April 26, 1884, Vol. 38, No
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xtmtk HUNT'S MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE, UNITED STATES. REPRESENTING THE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL INTERESTS OF THE NO. 983, VOL. 3a NEW YORK, APRIL 26, 1884. I^irmntitd, ^itiattcial. ^iuaflpcial. WaUtr T. Hatek. Benry P. Hateh. NaOi't W. T. Baleh. Arthur U. BaUk. AMERICAN W. T. Hatch & Sons, Bank Note Company, DIAMONDS. BANKBB8, 148 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 14 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. |{u«ln4').n FoiintU'tl t7!>5. of Nev 7nl, 1863. Smith Co., XMonontei uiler Laws of State Alfred H. & Bim,cH omc^iigg 6'i:";ji''8t.T.^fia\-i. Beercaalied t»79. ESrtRAVERS ASH PRINTERS OP IMPORTERS, POSTAGE & REVENUE STAMPS, cash or on margin. , ,_ * _, w* BONDS, 182 Broadway, Cor. John Street. subject to check at slgM LECAL TENDER AND NATIONAL BANK DEPOSITS IIKCBIVED— and for -with Interest upon balances. NOTES, of the UNITED STATES! Special attention paid to INVESTMENTS and Forelsn Covernmenta. accounts of COONTKY B ANKBRJ. EMIKAVINO AND PRINTING, Members N. T. and PhUadelphla Stock Exchangee. COLL J. TDKWTO, JA8.TtTKN«B. N B.LIMgLET. B4NK Nt>ri:S, SHAKK CKKTIFICATES, Special. MOXnS lOU GOVKBNJIKNTS AND L, H. Taylor & Co., Memb. N.Y. Stook Bioh. COKl'OKATrONS, DKAFTS, CHECKS, Turner Co., nitl's Ol- EXCHANGE, STAMPS, &c., BANKKR8, C. T. & flnest and most artistic stylo BANKERS AND BROKERS, In the S. W. Cor. Third and Ctaestnnt St*., FROM STEEL PLATES, PHII.ADEI.PHIA. 15 Broad & 36 Wall SM., New Toik, ipedal lafesuMdt to prerent OOTOTEBTBITIHS. BUILDING. Boom 7, Second Storv. mh 'deposits received subject to check at slgbt, and MILLS tho ^mUI pap«n Buntwtnnd ezelnilTely for us9 of interest allowed on dally balances. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN AND PROVISIONS '4tf>cks, Bonds, Ac., boujfht and sold on commission in Ooapasy* In New York and Chicago market*. PAPERS. Phlladelptalu and otber cities bought and sold SAFETY COLORS. SAFETY Partionlar attention given to information regarding Worn Evccutod in Fireproof HulUlings. Investment Securities. Private wire to New York, Baltimore add other pUces. Cisco & Son, UTHOGRAPHIC *N0 TYPE PRINTING. John J. BAirWAY TilKKTS OF IMl'KilVKO 8TVLE8. BANKERS, Show lard-, I.ulicl», < «Uii Jur*. Sistare's Sons, BLANK BOOKS OF EVEBT DE8COTPTI0N. Geo. K. No. 69 W^all Street, New York. ALBERT C. GOODAU, President. 19 NASSAU ST., NEW YOBK, Deposits received subject to check at sight and VICE-PRESIDKNTS : Interest allowed on dally balances. SHEPARD, J. MACOONOUGH, A. D. DEALERS IN Government Bonds, Stocks and all Investments*-, ROBERTSON. W. M. SMIUJE, TOURO enrltles boaght and sqld on oommisslon. G. H. SriAYHER. Tre^.^ f [RST-CL.ASS IMVESTMENTS. ^ „ ,„^^_ S«ety. WM.M. KARL,Memb. N. Y. Bt'ok Ex. G. H. STATinB, A. H. DATTON. SpeolaL Buy and Sell on Commission, for cash or on mar- ASA. P. PoTTKR, ProBt. J. J. EDDY, CasUer. A.H. MtTBS. glB. all securities dealt in at the New York Stock Maverick National Bank, Kxchange. Earl & Dayton, Interest allowed on dally balances. BROKERS, BOSTON. AU deposits subject to check at sight. BANKERS AND Particular attention to orders by mall or telegraph 68 TO S9 DRBXEL BUILDINa, OAPITAL, $400,000 York. ORI'IiVS, 400,000 New STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT. AND SOLD Kimball & Co., COMMISSION. Aoooanta of BankB and Backers solicited. R. J. STRICTLY ON Colleotlons made upon favurable terms. BANKERS AND BROKERS, JOHN PONDIB. AUOUSTtra NATHAN. GoremmeDt Bonds boufiht and sold. No. 18 W^all Street, New York. Pondir & Co., Lancaster Co., Seventeen Years' Membership In the New York R. A. & stocks, Bonds & InYestnient Secnritiea BANKERS AND BROKEK8, Stock Exchange. alkred B. lounsbery. EXCHANGE PLACE, N. Y., BANK 0ITIIiDIN«, Robert J. Kimball. 30 CMITED Orders eTeouted on the London and European BB0AOWA7 AND WALL 8TRKET, NKW YORK F. Mahoney & Co., market DKALIB8 C< J. Members New York and Chicago StpCk Exchanges No. 15 W^AIili STREET, also New York Mining Stook Exchange. Railroad & Miscellaueons Secnrltles. DEALERS IN & Bass, Bouthem Seeurities a Specialty. Rolston INVESTMENT SECURITIES. BANKERS, 30 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK. Simons & Chew, All classes of -City, Town and RaUway Bonds Stocks, Bonds and Miscellaneous Seonritiee. STOCK BROKERS, lM>ught and sold. Corre«K>nd^K!e SoU^i^i^,„„ SBxchanceCoart&Sa Broadwa7,N.T. cheerfully furnished. Stocks, Itonds and V. 8. CcoTemment Seourlttat •^'' '^n BoOKht.Hiv< * ''rtmmlssloa. Hatch & Foote, W. H. Goadby & Co., J A e BxrXRLT CHBW. BANKERS, No. IX Wall Street, N. Y. Member '' vcbanKe. AND BROKERS, -N. BANKERS Member i . : J l^ohanKe. We make U. S. Bonds and Investment Securities a in and BONUS specialty, execute orders STOCKS '8 for cash or carry the same on margin. We transact No. WAIiL STREET, TINKER A. WE8T01V, a general BANKING business and ALLOW INTER- New York. AND BROKERS, EST on DEPOSITS. Branch OtBoea, oonnected by BANKERS private wire, Norwich, Conn., and Bocton, Mass. No. 7 BXOHANGE COVBT, R. T. Wilson & Co., New York. Fred. H. Smith, BANKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS HSMBT 0. TnrKiB. Member N. T. Stook Kxeta. New York. BnraaiLAXB wcstom. No. 20 BROAD ST., NBW^ YORK. S Bzeltaiic* Ooart. STOCKS, BONDS AND PETROLEUM A R.BATmAK. DotTOLASS GKIiy, STOCK BROKER. Meiib.2?.Y Stock Bxch. Memb.N.Y.CottonKxch. Bought. Sold, and Carried on Margins. OREEN & BATEMAN, Lansdale Boardman, of all railroads for past twenty Intimate knowledge SS WALL STB15BT, NEW YORK. HEW YORK, 80 BROADWAY, & 6 N8W ST. years. Parties dosiriiig to buy or sell unquoted 8»- Exchance Opposite Stock Kxohange. Stock*, Cotton and Forcljcn well to communlcitte. TKOY, N. Yu 1« * IS HALL BUILDING. curitlea will do Private Wire to Washington. Y. National ' Private Wire to Troy. K. II. SMITH, ) Members N. Mining A BATSMAN & CC WA8B1SIQTON, D. C. Beoorltlw carried on margin Interest paid on balaooa* 8. W. SairtB, i Petroleum Kxcbange. : ; : ll THE CHKONICLE. [Vol,, xxxvin. 'gavj^iQU %xcUKnQt, Wovi^im %xcUmiQt. ^avtiQU %xcUmtQt, Drexel, Morgan & Co., August Belmont & Co., J. & W.Seligman&Co., ITAIil. STREET, BANKERS, BANKERS, COKNEK OF BROAD, NEW YORK. No. No8. 19 and 31 Nasaan Street, 23 BROAD STREET, NeiT York. Drexel & Co., DrexeI,Harjes&Co Issue Travelers' Credits, available In all parts of the world, through the Issne Letters of Credit for Travelers No.84 Sontb Third Street, 31 Boulevard HauBsmann, MESSRS. BE ROTHSCHILD, °'' lEJ'JSMAN BROTHERS, London,E PHIL.ADE1.PHIA PARIS. SEI.KJMAN FRERES A CIE.. Paris, and their Correspondents. 5f cUyjA^'^* 8TETTIIEI.MBR, Frankfort BOHESTIO AND FOREIGN BANKERS. Also Commercial Credits and Transfers of Money ALT.MAN &.STETTI1EIMER, Berlin. DepoBlts received subject to Draft. Secnrltjes on California, Europe and Havana. """"«• oivnt ana sold on commission. Interest allowed on Sffi^iSd Ame^S.*"* °' ^"»- ^^<^ *« Deposits. Foreign ExchanKe. Commercial Credits. Draw Bills of Exchange Cable Transfers. Circular Letters and make TelegiapWo for Travelers, Transfers of Money on Europe and Cal&ornla. ftvailable in all parts of the world. Jesup, Baton & Co., Attornets AST) Agents op lvw7wiisoir&Go:7 raessrs. J. S. mORGAlV & CO., BANKERS, No. 22 OLD BBOAD STREET, LONDON. 2T & 29 BEAVER ST., 63 William Street, New York. NEW YORK. Acconnia and Agency of Banks, Corporations, Bllla of Brown Brothers & Co., ^Iff" Individuals received upon favorable terms. Exchange and Letter* ot Dividends and interest collected and remitted. Credit on Mexico. No. 69 JXAIiIi STREET, N. Y,, corporations In paying coupons"^ and._^S'5.''?J*''i''*dividends V"' BUir AND SELL ; also :is transfer agents. Bonds, stoclts and securities bought and sold on BIL.L,S commission, OF EXCIIANOE at the Stock Exchange or elsewhere. jnrihcvB muX ^x-oli^vs. ON GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, FRANCE bterilng Exchange and Cable Transfers bought GKKMANV, BELGIUM. SWITZERLAND, NOR. WAY, DENMARK, SWEDEN AND HOLLAND. DRAW OK THK UNION Issue Commercial BANK OF LONDON- C. Walcott & Co., & Travelers' Credits THE DEUTSCHE BANK, BERLIN, J. IN STERLINO. AND BREMEN: HAMBURG"''J'l"^"-" BANKERS AND BROKERS, AVAn^ABLB IN ANY PART OF THE WORLD. ANDRE GIROD & CO., PARIS. No. 24 Pine Street, New York, And In Francs, In Martinique and Ouadaloupe. Transact nAKE TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERS J. KlNNEDT TOD. Alexander Baring, a General Banking Business H. O. NOBTHCOTB, Member N. Y. Stock OF MONEY Kxob. ^S.'J£*"'"''.^"i'?' hought and sold on Commission. Mining Stocks, and in BBTWEBN THIS AND OTHER COUNTRIES. s»^^*!;f'*';?<'S Is. Unlisted Kennedy Securities. Collections made and Loans Negotiated. OIAKK COI>LECTIONS OF DBAFT.S drawn J. Tod & Co., Dividends and Interest Collected. abroad on all points in the United States and Deposits received subject No. T i to Draft. Canada, and of Drafts drawn in the 63 WILLLIM STREET, Interest Allowed. Investment Securities a Spedaltl United States ou ForeUfn Countries. BANKERS. We issue a ^ inancial Report Weekly. Branch Office, **°'° '*"' ''*°'"' Bankers and Railroad 320 Uroadwaj-. Co^aSef Connected by Private & Stuart & Co., Issue Wire. J. J. commercial credlU, also foreign and domestic Jos. C. WALCOTT, travelers X Members of the N. Y. Stock 33 NASSAU letters of credit in pounds sterling dollars. STREET. & Fbank F. D1CK1N80N, j and Mining Exchanges. Offer luvcHtnieut BILLS OF Securities. EXCHANGE ON Buy a^d sell bonds, stocks and securities in all erican, Canadian, Am- I. F. SnilTH, PAYNE & SmiTH'S, British and Dutch markets on com- Mead & Co., '•*^'''*''*»' oonpons and foreign and BANKERS, LONDON; SlMid D ftil*"' bTOCK BROKERS, niANCHESTER & COUNTY BANK, Sell Bills of Exchange on 80 BROADWAS, NEW KORK. Branch Office with Private "LIMITED;" Wire at 23 West Twentv.' „ ^ „ TWrd Street. MANCHESTER, PAYABLE IN Buy and sell on commission LONDON ; for Investment or on margin, all securities dealt In at the New York Sto^ VIiSTER BANKING COmPANY, xuXcnan^Oa BELFAST, R. K. LKAB. I. F. MKAD, T. H. IRELAND; Member CCKTIS AND ON THE Kidder, Peabody & Co., N. Y. Stock Bzoh. RATIONAI, BANK OF SCOTLAND, EDINBURGH, AND BRANCHES BOSTON, MASS., Wood, Huestis &' Co., ALSC^ Cor. WaU and Nassau St»., New York.