EXHIBIT-1 TASK ORDER# BC-21186-K ERICKSON COURTYARD IMPROVEMENTS AND STAIRS REPAIR APRIL 10, 2020 ISSUED TO UMB On Call GC’s ISSUING OFFICE John Kenny Procurement & Strategic Sourcing Office Administration Building, Room 726 1000 Hilltop Circle Baltimore, MD 21250 Phone: 410-455-3945 The sole point of contact at UMBC for this Task Order is the Procurement & Strategic Sourcing Office. Submit all questions and clarifications for this Task Order in writing to John Kenny at
[email protected]. In order to be considered, questions or clarifications must be received by the Procurement & Strategic Sourcing Office prior to 4:00 PM on Friday, April 17, 2020. Clarifications or modifications of the Task Order documents, if required, will be issued by Addendum. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Project Number: 20-103 Project Name: Erickson Courtyard Improvements and Stairs Repair Building: Erickson Hall DESCRIPTION OF WORK Remove existing site features within the limit disturbance and construct new site features and furnishings. Remove existing concrete stairs and construct new concrete stairs per A. Morton Thomas and Associates Inc’s 100% CD and Specifications dated 4/13/2020 with MDE Permit 20-SF-0065. Any variations in the scope of work during the process will be notified and processed by issuance of addenda. TASK ORDER DOCUMENTS Task Order Documents are available at https://umbc.box.com/v/EricksonCourtyardBC-21186-K Drawings: 33 sheets including coversheet Specifications: 238 pages including coversheet ALTERNATES None TYPE OF PROPOSAL Proposals are requested on a Lump Sum basis with supplemental breakdown of trades. Page 1 of 3 TASK ORDER# BC-21186-K EXHIBIT-1 Page 2 of 3 TIME OF COMPLETION Project is to be fully completed by August 28, 2020.