Experimental lime burning in a freshly built “classic” intermittent kiln at , Western

Per Storemyr Museums of and Fjordane / Norwegian Millstone Centre Why lime buring at Hyllestad?

• Outdoor museum: Largest medieval millstone quarry landscape in Northern Europe. Stone at the centre of the museum • Taking up another stone tradition that may have a long history in Hyllestad • Adding activities to our outdoor museum • Adding to diversity in traditional quick lime for restoration • Small community – a project that brings people together, communal development: 30-40 volunteers! • Great fun!

Ruling principles • Free copy of a Roman/Medieval lime kiln, like perhaps imported to Norway around AD 1000… from England, with Christianity… • Downgrade! We were not able to burn 25 tons! Our scale: 2,5 tons • Strictly use of local materials only:

• Gneiss fieldstone for kiln masonry • Clay for joints, poor, coarse clay • Whitish and pinkish marble, with impurities – for burning

• We made mistakes on building the kiln! Needed to introduce a little modern iron and a few refractory bricks… • And we used some machinery for heavy loads…

Bilde av Selja

FIRST NIGHT 3-4 JUNE – c. 900°C (centre/back)

SECOND NIGHT 4-5 JUNE – c. 1000°C (centre/back)

THIRD NIGHT 5-6 JUNE – c. 1000°C (centre/back)

FOURTH NIGHT 6-7 JUNE – c. 900°C (centre/back)

FIFTH NIGHT 7-8 JUNE – c. 900°C (centre/back)


Further plans

• Test the quicklime at Selja medieval monastery (and other places) this summer If the lime is good: • Analyse behaviour. Hydraulic properties? • Sort out the firewood problem • Rebuild the kiln, designed to take c. 1-1,5 tons of local marble. Probably make the opening smaller! • Rebuilding as a masonry course with invited crafts people, using our own lime! • Second burning in June 2018 Vision: A West-Norwegian historic quicklime producer! THANKS to all 30-40 people involved, paid and volunteers:

Working project group: Sivert Giil Externals of great help: Per Storemyr Steinar Urnes Terje Berner Torbjørn Løland Terje Gimnes Leif Akse Chris Pennock Local volunteers: Tore Granmo Gunnar Rønneseth Other heavily involved: Geir Magnussen Frøydis Akse Oddvin Kverhellen Bjørn Jensen Kurt Kjos Sveinung Hatlem Project owner: Terje Eilertsen Kjell Magnar Myklebust Norwegian Millstone Centre / Henriette Sowerby Bjørn Tore Dale Museums Sogn and Fjordane, in Agnar Åmot Audun Oppedal cooperation with «Kvernsteinslauget» Albert Sowerby Ole Jan Løland Finance and support: Stone and firewood from: Jobjørn Løland Some finance from The Norwegian Anders Lorentzen Marta S. Iden Directorate for Cultural Heritage, Henrik Høberg Morten Askvik practical help from Hyllestad municipality, school and fire brigade