Po Rta S. Sebastiano the Large Archaeological Park Running From
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undertaken by Luigi Ca monuments wasof its bish the road and some refur to gations. Work archaeological investi and atreasure-trovefor Renaissance onwards men ofculturefromthe source ofinspirationfor a Appian Way, on the monuments stillsurvived Numerous 19th century. for Romeintheearly of Napoleon’s dreams roads, wasalreadyone gious of Rome’s public themostpresti Way, Appian Palatine tothe Capitoline, Forumand park runningfromthe large archaeologicalThe THE 19THCENTURY MUSEUM OF AND THE PARK OPEN-AIR THE LARGE ARCHAEOLOGICAL - - - - was obliterated bene Appian Way of the stretch first the 1939 In “open-air museum” in theformofalarge 1853, and 1850 between for Roman Antiquities, nment’s Commissioner Papal Gover the nina, have not yet found a have notyet found a the surroundingarea and Appian Way the safeguard Attempts to privately owned. are day manymonuments Even to mental area. monu the enhancing original intentionof despitethe artery, Archeologica road ath thePasseggiata Porta S. Sebastiano. - - - - Sepolcro di Geta this uniquecontext. to appropriate solution Printed inFebruary2017 Agere Graphic projectbyCommunis Map designbyM.Cola Concept byR.ParisandB.Mazzotta L.Canina(1850-1853) Illustrations byC.Labruzzi(1789ca.) +39 0639967700 archiviocederna.it archeoroma.beniculturali.it www.viaappiaantica.com Information: Sepolcro di Priscilla VIA ARDEATINA Chiesetta del Domine quo Vadis? VIA DELLA CAFFARELLA VA LLE DELLACAFF Catacombe di S. Callisto VIA APPIA PIGNATELLI Porta S. SebastianoCatacombe di Pretestato ARELLA Sepolcro di Geta Sepolcro di Priscilla Sepolcro di Annia Regilla Triopio di Erode Attico BasilicaVIA e ARDEATINcatacombAe Chiesetta del Domine quo Vadis? di S. Sebastiano Ninfeo di Egeria VIA DELLA CAFFARELLAChiesa di S. Urbano VA LLE DELLACAFF Palazzo di Catacombe Massenzio di S. Callisto Mausoleo di RomoloVIA APPIA PIGNATELLI Catacombe di Pretestato Circo di ARELLA Massenzio Sepolcro di Annia Regilla Triopio di Erode Attico Basilica e catacombe di S. Sebastiano Ninfeo di Egeria Chiesa di S. Urbano Chiesa di Mausoleo di S. Nicola Cecilia Metella Palazzo Caetani Palazzo di Massenzio Castrum Caetan Mausoleo di Romolo i Circo di Massenzio VIA DI CECILIA METELLA CapoChiesa di Bove di Mausoleo di S. Nicola Cecilia Metella Palazzo Caetani Castrum Caetan i Sepolcro degli Equinozi VICOLO DI TOR CARBONE VIA DI CECILIA METELLA Capo di Bove Tomba c.d. di Seneca Sepolcro circolare VIA DEI LUGARI Tomba c.d. dei figli di Sesto Pompeo Sepolcro di S.Urbano SepolcroTempio degli di Equinozi GIove VICOLO DI TOR CARBONE Sepolcro di Hilaro Fusco Sepolcro di Tiberio Claudio Secondo Tomba c.d. di Seneca VIA DEGLI EUGENII Tomba a Tempietto Arboretum Sepolcro circolare Todellamba Via dei Appia Rabirii VIA DEI LUGARI Tomba c.d. dei figli di Sesto Pompeo Sepolcro di S.Urbano Tempio di GIove Tomba a Festoni Tomba del Frontespizio SepolcroVIA DI TOR di Hilaro CARBON FuscoE VIA ERODE ATTICO Sepolcro di Tiberio SepolcrI in laterizio Claudio Secondo VIA DEGLI EUGENII Santa Maria Nova Tumuli degli Orazi e Curiazi Tomba a Tempietto Tomba dei Rabirii Tomba a piramide Villa dei Quintili Ninfeo della Villa dei Quintili Tomba a Festoni Tomba del Frontespizio TombaVIA DI diTOR Septimia CARBON GallaE VIA ERODE ATTICO SepolcrI in laterizio Statua togata Santa Maria Nova Tumuli degli Orazi e Curiazi Tomba a piramide Mausoleo di Casal Rotondo VIA DI TORRICOLA VIA DI CASALVilla dei ROTONDO Quintili Ninfeo della Villa dei Quintili Sepolcro dei Grifi Tomba dei sei arcosoli Tomba di Septimia Galla Torre Selce Statua togata Mausoleo di Casal Rotondo VIA DI TORRICOLA VIA DI CASAL ROTONDO Sepolcro dei Grifi Tomba dei sei arcosoli Torre Selce REGINA A PLACE OF THE CHRISTIAN CEMETERIES AND THE COMPLEX OF MAXENTIUS,LEO THE MAUSO- 4TH AND 5TH THE VILLA OF THE QUINTILI AND THE VIARUM BURIALS THE CAFFARELLA VALLEY LEUM OF CAECILIA METELLA MILE ROAD AND CAPO DI BOVEIL MAUSO UP TO THE 9TH MILE The construction of the engineering work, desi- chariots to pass one The first archaeologi- from the early 18th cen- bed to Geta (murdered Christian monuments soleum of Cecilia Metel- an area to the gods of In the early 4th century Volcano about 260,000 the church of San Nico- Work to refurbish the monuments over time mid-shaped funerary The Villa of the Quin- and the Antiquarium lies del Prete (priest’s hat) Appian Way, begun gned to allow for rapid another; on both sides cal features visible on tury to the 19th century. by his brother Caracal- dominate a long stretch la and part of the Caffa- the underworld and the AD, before his defe- years ago. The tomb la di Bari and walls with Appian Way and some and protect them from building; on the right tili was the largest villa at Via Appia Nuova no. for its shape and, at the by the censor Appius and easy transport to were pavements (crepi- the Appian Way are On the left-hand side, la), topped by a priva- of the road: on the ri- rella Valley belonged to funerary cult of his de- at by Constantine, the was built between 30 towers. Further on, at of its monuments thieves, using new re- the tombs attributed to in the Roman suburbs. 1092. The estate of San- 9th mile on the right, the Claudius Caecus in 312 various destinations, dines) for pedestrians, the San Sebastiano leaving Rome, is the fa- tely owned 16th-century ght the complex of San Herodes Atticus in the ceased wife, naming it emperor Maxentius bu- and 10 BC by one of no. 222, is an archaeo- between the 4th and storation and conser- the Horatii and Curia- Belonging to the Quintili ta Maria Nova, next to mausoleum ascribed to BC, marked the Roman overcoming nume- differing in width in dif- Gate (which hosts the mous Tomb of the Sci- farmhouse and, on the Callisto with the longest mid-2nd century AD. He the Triopium. The main ilt a complex above the Rome’s most important logical complex recent- 11th mile was comple- vation methods for the tii in the place known brothers (consuls in 151 the area of the Villa dei the emperor Gallienus conquest of southern rous natural obstacles ferent stretches of the Museum of the Walls) pios (visits by request to right, the tomb of Pri- network of catacomb was an illustrious man of monuments still visible in remains of earlier buil- aristocratic families. ly acquired by the So- ted between 1850 and archaeological features as the fossae Cluiliae, BC) it became an impe- Quintili, was recently pur- (AD 253-286). When Italy and opened the along its route. The road according to ne- and, immediately befo- the Soprintendenza di scilla, the wife of a fre- tunnels in Rome, and Athenian origin, a philo- the Caffarella Valley are: dings which was typical The frieze on the top, printendenza Speciale 1853 by Luigi Canina, discovered. The fune- where the duel marking rial property under Com- chased by the Soprinten- the restoration of the route to the Mediter- road surface of large eds. The Appian Way re it, the so-called Arch Roma Capitale) where edman of Domitian (AD the San Sebastiano sopher, scholar and tutor the church of Sant’Ur- of imperial Tetrarchic decorated with gar- per i Beni Archeologici the Papal Govern- rary monuments along the defeat of Alba Lon- modus and remained in denza; it hosts buildings last stretch of the road is ranean via the port of paving stones, admi- was the most important of Drusus, probably a eminent figures of Re- 81-96). Opposite is the area, which also com- to the emperors Marcus bano built in the early ideology and the desire lands and bull’s skulls, di Roma. Alongside the ment’s Commissio- the road belong to diffe- ga and the supremacy use until the 5th century which have undergone completed, the Appian Brindisi, where the road red even in antiquity for road artery in the Ro- triumphal arch and later publican Rome were little church of Santa prises important pagan Aurelius and Lucius Ve- Middle Ages over the to aggrandize the impe- have given the area its 2nd-century AD bath ner for Roman Antiqui- rent architectural types of Rome over Latium AD. It preserves signs of transformations from the Way will recover its sta- ended. The road began its perfection, was laid man world, well-deser- part of the antoninian buried, starting with Maria in Palmis, better monuments, known as rus. On the death of his Temple of Ceres and rial dynasty for its com- name of Capo di Bove complex discovered in ties: as well as restoring dating to between the was believed to have the different building pha- Roman period until the tus as a national monu- at the Capena Gate gradually between the ving of the epithet re- aqueduct. From Piazza- Scipio Barbatus, con- known as Domine, quo the memoria apostolo- noble wife Annia Re- Faustina, the so-called bination of a Palace, a (bull’s head). In the the garden, the building the road, a strip of land end of the Republic and taken place. Many mo- ses and of the transfor- present. Beyond this, ment and play a cultural in the 6th-century BC 3rd and 2nd century gina viarum (queen of le Numa Pompilio, the sul in 298 BC; the large vadis?, the place of the rum for its links with the gilla, who had brought Tomb of Annia Regilla Mausoleum and a Cir- early 14th century the hosting photographic about 10 metres wide the mid-imperial period. numents stand inside mations undergone by the many monuments role in keeping with its Servian Walls opposite BC and restored under roads) which it was gi- current start of the Ap- collective tombs include legendary encounter cult of Peter and Paul him as a dowry, among next to the Almone river, cus.