost in the hype, Catholic projects in nearly 50 or allocated 15 minutes of fame by the mainstream OF THE countries. Also pictured are media before the story is then buried forever in our Cardinal Donald W Wuerl of society’s fickle and ever shorter attention span. Washington, left, and Bishop It could be argued that, with the culture of informa- WEEK Michael J Bransfield of tion overload we all live in, the Catholic press has the Wheeling-Charleston, W Va, right more difficult job of reporting day after day, week after week on what is worthy, what is important, regardless of what is fashionable, hip or the hot topic de jour. And we are challenged to do so, to appeal to amount of energy locked up in the reader’s eye, without pandering to the lowest com- Parents, please support the tiny atoms, I noticed how mon denominator of tabloid or sensationalist methods. teaching of the Faith the scientific method only looks ‘Where is the fun in that?’ you may well ask, or ‘Is BISHOP Philip Tartaglia of at the particle world and the it any wonder Catholics are accused of never seeing Paisley has quite correctly Letters processes of nuclear fission the lighter side?’ stated that Catholics must be from the outside: and I made it However, real news is so powerful that it does not prepared to show a ‘robust SCO, 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BT my business to look at this need the ‘tricks’ of modern media. When a priest dies defence of their faith.’ [email protected] same subject from the inside. one week after his ordination; when a member of the Therefore, given the The difference is profound. Catholic hierarchy defends his and every Catholics’ aggressive secularist nature of And to try and communicate right to speak up for their values when faced with a present day society it would noticed the report inside on After all, anybody can call what I believe is there for us to barrage of criticism for doing so; when our very parish be very helpful if Catholic secularists attacking religious himself a Christian. Christ see, I have prepared a web site buildings are targeted by vandals; when healthcare parents who send their education and Catholic explained how to distinguish a wherein workers are not allowed to exercise their conscience… children to a Catholic school schools, which really rang real one. I have had the temerity to Who needs to sensationalise when what is actually support the orthodox teaching alarm bells in our household. John Kelly imagine Christ speaking about happening to the Catholic community today in modern of the Faith in its entirety T Campbell EDINBURGH the universal nature of nuclear Scotland is so shocking and newsworthy? Could the without recourse to secular COATBRIDGE power. warning signs be any more overt? influence’s and perspective’s Keep St Patrick’s Day I would add that I was able to Yes, economic times are hard and many are being confusing their understanding Vote of thanks for all year round see the spiritual nature of the forced to channel all of their time and effort into put- of Catholic orthodoxy. cardinal’s stance IN REPLY to Paul Kokoski on nuclear processes because my ting food on the table and keeping a roof over the As teachers of RE, we AS AN English Catholic (of the celebration of St Patrick’s science-addled mind had been heads of their families. However, just as the Church uphold and defend the truth of Irish descent) I would like to Day, too many people think St softened up by my children, has always helped the poor, it has also helped the our Catholic Faith and we thank Cardinal Keith O’Brien Patrick’s Day is a day of who for a few years showed me downtrodden and it is the Catholic com- expect Catholic parents to (SCO April 6) for his steadfast dressing in green and having a how to look innocently at munity itself that is being downtrodden support this important work of defence of a Christians right parade. I do believe this is phenomena, and see new things Who needs to when sensationalise what is happening is so shocking? now as growing intolerance to Chris- evangelisation within our to wear a Cross and also the something to celebrate, but instead of old perspective. tian values is being enshrined in law community, without any fact that Christians are being what disturbs me is that not I am of the opinion that by those who hold our future in attempts to ‘water down’ the persecuted on these islands. many people have an answer to further along this path are their hands. nature and truth of RE As the European the question ‘who is St opportunities to create a If we are too busy, or too embar- because the demands of Observatory on Intolerance Patrick?’ or ‘what has St spiritual approach, in the first rassed, to speak out against injus- Catholicism are very much ‘a and Discrimination against Patrick done for us to instance, to radiation, and the tice today, we run the real risk of sign of contradiction.’ Christians has demonstrated, remember him to this day?’ radioactive waste materials: and losing our right and ability to do Michael Brady and sadly more than Primary schools allow if they respond, then the so in the future. RE TEACHER HOLYROOD demonstrated, our islands children to dress up in green weapons also begin to look Doing what is right is rarely the SECONDARY SCHOOL have a pretty high level of it. and give generous donations vulnerable, more than we have easiest path to take, but it is the Regardless of the Prime to charity but, after the feast so far cared or dared to correct one. Moved to tears by story Minister seeking to court the day itself, everyone seems to consider. Thanks all the same to Do not allow indifference or fear of Fr Graham Turner Christian vote whilst forcing forget what St Patrick’s Day is those who create the peace of taking a stand now to lead to AS A busy self-employed us to accept a ban on the cross about until the next year when vigils, while I stay home. something that will result in a life- father of three, it probably and same-sex ‘marriage’ someone reminds them. Ian Turnbull time of regret for your family and for goes without saying I do not which the European Court of Rachel Donnelly FINDHORN

Opinion generations of Catholics to come. find the time to sit down with Human Rights has twice since DUNBARTONSHIRE We cannot be the generation that my children, let alone enjoy a 2010 held that states did not Trying to imagine the stood by and did nothing. That is not a newspaper, as often as I have to legislate in favour of Looking for spirituality church on Eigg legacy to strive for. would like to! But my oldest same-sex ‘marriage’ to remain in nuclear debate IT WAS a delight to read about daughter put me to shame compliant with the European IN THE same way that the rededication of St Donan’s this week. Convention on Human Rights. Bishop Joseph Toal of Argyle parish on Eigg in last week’s We had picked up a copy of I believe that Cardinal and the Isles speaks of SCO, so much so that I am the SCO the week after Easter O’Brien is an example to the moving from a ‘pragmatic reluctant to make this inquiry and my wife and my daughter episcopates of these islands in acceptance’ of nuclear but I feel I have to ask: why no had poured over it, later protecting our rights. weapons to a ‘commitment to photographs of the SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER telling me about the Christopher Keeffe strive for their removal,’ I proceedings? It is not everyday ordination of Fr Graham Middlesex have moved over a period of that our island communities Turner while he was in years from being appalled at are afforded such an MAIN SWITCHBOARD Salford Royal hospital. The Be guided by Church their existence to seeing that oppourtunity for celebration. I Tel: 0141 221 4956 Fax: 0141 221 4546 • story had so moved both of teaching, not polls there might yet be an could not be there myself and I EDITOR them that I went back to it and A CATHOLIC is someone extraordinary gift hidden would have been delighted to read it myself. who believes the teaching of inside of the whole nuclear see photographs of the service Liz Leydon—Tel: 0141 241 6109 This weekend my daughter the Catholic Church. That subject. which I understand Bishop [email protected] was inconsolable following teaching is not subject to an Somewhere along the road Joseph Toal of Argyll and the DEPUTY EDITOR the news of the death of Fr opinion poll of people who of being bothered and Isles celebrated. Can you Turner, along with two other call themselves Catholics. bewildered by the enormous help me? Ian Dunn—Tel: 0141 241 6107 priests. She made me read the J Murray [email protected] OBAN story with her and it brought G SCO reserves the right to edit letters to conform with space or up lots of questions for her requirements REPORTER EDITOR’S NOTE: The SCO is Martin Dunlop—Tel: 0141 241 6103 about prayer and Faith, and G This page is used solely for reader opinion and therefore views delighted to be able to share with [email protected] how God listens and answers. expressed are not necessarily shared by SCO readers’ photographs of the So thank you, thank you for G If you would like to share your opinion, send your redeication of St Donan’s, Eigg — SUB-EDITOR reminding my family and I correspondence to the above address and other special occasions—in about what is important. our celebrating life section, on Gerard Gough—Tel: 0141 241 6115 G Whether you use e-mail or post, you must provide your full name, pages 22 and 23 this week and [email protected] I have to add, once I read address, and phone number or your letter will not be used every week. the story on Fr Turner, I also Friday April 27 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER QUESTIONS OF FAITH 15 Scripture and Liturgical tradition intact In our fortnightly feature, a member of the Scottish Catholic clergy endeavours to answer your Faith questions

Dear SCO, when the use of the vernacular new Roman Missal containing a different version backs your concerns. This, however, is simply not was first permitted, concerns were as QUESTIONS of the Sanctus from that found in the Latin Vul- true. Indeed, in the more ancient Gregorian Sanc- Q)previously, when translations of the Bible sprang gate as well as in various recent English transla- tus settings the music itself shows that the third up unauthorised and deficient at the Reformation, OF FAITH tions, it is important to remember that the Church Sanctus is connected with what comes after, and not and were then subjected to personal interpretation frequently emends biblical texts in Her Liturgy. with what come before. I suggest a look at the set- by ‘new teachers.’ The clearest example of this is in the Liturgy of ting for Easter ‘Lux et origo,’or the Mass for week- The warning of the Church of England is ever the Word at Mass when She often omits verses days in Advent and Lent (Mass XVIII). Indeed, with us: from scriptural readings in order to give a partic- there is not a single case in the Graduale Romanum ular sense or interpretation to a passage. This is in which there is a comma after the third Sanctus. I Validly ordained priests saying valid Masses in entirely authentic, since as the Bride of Christ the Neither will you find a comma in any altar edition Latin Church is the the sole authoritative interpreter of of the Latin Missal, in either form of the rite. I Validly ordained priests saying valid Masses in the Scriptures. Therefore, the mere fact that a That the new translation is clumsy is an opinion the vernacular scriptural text found in the Liturgy is not a direct which some others share. What, however, is clear I Validly ordained priests saying invalid Masses quote should not, in itself, be cause for alarm. is that ICEL’s translators betrayed neither Sacred in the vernacular “And they cried one to another, and said: Holy, You state that “‘Holy’ is not a mere adjective. It Scripture nor the Church’s Liturgical tradition. I I Invalidly ordained priests saying invalid Masses holy, holy, the Lord God of hosts, all the earth is is also an acclamation in its own right.” I whole- hope this in some way allays your fears. in the vernacular. full of His glory.” And not only is this comma heartedly agree. In the first part of the Sanctus God found here, but in the New American Standard is being acclaimed as the HOLY Lord God of I Do you have a question relating to the Faith that Not a problem with the Extraordinary Form of Bible (1995) and even in King James.’ hosts. The former translation was inadequate: it you would like answered? If so send your query via Mass, in Latin, with the priest, leading the priest- Does it matter? ‘Holy’ is not a mere adjective. It replaced a title for God—Holy God of Hosts—for e-mail: [email protected] with Questions of hood of the laity facing east, focussing on this act is also an acclamation in its own right. The Gre- a description—God of Power and Might. Faith in the subject or post it to: Questions of of sacrifice and worship offered to the Father. gorian Chants and all the Masses written by the Furthermore, in your criticism of the new trans- Faith, The Scottish Catholic Observer, 19 Waterloo Canon Law demands that all priests be compe- world’s greatest composers reflect this. The new lation you state that the Church’s musical treasury St, Glasgow, G2 6BT tent in the Latin Mass, and when it comes to it the translation is clumsy. And if I am being too pre- ‘Dialogue Mass’ or Missa Recitata is nothing new. cious, what should be more precious than the Mass We were already familiar with all the responses, which should, like our Catholic Churches, recreate pronunciations and meanings thanks not only to the treasures and glories of Solomon’s Temple? Gordius No 36 parents, but to devout Catholic primary schools. And if this is just a detail let’s just remember the CROSSWORD Even infants’ teachers attended parish Children’s saying ‘the devil is in the details.’ Mass every Sunday and headteachers were there MT Kielty Clydebank to lead younger children in the English versions of 123 4 5 6 7 the main prayers. So while the new translations are more faithful Thank you for your letter. I would espe- to the Latin original I cannot be but puzzled by cially like to respond to its final part, in 89 other innovations. Why drop the at least 2000 year A)which you mention the layout of the Sanctus in the old comma in the Angels’ song of Isaiah 6:3? new translation of the Roman Missal into English. Take the Douay-Rheimes Clementine Latin Vul- In particular, you mention the placing of the com- 10 11 12 gate (1914): Et clamabant alter ad alterum, et dice- mas, which you suggest is a departure from the First entry out the hat next bant: Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus, Dominus Deus Church’s Liturgical tradition. 13 14 TUESDAY will be the winner exercituum, plena est omnis terra gloria eius. Whilst I can understand your concerns about the Send your completed 15 16 17 crossword entries—along with 18 your full name address and daytime phone number—to SCO pa 19 20 ges through th CROSSWORD CONTEST SCO 19 e ages 21 22 23 WATERLOO ST GLASGOW G2 6BT

25 years ago 50 years ago 24 25 The winner’s name will be printed next week THE news reported in The Scottish THE Pope’s Easter message was the main Catholic Observer 25 years ago con- story making the headlines 50 years ago. 26 27 The editor’s decision is final cerned the fact that there were only 127 “Pope John XXIII ‘The Pope of Christian priests available to serve Mass in an Unity,’ who had made 1962 Ecumenical area that hosted at the time more than Council Year, has also made this an ecu- ACROSS LAST WEEK’S 184,000 Catholics. The lack of priests menical Easter by providing not only the 1 With the cleric around, one names a Dickensian hero (3) SOLUTION in the Catholic Church in Scotland is a Catholic, but the whole Christian world with 3 Pertaining to the Book of Revelation (11) topic that is still discussed today. a warm and moving picture of the prospects 8 Frozen appendage (6) ACROSS This was not nearly enough according to for universal understanding and through it, 9 Musical legend, like an astral member of the Stones? (4,4) 1 Transports 6 Fang Bishop Joseph Devine of Motherwell, after that universal peace which he hopes the 10 Group of eight (5) 10 Charm offensive he had announced the creation of a new council will provide,” the report said. 11 Sensational in a melodramatic way (5) 12 Eclairs 15 Epsom special Vocations Commission. During the Easter message, delivered 13 Faint smell (5) 17 Coin 18 Hail 19 Start “In today’s society we need to promote from the centre balcony of St Peter’s Basil- 15 Mathematicians are forever writing letters on this 21 Invoice 23 Latin the idea of the priesthood and religious life ica in front of a record audience of more than subject (7) 24 True 25 Fire 26 Equal if we are to attract a sufficient number of 250,000 people, the Pope spoke more seri- 16 One who regularly eats to excess (7) 28 Readmit 33 Hearthrug young people to dedicate themselves in the ously of the need for unity and peace. He 20 Vacant (5) 34 After 35 Meek service of God and His people,” Bishop addressed all men without exception and 21 Grin (5) 36 Angel Falls Devine said. underlined the universal good that could 23 Knickknack (5) The commission of 12—headed by come to a world threatened with destruction. 24 Unhappy resident of the aviary (8) DOWN Bishop Devine as president and Fr John The Pope gave his blessings in 15 differ- 25 Worshipped (6) 1 Tact 2 Anarchist 3 Samba 4 Odour 5 Tiff Kelly of St Brigid’s, Newmains as chair- ent tongues, five of those languages were 26 Cocktail you buy in a hardware shop? (11) 27 A play on words (3) 7 Amiss 8 Grey matter man—also contained several other men spoken behind the Iron Curtain. The crowd 9 Incense 13 Icon who came from differing walks of religious cheered and warmly received the Pope when DOWN 14 Scooter 16 Cheltenham life, who were interested in the promotion he greeted the crowd in English ‘a happy and 1 Nicholson and Nicklaus are useful at poker (4,2,5) 20 Air pistol 21 Inflate of vocations. The commission was respon- blessed Easter to you all.’ Pope John talked 2 A water-colour, perhaps (8) 22 Cuba 27 Usage sible for making available resources and about his great Easter vision. He hoped that 3 Apportion (5) 29 Eagle 30 Dwarf materials relating to vocations in schools 1962 would bring Christians closer together. 4 Cut short (7) 31 Cran 32 Eros and parishes throughout the diocese. “Just as the Apostles experienced an 5 Bumpkin (5) “The Diocese of Motherwell, which awakening after the Resurrection and after 6 Teachers may arrange to rust (6) covers Lanarkshire and includes parishes Pentecost, so today a reawakening of Chris- Last week’s winner was: 7 Automobile (3) Mary Lindsay, South Uist in Garthamlock, Craigend, and Easter- tian life under the ardent inspiration of the 12 Oppressed (11) house, requires at least three priests to be Holy Spirit is about to give new impetus to 13 Not as good (5) ordained every year over the next 20 year further conquests to more generous efforts in 14 Foolishness (5) period, simply to meet replacement lev- the service of the Lord,” the Pope said. 17 Physical symptom of sorrow (8) STEPHEN EDWARDSON els,” the report stated. 18 Religious organisation whose name means ‘work Scottish Catholic Observer: of God’ (4,3) Scotland’s only national 19 Alcohol (6) Catholic weekly newspaper 22 Joint in the arm (5) printed by Trinity Mirror, Oldham. he ages 23 Raced around a tree (5) Registered at the Post Office through t 24 Public transport vehicle (3) SCO pages as a newspaper. 16 CHILDREN’S LITURGY SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday April 27 2012

Our weekly series on Children’s Liturgy has lesson plans and activity suggestions for use with young people who are on the path to Christ Each week, Catechists will find readings and Psalm responses, complemented by prayer, reflection, FAITH discussion questions, and activities. Please feel free to use them as you wish The lessons are created by Adorer-theologians using the lens of the spirituality of St Maria de Mattias, which also embraces precious blood spirituality FIRST While this is the starting point for the lessons, readers are invited to approach them however the spirit moves you The Church is concerned with the availability and understanding of scripture for children who have their rightful place in the Church. In light of this SCO aims to provide a useful tool in drawing children closer to KIDS the Catholic Faith about our relationship to Him—how Try this for several weeks to see if you can Reflection closely we are connected to Him. Jesus get better at seeing God’s love at work in BEING connected says: “Just as a branch cannot bear each other. Fifth Sunday of Easter to Jesus like the fruit on its own and needs to stay G When you finish, celebrate what you branches are connected to the tree, so it is the same have learned by planting a vine, flower, —First Reading connected to the with Jesus and us.” tree in the family yard. When you see what vine. When we remain connected to Jesus you have planted, it is to remind you that Barnabas explained to the apostles how the Lord Have you ever by prayer and the Eucharist, and the we are all asked to show God’s love to appeared to Saul and spoke to him on his journey. A stopped and Sacrament of Reconciliation, and by each other every day, and when we do, our examined a tree loving others by treating others with vine will be a strong vine. reading from the Acts of the Apostles 9:26-28 very closely? It has care and respect in things we say and do, a trunk, lots of Jesus fills us with His life and nourishes Prayer When Saul arrived in Jerusalem, he tried to branches that lead us with His life-giving food. Then we will Dear God, help me to be good. Thank you join the followers. But they were all afraid of out from the trunk bear the fruit of Jesus. We will bring joy for always loving me. Help me to know him, because they did not believe he was a and are supported and nourished by the and happiness and peace to ourselves how to grow to be a good Jesus person. trunk. If the branches are nourished and others. We will be life-giving to Thank you, Jesus. Amen true follower. well, you will see buds that break open others like Jesus is life-giving to us. Then Barnabas helped him by taking him to into new growth called leaves. Later, Jesus even goes on to say in today’s Responsorial Psalm the apostles. He explained how on the road even there will appear blossom or Gospel that when we stay close to Him, 22:27, 30-31 flowers. On some trees even fruit often we can ask for whatever we want and (R) I will praise you, Lord, in the assembly to Damascus, Saul had seen the Lord and appears, such as apples or plums or Jesus will grant to us what Jesus knows of your people. how the Lord had spoken to Saul. oranges or nuts. we need. That the trust that we show to Everyone on this earth will remember you, Barnabas also said that when Saul was in A good gardener needs to cut off old Jesus by asking Him for things and Lord. Damascus, he had spoken bravely in the branches, trim the dead parts or the old believing that Jesus will give us all we People all over the world will turn and parts that are not giving life in order for need makes for a special relationship worship you. name of Jesus. Saul moved about freely more fruit and life to grow and flourish. between Jesus and us, like the (R) I will praise you, Lord, in the assembly with the followers in Jerusalem and told The fruit that falls to the ground dies relationship between the vine and the of your people. everyone about the Lord. because it has no connection anymore to branches, like Jesus and His disciples. In the future, everyone will worship and The Word of the Lord the life giving water and nutrients that We will feel that special closeness; we learn about you, our Lord. the trunk brings. will feel Jesus’ life in our hearts. We will People not yet born will be told: “The Lord If you have ever had a chance to see a become as delightful as any grape or has saved us!” real grapevine or vineyard, you will apple or fruit. (R) The stone rejected by the builders notice it is very much like a tree. It has If we look at the New Testament has become the cornerstone. The Children’s Liturgy page is published one vines instead of a trunk and branches reading from the Acts of the Apostle, the that carry life to the fruit called grapes. first reading today, we see and hear Second Reading week in advance to allow RE teachers and those I imagine grape vineyards grew about Saul. Saul had been going about God’s commandment is this: love others by taking the Children’s Liturgy at weekly Masses to plentiful in the hills where Jesus walked killing people who followed and lived helping them. A reading from the first letter of and lived. Because, in today’s Gospel like Jesus. Then one day Saul saw the John 3:18 use, if they wish, this page as an accompaniment reading, Jesus picks something very Lord Himself and this changed his ways. Children, you show love for others by truly to their teaching materials familiar to all, like a vine on a tree or in His bad actions were pruned or cut away helping them, and not merely by talking a vineyard and uses it to let us know and he remained close to Jesus and good about it. things, good fruit began to appear. He The Word of the Lord spoke out and brought good news to Churches all over the land. Saul became Alleluia Jesus’ special disciple and told many John 15:4a, 5b people about Jesus bringing them new (R) Alleluia, alleluia. life. Saul was connected to Jesus like the Live in me and let me live in you, says the branches are connected to the vine, like Lord; my branches bear much fruit. Jesus wants to be connected to us. (R) Alleluia, alleluia. Jesus asks us to prune away any bad behaviour, any bad ways and turn closer Gospel to Jesus and be connected to Him like All who live in me, and I in them, bear much the branches are to the vines, so we can fruit. A reading from the Holy Gospel according be nourished by His life. Only then can to John 15:1-5, 7-8. we be Jesus helper in bringing new life Jesus said to His disciples: “I am the true to others. vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts away every branch of mine that does Discussion not produce fruit. But he trims clean every I How do we know if we are being fed by branch that does produce fruit, so that it God’s love? will produce even more fruit. I What do we look like when we are being “You are already clean because of what I fed by God’s love? have said to you. I How do we shut out God’s love? What “Stay joined to me, and I will stay joined things about me need to be pruned? to you. Just as a branch cannot produce I What can we do to show God’s love to fruit unless it stays joined to the vine, you others? cannot produce fruit unless you stay joined to me. Family activity “I am the vine, and you are the branches. G Cut out green leaves and keep them in a If you stay joined to me, and I stay joined special bowl in the middle of the kitchen to you, then you will produce lots of fruit. table. But you cannot do anything without me. G Draw a squiggly line on a coloured “Stay joined to me and let my teachings piece of paper and put it on the refrigerator. become part of you. Then you can pray for G When you ‘catch’ somebody showing whatever you want, and your prayer will God’s love to you, put their name on a leaf be answered. and paste it on the wiggly line ‘vine.’At “When you become fruitful disciples of the end of the week, see if your family vine mine, my Father will be honoured.” is a strong vine, or a weak vine. The Gospel of the Lord Friday April 27 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER CHURCH NOTICES 17 CHURCHNOTICES

OurLady of Fatimaʼs Peace Plan fromHeaven EXPERT SERVICES Our Lady's Great Promise I promise to assist at the hour of death with the graces necessary for salvation all those who on the First Saturday of 5 consecutive months, shall confess,receive Holy Communion, pray 5 decades of the Rosary and keep me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the Mysteries of the Rosary---all with the intention of making reparation to SCOT-COVER me. Our Lady to Lucy, Dec. 1925 ONTHLY You are invited to do so at any of the following venues on: M RE-UPHOLSTERY SATURDAY 5th May, 2012 9.00am - Mill Hill Fathers, Cardonald, Glasgow Freephone: 9.00am - St Columbaʼs, Renfrew, Glasgow EDJUGORJE 0800 389 8084 9.00am - St Francis, Port Glasgow M • Repairs • New Foams • Springs Repaired 9.20am - St.Aidanʼs, Johnstone 9.30am - St Bernadetteʼs, Carntyne, Glasgow also MOBILE REPAIR SERVICE 9.30am - St Anneʼs, Dennistoun 9.30am - St Brigidʼs, Toryglen VENING all over Scotland 9.30am - St Josephʼs, Tollcross E Excellent choice of fabrics and 9.30am - St Lucyʼs, Cumbernauld ST JOHN THE BAPTISTʼS CHURCH 9.30am - St Maryʼs Cathedral, Edinburgh quality leathers specialising in: 9.30am - St Maryʼs, Calton, Glasgow 9.30am - St Maryʼs Duntocher Lower Millgate Dykes • Reids • G Plan 9.30am - St Maryʼs Greenock 9.30am - St Matthewʼs, Bishopbriggs UDDINGSTON Parker Knoll • Cintique • Wade 9.30am - St Mirinʼs Cathedral, Paisley 9.30am - St Robertʼs, Househilwood, Glasgow 9.30am - St Rochʼs, Glasgow on Monday April 30th 2012 9.30am - Christ the King, Glasgow G 10.00am - Christ the King, Howwood, Johnstone 10.00am - Christ the King, Pittenweem Rosary at 7.15pm Mass at 7.30pm GGS Landscapes 10.00am - St Columbaʼs Bridge of Don, Aberdeen 10.00am - Our Lady of Lourdes, East Kilbride Light refreshments in the hall afterwards 10.00am - Our Lady of Good Aid, Motherwell All types of gardening work carried out including 10.00am - Our Lady Star of the Sea, Saltcoats 10.00am - Our Lady and St Anneʼs, Cadzow Bridge, Hamilton ALL WELCOME Landscaping, Turfing, Decking and Fencing, 10.00am - St Sophiaʼs, Galston 10.00am - St Aloysius, Springburn Tree/shrubs, Patios. 10.00am - St Brendanʼs, Yoker, Glasgow 10.00am - St Patrickʼs, Dumbarton 10.00am - St Brideʼs, Cambuslang Grass cutting, weed control, mulching, stone chips. 10.00am - St Brideʼs, East Kilbride Holyrood RC Secondary School 10.00am - St Cadocʼs, Newton Mearns 10.00am - St Charlesʼ Paisley 10.00am - St Convalʼs, Pollok, Glasgow 75th Anniversary Lunch Maintenance throughout the seasons. 10.00am - St Gabrielʼs, Merrylee, Glasgow 10.00am - St Helenʼs, Langside, Glasgow A lunch will be held for all Holyrood 10.00am - St Jamesʼ, Crookston, Glasgow Call 0141 573 8797 or 07954577929 (m) 10.00am - St Johnʼs Barrhead former pupils and friends in the: 10.00am - St John the Baptist, Uddingston 10.00am - St Josephʼs, Helensburgh No.10 Restaurant for free quote and advice. 10.00am - St Maryʼs Irvine Queens Drive 10.00am - St Michaelʼs, Dumbarton On 10.00am - St Paulʼs, Whiteinch 10.00am - St Peterʼs, Livingston Wednesday 2nd May 2012 EORGE EILLY 10.00am - St Philipʼs, Ruchazie, Glasgow G P. R 10.00am - St Stephenʼs, Dalmuir At 1pm 10.00am - The Holy Family and St Ninian, Kirkintilloch 10.00am - Sacred Heart, Bridgeton Cost: £12.00 10.15am - St Maryʼs Star of the Sea, Leith Painter and Decorator 10.30am - St Athanasius, Carluke Tickets available at 0141 582 0120 11.00am - St Anthony's, Govan 12.15pm - Carfin Grotto 12.15pm - St Mungoʼs, Townhead, Glasgow 3 0 Years of Experience 1.00pm - St Mirinʼs Cathedral, Paisley 2.00pm - Our Lady and St Patrick, Auckinleck, Ayrshire 4.30pm - St Patrickʼs, Shotts 5.00pm - Immaculate Heart of Mary, Balornock, Glasgow Free Estimates 5.15pm - Immaculate Conception, Maryhill, Glasgow Prayer Group Meeting Times 5.15pm - St Peterʼs, Bellsmyre 7.00pm - Franciscan Convent, 92 Dixon Avenue, Glasgow For more information phone 0141 882 2254. THANK YOU. Archdiocese of Glasgow 07974379811 N Rhema Prayer Community St Mary’s RC Church, 89 Abercromby Street, Calton, VOCATIONS Glasgow. G40 2DQ 01698 822215 Wednesday 8.00pm

JERICHO THE NATIONAL SHRINE IN HONOUR OF “The Do you feel that SPECIALIST Compassion of God is calling OUR LADY OF LOURDES - CARFIN TERRY you to the IN Jesus.” Missionary GROTTO SEASON 2012 LUNDIE TOOTH Drug & Alcohol Rehabs., Priesthood EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Then we WHITENING Refuge for Victims of can help The AND you Monday - Friday 9.30am - 8pm Domestic Violence, Denture COSMETIC Saturdays 9.30am - 6pm Supported Accommodation DENTURES Sundays 12noon - 6pm Technician for the Destitute, the Contact: Have your own natural teeth High quality Dentures made with Distressed, and all being The Vocations Director HOLY MASS whitened. Monitor your own shade good quality private teeth and ‘passed by on the other side.’ SMA FATHERS change by this new safe method. quality denture base material. St Theresaʼs Monday - Thursday 1pm Home visits can be arranged. A COMMUNITY OF Clarendon Place, Dunblane A beautiful natural appearance Perthshire FK15 9HB SUNG EVENING PRAYER AND SAVE YOURSELF £££’s made for the individual. MEN OF PRAYER FOR OUR TIMES (founded 1970) PERSONAL BENEDICTION TELEPHONE FOR A FREE CONSULTATION Vocation info from Monday - Thursday 8pm 18 ASHBURTON ROAD, KELVINDALE, GLASGOW G12 Bro Patrick Mullen, UNATTACHED? Telephone 0141-334 1883 The Jericho Society, DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET AND 02559 Mater Salvatoris, Harelaw Farm, Join the BENEDICTION Kilbarchan, Renfrewshire, PA10 2PY CATHOLIC Scottish Charity SC016909 Fridays 8pm Tel: 01505 614669 UNATTACHED Email: DIRECTORY HOLY HOUR [email protected] Tel: 01322 222 213 for free brochure Sundays 3pm (unless otherwise advertised) For more information visit To Advertise on this page email: advertising@ visit: 18 FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday April 27 2012


BIRTHDAY REMEMBRANCE CAMERON DONNELLY McGARVEY 31st Anniversary Of your charity, please pray for In loving memory of our dear In loving memory of our dear the repose of the soul of our parents and grandparents, LINDSAY father and grandpa, William, James, died April 3, 1994, In loving memory of my much loved father, Daniel who died on April 27, 1981. Peggy, died September 22, beloved wife, Rose, who died Donnelly, who died on April ‘Till we meet in Heaven again. 1997; also our dear sister, on January 19, 2006, and 27, 1955. Sacred Heart of Jesus, grant Sheila (Carr), died May 15, whose birthday occurs on May O Mary, conceived without sin, him eternal rest. 1984. 3. pray for him. Inserted by his loving family. On whose souls, sweet Jesus, Our love for you will never go, have mercy. Our smiles will never fade, DOUGLAS CAMPBELL St Anthony, pray for them. In loving memory of our dear We’ll carry you within our Treasured memories of my St John Ogilvie, pray for them. hearts, parents, Charles, who died on dearly loved wife, Mary, died GRANT, Sarah McBRIDE, Kenneth Francis Inserted by their loving family. The family which you made, on April 29, 2007. R.I.P. March 28, 2003, and Mar- Died May 1, 2009. 27th Anniversary The pain it does not ease, My heart is full of memories, garet, who died on April 29, Three years have passed so In treasured memory of our The hurting still goes on, With pride I speak your name, 2007. quickly mum, beloved only son, Kenneth MacKAY Everyday has been a struggle, Though life goes on without Sacred Heart of Jesus, have Since you quietly passed Francis, whose bright and 2nd Anniversary The short time you’ve been you, mercy on them. shining life of 17 years was Please pray for the repose of gone. away, It will never be the same. Inserted by the family. With broken hearts and silent taken from him, along with the soul of Mary-Kate MacKay, Our Lady of Lourdes, keep her Sadly missed. that of his dear friend Nicola, who died April 29, 2010. safe. tears, Donnie. FEIGHAN We recall that first May day. on April 20, 1985 in Hong Words are few, thoughts are Love Joe and family. Kong. Treasured memories of You gave us many things in deep, May the Angels lead him into Memories of you, we will Michael, who died May 1, life, CAMPBELL Paradise, always keep. 1990. Too many to recall, SMITH Treasured memories of Mary, Eternal rest grant unto him O And may God grant him Fois shiorruidh Thoir dhi a In loving memory of my Love and faith and trust in our dearly loved sister and Lord, eternal joy. Thighearna. beloved wife and our mother, aunt, died April 29, 2007. God, “Pray for me as I will for thee, Inserted by Neil, Linda and Sadie, died May 27, 2002, And let perpetual light shine The most precious of them all. R.I.P. upon him. that we may merrily meet in family, Fort William. whose birthday falls on April A bouquet of beautiful We know that you are with us Heaven”– St Thomas More. May he rest in peace. 26. memories, still, Inserted by his loving parents, Our Lady, Star of the Sea, “Remembered with love this Sprayed with a million tears, In our hearts and minds you Hugh and Maggie McBride , Mary Kate pray for him. MacKAY day and every day.” Wishing God could have stay, and his loving family in 2nd Anniversary St Martin de Porres, pray for Joe, Josephine and Bill. spared you, A guardian angel sent to us, Scotland, England and U.S.A. In loving memory of If just for a few more years. him. When God took our mum Mary Kate MacKay, who died St Anthony, pray for her. Mary, Patricia and Michael. away. McCONVILLE April 29, 2010. Also Chrissie and James. Look around your garden In loving memory of Cissie, remembered her late MEMORIAM Sweet are the memories Lord, passed away April 27, 1987, a husband, Angus MacKay, died loving wife, mother and gran. silently kept, And when she turns and February 9, 1997. BETKA Of an aunt I loved and will To know we never said A smile for all, a heart of gold, In loving memory of our dear smiles, never forget. goodbye will always bring Two of the best this world parents and grandparents, Put your arms around her, Claire. regret, could hold, Patricia Betka (nèe Gilroy), And hold her for a while. But the hearts that truly loved Never selfish, always kind, who died on April 29, 1965, We love and miss you dearly. CAMPBELL you, These are the memories they and Max Betka, who died April Your loving family. 5th Anniversary Are the hearts that won’t left behind. 10, 1980. R.I.P. In loving memory of Mary, a forget, Inserted by John Angus and St Anne, pray for them. KIRKWOOD kind and caring sister and Not just today but every day. family, Greenock. In loving memory of our dear aunt, who died April 29, 2007. St Martin, pray for her. BOYD Our Lady bless her in heaven. GALLAGHER mother, Annie Johnstone, who From your loving family xxx 24th Anniversary died May 1, 1970, our dear May her soul rest in peace. In loving memory of our dear MacKIGGAN Of your charity, please pray for son, brother and uncle, John, father, James, who died June McCUE Donald Patrick and family. 15th Anniversary of Margaret 14th Anniversary the repose of the soul of my who died on April 30, 1989. 9, 1971, and our dear sister, Ann (McManus), died April 25, In loving memory of our dear dear uncle Hugh, who died on CAMPBELL Memories are the loveliest Annie Kirkwood, who died mother and grandmother, April 30, 1988. January 27, 1990. R.I.P. 1997, beloved mum and In loving memory of Mary (née things, grandma and dearest wife of Isabella, who died May 1, Our Lady of Lourdes and St Nicholson) of Bishopton and They last from day to day, Inserted by their loving family, 1998. Francis Xavier, pray for him. James. Barra, a dear sister, They don’t get lost, they don’t Carntyne and Cumbernauld. No tears, no verse can ever Inserted by his loving family. Always in our hearts. sister-in-law and aunt, who grow old, 89 Abbots Road, say, died April 29, 2007. R.I.P. They never fade away, LAVERY Grangemouth. How much we miss you every On whose soul, sweet Jesus, Deep in our heart your 43rd Anniversary day, BRADLEY have mercy. Please remember in your MacDONALD Memories of you are proudly “In my Father’s house there memory is kept, Murdoch, Flora and family, We love you too much to ever prayers our dear loving 7th Anniversary kept, are many mansions, I go South Uist. forget. mother, Anna Ryan Lavery, In loving memory of our dear Someone too special to ever before you to prepare a place forget. Love and miss you very much who died May 4, 1969. R.I.P. aunt, Mary, who died on April for you.” 28, 2005. Donald John, Jennifer and John. St Ann and St Anthony, pray On April 17, 2001, my lovely COLLINS Fois shiorruidh thoir dhith, O Robert. – Fortrose. From Dad and all your loving for her. sister Mary’s place was ready. 2nd Anniversary Thighearna, agus solus nach He returned for her and family. xxx Inserted by her loving family at Treasured memories of a dear home and abroad. dibir dearrsadh oirre. Gun enfolded her in His loving father and granda, Jerry, who robh a fois ann an sith. Amen. MacKIGGAN arms. died April 29, 2010. GALLACHER Peggy. 14th Anniversary He led her into Paradise. Inserted by Elaine, Diarmuid, Dear sister, Nancy Gallacher, In loving memory of our dear Joann, John. Patricia and Kevin. April 30, 1991. mother, granny and Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for No farewells were spoken, great-granny, Isabel, who died him. We did not say goodbye, on May 1, 1998. AUNT MARY You were gone before we Sweet are the memories, Sacred Heart of Jesus, have knew it, silently kept, mercy on her soul. COLLINS And only God knows why. Of a mother we loved and will McAuleys, Mulhollands, 8th Anniversary Inserted with love and fond never forget. Blantyre. Treasured memories of a dear memories from Frances, Mary The family at home and mother, grandmother and and families. away. great-grandmother, Eileen, Granny 2 we miss you. McAREAVEY BRENNAN who died April 29, 2004. From all the GERRY In memory of my dear parents, 26th Anniversary Inserted by Elaine, Diarmuid, great-grandchildren. 9th Anniversary Dan, who died peacefully at MacDOUGALL Of your charity, please pray for Patricia and Kevin. In loving memory of Ceitag, a Remembering with much love home in Govan on April 26, the repose of the soul of our Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for dear mother and granny, who our beloved mum and gran, 2000, and Margaret (née dear father, Frank, loving her. died April 30, 2001. McLEAN father and papa, who died on Marie, who died suddenly on Adams), who died at the Those we hold most dear 5th Anniversary April 28, 1986 and also our DOHERTY May 2, 2003 and also Bill, who Southern General on June 6, never truly leave us, they live In loving memory of our dear mother, Lizzie, who died In loving memory of our dear died July 11, 2008. 2004, and sister Minnie (née on in the kindness they Aunt Margaret, who died April January 6, 2012. father, William Joseph, who Always missed and never Adams) Hurley, who passed showed and comfort they 30, 2007. Our Lady of Knock, pray for died April 30, 1982. forgotten. away peacefully on February shared, and the love they Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for them. St Theresa of the Child Jesus, Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for 16, 2008. Also husband Jim brought into our lives. her. Inserted by their loving family pray for him. them. Hurley. R.I.P. Pax. Inserted by Marybelle, Hector, Inserted by Irene, Ian, Alex and grandchildren. Inserted by Bill and Valerie. Inserted by Carol and family. Inserted by son Thomas. Catriona and families. and families. Friday April 27 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS 19


McMAHON MacNEIL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT POWERFUL NOVENA (née Robinson) In loving memory of my uncle, Of Childlike Confidence In loving memory of our dear Donald Hector MacNeil, who , Dan sister, Mary, who died on April died April 28, 1987, also my CATTIGAN (This novena is to be said at His sister, Agnes, nephews, 30, 2011. cousin, Mary Agnes MacNeil, the same time, every hour, for nieces and families wish to A little prayer to keep in touch, who died January 4, 1996. thank most sincerely Rev. nine consecutive hours – just With the sister we lost and Our Lady of the Isles, pray for Maurice Callaghan, Rev. John one day). O Jesus, who hast loved so much. them. Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for Inserted by Donnie. Canon McElroy and Very Rev. said, ask and you shall Mgr. Charles Cavanagh for her. receive, seek and you shall spiritual comfort to Dan Inserted by her sisters find, knock and it shall be Josephine and Margaret. throughout his long illness; to doctors and nursing staff, ROONEY STEWART opened to you, through the Ward 8, R.A.H; Diabetic Clinic McMAHON Eighteenth anniversary of 9th Anniversary – intercession of Mary, Thy Most Staff; to all medical staff who 1st Anniversary JOHN, aged 13 years and 2 In loving memory of Paul who Holy Mother, I knock, I seek, I th attended and to doctors and In loving memory of Mary (née days, who would now be aged died on 28 April 2003. staff at Kelburn Northcroft ask that my prayer be granted Robinson) who died on April Paul you were wonderful, 31 years. Killed in a traffic Surgery. Our heartfelt thanks 30, 2011. caring, sincere and true (make your request). O Jesus, accident on May 1, 1994. also go to Dominican Deep in our hearts your These are a few words that who hast said, all that you ask Death is nothing at all, Community, Drogheda, for all memory is kept, best describe you. I have only slipped away, their prayers and comforting of the Father in My name, He To love, to cherish, to never Into the next room. Always happy and loving, and forget. MacRURY phone calls through the years. will grant you through the I am I and you are you, trust me there’s more May you rest in peace. In loving memory of our To all our wonderful relatives, intercession of Mary, Thy Most Whatever we were to each You could light up a room as Inserted by her loving cousin darling mother Mary MacRury, friends and neighbours of other, you walked through the door. Maxwellton Court for the many Holy Mother, I humbly and Marie and family. beloved wife of Neil, a much An amazing Son with a smile loved mother-in-law and a That we still are. Mass and sympathy cards and urgently ask Thy Father, in Call me by my old familiar on your face floral tributes received. A very sorely missed Nanna, who The space you have left no Thy name, that my prayer be passed away quietly and name, big thank you to all our rela- one can replace. granted (make your request). peacefully on April 28, 2005. Speak to me in the easy way, tives and friends who travelled I hope you know how precious You can only have one Which you always used. from abroad. A special thanks O Jesus, who hast said, you are mother, patient, kind and true, Put no difference in your tone, to Steven Cameron of Heaven and Earth shall pass You are loved by friends from No other friend in all the world, Wear no false air Renfrew Funeral Services for near and afar away but My word shall not will be the same to you, Of solemnity or sorrow, the professional arrangements You were a loving Son until pass, through the intercession When other friends forsake Laugh as we always laughed, and dignified help. you, to Mother you will turn, the very end of Mary, Thy Most Holy At the little jokes Leaving broken hearts that will For all her loving kindness, THANKSGIVING Mother, I feel confident that We enjoyed together. never mend she asks nothing in return, Pray, smile, think of me, I am so very proud to have NOVENA TO ST CLARE my prayer shall be granted MacNEIL As we look upon her picture, Let my name be ever sweet memories we recall, called you my Son Say nine Hail Mary’s for nine (make your request); publica- In loving memory of our dear The household word Of a face so full of sunshine, And the memory of you will days with a lighted candle; son and brother, Domhnall, That it always was, tion promised. whom God called home on and a smile for one and all, always live on publication promised. – C.B. Let it be spoken, May 2, 2001, aged 15 years. Sweet Jesus, take this The shadow of your smile now Without effect, Sadly today your memory we message to our dear mother you are gone NOVENA TO ST CLARE POWERFUL NOVENA treasure, up above, Without the trace Will colour all me dreams and Say nine Hail Mary’s for nine Of Childlike Confidence Of a shadow on it. days with a lighted candle; Loving you always, forgetting Tell her how we miss her, and light the dawn (This novena is to be said at you never, give her all our love. Life means all that Look into my eyes my Son publication promised. the same time, every hour, for Memories are something no Inserted by the family. It ever meant. and see one can steal, It is the same All the lovely things you are to NOVENA TO ST CLARE nine consecutive hours – just Death leaves a heartache no MORRISON As it ever was, me Say nine Hail Mary’s for nine one day). O Jesus, who hast 9th Anniversary There is, When no one else can days with a lighted candle; one can heal; said, ask and you shall Deep in our hearts In loving memory of my dear Unbroken continuity. understand me publication promised. - P.L. a’Dhomhnaill you are always wife, Patricia, who died May 1, Why should I And everything I do is wrong receive, seek and you shall there, 2003. Be out of mind, You give me hope and GRATEFUL thanks to St Jude find, knock and it shall be St Martin, pray for her. for prayers answered. – C.M. Loved and remembered in Because I am consolation opened to you, through the every prayer. Sadly missed. Out of sight. Paul, give me the strength to thanks to St intercession of Mary, Thy Most St Anthony, pray for him. Inserted by John, her loving I am waiting for you, carry on GRATEFUL Jude, St Pio, St Anthony, St Mum and Dad. husband – 6 Peninerine, For an interval, Till we meet again Son. Holy Mother, I knock, I seek, I South Uist. Michael, all angels and saints As time goes on without you, Somewhere very near, Love Mum ask that my prayer be granted And days turn into years, for graces received. – F.M. Just around the corner. Our Lady Star of the Sea, (make your request). O Jesus, ROBELLO We think of you each moment, All is well…….. pray for him. Inserted by With many silent tears. 13th Anniversary who hast said, all that you ask John you are loved, Mum, Donna, Jim, Kirsty and St Barr, pray for him. In loving memory of our dear Darcy. GRATEFUL thanks to St Clare of the Father in My name, He mother and grandmother, Nan, By a love, for favours received. – M. Clare-Anne, Mairead, Michael, will grant you through the Sarah Ann and baby Donald. who died on April 26, 1999. Beyond all telling, Our Lady of Aberdeen, pray And missed by a grief, intercession of Mary, Thy Most TAGGART for her. Beyond all tears. MacNEIL In loving memory of our DEAR HEART OF JESUS Holy Mother, I humbly and Inserted by the family. Mum, Dad, Peter and Dear Heart of Jesus in the 11th Anniversary dear mother, Helen Taggart, urgently ask Thy Father, in Frances. past I have asked you for Treasured memories of who died on May 1, 1963, SOMERS Always loved………… many favours, this time I ask Thy name, that my prayer be Domhnall, who died so and our dear father, Daniel suddenly on May 2, 2001. 6th Anniversary Always missed………… you for this special one (men- granted (make your request). Taggart, who died on October Sadly missed by all of us. Treasured forever memories Always remembered…….. tion favour), take it Dear Heart 2, 1983; also Pally, died O Jesus, who hast said, Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for of our beloved sister Agnes By your family and friends who of Jesus, and place it within September 30, 1987, and Heaven and Earth shall him. (née Gardner), who died on miss you. Your broken heart where your Francy, died Inserted by Betty and family. May 4, 2006. R.I.P. Along the road Father sees it, then in his mer- pass away but My word shall October 5, 1999. R.I.P. Inserted by Mary, Anna and ciful eyes it will become Your not pass, through the To yesterday, Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for MacNEIL Arthur. – Arbroath and Coat- That leads me favour, not mine. Amen. Say bridge. them. intercession of Mary, Thy 9th Anniversary Straight to you, for three days, publication In loving memory of my Inserted by their family, Croy promised. Most Holy Mother, I feel Are the memories and Castlecary. beloved husband, and much Of happy days, confident that my prayer shall loved father, Neil, who died And being together, DEAR HEART OF JESUS be granted (make your May 4, 2003. R.I.P. Dear Heart of Jesus in the We once knew. Your memory is so precious, WARD past I have asked you for request); publication prom- And always, Your presence missed so 14th Anniversary many favours, this time I ask ised. - T.R. Every day, much, In loving memory of our you for this special one (men- You will always be I seem to have, dear mother, Margaret Kane, tion favour), take it Dear Heart remembered, Some way, who died on May 1, 1998, of Jesus, and place it within And loved by all of us. Of wandering back, also our dear father, John Your broken heart where your NOVENA TO ST CLARE Our Lady, Star of the Sea, To those days, Ward, died October 13, 1980. Father sees it, then in his mer- Say nine Hail Mary’s for nine To meet you, R.I.P. ciful eyes it will become Your pray for him. days with a lighted candle; Inserted by his loving wife On the road…….. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for favour, not mine. Amen. Say Phoebe, sons James and To yesterday…….. them. for three days, publication publication promised. - T.R. John and daughter Morven. And to you John…….. Inserted by the family. promised. - L.M. and L.R. 20 FUNERAL DIRECTORY SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday April 27 2012 FUNERAL DIRECTORY BISHOPS ENGAGEMENTS CARDINAL O’BRIEN Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh Organist TUE MAY 1 11AM Meeting with Peter Kearney, & Director of Scottish Catholic Media Office, St JAMES Bennet’s. WED 2 7PM Dinner with GOC Scot- Cantor A sign that we care land, Grange Park House, Edinburgh. THU 3 SHERRY 6.30PM Celebration of Polish National Day, Mer- Available for weddings FUNERAL DIRECTORS chants Hall, Edinburgh. FRI 4 10AM Meeting of and funeral services Scottish Church Leaders, St Mary’s, our services are Kinnoull, Perth. Listen online at: provided at any time T&RFUNERALDIRECTORS O’BRIEN in any district ESTABLISHED 1890 ARCHBISHOP CONTI private rooms of It is our business to care. Every member of staff is T. 01698 325 493 repose and service dedicated to delivering the best service possible—with Archbishop of Glasgow, rooms available professionalism, compassion, and sensitivity. 104-106 PARK ST Dignity Caring Funeral Services SUN APR 29 Mass, St John of the Cross. MON We are members of the MOTHERWELL National Association of Funeral Directors 30 10.30AM P7 Mass, St Andrew’s Cathedral. To aadvertise:dvertise: 01698 264000 TUE MAY 1 10.30AM P7 Mass, St Andrew’s Cathedral. WED 2 10.30AM P7 Mass, St 0141 24141 ATALLTIMES Woodside Funeral Home, 110 Maryhill Road Tel. 0141 332 1708/1154 Andrew’s Cathedral. FRI 4-MON 7 Lourdes, 61 610505 East End Funeral Home, 676 Edinburgh Road, Glasgow Tel. 0141- 778 1470 Order of Malta. MEMORIAM CARDS BISHOP DEVINE Motherwell,

SUN APR 29 3PM Mass for golden jubilee of MEMORARE MEMORIAM CARDS LTD Canon Joseph Clements, St Aidan’s, Wishaw. Full-Colour Traditional Hand Finished Memoriam, TUE MAY 1 7PM Mass for diocesan UCM, Acknowledgement and Bookmark Cards Cathedral. For free sample pack posted 1st Class anywhere in The United Kingdom BISHOP TARTAGLIA Paisley, Tel 0141 812 4491 * Direct Line You can speak with Margaret until 9.00 P.M MON APR 30 7PM Mass and Installation of Our caring staff are here to listen and advise you, Every day includingSaturday / Sunday Canons, St Mirin’s Cathedral, Paisley. TUE MAY 1 7PM Confirmations at Cathedral for children of 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please visit our web site. St Cadoc’s, Newton Mearns, St Ninian’s, 53 Morrison Street Glasgow Gourock and St Joseph’s and St Patrick’s, E-mail enquiries. Wemyss Bay. THU 3 7PM Confirmations at 0141 429 4433 Cathedral for children of St Mirin’s Cathedral, St [email protected] Fergus’, Paisley, St James’, Paisley, St Mary’s, We are now set up to produce beautiful full colour Paisley and St Paul’s, Paisley. FRI 4 1PM Re- Order of Service Booklets with as little as 2 days dedication service at Co-op Funeral Parlour, BOOK OFFER notice. If you are local to Erskine, you can visit us by Paisley. appointment. We come highly recommended. BISHOP GILBERT As featured in the Aberdeen, TUE MAY 1-WED 2 Assembly of Priests meet- Mary Queen of Scots ing, Elgin. THU 3 7.30PM Newman Association, Bishop’s House. SAT 5 7PM Youth Faith Cath Doherty Formation, Bishop’s House. by By popular demand, MEMORIAMCARDS BISHOP CUNNINGHAM these articles are now designed & printed to your exact requirements available to own in we can produce order of service for Requiem Masses Galloway, book form at a cost of and also design and print jubilee cards, bookmarks, £7 and acknowledgment/thank-you cards SUN APR 29 11AM Mass, St Paul’s, Ayr; 7PM just (including P&P). please call for full details of the personalised service we can provide Evening Prayer for Vocations, St Margaret’s To purchase a copy, Cathedral, Ayr. MON APR 30 2.30PM Education simply fill in the attached 0141 569 4724 • 07818 645 863 mobile Strategy Group, Bishop’s House. TUE MAY 1 2PM Diocesan Finance Estates Committee, form or contact the SCO Bishop’s House. THU 3 2PM Ongoing Formation by telephone on the Group, Bishop’s House. number below. Mary Oueen of Scots by Cath Doherty FOLLOW THE BISHOP TOAL £7 (including Postage and Packing, if applicable) Argyll and the Isles, Choose your method of payment: Name______1) Pay by Card - To pay with a SCO ON Credit Card please contact: Address______0141 221 4956 FRI APR 27-FRI MAY 4 Pastoral visit to Barra. ______TUE MAY 1 7PM Vocations Mass, St Mary’s, with your details 2) Pay by cheque - ______TWITTER: Bornish. Make cheques payable to Scottish Catholic Observer ______and send to: Scottish Catholic Observer, Postcode______SCO_NEWS BISHOP LOGAN 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow, G2 6BT Telephone ______Dunkeld, Friday April 27 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER WOMEN AND THE CHURCH 21 Expanded by men, carried by women DR HARRY SCHNITKER’S latest series analyses the role of women in the Church and aims to tackle many misconceptions surrounding that role WOMEN AND THE CHURCH

HE early Church was one expanded by men, but car- ried by women. To many, that statement will come as a shock: we are brought up with the image of an intensely patriar- chal Church, male dominated, in which Twomen were almost invisible. This is exemplified by the Acts of the Apostles, which contains almost no references to women at all. Yet the early Church was full of women, from the first day onwards, and there are plenty of sources to corroborate that statement. This leads us into tricky terrain. There is a strong, at times unpleasant, debate on both women priests and mar- ried priests. On both counts it is only fair for me to declare my own position. In principle I cannot see a reason for changing the current situation. The two issues are unrelated, but combine because of the current for radical equal- ity which pervades western society. Again, the notion of complementarity, discussed in the first instalment of this series, underpins my stance. Women, as will be shown, can play a crucial and equal role to men without necessarily fulfilling the same roles. Tradition is important here. Pope St Clement I, in his Epistle to the Corinthi- ans, states quite clearly that: “Our Apostles… appointed persons, as we have before said, and then gave direc- tion, how, when they should die, other chosen and approved men should suc- ceed in their ministry.” Now St Clement was the fourth Pope, and tradition makes him a familiar with Ss Peter and Paul, and, therefore, a true tradition- bearer. His witness to the masculinity of the priesthood in Apostolic times should not be ignored. So we have a solid, unbroken tradi- tion of male priesthood. Equally, it has been argued that priests or bishops in the time of the Apostles remained chaste even when married. We have some solid evidence for this, too, but there is space for some confusion. Many of the wives of the Apostles travelled modern, western ears, this is a clear-cut with the immediate disciples of the And I ask you also … help these olicrates, Bishop of Ephesus at with their husbands as they listened to case: some of the Apostles were mar- Apostles in Asia Minor, tells us in his women, for they have laboured side by the end of the second century, God’s Word and were also with them as ried, some had children, and these Stromata that the wives travelled ‘not side with me in the Gospel” (Philipians. wrote in a letter to Pope St Victor they went out to spread the Good News therefore cannot have been celibate. as wives, but as sisters, in order to min- 4:2-3). Pthat St Philip was the founder of his ister to housewives.’ Women spread the Gospel, and church: “He was one of the 12 Apostles, t may come as a surprise, but sexu- Somewhat later, St Jerome, in Ad preached. It would have been an incon- and died at Hierapolis, just like two of Peter, who was martyred before him. ality is not a static, genetic given. It Jovinian I, confirms this interpretation: ceivable breach of propriety for a male his daughters who died virgins… We are told that the first Pope exhorted was, for example, perfectly normal “It is clear that [they] must not be seen priest to enter the female quarters of a another daughter of his died in Eph- her to be strong in her Faith. The Iin certain ancient Greek city-states, for as wives but, as we have said, as women household or of the synagogue, which esus.” The existence of the daughters is Gospels provide an extra insight into St all men to have a period before mar- who assisted [the apostles] with their is where St Paul would have done most confirmed by the great Church histo- Peter’s marital status, for Our Lord riage during which they had homosex- goods.” We shall see that their role went of his evangelising. As Paul made clear, rian, Eusebius of Caesarea, in his Eccle- actually healed his mother-in-law ual relations. Equally, the notion of beyond this, but in essence Ss Clement Bishops and Deacons could be married siastical History. (Matthew 8:14-15; Mark 1:29-31 and what constituted virginity changed over and Jerome were right. The Greek (1 Timothy 3:1-11), and their wives Now it is striking that Policrates felt Luke 4:38-39). Many of the Apostles time. As Susanna Elm described in her words used by St Paul in 1 Corinthians were expected to behave properly and the need to emphasise the virginity of were married, and at least one had chil- wonderful Virgins of God, some third- 9:3 are adelphaen gunaika—sister-wife. support their husbands by managing the two daughters, a most unusual sta- dren. This does not seem to point to century women considered perpetual This qualification is crucial, even if it their worldly affairs. tus in the second century, by the way, priestly celibacy. Moreover, we know virginity to turn them into men. St Paul, sounds odd to modern, western ears. As the male Apostles went out from but that he failed to comment on St that some of the Apostles travelled with in his First Letter to Timothy, could the Holy Land and started spreading the Philip’s own status. Either the Apostle’s their wives, as St Peter must have done, conceive of widows as virgins (1 Tim- his knowledge allows us to give a Good News, their wives, daughters and daughters had all been born before he since tradition places his wife’s martyr- othy 4:11). Although it is often denied nuanced image of the Apostolic female helpers worked tirelessly to joined Jesus, or they were born later. dom in Rome and not in the Holy Land. today, human beings have altered their community. In the great commu- ensure their success.As St John What is beyond debate is that they St Paul at least suggests that his wife ideas on sexuality over time, which, Tnal household of the Apostles, where Chrysostom would subsequently note remained in their father’s household— travelled with him, in his remark in the incidentally, makes the guidance of the everything was held in common (Acts in his Homily on Romans: “The women there was no legal way in the Roman First Letter to the Corinthians: “Do we Magisterium on the Divine Plan all the 2:44), it is obvious then that there were of those days were more spirited than Empire that they could have lived the not have the right to be accompanied by more important. a fair number of women. Some were lions, sharing with the Apostles their virginal life outside a male-led family a wife, as the other apostles… and With this knowledge in mind it wives, some daughters, others the early labours for the Gospel’s sake. In this unit. One may assume that St Philip’s Cephas [St Peter]?” (1 Corinthians 9:3). should come as little surprise that the female followers of Our Lord. Their way they went travelling with them, wife was part of that household, too. This, a propos, also reconfirms the exis- Apostles and their wives lived chaste roles were myriad. St Paul shows that and also performed other ministries.” St Clement of Alexandria confirms tence of St Peter’s wife. St Clement of lives, at least after their conversion to they actually were involved in every The mould for the beauty of comple- the existence of St Philip’s wife, and Alexandria went a step further, and Christ. St Clement of Alexandria (c field possible: “I entreat Euodia and I mentarity in the service of the Gospel is also provides details on the wife of St reported that St Peter had children. To 150AD-c250AD), who had contact entreat Syntuche to agree in the Lord. a most ancient one. 22 CELEBRATING LIFE SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday April 27 2012 Celebrating Life Do you have a special occasion from your parish or a celebration at your school that you wish to share with the SCO? If so, e-mail our local news editor Martin Dunlop: [email protected]


SUN 29 APRIL WED 2 MAY 8.30AM 1PM LIVE HOLY MASS WITH LIVE HOLY MASS In a family tradition that has even seen members travel from across the UK, Ireland and Canada for the occasion, the Coyne family meet at PRIESTLY ORDINATIONS 9PM the Marian shrine of Our Lady of Walsingam every three years, and this year more than 50 family members joined together for the pilgrimage. “I find it a good way of keeping the children as they grow up in touch with God and a good way of looking at their faith and hopefully deepen 11AM SAINT GIANNA BERETTA their faith,” Fr Vincent Coyne, parish priest at St Vincent’s in Dundee, said of the pilgrimage. Over the days spent at the shrine the whole REGINA COELI WITH POPE MOLLA: A MODERN DAY family joined in the various processions, including the night-time torchlight procession, and attended the midday Mass in the Chapel of BENEDICT XVI HERO OF DIVINE LOVE Reconciliation. Some of the family are pictured above at the shrine this year 1PM THURS 3 MAY LIVE SUNDAY MASS 10AM 3.30PM POPE BENEDICT XVI VISITS MARY'S DOWRY PRESENTS ROME'S SACRED HEART Blairs Museum welcomes special guests 6PM UNIVERSITY THE WORLD OVER 1PM BLAIRS Museum of Scot- tish Catholic Heritage 10PM LIVE HOLY MASS received a special visitor as VATICANO 8PM Fra Matthew Festing, Prince 11PM EWTN LIVE and Grand Master of the Sov- 9PM ereign Military Order of BENEDICTION Malta, made his way to the MON 30 APRIL THE MONASTIC VOICE South Deeside museum. 1PM FRI 4 MAY Fra Matthew was in Aberdeen LIVE HOLY MASS 1PM to deliver the Hay of Seaton Memorial Lecture 2012 at 9PM LIVE HOLY MASS Aberdeen University and during FOUNDERS OF CHURCH 8PM his short stay he took the oppor- ORDERS THE WORLD OVER tunity to indulge his passion for TUES 1 MAY 9PM church history and the decorative arts—having worked for years as 1PM THE MONASTIC VOICE-THE an art expert at Sotheby’s—by LIVE HOLY MASS SEQUEL visiting the museum and church 8PM SAT 5 MAY at Blairs. Fra Matthew, who is THE JOURNEY HOME 7PM descended from Sir Adrian 9PM WHAT EVERY CATHOLIC Fortescue, a knight of Malta FOUNDERS OF CHURCH NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT who was martyred in 1539, was ORDERS THE BIBLE accompanied by the Archbishop Mario Conti of Glasgow and principal chaplain to the British Association of the Order of lection of paintings, church tex- artefacts in the collection, shar- Fra Matthew Festing, an art expert, Malta, and two Knights of tiles, sacred silver and Jacobite ing his knowledge of the artists paid a visit to Blairs Museum of LAY READERS’ GUIDE Catholic Heritage with other VIPs Malta—Angus Hay and Robert memorabilia by Ian Forbes, the and materials.’ by Fr John Breslin Campbell. Blairs Museum manager, who Blairs Museum is open to vis- The Grand Master and his found that ‘Fra’ Matthew spoke itors on Saturdays, Sundays and companions were shown the most informatively and engag- local holiday Mondays 2-5 pm by arrangement at any other time SUNDAY APRIL 29 major exhibits of the Blairs col- ingly about a number of Stuart between April and October and throughout the year. Easter 4B. Acts 4:8-12. Response: The stone which the builders rejected has become the corner stone. 1 John 3:1-2. John 10:11-18

MONDAY Acts 11:1-18. Response: My soul is thirsting for God, the God of my life. John 10:1-10. PTIH ON... SPOTLIGHT TUESDAY Acts 11:19-26. Response: O praise the Lord, all you nations! John 10:22-30.

WEDNESDAY Memorial of St Athanasius. Acts 12:24-13:5. Response: Let all the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you. John 12:44-50.

THURSDAY Feast of Sts Philip and James. 1 Corinthians 15:1-18. Response: Their word goes forth through all the earth. John 14:6-14.

FRIDAY Acts 13:26-33. Response: You are my son. It is I who have begotten you this day. John 14:1-6. PIC: EDDIE MAHONEY Children from St Bride’s Church in Monifieth celebrated with parish priest Fr Kevin Golden after they received the Sacrament of Confirmation. SATURDAY Pictured with Fr Golden are (back row) Alistair Miklejohn, Rohan Turo, Aoibheann Lindsay-Dorward, (middle) Mark Curran, Carolyn Harvey, Keira Acts 13:44-52. Response: Al the ends of the earth have McArthur, Hannah Christison, Melissa Mitchell, Andrew Laing, (front) Hannah McDonald, Simone McCourt, Niamh Bain and Joseph Laing seen the salvation of our God? John 14:7-14. Friday April 27 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER CELEBRATING LIFE 23 Fr Downey comes home to celebrate 40 years of priestly service

By Dan McGinty Fr John Downey of the Verona Fathers pictured alongside fellow clergy and family members after the Mass in St Columba’s, Viewpark, to celebrate the 40th anniversary FR JOHN Downey of the Verona Fathers of his ordination to the priesthood Comboni Missionaries returned to his home- PIC: TOM EADIE land as he concelebrated Mass on the 40th anniversary of his ordination. Fr Downey, who was ordained in St Columba’s in Viewpark in 1972, by the late Bishop Francis building up the firm foundations of basic Christian Thomson, was the first ever Verona Father of the communities. London Province to work in South America, serv- “He was cut out for this hard and painstaking ing in Brazil for more than 25 years. pastoral work. He had a flare for working with In his time in the country he worked in the state people and making the Bible come alive for them. of Espirito Santo, in the parishes of Pinheiros and The spiritual vigour that kept and keeps Fr John Ecorporanga, before being assigned to mission going is the strength, joy, courage and creativity fields in the north and northeast of Brazil, where that comes from the resurrection of the Risen his determination and dedication made great Christ in today’s Gospel. One day, united with his changes to the people and areas he operated in. deceased parents and brothers, other relatives, In his homily, Fr Downey’s colleague Fr John friends and benefactors, I’m sure Fr John will reap Clark praised him for his accomplishments in his the rich rewards of these past 40 years of priestly many years of missionary work. service.” “John’s priestly work, of healing, supporting After holding posts in Ardrossan, Dublin, Lon- and sustaining people in need, was never fin- don and Sunningdale, Fr Downey currently edits ished,” Fr Clark said. “As a missionary priest he the Comboni Mission Magazine and calendar. knew what he was after. He had a clear vision of Though his work in Brazil is finished today, Fr his people, all together on a common journey of Downey continues his decades of missionary work Faith and God’s grace, trying to walk with each in Salford Diocese, with mission appeals each other, keeping an eye on each other, guiding and weekend. Edinburgh parishioner is in the Maundy money Franciscans celebrate a golden day for Fr Ryan A PARISHIONER of St THE Franciscan Order in Great John Vianney’s in Edin- Britain recently celebrated the burgh has become the first 50th anniversary of priestly Catholic in Scotland to be ordination of their brother Fr awarded a collection of Maurice Ryan OFM. Royal Maundy coins from Born in London in 1927 he was the queen. educated during the War by the James Malone, from Dander- Xaverian Brothers at Mayfield Col- hall, was given the honour in lege, East Sussex. Having vol- recognition of his dedicated unteered in 1945 for the Royal charity work with the Society of Marines he was demobilised three St Vincent de Paul throughout years later and joined the staff of the his 49 years in the organisation. Bank of England until he entered A retired miner, Mr Malone, the Order of Friars Minor in 1955. now 77, has worked tirelessly He was ordained at the Fran- throughout his life to improve ciscan Student House, East the lives of others, being the Bergholt, Suffolk on April 7, driving force in a project based 1962 by Bishop Leo Parker of (Above Fr Maurice Ryan today and in Newtongrange and in Edin- Northampton. (right) during his time in the Royal Marines burgh which distributed white Fr Ryan was appointed twice goods and furniture to families carry out in their churches and James Malone, pictured alongside to St Francis Friary Church, Tul- international cruise ships. on low incomes, and delivering communities, and it was thanks his wife Mary and Cardinal Keith lideph Road, Dundee from 1963- Presently, he is in retirement at food parcels to local house- to his efforts with the SVDP that O’Brien after having received the 1966 and 1972-1975. Apart from special royal gift Clevedon Friary, North Somer- holds at Christmas. Mr Malone was selected as the PIC: PAUL McSHERRY his parochial duties he was at set, where on Easter Tuesday he Mr Malone travelled to York first Scottish Catholic recipient. various times chaplain to the celebrated his jubilee Mass in the Minster for the annual service, “In her jubilee year, people Royal Infirmary and Castle company of friends, parishioners led by the queen, in which her from all faiths and all parts of rymple, parish priest of St John Huntly Borstal. Other chaplaincy and his Franciscan brethren. Royal Maundy coins are distrib- the UK were selected to meet Vianney’s in Gilmerton, said. assignments took him to Lowd- The former Franciscan church 18 this year. The Friars had been uted to worthy recipients as the Queen, and he was the ideal “It was great news, he is a real ham Grange Youth Custody Cen- and friary is now in the owner- in residence from 1934-1989. symbolic alms. The tradition, candidate when the Bishops’ stalwart of the parish and is as tre, Nottingham, RAF Newton ship of City Church Dundee, an which dates back to the 17th Conference were asked to iden- pleased as punch. He is a real and Bristol Prison. In later years Evangelical congregation which I Full details can be found on century, is today used to high- tify someone as a recipient character, and everybody he accompanied pilgrimages to officially began worship at the the Franciscan Province website: light the good work recipients from Scotland,” Fr Jock Dal- around here knows him.” the Holy Land and served on former Friary Church on March SPOTLIGHT ON...

Charlie MacFarlane of Glenfinnan pipes off the ferry Bishop Joseph Toal of Argyll and the Isles, priests and pilgrims who travelled to Eigg to celebrate the recent Mass of rededication for the church of St Donan’s on the island. The Mass was held to mark the renovation of St Donan’s, which celebrated its centenary last year, and Catholics from across the region made their way to Eigg to join the local Catholics there as the renovated church was finally unveiled. Concelebrating Mass with Bishop Toal were Fr Joseph Calleja of Morar and Mallaig, Fr William McLean of Portree and Fr Andrew Barret of Arisaig, who ministers to Catholics on the island 24 GÀIDHLIG SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday April 27 2012

An e Caitligeach no Pròstanach a GÀIDHLIG bh’ ann an Naomh Cholm Chille? In his Gaelic column this month, ANDREAS WOLFF looks at the figure of St Columba ahead of the 1450th anniversary of the saint’s landing on Iona

IN aon dhe na cuspairean a chaidh a dhiù bidh Alba Aosmhor aig a bheil an abaid air an Thairis air trì là bhathar a’ coimhead air (Os cionn seo, air do làimh làimh chlì) Seapail Naomh dheasbad aig co-labhairt air Eilean Ì air eilean san là an-diugh a’ cumail tachartasan an ath- iomadach cuspair. Bhruidhinn Màiri NicArtair aig Cholm Chille. (Os cionn seo) Abaid Eilean I a’mhìos seo.An ath-bhliadhna bidh 1450 bhliadhna gus an ceann-là sin a chomharrachadh. a bheil buntainneas don eilean air beul-aithris bliadhna ann bhon a thàinig an naomh Tha iad a’ brosnachadh rannsachadh a-nis gus an ceangailte ri Naomh Cholm Cille. Dh’innse i mu don eilean an toiseach. Ach bha cuid a’ tèid aca air mìneachadh nas fhèarr a thoirt do sgeulachd far an robh boireannach a’ faighinn cumail a-mach nach robh sin buileach ceart. Co- dhaoine air beatha an naoimh agus na manchainn. uisge bhon tobar agus gun robh blasad fìon air. Dar heachadh air an eilean às ùr. Beagan bhli- a dh’innse i an sgeulachd do a nàbaidh thuirt e adhnaichean às dèidh sin stèidhichear Taigh nan S rithe gur e sin an oidhche a chaidh an t-uisge a Cailleachan Dubha far an robh mnathan-cràbhaidh thionndadh gu fìon. A-rèir Màiri faodadh ceangal Augustinianach a’ fuireach. Tha an togalach sin na a bhith aig an sgeulachd seo ri Colm Cille. Chum thobhta an-diugh ach ged a bha an abaid na tobhta i oirre ag ràdhn nach robh ainmean-àiteachan cuideachd chaidh a chàradh. Thòisich buidhean air LIMITED BOOK OFFER ceangailte ris an naomh rin lorg air an eilean ach a- a bheil Coimhearsnachd Eilean Ì leis an obair sin mhàin St Columba’s Bay ann am Beurla. sa bhliadhna 1938. Bidh iadsan a’ comharrachadh ORDER NOW FOR 75 bliadhna bhon a chaidh an stèidheachadh an hug a dhà no trì sgoilearan sùil mhion- ath-bhliadhna. An-diugh tha iad ag obair a chum aideach air na clachan snaighte agus na cheartais shòisealta. Ged tha buntainneas aca ri ONLY 99p EACH! +p&p croisean a tha cho pailte air an eilean. Bha Eaglais na h-Alba tha iad ag ràdhn gur e coim- Tarc-eòlaiche bho Urras Nàiseanta na h-Alba aig a hearsnachd eacumanagach a th’ annta agus bidh Maryʼs Journey by Mary Ross bheil an t-eilean ag innse mun obair acasan gus Aifhreann aca air an Dòmhnach cuideachd. Facing cancer with faith - one womanʼs journal àite na ciad manchainn a lorg. Dh'innse an t-Oll Dh'innse an t-Oll Urr Iain Bradley mar a bha, na Iain Beuermann mar a dh’fhàg a’ mhòr-chuid dhe bheachd-san, gach eaglais a' cumail a-mach gur ann na manaich an t-eilean às dèidh mar a thòisich na leotha-san a bha Naomh Cholm Chille. Cha robh They Rose Againedited Lochlannaich ionnsaighean a thoirt air. Bhruidhinn eaglaisean Pròstanach ann sa bhliadhna 563 dar a by Harry Conroy e gu sònraichte mu aon ionnsaigh bhorb sa bhli- ràinig e Eilean Ì ach tha cuid dhe na Clèirich a’ cur A concise narrative of some of the most adhna 1209/10. Na bheachd-san bha adhbharan nar cuimhne nach robh Naomh Cholm Chille a- significant sites of the Catholic Church in Scotland poileataigeach air a cùlaibh. Bha an rìgh agus an t- riamh na easbuig fhad’s a tha na Caitligich ag ràdhn àrd-easbuig ann an Nirribhigh a’ faireachdain gun gun robh beatha na manchainn a’ cumail gu dluth ORDER FORM robh iad air cuid dhen chumhachd aca air na h- ris An Ròimh. Bha na manaich a’dèanamh soidhne Yes,I want to purchase a They Rose Again/Mary’s Journey Innse Gall a chall. Chuir iad daoine a-nall air turas na croise, ag ùrnaigh dha na naoimh agus airson na Simply Fill in the form below and send to: SCO, 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow, G2 6BT. diplomaticeach mar gum biodh ach a-mhàin nach mairbh agus a’ trasgadh m.e. Alternatively call 0141 221 4956 do chum iadsan leis na riaghailtean. Sin e bhuamsa an turas seo à Eilean Ì. Gus an B’ ann sa bhliadhna 1203 a thug Raghnall, mac ath-mhìos: Beannachd leibh. Shomhairle, Tighearna nan Eilean, cuireadh dha Name: na manaich Benedictin manachainn a stèid- I [email protected] Address: Postcode: Ann am Beurla (In English) Telephone: Options WAS St Columba a Protestant? This Most monks fled to Ireland after that but I would like to purchase: was one question that was raised at a in 1203 Benedictine monks founded another  for recent conference on the Hebridean monastery on the island. Augustinian nuns Maryʼs Journey by Mary Ross 99p larger Island of Iona. followed suit. By the early 20th century the  orders They Rose Again by Harry Conroy 99p Next year it will be the 1450th anniver- abbey and nunnery had fallen into disrepair.   please sary since the saint first landed there to The Iona Community was founded in Postage and Packaging (1-2 books) £2.00 (3-5 books) £3.00 call build a monastery. Ahead of the big day, 1938 and it restored the abbey. The ecu- Historic Scotland which owns the site is menical institution today works for social Total encouraging research in preparation for new justice and will celebrate their 75th interpretation of the abbey. Folklore, anniversary next year. You can pay by a variety of methods: archaeology and the many carved stones Apparently many denominations claim By cheque or postal order made out to The Scottish Catholic Observer. and crosses were among the subjects dis- St Columba as one of the founding fathers You can phone us or to pay by card simply fill in your details below: cussed. One lecturer suggested the Viking of their tradition. Presbyterians say that he   raid of 1209/10 was in fact originally never was a bishop, and suggest that this Please debit my: Visa Mastercard planned as a trip by the Norwegian king and must have meant his disenchantment with     Card Number: / / / archbishop in order to ensure the continuous the Catholic Church. Catholics respond that    allegiance of the Hebrides. The brutal the life of the monastery was indeed fol- Expiry date: / Security Code: attacks that followed were not planned. lowing Catholic traditions. Signature: