The Semaphore Circular No 688 The Beating Heart of the RNA April 2019

Type 45 HMS Defender (D36) alongside South Railway Jetty, Naval Base in the spring sunshine preparing to go to sea.

This edition is the on-line version of the Semaphore Circular, unless you have registered with Central Office, it will only be available on the RNA website in the ‘Members Area’ under ‘downloads’ at and will be emailed to the branch contact, usually the Hon Sec


Daily Orders (follow each link) Orders [follow each link]

1. Condolence Letter – RNA Christchurch 2. Central Office Open Days 3. RNVC Series – PO Thomas William Gould 4. CASD 50 Celebrations 5. Guess Where? 6. Unsung Naval Victory at Norway 7. Joke Time – French Church Sign

Glossary of terms

NCM National Council Member NC National Council AMC Association Management Committee FAC Finance Administration Committee NCh National Chairman NVCh National Vice Chairman NP National President DNP Deputy National President GS General Secretary DGS Deputy General Secretary AGS Assistant General Secretary CONA Conference of Naval Associations NCBA National Charter, Rules and Byelaws Advisor

Throughout indicates a new or substantially changed entry Contacts Financial Controller 023 9272 3823 [email protected] Digital Communications [email protected] Manager Deputy General Secretary 023 9272 0782 [email protected] Assistant General Secretary 023 9272 3747 [email protected] (Membership & Slops) S&O Administrator 023 9272 0782 [email protected] General Secretary 023 9272 2983 [email protected] Admin 023 92 72 3747 [email protected] Project Semaphore Manager [email protected] Project Semaphore Deputy [email protected] Branch Support Officer (North) 07964 721849 [email protected] National Branch Retention 07713 876846 [email protected] and Recruiting Advisor

Apparently, Chrissie is pleased that Wales won at Egg Ball! A

Grand Slamed sorry Slam! And finally, General Secretary Bill’s

blood pressure is starting to reduce after Scotland’s brilliant

attempt for ‘Freedom’

Find Semaphore Circular On-line Snail Trail Mail - Postal Address RNA Central Office, or Room 209, PP70, RNA Website / Members Area / Downloads / Semaphore Tower, Circulars / Code (shipmate) HM Naval Base, Portsmouth Hants PO1 3LT

Dear Shipmates,

Welcome to April’s Semaphore Circular which is a little early this month not because I’m any keener but rather my trusty DGS, Andy, has had enough of the March weather and is off to sun himself in Barbados and I need to exploit his publishing skills before the off. For the same reason, your Semaphore Circular is a little thinner than usual this month but that only means it’ll be a bumper edition next month.

It’s been an interesting month. Last week saw the Conference of Naval Associations meeting which was privileged to be addressed by Captain Nick Cooke-Priest, the current CO of HMS QUEEN ELIZABETH. He tells a powerful story of this new capability the Navy is starting to understand and exploit and made us all feel very proud of where the Navy is going. After the Iraq and Afghanistan adventures which marked the immediate aftermath of 9/11, it is clear that the current Secretary of State, and indeed his predecessor, now understand the maritime narrative and are totally supportive of the naval case. They also understand the political power and respect a capability like the QEC wields.

On the tactical side, we’re now informed that QUEEN ELIZABETH is planned to sail from Portsmouth in early April but you’ll understand I’d be a fool to say when exactly. And then, a few days later, she arrives in the Firth of Forth to face all the challenges of docking her down back in the place of her birth at Rosyth. It’s like a navigator’s Trade Test getting her low enough to creep under the Rail Bridge and then high enough to get over the bar, and that’s before squeezing through the lock into the basin with only 43cm clearance on each side. Oh, and that’s backwards but that’s no problem because you can’t see the waterline from the bridge anyway!! Good luck Navs!

Saturday 16 March saw another Sir Donald Gosling funded project coming to fruition; the planting of the Jutland Wood at Langley Vale near Epsom. This was the culmination of several planting events arranged by the Woodland Trust who have managed a fantastic programme to plant four woods – one each in Scotland, Wales, Ireland and the one at Langley Vale to commemorate all the British and Commonwealth personnel who fell in WW1. The Battle of Jutland was chosen as the focus for the 44,000 naval and merchant marine deaths during the War and the planting on

Saturday saw an avenue of 14 oaks; each one representing a ship that was lost during the Battle and over 6,000 saplings to represent the men who were lost. The National President, Admiral John McAnally, was invited to plant the oak representing INVINCIBLE while the National Chairman, Keith Ridley, planted the QUEEN MARY’s both ships going down with over 1000 souls. There was a good RNA turnout and, supported by the Sea Cadet Corps, it meant that all generations were represented. It was good to see Sir David Steel, the former 2nd Sea Lord, who was instrumental in connecting the RNA with the Woodland Trust on this project and, as our National President recognised in his vote of thanks, this will be a permanent living memorial on the land for those lost at sea and will be able to be enjoyed by generations to come. It was somewhat poignant to look back across the hillside and rolling fields beyond to see the many thousands of protective green plastic sleeves and realise that each one represented a personal sacrifice. BZ to all those who turned out.

Meanwhile, planning continues for the Annual National Conference at St Neots and it promises to be a marvelous weekend. Application forms are attached. Sign up!

Also, this year marks 50 years of Continuous At Sea Deterrent and, to mark the occasion, there will be a service in Westminster Abbey on Friday 03 May 2019. Veterans who have a connection are very welcome to attend and application forms can be found at the end of this edition. I have the honour of representing the RNA but with all those submariners crushed into the Abbey, I’ll be having a good scrub when I get home!

Open Days are starting to fill up. It includes a harbour tour of Portsmouth Naval Base to see all the works which have been done in the Base for the Queen Elizabeth Class. If you’re lucky, you may even see the carrier herself. The dates are: 17 May, 21 Jun, 26 Jul, 30 Aug and 11 Oct. Please book with Nigel on 02392723747 or Andy on 02392720782.

As well as the Annual Conference in St Neots, please do try and come to the Biennial Parade in Whitehall on 08 September. The RNA has this very great privilege to pay our respects to fallen comrades in a separate march on the Cenotaph and it is important that we exercise our right to do so. Clearly, we’ll be mustering on completion to raise a glass too.

Finally, a huge thank you to No4 Area for the kind invitation to their Area Reunion in Bideford, 1-3 Mar. What a cracking weekend and great to meet such a lovely group of people who clearly know how to enjoy life.

Best wishes from the Central Office Team ,


Stop Press: Sad news from No 12 Area; Shipmate Ivan Hunter BEM has crossed the bar eventually losing his battle with cancer. Ivan was a Life Vice President of the RNA, a stalwart NCM for many years and latterly Chairman of the Standing Orders Committee. Our sympathies are with Sandra and his family at this difficult time. An obituary will be posted next month.

1. Condolences Letter from RNA Christchurch Branch

I am sure Shipmates would empathise with the deepest sentiments of the letter below. S/M Rick Squibb Chairman of RNA Christchurch Branch wrote on behalf of his branch to pass heartfelt condolences to the President of Christchurch RSA NZ for the tragic events at the Mosque where so many innocent people died. By Gen Sec: BZ Christchurch Branch, what a lovely thing to do.

Dear President Christchurch RSA NZ

The Members of the Royal Naval Association of Christchurch & District Branch UK offer our condolences and heartfelt sympathies to the people of Christchurch NZ, especially to our ex- service colleagues who may have been affected by the recent terrorist atrocities.

As we are ‘twinned’ with Christchurch NZ. We have an affinity with all our fellow citizens and towns folk. I know our Mayor has sent a message of condolence to your Mayor. However, we feel we want our ex-service ‘mates’ to know our thoughts are with you. We have an AGM on Thursday and will direct our minute silence in memory of Christchurch NZ victims

I have personal close family ties with Christchurch and have visited several times over recent years. My wife’s Brother lives in Christchurch, he is ex and my wife is ex WRNS, again it makes our close Military ties even more personal. Therefore, my message is both personal to you all on a family basis and from all ‘Shipmates’ of the Royal Naval Association.

With all good Wishes to you all Rick Squibb MSM Chairman Christchurch & District RNA

2. Central Office Open Days

Central Office are holding a number of Open Days over 2019, please dates below. There are plenty of spaces should Branches, HQ Roll members or individual Shipmates like to attend, Central Office staff will be delighted to host them. For those unaware the fun begins at 1100 in Central Office, Semaphore Tower HM Naval Base Portsmouth.

On arrival you will enjoy a sandwich lunch and brief by a Senior Naval officer on current Fleet issues followed by an update on RNA matters from the GS.

Then it is off on a Boat trip round the Naval Base. There will also be an opportunity to purchase ‘Jackets ,Buttons and Badges’ from Nigel, so bring some cash! The Open Day normally completes by 1400.

Open Days are all held on a Friday. This year they will be held on;

17 May, 21 Jun, 26 Jul, 30 Aug and 11 Oct

If you interested in attending, please forward your details to Central Office. (Contact details at front of Circular)

3. RNVC Series – Petty Officer Thomas William Gould VC

Thomas William Gould was born in Dover on 28 December 1914 and crossed the bar in December 2001 in Peterborough he was awarded the Victoria Cross during an action involving the HMS Thrasher in World War Two. Petty Officer Gould went to school at St James School in Dover and joined the Royal Navy in 1933.

His citation read as follows;

The KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the VICTORIA CROSS for great valour while serving in HMS Thrasher to;- Lieutenant Peter Roberts RN and Petty Officer Thomas William Gould, C/JX 147945.

On 16 February 1942 in daylight, HM Submarine Thrasher attacked and sank a heavily escorted supply ship. She was at once attacked by depth charges and was bombed by aircraft.

The presence of two unexploded bombs in the gun casing was discovered when after dark the submarine surfaced and began to roll. Lieutenant Roberts and Petty Officer Gould volunteered to remove the bombs, which were of a type unknown to them. The danger in dealing with the second bomb was very great. To reach it they had to go through the casing which was so low they had to lie at full length to move in it.

Through this narrow space, in complete darkness, they pushed and dragged the bomb for a distance of 20 feet until it could be lowered over the side. Every time the bomb was moved there was a loud twanging noise as of a broken spring which added nothing to their peace of mind.

This deed was the more gallant as HMS Thrasher’s presence was known to the enemy; she was close to the enemy coast, and in waters where his patrols were known to be active day and night. There was a very great chance, and they knew it, that the submarine might have to crash dive while they were in the casing. Had this happened they would have been drowned.

The citation didn’t mention that to get the bomb out PO Gould, was the Coxswain whose part of ship was the casing, had to ‘cuddle’ the bomb on his chest while Lt Roberts pulled him by his feet and legs!

On 29 June 1943 PO Gould received his Victoria Cross from King George the VI who commented “I’ll bet it was cold”. PO Gould went on to become the President of the International Submarine Association of Great Britain and an active member of the Victoria and George Cross Association. His medal can be found at the Association of Ex Jewish Servicemen in Hendon.

4 Continuous At Sea Deterrent (CASD50) 50th Celebrations - Service of Thanksgiving in Westminster Abbey on 03 May 2019

The Royal Navy will host a National Service of Thanksgiving in recognition of the Submarine Service to mark 50 years of the Continuous at Sea Deterrent (CASD), the longest unbroken operation ever delivered by the .

The Service will take place at Westminster Abbey on Friday 3rd May 2019, at noon, and will recognise all those individuals and organisations who have made a significant contribution to defending the nation as part of this vital mission. Following the Service there will a Reception in the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre which is located in Westminster, opposite the Abbey. The closest National Rail station is Charing Cross and the closest Underground stations are Westminster and St James’s Park. The Abbey is easily accessible by all forms of public transport.

The event is open to Retired Royal Navy personnel who have worked in support of the Continuous at Sea Deterrent (more recently designated Op Relentless) since 1969.

Tickets will be limited, and allocation cannot be guaranteed, but as many as possible will be allocated to the retired community in recognition of their service. Applications should be made via the Application Form attached at the rear of the Circular and returned to the CASD50 Organising team (address on application form). Attendees may bring one guest, whose names will also need to be forwarded with the applicant’s details.

The dress code for the Service is Lounge Suit or Blazer, Medals and Decorations. While the Service and Reception are free to attend, there will be a collection during the Service for related charities (RNRMC, Erskine Hospital, Military v Cancer and Helensburgh Sea Cadets) that are being prioritised during the CASD50 year.

5. Guess Where? An Establishment

This month can you name the establishment. ? Agreed it is very difficult however, I‘ll bet one of our sharp eyed Shipmates will recognise it! Remember no hovering or looking on Google or Wiki!!..... Good Luck this is very difficult … The answer will be in next month’s edition.

And so, the answer to March’s Guess the Establishment......

It was the Senior Gun Room at BRNC. Well done to Shipmates Peter Down (Hon Sec, Ton Class Association), Leo Whisstock, Guess where ‘Ninja’ - Vice Admiral David Steel.

6. Unsung Naval Victory at Norway

Shipmates may be interested in the article below sent in by Shipmate Ian Cameron the PRO at St Neots Branch.

The Norway campaign of April 1940 is generally seen as a British/French Fiasco, but what is not generally appreciated is that it was also a disastrous campaign for the German navy.

Indeed, the defeat on land turned into a Royal Naval victory at sea and caused the Germans to lose the majority of their destroyer force.

Kriegsmarine losses depleted a navy, which was not large, in which the small ships would have provided an important protection for the German invasion barges targeted at Britain, if control of the air had been attained.

Kriegsmarine Losses in Norway- April 1940 • 10 • 8 U Boats • 11 Transports • 1 Heavy Cruisers • 2 Light Cruisers • 2 Battleships severely damaged by torpedoes • 1 Torpedo Boat

Overall Royal Naval losses were relatively light, although the loss of the Glorious, with grievous loss of life, planes and aircrew was a severe blow.

7. Joke Time - French Church Sign

This poster is now be found in all French churches

The translation reads ……….

By entering this church, it may be possible that you hear “the call of God”. However, it is less probable that he will call you on your mobile.

Thank you for turning off your phones. If you want to talk to God, enter, choose a quiet place and talk to him.

If you want to see Him, send Him a text while driving.”

RNA Longcast

2019 05 Apr RAF v NAVY Rugby – The Stoop, Twickenham 04 May Area 5 Quarterly - Norwich 11 May Area 3 Meeting – Waterlooville 11/12 May Londonderry Branch – Celebrations 17 May Open Day 18 May Area 4 Meeting - Bodmin 30 May Inter Service T20 Cricket - Lords 01 Jun COLLINGWOOD Field Gun Day 05 Jun D-Day 75th Anniversary commemorations - Portsmouth 7-9 Jun Conference – Wyboston Lakes (Area 6) 7 Jun National Council / AMC/ FAC / SOC Meetings 8 Jun Main Conference Day – Gala Dinner. 21Jun Open Day 29 Jun Armed Forces Day - Salisbury 26 Jul Open Day 03 Aug Area 3 Meeting - Portsmouth 03 Aug Area 5 Quarterly - Rayleigh 16 Aug FAC 17 Aug AMC 30 Aug Open Day 07 Sep National Council Meeting - UJC 08 Sep Biennial Parade - Whitehall 21 Sep Area 4 Meeting - Weymouth 11 Oct Open Day 02 Nov Area 5 Quarterly - Harwich 15 Nov FAC 16 Nov AMC 23 Nov Area 3 Meeting - Gosport 07 Dec National Council Meeting

2020 14 Feb FAC / SOC 15 Feb AMC 29 Feb Area 3 Meeting - Netley 07 Mar National Council Meeting TBC Apr/May National Standard Bearers Competition- HMS Collingwood 05/07 Jun National Conference – Liverpool (Area 10) 05 Jun National Council / AMC/ FAC / SOC Meetings 21 Aug FAC 22 Aug AMC 12 Sep National Council Meeting 20 Nov FAC 21 Nov AMC 05 Dec National Council Meeting

D’ye hear there’.....

News from around the Areas and Branches......

This Month Featuring……..

RNA Romford and Hornchurch RNA Peterborough No4 Area No7 Area RNA Port Phillips (Victoria Australia) RNA Chatham RNA Uttoxeter RNA

RNA Romford and Hornchurch Branch At the meeting of the branch recently we had a visit from a History teacher from one of our borough’s schools. He was trying to find if there were any veterans from the Norwegian Campaign of 1940, with whom he could discuss and find out their experiences, as a continuation of his M. Phil Degree concerning British Strategy and Diplomacy 1939-1940.

We did have several years ago three men who were there but alas they have Crossed the Bar. Two of them served with the late Sir Kenneth Moore in that theatre of operations and often showed the ships company photographs of them and their Divisional Officer.

The Teacher, Mr Kim Kundu, is also working toward getting the Norwegian Campaign recognised in 2020, the 80th Anniversary of the event and has asked my assistance in trying to gain information before it is too late; hence this plea! Mr Kundu may be contacted by email [email protected]

RNA Peterborough Branch

On Thursday, 7th March 2019 Peterborough and District Branch held a service at All Saints Church, Park Road, Peterborough for the Laying-up of their old Branch Standard and the dedication of a new Branch Standard. The service was led by the Rev’d Greg Roberts with Shipmates participating in the laying up ceremony and in the act of dedication.

The service, and reception afterwards, was attended by the Mayor & Mayoress of Peterborough, Cllr Chris Ash and Doreen Roberts, the Deputy Mayor & Mayoress Cllr (and Shipmate) John and Judy Fox, and the RNA National Chairman, Keith Ridley. The No6 Area Standard was in attendance as well as many Shipmates and members of other Armed Forces associations.

The Peterborough & District Branch wishes to extend their thanks to all who attended the service and reception. The years’ service marked the 40th Anniversary of the Peterborough and District Branch.

The Branch meets at 7pm on the first Tuesday of each month (not January) at the Peterborough & District Indoors Bowls Club, Burton Street, Peterborough PE1 5HA

No 4 Area

The Jacqui Ward trophy was donated by Delabole branch in memory of Shipmate Jacqui Ward, a former Member of that Branch. The trophy is awarded annually to any lady member of the Area who has done the most to further the aims and interests of the R.N.A. during the past year. The successful nominee is selected jointly by Shipmate Pete Shoesmith Deputy Chairman No4 Area and Area Life Vice President Chris Hore BEM of the Delabole branch

This year the trophy was awarded to Shipmate Jill Clements of the Street branch. Jill is the backbone of her branch, organising branch meetings, social activities, Trafalgar nights, days out and weekends away, all of which are carried out with true professionalism. She carries out these duties whilst caring for her 92 year old husband ,who is the oldest member of her branch.

The photograph above shows the trophy being presented at the No 4 Area Reunion by the General Secretary of the Royal Naval Association Captain Bill Oliphant RN to Shipmate Betty Page of the Street branch who received the trophy from Captain Bill on Jill`s behalf. Regrettably, Jill was unable to attend the presentation, due to her husband’s health issues.

The photo opposite shows the 4 Area Reunion Committee/ Organisers with their Guest of Honour the General Secretary, Captain Bill Oliphant.

No 7 Area

During Area 7 AGM held in the Holiday Inn Cardiff on the 02nd March 2019, Shipmate Graham Warner, Hon. Sec. of Rhondda Branch, was awarded Life membership ‘For outstanding efforts on behalf of the Association’

The award was made by the National Chairman of the RNA, Shipmate Keith Ridley, who was attending the AGM as an invited guest. Following the AGM, some Shipmates repaired to the United Services mess in Cardiff to partake of a curry night. A very good social evening where many dits were told and black catted. (NCM 7 Told me it was more like some Panther!)

RNA Port Phillips Branch

Now News from Down Under………

The photo shows the Committee of RNA Port Phillips – Shipmates Chairman Mike Bennett, V/Chairman Rob Thomas, Secretary Mike Murphy, Treasurer Sue Bennett, A/Sec Dennis Fryer, A/Tres Bill Kirk and Committee members Gordon Canty, Harry Kime, Susan Shrubsole and Hilary Warrington.

Photo opposite shows Shipmate Dennis Fryer, Hon Branch Secretary since 2004, flying his decommissioning pennant and paying off welcoming his relief Shipmate Mike (Spud) Murphy. In true Tiffies fashion: We feel sure that Dennis would have handed over his Permanent Loan Equipment to his successor 100% correct

RNA Chatham Branch

The anniversary of the loss of HMS Warwick, 75 Years ago on Sunday the 20th , was commemorated recently by RNA Chatham. The ship was sunk by U413, in the Bristol Channel, and suffered the very sad loss of 66 members of her Ships’ Company.

John Puddicombe an ex LMEM(M) is the archivist of HMS Warwick Families Association and also the Grandson to one of the men who lost his life on that day, CPO H A E Ford who is buried at St Merryn in Cornwall.

One of his John Grandfathers Shipmates who was also lost on that fateful day was Sidney Reid, who was the Canteen Manager. Sidney was only 25 years old when he crossed the bar and, was the only Chatham based crew member onboard, and consequently has his name commemorated on Plaque Number 80 at Chatham Naval Memorial.

In recognition John wanted to commemorate the 75 years since the loss of the Ships Companies lives, by organise a service’s nationally at Naval War Memorials, War Graves, Memorial trees and plaques which had recorded the names of those lost from HMS Warwick. They are in Chatham and Plymouth Naval War Memorial’s, at the Red Brick Building at RNLI Padstow and the National Arboretum, St Merryn, Penzance and Isles of Scilly .

Shipmates form RNA Chatham can be seen in the photo at the Great Lines, Gillingham (Pictured- L to R S/Ms Rhoderick ( Spike ) Hughes, Chairman, Tim Stopford and Treasurer, Roger Ide, the picture was taken by S/M Christine Sandmann If you can zoom into the picture you can see Sidney Reid's name on the plaque . More information regarding HMS Warwick can be read via this link below created by the V&W Destroyer Association. It is an incredibly moving account on what happened that day , Http://

RNA Utoxetter and District Branch

On the 11th of February The Uttoxeter and District Branch, led by their President S/M John Marshall and Chairman S/M Dave Emery MBE attended the Funeral of Honorary RNA Member Ronald Florence who ''crossed the bar'' on the 16th of February 2019. The Branch provided an Honour Guard alongside the British Legion and the RNA played the Last Post. Ron served as a ''Rock Ape' (RAF Regiment) 1950--1952 and served as Secretary to Uttoxeter British Legion for a great number of years, his expertise in organising coach trips and holidays was amazing and we, at the RNA were included and invited at all times. Hence, Ron was made an Honorary Member and enjoyed the Naval banter and comradeship of the Branch. He will be sadly missed.

On the 26th February Members of the Branch led by the Chairman S/M David Emery MBE attended the annual Royal Naval inspection of TS ''Talent'' at Hanley Stoke-on-Trent. The inspection made by Commander Charles Baggot Jewitt RN (Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Staffordshire) Area Inspection Officer was well attended by Families and friends and of course the RNA' A good turn out by the Sea Cadets led by their Commanding Officer Sub Lieutenant David Eivers and his staff and a great deal of praise from Inspection Officer for the Cadets for their demonstrations and cake making. A great evening out, enjoyed by everyone. The cake making and decorating seemed to go on for hours, not one crumb left.

RNA Plymouth Branch

A Gentle Reminder from Social Sec Sue ……………..Only 10 Months till Trafalgar Dinner…. Plymouth Branch are holding their 12th Biennial Trafalgar Weekend 2019 at the ‘The Livermead House Hotel’, Torquay on the weekend 11th to 13th October 2019. The branch would like to invite shipmates to join them.

“An exceptional weekend, fine cuisine at an outstanding venue”

Bed, Breakfast, Evening Meal with a formal Saturday Night. 3 nights £190, 2 nights £130, I night £65. Deposit £20 (non- returnable). Balance August 2019. Details from: Sue Gutteridge (Social Sec) [email protected] or T. (01752) 849176 CROSSED THE BAR – Celebrating a life well lived

Stanley Charles Davis Valerie Pitts Carrier - Sheffield Branch

Stanley Charles Davis – Hereford Branch

S/M Stan Crossed the Bar peacefully at the Old Vicarage, Wigmore on December 9th 2018. He served from May 1944 to December 1947 his rank being Able Seaman. He served on HMS Duke of York which was Admiral Bruce Frasers’s flag ship at Tokyo Bay. The crews were exchanged with the HMS King George V and returned to Devonport. He then served on HMS Implacable having been refitted in the summer of 1947 and it became the training carrier for the home fleet. S/m Stan always tried to attend the annual reunions, HMS Duke of York, which took place in the spring each year.

He joined the Hereford Branch in 2012 and as he lived in Bodenham, had to make the return journey to branch meetings, by taxi, as there was no bus service running in the evening. He sadly had a fall early in 2018 and that resulted in him no longer attending meetings and in October he moved into the nursing home in Wigmore. He was a lovely quiet spoken man and will be greatly missed at Branch meetings. The picture was taken at the Hereford Branch Trafalgar Mess Dinner in October 2014.

Valerie Pitts – Falmouth Branch

It is with great sadness that the Falmouth Branch informs Shipmates that Shipmate Valerie Pitts has 'Crossed The Bar'.

Valerie had been in poor health for some time and was recently hospitalised in Penzance and latterly Falmouth, true to form Valerie wanted no fuss and no visitors.

Valerie was our longest serving Branch Member and although Valerie guarded her privacy, she was funny, witty and outspoken on the things that were important to her. The Branch last spoke with Valerie when she rang concerned that her annual subscription had yet to be paid, she was more concerned that Shipmates would think her 'slacking' than with her health issues. Valerie was never afraid to speak her mind and when required offered sound advice, a stalwart of the RNA the Branch remembers her missing very few meetings and functions before ill health intervened.

RNA Members Benefits

UK Holiday Group /CONA Holiday Service • Variety of special deals for both Groups and Individuals. 1% of turnover thorough CONA Holiday Service is returned to the RNA. http://www.royal-naval-

Coleman/Ansvar Insurance • Discounted Branch and House hold Insurance - 01323 744149

Funeral Service • Significant discount form Co-op Funeral Service – contact Central Office.

Portsmouth Historic Dockyard

• RNA member entry just £10 plus four guest at £10 each provides access to the all attractions including the Submarine Museum, RM Museum and Explosion!.

Legal Services Free 30 minute legal advice with Coffin Mew. [email protected] 0800 827168

Breakdown Service

• RAC Breakdown and recovery service [email protected] or 0207 4025231

Organisers of Reunions should be aware the CONA Travel will match or better any other ‘like for like’ Reunion/Group Trips bookings so why not give them an opportunity to impress you. 0844 264 2122 [email protected]

• Discounts on a large range of new Cars


Note from the CONA (Conference of Naval Associations) Secretary -

I would be very grateful if organisers of reunions would oblige me by obtaining a quote from the CONA Travel Service, who will not be beaten on like for like price. CONA Travel Service donate 1% of their CONA business back into the Conference totalling to date £2,400 which provides funds to assist members Associations. Oh and by the way their service is first class as well.

HMS Loch Fada F390

HMS Loch Fada Association F390 will hold their 22nd Reunion & AGM at the Cedar Court Hotel, Huddersfield from 11 to 15 April 2019. This will be our 3rd 4 day reunion after the great successes of our 1st two.

Friday Coach outing to ‘Last of the Summer Wine’ country

Saturday 1030 AGM & 1830 Reunion Dinner Sunday Coach outing to York

Bookings & Arrangements are being made through IofW Tours; email Tel 01983 405116 or [email protected] or F390 Sec, 91 Ayling Lane, Aldershot, Hants GU11 3ND

The Last Anchor Sun 07 Apr 2019 Royal Naval Auxiliary Service Ipswich Suffolk Fri 12th Apr HMS Newfoundland, Kenya, Ceylon and Gambia Queens Hotel 2019 veterans. Blackpool. Fri 12th Apr Tillington Hall Hotel Loch Class Association 2019 Stafford Fri 12th Apr H.M.S. Decoy Association Eastbourne 2019 Fri 12th Apr Gunton Hall near H.M.S. Ganges Association 2019 Lowestoft Sat 13 Apr 2019 2nd Midlands Diesel Boat Reunion at Leicester Leicester Senior Senior Service Club on Saturday the 13th April Service Club 2019. 1900 to 2300. It's a great venue and great time was had by all last year. The Club is only 2 miles from the centre of Leicester. Lots of accommodation available in the Hotel Campanile which is recommended. It is the closest and cheapest. All are a short taxi ride to the club. The club may provide a small buffet like last year. The club will still open for its own members.

There will also be a DTS at 1200 in The Corn Exchange, Market place. LE1 5GG on the Saturday lunch time. Please contact Ralph at; [email protected] mobile: 07426 246823

Fri 26th Apr Royal Navy Safety Equipment & Survival Aztec Hotel Bristol 2019 Association [email protected] Fri 10th May Hotel Collingwood, H.M.S. Tenby Association 2019 Bournemouth Bulwark, Albion and Centaur (BAC) Reunion Royal Beach Hotel 10-13 May 2019 weekend. Contact Southsea michael.noonan1@ntlworld,com Fri 17th May Suncliff Hotel, Federation of Naval Associations (FNA) 2019 Bournemouth Royal Court Hotel Fri 7th Jun 2019 Fleet Air Arm Buccaneer Association Coventry Sat 7th Sep 847 NAS HMS SIMBANG 69 - 71 Association Aztec Hotel Bristol 2019 [email protected] Fri 20/23 Sep HMS Ulster Reunion in Torquay. Details can be TLH Toorak Hotel, 2019 found at - Torquay

Fri 20 /22 Sep RNCCA Reunion (50th Anniversary) – Royal Beach Hotel 2019 Southsea RNCCA (50th Anniversary) Annual Reunion, Dinner Dance and AGM. Royal Beach Hotel Southsea, Hants [email protected]

Royal Beach Hotel Fri 04 Oct 2019 HMS Lowestoft Association Southsea Fri 04 Oct 2019 HMS Troubridge (Final Commission 66/69) Adelphi Liverpool HMS Ajax & River Plate Veterans Association 2019 Reunion. Annual reunion for all who served on WW2 cruiser and F114 . All are welcome including wives/partners/guests Fri 04-7 Oct AGM, Up Spirits & Gala Dinner on Saturday Holiday Inn Coniston, 2019 Visit Chatham Historical Dockyard on Sunday Sittingbourne, Kent Book through Isle of Wight Tours - [email protected] or Contact Malcolm Collis - [email protected] Fri 25/Mon 28th The Survey Ships Association will be holding Mercure Chester North Oct 2019 its twenty fifth reunion at the Mecure Chester North, Woodhey House Hotel Cheshire. From the W/E Friday 25th October – Monday 28th October 2019. For information on membership and reunion please send a SAE to: The Secretary SSA 16 Quay Ostend Cliff Park Great Yarmouth Norfolk NR31 6TP. E mail: [email protected] Phone number 07974156996

Sat 09 Nov 2019 Fisgard Association AGM and Lunch Portsmouth, RMC Sun 1st Dec H.M.S. Ajax & River Plate Veterans Trip to South America 2019 [email protected]

Swinging the Lamp – April 2019

The RNA is grateful to the Author, Lt Cdr Lawrie Phillips TD, RD, RNR for allowing us to publish a selection from the RN Day by Day. If you would like to read more it can be purchased from - The History Press and is priced £60 ISBN 978 0 7509 8266 5

Date Year Entry

1st 1694 Paramour Pink launched at Deptford: first naval surveying ship designed and built as such. Intended for Halley. 2nd 1797 At 4pm ‘Commodore Nelson hoisted his flag onboard the Captain [off Cadiz] on his Promotion to the Rank of Rear-Admiral of the Blue, and saluted with 13 guns, returned 11 guns Nelsons promotion was dated 20 February 1797. 3rd 1813 Boats of St Domingo, Marlborough, Maidstone, Statira, Fantome and Mohawk cut out four American privateers in the Rappahannock River, Virginia. 4th 1982 Boats of St Domingo, Marlborough, Maidstone, Statira, Fantome and Mohawk cut out four American privateers in the Rappahannock River, Virginia. 5th 1387 Sir Hugh Spencer defeated by the Flemish Jean de Bucq off Cadzand, Netherlands. 6th 1776 (20) fought off five American ships under Cdre Esek Hopkins (Alfred) 24 miles S.E.of Block Island. 7th 1875 Launch of Alexandra. The first ironclad to be launched by a member of the Royal Family, the first with a religious launch ceremony Conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the last to carry a central battery and the only one to serve as a flagship throughout her entire active service. 8th 1930 Explosion of a depth charge gun cotton primer in the destroyer Sepoy, Lt-Cdr H.E. Reid RCN, during exercises off Hong Kong with the Eighth Destroyer Flotilla, caused minor damage to the ship but killed six men. The King sent word of his distress and ‘heartfelt sympathy’ to the First Lord of the Admiralty 9th 2004 RFA Mounts Bay, second of class of Landing Ship Dock Auxiliary (LSDA) launched on Good Friday at BAE Systems, , by Lady Band, wife of Admiral Sir Jonathon Band, C-in-C Fleet. Named 14 October 2005.Commissioned Falmouth 15 September 2006. 10th 1703 Salisbury and the hired armed ship Muscovia Merchant together with four of their convoy, taken by a superior French squadron 50 miles W of Goeree, Netherlands. Salisbury was recaptured in 1708. 11th 1680 Hampshire and Adventure enjoyed a ten-hour action with Algerian pirates off Tangier, driving two ashore and taking the Calabash. Golden Horse escaped but was taken later. 12th 1779 Court martial at his own request of Admiral Sir Hugh Palliser on his conduct at Ushant in1778. Verdict was that he was not chargeable with misconduct or misbehaviour’. 13th 1885 The last surviving Royal Navy officer who fought at Trafalgar nearly eighty years earlier died at Lymington, Hampshire. Admiral of the Fleet Sir George Sartorius, born in 1790, had entered the Service in June 1801 and was a midshipman in the 3rd rate Tonnant in the battle. Two of his three army sons won the VC. 14th 1942 Sloop Stork and corvette Vetch sank U-252 in N. Atlantic. Convoy OG 82. 15th 1965 PM Harold Wilson presented the Ship’s Bell of HMS Resolute to President Lyndon Johnson in Washington DC.

16th 1810 Capture of Santa Maura (Levkas), Ionian groups, by Brig-Gen John Oswald and Capt George Eyre (Magnificent). 17th 1915 Submarine E 15 grounded near Kephez Pt, Dardanelles. Damaged by Turkish gunfire and later blown up by picket boats of battleships Triumph and Majestic. 18th 1667 Princess, on her way from Berwick-upon-Tweed to Gothenburg, fell in with some two dozen of the Dutch Rotterdam Fleet and fought her way through them from dawn to dusk, defeating three attempts to board her. 19th 1770 Capt James Cook started to survey eastern Australia.

20th 1837 Capt Robert Contart McCrea, with boats from brig sloop Zebra, captured the ex-Rajah of Kedah at Bruas, Perak. 21st 1904 Capture of Illig, Somaliland. Ships: Fox, Hyacinth, Mohawk and the Italian Volturno.1st Bn The Hampshire Regt Africa General Service Medal: clasp ‘Somaliland 1902–4’. 22nd 1982 Wessex helicopter from destroyer Antrim retrieved SAS and FAA personnel from Fortuna Glacier, South Georgia in unusually bad weather. Operation Corporate. 23rd 1349 Foundation of the Order of the Garter, originally that of St George, by King Edward III. 24th 1590 Ten English merchantmen beat off an attack by twelve Spanish galleys near Gibraltar. Ships: Ascension, Centurion, Crescent, Elizabeth, Margaret and John, Minion, Richard Duffield, Samuel, Solomon, Violet. 25th 1796 Boats of Agamemnon, Diadem, Meleager and Petrel captured four French store ships at Loana, Italian Riviera. 26th 1810 Sylvia captured the Dutch Echo and two small transports 10 miles N. of Batavia. Battle Honour: Echo 1810. 27th 1908 Destroyer Gala sunk in collision with scout cruiser Attentive off Harwich, the latter‘s second collision within a year. 28th 1982 Total Exclusion Zone of 200 miles declared around Falkland Islands, from 30 April. 29th 1744 Dreadnought and Grampus captured the French Medée 140 miles S. of Ushant, earning Boscawen one of his nicknames, Old Dreadnought’. 30th 1903 New RN Barracks at Chatham commissioned as Pembroke. Occupied by 5,000 officers and men who had marched from the hulks in No. 2 Basin led by the Depot Band.

Delegate to Annual Conference 2019 St Neots

Branch secretaries should note the following before submitting their application.

(a) Each Branch which has complied with Rule 16(c), (No Branch shall be permitted to send a delegate to the Conference unless it has observed the regulations of the Association in regard to the return of balance sheets, the payment of subscriptions and the formation of Branches. This provision has no application to the right of, and expectation for, ships and establishments to send a delegate to the Conference.) but subject to Rule 10(c), (Associate members are eligible to act as a Branch Delegate at Area meetings and Conferences, provided that they have completed three years continuous membership of the Association immediately prior to election as Delegate) and has been in commission for at least three months by the date of a Conference shall be entitled to nominate one eligible Association Member as its Delegate to attend a Conference. (a) Each Branch nominating a Delegate shall send details to the Council to arrive not less than one week before the date of Conference. A Branch may change its nominated Delegate provided the Council is notified not less than twenty-four hours before the Conference.

Branch Area

Name of Delegate

Car registration Passenger Name

Delegate’s Address

Telephone No Post Code e-mail

Number of Observers

Name of Branch Hon Secretary Contact telephone No: (if not branch Hon Sec) Contact e-mail address

Name and Address for correspondence (if not branch Hon Sec)

NB: A Delegate will not be confirmed as such unless or until the Branch Balance Sheet for 2018 and Annual Subscriptions for Branch Members for 2019 have been received in RNA Headquarters (Rule 12 C). Should either not have been received in HQ, the Delegate's Status will be deemed to be that of an Observer.

A letter confirming a delegate’s attendance will be sent prior to Conference. This letter should be brought to Conference to confirm eligibility to be a Delegate. There will be NO additions to the delegate list on the day. If you have not received confirmation one month before Conference please call Nigel on 023 9272 3747

National Conference 2019 Saturday Trip for Partners on Saturday 8th June

Queen Katherine Knot Garden, Buckden Towers & Palace

There is a trip being organised to visit Buckden Towers and Palace Gardens leaving the Conference Centre at 1000 hours. The cost of the coach will be £6.15 and the tour of the Towers and Gardens will be £7.50. This will include coffee and cakes. The cakes are all made by volunteer ladies of the village, and all proceeds go to help with the upkeep of the Palace and the beautiful Queen Katherine Tudor Knot garden, which is where refreshments will be served, weather permitting. Buckden is a very old village and is situated on the original Great North Road from London. Queen Katherine of Aragon, wife of Henry VIII was exiled in the Towers until she was moved a few miles to Kimbolton Castle, where sadly she died. Outside the Palace walls are two very old coaching inns, The Lion and The George, it is said that the famous highwayman Dick Turpin used to stay there. Both Inns have kept their Tudor characteristics. Following our visit to Buckden we will go to Peterborough. There is an excellent shopping centre for those who would like to take in a little retail therapy or visit Peterborough Cathedral where Queen Katherine of Aragon is buried. Mary Queen of Scots was initially buried here but later moved to Westminster Abbey, although her tomb remains in the Cathedral. Then it is back to Wyboston to get ready for the Gala Dinner and dance the night away.

Any partners that are interested in this outing, please complete the booking form below and return it by Friday 31st May 2019 to S/M K Ridley, 18 Littleworth End, Offord Darcy, St Neots PE19 5RA

Tel: 01480 810848 Email: [email protected]

Please make cheques payable to RNA No 6 Area.

Name: …………………………………………………………… Tel No:…………………………………………………….

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Cheque enclosed for £13.65 made payable to RNA No6 Area


The Royal Navy will host a National Service of Thanksgiving in recognition of the Submarine Service to mark 50 years of the Continuous at Sea Deterrent (CASD), the longest unbroken operation ever delivered by the United Kingdom.

The Service will take place at Westminster Abbey on Friday 3rd May 2019, at noon, and will recognise all those individuals and organisations who have made a significant contribution to defending the nation as part of this vital mission.

Following the Service there will a Reception in the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre which is located in Westminster, opposite the Abbey. The closest National Rail station is Charing Cross and the closest Underground stations are Westminster and St James’s Park. The Abbey is easily accessible by all forms of public transport.

The event is open to Retired Royal Navy personnel who have worked in support of the Continuous at Sea Deterrent (more recently designated Op Relentless) since 1969.

Tickets will be limited, and allocation cannot be guaranteed, but as many as possible will be allocated to the retired community in recognition of their service. Applications should be made via the Application Form attached and returned to the CASD50 Organising team (address on application form). Attendees may bring one guest, whose names will also need to be forwarded with the applicant’s details.

The dress code for the Service is Lounge Suit or Blazer, Medals and Decorations.

While the Service and Reception are free to attend, there will be a collection during the Service for related charities (RNRMC, Erskine Hospital, Military v Cancer and Helensburgh Sea Cadets) that are being prioritised during the CASD50 year.

To allow for invitations to be despatched the closing date for applications is 31 Mar 19.

Royal Navy CASD50 Service of Thanksgiving – Application Form – Retired and Veterans Applications are strictly limited to one additional guest. Please complete all sections and return either by post to: Command Warrant Officer (SM), Command Building, HMNB Clyde, Helensburgh, G84 8HL. Or e-mail this form to: [email protected] Part A – Details of Applicant

Rank/Rate/Title Surname First name

Decorations/ Email Post Noms Address Home Address

Postcode Telephone

Part B – Service in support of Continuous at Sea Deterrent (Op Relentless).

Service: (SM or other) Date Served Location/Submarine Additional Information

Part C – Details of Guest to be included on the invitation

Title Name Relationship to Awards/Post Nominal Applicant e.g. CBE, OBE, MBE Home Address


Part D – Details of Disabled requirements. (Delete as applicable)

Do you require wheelchair access? YES / NO Do you have other disabled requirements? YES / NO Please provide details

Part E – Comments

Please add relevant comments to support this application