Veterans’ Place at Gore Park The 13th Royal Regiment (now the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry) marches along King Street during the First World War.

Photo courtesy of Local History & Archives, Hamilton Public Library 1 2 3 5 4 6 7


JOHN STREET “Give us the power and the purpose To make children laugh; To give work to those who fought for us; And comfort to those who suffered; Piper’s Lament – Afghanistan. And peace to the aged . . . Main Photo by: MCpl Ken Fenner © 2005 DND-MDN Hope to the enslaved, Food to the hungry, And strength to the weak.”

Adaptation from the “Prayer for Victory” (1945) by Major Dick Diespecker, Royal Canadian Engineers.

Background Image Photo by: MCpl Robert Bottrill © 2005 DND-MDN

The Canadian , The Sacrifice Medal, created in 2008, is sometimes called the “Silver Cross”, awarded to members of the Canadian is a token of national remembrance Forces killed or wounded. created in 1919. Originally awarded to the mothers of the fallen in the First World War, it is now awarded to the next of kin of Canadian Forces killed on active service. CYPRUS 1965: Canadian units EGYPT 1965: A Ferret Scout Car of 56 were deployed to keep the Reconnaissance Squadron, The Royal peace along the “Green Line” Canadian Dragoons, patrols the in Cyprus from 1965 to 1994. Sinai as part of the United Nations Over 25,000 Canadians served Emergency Force (UNEF). Between in Cyprus as part of Operation 1956 and 1967 nearly 10,000 Canadians Snowgoose, twenty-six of served with UNEF. Thirty-two which were killed. Canadian soldiers are buried in the Commonwealth Graves Cemetery, Gaza. Photo courtesy of Department of National Defence/Library & Archives Canada Photo courtesy of Department of National Defence/Library & Archives Canada

Since 1949 nearly 125,000 Canadian service and police men and women have served on Peacekeeping Duty in over 100 missions around the globe. The names of 122 Canadian Peacekeepers killed in service are inscribed in the National Book of Remembrance within the Peace Tower in Ottawa.

The 1988 Nobel Peace Canadian Canadian United Nations  Canadian prize was awarded Volunteer General Service Peacekeeping to United Nations Service Medal Medal Korea Service Medal Peacekeepers. for Korea AFGHANISTAN 2006: 1st Battalion, the Royal Canadian Regiment Battle Group – Operation Medusa. Between 2001 and 2014 nearly 40,000 Canadians served. Of these 158 soldiers, one diplomat and two aid workers were killed in service.

Photo by: Cpl Pierre Habib © 2014 DND-MDN


KOREA (1950-1953) NATO OPERATIONS (SINCE 1950) GULF AND KUWAIT (1990-1991) SOMALIA (1992-1993) (1999) LIBYA (2011) AFGHANISTAN (2001-2014)

Special Service Gulf and Kuwait Somalia General NATO Service Medal Medal for NATO Medal Medal Campaign Star Operation Unified and Expeditionary Operation Allied Protector Service Force Kosovo Libya PERSIAN GULF 1991: Royal Canadian KOREA 1953: HMCS Haida cuts through Air Force CF-118 Hornet aircraft flew the waters of the Sea of Japan as part combat missions over the Persian Gulf of Canada’s contribution to United and, in later operations, over Kosovo, Nations operations in Korea. Between Libya and Afghanistan. 1951 and 1953 over 26,000 Canadians served and 516 died as part of Canada’s Artist: Rich Thistle effort.

Photo courtesy of Library & Archives Canada

South-West Asia General Campaign Star General Service Operational Service Medal Service Medal South-West Asia Medal South-West South-West Asia Asia Soldiers of the Canadian Expeditionary Force go “over the top” during the First World War.

Photo courtesy of the Hamilton Military Museum

The Canadian , created in 2008, is Canada’s highest award for military valour. The original Commonwealth version, created by Queen Victoria in 1856, has been awarded to 94 Canadians.

The Canadian medal is produced using bronze taken from Russian cannons captured during the Crimean War (following the tradition of the original British Victoria Cross), as well as metal taken from the Confederation Medal (1867) and native metals from all regions of Canada.

A Canadian infantryman of the Royal Canadian Regiment awaits medical care after being wounded in Korea 1952.

1 Photo by: Paul J. Tomelin, courtesy of Library & Archives Canada VALOUR

4 3 2 Survivors of torpedoed merchant ship aboard HMCS Arvida, St. John’s, Nfld., September 1942.

Photo courtesy of Library & Archives Canada of Canada, Holland December 19,1944. A poem to the “Liberators of Holland” Argyll andArgyll Sutherland Highlanders written bywritten agrateful Dutch citizen. Canadian motorcyclist (Military A group ofA group children to enroute a Christmas party sponsored by the Image courtesyoftheHamilton MilitaryMuseum Image courtesyoftheHamiltonMilitaryMuseum Image courtesyoftheHamiltonMilitaryMuseum Image courtesyoftheHamiltonMilitaryMuseum The Liberation of Holland by Police) in Holland 1945. Canadian forces 1945.

Freedom which supported the D-Day landings on Over 8,000sailors of the Royal Canadian to cease at 11:00a.m.,marking the end of Navy/Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Dangerous duty: ARoyalDangerous duty: Canadian Air 1918, ordering that allhostilities are Force Bomber Command pilot, Second On in Rankin exercise Inlet, Nunavut Photo CourtesyofCanadian Warplane HeritageMuseum Field messagereceivedNovember 11, Corvettes HMCSKitchener suchas Reserve leftHamilton to serve on Patrol in the Panjwaíi District of Image courtesyoftheHamiltonMilitaryMuseum Photo by:SgtDarenKraus©2010DND-MDN Photo courtesyofLibrary& Archives Canada Photo by:MCplDanPop©2014DND-MDN the First World War. February, 2014. Afghanistan. World War. June 6,1944.

Duty and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada winner of the War. Hewas adispatch runner in France and Boston Marathon, served Private as Tom Longboat during the First World A group ofA group soldiers the from Argyll Six Nations athlete Cogwagee (right), Photo courtesyof Argyll and with the 107 Celebrating abirthday in Korea. A group of Argylls relax between of relax A group Argylls Photo courtesyoftheHamiltonMilitaryMuseum Photo courtesyofLibrary& Archives Canada operations in Holland 1945. serving in Kandahar. Regimental Collection, 2009 Photo by:KennethGawthorn th Pioneer Battalion.

Sutherland Highlanders

Camaraderie Hamilton cenotaph, by Governor flies over Parliament Hill part as Photo by:MCplVincent Carbonneau,RideauHall© wreath, representing one of the Photo by:CaptRobertMunroe©2013DND-MDN Commander-in-Chief of Canada marking the end of the Afghan General Viscount Byng of Vimy, The official dedication of the of commemorative ceremonies ceremony on the shoreline of A Canadian Forces helicopter twelve years of the mission in Photo by:CplPierreHabib©2014DND-MDN Photo courtesyofLocal The Governor General and Aboriginal Day Veterans added aredflower to a Rinker Ontario. Lake, Hamilton PublicLibrary Afghanistan. mission, 2014. May 23,1923. OSGG, 2014

History & Archives, History

Honour their colours into battle withthem. Argyll andArgyll Sutherland Highlanders the centennial celebrations for the General James WolfeGeneral James in Westminster Queen, on October part 2,2002,as of safekeeping during the First World military units wouldnot be taking colours weredeposited (flags) for 17,000 gather at Copps Coliseum, in Colonel-in-Chief of the Regiment, The Queen’s new Colour, based on “Banners of the Empire”: Canadian War on the monument to Major Abbey because, for the first time, the of flag Canada, ispresented the presence the of HerMajesty Highlanders of Canada by Her to the and Argyll Sutherland Majesty QueenElizabeth II, Majesty Photo by:Beth McQueen Photo by:BethMcQueen October 2,2002. of Canada.

Loyalty move through Northwest Europe in 1944. Canadian soldiers escort afood convoy with aCanadian soldier, Kandahar 2011. Canadian soldiers pass they refugeesas A member of the Royal Hamilton Light An Afghanboy tries to communicate into occupied Holland during the Infantry in Juba SouthSudan 2012. soldiers liberators as in Italy 1943. Photo by:SgtMatthewMcGregor©2011 DND-MDN Local citizenswelcome Canadian Photo courtesyoftheHamiltonMilitaryMuseum Photo by:SgtNormMcLean©2012DND-MDN Photo courtesyofLibrary& Archives Canada Photo courtesyofLibrary& Archives Canada Second World War.

Hope tunnelled their way outof Stalag-Luft III Mother at the National Remembrance Day near Sagan,Poland. Of the seventy-three Remembrance Day ceremony Afghanistan Gestapo, including six of the Canadians. Impromptu memorial to afallen soldier, The Governor General and Commander- Hamilton Light Infantry pay respects to March, 1944,seventy-six alliedMarch, Prisoners fellow members of their Regimentwho Photo by:SgtRonaldDuchesne,RideauHall©OSGG,2012 in-Chief of Canada withaSilver Cross recaptured, fifty were executed by therecaptured, fiftywereexecuted Photo courtesy of Local History &Archives, A memorial to the “Great Escape”: In of War, including nine Canadians, Photo by:LCol Alex Fiegler(Ret’d)©2010DND-MDN Photo by:CplRoxanneShewchuk©2010DND-MDN “At the going down of the sun… ” France 1944:soldiers of the Royal died at Dieppe on August19,1942. Photo by:Col GeordieElms(Ret’d) Hamilton Public Library ceremony, 2012. Hamilton 2014. Photo by:JeffTessier 2010.

Remembrance confirming his death on active service, journey home. Kandahar, November 26, announcing that his son ismissing in Canadian Dressing Station, Flanders action, the wellas as later telegram A Hamilton soldier begins his last “At the going down of the sun… ” Card sent to aHamilton father Images courtesyoftheHamiltonMilitaryMuseum Photo by:SgtLouPenney©2006DND-MDN Photo courtesyofLibrary& Archives Canada Photo by:ColGeordieElms (Ret’d) 2006. 1917. 1941.

Sacrifice Two RoyalTwo Canadian Regimentsoldiers Photo courtesyofCanadianForcesCombatCamera©2014 go Canadians take withthem. hockey Hockey inHockey the desert: they Wherever Cirillo in on Iraq November 6,2014. A Canadian patrol meets aBedouin Operations Force Command at the tribesman in the Sinai Desert 1956. naming ceremony for Patrol Base at the Hook (Hill 355)during the Members of the Canadian Special Photo courtesyofLibrary& Archives Canada Photo by:Maj Alex Ruff©2007DND-MDN Photo by:NormanMcGugan Korean War. DND-MDN

Overseas Militia (now the Royal Hamilton Light Photo courtesy oftheRoyalHamiltonLight InfantryMuseum Photo courtesyofLocalHistory& Archives, HamiltonPublic by HMCSStar prepares to depart from Band of the 13 Canadian Forces recruitment poster Volunteer Reserve sailors recruited Members of the Canadian Women’s A of Royal Canadian Naval Army Corps, Second World War. Photo courtesyofLibrary& Archives Canada Hamilton for Halifax 1942. Infantry). th Battalion Volunteer Library

Volunteer HMCS Charlottetown returnsfrom Force, pose bomber withaLancaster Photo courtesyofCanadianWarplane HeritageMuseum Photo courtesyofCanadianWarplane HeritageMuseum Korean War at veterans the Korean War Totem Pole Ceremony, Hannon 432 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Quebec Tercentenary celebration, before the Prince of Wales on the Photo courtesy of Argyll andSutherland Highlanders in front of their Halifax bomber, A crew Photo by:MCplLeonaChaisson©2011 DND-MDN (now the and Argyll Sutherland the Mediterranean in support of Plains of part Abraham as of the in Yorkshire, England, May 1945. Highlanders of Canada) parade he 91 operations over Libya 2011. Second World War. st Canadian Highlanders Photo by:HooJungJones Regimental Collection Ontario, 2014. 1908.

Pride An officer of HMCSStar serving Photo by:CplSimonDuchesne©2008DND-MDN the earthquake-stricken Jhelum Assistance Response (DART) Team A Canadian soldier in Holland Photo by:CplShilo Adamson ©2009DND-MDN Photo courtesyoftheHamiltonMilitaryMuseum Haiti, hands outbooks to the during the liberation of that The Canadian Forces Disaster Photo by:SgtFrankHudec©2005DND-MDN delivers humanitarian aid to children at anorphanage in remote mountain villages in River Valley in Kashmir, 2005. pediatric clinic in the local with the United Nations humanitarian mission in Afghanistan conduct a Members of Task Force Port auPrince, 2009. country, April 1945. community.

Humanity Canada’s Cold War air defence capability Keeping the faith 70years on: of Agroup Royal Hamilton Light Infantry veterans Twenty-seven yearsTwenty-seven later he was killed participates in aport visit to Karachi Germany cleanshisGermany weapon while on North Atlantic Treaty Organization Photo courtesyoftheRoyalCanadianRegimentMuseum Voodoo aircraft –the backbone of at the annual Dieppe Day ceremony. Photo courtesyofLibrary & Archives Canada in action serving in Afghanistan. Photo by:WOCaroleMorissette©2009DND-MDN (NATO) Reforger in Exercise 1979. Standing watch HerMajesty’s as Royal Canadian Air Force CF-101 A Canadian soldier stationed in Canadian Ship (HMCS)Winnipeg between 1961 and 1984. Photo by:Tim Fletcher Pakistan, 2009. (14-1349-1951/1957)

Dedication The end of the road: AGunner of the 11 The members last of the Canadian Armed HMCS Protecteur returnsto Esquimalt. returns to Hamilton, December 17,1945. Field Battery, Royal Canadian Artillery, Photo by:SgtRonaldDuchesne,RideauHall©OSGG,2014 Forces serving in Afghanistan return, Reunited withloved ones at the end of Canadian military operations in Photo by:MCplShilo Adamson ©2013DND-MDN Photo by:PteMalcolmByers©2009DND-MDN Photo courtesyoftheHamilton MilitaryMuseum Afghanistan, Ottawa 2013. March 2014. March th

Homecoming Photo courtesyofCityToronto Archives, Fonds1244 A last farewell:SayingA last goodbye to leave Hamilton for active service, leave Hamilton for active service, Members of No.5 Field Ambulance, Members of No.5 Field Ambulance, Petrol Company, Royal Canadian Petrol Company, Royal Canadian volunteers leave they as during Photos courtesyoftheHamilton MilitaryMuseum Photos courtesyoftheHamiltonMilitaryMuseum Family ofmembers crew watch Army Service Corps, prepare to Army Service Corps, prepare to Photo by:LSRonnieKinnie©2014DND-MDN Royal Medical Royal Canadian Army Medical as HMCSTorontoas departs for Corps, and of the 1 Corps, and of the 1 Operation Reassurancefrom the First World War. Halifax, July 24,2014. December 18,1939. December 18,1939. st st Division Division

Leaving material to further the war effort, 1943. the war effort through their employee thirty YMCA clubs in Hamilton collect The “Flying Tigers” of Westdale: One of the Hamiltonian last home came from Image courtesyoftheHamiltonMilitaryMuseum Hamilton Police Headquarters until Many HamiltonMany businesses supported company magazine of the Hamilton The at Canadian Forces flew flag Appeal for blood donors in the Afghanistan 2014. in March, Photo courtesyofLocalHistory& Archives, Image courtesyof ArcelorMittal newletter ornewletter magazine. Company, 1943. Hamilton PublicLibrary Photo by:Tim Fletcher

Community aircraft at Westinghouse, Hamilton 1944. Photo courtesyoftheHamiltonMuseumSteam&Technology Dofasco during the Second World War. Making acomponent for the Mosquito large castingslarge for Bullet-proof steelplate production at Hamilton steelcompanies as thisas tank turretin production at War production at Westinghouse, Photo courtesyofLocalHistory& Archives, Image courtesyof ArcelorMittal Dofasco Image courtesyof ArcelorMittal Dofasco Hamilton PublicLibrary Hamilton 1944. Dofasco.  th e war effort such  turn ed out


Photo courtesy of Local History & Archives, Hamilton Public Library