Delting Community Council

MINUTES OF A MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY 27TH AUGUST 2020 – Due to the coronavirus pandemic, this was a virtual meeting held through FaceTime.

2020/08/01 MEMBERS

Mr A Cooper, Chairman Ms J Dennison Mr A Hall Mr J Milne Mr B Moreland Mr E Smith Mr W Whitrow

2020/08/02 IN ATTENDANCE

Mrs A Foyle, Clerk

2020/08/03 CIRCULAR

The circular calling the meeting was held as read.

2020/08/04 APOLOGIES

Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Mr M Duncan, Ms A Arnett, Councillor E Macdonald and Councillor A Manson.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 25th June 2020 were approved by Mr J Milne and seconded by Mr B Moreland.


2020/07/7.13 The Clerk declared an interest with regards to the Clerks pay. 2020/08/11.1 The Clerk declared an interest with regards to purchasing postage stamps.


7.1 Road – Improvements – The Chairman has spoken to Mr Neil Hutcheson, SIC Roads Service and they are going to be getting passing place signs in Muckle Roe soon. Ms J Dennison has seen arrows painted where the signs are to go. However, the SIC Roads Service have chipped the road and covered some of these arrows up!

7.2 School Transport Issue – Mossbank service not fitting in with the school times – The Chairman reported that this is not in the new school transport contract. He is trying to get an addition to the contract and awaiting feedback to see what can be achieved.

7.3 Digital Highlands and Islands – Broadband Rollout – MSP Beatrice Wishart is going to raise the issues with poor broadband in Mossbank and Voe with BT and the SIC. She also sent an e-mail about the Scottish Broadband Voucher Scheme. This is to be launched in September offering support to customers to ensure they can access superfast broadband of at least 30 mega bits per second. Anyone whose home or business broadband speed is less than 30mbps and where there are no plans to bring superfast broadband to their address by the end of 2021 will be eligible for a voucher. People can check their eligibility for SBVS through the online checker at The Chairman told Members that the SIC are currently doing work on connectivity in to try and get 100% coverage and get the best for the community as a whole. The SIC have a meeting to discuss this on 9th September 2020.

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7.4 Mossbank Play Park – Toddler Swing – Mr M Malcolmson is to get back to the Clerk to say when this will be done.

7.5 Delting Boating Club – Bin for Dog Waste – Mr B Moreland is going to check if a dog litter bin has been placed outside the Delting Boating Club yet. If it is not, the Clerk is to contact Mr Brydon Sinclair, SIC Environmental Health again about this. Clerk to progress.

7.6 Tree Planting at Moorfield Esate, – The Chairman has spoken to Ms Anita Jamieson at SIC Housing to check if planting trees at the Moorfield Estate is acceptable for the SIC. She has received objections to this proposal. They are trying to find a solution.

7.7 DCC Computer – The Clerk has received a quote from ITS Shetland regarding the laptop. It is £569 + VAT and Microsoft is £213 + VAT. The Clerk can get the installation done and data transferred. This was approved. Clerk to progress.

7.8 Shetland Community Benefit Fund – The Chairman told Members that a director is needed for this role. He asked for this item to be carried on to the next meeting as someone needs to be appointed. It is important for Delting to be represented and involved in the process of getting the money not inhibiting things in the Delting area.

Mr Chris Bunyan, Chairman of SCBF sent an e-mail explaining how the Advanced Grant Scheme works and this was forwarded on to Members. They do not know when they will launch the scheme but it depends on receiving funding from Viking Energy.

7.9 Supporting Communities Fund – The Clerk checked if the Community Council could apply for additional funding to help people re-train in the Delting area. Ms Fiona Stirling, HIE responded that this fund cannot be used to support re-training costs for individuals and the focus is responding to Covid-19. The Chairman said that the SIC have formed a group with HIE and DWP to look at this issue. The SIC report will address employability and re-training skills that Shetland will need for years to come. This will be in the public domain in the next few weeks.

The Clerk confirmed that the Brae Foodbank have been sending through receipts and have spent their full £2700. Ms Jessica Johnson sent the Clerk an e-mail thanking Delting Community so much for enabling them to help so many families.

The demand for food parcels has decreased slightly with a couple of single folk no longer requiring parcels as they are back in employment. They currently deliver between 45-50 boxes per month.

They are at the end of their funding and are unsure how much longer they will be able to run the food bank for. They are aiming to keep going until the October school holidays but may only be able to source dry food as fresh items tend to be quite expensive. The hygiene side of the food bank will also need to be reviewed as with the UK now officially in recession there is no government funding available for this.

The council is hoping to have a food larder in Brae up and running shortly and their drop in food bank will then close and clients will be able to make use of the food larder. Until there’s a definite opening date, however, they plan to carry on with a drop in food bank every Friday from 9.30- 10.30am.

The Chairman reacted that this is quite serious how fast that money has gone and the Community Council does not have funds to keep these things going long term. Mr W Whitrow stated that many families are facing hardship.

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7.10 Connecting Scotland – The Clerk sent the application form requesting 20 laptops for school pupils at Brae High School (junior and primary) and Mossbank Primary School due to many children having ASN and families facing hardship. Unfortunately the application was unsuccessful due to the high demand and they prioritised individuals who were ‘shielding’ or at higher risk of illness due to the coronavirus.

The Clerk informed both schools about this. She also told them that she spoke to staff at the SIC Community Planning and Development Department and there is another Government scheme aimed at schools getting devices for pupils who need them. They can speak to SIC Education Department to find out more about this.

7.11 Community Development Fund (CDF) – SIC Community Planning and Development – The application forms for both the project fund and distribution fund were successful. This has secured £4000 to go towards the end of the Muckle Roe road. This is a popular area for people to leave their vehicles and walk to the Hams of Roe. DCC want to give an adequate sized car park for people to park their vehicles and plenty of room for vehicles to turn. The Clerk received an e-mail on 26th August confirming that the £4000 is in the DCC bank account and the funds are to be spent prior to 31st March 2021. The Chairman has spoken to Mr Neil Hutcheson, SIC Roads Service and they could possibly do this work. Mr Hutcheson agreed to do the costing for this and report to the next meeting.

7.12 Community Wellbeing Fund – Corra Foundation – The Clerk spoke to Ms Jessica Johnson at the Brae Foodbank about the £2000 to help people in Delting with their electricity costs who are facing hardship. She agreed that she could give £50 per month per household. On the first payment, a signature with no further detail is sufficient. On the second and any subsequent occasions a signature plus the beneficiary will need to show evidence that the previous payment has been spent on electricity. We need evidence each month to show how many have received an initial payment and how many have received a repeat. Nine households have received the first £50 payment towards electricity costs and three households have received the second payment of £50. Some of the families were not in when Ms Jessica Johnson dropped off food parcels last week so they haven’t got a second payment but she will try and pass that on when she delivers food parcels on Friday. So far they have given out £600. They have £1400 remaining of this fund. Those who have received an electricity payment of £50 are very thankful for the help.

7.13 Clerks Pay – The Chairman said that SIC staff received a 3% pay rise from 1st April 2020. The Chairman proposed the Clerk receive this. Members agreed.

7.14 Total - – Ms Della Armstrong sent an e-mail asking for Total to be included in the distribution list as Mr Andy Cripps would like to attend a meeting to provide an update to Members.

7.15 Shetland Carers Funding Request – As agreed by Members at the last meeting, the Clerk sent through a cheque for £380 to Voluntary Action Shetland to give funding packs to the 19 Carers in Delting.

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7.16 Brae Graveyard Road and John Cruickshank Memorial – Following the e-mail from Mr Calum Clark, the Clerk contacted SIC Burials Service regarding the graveyard car park and Ms Yvonne Scott e-mailed to say they have tidied up the earth bund and considering an improved soil storage solution.

Mr B Moreland spoke to Mr A Laurenson who owns the land on either side of the road on the approach to the graveyard to ask if it would be ok to plant flowers, bushes or trees at either side. Mr A Laurenson is happy for this to be done.

The Clerk has e-mailed Mr Brydon Sinclair, Environmental Health regarding getting a dog litter bin placed near the car park. The Clerk is to chase this up. Clerk to progress.

He would like to see a memorial monument to be erected for Flying Officer John Cruickshank VC who is currently 100 years old. He is the only surviving Victoria Cross winner from WW2. He won his VC for his actions saving his crew and sinking a U-Boat on 17th July 1944. Members thought a bronze plaque at the Voe memorial would be a good idea.

Mr C Clark has spoken to Mr J Cruickshank about placing a bronze plaque at the memorial to recognise him being a surviving Victorial Cross winner from WW2 and Mr Cruickshank would like the plaque left as it is. Mr Clark respects his wishes and will not be going any further with this.

7.17 Slow Sign in Lower Voe – The Chairman has spoken to Mr N Hutcheson, SIC Roads Service and they had painted ‘slow’ on the road in some places. He is waiting for the Traffic Order from the Scottish Government and will get ‘slow’ painted on the road in Lower Voe to fit in with this.

7.18 Parking at Maidenfield, Mossbank – The Chairman has spoken to the SIC about the problem with a lack of parking spaces in this area. The SIC are trying to get back on schedule and doing housing repairs and maintenance as a priority. Mr E Smith said that people in the area are unhappy with the situation. The Chairman suggested asking for a ‘no parking’ sign at the turning point, but Mr Smith did not think this would be effective.

2020/08/08 POLICE REPORT

The Clerk e-mailed the Police Report for June 2020 to Members before the meeting. There were 17 incidents recorded for Delting, including one person charged with drink driving.

There has been no Police Report received for July or August.


The Clerk e-mailed this to Members before the meeting.

2020/087/PPF – Change of use of part of existing dwellinghouse and erect extension to create Class 3 Pizzeria with associated parking and septic tank (retrospective application), Parkgate, Brae, ZE2 9QS by Mr Henry McColl – At the June meeting, Members objected to this application as the neighbourhood notification was not followed through and the car park is situated directly underneath hydro lines. Mr I O’Brien, Planning Officer sent an e-mail stating that the neighbour notification was sent and as far as the overhead lines is concerned, the planning service will contact the agent to see if the Community Councils concerns can be addressed. Members are content to let this go. Clerk to progress.

2020/138/PPP – To form 2 no dwellinghouse sites with access track and parking/turning areas at South of Laurendale, Voe, Shetland, ZE2 9PT by Mr Andrew Whitehead. No objections. Clerk to progress.

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There was no update on this.


11.1 Postage Stamps – Burravoe Post Office – The Clerk purchased 100 2nd class stamps for a total cost of £65.00. Payment approved.

11.2 Grant Application Form – Voe Public Hall – They have a committee of 11 members and often cater for big events with over 250 people. They would like to upgrade their existing dishwasher which is starting to become unreliable and often does not work. They feel a dishwasher is needed to ensure cutlery and dinnerware is properly cleaned, especially with the Covid-19 pandemic reminding everyone how important proper cleaning is. The total cost of the dishwasher is £3746.36 and they have £375.00 of their own funding. This leaves a balance of £3371.36. As they did not send through the annual accounts or quotes for the dishwasher, this has been deferred to the next meeting. The Clerk is to contact them about this. Clerk to progress.

11.3 Play Parks – E-mail received from Ms Carly Sutherland stating that the playparks are in need of a freshen up, painted and a few new things. The Moorfield park hasn’t had anything done to it in years and there are many children that play in it. The swings are being dismantled at the Voe playpark and the parks compared to ones south have very little in them now. She is asking if the Community Council can help get the children a revamp in the parks, particularly Moorfield. The Clerk is to forward this e-mail onto Mr Magnus Malcolmson, Team Leader, Leisure Facilities and ask what the programme for updating the playparks is and find out when the swings are going to be reinstated in Voe. Clerk to progress.

11.4 Shetland Internet Network – E-mail received from Mr K Johnson, Lecturer at Queen Margaret University stating that he has been contacting SIC, SCBF, HIE, Beatrice Wishart MSP and Alistair Carmichael MP to consider Shetland developing its own fast-speed internet network across the whole of the isles. He goes on to say that the substantial financial windfall Shetland is about to receive from Crown Estate Scotland assets, the Viking Energy Community Benefit Fund and the Scottish and UK Government Islands economic stimulus packages require careful coordination and direction and this is an area to focus attention. The Chairman said that the SIC are compiling a report on this as discussed in item 7.3.

11.5 Requirements in Planning – Scottish Government – E-mail forwarded on from Mr M Duncan, SIC Community Planning and Development. They have issued a consultation paper ‘Proposed Changes to Pre-Application Consultation Requirements in Planning’. Information about this can be found at

The deadline for consultation responses is 6th November 2020. As part of that they have a number of events with different interest groups to help inform their eventual responses to the consultation. These would involve a telephone conference but could extend to an online video. If anyone would like to take part in these events, they can e-mail Pre- [email protected] Notes of interest are required by 31st August.

11.6 HIAL Air Traffic Management Survey: Impact Assessment: Local Consultation – The deadline for responses is 30th September. There are planned engagement sessions. The virtual session in Shetland will be on Wednesday 2nd September. Members feel this is a pointless exercise as air traffic control is going to Inverness.

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11.7 Shetland Community Spirit Award – Voluntary Action Shetland – E-mail received from Ms K Naulls, VAS. They have launched a special award which is aimed to celebrate and recognise the amazing volunteering that has been going on in Shetland during the Covid-19 pandemic and those who have given so much to their communities. Nominations were open from 24th August for two weeks. E-mail - vasvolunteering@shetland org with the nomination giving as much information as possible about the recipient. The Chairman asked Members to think of anyone they know that has gone beyond the call of duty. The Clerk is to forward the e-mail to Members. Clerk to progress.

11.8 Viking Wind Farm – Community Liaison Group Minutes – E-mail received from Mr John Robertson, Community Liaison Officer with Viking Wind Farm. They had a meeting on 11th August, the minutes are awaiting approval. The Chairman attended this meeting. SSE is not doing Covid-19 testing. Testing is not 100% the answer but it does give confidence in the community. SSE staff are staying in the Sella Ness accommodation. The other contractors, R J Mcleod and Viking Energy are staying in local accommodation. There will be full time employment with SSE, Viking Energy and Vestas (who design, install, manufacture and service wind turbines). They may look into hiring staff now and training them up.

11.9 Conflicting Information Letter – Community Council – e-mail received explaining that Whalsay Community Council have highlighted some conflicting information that they know SIC officials have presented to the Councillors over the past ten years. They want support for an independent investigation and hope to initiate a positive change in the way the SIC hierarchy conducts SIC business. Members agreed that the concerns need to be specified more clearly.

11.10 Bike Sharing Webinar – NHS Shetland Active Travel – E-mail received from Mr Gareth Davies, NHS Shetland. They are hosting a webinar on 29th September focussing on the future of bike sharing. It may be of use to inform any future schemes and part of the talk is on community run schemes

11.11 ASCC Meeting – E-mail received from Mr M Duncan. The next ASCC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 8th September at 6pm through Web-ex. The Clerk is to let Mr M Duncan know that nobody is available to attend this meeting. Clerk to progress.

11.12 Scam Alert – SIC Trading Standards – There are ten scams doing the rounds at the moment. SIC Trading Standards have a free Scambusters Shetland advice pack on protecting people from a variety of scams. They can be contacted by phone on 01595 744887 or e-mail [email protected]

A summary of these scams are as follows – 1. Fake government e-mails offering grants. 2. Scam e-mails offering access to Covid-19 relief funds. 3. Official looking e-mails offering a council tax reduction. 4. Fraudsters offering to help benefit recipients applying for universal credit. 5. False NHS test and trace e-mails and links. 6. Fake adverts for Covid-19 related products including face masks. 7. Fake TV licensing e-mails and texts. 8. Scam online TV subscription services e-mails. 9. Fake social media profiles aimed at people using online dating websites. 10. Scam investment opportunities.

11.13 Survey - Planning Aid Scotland – There is a survey to find out Community Councils’ experience of the planning system during the Covid-19 situation. Members agreed that the planning system has been the same here and unaware of any issues. It has been neither worse nor better. The Clerk is to complete this. Clerk to progress.

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12.1 Various funding information from Mr M Duncan, SIC Community Planning and Development –

Crown Estate Scotland has a new fund designed to support local regeneration and sustainable development around Scotland’s coast. The Sustainable Communities Fund is made up of two different programmes.

Community Capacity Grants Programme is open to all communities within five miles of Scotland’s coastline or one of Crown Estate Scotland’s four rural estates, will provide early stage financial support for community projects that will contribute to local regeneration and sustainable development. Grants will range between £10,000 and £50,000, with a total of £150,000 being made available in the first year of the programme. The deadline for applications is 12th October 2020.

Environment Grants Programme is available to Crown Estate Scotland tenants, and can provide grants of between £5,000 and £20,000 for projects which can demonstrable environmental benefits within 18 months of the award. Typical projects could include initiatives to increase local biodiversity and activities to reduce flood risk, pollution or carbon emissions. The deadline for applications is 5th October 2020. For more information see web link – do/sustainable-communities-fund

Community Response, Recovery & Resilience Fund’s next round of funding is focused on the Recovery phase with grants between £1,000 and £5,000 available to constituted community groups and registered charities with an annual income less than £250,000. They will support organisations to continue their operations in the ‘new normal’, to re-establish or re-design their activities to comply with new regulations in addition to providing emergency support for those who need it most. For more information see web link -,- recovery-resilience-fund/

Climate Challenge Fund can offer small grants up to £500 to not for profit community groups who are exploring opportunities to encourage low-carbon behaviour change within communities and/or initiating awareness of climate change with communities and collecting views/opinions. The next deadline for applications is 16 September. For more details or an application form see web link below - ccf-funding/development-grants/

Museums Galleries Scotland Recovery and Resilience fund will support independent museums right across the country who have been put at risk by the pandemic and protect the vital role that they play in communities. It is intended to prevent museums from running out of funds, as well as developing their resilience by adapting to changed circumstances, supporting their workforce and engaging with their communities. It will fund operating costs up to 31 March 2021, re-start costs, critical repairs and maintenance, business model review and implementation costs, activity to support and develop community wellbeing and other activity to build up sustainability and resilience. Funds will be awarded by 31 December 2020 and must be spent by 31 March 2021. Museums do not have to have reopened to the public in order to apply to the fund. For more information see website -

Social Investment Scotland are working with Social Investment Business as a delivery partner to the Resilience and Recovery Loan Fund (RRLF). The deadline for applications is 30 September. This fund is for social enterprises and charities that are improving people’s lives across the UK who are experiencing disruption to their normal business model as a result of COVID-19. Loans are available from £100,000 to £1.5 million. More information can be found on the web link - fund?utm_source=Masterlist&utm_campaign=936d4c62ce-E- Newsletter_Aug19_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_bf28ba2cd7-936d4c62ce-

The Clerk is to forward on all the funding information e-mails to Members. Clerk to progress. Page 7 of 8 MINUTE: JUNE 2020


13.1 Delting Community Council Meetings – Mr B Moreland asked when Members will be able to meet in person. The Chairman said the October meeting is scheduled for the Voe Public Hall and that may be ok. The Scottish Government is against public meetings and if members of the public attended, we might struggle. The use of the schools could be more difficult as they would need to be sanitised after everyone had left.

13.2 Merchant Navy Association - Memorial – Mr E Smith stated that work has begun on a Merchant Navy memorial outside the Museum and he was wondering why the Community Council has not given any funding towards this. The Clerk confirmed that a letter was received at the beginning of the year. She had responded to say that funding is normally only given towards projects in Delting, but, if they could let us know the cost of this project and what funding they have secured, Members could discuss this further. Mr E Smith is going to speak to the Merchant Navy Association about this.

13.3 Scatsta Airport – The Chairman reported that the SIC have asked for expressions of interest for this.


The Chairman called for the next Delting Community Council virtual meeting to be held by FaceTime on Thursday 24th September 2020 commencing at 7.30pm.


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