Cootes Paradise Marsh & Chedoke Creek • the Water Quality • the Habitat • the Fish and Wildlife • Participate in the Recovery
Cootes Paradise Marsh & Chedoke Creek • The water quality • The habitat • The fish and wildlife • Participate in the recovery Tÿs Theijsmeijer Where the Niagara Escarpment RBG meets Lake Ontario Lake Ontario •National Historic Site •IBA (Important Bird Area) •IMPARA (Important Ambibian and Reptile Area) •ANSI (Area of Natural and Scientific Interest) •World Biosphere Reserve International Ecosystem 1. Bird Migrations 2. Fish Nursery Royal Botanical Gardens Ecoli Distribution Post rainstorm – July 2013 Some Monitoring Results 2015 2015 Lower Chedoke Cr - E.coli (CFU/100mL)Sampling completed by Hamilton Conservation Authority – funds by City and OMOECC Dates Chedoke Borers Cr Spencer Ancaster1 Ancaster2 Ancaster3 Ancaster4 Wet/Dry 4/09/15 900,000 150 210 240 80 380 500 Wet 4/20/15 900,000 1,800 970 1,000 410 3,700 1,280 Wet 5/04/15 5,900 60 20 20 90 60 40 Dry 5/19/15 420 <10 210 180 40 100 70 Dry 6/01/15 620,000 1,900 10,100 3,700 1,380 5,100 650 Wet 6/15/15 650,000 400 710 1,800 680 2,000 810 Wet 6/30/15 490,000 430 450 760 460 540 640 Wet 7/13/15 220 130 370 520 490 190 140 Dry 7/27/15 110,000 190 290 360 280 220 320 Dry 8/10/15 280 100 300 450 230 200 500 Dry 8/24/15 4,700 80 9,500 480 760 360 680 Dry 9/08/15 889,000 170 8,700 2,400 710 2,600 2,700 Wet 9/22/15 1,790 100 440 230 210 130 150 Dry 10/15/15 640 10 240 570 40 90 240 Dry 10/22/15 4,800 20 210 370 70 10 80 Dry 11/03/15 4,800 40 40 110 40 120 80 Dry 11/18/15 750 10 20 180 50 80 80 Dry Average 270,000 349 1928 786 354 934 527 Lower Chedoke Creek - Trends E.Coli (May to September
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