University of Pennsylvania ScholarlyCommons CUREJ - College Undergraduate Research Electronic Journal College of Arts and Sciences 5-15-2017 Crystallizing a Discourse of "Khalijiness": Exclusion and Citizenship in the Arab Gulf States Khaled A. Abdulkarim University of Pennsylvania, Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Near Eastern Languages and Societies Commons Recommended Citation Abdulkarim, Khaled A., "Crystallizing a Discourse of "Khalijiness": Exclusion and Citizenship in the Arab Gulf States" 15 May 2017. CUREJ: College Undergraduate Research Electronic Journal, University of Pennsylvania, A senior thesis submitted to the Huntsman Program in Business and International Studies, the University of Pennsylvania, in partial fulfillment of the program degree requirements. This paper is posted at ScholarlyCommons. For more information, please contact Crystallizing a Discourse of "Khalijiness": Exclusion and Citizenship in the Arab Gulf States Abstract For many of the Arab Gulf countries, non-national populations constitute the majority of the population, with the discrepancy between the size of the national and non-national populations continuing to grow. It is in this context that the role played by these non-national populations becomes critically important. In my paper, I argue that exclusion of non-national populations from state-sponsored national identities, as manifest through citizenship rights, plays a pivotal role in fostering imagined national identities and communities among the local Arab Gulf citizens. The study considers two cases in particular: the bidoon (stateless) of Kuwait and middle-class Indian migrants in Dubai.
Candidates Nominated to the Board of Directors in Gjensidige Forsikring ASA
Office translation for information purpose only Appendix 18 Candidates nominated to the Board of Directors in Gjensidige Forsikring ASA Per Andersen Born in 1947, lives in Oslo Occupation/position: Managing Director, Det norske myntverket AS Education/background: Chartered engineer and Master of Science in Business and Economics, officer’s training school, Director of Marketing and Sales and other positions with IBM, CEO of Gjensidige, CEO of Posten Norge and Managing Director of ErgoGroup, senior consultant to the CEO of Posten Norge, CEO of Lindorff. Trond Vegard Andersen Born in 1960, lives in Fredrikstad Occupation/position: Managing Director of Fredrikstad Energi AS Education/background: Certified public accountant and Master of Science in Business and Economics from the Norwegian School of Business Economics and Administration (NHH) Offices for Gjensidige: Member of owner committee in East Norway Organisational experience: Chairman of the Board for all FEAS subsidiaries, board member for Værste AS (regional development in Fredrikstad) Hans-Erik Folke Andersson Born in 1950, Swedish, lives in Djursholm Occupation/position: Consultant, former Managing Director of insurance company Skandia, Nordic Director for Marsh & McLennan and Executive Director of Mercantile & General Re Education/background: Statistics, economy, business law and administration from Stockholm University Offices for Gjensidige: Board member since 2008 Organisational experience: Chairman of the Board of Semcon AB, Erik Penser Bankaktiebolag and Canvisa AB and a board member of Cision AB. Per Engebreth Askildsrud Born in 1950, lives in Jevnaker Occupation/position: Lawyer, own practice Education/background: Law Offices for Gjensidige: Chairman of the owner committee Laila S. Dahlen Born in 1968, lives in Oslo Occupation/position: Currently at home on maternity leave.
2015/1861 of 18 October 2015 Amending Regulation (EU) No 267/2012 Concerning Restrictive Measures Against Iran
18.10.2015 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 274/1 II (Non-legislative acts) REGULATIONS COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) 2015/1861 of 18 October 2015 amending Regulation (EU) No 267/2012 concerning restrictive measures against Iran THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 215 thereof, Having regard to Council Decision 2010/413/CFSP of 26 July 2010 concerning restrictive measures against Iran and repealing Common Position 2007/140/CFSP (1), Having regard to the joint proposal of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and of the European Commission, Whereas: (1) Council Regulation (EU) No 267/2012 (2) gives effect to the measures provided for in Decision 2010/413/CFSP. (2) On 18 October 2015, the Council adopted Decision (CFSP) 2015/1863 (3) amending Decision 2010/413/CFSP, providing for certain measures in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2231 (2015) endorsing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action of 14 July 2015 (‘JCPOA’) on the Iran nuclear issue and providing for actions to take place in accordance with the JCPOA. (3) UNSCR 2231 (2015) determines that upon verification by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of the implementation of Iran's nuclear-related commitments as set out in the JCPOA, the provisions of UNSCRs 1696 (2006), 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008), 1835 (2008), 1929 (2010) and 2224 (2015) are to be terminated. (4) UNSCR 2231 (2015) further determines that States are to comply with the relevant provisions contained in Annex B to UNSCR 2231 (2015) aimed at promoting transparency and creating an atmosphere conducive to the full implementation of the JCPOA.
The Supervisory Board of Gjensidige Forsikring ASA
The Supervisory Board of Gjensidige Forsikring ASA Name Office Born Lives in Occupation/position Education/background Organisational experience Bjørn Iversen Member 1948 Reinsvoll Farmer Degree in agricultural economics, Head of the Oppland county branch of the the Agricultural University of Norwegian Farmers' Union 1986–1989, Norway in 1972. Landbrukets head of the Norwegian Farmers' Union sentralforbund 1972–1974, Norges 1991–1997, chair of the supervisory board Kjøtt- og Fleskesentral 1974–1981, of Hed-Opp 1985–89, chair/member of the state secretary in the Ministry of board of several companies. Agriculture 1989–1990. Chair of the Supervisory Board and Chair of the Nomination Committee of Gjensidige Forsikring ASA. Hilde Myrberg Member 1957 Oslo MBA Insead, law degree. Deputy chair of the board of Petoro AS, member of the board of CGGVeritas SA, deputy member of Stålhammar Pro Logo AS, member of the nomination committee of Det Norske ASA, member of the nomination committee of NBT AS. Randi Dille Member 1962 Namsos Self-employed, and Economics subjects. Case Chair of the boards of Namsskogan general manager of officer/executive officer in the Familiepark, Nesset fiskemottak and Namdal Bomveiselskap, agricultural department of the Namdal Skogselskap, member of the board Namsos County Governor of Nord- of several other companies. Sits on Nord- Industribyggeselskap and Trøndelag, national recruitment Trøndelag County Council and the municipal Nordisk Reinskinn project manager for the council/municipal executive board of Compagnie DA. Norwegian Fur Breeders' Namsos municipality. Association, own company NTN AS from 1999. Benedikte Bettina Member 1963 Krokkleiva Company secretary and Law degree from the University of Deputy member of the corporate assembly Bjørn (Danish) advocate for Statoil ASA.
Water-In-Oil Emulsions Through Porous Media and the Effect
processes Brief Report Water-In-Oil Emulsions through Porous Media and the Effect of Surfactants: Theoretical Approaches Josue F. Perez-Sanchez 1,2 , Nancy P. Diaz-Zavala 1 , Susana Gonzalez-Santana 3, Elena F. Izquierdo-Kulich 3 and Edgardo J. Suarez-Dominguez 2,* 1 Centro de Investigación en Petroquímica, Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Madero-Tecnológico Nacional de México, Altamira, Tamaulipas 89600, Mexico; (J.P.-S.); (N.D.-Z.) 2 Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo, Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, Tampico, Tamaulipas 89000, Mexico 3 Departamento de Química-Física, Facultad de Química, Universidad de la Habana, La Habana 10400, Cuba; (S.G.-S.); (E.I.-K.) * Correspondence:; Tel.: +528332412000 (ext. 3586) Received: 14 August 2019; Accepted: 9 September 2019; Published: 12 September 2019 Abstract: The most complex components in heavy crude oils tend to form aggregates that constitute the dispersed phase in these fluids, showing the high viscosity values that characterize them. Water-in-oil (W/O) emulsions are affected by the presence and concentration of this phase in crude oil. In this paper, a theoretical study based on computational chemistry was carried out to determine the molecular interaction energies between paraffin–asphaltenes–water and four surfactant molecules to predict their effect in W/O emulsions and the theoretical influence on the pressure drop behavior for fluids that move through porous media. The mathematical model determined a typical behavior of the fluid when the parameters of the system are changed (pore size, particle size, dispersed phase fraction in the fluid, and stratified fluid) and the viscosity model determined that two of the surfactant molecules are suitable for applications in the destabilization of W/O emulsions.
BI Norwegian Business School - campus Oslo GRA 19703 Master Thesis Thesis Master of Science Evaluating the Predictive Power of Leading Indicators Used by Analysts to Predict the Stock Return for Norwegian Listed Companies Navn: Amanda Marit Ackerman Myhre Hadi Khaddaj Start: 15.01.2020 09.00 Finish: 01.09.2020 12.00 GRA 19703 0981324 0983760 Evaluating the Predictive Power of Leading Indicators Used by Analysts to Predict the Stock Return for Norwegian Listed Companies Supervisor: Ignacio Garcia de Olalla Lopez Programme: Master of Science in Business with Major in Accounting and Business Control Abstract This paper studies the predictive power of leading indicators used by interviewed analysts to predict the monthly excess stock returns for some of the most influential Norwegian companies listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. The thesis primarily seeks to evaluate whether a multiple factor forecast model or a forecast combination model incorporating additional explanatory variables have the ability to outperform a five common factor (FCF) benchmark forecast model containing common factors for the Norwegian stock market. The in-sample and out-of- sample forecasting results indicate that a multiple factor forecast model fails to outperform the FCF benchmark model. Interestingly, a forecast combination model with additional explanatory variables for the Norwegian market is expected to outperform the FCF benchmark forecast model. GRA 19703 0981324 0983760 Acknowledgements This thesis was written as the final piece of assessment after five years at BI Norwegian Business School and marks the completion of the Master of Science in Business program. We would like to thank our supervisor Ignacio Garcia de Olalla Lopez for his help and guidance through this process.
Anatomy of the 10-Year Cycle in Crude Oil Prices Philip K. Verleger
Anatomy of the 10-Year Cycle in Crude Oil Prices Philip K. Verleger, Jr. David Mitchell/EnCana Professor of Strategy and International Management Haskayne School of Business University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada March 2009 John Wiley & Sons published Twilight in the Desert in 2005. The book’s author, Mat- thew Simmons, contends the world will confront very high and rising oil prices shortly because the capacity of Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil producer, is insufficient to meet the future needs of oil consumers. In 448 pages, Simmons extensively discusses his views regarding Saudi Arabia’s future production levels. He asserts that the Saudis have refused to provide details about their reserves, insinuating at several points that the Kingdom’s leaders withhold information to keep the truth from the public. At its core, Simmons’ book is no more than a long exposition of the peak oil theory first espoused by King Hubbert in 1956. Hubbert, it may be recalled, studied the pattern of discovery of super giant oil fields. His review led him to conclude that world productive capacity would peak and then begin to decline. In 1974, Hubbert suggested the global zenith would occur around 1995. Simmons and other adherents to the “peak oil theory” enjoyed great prominence in the first half of 2008. Again and again, one read or heard that the oil price rise was occurring be- cause the flow from world oil reserves had reached or was approaching the maximum while de- mand was still growing. Here’s what one economist wrote just as prices peaked: Until this decade, the capacity to supply oil had been growing just as fast as de- mand, leaving plenty of room to expand production at the first sign of rising pric- es.
U.S.-Canada Cross- Border Petroleum Trade: An Assessment of Energy Security and Economic Benefits March 2021 Submitted to: American Petroleum Institute 200 Massachusetts Ave NW Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20001 Submitted by: Kevin DeCorla-Souza ICF Resources L.L.C. 9300 Lee Hwy Fairfax, VA 22031 U.S.-Canada Cross-Border Petroleum Trade: An Assessment of Energy Security and Economic Benefits This report was commissioned by the American Petroleum Institute (API) 2 U.S.-Canada Cross-Border Petroleum Trade: An Assessment of Energy Security and Economic Benefits Table of Contents I. Executive Summary ...................................................................................................... 4 II. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 6 III. Overview of U.S.-Canada Petroleum Trade ................................................................. 7 U.S.-Canada Petroleum Trade Volumes Have Surged ........................................................... 7 Petroleum Is a Major Component of Total U.S.-Canada Bilateral Trade ................................. 8 IV. North American Oil Production and Refining Markets Integration ...........................10 U.S.-Canada Oil Trade Reduces North American Dependence on Overseas Crude Oil Imports ..................................................................................................................................10 Cross-Border Pipelines Facilitate U.S.-Canada Oil Market Integration...................................14