Elder Neal A. Maxwell, In Memoriam, p. 10 Feast upon the Words of Christ, p. 42 Missions for Two, p. 20 Joseph Receiving the Plates from Angel Moroni, by Tom Holdman BE COPIED NOT ORS’ CENTER, MAY “On the twenty-second day of September, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, . . . the . . . heavenly messenger delivered them up to me with this charge: that I should be responsible for them; . . . that if I would use all my endeavors to preserve them, until he, the messenger, should call for them, they should be protected” (Joseph Smith—History 1:59). FROM THE HILL CUMORAH VISIT SEPTEMBER 2004 • VOLUME 34, NUMBER 9

2 FIRST PRESIDENCY MESSAGE In Opposition to Evil President Gordon B. Hinckley 7 Light and Growth Elder Lynn A. Mickelsen 10 Elder Neal Ash Maxwell: A Promise Fulfilled 14 We Must Raise Our Sights Elder Henry B. Eyring 20 Couple Missionaries: Going the Second Mile LaRene Porter Gaunt 24 Called to Serve Coleen K. Menlove 28 Teaching as the Savior Taught Elder Walter F. González We Must Raise 32 BOOK OF MORMON PRINCIPLES 14 Our Sights Turning the Other Cheek Elder James Dunlop 35 BOOK OF MORMON PRINCIPLES Shunning Satan’s Snares Elder Joseph T. Hicken 38 Finding Freedom Name Withheld 42 Feast upon the Words of Christ Elder Spencer J. Condie 46 Putting Family First in Ukraine Marina Mikhailovskaya and Benjamin Gaines Teaching as the 50 The Link in the Chain Eva Fry 28 Savior Taught 52 Family Home Evening Suggestion Box 56 The Unexpected Lesson Marian Pond 58 Compassion for Those Who Struggle Name Withheld 63 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS How can I develop better relationships with my non-LDS neighbors? 66 LATTER-DAY SAINT VOICES Feast upon the 71 VISITING TEACHING MESSAGE 42 Words of Christ Feeling the Love of the Lord through Generosity Turning the 32 Other Cheek 72 RANDOM SAMPLER 74 NEWS OF THE CHURCH

AN OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE CHURCH Rebecca M. Taylor, Roger Terry, Monica Weeks TO CHANGE ADDRESS: Send both old and new address OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS information to Distribution Services at the above address. MANAGING ART DIRECTOR: M. M. Kawasaki Please allow 60 days for changes to take effect. THE FIRST PRESIDENCY: Gordon B. Hinckley, ART DIRECTOR: J. Scott Knudsen Thomas S. Monson, James E. Faust DESIGN AND PRODUCTION STAFF: C. Kimball Bott, SUBMIT MANUSCRIPTS OR ART TO: Ensign Editorial, Room 2420, 50 E. North Temple Street, , UT 84150-3220, USA. QUORUM OF THE TWELVE: Boyd K. Packer, L. Tom Perry, Thomas S. Child, Colleen Hinckley, Tadd R. Peterson, Kari A. Todd Unsolicited material is welcome, but no responsibility is David B. Haight, Neal A. Maxwell, Russell M. Nelson, assumed. For return, include self-addressed, stamped envelope. Dallin H. Oaks, M. Russell Ballard, Joseph B. Wirthlin, MARKETING MANAGER: Larry Hiller E-mail: [email protected] Ensign Richard G. Scott, Robert D. Hales, Jeffrey R. Holland, PRINTING DIRECTOR: Craig K. Sedgwick can be found on the Internet at Click on Henry B. Eyring DISTRIBUTION DIRECTOR: Kris T Christensen “Gospel Library.” EDITOR: Jay E. Jensen © 2004 BY INTELLECTUAL RESERVE, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Text and visual material in the Ensign may be copied for ADVISERS: Monte J. Brough, W. Rolfe Kerr The Ensign (ISSN 0884-1136) is published monthly by incidental, noncommercial church or home use. Visual material MANAGING DIRECTOR: David Frischknecht The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 50 E. may not be copied if restrictions are indicated in the credit PLANNING AND EDITORIAL DIRECTOR: Victor D. Cave North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA. line with the artwork. Copyright questions should be addressed GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Allan R. Loyborg Periodicals Postage Paid at Salt Lake City, , and at to Intellectual Property Office, 50 E. North Temple Street, additional mailing offices. Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3011; telephone: 801-240-3959; MAGAZINES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR: Richard M. Romney e-mail: [email protected]. MANAGING EDITOR: Don L. Searle TO SUBSCRIBE: By phone, call 1-800-537-5971 to order The Unexpected POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Distribution Services, EDITORIAL STAFF: Collette Nebeker Aune, Susan Barrett, using Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card, or American P.O. Box 26368, Salt Lake City, UT 84126-0368, USA. 56 Lesson Linda Stahle Cooper, Marvin K. Gardner, LaRene Gaunt, Express. Online, go to By mail, send Sara R. George, Jenifer L. Greenwood, Carrie Kasten, $10 U.S. check or money order to Distribution Services, CANADA POST INFORMATION: Publication Agreement Sally J. Odekirk, Adam C. Olson, Judith M. Paller, P.O. Box 26368, Salt Lake City, UT 84126-0368. #40017431


ne evening I picked up the morning press, freedom of choice in so-called personal paper, which I had not previously matters. But the bitter fruit of these so-called Oread, and thumbed through its freedoms has been enslavement to debauch- pages. My eyes stopped on the theater ads, ing habits and behavior that leads only to so many of them an open appeal to witness destruction. A prophet, speaking long ago, that which is debauching, that which leads aptly described the process when he said, to violence and illicit sex. “And thus the devil cheateth their souls, and I turned to my mail and found a small leadeth them away carefully down to hell” magazine which lists the television fare for (2 Nephi 28:21). the coming week and saw titles of shows On the other hand, I am satisfied that there aimed in the same direction. A news maga- are millions upon millions of good people in Let our voices be zine lay on my desk. This particular issue was this and in other lands. For the most part, heard. I hope they will devoted to the rising crime rate. Articles in husbands are faithful to wives, and wives to not be shrill voices, but the magazine spoke of additional billions for husbands. Their children are being reared I hope we shall speak increased police forces and larger prisons. in sobriety, industry, and faith in God. Given with such conviction The flood of pornographic filth, the inordi- the strength of these, I am one who believes that those to whom , POSED BY MODELS , POSED BY nate emphasis on sex and violence are not that the situation is far from hopeless. I am we speak shall know peculiar to North America. The situation is satisfied that there is no need to stand still of the strength of as bad in Europe and in many other areas. and let the filth and violence overwhelm us our feeling and the The whole dismal picture indicates a weaken- or to run in despair. The tide, high and men- sincerity of our effort. ing rot seeping into the very fiber of society. acing as it is, can be turned back if enough Legal restraints against deviant moral of the kind I have mentioned will add their behavior are eroding under legislative enact- strength to the strength of the few who are ments and court opinions. This is done in the now effectively working. I believe the chal-

PHOTOGRAPHY BY MATTHEW REIER AND CHRISTINA SMITH MATTHEW BY PHOTOGRAPHY name of freedom of speech, freedom of the lenge to oppose this evil is one from which

ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 3 members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day are the pure in heart: for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). Saints, as citizens, cannot shrink. A wise man once said, “Make of yourself an honest man, I should like to suggest four points of beginning in our and there will be one rascal fewer in the world.” efforts to oppose the tide of evil. And it was Shakespeare who put into the mouth of one The first: Begin with yourself. Reformation of the world of his characters this persuasive injunction: “To thine own begins with reformation of self. It is a fundamental article self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou of our faith that “we believe in being honest, true, chaste, canst not then be false to any man.”1 benevolent, [and] virtuous” (Articles of Faith 1:13). I should like to give to all men and women who may We cannot hope to influence others in the direction of read these words a challenge to lift their thoughts above virtue unless we live lives of virtue. The example of our liv- the filth, to discipline their acts into examples of virtue, ing will carry a greater influence than will all the preaching to control their words so that they speak only that which in which we might indulge. We cannot expect to lift others is uplifting and leads to growth. unless we stand on higher ground ourselves. And now my second point of beginning: A better Respect for self is the beginning of virtue in men. That tomorrow begins with the training of a better generation. man who knows that he is a child of God, created in the This places upon parents the responsibility to do a more image of a divine Father and gifted with a potential for the effective work in the rearing of children. The home is the exercise of great and godlike virtues, will discipline him- cradle of virtue, the place where character is formed and self against the sordid, lascivious elements to which all are habits are established. Family home evening is the oppor- exposed. Said Alma to his son Helaman, “Look to God and tunity to teach the ways of the Lord. live” (Alma 37:47). You know that your children will read. They will read It is a matter of more than passing interest that the Lord, books, and they will read magazines and newspapers. as He spoke to the mul- Cultivate within them a taste for the best. While they are titude on the mount, very young, read to them the great stories which have included this mar- become immortal because of the virtues they teach. velous declara- Expose them to good books. Let there be a corner some- tion: “Blessed where in your house, be it ever so small, where they will see at least a few books of the kind upon which great minds have been nourished. Let there be good magazines about the house, those which are produced by the Church and by others, which will stimulate their thoughts to ennobling concepts. Let them read a good family newspaper that they may know what is going on in the world without being exposed to the debasing advertising and writing so widely found. When there is a good movie in town, con- sider going to the theater as a family. Your very patronage will give encourage- ment to those who wish to produce this type of entertainment. And use

4 who believes that we should earnestly and sincerely and positively express our convictions to those given the heavy responsibility of making and enforcing our laws. The sad fact is that the minority who call for greater liberalization, who peddle and devour pornography, who encourage and feed on licentious display that most remarkable of all tools of communication, tele- make their voices heard until those in our legislatures vision, to enrich their lives. There is so much that is good, may come to believe that what they say represents the but it requires selectivity. Let those who are responsible for will of the majority. We are not likely to get that which any efforts to put suitable family entertainment on tele- we do not speak up for. vision know of your appreciation for that which is good Let our voices be heard. I hope they will not be shrill and also of your displeasure with that which is bad. In voices, but I hope we shall speak with such conviction that large measure, we get what we ask for. The problem is those to whom we speak shall know of the strength of our that so many of us fail to ask and, more frequently, fail to feeling and the sincerity of our effort. Remarkable conse- express gratitude for that which is good. quences often flow from a well-written letter and a postage Let there be music in the home. If you have teenagers stamp. Remarkable results come of quiet conversation with who have their own recordings, you will be prone to those who carry heavy responsibilities. describe the sound as something other than music. Let Declared the Lord to this people: them hear something better occasionally. Expose them “Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are lay- to it. It will speak for itself. More appreciation will come ing the foundation of a great work. And out of small things than you may think. It may not be spoken, but it will be proceedeth that which is great. felt, and its influence will become increasingly manifest “Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing as the years pass. mind” (D&C 64:33–34). Now my third point of beginning: The building of This is the essence of the matter—“the heart and a public sentiment begins with a few earnest voices. I am willing mind.” Speak to those who enact the regulations, not one to advocate shouting defiantly or shaking fists the statutes, and the laws—those in government on local, and issuing threats in the faces of legislators. But I am one state, and national levels and those who occupy positions of responsibility as administrators of our schools. Of course, there will be some who will slam the door, some who will scoff. Discouragement may come. It has always been thus. Edmund Burke, speaking on the floor of the House of Commons in 1783, declared concerning the advocate of an unpopular cause: “He well knows what snares are spread about his path. . . . He is traduced and abused for his supposed motives.

ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 5 He will remember that obloquy is a necessary ingredient “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the in the composition of all true glory: he will remember power of his might. . . . that calumny and abuse are essential parts of triumph.”2 “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able The Apostle Paul, in his defense before Agrippa, to stand against the wiles of the devil. gave an account of his miraculous conversion while on “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the way to Damascus, declaring that the voice of the principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the Lord commanded him to “rise, and stand upon thy feet” darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high (Acts 26:16). places. I think the Lord would say to us, “Rise, and stand upon “Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, thy feet, and speak up for truth and goodness and decency that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having and virtue.” done all, to stand” (Ephesians 6:10–13). Finally, my fourth point of beginning: Strength to do The tide of evil flows. Today it has become a veritable battle begins with enlisting the strength of God. He is flood. Most of us, living somewhat sheltered lives, have lit- the source of all true power. tle idea of the vast dimensions of it. Billions of dollars are Declared Paul to the Ephesians: involved for those who pour out pornography, for those who peddle lasciviousness, for those who deal in perver- sion, in sex and violence. God give us the strength, the IDEAS FOR HOME TEACHERS wisdom, the faith, the courage as citizens to stand in oppo- sition to these and to let our voices be heard in defense of After you prayerfully prepare, share this message using a those virtues which, when practiced in the past, made men method that encourages the participation of those you teach. and nations strong, and which, when neglected, brought A few examples follow: them to decay. 1. Ask family members if any of them have ever spoken out God lives. He is our strength for good entertainment in the community. Have they discussed the and our helper. As we strive, subject with friends and associates? Ask them to brainstorm what we shall discover that legions they might do to support entertainment that is uplifting. of good men and women 2. Read the quotation from Hamlet shared by President Hinckley, will join with us. Let us “To thine own self be true . . . ,” and then the latter part of D&C begin now. ■ 121:45, beginning with “Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceas- ingly.” Ask family members how we are being true to ourselves NOTES 1. Hamlet, act 1, scene when we maintain virtuous thoughts and what the scripture 3, lines 78–80. 2. Quoted in John F. means for us as individuals when it says, “Then shall thy confi- Kennedy, Profiles dence wax strong in the presence of God.” in Courage (1956), vi. 3. Read the quotation from Edmund Burke. Talk about the costs of courage; emphasize the benefits of speaking out for a righteous cause. 4. Ask family members to suggest some ways they as individ- uals can heed President Hinckley’s call to begin now in the fight against evil in society.



few years ago I was impressed by as the better-known photosynthesis). an advertisement for a fiber-optic Without light, the plant dies. Fiber optics, A glass products company with the which serve as the transmission lines of caption “Light is the controlling force.” modern telephone communication and The illustration showed a corn seed with many other important technological applica- a small leaf extending above the surface of tions, were patterned after this process. the ground and an extensive “fiber optic” As I thought about this process, I was root system below the ground, filled with impressed with the parallel between the role the light of the sun. of light in a plant’s life and in our own lives. I have a background in farming, so the ad Plants always grow toward the light. A sun- naturally led me to ponder the role of light in If we follow the Lord, flower follows the sun across the sky every a plant’s development. When the shoot of a we will receive the day until it becomes “stiff-necked”; then it plant breaks through the surface of the soil, blessings of eternal withers and dies. When a potato seed sprouts it begins to conduct sunlight all the way light and life that and begins to grow, a clean white stem grows down to the tips of the plant’s roots. This only He can give. upward through the earth toward the light. light tells a plant how high to grow, how A fungal disease called rhizoctonia may attack many leaves to sprout, when to flower, when the tender stem. If allowed to progress, the to set fruit, and when to age—a process fungus destroys the stem so that the light called photomorphogenesis (not the same cannot reach the root system. Yet if the stem PHOTOGRAPHY BY ROBERT CASEY BY PHOTOGRAPHY ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 7 can reach the surface of the earth and form lants always shine upon them, and behold they were as leaves, the light can reach the root system, and follow the white as the countenance and also the gar- the potato plant becomes strong enough to P light, which ments of Jesus; and behold the whiteness overcome the fungal enemy. governs their thereof did exceed all the whiteness, yea, In our spiritual lives, our growth is deter- growth. Similarly, even there could be nothing upon earth so mined by how we follow the Son—the Son of as we follow the white as the whiteness thereof” (3 Nephi God—and allow His light to be the controlling light, we progress 19:25). Daily prayer keeps our eye single to force. If we become stiff-necked and cease to spiritually. His glory and facing toward the light. look to His light, or if we allow sin to damage We must repent of our sins. Nephi and his our receptors for light, we will die spiritually. brother Lehi were cast into prison by the ene- But if we obey the commandments, we come mies of the Church because of their great suc- closer to God and gain greater light. This cess in preaching to the Lamanites. After many increase in light stimulates the “photomorpho- days their captors came into the prison to slay genesis” of our spiritual lives and governs our them, but they were protected as they were spiritual progress. encircled about by a pillar of fire and their What are some of the things we must do to captors were covered by a cloud of darkness. receive of this eternal, life-giving light? The earth trembled, but the captors could not We must have faith in the Lord. The prophet Alma flee because of the cloud and because of their fear. compares the word of God to a seed and challenges us to The voice of the Lord came to the people through the begin with a desire to believe; then, when the seed begins cloud and commanded them three times to repent. The to sprout in our hearts, our understanding will be enlight- people asked, “What shall we do, that this cloud of dark- ened and our faith will grow (see Alma 32:27–30). Faith ness may be removed from overshadowing us?” A man opens the windows of our hearts to the light of Christ and among them named Aminadab, who had once belonged chases darkness from us. As our faith increases, we grow to the Church, told them they must repent and cry unto toward the light, and our capacity to receive that light is God. As they did so, the darkness dispersed, the captors magnified (see D&C 50:24). were encircled about with a pillar of fire, and the Holy We must pray. The Lord’s instructions are explicit: we Spirit entered their hearts; they were filled with light must ask, seek, and knock to receive the promises He has as they were baptized by fire (see Helaman 5:14–49; made to us (see Matthew 7:7; Luke 11:9; 3 Nephi 14:7; 3 Nephi 9:20). D&C 88:63). Any great outpouring of light has always been Sin limits light. As we follow the counsel of the Lord and given in answer to prayer. The Nephites experienced repent of our sins, we open the way for this same infusion this when the Savior visited them: “And it of light and baptism by fire. came to pass that Jesus blessed them We must covenant to follow as they did pray unto him; and his the Son by baptism. Nephi countenance did smile upon declared, “Wherefore, them, and the light of his my beloved brethren, countenance did I know that if ye shall follow

8 the Son, with full purpose of other. He taught us to love one heart, acting no hypocrisy and another and to share the bless- no deception before God, but ings of the gospel. His clarion with real intent, repenting of call was: “The time has come your sins, witnessing unto the for us to stand a little taller. . . . Father that ye are willing to take This is a season to be strong. upon you the name of Christ, by It is a time to move forward baptism—yea, by following your without hesitation. . . . Lord and your Savior down into [It is a time] to become the water, according to his word, f we will allow the light more Christlike. . . . behold, then shall ye receive the of the Savior to be the “Unitedly, working hand in Holy Ghost; yea, then cometh I controlling force in our hand, we shall move forward the baptism of fire and of the lives, the light within us as servants of the living God, Holy Ghost” (2 Nephi 31:13). will grow “brighter and doing the work of His Beloved The covenant of baptism by water brighter until the perfect Son, our Master, whom we is a prerequisite to receiving the day” (D&C 50:24). serve and whose name we seek light that accompanies the gift of to glorify.”1 the Holy Ghost. Each week we As we follow the prophet, may renew this sacred covenant as we partake of the sacra- we can enjoy blessings similar to that which the children ment, thereby increasing our access to the Savior’s light. of Israel were given: “And the Lord went before them . . . We must look to our patriarchal blessings. Our patriar- to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to chal blessings can be a significant source of light. I shall be give them light” (Exodus 13:21). The prophet reflects the forever grateful for a patriarchal blessing that promised me light of the Lord, which can guide us as we travel along “flashes from the eternal storehouse of truth,” for indeed our mortal journey. that promise has been repeatedly fulfilled. We must seek May we all prepare that our eyes, hearts, and minds the light that the Lord has personally promised each of us may serve as conduits for celestial light. I promise you and live up to the heritage to which we have been called. that as we expose our lives to greater light, we will con- The Apostle Peter taught, “But ye are a chosen generation, tinue to grow spiritually, and the light within us will grow a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that “brighter and brighter until the perfect day” (D&C 50:24). ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called I am grateful for the light of the Restoration, which has you out of darkness into his marvellous light” (1 Peter 2:9). made possible the fulness of God’s blessings for His chil- We must follow the prophet. When we sustained dren. Jesus is the Christ, the Light and Life of the World. BY HARRY ANDERSON HARRY BY , President Gordon B. Hinckley in April 1995, he reiterated He lives; I know He lives, and if we follow Him, we will the teachings of those who had gone before with a receive the blessings of eternal light and life that only challenge to pray; read the scriptures; partake of the He can give. ■ sacrament every week; go to the temple; be more kind, NOTE patient, and loving; and be loyal to the Lord and to each 1. “This Is the Work of the Master,” Ensign, May 1995, 71. DETAIL FROM THE SECOND COMING DETAIL ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 9 Elder Neal Ash Maxwell A Promise Fulfilled 6 JULY 1926–21 JULY 2004

s a soldier under heavy enemy fire in World War II, Commissioner of Church Education, a member of the young Neal Maxwell promised that if the Lord Young Men general board, and as a regional representative. A would preserve his life, he would dedicate that “As long as our hearts pump,” Elder Maxwell said, “some life to the Lord’s service. of the time they should pulsate because we’re reaching The Lord spared his life. out to others. And as long as there is breath in our lungs, Young Neal kept his promise. some of that breath should be used to bestow on others Almost 60 years later, on 21 July 2004, the Lord released deserved commendation and needed encouragement” Elder Neal Ash Maxwell of the Quorum of the Twelve (quoted in “Research Foundation Honors Elder Maxwell,” Apostles from his mortal service after an eight-year battle Ensign, Aug. 2002, 77). with leukemia. He was 78. Service in Seeming Obscurity A Lifetime of Service At his funeral, held on 27 July in the Tabernacle on “The death of this wonderful leader brings to a close a Temple Square, Elder Maxwell was also remembered for chapter in Church history spanning over 30 years of faith- his service to his wife, Colleen; 4 children; 24 grand- ful leadership,” said President Gordon B. Hinckley. “Elder children; and 2 great-grandchildren. He was the son Maxwell’s lifetime of service to the Church and his country of Clarence H. and Emma Ash Maxwell. reached across borders into the hearts and homes of peo- “In a world filled with much laboring and striving in ple throughout the entire world.” parliaments, congresses, agencies, and corporate offices,” Elder Maxwell died on the 23rd anniversary of his 1981 Elder Maxwell taught, “God’s extraordinary work is most call as an Apostle. Prior to that call he served two years as often done by ordinary people in the seeming obscurity an Assistant to the Twelve and five years in the Presidency of a home and family” (That My Family Should Partake of the Seventy. Elder Maxwell also served as a bishop, [1974], 122).

10 called her a “more complete” Christian than he, referring to her high desire to serve and low need for recognition.

A Career in Public Service With bachelor’s and master’s degrees in political science, Elder Maxwell spent the beginning of his career in politics. He worked in Washington, D.C., as a legislative assistant and later taught political science at the University of Utah. At one time he was encouraged to run for political office. But Elder Maxwell’s early experiences taught him “that the living of one protective principle of the gospel is better than a thou- sand compensatory governmental programs— which programs are, so often, like ‘straight- ening deck chairs on the Titanic’ ” (“Why Not Now?” Ensign, Nov. 1974, 12). As an educator, Elder Maxwell won a place as a student favorite at the University of Utah. He became an assistant to the president, dean of students, and finally executive vice president. In his final conference address he warned: “Do not expect the world’s solu- tions to the world’s problems to be very Opposite page (from left): As an infantry soldier in World effective. . . . Only the gospel is constantly relevant, and War II, 1944. Displaying numerous ribbons earned while the substitute things won’t work” (“Remember How raising pigs. As a missionary to eastern Canada, 1947–48. Merciful the Lord Hath Been,” Liahona and Ensign, May Above: Elder Neal A. Maxwell of the Quorum of the Twelve 2004, 45). Apostles. A Way with Words Elder Maxwell saw himself as one of those ordinary Elder Maxwell will be remembered in part for his ability to people striving to do an extraordinary work. He focused eloquently express himself. He discovered early his talent for on his family. “We knew my father had a heavy commitment turning a phrase, and during his 78 years he wrote some 30 to his ministry,” his son, Cory, said in a funeral address. “But books and countless talks. Under inspiration he achieved a we also knew he not only loved us, he loved to spend time mastery of words that has moved millions. with us.” “When he opened his mouth, we all listened,” said Elder Maxwell often expressed deep admiration for his President Hinckley in a funeral tribute. “His genius was a wife of almost 54 years and her “spiritual instincts.” He product of diligence. He was a perfectionist, determined

ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 11 A Living Sermon Elder Maxwell’s teaching did not begin or end with words. “Deeds,” he taught, “not words—and becoming, not describing—are dominant in true discipleship” (“Becoming a Disciple,” Ensign, June 1996, 14). His most eloquent sermon was the manner in which he lived. His was a sincere effort to become a true disciple of the Savior, Above: Organizing games with some of his grandchildren. Right: Making a presentation at a University of Utah board of regents meeting. Far right top: With his wife, Colleen Hinckley Maxwell. Far right bottom: Speaking at April 1997 general regardless of the conference and challenges faced. He expressing gratitude believed that “the only for the treatments real veneration of that, while causing his Jesus is emulation of hair loss, had allowed Him. Indeed, striving him to come “thus far.” to extract from each phrase and sentence to become like Him is every drop of nourishment that could be a special way of bearing and sharing our testi- produced. Each talk was a masterpiece, mony of Him” (Even As I Am [1982], 2). each book a work of art worthy of repeated Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the reading. I think we shall not see one like Twelve Apostles said that an example of living him again.” testimony was found in Elder Maxwell’s life: Elder Maxwell cultivated his ability to “His courage, his submissive attitude in express important ideas in insightful ways, accepting his affliction with cancer, and his but he taught that it is the Spirit who commu- stalwart continued service have ministered nicates truth to those who hear. “The Spirit,” comfort to thousands and taught eternal he said, “can help those to whom you testify principles to millions. His example shows to likewise catch hold of your words in a way that the Lord will not only consecrate our that their minds and hearts will grasp them” afflictions for our gain, but He will use them (“Testifying of the Great and Glorious to bless the lives of countless others” (“Give Atonement,” Liahona, Apr. 2002, 12; Ensign, Thanks in All Things,” Liahona and Ensign, Oct. 2001, 15). May 2003, 98).


Elder Maxwell loved the Lord and knew of His love for us, explaining “we may turn from him, but he is still there. We may feel that he is hidden from us because of the cloud cover of our concerns, but he is still close to us. We—not he—let something come between us, but no lasting eclipse need ensue. . . . Our disregard of him is no match for his love of us. Yes, Jesus of Nazareth At his funeral, speakers offered the following lived! He lives now! He guides his Church!” (“All Hell tributes to Elder Neal A. Maxwell: Is Moved,” in 1977 Devotional Speeches of the Year President Gordon B. Hinckley: “He has [1978], 181). accomplished more in these past eight years [of his illness] than most men do in a lifetime. . . . Another Kind of Battle He comforted, blessed, and encouraged his fellow Elder Maxwell was first diagnosed with leukemia in sufferers. Their oppressive burdens were made 1996. Through aggressive but debilitating treatments, he lighter by this good Samaritan who bound up their was in and out of remission during the next eight years. wounds and brought the sunlight of hope into their A few years before his initial diagnosis, Elder Maxwell lives. . . . Like the Master whom he loved, he ‘went taught that although we are happier when we keep the about doing good’ ” (Acts 10:38). commandments, it is also true that “faithfulness will bring President Thomas S. Monson, First Counselor in special challenges. It seems God is always stretching those the First Presidency: “His service to the Lord’s work who meekly serve Him.” But like Abraham, Peter, Amulek, has been exemplary and without flaw. If I were and Jesus, each of us can overcome challenges to “become asked to summarize Neal’s vast influence for good a distinguished alumnus of life’s school of affliction, gradu- at home and abroad, I would choose the line: . . . ating with honors” (quoted in “Priesthood Brethren Asked ‘I served.’ Neal Maxwell served his country, his to Be Christ’s Servants,” Ensign, July 1993, 75). Church, his family, his fellowmen, his God.” Through his untiring ministry in the face of adversity, President James E. Faust, Second Counselor in Elder Maxwell has indeed graduated with honors, and the the First Presidency: “He was a great Apostle, an tears at his passing were—as he said of other passings— extraordinary human being, an exemplary son, “not of despair but . . . of appreciation and anticipation” husband, brother, father, and grandfather. He had a because “for disciples, the closing of a grave is but the clos- great mind to teach. He lived a great life to emulate ing of a door which later will be flung open with rejoicing” and had great heart. . . . The glory of God was (“All Hell Is Moved,” 181). manifested in him and in his accomplishments.” President Boyd K. Packer, Acting President of the A Promise Fulfilled Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: “He endured with In his final general conference address in April 2004, perfect patience the challenge of his last days. . . . Elder Maxwell observed that “the Lord knows how many Both Neal and Colleen . . . know for certain that miles we have to go ‘before [we] sleep’ ”(Liahona and Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, the Redeemer of Ensign, May 2004, 45). the world, that He accomplished the Atonement, Keeping the promise he made long ago in a foxhole on the Resurrection of all mankind.” a faraway hill required many miles of Elder Maxwell, but each mile was numbered by the God he served until the day his mortal service was complete. ■

ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 13 We Must Raise Our Sights

BY ELDER HENRY B. EYRING sought to inspire the young people in our Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles classes. As parents and leaders, we have he world in which young people live always had a goal that they will qualify for the is changing rapidly. When their older mission field and for temple marriage and Tbrothers and sisters return to visit the then remain faithful. Those are lofty, difficult same schools and campuses they attended, goals, but we must raise our sights. they find a radically different moral climate. Too many of our young people want the The language in the hallways and the locker blessings of a mission and the temple and yet rooms has coarsened. Clothing is less modest. fail to meet the qualifications to claim them. Pornography has moved into the open. Not For many of our youth, next year is a long As parents, teachers, only has tolerance for wickedness increased, way away, and beyond a year looks like for- leaders, and friends, but much of what was called wrong is no ever. To them, missions and the temple are our goal must be for longer condemned at all and may, even by our far distant, in some future time when the youth to become truly Latter-day Saint youth, be admired. Parents and joys of youth have flown away. Those goals converted to the leaders have in many cases bent to the pres- are distant enough that too many, far too restored gospel sures coming from a shifting world to retreat many, say to themselves: “Well, I know I may of Jesus Christ. from moral standards once widely accepted. have to repent someday, and I know that a The spiritual strength sufficient for our mission and temple marriage will require big youth to stand firm just a few years ago will changes, but I can always take care of that soon not be enough. Many of them are re- when the time comes. I have a testimony. I markable in their spiritual maturity and in know the scriptures. I know what it takes to their faith. But even the best of them are repent. I’ll see the bishop when it’s time, and sorely tested. And the testing will become I’ll make the changes later. I’m only young more severe. once. For now, I’ll go with the flow.” The youth are responsible for their own Well, the flow has become a flood and soon choices. But as faithful parents, teachers, will be a torrent. It will become a torrent of leaders, and friends, we shore up the faith of sounds and sights and sensations that invite young people. And we must raise our sights. temptation and offend the Spirit of God. The place to begin is with our aim, our Swimming back upstream to purity against the vision of what we seek in the lives of our tides of the world was never easy. It is getting young people. As teachers, we have always harder and may soon be frighteningly difficult. PHOTOGRAPH BY MATTHEW REIER MATTHEW BY PHOTOGRAPH 14 ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 15 The Pure Gospel Changes Lives Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a The pure gospel of Jesus Christ must go down into the mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no hearts of young people by the power of the Holy Ghost. It more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually. will not be enough for them to have had a spiritual witness “And we, ourselves, also, through the infinite goodness of the truth and to want good things later. It will not be of God, and the manifestations of his Spirit, have great enough for them to hope for some future cleansing and views of that which is to come; and were it expedient, we strengthening. Our aim must be for them to become truly could prophesy of all things. converted to the restored “And it is the faith which we have had on the things gospel of Jesus Christ while which our king has spoken unto us that has brought us to they are young. this great knowledge, whereby we do rejoice with such Then they will have gained exceedingly great joy. a strength from what they are, “And we are willing to enter into a covenant with not only from what they know. our God to do his will, and to be obedient to They will become disciples of his commandments in all things that he Christ. They will be His spiri- shall command us, all the remainder of our tual children who always days, that we may not bring upon ourselves remember Him with gratitude a never-ending torment, as has been spoken PAINTING BY DEL PARSON BY PAINTING and in faith. They will then by the angel, that we may not drink out of have the Holy Ghost as a con- he pure the cup of the wrath of God. stant companion. Their hearts gospel “And now, these are the will be turned outward, con- T of words which king cerned for the temporal and Jesus Christ Benjamin desired of spiritual welfare of others. They must change them; and there- will walk humbly. They will feel the hearts of fore he said unto cleansed, and they will look on young people. them: Ye have spo- evil with abhorrence. That mighty ken the words that The Book of Mormon change is I desired; and the describes such a change and tes- reported time covenant which tifies that it is possible. The after time in the ye have made accounts are found everywhere Book of Mormon, is a righ- in the book. One evidence is the as revealed by teous experience of the people of King Joseph Smith. covenant. Benjamin, the master teacher: “And now, because “And now, it came to pass that when king Benjamin had of the covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the thus spoken to his people, he sent among them, desiring children of Christ, his sons, and his daughters; for behold, to know of his people if they believed the words which he this day he hath spiritually begotten you; for ye say that had spoken unto them. your hearts are changed through faith on his name; there- “And they all cried with one voice, saying: Yea, we fore, ye are born of him and have become his sons and his believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto us; and daughters” (Mosiah 5:1–7). also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the That mighty change is reported time after time in the

16 Book of Mormon. The way it is wrought and what the per- send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a son becomes are always the same. The words of God in thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord: pure doctrine go down deep into the heart by the power “And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the of the Holy Ghost. The person pleads with God in faith. north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the The repentant heart is broken and the spirit contrite. word of the Lord, and shall not find it. Sacred covenants have been made. Then God keeps His “In that day shall the fair virgins and young men faint for covenant to grant a new heart and a new life, in His time. thirst” (Amos 8:11–13). Most of those early converts Teach in a Simple Way in England had known they were Whether the miracle comes in a moment or over years, hungry for the true word of as is far more common, it is the doctrine of Jesus Christ God. Our young people may not that drives the change. We know that they are fainting from sometimes underestimate famine, but the words of God the power that pure doc- will slake a thirst they did not trine has to penetrate the know they had, and the Holy hearts of people. Why did Ghost will take it down into their so many respond to the hearts. If we make the doctrine PAINTING BY ROBERT T. BARRETT ROBERT T. BY PAINTING words of the missionaries simple and clear, and if we teach when the Church was so young, so f we out of our own changed hearts, small, and seemingly so strange? What did make the the change for them will come Elders Brigham Young and John Taylor and I doctrine as surely as it did for Enos. Heber C. Kimball preach in the streets and simple and Listen to his account, so similar on the hills of England? They taught that clear, and if to the others: the Lord had opened a new dispensa- we teach out “Behold, it came to pass tion, that He had given us a of our own that I, Enos, knowing my prophet of God, that the changed hearts, father that he was a just man— priesthood was the change for for he taught me in his lan- restored, that the our youth will guage, and also in the nurture Book of Mormon come as and admonition of the Lord— was the word of surely and blessed be the name of God, and that we as it did my God for it— had a glorious new for Enos. “And I will tell you of the day. They taught that wrestle which I had before the pure gospel of Jesus Christ had been restored. God, before I received a remission of my sins. That pure doctrine went down into the hearts then, as “Behold, I went to hunt beasts in the forests; and the it will now, because the people were starved and the doc- words which I had often heard my father speak concerning trine was taught simply. The people of England, and our eternal life, and the joy of the saints, sunk deep into my heart. young people, were seen long before by a prophet of God “And my soul hungered; and I kneeled down before my named Amos: Maker, and I cried unto him in mighty prayer and supplica- “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will tion for mine own soul; and all the day long did I cry unto

ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 17 him; yea, and when the night came I did still raise my voice Redeemer; for I know that in him I shall rest. And I rejoice high that it reached the heavens” (Enos 1:1–4). in the day when my mortal shall put on immortality, and And then the miracle came: shall stand before him; then shall I see his face with pleas- “And there came a voice unto me, saying: Enos, thy sins ure, and he will say unto me: Come unto me, ye blessed, are forgiven thee, and thou shalt be blessed. there is a place prepared for you in the mansions of my “And I, Enos, knew that God could not lie; wherefore, Father. Amen” (vv. 25–27). my guilt was swept away. What we seek for our young people is this kind of change “And I said: Lord, how is it done? Enos experienced. We must be humble about “And he said unto me: Because of thy faith our part in it. True conversion depends on in Christ, whom thou hast never before heard seeking freely in faith, with great effort and nor seen. And many years pass away before some pain. Then it is the Lord who can grant, he shall manifest himself in the flesh; where- in His time, the miracle of cleansing and fore, go to, thy faith hath made thee whole” change. Each person starts from a different (vv. 5–8). place, with a different set of experiences, and Then Enos describes the first effects: so a different need for cleansing and for “Now, it came to pass that when I had change. The Lord knows that place, and so heard these words I began to feel a desire only He can set the course. for the welfare of my brethren, the Nephites; But for all of our youth, we can play a vital wherefore, I did pour out my whole soul unto oo many of our part. Enos remembered the words of eternal God for them” (v. 9). young people life that he had been taught. So did Nephi, He ends with a description of the lasting Twant the and so did the people of King Benjamin. The effects: blessings of a mission words had been placed in memory in such a “And it came to pass that I began to be old, and the temple and way that the Holy Ghost could take them and an hundred and seventy and nine years yet fail to meet the deep into the heart. Our charge is to place had passed away from the time that our qualifications to those words so that when the young per- father Lehi left Jerusalem. claim them. son chooses and pleads, the Holy Ghost “And I saw that I must soon go We can help can confirm them in the heart and the down to my grave, having been change that. miracle can begin. wrought upon by the power of God that I must preach and prophesy Teach in Plainness unto this people, and declare Much of the power of the word according to the the Book of Mormon truth which is in Christ. is that it presents the And I have declared it in pure doctrine so all my days, and have plainly. For instance, as rejoiced in it above if He were speaking to that of the world. us, the Lord through “And I soon go prophets gave us to the place of my these words in rest, which is with my 2 Nephi:

18 “And now, behold, my beloved when the floods come and the brethren, this is the way; and there winds beat upon them. is none other way nor name given “Therefore, go forth unto this under heaven whereby man can be HELPS FOR HOME EVENING people, and declare the words saved in the kingdom of God. And 1. Invite family members to share examples which I have spoken, unto the now, behold, this is the doctrine of of temptations faced today. How might they ends of the earth” (vv. 39–41). Christ, and the only and true doc- be different from those of 20 or 40 years ago? trine of the Father, and of the Son, Discuss today’s changing moral climate A Higher Vision and of the Holy Ghost, which is (see the first two paragraphs of this article). We can raise our sights by adding one God, without end. Amen” According to Elder Eyring, what must be the greater faith that the change prom- (2 Nephi 31:21). aim or purpose in teaching? How can this be ised by the Lord will come to our And the Lord repeats Himself, accomplished? youth and that more of them will as if we might misunderstand: 2. Draw a target with “Truly Converted” writ- make the choices that lead to true “And this is my doctrine, and it is ten at its center. Using the ideas in this article, conversion. The Lord always keeps the doctrine which the Father hath discuss what it means to be truly converted. His promises. We can exercise our given unto me; and I bear record of Invite family members to write a doctrine from faith that He will keep His word for the Father, and the Father beareth this article on a paper arrow. Attach the arrows our young people and for ourselves. record of me, and the Holy Ghost to the target. Testify of our need for the Savior As a witness of Jesus Christ, I tes- beareth record of the Father and in becoming truly converted. tify that the promises are true. Our me; and I bear record that the Heavenly Father lives. Jesus is the Father commandeth all men, everywhere, to repent and Christ. By having faith in Him and keeping His command- believe in me. ments, we and our young people can have eternal life. I know “And whoso believeth in me, and is baptized, the same that the word of God can be carried into the hearts of men shall be saved; and they are they who shall inherit the and women by the power of the Holy Ghost. And I know that kingdom of God. the blessing the Lord has given so freely since the world “And whoso believeth not in me, and is not baptized, began, of a new heart, unspotted and filled with His pure shall be damned. love, is still offered in His true Church. I testify that He invites “Verily, verily, I say unto you, that this is my doctrine, all to become His true disciples, His sons and His daughters. and I bear record of it from the Father; and whoso There is great safety as the young people of the Church believeth in me believeth in the Father also; and unto him accept the gospel into their lives. There will be safety even will the Father bear record of me, for he will visit him with in the times of great difficulty that are coming. There is a fire and with the Holy Ghost” (3 Nephi 11:32–35). protection that they will have—because of the mighty And He goes on to say it yet again: change that has come in their hearts. They will choose “Verily, verily, I say unto you, that this is my doctrine, righteousness and find that they have no more desire to and whoso buildeth upon this buildeth upon my rock, and do evil. That change will come. It will not come in an the gates of hell shall not prevail against them. instant; it will come over time. And there will be a fortifica- “And whoso shall declare more or less than this, and tion created by the gospel of Jesus Christ through your establish it for my doctrine, the same cometh of evil, and is faith and through your great efforts. ■ not built upon my rock; but he buildeth upon a sandy foun- Adapted from an address delivered on 14 August 2001 at a Church Educational System religious educators’ conference at Brigham dation, and the gates of hell stand open to receive such Young University in Provo, Utah.


These couples bear testimony that versed in family history, but Elder Bevan started at the the Lord helped them magnify their beginning and as a result became an understanding talents while in the mission field. teacher. They helped establish or strengthen 27 family history centers and trained hundreds of members to BY LARENE PORTER GAUNT Church Magazines input their oral family history on the stake computer. As a result, many names were gathered for the Aba hen John and Pat Bevan from Salt Lake City, Utah, Nigeria Temple. Now, 18 months after finishing their decided to serve another mission, they never family history mission, the Bevans have returned to dreamed they would be called to serve in such Africa to serve again—this time as temple workers. AT BEVAN AND DON SEARLE BEVAN AT W places as Ghana, Nigeria, and Ivory Coast as Africa West Area Such is the experience of many senior missionary family history advisers. They were surprised—Pat because couples. They may feel hesitant in the beginning, but it was Africa and John because it was family history—but they once in the mission field, they soon feel comfortable willingly accepted the call from the Lord. and enthusiastic. Why? Because they quickly see how Like other missionaries, they soon found opportunities much they and their talents are needed. to use their unique blend of talents. Sister Bevan was well Following are stories of couple missionaries who PHOTOGRAPHY COURTESY OF JOHN AND P PHOTOGRAPHY 20 USING TALENTS AND GIFTS “Retired couples have talents and abilities that are often not used discovered ways to use after they retire. couples in Africa their talents to bless the People with special say they wouldn’t lives of others. skills in the health field, such as have missed this Far left: Elder and doctors and dentists, are always experience for Sister Bevan join The Lord Is Smiling needed. Teachers and farmers anything in the Bishop Philip Xaxagbe on Africa provide invaluable services. world. In fact, the and his family at Lamont and Janet “Serving a mission gives retired Andersens have re- the dedication of Andersen of Calgary, Canada, people a chance to use their talents turned to Nigeria the Accra Ghana served as proselyting mis- and gifts again. They discover that as humanitarian Temple. Left to right: sionaries in the Ghana Accra they are truly needed, and as a missionaries. Elder John Bevan; Mission. “We began our mis- consequence they find a powerful Keith Merrill, a Adjoa, Agnes, and sion in the small village of new sense of direction in life.” retired physician Abinadi Xaxagbe; Kissi near Cape Coast, where Elder David B. Haight of the Quorum of from Tennessee, Joyce Logo (niece); the Twelve Apostles, “Couple Missionaries— there were 20 members,” ‘A Wonderful Resource,’ ” Ensign, Feb. 1996, 7. and his wife, Diane, Sister Pat Bevan; says Elder Andersen. “Three served as medical and Bishop Philip months later there were 80.” There was no advisers in West Africa. Their teaching and Xaxagbe. need for the Andersens to tract; the people consultation skills proved invaluable as they Above: Sister Pat came to them. They taught outdoors under traveled the area checking hospitals and Bevan helps a the trees, sitting on a wooden bench and clinics to recommend for the treatment of member prepare a using a new member as their translator. missionaries. They loved Africa. Their TempleReady disk. Like the Andersens, most senior missionary positive attitude and great sense of humor

Sister Pat Bevan holds Isaac Ofori on the day of his blessing as his mother, Victoria, stands by.

ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 21 proved to be contagious to others. “The people in Africa have physical chal- “We had touching experiences at the lenges, but they have learned to cope and Buduburam Liberian Refugee Camp,” says find joy and peace without all the material Elder Merrill. “Here we taught the people things of life,” says Sister Barton. “We have hygiene skills and how to take care of grown and gained more insight into the real themselves with simple remedies for beauty of life than we could ever give.” common ailments.” Today the Merrills are serving another Nauvoo Bricks and Books of Mormon mission in Africa, where Elder Merrill is the Everett H. and Verna Belcher of Park City, area medical adviser. Utah, certainly didn’t realize that they would Grant and Marilyn Barton of Provo, Utah, leave a legacy when they were called to serve Above: Sister Diane served as the Africa West Area humanitarian in Nauvoo, Illinois, in April 1978. Once in Merrill with her directors. Theirs was a massive task of over- Nauvoo, however, they discovered a need. neighbors. Below seeing multiple LDS Charities projects such As guides at the Lucy Mack Smith brick right: Outside under as the digging of wells and the shipments home, the Belchers were frequently asked the trees, Elder Keith of food, clothing, books, hygiene and new- how there could be so many brick buildings Merrill, a doctor, born kits, and medical supplies. They also in a frontier town. The Belchers learned that checks the blood organized and scheduled medical clinics, the Saints had made the bricks by hand. pressure of refugees employment resources training, and “Eventually I approached the mission in the Buduburam educational projects. president and suggested that we create a Liberian Refugee Camp.

22 Above: Missionaries Everett and Verna Belcher stand in front of the brick kiln they built in Nauvoo in 1980. Left: Elder Belcher works the clay in his brick-making shed in 1980. He then molds the clay into bricks (below) and stamps a design of his brick-making demonstration,” says Elder copies of the Book of Mormon.” own creation into the Belcher. “The mission president authorized The Belchers extended their 18-month bricks before firing me to go ahead. This led us to an in-depth mission another year. The design they them in the kiln research effort. With the help of the librari- created in 1980 is still in use today in the (below left). Upper left ans at the Library of Congress and a source Nauvoo brickyard. corner: Finished in England, I learned all that I could about bricks. the lost art of making bricks by hand and Courage to Serve the technical requirements of molding The lives of these missionary couples have clay. After six months, I showed the been forever changed because of their deci- mission president my research, and he sion to serve a mission—and so have the lives said to proceed. of those they served. In the beginning, they all “At first I just demonstrated how the clay felt tentative about serving a mission, but they was thrown into the mold and formed, but soon discovered that their talents

visitors wanted a full-size brick for a sou- were needed. In the end, each cou- AMILIES OF LAMONT AND JANET ANDERSON AND EVERETT AND VERNA BELCHER venir. Through many prayers we asked ple made a difference. The words for guidance and through many ex- of Elder Belcher, now 89 years periments we learned how to old, apply: “Unless you go, create souvenir bricks with the you will never know word Nauvoo stamped on what you and your tal- each one. These bricks led ents might do to leave to gospel discussions, and a lasting influence many visitors accepted on others.” ■ PHOTOGRAPHY BY DICK BROWN AND COURTESY OF THE F BY PHOTOGRAPHY ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 23 ORY AND ART ORY

Through experience, effort, faithfulness, BY COLEEN K. MENLOVE PrimaryCalled General President toServeand the grace of God, we too gain spiritual ome may think people are called to a maturity, wax strong in spirit, and become position in the Church because they filled with wisdom. As we serve in a calling, have perfected talents and abilities we can develop a heightened sensitivity


, that suit them for the calling. I am learning to the promptings of the Spirit, and thus that perhaps we are sometimes called be- our wisdom can be enhanced beyond our cause we need to develop specific talents and own understanding. attributes. The Lord knows us, and He knows The experience of being newly called which callings or opportunities will help us seems to have common elements for many of grow to spiritual maturity. The Lord knows us, us. I would like to share a few journal entries CHRIST CALLING PETER AND ANDREW In Luke we read of the growth of the and He knows from a sister I will call Lisa. Even though Lisa Savior from childhood into adulthood: which callings or was a ward Primary president, her feelings “And the child grew, and waxed strong in opportunities will help may be similar to those newly called to serve spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of us grow to spiritual in any Church position. See if there are some God was upon him” (Luke 2:40). maturity. elements common to your own experience. PHOTOGRAPHY BY CRAIG DIMOND; BY PHOTOGRAPHY 24 Fear and Faith faith would be important in the days to come. Faith would Lisa writes: “I can sum up my feelings in four words: be needed to remove fear. I needed to be reminded that all fear, faith, humility, and peace. Fear set in as I realized I things are possible with the Lord. I needed to have the faith would be responsible for all that happened in our Primary. spoken of in one of the scriptures Primary children love I started to think of all the things I would have to do and and sing about so often: “I will go and do the things which all the things I didn’t know the Lord hath com- Sometimes we may feel fearful when we receive a new how to do. Now I was the manded, for I know that calling, but we can learn to turn our fear into faith. responsible adult. I was the Lord giveth no com- scared to death. At this mandments unto the time, I realized that my children of men, save ‘great and wonderful’ he shall prepare a way ideas might not be what for them that they may the Lord had in mind.” accomplish the thing Fear can paralyze us which he commandeth if we allow it. Satan pro- them” (1 Nephi 3:7). motes fear that he might Isn’t it wonderful that have power over us. Heavenly Father loves Satan also promotes us so much that He calls darkness. In both Lehi’s us to serve in ways and Nephi’s dreams, dark- which give us opportu- ness in the form of a mist nities to replace fear confused some and caused with faith and to grow them to lose sight of the spiritually? Jesus said, tree of life (see 1 Nephi 8:23; 12:4). Darkness was part of “Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not” (D&C the Prophet Joseph Smith’s experience in the grove just be- 6:36). That is faith. All of us have to learn to turn our fear fore he was instructed by God the Father and Jesus Christ into faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. (see Joseph Smith—History 1:15–16). Many have allowed darkness to keep them from the love of God. Satan’s way Humility is to confuse and discourage or, at the very least, distract As we approach our callings, we also feel humility. Lisa, us from doing what Heavenly Father would have us do. the newly called Primary president, wrote: “After faith, the Five years ago, when I received a telephone call inviting lesson of humility was next. As the Lord began to unfold my me to meet with President Gordon B. Hinckley, I hoped I weaknesses before my eyes, I felt like my soul was being was being called to help on a committee—plan a dinner, exposed. I knew I could not do this job without the Lord, set up, prepare the food—anything I already knew how to and it wouldn’t be my ideas that would be most important. do. When President Hinckley asked me if I would accept a It would be the Lord’s plan.” calling to serve as Primary general president, I felt intense She began to understand that Heavenly Father was fear. I wondered, “How could this be possible?” I had to mindful of her weaknesses and yet He loved her. She work hard to replace fear with faith. In fact, the first ques- also began to understand that through prayer, fasting, tion I was asked by President Hinckley was, “How is your and scripture study, she could humbly prepare to receive faith?” I felt his question was preparing me to know that personal revelation beyond her own understanding.

ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 25 As we come to know that our Heavenly Father loves It is an experience not just for the newly called but for all us, we feel greater love for Him and for our Savior, and of us throughout our lives. Because we are human and we desire to become more worthy to inherit His kingdom. because Satan would like to stop our progression, mo- A familiar scripture instructs us in the importance of ments of self-doubt and confusion will creep in. Callings humility: “And if men come unto me I will show unto that produce growth will continue to create some discom- them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they fort. Heavenly Father has chosen the time and place for us may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that to learn the earthly lessons He has designed for each of us. humble themselves before me; for if they humble them- We came to earth for the very purpose of being tested and selves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make gaining necessary experience. My son has counseled me, weak things become strong unto them” (Ether 12:27). “Take a deep breath and remember who you work for.” The Lord asked Nephi many times to do things that Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin of the Quorum of the Twelve were difficult. Nephi humbly went to the mountains, Apostles reminds us: “The Church is a place where imper- where he inquired of the Lord time and time again to fect people gather to help and strengthen each other as receive instruction (see 1 Nephi 18:3). we strive to return to our Heavenly Father. . . . We will each We too are asked to do things we are uncertain about. progress at different rates. . . . We need to return to our personal “mountain” often to “ . . . When you magnify your calling, you don’t merely receive instructions regarding our concerns and responsi- go through the motions; you challenge yourself to serve in bilities. We return to the mountain by reading, studying, the place you are called with all your heart, might, mind, pondering the scriptures with faith, praying, fasting, and and strength.”1 attending the temple. Everything we do in our callings—teaching, loving, enduring, serving—we do better when we seek and Peace receive the guidance of the Spirit. And in the process As we replace fear with faith and then demonstrate our we grow spiritually. humility, we are blessed with a feeling of peace. Lisa said: “Peace finally came after I was sustained and set apart. I The Release felt a little excitement, but not without caution and humil- With the call comes a “to be released” clause. Some ity close behind. I began to gain greater insight into the of you will be released this year, and some not for years love our Savior and Heavenly Father have for me. It is a to come. Let’s look ahead to that experience. I would like deeply felt love I have experienced.” to share some thoughts from a Primary president just The Lord trusts and loves us enough to want to use us recently released. Notice her faith, humility, and sense of in blessing the lives of others. What a wonderful feeling of peace and joy, and try to sense her spiritual growth: peace and joy that knowledge can bring! In Helaman we “I knew a few months before my release that my read, “Peace, peace be unto you, because of your faith in time as a Primary president was coming to an end. I had my Well Beloved” (Helaman 5:47). learned the things I was supposed to learn and felt other women needed this opportunity for their spiritual growth. Spiritual Growth My first feeling was one of complete loss. . . . I thought This experience of being newly called, with its common of how rejuvenating Primary was for me. I was really sad elements of fear turning to faith, humility, and joyful to know I would be missing sharing with the children peace, provides us with opportunities for spiritual growth. that special witness of Jesus Christ and God’s divine Spiritual growth is part of our Father’s eternal plan for us. plan on a weekly basis. But I knew the Lord would bless

26 another to teach the children well.” This is faith. The Blessings of Callings “I thought of all the children who had sat on my lap A call to serve is an invitation from Heavenly Father for because they were scared, sad, or needed some help be- greater spiritual growth. It is a call to overcome fear with cause they were a little too active. I would miss the hugs— faith and to learn greater humility as we accept the Lord’s especially those that came from children who would, for no will. The call can bring the peace and joy of eternal progres- apparent reason, jump up right in the middle of sharing time sion. It is an opportunity to be part of the miracle and won- and give me a big hug around the waist. It was a great feel- der of this great cause and kingdom that is sweeping over ing to know that the children trusted me.” This is humility. the earth, blessing the lives of people wherever it reaches. “I would especially miss the humor—such as the time Our calling goes beyond the one our priesthood leader when a young boy announced in Primary prior to sacra- extended to each of us. We have an individual responsibil- ment meeting that his father was the new bishop. There ity for our own soul and its growth. This calling is one our was the time five-year-old Rebekah wanted to tell the entire priesthood leader will not release us from. Our calls to Primary how babies were made. Did you know I am the serve will bless our efforts to understand the plan of salva- best ice skater in Primary? At least I fell down the fewest tion and live gospel principles. Callings can help us better number of times. I used talents I didn’t know I had. I had love and teach our families. They give us opportunities a great experience and received many blessings. Primary to grow stronger spiritually, to wax strong in spirit, filled service was an unexpected answer to a heartfelt prayer. with greater wisdom and the grace of God through the It occupied my heart and soul.” This is joy and peace. Atonement of Jesus Christ (see Luke 2:40). As we learn the eternal plan and feel the love of Heavenly Father and the Savior, we will love and teach those Being released from a calling we are called to serve with great we love is part of the growth power and influence through process that occurs when we the Holy Spirit. ■ serve in the Church. NOTE 1. “Lessons Learned in the Journey of Life,” Ensign, Dec. 2000, 11.

27 Teaching as the Savior Taught

The Savior used memory Memory Questions questions, reasoning questions, On a certain occasion a lawyer, an inter- and questions for the heart. preter of the law, asked the Lord what he We can use them also. should do to inherit eternal life. The Savior responded to this question with other ques- BY ELDER WALTER F. GONZÁLEZ Of the Seventy tions, saying: “What is written in the law? how readest thou?” (Luke 10:26). As we make an effort herefore, what manner of men ought The answer was found in the lawyer’s to teach as the Savior ye to be? Verily I say unto you, even as memory. Once he answered correctly, the taught, we become T I am” (3 Nephi 27:27). This invitation Savior reinforced the individual by saying, more like Him. from the Savior to become as He is reaches “Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou into all aspects of our lives, including our shalt live” (Luke 10:28). responsibility as teachers of the gospel. We On another occasion, “Jesus went on the can learn to become better teachers not sabbath day through the corn; and his disci- only from His precepts but also from the ples were an hungred, and began to pluck way He taught. the ears of corn, and to eat” (Matthew 12:1). The Savior used a variety of approaches Then the Pharisees said that His disciples to touch the lives of those around Him. were breaking the law of the Sabbath. The Notice, for example, the way He asked ques- Savior responded with questions aimed at tions. Among the questions the Savior asked the Pharisees’ memory: were those that probed the memory of His “Have ye not read what David did, when he listeners, those intended to provoke reason- was an hungred, and they that were with him; L. KAPP GARY BY ing, and those directed to His followers’ “How he entered into the house of God,

feelings. and did eat the shewbread, which was not THREE NEPHITES,

28 ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 29 lawful for him to eat, neither for them which were with no answer expected—can also help increase understand- him, but only for the priests?” (Matthew 12:3–4). ing between the one preaching and the one listening. In Questions that jog the memory of others are probably the Sermon on the Mount, our Lord said: the easiest for us to use. These questions tend to show “For if ye love them which love you, what reward have how well class members know the letter of the law. As a ye? do not even the publicans the same? new young member, I assumed that these were the kind “And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than of questions teachers should ask. Therefore, I tried to others? do not even the publicans so?” (Matthew 5:46–47). acquire some knowledge of historical events—names, My wife remembers how her life was touched by a ques- dates, places, and so forth. This was a good thing to tion the missionaries asked. She had an extensive religious do, because most of the questions in school and in the background, and one day her brother invited her to hear Church were memory questions, intended to give class the missionaries. After teaching doctrine, they directed members an opportunity to participate in the lesson. a question at her reasoning: “Why do you think The These were good questions, but they did not Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have a strong impact on my behavior or on is the true Church?” The thoughts this ques- my becoming more like Him. It is important tion inspired affected her in such a way that to note that the Savior also used other kinds a few seconds later her feelings were also of questions to help His listeners in the quest touched. Tears came to her eyes on answering to become as He is. that question, and the Spirit testified to her, thus deepening the conversion process she Reasoning Questions experienced. When the lawyer asked the question “Who The Savior asked a is my neighbour?” the Savior related the para- question that allowed Questions for the Heart ble of the good Samaritan and afterward the disciples to express Each of us has been asked questions that asked, “Which now of these three, thinkest their own feelings: help us express our feelings. We also know thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among “But whom say ye that we will not express our feelings unless we the thieves?” (Luke 10:29, 36). that I am?” feel confident they will not be criticized. Such This question made the lawyer and other was the case when the Savior directed ques- listeners reason to find an answer. This kind of question tions to His listeners’ hearts. makes us rely on our ability to discover knowledge. In the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, the Savior asked His Questions such as “What do you think of . . . ?” or “What disciples, “Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?” is your opinion about . . . ?” or “Why . . . ?” can help us The disciples answered that some were saying He was John understand one another (see D&C 50:22). Consider the the Baptist; others said Jeremias or one of the prophets. following examples from the Savior’s teaching: Then the Savior asked a question that allowed the dis- “How think ye? if a man have an hundred sheep, and ciples to express their own feelings: “But whom say ye one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety that I am?” and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that Simon Peter shared his feelings: “Thou art the Christ, which is gone astray?” (Matthew 18:12; emphasis added). the Son of the living God.” “But what think ye? A certain man had two sons; and he Our Master reinforced the answer of the chief Apostle came to the first, and said, Son, go work to day in my vine- by saying, “Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona: for flesh and yard” (Matthew 21:28; emphasis added). blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which Sometimes rhetorical questions—questions asked with is in heaven” (Matthew 16:13–17; emphasis added).

30 During another teaching opportunity after that when feelings are expressed, we are he Savior is Martha’s brother Lazarus had died, the Savior standing on sacred ground. Feelings should the exemplary first testified of Himself by saying, “I am the not be demanded, but when shared willingly, T teacher from resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in they should always be respected and never whom we can learn me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: criticized in any way. to teach in our and whosoever liveth and believeth in me homes, in the shall never die.” Learn of Him Church, and in the Then He directed a question to Martha’s The Savior is the exemplary teacher from community. As He heart: “Believest thou this?” whom we can learn to teach in our homes, said to the Nephites, Martha was able to express her feelings: in the Church, and in the community. As He “Behold I am the “Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, said to the Nephites, “Behold I am the light; light; I have the Son of God, which should come into the I have set an example for you” (3 Nephi set an example world” (John 11:25–27; emphasis added). 18:16). Or as He explained to His disciples, for you.” We know that “when a man speaketh by “Ye know the things that ye must do in my the power of the Holy Ghost the power of the church; for the works which ye have seen Holy Ghost carrieth it unto the hearts of the me do that shall ye also do; for that which children of men” (2 Nephi 33:1). Appropriate ye have seen me do even that shall ye do” questions directed to the heart can invite the (3 Nephi 27:21). BY JOHN SCOTT BY , Spirit into any teaching situation. An excellent exercise in our schooling to At a recent family gathering a family mem- become Christlike is observing the kind of ber told of a question a missionary asked that questions we ask others in formal and infor- had touched her heart. After teaching the mal teaching settings. Asking questions to first discussion, this missionary simply asked retrieve information will teach us about

JESUS CHRIST VISITS THE AMERICAS her, “How did you feel about our teachings?” others’ knowledge. Asking questions that This question created an excellent and edify- cause others to reason will help them dis- Y; RIGHT: RIGHT: Y; ing conclusion for the discussion. cover truths. Asking questions that allow Questions that allow people to express others to express feelings will take us onto their feelings might include: “Why do you sacred ground in the conversion and edify- believe . . . ?” or “How do you feel about ing of those we love. As we make an effort . . . ?” or “Have any of you had an experience to teach as He taught, we become more , BY KAMILLE CORR FEED MY SHEEP, BY ■ LEFT: LEFT: with . . . ?” All teachers need to understand like Him.


BY ELDER JAMES DUNLOP Area Authority Seventy aggressively to insults; it also describes bless- Australia/New Zealand Area ings that have come when aggressive feelings

umerous passages in the Book of have been restrained. Consider the contrast MODELS , POSED BY Mormon make it clear that the Lord between the people of King Limhi and the Nrequires us to forbear, forgive, and people of Alma. These groups were of the seek reconciliation when we are offended. same nation, living in the same era. A series Among them are these verses: of events led to both groups being ruled by “And blessed are all the peacemakers, for harsh Lamanite taskmasters. In response to

they shall be called the children of God. . . . being smitten and laden with heavy burdens, WELDEN C. ANDERSEN BY PHOTOGRAPHY Soft answers do turn “ . . . I say unto you, that ye shall not resist King Limhi’s people reacted with force. They away wrath, and evil, but whosoever shall smite thee on thy attacked their oppressors three times, and peacemakers are right cheek, turn to him the other also” each time they were defeated and incurred most certainly blessed. (3 Nephi 12:9, 39). dreadful loss of life. Their nation was plunged But when we are “If ye forgive not men their trespasses nei- into grief and mourning. It was only when treated unfairly, many ther will your Father forgive your trespasses” they humbled themselves and pleaded with of us are assailed with (3 Nephi 13:15). the Lord that a way was found for them to es- thoughts of revenge. What are the results of seeking revenge? cape their oppressors. (See Mosiah 21–22.) What will help us How can we turn the other cheek while we Alma and his people were also persecuted keep these thoughts are smarting from injustice and agitated by and treated as beasts of burden, but unlike under control? fiery emotions? Let’s look at several examples King Limhi’s people, they submitted meekly. from the Book of Mormon. They poured out their hearts to the Lord, and He comforted them and eased their burdens. Two Responses to Oppression When they had demonstrated their faith The Book of Mormon describes dire conse- and humility, the Lord led them to freedom. quences that have resulted from responding These experiences caused all of Alma’s

32 people, including their children, to rejoice and praise God again, but were humble and penitent before God” (3 Nephi for His mercy and deliverance. (See Mosiah 23–24.) 6:13). In the space of just four years, “the church began to be broken up,” the people were “carried about by the “Some Did Return Railing for Railing” temptations of the devil whithersoever he desired,” they A dramatic example of the consequences of not turning “did wilfully rebel against God,” they “set at defiance the law the other cheek occurred among the Nephites during the and the rights of their country,” and they caused “great con- decade that preceded the Savior’s Crucifixion and visit to tention in the land” (3 Nephi 6:14, 17, 18, 30; 7:7). Five years the Americas. Following a successful struggle against the after the commencement of this apostasy, at the time of the Gadianton robbers, peace was established, and “there was Savior’s Crucifixion, cataclysmic destruction visited these nothing in all the land to hinder the people from prosper- people (see 3 Nephi 8). It is sobering to think that returning ing continually, except they should fall into transgression” “railing for railing” was an early step on the path that quickly (3 Nephi 6:5). However, within three years, pride and con- led to this people’s spiritual and physical destruction. tention crept in. “Some were lifted up in pride, and others were exceedingly humble; some did return railing for rail- A Model of Meekness ing, while others would receive railing and persecution and Few of us will ever receive such a stinging, undeserved all manner of afflictions, and would not turn and revile rebuke as the one that came to the Nephite governor

ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 33 When King Lamoni’s father asked, “What shall I do that I may . . . [have] this wicked spirit rooted out of my breast?” Aaron counseled him to repent and call on God in faith, believing that he would receive (see Alma 22:15–16). The king did so, and the Lord granted his earnest plea for a change in heart. If we will follow Aaron’s counsel and call on God in faith, we may also have our hearts freed from contentious and vengeful feelings. Answers will most likely come to us as quiet promptings from the Spirit. Pahoran from General Moroni. It eeking to As a young man I received an answer in such a way. At the was a critical time. The Nephites understand time my acquaintances frequently targeted me for teasing. were fighting an invasion on sev- Sthe perspective I doubt they really intended to offend me, but I felt embar- eral fronts against superior num- of others can often rassed and alienated. As I pondered this, it occurred to me bers when some of them, the help assuage feelings that if I understood why people said and did these things, “king-men,” rose up in insurrec- of anger. I would not be hurt by them. tion against Pahoran, forcing him I prayed for a greater ability to understand others, and to flee from his capital. Unaware my desire was granted. This effort to understand others has of this, Moroni was angry when continued to help me deal more effectively with anger and the vital supplies and reinforcements he expected Pahoran resentment. President Brigham Young said, “I have learned to send did not arrive. He wrote a blistering epistle to the that the greatest difficulty that exists in the little bickerings embattled Pahoran, accusing him of “thoughtless stupor” and strifes of man with man, woman with woman . . . arises (Alma 60:7), “idleness” (Alma 60:22), and indifference to from the want of rightly understanding each other.”1 the suffering and death of the Nephite soldiers. Seeking to understand the perspective of others will often The injustice of these accusations might have made it nat- help assuage feelings of anger. ural for Pahoran to reply in anger, which may well have re- sulted in the premature fall of the Nephite nation. However, The Healing Balm of the Atonement his reply was a model of meekness and humility. He wrote, Most of us will experience injustice or maltreatment in “And now, in your epistle you have censured me, but it mat- some form or other during our lifetime. But the Savior’s tereth not; I am not angry, but do rejoice in the greatness of Atonement can redeem us not only from our own sins but your heart” (Alma 61:9). He then proposed the strategy that also from the pain caused by the sins of other people. “And ended the insurrection and saved the Nephite nation. he cometh into the world that he may save all men if they will hearken unto his voice; for behold, he suffereth the Preventing Angry Feelings pains of all men, yea, the pains of every living creature, What was true for these people is true for us. Soft an- both men, women, and children, who belong to the family swers do turn away wrath, and peacemakers are most cer- of Adam” (2 Nephi 9:21). If we meekly and humbly strive to tainly blessed. But when we are treated unfairly, many of be peaceful and forgiving, the Holy Ghost will enter our us are assailed with thoughts of revenge. What will help hearts, melt the pain of insults and injuries, and quench us keep these thoughts under control? Even better, is our resentment and desire for revenge. ■ there anything that would prevent anger and indignation NOTE from rising in our hearts? 1. Discourses of Brigham Young, sel. John A. Widtsoe (1954), 203.

34 BOOK OF MORMON Shunning Satan’s PRINCIPLES Snares

BY ELDER JOSEPH T. HICKEN Area Authority Seventy North America Central Area

ore than 40 years ago, a group of After a few more tight squeezes between us were exploring the lava caves in small chambers, I could hear the water Mnorthern California. We split into clearly. It seemed to be just beyond the low, pairs and set a time to regroup again in the horizontal opening ahead of me. On my sunlight. With our flashlights off, the total stomach, with my arms outstretched, I darkness seemed almost overwhelming. pushed further toward the enticing goal. My partner and I ventured through small Suddenly there was nothing under my The Book of Mormon tunnels into caverns of various sizes until we hands but air. I could hear the water running teaches clearly what heard the sound of running water. We worked directly below the cliff over which my hands we must do to recognize through crevices and openings, fixated upon and forearms now hung. I managed to flick a and to overcome the the sound, anxious to discover its source. small stone off the edge and listened intently temptations and snares Eventually we came to an opening through until the plink let me know there was a sig- of the evil one. which only I could fit. We decided that I nificant drop to the bottom. Now to report would wiggle through while he waited out my finding to my friend. my adventure and anticipated the report on However, as a result of my determination

ILLUSTRATED BY CARY HENRIE CARY BY ILLUSTRATED what we thought to be a good-sized stream. to get where I was, I had not considered the

ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 35 conse- consequences, and to forget that they really know better. quences. Not The Book of Mormon reveals the Savior’s plan for only was I in obtaining peace, salvation, and exaltation. In these same a narrow space, scriptures, Satan’s plan to deter us from happiness is but the stone above also exposed. He strives to have us trapped “in misery, sloped downward in such a way like unto himself” (2 Nephi 9:9). that I had wedged my- self progressively tighter as I thrust forward while flat on my stomach. Without any- thing to push against with my hands, and with nothing in the loose lava soil for my feet to pull against, I was really stuck. Calling for help was not an option—my body filled the access space, my companion couldn’t get through the openings, and no one else would know which path I had taken to get to where I now was. Only Heavenly Father could get me out of this mess. After sincere prayer, I felt impressed to not give in to panic and to keep doing the only thing I could do: dig around with my toes for something stable enough to pull me back- wards. With significant time, lots of prayer, and hard work, I finally was able to dig my King Benjamin taught that we must think toes in farther and inch backward until I e are through what we choose to do and consider could also use my hands. Once free, I felt counseled the consequences of our choices if we are to an immediate sense of relief and gratitude W to pray avoid the grasp of the devil. He stated: accompanied by a profound assurance that sincerely so that the “I cannot tell you all the things whereby Heavenly Father knew and cared for me. Spirit of the Lord ye may commit sin; for there are . . . so many can guide us in that I cannot number them. Avoiding the Adversary’s Traps making righteous “But . . . if ye do not watch yourselves, and Just as I became trapped in the rock so choices. your thoughts, and your words, and your many years ago, many individuals become deeds, and observe the commandments of trapped by the adversary. They are beckoned God, and continue in the faith . . . ye must by something that entices them to ignore perish” (Mosiah 4:29–30). the safety of proper companionship, to In order to perish, we must allow the want something without weighing the devil to work his plan in our lives. In order to

36 prosper in the plan of happiness, we must “remember that there is no other way nor means whereby man can be saved, only through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ” (Helaman 5:9). Whether we like it or not, our choices and their consequences are inseparably connected. We yielding their are free to choose; however, the results hearts unto God” of our choices also will be ours (see (Helaman 3:35). Alma 42:26–28). Let us be wise as we pursue life’s adventures. Prevailing over The Book of Mormon the Devil’s Strategies teaches clearly what we To prevail over the devil’s strategies must do to recognize and and temptations, we are counseled to overcome the temptations to pray sincerely (see Helaman 3:27), to and snares of the evil one. remember what we have been taught (see Through the grace of God, the Helaman 5:6–10), and to “lay hold upon the word devil’s strategies to defeat us will fail of God” (Helaman 3:29). Doing this, we can “divide as we commit to the Savior and follow asunder all the cunning and the snares and the wiles His gospel. ■ of the devil” and stay above “that everlasting gulf of misery which is prepared to engulf the wicked” (v. 29). As Helaman told his sons, repentance frees us from the sins that produce a seemingly trapped condition (see Helaman 5:10–11). Helaman taught his sons to build HELPS FOR HOME EVENING “upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, . . . which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build 1. Using items in your home such as chairs and blankets, create they cannot fall.” Then, he said, the devil “shall have no a tunnel or “cave” that becomes smaller and narrower. Let family power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery members crawl through it. Relate Elder Hicken’s cave experience and endless wo” (Helaman 5:12). and discuss how it relates to being trapped in Satan’s snares. Helaman taught his sons well. A critical lesson for us to 2. As you read the first four paragraphs together, invite family learn is that “they did remember [their father’s] words; and members to list the decisions Elder Hicken made that led him therefore they went forth, keeping the commandments of to the cliff’s edge. Share an experience when a single decision led God” (Helaman 5:14). To fortify themselves against the to a series of events with either good or bad consequences. How temptations of the devil, they and other humble members do we make correct choices? Testify of the importance of striving of the Church “did fast and pray oft, and did wax stronger to make right choices. and stronger in their humility, and firmer and firmer in the 3. Invite each family member to explain a scripture used in faith of Christ, unto the filling their souls with joy and con- this article. How can the truths in these verses help us overcome solation, yea, even to the purifying and the sanctification of Satan’s snares? Share an experience or testimony about a time their hearts, which sanctification cometh because of their when one of these principles helped you prevail over Satan’s traps.


After hopeless years on the streets, I realized the Lord could help me escape my collapsing world.

rom the backseat of a Florida police car, I watched Discovering the Bible the chaos that surrounded me. The police were Locked up, I shared a cell with a woman who was seri- F still in pursuit of my partner. Sirens blared and ously ill—she couldn’t walk by herself, and she was having lights flashed. A reporter looked in my window and tried a hard time seeing. I would wake up and help her get her to get a picture of me. Everything seemed like a movie— night medications. The nurses kept telling us that her sick- but it was real. ness wasn’t worth worrying about, but we both knew differ- Years before, as a young woman, I had surrendered to ently. As I helped my cellmate, we became close friends, and life on the streets, and in my heart I had told myself I she introduced me to the Bible. I would read to her from would die out there. In my twisted thinking I had even its pages, filling our nights and our souls. I often thought imagined that I would meet an infamous, dramatic end. about my childhood and my years spent going to a religious But now I was on my way to jail. school. I couldn’t recall ever having a Bible handed to me or Something was happening inside of me, though, some- read to me, not even in church; it seemed the scriptures thing I hadn’t hoped for or even considered for years. As had always been paraphrased. So when I read the Bible for I sat looking out at the dark reality of my world and all myself, my heart was ready for its powerful words. the turmoil I had helped to create, I realized I was being My soul rejoiced in my newfound awareness of God and given a chance to turn away from the ugliness around me. Jesus Christ. I found comfort in Psalms and read Psalm 23 Something was speaking to my soul, letting me know that until I had it memorized. I didn’t just read it, though; I felt this old book of my life could close and that I could open a and pondered each word. I remember coming to the part new one. I sensed that it was up to me what I would write that says, “thou anointest my head with oil” (v. 5) and won- on these fresh, clean pages. As the police car pulled away, dering what that meant. I had a lot of questions. I would go I made a silent vow that I would write only good things in to church in jail and relish the chance to sing hymns. My my new book. Somehow God had spoken to my soul—it soul would soar as my voice reached up to the heavens, was clear and real. I knew it was Him. This was my chance even through the bars. And I continued to help and read to leave the streets, the drugs, and the crime behind and to my cellmate—which was a blessing for both of us—until become a better person. she was taken to a hospital.

38 I kept my faith as the Federal Bureau of to New York and kept going to support-group meetings, Investigation mandated that I complete my time at a drug but I soon felt a desire to have the fellowship of a church rehabilitation center. I grew a lot there, grateful always for and the opportunity to learn more about the principles of freedom and a new chance. I went to Narcotics Anonymous Jesus’ gospel. I wanted to come closer to God and Jesus and Alcoholics Anonymous groups and found that God was Christ, but where could I go? What church would take me? ILLUSTRATED BY ROBERT T. BARRETT ROBERT T. BY ILLUSTRATED in the 12 steps of overcoming addictions. I loved putting My landlord suggested his church, but every Sunday he my trust in the Lord—it felt so right and good. somehow wasn’t around to take me or could never quite remember the address. I finally decided to look in the “Where Could I Go?” phone book for churches in the area. I was able to work and pay back the money I owed to As I scanned the pages, I came across the words the government, and a year later, I was released. I moved “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” At that

ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 39 moment, it felt as though my heart could be a part of their church. At stopped. My mind raced back to that time, I had given up hope that I times I had seen this name before. I would ever find a way out of my fast- Peace and Joy remembered how I used to feel when paced, empty world. Finding I would watch commercials on televi- And now as I stared at the name President Gordon B. sion produced by this church. I had before me in the Yellow Pages, I Hinckley always wanted the love and family again longed to partake of the happi- “When I discuss faith, unity they portrayed. I also remem- ness and peace I was envisioning. I do not mean it in an abstract sense. I mean it bered one night when I was living in This church seemed to be every- as a living, vital force with Las Vegas years before and, with the thing I had always wanted. I decided recognition of God as our noise of the worldly city behind me, I would disguise myself in church Father and Jesus Christ as our Savior. When had stood on a balcony and looked clothes and sneak into a meeting. I we accept this basic premise, there will come an acceptance of their teachings out at the Latter-day Saint temple. I would try to blend in as best I could, and an obedience which will bring peace had felt an overwhelming sense of and if someone spotted me as a non- and joy” (“With All Thy Getting Get peace as my soul stood at attention member, I would just beg them to Understanding,” Ensign, Aug. 1988, 5). and feasted upon the wonder of this let me stay. I looked at the address President James E. white edifice glowing in the desert. and found that the church was in Faust Because of this experience, I envi- Long Island. It was far away and I Second Counselor in the First Presidency sioned the Latter-day Saints as being didn’t know how I would get there, “What is the cost of disci- a wholesome, beautiful people. But but I found such comfort in my pleship? It is primarily even though I felt drawn to their plan to sneak in that I knew I needed obedience. It is the for- temple, I never let myself believe I to go. saking of many things. But since everything

40 he missionaries taught and baptized me. The following year I received my temple endowment. T The first time I received a healing blessing, the Spirit witnessed to me again that this is the Lord’s Church.

Coming Home I was baptized. The following year, with the help and The Lord, however, had a different plan for me. Later support of loving friends and missionaries, I received that week as I was watching television, a Church commer- my endowment in the temple. cial came on that brought back that same feeling of com- The first time I was anointed with oil and received a fort and peace. The commercial ended by offering a free healing blessing from Mechizedek Priesthood holders, I copy of the video On the Way Home. I copied the number finally understood the meaning of the phrase in Psalm 23 off the screen and dialed right then and there, with my “thou anointest my head with oil” (v. 5), and the Spirit wit- heart pounding. The person on the other end of the line nessed to me again that this is the Lord’s Church. He has asked if she could send representatives of the Church to filled me with His love, and “my cup runneth over” (v. 5). visit with me. I told her my schedule, and a week later I “Surely goodness and mercy” (v. 6) have followed me, opened my door to two elders. I felt that I had finally come as I am now able to enter into the house of the Lord and home as I listened to them. be together with other members of His Church, growing I learned that members of the Church in my area met and learning in all that is good. I look out at the world at a storefront only a few miles from my house. I attended today and know that “the Lord is my shepherd” (v. 1) church and was warmly welcomed by the branch mem- and that He is helping me make my life into something bers. I completed the discussions, and a short time later, beautiful. ■

in life has a price, it is a price worth paying, following the Savior, obeying His law, and and repentance. It is a peace of spirit that considering that the great promise of the keeping His commandments. He lives” echoes through the heart and the soul. If one Savior is for peace in this life and eternal (“Special Witnesses of Christ,” Ensign, truly knows and experiences this inner peace, life in the life to come” (“The Price of Apr. 2001, 11). there is no fear from worldly disharmony or Discipleship,” Ensign, Apr. 1999, 4). discord. One knows deep down inside that all Elder Richard G. Scott is well as far as the things that really matter President Boyd K. Of the Quorum of the are concerned” (“The Peaceable Things of Packer Twelve Apostles the Kingdom,” Ensign, May 2002, 87). Acting President of the “When you trust in the Quorum of the Twelve Lord, when you are willing Elder Robert D. Hales Apostles to let your heart and your Of the Quorum of the “The gospel teaches us mind be centered in His Twelve Apostles that relief from torment will, when you ask to be led by the Spirit to “Once we receive a and guilt can be earned through repentance. do His will, you are assured of the greatest witness of the Spirit, our Save for those few who defect to perdition happiness along the way and the most testimony is strengthened . . . , there is no habit, no addiction, no rebel- fulfilling attainment from this mortal through study, prayer, and lion, no transgression, no offense exempted experience” (“Finding Joy in Life,” living the gospel. Our growing testimony from the promise of complete forgiveness” Ensign, May 1996, 25). brings us increased faith in Jesus Christ (“The Brilliant Morning of Forgiveness,” Elder M. Russell and His plan of happiness. We are moti- Ensign, Nov. 1995, 19). Ballard vated to repent and obey the command- Elder L. Tom Perry Of the Quorum of the ments, which, with a mighty change of Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles heart, leads to our conversion. And our Twelve Apostles “The everlasting peace conversion brings divine forgiveness, “I know that the only lasting Jesus promises is an healing, joy, and the desire to bear our joy and happiness we will inner peace, born in faith, witness to others” (“Receiving a Testimony ever find during our mortal anchored by testimony, nurtured with love, of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ,” experience will come by and expressed through continual obedience Ensign, Nov. 2003, 30). ■

ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 41 Feast upon the Words of Christ

BY ELDER SPENCER J. CONDIE and see how the words of Christ can help us Of the Seventy resolve four common concerns: s Nephi concluded his sacred record, 1. I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the he left us a wonderful, comprehensive burdens that weigh upon me. Why must I Apromise that when we “feast upon suffer so much adversity in my life? the words of Christ . . . , the words of Christ Adversity is the common lot of all who will tell [us] all things what [we] should do” come to earth. When we search the scriptures, (2 Nephi 32:3). This is a very bold promise. Can we learn about the meaning of adversity. We we really receive divine direction in all things? also find reassurance that we are not left with- In the first chapter of the Book of Mormon, out help in facing the challenges of adversity. Nephi tells how his father, Lehi, beheld a When we search In 2 Nephi 2:11, we learn that “it must needs vision. In that vision, an angel gave Lehi the scriptures, be, that there is an opposition in all things.” a sacred book, and “as he read, he was filled individually or As we study the verses preceding and fol- with the Spirit of the Lord” (1 Nephi 1:12). as families, our lowing this one, we learn that Lehi is teach- When we search the scriptures, individually hearts and minds ing his son Jacob about the plan of salvation. or as families, our hearts and minds are filled are filled with the Essential to this plan is moral agency, or the with the Spirit of the Lord. With that Spirit, Spirit of the Lord. freedom “to act for [ourselves] and not to we can indeed find the direction we seek be acted upon” (2 Nephi 2:26). Adversity within the pages of the standard works. is a necessary component of the great Let us put Nephi’s promise to the test plan of happiness, for without opposition,

42 “righteousness could not be brought to pass, “Lift up your heads and be of good com- neither wickedness, neither holiness nor fort, for I know of the covenant which ye misery, neither good nor bad” (2 Nephi 2:11). have made unto me. . . . Adversity presents us with the opportunity “And I will also ease the burdens which to use our agency. And as we use it wisely, the are put upon your shoulders, that even you Lord can refine us and eventually exalt us. cannot feel them upon your backs. . . . While imprisoned in Liberty Jail, the “And now it came to pass that the burdens Prophet Joseph Smith asked the Lord how which were laid upon Alma and his brethren long he must endure persecution and afflic- were made light; yea, the Lord did strengthen tion. The Lord answered, “My son, peace be JOHN LUKE BY PHOTOGRAPH them that they could bear up their burdens unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine af- e can with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and flictions shall be but a small moment; And find the with patience to all the will of the Lord” then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt W direction (Mosiah 24:13–15). thee on high” (D&C 121:7–8). we seek within The Lord does not leave us comfortless in But although adversity is a necessary the pages of times of trial (see John 14:18). part of our mortal experience, we need the scriptures. 2. One of our children is starting to stray CEPT AS NOTED not endure it alone. A search of the Book from the Church. What can we do to bring of Mormon reveals the Lord’s promise to our child back? those who had been baptized by Alma and This is surely one of the most difficult who were being subjected to great afflictions: problems many people face. For this problem, PHOTOGRAPHY BY JOHN REES, EX JOHN REES, BY PHOTOGRAPHY ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 43 too, we find guidance way, then lovingly reproves his son and in the words of Christ. admonishes him to “let these things trouble Section 121 of the Doctrine you no more, and only let your sins trouble and Covenants tells us that you, with that trouble which shall bring you when those in our care make mistakes, we down unto repentance” (Alma 42:29). need to correct them gently and kindly—but You will recall that Alma himself had been specifically and before it is too late. And we a wayward youth until an angel appeared need to increase our expressions of love. In unto him in response to the prayers of his verses 41 through 44, we read: father (see Mosiah 27:14). In teaching the “No power or influence can or ought to be Nephites the power of prayer, the Savior maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only promised them that “whatsoever ye shall by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentle- ask the Father in my name, which is right, ness and meekness, and by love unfeigned; believing that ye shall receive, behold it “By kindness, and pure knowledge, shall be given unto you” (3 Nephi 18:20).

which shall greatly enlarge the soul with- The scriptures teach over and over that , BY GARY L. KAPP out hypocrisy, and without guile— hrist’s prayers really do make a difference. “Reproving betimes with sharpness, when healing 3. Someone offended me greatly, and it moved upon by the Holy Ghost; and then Cdoctrines is very hard for me to forgive him. What showing forth afterwards an increase of love can comfort us should I do? toward him whom thou hast reproved, lest he during times The Lord has made it clear that the power BENJAMIN’S ADDRESS TO THE NEPHITES BENJAMIN’S ADDRESS TO

esteem thee to be his enemy; of trial. to exercise judgment is His: “I, the Lord, will : “That he may know that thy faithfulness forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is is stronger than the cords of death.” required to forgive all men” (D&C 64:10). Betimes means “before it is too late.” There are different That is a high standard. Some offenses are so serious interpretations of the term sharpness. One meaning refers that it is extremely difficult to forgive those who have , MAY NOT BE COPIED; RIGHT NOT , MAY to “being in focus.” That is to say, when reproof is given, it harmed us. The Book of Mormon explains how we can should focus upon a specific problem, conveying to the obtain the spiritual strength to forgive: person being corrected that he or she is still valued and “Charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, loved, even though current behavior is not acceptable. and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily A great pattern of reproving with love is found in Alma’s provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity counsel to his wayward son, Corianton (see Alma 39–42). but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all , BY DAVID LINDSLEY DAVID THE HEALING BALM, BY

Alma teaches the doctrine in a very powerful, understandable things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. . . . LEFT:

44 “. . . Charity is the pure love of Christ, (see Mosiah 4:3). We may not forget all our and it endureth forever; and whoso is found sins, but if we have truly repented, we will possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well remember them with a peaceful conscience with him. and be “harrowed up by the memory of [our] “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray sins no more” (Alma 36:19). unto the Father with all the energy of heart, Third, when we repent we are filled with that ye may be filled with this love, which he the love of God (see Mosiah 4:12). Hearts hath bestowed upon all who are true followers that are filled with love are full. There is no of his Son, Jesus Christ” (Moroni 7:45, 47–48). room for hatred, revenge, discouragement, Love, including the power to forgive, is a or fear. divine gift. Earnest and energetic prayer can Fourth, we do not have “a mind to injure open the heart to receive that gift. one another” or even to allow our children 4. How can I know if and when I have to “fight and quarrel one with another” been forgiven of my sins? (vv. 13–14). In Mosiah 4 and 5, King Benjamin discusses A fifth sign is that we are inclined to several signs that indicate when our sins have n his great impart of our substance to others in need been forgiven. He had just given a powerful sermon King (see vv. 16–21). The Savior lifted the burdens sermon to his people, and their hearts had IBenjamin of others; we will desire to do the same. been softened by his words; they viewed describes several A sixth mark of true repentance is that themselves in their carnal state and prayed signs that indicate we have “no more disposition to do evil” that the atoning blood of Christ would make when our sins have (Mosiah 5:2). them clean again. After they had thus prayed, been forgiven. The scriptures are a veritable banquet of they were “filled with joy, having received a insights and divine counsel. Let us feast at remission of their sins” (Mosiah 4:3). the table often. If we do, the Holy Spirit will Feeling joy is one indication that we are returning to fill our lives, helping us to be “nourished by the good word the right path. Alma taught that “wickedness never was of God” and to remain “in the right way” (Moroni 6:4). happiness” (Alma 41:10). It is impossible to feel joy and In reference to His own revealed words, the Savior sorrow simultaneously, so it is safe to assume that when declared: our hearts are filled with joy we are in the process of “These words are not of men nor of man, but of me; . . . overcoming wickedness. “For it is my voice which speaketh them unto you; . . . A second sign that King Benjamin’s people had received “Wherefore, you can testify that you have heard my a remission of sins was that they had peace of conscience voice, and know my words” (D&C 18:34–36). ■

ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 45 Putting FamilyFirst in Ukraine

Saints in Kharkov, Ukraine, work necessities has been a challenge for most citizens of Ukraine. to strengthen their families despite Many have had to work long hours at the expense of family many obstacles. time. For others, the opportunity to grow rich through priva- tization of business has provided a BY MARINA MIKHAILOVSKAYA AND BENJAMIN GAINES distraction from home life. In n the morning of 19 August 1991, families in addition, Ukraine has one of Ukraine woke up to startling news: The gov- the highest divorce rates in Oernment they had lived under for nearly 70 the world, the years had suddenly ceased to exist. In an instant, life changed forever. Dmitry Mikulin from Kharkov, Ukraine, remembers well both that morning and the disorienting days that followed. “We went to sleep in one country and woke up in another,” he says. “Almost immediately, people began to experience real freedom in many facets of life.” Many viewed the freedom to believe in God as a great blessing. Elder Boyd K. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles dedicated the land of Ukraine for the preaching of the restored gospel on 12 September 1991. A year later mission- aries first came to Kharkov, Ukraine’s second largest city. And in January 1993, a branch was organized in the residential Alekseyevka area of town. In his dedicatory prayer, Elder Packer asked “that the people [in Ukraine] will be blessed with food and clothing and shelter.” Obtaining these PHOTOGRAPHY BY CHRISTINA SMITH AND BENJAMIN GAINES BY PHOTOGRAPHY 46 Left to right: the Mikulin, Chervyakov, and Yemtsov families are helping to make family a priority in Ukraine.

ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 47 Stand Ye in Holy Places Vitaly Yemtsov served in the Soviet army on the East German side of the Berlin Wall in 1988. “I had a normal child- hood,” Brother Yemtsov says, “but when I lived in Germany, I saw how families suffered under a foreign government. I felt bad for them. Soldiers often treated them harshly. After that experience, I wanted to have a better family life than those I saw, better even than the family in which I grew up.” After his service in the army, Vitaly Yemtsov and a child- hood friend became dissatisfied with the spiritual emptiness they felt and dedicated themselves to finding the truth. Both quickly accepted the restored gospel just months after the Church was introduced in Kharkov. “When I met the mis- number of out-of-wedlock births is increasing, and more sionaries, I finally found spiritual food, especially for the couples are choosing to have one child or to remain child- family,” he says. “I found what is lacking all around us.” less. Somehow, for many citizens of Ukraine, the family has However, faith does not free Brother Yemtsov and his seemed to lose much of its significance. wife, Lyudmila, from the family-threatening pressures and But Latter-day Saints in Kharkov say the Church has challenges of life. Within 18 months, both left well-paying helped restore their faith in the family. Dmitry, a returned jobs that required too much sacrifice of family time. Both missionary who recently moved from Kharkov to Moscow found new jobs offering comparable salaries. Even so, and now serves as second counselor in the Russia Moscow everyday life often makes it difficult to focus on the family. South Mission presidency, is one of these valiant Saints. Brother Yemtsov works nine hours a day, six days a week He was sealed to his mother and father in the Freiberg painting and repairing cars. Sister Yemtsova until recently Germany Temple in April 2000 and to his wife, Viktoriya, worked as a warehouse manager. She now works at a care in the Stockholm Sweden Temple in August 2003. center for the elderly. In addition, Vitaly serves as branch “When we heard of the restored gospel, it gave us hope, president and as an institute teacher, and Lyudmila is dis- a strong foundation, and faith in eternal life for our family,” trict Young Women president. he says. “Those problems that once seemed important Like others in their country, the Yemtsovs continually became insignificant. Priorities in the family changed; values face challenges stemming from influences that subtly work and the feelings of confidence and protection appeared.” against the family. Brother Yemtsov often feels isolated at Dmitry’s father, Sergey, is currently Kharkov district work as the only employee who neither smokes nor drinks. president. He adds, “Our Church is the only place where “Everyone was surprised when I told them that I don’t do people learn the truth about the family.” any of that,” he says. “Some considered me crazy in the Because of this fact, members of the Alekseyevka beginning. Most respect me for it though.” Branch are committed to building on eternal principles to Alcoholism is a serious problem in Ukraine; some strengthen families, not just their own but also other families people do not know anyone who does not drink. Smoking who are striving to be in the world but not of the world (see is almost as widespread, especially among youth. Porno- John 17:11–14). The “family first” attitude has helped many graphic images are visible on advertisements and are for here to achieve happiness in home life despite those distrac- sale on almost any street corner. tions inherent in modern Ukraine. For Saints in Alekseyevka, “There is temptation everywhere,” says Sister Yemtsova. the family and eternal goals permeate everything they do. “Satan works diligently here. But the Spirit works diligently

48 too. We find that it is not just how much time we spend are any family-related issues, we discuss them. Right now the together as a family but also what we do during that time question is, Which university will Inna enter when she gradu- that is important. And we make it a priority to do things ates next year? We have been discussing that a lot lately. And that strengthen our bond.” For example, they say that fam- we have fun. I think it’s a great secret of life that being with ily prayer and scripture study have become crucial, daily one’s family is fun. Sometimes we even dance.” reminders of the importance of family happiness. “The Lord said, ‘Stand ye in holy places,’ ” says Brother Sharing the Truth Yemtsov (D&C 87:8). “We try to make our home our own President Gordon B. Hinckley has said: “We believe holy place so time spent together here will bring us closer.” that the family is the basic unit of society. You can’t have a strong community without strong families. You can’t have Choosing What Is Important a strong nation without If he so chose, Aleksandr strong families—the father, Chervyakov could have it all the mother, the children as materially. Nine years ago he one unit working together. founded his own food tech- Now the family is falling nology company. Clients apart all over America, all come from all over Ukraine over the world. If we can and even Russia to take just cultivate good, whole- advantage of his firm’s ser- some family life among our vices. “Without the Church, members, I don’t worry

I could have easily become The Alekseyevka Branch very much about the future one of those people who of this Church.”1 works all the time and earns Unfortunately, many more than enough money but lacks the blessings of a lov- families are struggling. However, there is tremendous ing eternal family,” Brother Chervyakov admits. hope because of the dedication of the Saints. Few people Fortunately, when two young missionaries asked if he in Ukraine know the eternal principles that lead to happi- would like to know more about Jesus Christ, he said yes. ness in the family, but the number is growing. As members He and his wife, Lyudmila, and daughter, Inna, were bap- live these teachings, their friends and family notice. Oppor- tized in 1995. Since then he has reduced his time at work tunities are abundant to share the peace members experi- so that he can nurture relationships within his family as ence at home because of their diligence in establishing a well as serve in the Church. He has been the branch house of God. president and is currently second counselor in the branch President Hinckley noted: “If we live the gospel, people presidency. The Chervyakovs were sealed in the temple will come into the Church. They will see the virtue of our in August 1997. lives, and they will be attracted to the message we have to “One thing that has helped us keep our priorities in teach. That message places great emphasis on the family.”2 order has been family home evening,” says Aleksandr. “It’s And it is a message the Saints in Kharkov have embraced. ■ so easy to forget what is truly important. Monday nights pro- Marina Mikhailovskaya is a member of the Alekseyevka Branch, Kharkov Ukraine District. Benjamin Gaines is a member of the vide a great opportunity to forget about everything that is Belmont First Ward, Cambridge Massachusetts Stake. not important and to concentrate on our family.” NOTES He says of their family home evening activities: “We 1. From an interview with Ignacio Carrión, El País, 7 Nov. 1997; quoted in “Family Home Evening,” Liahona and Ensign, Mar. 2003, 5. always read from the scriptures or from the Liahona. If there 2. Quoted in Liahona and Ensign, Mar. 2003, 5.

ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 49 he felt it would take us away from him. Yet he allowed us to attend. For a few years, although I experi- enced opposition from some family members, I was very happy. Each Sunday I went to church with my children, and I loved it. The gospel was just what I was looking for, and it filled any emptiness left over from my The Link troubled childhood with an alcoholic father. But as my children grew older, things began to change. They wanted to be boating with their dad on Sundays rather in the Chain than sitting in meetings. All of a sudden I found myself When my children chose not to attend going to church alone. I was hurt. I would drive to church, church with me, it broke my heart, sit by myself, cry, and go back home again. and I wondered if I could continue Finally I told my stake president I was going to quit attending church because it was breaking up my family. my own Church activity. He counseled me to ask Heavenly Father if that was what He wanted me to do. I accordingly went home to fast and BY EVA FRY pray, and I received my answer. My mind was impressed n 1970 I joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- with the following words: “You are the link in the chain. day Saints. I was well prepared: I did not use alcohol, If you break the link, everything will be lost.” These words Ismoke cigarettes, or drink tea or coffee. I had quit all sank deep into my heart, and I made a commitment that those things when I realized it was time for me to change I would continue my activity in the Church. my life and find a church where I could take my children. It was hard for me to go alone because I was very shy, My conversion had begun after my sister-in-law devel- and I realized my children had been my security blanket. oped a favorable opinion of the Church and arranged for Once again, I took my problem to the Lord. This time I felt me to receive the Church magazines. I later read the Book impressed to draw closer to my ward family. So I would go of Mormon, and I recognized its truthfulness. My three chil- to church, look for someone else who was alone, and force dren and I were baptized shortly thereafter. My husband myself to speak to that person. Over the years my fear has was not keen on this new life his family was living, because left me, and now I have many friends in my ward.

50 My commitment to faithfully attend church has also KEEP THE CHAIN UNBROKEN paid off. One by one my children have returned to the “I thought of an experience Church, and all three are active. They are raising my nine I had long, long ago. In grandchildren in the gospel, and each one is walking in the summer we lived on righteousness. a farm. We had a little old My mother and sister have been converted also. My tractor. There was a dead sister’s husband is a bishop, and two of her children have tree I wished to pull. I served missions. My son also served a mission, and a grand- fastened one end of a chain to the tractor son is currently serving. Our family is very close, and and the other end to the tree. As the tractor although my husband has not yet joined the began to move, the tree shook a little, and Church, he has grown in many ways. then the chain broke. I thank Heavenly Father every day for my “I looked at that broken link and won- blessings and for the happiness and joy I dered how it could have given way. I went experience in my family. I am so grateful to the hardware store and bought a repair I took to heart the answer to my prayer: ■ link. I put it together again, but it was an “You are the link in the chain.” Eva Fry is a member of the Valley Center First Ward, awkward and ugly connection. The Escondido California Stake. chain was never, never the same. “As I sat . . . pondering these things, I said to myself, ‘Never permit yourself to become a weak link in the chain of your generations.’ It is so important that we pass on without a blem- ish our inheritance of body and brain and, if you please, faith and virtue untarnished to the generations who will come after us. TOGRAPHY POSED BY MODELS POSED BY TOGRAPHY “You young men and you young women, most of you will marry and have children. Your children will have children, as will the children who come after them. Life is a great chain of generations that we in the TOGRAPH BY ROBERT CASEY; PHO ROBERT CASEY; BY TOGRAPH Church believe must be linked together.” President Gordon B. Hinckley, “Keep the Chain Unbroken,” in Brigham Young University 1999–2000 Speeches (2000), 108–9. , MAY NOT BE COPIED; RIGHT: PHO BE COPIED; RIGHT: NOT , MAY LEFT: PHOTOGRAPH BY STEVE BUNDERSON BY PHOTOGRAPH LEFT:


These once-in-a-while ideas for family The suggestion box worked for the Morrises. Following home evening can add variety to your is a “suggestion box” for you, full of family home evening Monday nights. ideas and testimonies gathered from readers. As you read these suggestions, choose some that best fit your situation ike most of us, Matthew and Judy Morrise of the West and give them a try. Hills Ward, Beaverton Oregon Stake, are always L looking for new ideas for family home evening les- Feast upon the Scriptures sons and activities. The Family Home Evening Resource The scriptures are a ready source of family home Book (item no. 31106) is the mainstay, but other ideas are evening lessons. When Sister Fortunata Mandalari of the also welcome. While looking through the resource book, Reggio Calabria Branch, Calabria Italy District, took a vaca- Judy Morrise came across an idea calling for the use of a tion to visit her daughter’s family, she turned to the scrip- suggestion box. tures for a family home evening lesson. “This seemed like a good way to find out how our chil- “I prepared a piece of paper for each of the seven family dren felt about family home evening,” says Sister Morrise. members,” she says, “and I wrote on it: ‘For the next family “I made the box and placed it on a shelf where I knew the home evening, come prepared with your favorite scripture children would see it. Imagine my delight when after a few and a comment. You will have five minutes.’ days I found notes from my six-year-old and eight-year-old “On Monday, when we sat down at the table, there was daughters. They wanted to use the family home evening already a peaceful feeling. I knew everything was going to ideas they saw monthly in the Friend magazine. We gave it go well. Each family member spoke of a different scripture, a try, and within the next two months each girl gave a short and everyone had a chance to speak up and learn from lesson that included an opening song, scripture references, one another. We were so happy with this format that we a story, and an activity. Of course, we ended with treats.” used it for the remainder of my vacation.

52 “After I returned home, my daughter told me that her the presence of the Holy Ghost bearing testimony of the family still enjoys this approach for family home evening. truth that God is love. Everyone studies, speaks, and listens. There is no time for “My daughter, now 23, recently repeated word for word boredom.” this family home evening lesson of years ago. That was a testimony to me that even a very small child can be spiritu- Pray for Inspiration ally taught when love is the subject and Jesus Christ is the Susan Wolf, now of the Vashon Branch, Seattle Wash- source.” ington Stake, remembers when she received inspiration for a special family home evening. “We had just moved, Write to the Missionaries and I was expecting a new baby,” says Sister Wolf. “With Even though she was 90 years old, Aletha Gilbert of two preschoolers, I wanted to find a family home eve- the Lakeview Ward, Bountiful Utah Central Stake, loved ning on the topic of preparing children for a new sibling. to invite her family over for family home evening. Before Nothing I read seemed quite right. So I prayed. My great her death in 2002, Aletha wrote of these special home desire was for our children to realize that having more evenings: “I make sure I have a supply of pens or pen- children in our family did not equate to less love for cils, writing paper, and envelopes. Sometimes I address them. And I wanted to emphasize that Jesus Christ is the envelopes in advance. We each write a message to the source of all love. As I got up from my knees, an idea missionaries in the family and ward. What fun! Everyone occurred to me. likes this idea—the one who sends it and the one who “That Monday evening after singing and having an open- receives it.” ing prayer, I handed each child a paper cup. I poured water Elder Nicholas D. Germer, who into each cup and asked, ‘What happens if I run out of served in the Brazil Brasília water?’ My son answered, ‘You go to the sink and fill up Mission, has been on the the pitcher, Mommy.’ receiving end of a family “I explained, ‘We are going to have a new baby, and home evening activity. Mommy will be much busier. I won’t have as much time to play with you. But Mommy won’t run out of love for you. Do you know why?’ “This time my son and his three-year-old sister looked , POSED BY MODELS , POSED BY thoughtful but didn’t have an answer. I said, ‘I’ll just pray to Heavenly Father, and Jesus will fill up my heart with more love. So everyone in the family will have all the love they need.’ My children broke into happy smiles, as did

TOGRAPHY BY WELDEN C. ANDERSEN BY TOGRAPHY my husband. The feelings in our hearts confirmed

Families can relax together as they write letters or prepare packages for


ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 53 Fifth Ward, Provo Utah Grandview Stake, shared an unusual experience. “My husband and I decided to take our chil- dren for a walk along the beach in search of shells,” says Sister Dahneke. “While walking we met a nice couple. Bart struck up a conversa- tion with them, and we became quick friends. Above: Family home evening can be a place “The next day we had dinner together and where discussion and scripture study help discovered that this couple was soon going to resolve pressing questions. Right: Each of the be married by a local minister. They had no hen you Church magazines has suggestions on how family with them, so they invited us to serve hold specific articles can be used for a family home as witnesses. We agreed. W family evening lesson. “The wedding was held on a beautiful home evening beach as the sun was setting over a calm, week after week, He writes: “I received three letters from mem- clear ocean. The bride and groom were radi- lesson after bers of a family that I knew before my mis- ant as they held hands and made the prom- lesson, some sion. They wrote the letters during a family ise to love, honor, and respect each other. Monday evenings home evening, and the three-year-old daugh- My children were happy for our new friends, may seem like ter even got help from her father to write to but they had a lot of questions about the failures and me. I could feel their love and will never for- wedding ceremony. So our next family home others may exceed get these letters.” evening was on eternal marriage. your greatest Another family has a new idea for writing “We talked about the importance of eter- hopes. But it’s to missionaries. They spread out a large piece nal marriage as found in D&C 132:15, 19. consistency that of paper. Then each family member takes a We taught our children about the importance is essential. colored marker and writes a message in a cir- of living their lives so they are worthy to go cle, pattern, or other fun and interesting way. to the temple to be sealed for eternity. We The young children frame off a section and felt the inspiration of the Holy Ghost as we draw a picture. Then they fold up the paper talked about the beauty of a temple marriage and mail it in a large envelope. Missionaries and its eternal sealing power, compared to can hang this “banner” on their walls and an earthly wedding and its ‘until death do us enjoy it for weeks. part’ promise. “Drawing upon this shared experience Draw upon Life Experiences provided a powerful foundation to teach the When your family shares an experience gospel principles surrounding eternal mar- that results in gospel questions, family home riage. Our children were receptive because evening can be a place where discussion they had experienced firsthand the wedding and scripture study help resolve pressing on the beach. We were motivated because questions. we know firsthand the joys of temple mar- During a family vacation, the Bart and riage. The result was a powerful family home LeAnne Dahneke family of the Grandview evening.”

54 Use Church Magazines councils, played games, and learned to love and respect “You don’t have to be a child to enjoy the activities in one another despite our individual faults and weaknesses. the children’s section of the Liahona,” says Martha Mabel My father eagerly tried to instill in us a love for the gospel Martínez of the Caleta Olivia Ward, Comodoro Rivadavia and the happiness that could be ours if we obeyed the Argentina Stake. “Our family consists of my father, my commandments. mother, and me—their grown daughter. It used to be very “By the time I turned 14, I refused to go to church, but difficult for us to hold family home evening, but ever since family home evenings continued. My father continued to we started using the children’s section, everything has have hope for me. Eventually family home evening became improved—especially the good spirit we feel when we’re my only link to the gospel of Jesus Christ. I headed down together. Sometimes other members of our family just the wrong path and made several mistakes, but some- happen to come by, and they participate too and are just where deep inside my heart I knew that the gospel was as enthusiastic about family home evening as we are.” true and that nothing I did could change that fact. Ideas for family home evening are found in all Church “At the age of 18, I knew I had to make a decision: Would magazines—on page 1 of the Liahona, on the “Making the I follow the Savior or would I follow the world? I could not Most of This Issue” page in the Ensign, on the “What’s in serve two masters. I chose to follow the Lord and through It for You” page in the New Era, and on the “Guide to the repentance returned to full Church activity. I believe it was Friend” page in the Friend. A family home evening can also the determination of my father to continue to hold family be built around a subject from the topic index found in each home evening—even though I chafed against it—that made Church magazine. Linked to each topic are stories or articles the difference. found in that issue. It is easy to read a story or article to- “Now my husband and I hope to help instill a love of gether and then discuss a particular topic. the Savior and His Church in our children through, of course, regular family home evening.” ■ Be Consistent When you hold family home evening week after week, lesson after lesson, some Monday evenings may seem like failures and others may exceed your greatest hopes. But it’s consistency that is essential. One young woman shares her testimony of the power of holding family home evening each week. “I cannot recall one single family home evening that significantly changed my life,” she says. “Rather it is my memory of family home evenings as a whole that has strengthened my testimony and led me down the path of truth. We spent each Monday night as a family for as long as I can remember. We studied the scriptures, played kickball, held family BY MARIAN POND must admit I felt somewhat underwhelmed when I Trying to reach received a call to teach the CTR 6 class in my ward. one disruptive I I acknowledged there would be some challenges for little girl taught me as I reviewed the class list of 11 lively, intelligent, and me what kind somewhat unruly little souls. To stay ahead of this group would require energy, creativity, and diligent prepara- of teacher tion. I accepted the call with whole-hearted determina- I was called tion to give it my best and make a difference in the lives to be. of these children. But I did not expect the experience to afford any opportunity for my own growth or develop- ment. That, I thought, I would need to take care of in my personal study. With love for the Savior and a fervent desire to serve Him, I went forward with joy to teach His gospel. As time passed, the class steadily improved in behavior, attention, understanding, and participation. They were a delight to be with— bright, eager, happy little disciples of Christ. All, that is, but one—a little girl named Angie (name has THE been changed). And, oh, what a handful she was! She jabbed, pushed, patted, and UNEXPECTED kicked her neighbors, broke crayons, and tore LESSON papers. She raised her hand, then refused to talk or gave silly, irrever- ent answers. When I strategically placed her chair so that she had no neighbors, she


56 sang, making it next to impossible for me to teach. I man- exercises, I showed her the things I had brought in my aged to get through the stories and activities all right, but I bag and told her what I had planned for class. More signifi- recognized we did not have the Spirit with us in class. I did cantly, I sincerely expressed to her my hope that she not have the Spirit with me. would choose to stay and be part of our class-time activi- Increasing the earnestness of my prayers and prepara- ties. She always chose to stay and behaved so that she tion, I pleaded with the Lord to help me reach this child— could. Gradually, our opening exercises and class time im- and not neglect the others in the process. Gradually my proved, but closing time still drained me completely. It understanding of my calling expanded to include what I seemed Angie had reached her limit by then and had had was called to be as well as what I was called to do. I realized enough of sitting still and being quiet. Holding her on my it was not simply a call to teach the gospel. I had been lap was the only way I found I could restrain her, and even called to represent the Savior in that little classroom. Some- then it felt like a wrestling match. I held her close to me, how through me these precious children could come to sometimes firmly, whispering encouragement. “Just a know of His love and concern and preparations for them. little while longer,” I’d say. “It’s almost over.” And thus I came to understand that through the way I interacted we endured weeks of closing exercises. with Angie, she, as well as her classmates, would gain a feel- One day as I sat with Angie’s rigid and resisting body ing, good or bad, about the Savior and His Church. I now straining against my arms, a new thought entered my mind. stretched to magnify every aspect of my calling. Guided by a spiritual prompting, I whispered, “You don’t like I continued to prepare diligently for the lessons to be it when our Primary ends, do you?” Tears welled up in my effective. Outwardly, nothing changed—we still had sto- eyes as I felt the tension leave her small frame and she snug- ries, played games, and colored—but inwardly my focus gled into my arms and shook her head in a wordless no. was on representing the Savior. I asked myself, “How Then, and for many closing exercises after that, I whis- would He look at this situation, or this child? What would pered assurances that we would come together every He say? What would week. I promised her we would have stories and activities He do?” When Angie and we would learn more about Jesus, and I told her I acted up or said she would look forward to seeing her next time. Angie needed wanted to go to her extra encouragement and attention, but her confidence mother dur- and self-control grew steadily. CTR 6 thrived! ing opening On the last Sunday of the year the children were gath- ered on blankets to listen to a story in sharing time. Angie reverently got up and came back to quietly ask me how to spell church, then went back to her place. I hadn’t even noticed she was writing, but she showed me her little journal as we walked to our classroom. “Do you want to see what I writed?” she smiled up at me, offering the pocket-sized book. I looked down to see “I ❤ CHURCH.” With my heart in my throat I breathed, “I’m so glad, Angie! I am so glad.” I reflect on my thoughts when I accepted my call- ing. I did not expect the experience to offer opportu- nities for personal growth and development. But now I feel overwhelmed with gratitude for what the Lord taught me while I taught Primary. ■

Marian Pond is a member of the Berthoud Ward, Loveland Colorado Stake.

ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 57 hen I returned W to Church activity, I worried whether other ward members would welcome me back. Compassion for Those WhoStruggle Friendship and compassion can strengthen those dealing “because the Lord had shut up her womb,” with same-sex attraction. Hannah “was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the Lord, and wept sore” (1 Samuel 1:6, NAME WITHHELD 10). The footnote to this scripture explains he inspiring account of Hannah in the that the phrase “bitterness of soul” means Old Testament depicts the travails of not anger or cynicism but sadness and grief. Tone temporarily deprived of normal There are those in the Church today who family relationships by her inability to bear a also feel a “bitterness of soul” because they child. Mocked by her husband’s other wife do not fully experience the joys of family life.

58 This is not so because of infertility. Neither is it because Church members will be a sustaining bulwark in our they have not had a suitable opportunity to marry. They defenses against giving in to temptation. are unable as yet to have families of their own because of sexual orientation. The Choice Is in the Response, They are those brothers and sisters in the Church with Not in the Temptation same-sex attractions who are conscientiously striving to It is not often that Saints with same-sex attraction make live the commandments. They are those who reject trendy their challenge known to others. For me, this struggle is beliefs that homosexuality is an acceptable lifestyle option. one only the Lord, my bishop, and a few close and under- They are those who, recognizing we are not named by standing friends need to know. what tempts us, eschew the label “gay” to take upon them However, at times family and ward or branch members the name of Christ instead. will discern that one harbors these attractions. If others I am one of them. have such perceptions of me, I am grateful that in my Church associations I have never experienced jokes and Magnified through Endurance gossip that make light of a struggle where a soul’s destiny For those of us facing this challenge, the only way to hangs in the balance. As Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the live a life of righteousness is to delay or go without some- Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has stated, “Persons . . .

ILLUSTRATED BY GREG RAGLAND BY ILLUSTRATED thing for which most human hearts hunger: the kind of struggling with the burden of same-sex attraction are in partnership and completeness that is found in a marriage special need of the love and encouragement that is a clear relationship. In the moments of searing loneliness this responsibility of Church members.”1 reality brings, I find compensating companionship in Ours is often a hidden conflict for fear of being seen as the enveloping arms of the Savior and His Atonement. “deviants” who have chosen these attractions. For most During such times, the Savior’s words “My grace is suffi- Latter-day Saints who struggle with this challenge, nothing cient for thee” (2 Corinthians 12:9) take on a profound could be further from the truth. As one author has written: new meaning. “Why would someone who has a strong conviction of the It is a distressing duality to yearn to follow Christ and divine origins of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day His teachings about marriage and family while being Saints choose to engage in a wrenching conflict with that unable to do so because of inharmonious sexual attrac- testimony . . . ? Same-sex desires create a very difficult chal- tions. When I despair I take comfort from what the Lord lenge for Church members and are seldom chosen. The promises in Doctrine and Covenants 58:2–3: trial befalls even the valiant ones.”2 Our choice is in decid- “Blessed is he that keepeth my commandments, whether ing whether to defy or succumb to temptation, not in in life or in death; and he that is faithful in tribulation, the whether to have the temptation itself. reward of the same is greater in the kingdom of heaven. Conversely, the doctrine of agency contradicts worldly “Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the pres- attempts to justify homosexual behavior because of sup- ent time, the design of your God concerning those things posed biological or physiological causes. Elder Oaks said: which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall fol- “Once we have reached the age or condition of accounta- low after much tribulation.” bility, the claim ‘I was born that way’ does not excuse Here I hope to explain through my experience the actions or thoughts that fail to conform to the command- challenges and needs of many of the Church members ments of God. We need to learn how to live so that a weak- enduring same-sex attraction, that perhaps increased ness that is mortal will not prevent us from achieving the understanding and compassion from friends, family, and goal that is eternal.”3

ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 59 Surely He who asks rhetorically, “Is any thing too hard Benson (1899–1994) described: “I have in my heart a love for the Lord?” (Genesis 18:14) can help us master same-sex for all of God’s children. I have no ill feeling toward any attraction. human being. With you, I hate sin, but I love the sinner. We all have need to repent.”4 The Fears That Come with Repentance When I feel overwhelmed by my situation, I am truly When I first made the decision to repent of homosexual blessed to have these friends who will listen and encour- activity, I greatly feared how the bishop would react. Would age. They strengthen my resolve to endure to the end. he act disgusted or angry? Would I be made to feel worse The words that comforted and uplifted the Prophet Joseph than I already did over having sinned? Smith also comfort and uplift me: “Thy friends do stand by Anxious about disclosing such a personal struggle, I thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and delayed the repentance process for many months. When friendly hands” (D&C 121:9). I did finally meet with my bishop, instead of burdening me with more guilt, he beckoned me back to the fold Temptation Is Not Transgression with words as inviting as Alma’s: “If ye have experienced Some assume that all those with same-sex tendencies a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song are morally depraved. Yet, as I often have to remind myself, of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now?” because of my repentance and my earnest efforts to live the (Alma 5:26). The bishop’s calm and spiritual reaction to commandments I am as worthy as other righteous Latter- my confession made it easier to go to him later on, know- day Saints to serve in callings and in the temple, to take the ing I would be loved and helped. His Christlike approach sacrament, to give talks and lessons in church, and to hold aided in my repentance. the priesthood. As President Boyd K. Packer, Acting Presi- Equal to my fears of going to the bishop were my feel- dent of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, has said, “If ings of unworthiness to be at church with people who were you do not act on temptations, you need feel no guilt.”5 living good lives and had not indulged in the sins I had Contrary to being morally deficient, many of us are committed. I was sure the first Sunday I returned to church developing spiritual muscles through the calisthenics of that everyone would see right into my soul and know what adversity.6 This is a fight that can forge a profound close- I was guilty of and the feelings I was struggling with. ness with Heavenly Father and the Savior because victory Instead, my anxieties were put to rest when members hinges on our ability to rely on Them completely. For me, of the ward welcomed me back with loving fellowship. these words of the Savior have personal meaning: “They Repentance would have been much more difficult if I had that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick” gone from being a less-active member to a less-included (Matthew 9:12). member of the ward. Some may be gripped by other temptations—alcohol, Supportive and loving Latter-day Saint friends and fam- tobacco, pornography, gambling, or other serious sins. If ily are vital in the repentance process. When I first sought not tempted by major transgression, we all nevertheless such support from a few longtime friends by revealing are tempted every day. And we do not think people fac- my struggle, I worried they would reject me. Yet just as ing large or small temptations are immoral just because the Savior would never reject someone because of his or they are tempted. Elder Oaks reminds us: “We should her temptations, neither have my friends abandoned me always distinguish between sinful acts and inappropriate because of my weakness. If they ever felt disappointment feelings or potentially dangerous susceptibilities. We in learning of my temptations and mistakes, they replaced should reach out lovingly to those who are struggling those feelings with the kind of charity President Ezra Taft to resist temptation.”7

60 I am blessed to associate with people The Individuality of Timing upportive who view me by my true character, not by One of the most uncomfortable moments Latter-day superficial stereotypes. In doing so they fol- I face as I work to overcome same-sex SSaint friends low the Savior’s example: “The Lord seeth attraction is when a Church or family have been a positive not as man seeth; for man looketh on the member queries as to why I am not yet influence and have outward appearance, but the Lord looketh married. Worse, however, is hearing the helped me make good on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). dreaded words “I have the perfect person choices. Regardless of the nature of our temptations, for you to date.” everyone must rely upon the Savior’s Atone- For some, dating members of the opposite ment to build the bridge that takes us back to sex may be a welcome way to work past in- our Father in Heaven. No one can do it alone. appropriate attractions. For others like me,

ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 61 dating may not be comfortable just now. Pushing dating on me to feel I have a part in the doctrine on family. In sharing me has the unintended consequence of aggravating the their time, families fulfill the decree of discipleship that we pain and frustration I may feel. I hope to one day suffi- are to be “willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they ciently curb my attractions to make the first tenuous steps may be light” (Mosiah 18:8). toward dating. But I have to be allowed to do so without Time with righteous friends and their families also helps others imposing either timetables or dating partners make the difference in my making correct choices. When upon me. I am feeling most alone is when I am most tempted to Some may say that same-sex attraction can be “cured” look for improper companionship. Associating instead simply through dating and marriage. But President with gospel-oriented families helps me choose the better Gordon B. Hinckley has dispelled this notion: “Marriage course and gives me a taste of family blessings that some- should not be viewed as a therapeutic step to solve prob- day can be mine through my faithfulness. lems such as homosexual inclinations or practices, which first should clearly be overcome with a firm and fixed deter- Sorrow Replaced by Joy mination never to slip into such practices again.”8 Whether you know or only sense that a righteous friend The ability of individuals with same-sex desires to date or family member is dealing with same-sex attraction, rest and marry depends on their progress made with the Lord’s assured by virtue of his or her discipleship that he or she is help in overcoming these attractions—an effort that is nei- not content to be facing these temptations. Please do not ther easy nor quick. Your patience with this process will confuse temptation with transgression. greatly magnify our own. Contrary to the impression given Our Father in Heaven and our Savior know our needs by the popular media, many individuals have successfully and can help those of us facing this challenge endure to overcome their same-sex attractions.9 For others, this may the end. They accomplish this in part through true disci- be a lifelong test10 to prove their willingness to do as the ples who are willing to offer their time, understanding, and Savior said—to “deny himself, and take up his cross, and compassion. As we are thus strengthened in our righteous follow me” (Matthew 16:24). resolves and as we are obedient to the Savior’s teachings, our “bitterness of soul” will be replaced by joy and hope Helping Singles Avoid Solitude like that which Hannah felt when her prayers at last were Of greater value than matchmaking services of friends answered (see 1 Samuel 2:1). We then will be better able and Church members are the time and companionship to successfully meet the tests of this life and find our way many so freely offer. Married couples who embrace me home. ■ within their social circles by including me in family home NOTES evenings or other activities help sustain me during periods 1. “Same-Gender Attraction,” Liahona, Mar. 1996, 24; Ensign, Oct. 1995, 14. of temptation and loneliness. They exemplify the Savior’s 2. Erin Eldridge, Born That Way? (1994), 33. admonition to cast a wide net of inclusion: 3. Liahona, Mar. 1996, 18; Ensign, Oct. 1995, 10. 4. The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson (1988), 75; emphasis added. “For if ye love them which love you, what reward have 5. “Ye Are the Temple of God,” Liahona, Jan. 2001, 87; Ensign, Nov. 2000, 74. ye? do not even the publicans the same? 6. See Neal A. Maxwell, “Enduring Well,” Liahona, Apr. 1999, 12; Ensign, “And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more Apr. 1997, 8; see also “Becoming a Disciple,” Ensign, June 1996, 15. 7. Liahona, Mar. 1996, 21; Ensign, Oct. 1995, 12. than others?” (Matthew 5:46–47). 8. “Reverence and Morality,” Ensign, May 1987, 47. 9. See, for example, Robert L. Spitzer, “Can Some Gay Men and Lesbians The most wrongheaded thought I occasionally experi- Change Their Sexual Orientation? 200 Participants Reporting a ence is feeling left out of the Church’s teachings on family Change from Homosexual to Heterosexual Orientation,” Archives of Sexual Behavior, Oct. 2003, 403–17. and marriage. Time spent interacting with families allows 10. See Boyd K. Packer, Liahona, Jan. 2001, 87; Ensign, Nov. 2000, 74.

62 QUESTIONS& ANSWERS I made. I can glance at this map to Question recall people’s names and use the I am so busy with family, Church, and other activities phone numbers in case of an emer- that I don’t often reach out to my neighbors who are not gency. The “name map” of our street Latter-day Saints. What specific ideas can help me develop is indispensable as we meet new faces over time. Through this, I can better relationships with my neighbors? share treats, holiday or otherwise, with neighbors by name, since I have ur family tries to plan one them written down at home. night every month or every Jennifer Mast, Dodge Center Branch, Rochester Minnesota Stake Oother month when we in- vite an individual or family to dinner. I have found that when families in We have never yet been turned our neighborhood need service, it is down; after all, everyone likes an invi- a good idea to include members of tation to enjoy a dinner he or she our Church and those of other faiths. hasn’t had to cook. These dinner get- When one of our neighbors had a togethers have been our favorite way new baby, the Relief Society asked to get to know neighbors individually. me to organize meals for the family. They bring hearts closer and increase I asked a neighbor who is not of our neighborhood unity. faith to help, and she was delighted In addition, when the weather to be included. We have done the permits, we try to take walks as a fam- same when providing a meal after a ily through our neighborhood. It is funeral or at other times when a fam- amazing how often this simple activ- of months of moving in, I made ily may need a little help. Including ity allows us the chance to meet or plates of cookies with cards that in- our neighbors in this way increases visit with neighbors. Many good troduced our family and included our neighborhood unity. associations have been formed and telephone number. Then I delivered Loretta Evans, Boulevard Ward, Idaho Falls Idaho Taylor Mountain Stake strengthened by just this one effort. the plates to each neighbor when I

CEPT AS NOTED Lorraine Richardson, Springfield Fifth knew they were home. When there is even a slight lull Ward, Eugene Oregon Stake I continue to deliver plates as new in the schedule, we or one of our When our family moved into a people move onto our street. After neighbors will often invite families on new home, I knew I would have to I meet them, I write down their our street for an impromptu Saturday make an extra effort to reach out to names and telephone numbers (if afternoon potluck dinner or pizza

PHOTOGRAPHY BY JOHN LUKE, EX JOHN LUKE, BY PHOTOGRAPHY our new neighbors. Within a couple they shared them) on a street map night. The adults bring out the lawn


gives me more groceries than I can made invitations for several families use, I often will offer the surplus to on our street and planned different a neighbor. crafts, games, and other fun activities. Anton Rytting, University First Ward, It turned out to be an easy way to Columbus Ohio Stake have people in our home, and our I try to be involved with my neigh- neighbors were pleased to bring their bors through community service. As children to an event organized just a volunteer for a couple of local an- for them. nual events, I offer my neighbors the Laura Erasmus, McKenzie Ward, Calgary Alberta South Stake opportunity to take part in whatever event I am working on at the time. I If I have a need, at times I will ask am usually equipped with flyers that a neighbor if I can borrow a cup of tell about the event, and then I hand- sugar or a rake. Sometimes I exchange write a note requesting their help in house keys with neighbors in case of one of two or three areas. Whether emergencies. My neighbors usually it is a music concert or county fair reciprocate quickly, and friendships We can plan to do outdoor activities time, there are many opportunities develop naturally and easily. such as yard work when we know our to serve. My neighbors smile when We should not seek friendships neighbors will likely be outside. they see me coming now. They won- with our neighbors for the sole pur- chairs and watch the children play der what I’m up to next, and some pose of converting them. Love, re- while we eat and chat. Sometimes even ask, “How can we help?” spect, sharing, caring, and serving we haven’t seen each other for B. Sparks Chowhan, Manzanita Ward, should be the basis for our friend- Kingman Arizona Stake weeks, so there is a lot to catch up ships. And somewhere in that special on. Our children consider our neigh- Our family hosted a children’s bors an appendage to the family and activity day in our home around When moving into a new home, we can look forward to each time we all get Valentine’s Day. We bring a treat to our new neighbors rather together. than waiting for them to visit us. Robyn Ellis, Fredericksburg Ward, Fredericksburg Virginia Stake

In the apartment complex where I live, tenants move in and out fairly frequently. Still, I try to re- member names and to greet peo- ple by name when I see them. Also, if a two-for-one or buy-in-bulk bargain

64 relationship, often friends of another faith will show an interest in our faith. It is usually easy and comfortable to discuss our beliefs with good friends. Elizabeth McCash, Millard Ward, Omaha Nebraska Stake

I am 81 years of age, and I live in a seven-story apartment building. I bake cookies and have taken some to several neighbors who live in my building. I also try to send get-well cards to people who are sick. Little things like this can make friends pretty fast. Edith Glassburner, Emporia Ward, Derby Kansas Stake STEVE BUNDERSON BY PHOTOGRAPH Planning block parties and neighborhood picnics is a good way to become better Two years ago my mother-in-law, acquainted with neighbors. who lives nearby, and I hosted a neighborhood Christmas party for reaching out to neigh- elaborate activities. Rather, the 20 or so families who live along bors who are not we can include our friends our rural road. After dinner, each Latter-day Saints, that and neighbors in activities family was given the opportunity to could translate into sim- and plans already tell about themselves so we could ple things like “We’re scheduled in our become better acquainted. We felt a having family home lives. ■ warmth in our hearts knowing we evening anyway, so Anna Hammari, Tully Park Ward, had helped strengthen the bonds of why not invite the Meridian Idaho West Stake friendship among our neighbors. neighbors?” or “Suzy is Last Christmas we hosted the get- going to Primary, so why together again. As we delivered the not invite little Janie too?” invitations, we also left a Joy to the This could also be ex- World video as a gift for each family. tended to everyday activi- Tamra Flake Kriser, Geneva Branch, ties such as “I have to do Dothan Alabama Stake yard work anyway, so why Some years ago our stake mission not find a time when Mr. presidency popularized the phrase Jones is outside working on “The Anyway Principle”—the idea his yard?” or “I’m making being that if you are doing things any- cookies for families in the ward, so We might consider inviting way, why not invite someone to par- why not take some to the neighbors?” neighbors to participate with ticipate with you. For busy Church and so on. To reach out to our neigh- us in community events or members trying to find ways of bors, we do not always have to plan volunteer work.


would be able to bless the lives of those in our ward. Little did I realize Our Secret Angels that we would be the ones receiving By Mary Bartschi the blessings. or a couple of weeks I had therapies, daily medication routines, Finally, I could ignore the tremor been noticing a small tremor and the constant challenge of helping no more and sought medical help. Fin my right hand. I persuaded children struggle with seizures, men- As I left the doctor’s office that myself it was only stress. Raising tal retardation, bipolar disorder, and day, my life had changed forever. seven children can be a challenge, congenital heart disease. Parkinson’s disease was the diag- but when five of those children have My husband, Ron, had recently nosis. Questions and fears flooded multiple disabilities, life can be over- been called as bishop of our ward. my mind. How would the disease whelming at times. My schedule was We were grateful for his opportunity progress? How would I care for my filled with doctors’ appointments, to serve and prayed daily that he family? How would I continue to support Ron in his new calling? I longed for answers and desperately needed peace and comfort. The Savior’s words came to my mind: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27). Over the years I had become com- fortable with the idea that the Lord had given me my quota of trials; I thought my life would be spent car- e opened ing for my children with their special the door needs. I did not resent this idea and W and found a delicious meal left anonymously on our front porch.

66 Courage to Pray By Dalnei de Assunção de Castro

even felt great peace and joy as I t seemed the year 1987 would began hearing the discussions from looked to my future. We had accepted never arrive. This was the year I the missionaries and participating in the challenges and disabilities of both Iwould turn 18 and be able to serve ward activities. our sons, along with raising our two in the Brazilian Air Force. When I One day during lunch, after saying beautiful daughters. We even felt the could, I enlisted and dedicated myself a prayer, he looked into my eyes and strong desire to add to our family by entirely to serving my country. said, “I have decided. I want to be adopting three more children with After a Church leader challenged us baptized.” His words were like the special needs. Each time we entered to share the gospel, I the adoption process, we experienced decided to seek out miracles as we were guided through someone who might each step of the way. There have be interested in the been tremendous challenges but also Church. After many tremendous blessings. frustrating attempts In the weeks following my diagno- and feeling somewhat sis I often found myself on my knees, discouraged, I was pleading with the Lord. I learned that reading the scriptures Parkinson’s is a progressive disease in my bunk when I and that I would continue to lose noticed another serviceman kneeling resounding of a cannon in my heart. control of my muscles. The more I in reverent prayer. I was surprised and happy, and he read, the more frightened I became. I decided to inquire about his reli- added to that when he said, “And I I spent many sleepless nights. I also gious affiliation. His response was like want you to baptize me.” Then it was felt an impression from the first a ray of sunshine. He told me he had too much. Unable to contain my tears, words of the diagnosis that there observed my lack of inhibition in pray- I embraced him, and he said to me, would be no miracles to remove this ing at mealtime and before bed. He “Thank you, my friend.” trial from me and that I needed to had always had the desire to pray but With the passing of time, we sent learn something from this experi- had never found the courage. Finally, in our missionary applications, and ence. I felt so alone and wondered he resolved to do it, even though he he actually ended up leaving on a if the Lord was displeased with me, didn’t know exactly what he would mission before I did. Today we are if He still loved me. say in his prayer. far from one another, but we have a Then one night, as Ron was get- I asked him, “Would you like strong link that will unite us beyond ting ready to go to Mutual, there was to learn how to say a prayer?” His this mortal life. He married in the a knock at our door. We opened the response was a very definite yes. That temple and has a beautiful family. door and found a delicious meal left night I taught him in essence the six I am thankful for the inspired anonymously on our front porch. A missionary discussions and bore my leader who challenged me to share loving note stated that every week testimony. The Spirit testified clearly the gospel with those around me and on this night a dinner would arrive. to the two of us that it was all true. to be an example for others. ■ As I tasted the goodness of this deli- The weeks passed, and he accepted Dalnei de Assunção de Castro is a member of the Santa Clara Branch, cious meal, not only was my body my invitation to go to church. He São José Brazil Stake. fed, but my spirit also. I realized I am not alone and the Lord does love

ILLUSTRATED BY RON PETERSON BY ILLUSTRATED me. I tasted again of the sweet peace


He has promised us. I was grateful for these dear secret angels who honored their baptismal covenants What about Agabus? “to mourn with those that mourn” By Eric Hendershot and “comfort those that stand in hile serving a mission in earth, she cried, “That’s not so! There need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:9). I England, one morning I are no prophets on the earth! Jesus knew that through the ministering Wread Acts 11:28, which Christ was the last prophet.” of these “earthly angels” I would briefly mentions a prophet named Then something strange hap- find the strength to make it through Agabus who prophesied of a famine pened. A question came to my mind: each day. that eventually came to pass in the “What about Agabus?” It has now been more than three days of Claudius Caesar. At the time I immediately called out, “What years since we found that first dinner. I didn’t give the seemingly insignifi- about Agabus?” There was a long Every Mutual night since then we cant verse much thought. pause. Then the woman responded, have received a wonderful meal, Two days later my district leader, “Who’s Agabus?” always left anonymously on our Elder Gallafent, telephoned and said “A prophet who lived after Christ front porch. Ward boundaries have he wanted to do a companion and who prophesied of a famine that changed, and people have moved in exchange the next day. The next came to pass,” I said. and out of our ward. But the meals morning my companion and I took She asked me, “Where did you continue to come. Often I have strug- a bus to Southampton, where we read that—in your Mormon Bible?” gled with a particularly difficult day, met Elder Gallafent and his compan- “No,” I replied, “in the book of forgetting it is our “Secret Angels ion, Elder Langston. I set out con- Acts, chapter 11, verse 28.” Day.” And then the doorbell rings, tacting people door-to-door with “Show me,” came the skeptical and I find another delicious gift of Elder Langston while the other two voice. The neighbor let us enter, and love. drove back to Winchester. Elder Langston and I made our way My disease continues to progress, Our morning had been uneventful down a small hallway into the living and there are still many unanswered until we knocked on a certain door room, where a woman in her 40s was questions. But I know I am not just before lunch. The woman who seated on the sofa. alone. I have felt the peace that answered the door was a neighbor I opened to the scripture and comes from trusting the Lord and visiting from the house next door. I handed her the Bible. After she fin- accepting His will. I know that many soon learned that the woman who ished reading, she didn’t know what of the trials we encounter in this life lived there was in the living room to say. I told her of the living prophet are for our good and help turn our within reach of my voice. on the earth at that time, President weaknesses into strengths. I also When I announced we were David O. McKay (1873–1970). I testi- know that we do not have to bear missionaries from The Church of fied of the Prophet Joseph Smith. our trials alone. The Lord always Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the The Spirit was so powerful that I answers our prayers, but often the woman in the living room yelled that knew she could feel it. answers come through those who she was of another faith and knew Elder Langston and I left two are willing to serve and be His all about the “Mormons” and wasn’t copies of the Book of Mormon— “secret angels.” ■ interested in learning more. When one for this woman and one for her Mary Bartschi is a member of the I replied that everyone should be neighbor. I walked away feeling like Continental Ranch Ward, Tucson Arizona North Stake. interested in a living prophet on the I was floating on air. I was sure she

68 would be baptized. Why else would I The next Sunday as I walked into daughter, and both were baptized. have remembered Agabus? the church foyer, Elder Langston ran As I look back more than 30 years The following Sunday at church, up to me with an ear-to-ear grin. and recall the question that came I rushed up to Elder Gallafent and “Remember that woman we left to me, “What about Agabus?” I am Elder Langston and asked, “Did you the Book of Mormon with?” he asked. reminded of another scripture: “But go back? What happened? Tell me!” “Of course,” I replied. the Comforter, which is the Holy They told me they had gone to He then reminded me that we Ghost, whom the Father will send in her home to give her the first dis- had left two copies of the Book of my name, he shall teach you all things, cussion but were turned away. She Mormon—one with the woman and and bring all things to your remem- returned the Book of Mormon we one with her neighbor. The neighbor brance, whatsoever I have said unto had given her. had never taken her copy home. So, you” (John 14:26). I am grateful that I couldn’t believe it. I sat through without the knowledge of the woman as a missionary I was able to have the church wondering why I would re- of the house, her daughter had begun Spirit bring to my remembrance the ceive such a wonderful prompting to read that copy and wanted to know significance of Agabus. The Holy and then have it result like this. I was more about the Church. Ghost truly was my teacher that day. ■ terribly discouraged, but I tried to The woman eventually took the Eric Hendershot is a member of the Green Valley First Ward, St. George Utah Green put it out of my mind. missionary discussions with her Valley Stake.

how me,” came the skeptical voice. I opened Sto the scripture. After she finished reading, she didn’t know what to say.


able to learn that my father’s time on earth had come to an end. Death Is a New Beginning Complications arose, and my By Claudia Yolanda Ortíz Herrera father’s condition deteriorated even y parents were baptized on Visits from our inspired bishop more. His natural strength abated 18 August 1978. I was 5 years were a constant strength during before our eyes, and we knew that Mold; my sister, Noelia, was this trial. He gave my father a priest- this was a confirmation of what was just 5 months old; and my brother, hood blessing, and we waited for a going to happen. I worried that my Luis, was born 11 years later. We change. pain at losing him would become so were sealed in the Guatemala City great I would lose my faith and vision Guatemala Temple in June 1988. I can and not be able to endure. But that still remember the beautiful scene: isn’t what happened. we were dressed in white, uniting our Never before had the wonderful family into eternity. plan of happiness had the meaning We were a stable, united, and active it now had in my life. I was able family, and our lives seemed perfect. to feel a peace that tempered my But even when we stay close to the emotions. It opened my eyes and commandments, have testimonies of mind and enabled me to understand Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and he bishop gave us a copy to a limited extent the greatness, Their work, and aspire to achieve exal- of “Tragedy or Destiny” glory, and majesty of life and the tation, adversity will come. T and urged us to ask God importance of this brief time on In January 1999 my father had a what plans He had for my father. earth. serious accident and was admitted to The time came to tell my father, intensive care, where he was able to Since my father did not improve, “Until we meet again.” Nine days breathe only with the help of a respi- we began to wonder if our plead- after the accident, he died. I was rator. He suffered hematomas, which ings were really in accordance with with him as he reached the end of caused swelling of the brain. Heavenly Father’s will. One night his earthly existence, but now I had When the rest of the family learned the bishop, after giving us blessings, a different understanding. I was able of his condition, we immediately went talked to us about the plan of salva- to feel how sweetly our Heavenly to the hospital. As a physician, I knew tion and told us that when someone Father loves us and how He prepares the outlook was dim. Nevertheless, is blessed to recover, he or she will the necessary opportunities for us to we fasted, prayed, and trusted in our live if not appointed unto death become as He is. Heavenly Father to restore my father (see D&C 42:48). He also gave us My confidence is complete that so that soon, despite any aftereffects a copy of “Tragedy or Destiny” the day will come, if we endure to the or the treatments he might need, he (see Improvement Era, Mar. 1966, end, when through the Atonement would come home again and be the 178–80, 210–17), a talk by President and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, we wonderful guide and protector he Spencer W. Kimball (1895–1985). The will rise clothed in glory, immortality, had always been. As we fasted and bishop urged us to ask God what and eternal life. Death is just a new prayed, I felt my faith grow stronger, plans He had. After we said good-bye beginning. ■ and I anxiously waited for him to to the bishop, I decided with much Claudia Yolanda Ortíz Herrera is a member of the Victorias Ward, Guatemala open his eyes and start to recover. sorrow to follow his counsel. I was City Guatemala Las Victorias Stake.


Feeling the Love of the Lord through Generosity

rayerfully select and read and government and from this message the scrip- rule, all these and P tures and teachings that meet every true enjoyment the needs of the sisters you visit. Share that we possess come your experiences and testimony. from God. We do not Invite those you teach to do the same. always realize this, but it is nevertheless true that to How Have You Experienced the God we are indebted for every good “We choose what we give to the Generosity of the Lord? and perfect gift” (Teachings of Lord’s Storehouse from what He has Elder Neal A. Maxwell of the Presidents of the Church: John Taylor given us. Sisters, do you see the abun- Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: [2001], 175). dance we have to draw upon? What “Among the perfect attributes of our gifts have you been given that you living God, one that is and will be a How Can You Express Generosity? can bring to the Lord’s Storehouse?” great blessing to us, is His generosity. 2 Corinthians 9:7: “According as (“Welfare, the Crowning Principle Important though it is, this quality is he purposeth in his heart, so let him of a Christian Life,” BYU Women’s one that tends to be less noted. give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: Conference, 1 May 2003, 3). “God’s generosity is associated for God loveth a cheerful giver.” President Marion G. Romney with divine gladness, such as is Bonnie D. Parkin, Relief Society (1897–1988), First Counselor in the evoked when His children keep His general president: “When Joseph First Presidency: “Be generous in your commandments. He is quick to bless Smith organized the Relief Society, he giving, that you yourselves may grow. and is delighted to honor the faithful called us to ‘relieve the poor’ and ‘to Don’t give just for the benefit of the (see D&C 76:5). God’s generosity is save souls’ [History of the Church, poor, but give for your own welfare. expressed also in His long-suffering, 5:25]. When we fulfill this mandate, Give enough so that you can give His being always ready to respond we are living welfare. . . . The Lord’s yourself into the kingdom of God when His children are inclined to Storehouse—where ‘there is enough through consecrating of your means ‘feel after Him’ (see Acts 17:27; D&C and to spare’—is [symbolically] what and your time. Pay an honest tithing 112:13)” (If Thou Endure It Well the Lord has placed in each of us and a generous fast offering if you [1996], 39). (D&C 104:17). It is one woman mak- want the blessings of heaven. I prom- President John Taylor (1808–87): ing a difference for another. It is one ise every one of you who will do it USTRATED BY KEITH LARSON BY USTRATED “If we have life, or health, or posses- sister offering to listen or talk with a that you will increase your own pros- sions; if we have children, and friends sister who may be lonely. It is a sister perity, both spiritually and temporally. and homes, if we have the light of developing a close friendship with the The Lord will reward you according truth, the blessings of the everlasting sister she visit teaches. It is you and to your deeds” (“The Blessing of the gospel, the revelations of God, the me with our strengths, our skills, and Fast,” Tambuli, Dec. 1982, 4; see ■ PHOTOGRAPH BY CHRISTINA SMITH; ILL BY PHOTOGRAPH holy priesthood, with all its blessings our talents blessing the life of another. Ensign, July 1982, 4).


suggest you periodically print it and In addition to narrative entries, my My Journal, keep the hard copy somewhere safe. journal contains a variety of entries, A journal stored in a nonretrievable from lists of people who attended A Vital Record format is as bad as no journal at all. events like my children’s baby bless- Over the years I have enhanced ings to postcards received from s keeping a journal worth it? Of my journal writing by keeping in friends. I have included favorite scrip- course—especially when you con- mind two simple guidelines: tures as well as synopses of ward and Isider that your posterity will seek Be complete. In addition to sharing stake meetings. I have also drawn pic- information about you whether you thoughts and feelings, your journal is a tures in my journal and have even provide it or not! Writing it yourself record of your life’s events. For future included some of my favorite recipes. helps ensure accuracy and allows you reference, be sure to include complete Preston Draper, Norman Fourth Ward, Norman Oklahoma Stake to emphasize what you think is most information: names (first and last), important. It is also helpful to have a dates (including the year), and places careful record on hand when your (city, state, or other information appli- own memory begins to fade. cable to your country). Don’t assume Bonding Personally, I prefer to write by that people and events you know inti- with Baby hand in acid-free, hardcover, bound mately will be familiar to your future journals. I think handwritten entries readers. It may seem tedious at first to hen I had my first baby, allow future generations a special add these details, but future readers I quickly realized that glimpse into your personality. If you will be grateful for your efforts. W breast-feeding can con- keep your journal on computer, I Vary your entries. Don’t become sume a great deal of time—sometimes obsessed with fact to the exclusion of 20 minutes or more every two hours emotion. You for a newborn. Since I am an avid want a balance reader, I thought I would use this time of both. to read six volumes of Church history. I reasoned that Heavenly Father would be pleased with my seemingly wise use of time. However, one day I read a booklet that changed my outlook. Prepared for adoptive parents, it explained how they could bond with their new infants. Though babies do not understand speech, the booklet pointed out, they respond to such stimuli as touch, eye contact, and sound. Because eating is so pleasurable for them, a mother can effectively communicate


rotate the song and scrip- sing the hymn and recite ture selections among fam- the scripture. By the next ily members. We each family home evening, we her love while feeding. I realized that I have a turn to choose what usually have both memo- might use some of this time caressing we feel will best strengthen rized and reward those our family. We then intro- who do with a small treat. my baby’s hair, stroking little arms and A Hymn and a Scripture duce the upcoming week’s Every few months, we also My husband and I hands, or singing softly. Babies don’t scripture and hymn at fam- play a simple review game. noticed that during sacra- always stay awake during their feedings. ily home evening and sub- I love to hear my four- ment meeting our children But I learned that when they do, it’s sequently post the scrip- year-old sing “Redeemer were not singing the important to use this precious time ture in a prominent place. of Israel” as he plays hymns with much enthusi- Before morning and around the house and to with my child to communicate love. asm. We decided they evening hear all five of my children Penny D. Brown, Cottonwood 13th Ward, might not be singing them Salt Lake Cottonwood Stake prayers, recite the scriptures by because they did not we heart. We hope that as know them well. A our children grow up simple solution came and encounter diffi- to mind. Why not Why Learn cult situations, they select hymns and will draw upon the accompanying scrip- a Second beautiful messages tures to use for family found in our hymns home evening and Language? and scriptures. before morning and evening prayers? Valerie Smith, ince the Church has more Centerville Ward, Using a simple Dayton Ohio Stake members living outside the assignment chart, we SUnited States than within, those who are multilingual and knowledgeable about other cultures of your heritage, particularly those magazine, can also be helpful. Seek a can increasingly serve their brothers values that will strengthen them and variety of opportunities to practice. and sisters worldwide. In view, then, their future families. 5. Learn English as a second of the spiritual, educational, social, 3. Encourage children to learn a language. If English is not your and professional advantages of famil- second language. Though you can native language, consider learning iarity with languages and cultures, study a language at any time, lan- it also. In addition to increased job what can we do to enhance our own guage learning comes most easily opportunities, you will be blessed abilities in these areas? and naturally to young children. to study modern scriptures in their

AKER 1. Learn any foreign languages Learning another language will likely original language and to understand that your parents or grandparents help them to understand their own English-speaking Church leaders who speak. Share the good and uplifting language better. don’t speak the language of every aspects of their cultural heritage so its 4. Practice any foreign language country where the gospel has spread. strengths can be part of your life too. you learned on a mission or in If learning another language

; RIGHT: ILLUSTRATED BY BETH WHITT BY ILLUSTRATED ; RIGHT: 2. Share your native culture if school. For personal study, consider seems daunting, remember that you you grew up in another country. Of using foreign-language scriptures can have the Holy Ghost to help you course you will want your family to on occasion; you may also choose in fulfilling righteous desires to serve be fully participating citizens of the to offer personal prayers in your sec- your brothers and sisters. country where you now live. But ond language. A subscription to the Bruce B. Clark, Cherry Hills Second Ward,

LEFT: ILLUSTRATED BY JOE FLORES BY ILLUSTRATED LEFT: teach them the language and culture Liahona, the Church’s international Orem Utah Cherry Hills Stake

ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 73 During the May open Boston, Massachusetts, or Manhattan Temple house, visitors commented Washington, D.C., to attend on the sense of peace they the temple. Dedication Generates felt while touring the newly Since the 1970s the remodeled building. While Church has used the building Worldwide Interest the temple is soundproof— as an office and meeting- fter a month-long open keeping out the house. Now, the first, second, house, President bustling noise of a city fifth, and sixth floors com- A Gordon B. Hinckley that never sleeps— prise the temple’s 20,630 dedicated the Manhattan New tour guides had the square feet (1,920 sq m). The York Temple in four sessions opportunity to explain floors sandwich a meeting on 13 June 2004. Sixteen the peace that comes hall, gym, and offices. It is meetinghouses received live from being in the one of only two Latter-day broadcasts of the dedication, house of the Lord. Saint temples that are not interpreted in 10 languages. In his dedicatory freestanding; the other is the The opening of the temple prayer, President Hong Kong China Temple. caused an international media Hinckley said, “May At the time of the dedica- stir, with a variety of media this temple be a place tion, the exterior of the outlets in the United States of quiet refuge in the Manhattan New York Temple and throughout the world midst of this great and looked much like another featuring not only the new An artist’s rendition shows noisy metropolis. May office building to passersby, temple, but also explaining the Manhattan New York all who enter its portals feel but the Church later received some of the Church’s history, Temple with a new façade they have stepped from the clearance to add a spire beliefs, and reasons for the and a steeple, new features world into a place of Thy topped with a golden angel temple. More than 53,000 that were still under divine presence.” Moroni, which was added in people of various faiths construction as of press time. The temple will serve June. A new facing is being attended the open house of 42,000 members, who until added to the south and west the temple, located across ever perform on that stage— now have had to travel to sides of the building. ■ from the Lincoln Center and more than 2,400 young one block west of Central Latter-day Saints. The per- Park. formance included song, President Hinckley A jubilee produced by dance, and videotaped seg- Church members and held ments, and it showcased the Receives Presidential at famed Radio City Music talents of many Latter-day Hall also received attention. Saints who earn their living Medal of Freedom President Hinckley attended performing, directing, or resident Gordon B. “Mr. Hinckley is the grand- and spoke at the event, which producing shows on Hinckley spent his 94th son of Mormon pioneers and boasted the largest cast to Broadway. Pbirthday in Washington, has given devoted service to D.C., where U.S. President his church since 1935. He’s George W. Bush awarded him always shown the heart of a the Presidential Medal of servant and the gifts of a CHURCH NEWS Freedom, the highest civilian leader. Through his discipline award in the United States. and faithfulness, he has In his remarks on 23 June proven a worthy successor to 2004, President Bush said, the many fine leaders before “Millions of Americans him. His church has given reserve a special respect for him its highest position of Gordon B. Hinckley, who still trust, and today this wise and works every day as President patriotic man receives his

PHOTOGRAPH BY SHAUN STAHLE/COURTESY OF STAHLE/COURTESY SHAUN BY PHOTOGRAPH of the Mormon Church, and country’s highest civil honor.” Young members of the Church perform in Radio City Music Hall who, on this very day, turns President Hinckley before the dedication of the Manhattan New York Temple. 94 years old. expressed his appreciation

74 The official writ- The new edition will be

TED PRESS ten citation with a hardcover version with the award states, design changes introduced to “As the president of make the book easier to read The Church of and understand for an audi- Jesus Christ of ence outside of the Latter-day Latter-day Saints, Saint culture. It will not and throughout his include the cross-references, nearly 70 years in index, and footnotes used Church leadership, in the editions available in Gordon B. Hinckley Church distribution centers. has inspired mil- The two-column format will PHOTOGRAPH BY SUSAN WALSH/COURTESY OF ASSOCIA SUSAN WALSH/COURTESY BY PHOTOGRAPH lions and has led be replaced by a single col- efforts to improve umn, intended to make the humanitarian aid, book easier to read. disaster relief, and One addition to the education funding book includes a seven-page President Gordon B. Hinckley greets U.S. President George W. across the globe. Reference Guide to help Bush after receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom. “His tireless efforts to orient the reader who may spread the word of God and not be familiar with the before receiving the award. everywhere, I extend my to promote good will has Church or its teachings. It will He said, “I am profoundly gratitude and with each of strengthened his faith, his outline key events, ideas, and grateful. In a larger sense, it you share the honor of this community, and our nation. people. The book will be recognizes and honors the recognition.” The United States honors priced at U.S. $24.95. Church, which has given me President Hinckley was Gordon B. Hinckley for his “The Mormon faith has so many opportunities and one of 13 recipients. Another devoted service to his church become one of the largest whose interests I have tried to was Pope John Paul II, who and to his fellowman.” in America,” said Doubleday serve. received his medal when All five of President Religion Division Vice “To the Church, to my President Bush visited the Hinckley’s children were President Michelle Rapkin. associates, and to our people Vatican a few weeks earlier. present at the ceremony. ■ “We’re proud to be the first publisher to bring this vitally important work to book- Major Trade Publisher to Produce stores across the country.” Because the Latter-day First Commercial Book of Mormon Saint faith is growing so rap- or the 174 years that the Elder Henry B. Eyring of Since Doubleday idly, many people are inter- Book of Mormon has the Quorum of the Twelve approached the Church about ested in reading the book, Fbeen in publication, the Apostles said that the First the idea more than a year ago, Ms. Rapkin told the Salt world has received it through Presidency had authorized they have been working with Lake Tribune. But because the efforts of members and the new publication, feeling the Church to make sure most general-interest book- missionaries who have dis- this would allow the sacred the text remains true to the stores don’t carry the tributed it. But now a new volume to be more readily authorized edition already in Church’s version, copies of option has come along. obtained by the general pub- use by Church members. the book aren’t always easy In November, Doubleday, lic at such places as airport “The new edition uses the to find. a publishing firm based in bookstores and through authorized text, so buying Since its initial printing in New York, will become the major popular retail outlets new scriptures is not neces- English in 1830, the Book of first major trade publisher to and their Web sites. The sary,” Elder Eyring said. Mormon has been translated produce an official, commer- availability of the Book of “However, many members into 72 languages, begin- cial edition of the book. Until Mormon in bookstores is not may feel that this new edition ning with Danish in 1851. now, all other official distribu- expected to detract from the would be an ideal gift for Selections of it have been tion has been through the efforts of full-time and mem- friends who are not members printed in an additional 32 Church. ber missionaries. of the Church.” languages. ■

ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 75 Church Membership Growth 11,985,254

GRAPH BY TOM CHILD TOM GRAPH BY 2003 10,354,241 their first three weeks of training in the Provo MTC, 1998 then spend the remaining 8,696,224 five and a half weeks in the 1993 Dominican Republic MTC if 6,720,000 they are going to serve in the Dominican Republic or Puerto 1988 5,400,000 Rico, the Peru MTC if they are 4,160,000 1983 going to serve in Peru or Bolivia, or the Spain MTC if 1978 they are going to serve in Spain or the Canary Islands. The remaining 10 MTCs principally train missionaries who live in the area around Source: Statistical Reports of the Church that MTC. These MTCs are located in Argentina, Chile, Projected growth rates estimate that Church membership topped 12 million early in 2004. Colombia, Guatemala, Japan, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, the Philippines, and South Church Membership Surpasses Africa. Almost all missionaries now attend at least one of the 12 Million Worldwide in Early 2004 MTCs for training prior to ased on growth rates, Worldwide, Church member- on 2002 data). The National serving their missions. All of worldwide member- ship has nearly tripled during Council of Churches’ 2004 the MTCs also serve mission- Bship in the Church the past 25 years. Members Yearbook of American and aries from their areas—for likely topped the 12 million numbered 4,160,000 on Canadian Churches also example, missionaries from mark earlier this year. As of 31 December 1978. reports that the Church has South America may attend 31 December 2003, members A 2004 report on 215 U.S. the highest rate of growth the Brazil MTC if there is not of the Church numbered churches lists the Church as (1.88 percent per year in the an MTC in the area where 11,985,254 worldwide, up the fifth largest in the United U.S.) among the 15 largest they will be serving. 263,706 from the year before. States with 5.4 million (based U.S. churches. ■ No matter which MTC a missionary attends, all will have the opportunity to More Full-time Missionaries Attending reach goals of learning and cherishing the doctrines of International Missionary Training Centers the gospel and developing By Patricia Selman, Church Magazines Christlike attributes; learning to teach with power to help s Missionary Training number of missionaries being Paulo, Brazil, and it remains others have faith in Christ, Centers (MTCs) have sent to international MTCs, the largest international MTC. repent, be baptized, receive A been built around the there is now space available Today missionaries from the the Holy Ghost, and endure world, more and more mis- for the senior missionaries United States and Canada to the end; and seeking sionaries from the United at the Provo MTC. In May receive training in the Brazil the gift of tongues and States and Canada are being 2004, the Senior Missionary MTC if they are going to serve becoming functional in the sent directly to the MTC in Training Center in Provo, in Brazil, in the England MTC mission language, according the country where they have Utah, was torn down, and the if they are going to serve to Guidelines for MTC been called, or splitting their land was returned to Brigham their mission in the United Presidents. time between the Provo MTC Young University for future Kingdom, and in the Ghana As of 31 December 2003, and one of the 16 interna- development. MTC if they are going to serve 56,237 full-time missionaries tional MTCs. The first MTC outside of in Ghana. were serving around the Because of the increasing Utah was built in 1977 in São Other missionaries receive world. ■

76 conference addresses on the The easy-to-navigate site, bus, or the soundtrack to a located at www.visittemple Church movie almost any-, was officially where and anytime. launched in June by Temple New downloadable MP3 Square Hospitality, an entity files, found at owned by the Church. mp3/newarchive, include A small description about the scriptures, general confer- each location on a map is ence addresses, study materi- provided when clicked on. als, Church magazines, Relief The locations shown include Society and priesthood the temple, the Tabernacle, manuals, and soundtracks to the Assembly Hall, Joseph Church movies and special Smith Memorial Building, the events. New content will be Church Office Building, and Serving in the Church is part of the Church’s ever-expanding added frequently. Users can Brigham Young Historical Web site at download the MP3 files and Park. listen to the recordings on Pull-down menus provide their personal computer, information on events, ser- Church’s Online Presence transfer the files to a portable vices, dining, and attractions. MP3 player, or record them Also included are links to sites Continues to Grow onto a CD. Users can register that provide tourist informa- nformation on serving in Aaronic Priesthood/Young on the site to receive e-mail tion for surrounding areas. ■ the Church and new MP3 Men, Young Women, Relief notifications when new con- Iaudio files of Church mate- Society, Primary, and Sunday tent has been added. rials have been added to the School organizations of the Members have listened to Church’s Web site at Church. It also has a Military the audio files while commut- In the News .org. Also available is a new Relations link for those who ing, doing housework, travel- Salt Lake Redevelopment Church-affiliated Web site that are currently or will be serv- ing, and exercising. Many Moving Ahead offers information on Temple ing in the military and those users have commented that he Church has com- Square. who preside over them. listening to the scriptures pleted the purchase Other links found on the helps them to better compre- Tof the Triad Center, a Serving in the Church site include addresses by hend and retain what they mixed-use office and retail Made Easier with New Site Church leaders recently given study as they read along. complex set on 10 acres (4 ha) The Church has launched at auxiliary open houses in Others are using the files to in . Serving in the Church, a new Salt Lake City, links to the study English, to supplement This will allow the Church to section of history of each organization, their family scripture reading immediately move forward designed to strengthen indi- and messages from auxiliary for young children who have with the educational compo- viduals and families by help- presidents. a hard time reading, and for nent of its downtown Salt Lake ing priesthood and auxiliary Serving in the Church joins family home evenings. City redevelopment project. leaders fulfill their callings. other recently launched sec- Much of the 500,000 The site, currently available tions of, includ- Visit Temple Square Online square feet (46,000 sq m) in English, was launched on ing the Church Music site and with New Site of retail and office space at 9 June 2004. the Home and Family site. For those who want to the Triad Center, located Members newly called to visit Temple Square or just between North and South positions in all organizations Church Site Now Includes learn more about it, a new Temple Streets three blocks of the Church can turn to the Audio Files Web site has been launched west of Temple Square, will Web site to better understand Thanks to the new Church that provides details about be refitted and partially filled their new responsibilities and Publications in Compressed the many buildings, events, by LDS Business College and the purposes behind them. Audio Format site, members services, and attractions the Salt Lake campus exten- The Web site has introduc- can now listen to the Church found on or around the 10 sion of Brigham Young tions to and descriptions of magazines during lunch, acres (4 ha) surrounding the University, which are being the Melchizedek Priesthood, scriptures and recent general Salt Lake Temple. relocated here.

ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 77 The Church initially search and rescue teams to announced that the two locate him, then by an amaz- schools would be housed in ing set of events that con- new buildings to be built in a tributed to what appears to parking lot east of the Triad be a full recovery. Center, which was formerly Elder Matthew Weirich was used as the 2002 Olympics due to complete his mission Medals Plaza. Using the exist- and return to his home in ing buildings will not only be Fredericksburg, Texas, in the more cost-effective than new United States on 16 August construction, but will allow 2004. But as he was hiking the campuses to open sooner, with fellow missionaries near according to Bishop H. David the Grand Canyon Lookout in Burton, Presiding Bishop. The Morton National Park on 23 redesign phase for the Triad June, another elder lost a Center will wrap up within the shoe. Elder Weirich went to next few months, and renova- look for it, but never returned. American Sign Language versions of Book of Mormon Stories tion will continue throughout Amazingly, Elder Weirich and Selected Hymns have recently been released on DVD. 2005. The opening academic survived the 230-foot (70-m) year for the two schools could fall. Authorities believe that a in the Lincoln Center in New and appreciate Church hymns, be as soon as 2006. cluster of trees and ground York City. thanks to the introduction of About 5,000 students are foliage broke the fall of the Craig Jessop, music direc- two new ASL products on expected to attend classes on former BYU student and track tor of the choir, said of Mr. DVD: Book of Mormon Stories the new campus initially. team member. The mission- Osgood, “He is a dear friend and Selected Hymns. The Triad Center, which ary’s only injuries were small of the choir, and his pres- Book of Mormon Stories was originally constructed in fractures above his eyebrow ence on the concert and the on DVD will “help deaf 1984, incorporates an entire and in his nose, a swollen anniversary broadcast will be individuals to understand city block. Its property con- tongue, and a few scratches. the icing on the cake for the Book of Mormon better,” tains three office towers, two He spent the night on the these gala festivities.” says Doug Hind, Special parking structures, grassy canyon floor in near-freezing Multimedia interludes Curriculum Specialist in the areas, and the Devereaux temperatures, which doctors portraying the history of the Curriculum Department. In House, a historic mansion. think may have helped choir were included in the addition to the visual stories, Portions of the block not reduce any swelling. concert. The actual anniver- the DVD includes a glossary purchased by the Church are sary broadcast of Music and of English words translated already owned by Church- Choir Celebrates Anniversary the Spoken Word took place into ASL. affiliated businesses, includ- with Gala Concert the next day, 18 July 2004. It Members who are hearing- ing the building that houses In commemoration of was the program’s 3,909th impaired sometimes struggle KSL-TV and radio stations the 75th anniversary of the broadcast. The choir was to find personal meaning in owned by Bonneville Mormon Tabernacle Choir’s recently inducted into the the music played in Church Communications and a sur- weekly radio broadcast, a National Association of meetings. Because hymns are face parking lot owned by a special gala concert was held Broadcasters Hall of Fame often hard to translate during commercial real estate com- with the Orchestra at Temple for having the longest contin- meetings, a team was put pany affiliated with the Square on 17 July 2004 in the uous weekly network radio together to translate 127 Church. Conference Center. program in the world. hymns for the Selected Charles Osgood, the Hymns DVD. Missionary Recovering acclaimed CBS News corre- Church Releases American “Music plays a big part in from Fall in Australia spondent, was the featured Sign Language DVDs our lives, and we have to real- A missionary who fell 230 guest at the concert. Last July Those who use American ize people who are totally feet (70 m) from a cliff in an he helped the choir kick off Sign Language (ASL) as their deaf don’t have the same Australian national park their yearlong festivities cele- primary language may now be enjoyment of music,” says attracted worldwide atten- brating the anniversary of able to better understand sto- Brother Hind. “This transla- tion, first during an effort by Music and the Spoken Word ries from the Book of Mormon tion [helps make the music]

78 more meaningful to them.” purposes when they come have ever read in the worried hands. We are truly Missionaries can also use across people who are deaf, Ensign. Every point he instruments in the hand of the two DVDs for teaching Brother Hind said. ■ made was right on the nose. the Lord. I hope many bishops and Cheryl G. Brown, others who work with Payson First Ward, Payson Utah Mountain View Stake Policies and Announcements singles will refer to it often. he First Presidency has general session. The broad- Thank you for printing this sent the following letter, cast will include instruction article. dated 6 May 2004, to by members of the First Jill Laing, Correction T Madison Ward, priesthood leaders. Presidency, the Quorum of A subscription to the Phoenix Arizona East Stake the Twelve, and other General Ensign may be obtained in Stake Conference Broadcasts Authorities. Many Hands the United States and Canada In order to give members Some stake conference First I noticed the Savior’s online at of the Church greater access dates will be adjusted to hand on page 61 of the or by phone at 1-800-537- to the teachings of Church enable groups of stakes to June 2004 Ensign in the 5971. Subscriptions are also leaders, the following adjust- receive the broadcast on the Visiting Teaching Message. available at any Church ments in stake conferences same weekend. Members will Then throughout the Ensign distribution center or by have now been approved: attend in their own stake cen- I found other hands on sending a check or money At one stake conference ters or in other meetinghouses almost every page. I found order for U.S. $10 ($16 each year, the stake president equipped with a receiver. The loving hands, missionary Canadian) made out to will continue to preside as at broadcast will begin at a desig- hands, working hands, “CPB” to Distribution present and will plan the con- nated time, providing each helping hands, reverent Services, P.O. Box 26368, ference with his counselors congregation with about hands, teaching hands, Salt Lake City, UT 84126-0368, according to established 15 minutes for an opening prophets’ hands, friendly USA. The subscription cost guidelines. It will be at this hymn, an invocation, and local hands, humble hands, clean was reported incorrectly in conference that the sustain- Church business. Each congre- hands, tired hands, and the July Ensign. ■ ing of general and local gation will have a closing authorities should occur. hymn and a benediction after The other stake conference the conclusion of the broad- will alternate from year to year cast. Other sessions of the Call for Articles between two formats: one conference will be conducted Did the Church maga- or to cur-editorial- where a General Authority or by the stake presidency. zines help introduce you [email protected]. Area Authority Seventy will Dates and details for these to the gospel or bring you Clearly mark your submis- preside, and one where the broadcasts will be sent to back into activity? Did a sion “Church Magazines,” stake president will preside each stake well in advance of single article make a differ- and at the top of your sub- with a satellite broadcast the conference, beginning ence, or was it the regular mission write your name, incorporated into the Sunday with a few during 2004. ■ influence of the magazines address, telephone num- in your home? ber, e-mail address, ward, Please send us your and stake (or branch and Comment story by 15 October 2004 to district). Conference Photos Single” (June 2004) for his Ensign Editorial, 24th Floor, While we cannot I wanted to let you know words. It was wonderful to 50 East North Temple Street, acknowledge receipt how much I enjoyed the pho- hear his perspective and to Salt Lake City, of individual responses, tos in the May Ensign. Nearly know that I am not alone! UT 84150- authors whose submis- every photograph is a mini- Thank you. 3220, USA, sions are selected for pub- sermon. They are a delight. Jill Hunter, lication will be notified. Elsie Thackeray, Wasatch Second Ward, If you would like your man- Salt Lake Wasatch Stake Etna Ward, uscript returned, enclose Medford Oregon Stake Kudos to Chris Brough. a self-addressed, stamped Seeing beyond Single His article “Seeing beyond envelope and allow up to I would like to thank the Single” is the best article a year. ■ author of “Seeing beyond about single members I

ENSIGN SEPTEMBER 2004 79 MAKING THE MOST Home, Visiting Teachers OF THIS ISSUE Find the monthly mes- sages on pages 2 and 71. SEPTEMBER 2004

Fighting Same-Sex Church Magazines Menlove, Primary gen- Attraction for Your Scholar eral president, shares The challenges of Church Did you know you can encouraging counsel members who struggle with buy a short-term subscription in “Called to Serve,” same-sex attraction are not to the Church magazines for page 24. often understood. But the sup- your college student? It could • “In our spiritual port of other members can be the most important read- lives, our growth help them master temptations ing he or she will do this is determined by and find joy in the gospel. See year, and the cost is only a how we follow the “Compassion for Those Who fraction of the price of many Son—the Son Struggle,” page 58. textbooks. To order a nine- of God—and allow His light month subscription to the to be the controlling force,” Ensign or New Era, call Teaching Your Family writes Elder Lynn A. 1-800-537-5971 in the United • Looking for ways to Mickelsen of the Seventy in States or Canada. Or you improve your family home “Light and Growth,” page 7. can order a full one-year sub- evenings? See “Family Home • “The scriptures are a scription for your student Evening Suggestion Box,” veritable banquet of insights online at; page 52. and divine counsel. Let us click on Order Church • Would you like your feast at the table often,” Materials, then Magazine teaching to be more like the writes Elder Spencer J. Free to Change Subscriptions. By entering an Savior’s? In the home or in Condie of the Seventy in Handcuffed, in the back address change for your stu- the classroom, try asking the “Feast upon the Words of seat of a police car, she dent two months before the kinds of questions He asked. Christ,” page 42. determined to change her end of the school year, you In “Teaching as the Savior life. Could she do it? Read can reroute the magazine to Taught,” page 28, Elder Retired, but Not Retiring “Finding Freedom,” the summer address. Walter F. González of the Retired? Find new life by page 38. Seventy explores three kinds sharing your talents in the of questions the Savior used. mission field. See “Couple Know Thy Neighbor GOSPEL TOPICS • What do the Agabus, Missionaries: Going the It can seem challenging Adversity, 42, 66 Less-Active Family Parkinson’s disease, prayer Second Mile,” page 20. to develop relationships Agency, 35 Members, 50 Callings, 24, 56 Light, 7 in a military barrack, and with our neighbors of other Choices, 14, 35 Love, 63 the death of a father have faiths, but in this Church Growth, 46 Maxwell, Neal A., 10 in common? Each is part month’s “Questions Commitment, 50 Missionary Work, Compassion, 58, 66 20, 67, 68 of a story illustrating a and Answers” Conversion, 14, 28, Motherhood, 72 fundamental gospel feature, page 63, 38 Music, 73 principle. See Latter- members share Courage, 2 Neighbors, 63 Death, 70 Obedience, 7 day Saint Voices, simple ideas for Education, 73 Opposition, 2 page 66. reaching out. Example, 2, 50 Part-Member Faith, 7 Families, 50 Families, 46, 52 Prayer, 7, 67 A Call Family History, 72 Primary, 56 to Grow, Family Home Repentance, 7, 38, 58 Evening, 52, 73 Resurrection, 70 a Time Forgiveness, 32, 42 Scripture Study, 42, to Feast Friendshipping, 63 73 • Have you Generosity, 71 Talents, 20, 24 Gratitude, 71 Teaching, 14, 28, 56 ever received a call- Humility, 32 Temptation, 2, 14, ing that seemed over- Inspiration, 68 35, 58 whelming? Sister Coleen K.

80 ALTER RANE, MAY NOT BE COPIED NOT RANE, MAY ALTER BY THE HAND OF MORMON, ©W THE HAND OF MORMON, BY FROM Come into the Fold of God, by Walter Rane Upon learning about baptism, the people of Alma “exclaimed: This is the desire of our hearts. . . . And they were in number about two hundred and four souls; yea, and they were baptized in the waters of Mormon” (Mosiah 18:11, 16). “For I [Alma the Younger] went about with the sons of Mosiah, seeking to destroy the church of God; but behold, God sent his holy angel to stop us by the way. “And behold, he spake unto us, as it were the voice of thunder, and the whole earth did tremble beneath our feet; and we all fell to the earth, for the fear of the Lord came upon us. “But behold, the voice said unto me: Arise. And I arose and stood up, and beheld the angel. “And he said unto me: If thou wilt of thyself be destroyed, seek no more to destroy the church of God” (Alma 36:6–9). 4 24 09000 02249 BY WALTER RANE, MAY NOT BE COPIED NOT RANE, MAY WALTER BY 24909 Sep 04 ALMA ARISE, 0