Regional Overview Case Studies of River

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Regional Overview Case Studies of River NOWPAP POMRAC Northwest Pacific Action Plan Pollution Monitoring Regional Activity Centre 7 Radio St., Vladivostok 690041, Russian Federation Tel.: 7-4232-313071, Fax: 7-4232-312833 Website: REGIONAL OVErvIEW Case studies of river and direct inputs of contaminants with focus on the anthropogenic and natural changes in the selected areas of the NOWPAP region POMRAC Technical Report # 10 POMRAC, Vladivostok, Russian Federation 2009 POMRAC Technical Report No 6 Northwest Pacific Action Plan Pollution Monitoring Regional Activity Centre 7 Radio St., Vladivostok 690041, Russian Federation Tel.: 7-4232-313071, Fax: 7-4232-312833 Website: REGIONAL OVErvIEW Case studies of river and direct inputs of contaminants with focus on the anthropogenic and natural changes in the selected areas of the NOWPAP region POMRAC, Vladivostok, Russian Federation 2011 POMRAC Technical Report # 10 3 Pollution Monitoring Regional Activity Center on UNEP Action Plan for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Northwest Pacific Region (NOWPAP POMRAC) Региональный Центр по мониторингу загрязнения окружающей среды Плана действий ЮНЕП по охране, управлению и развитию морской и прибрежной среды в регионе Северо-Западной Пацифики (НОУПАП ПОМРАК) Pacific Geographical Institute, Far Eastern Branch of the RussianAcademy of Science Тихоокеанский институт географии Дальневосточного отделения Российской Академии наук Regional Overview: Case studies of river and direct inputs of contaminants with focus on the anthropogenic and natural changes in the selected areas of the NOWPAP region/ Author V.M.Shulkin. Ed. By A.N.Kachur. – Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2011. – 92 p. – ISBN Региональный обзор: Поступление загрязняющих веществ в типичные прибрежные акватории региона Северо-Западной Пацифики с акцентом на антропогенные и природные изменения/ Автор В.М.Шулькин, Отв. редактор А.Н.Качур. – Владивосток: Дальнаука, 2011. – 92 с. (на англ.яз.) © NOWPAP POMRAC, 2011 © ТИГ ДВО РАН, 2011 ISBN 4 List of Acronyms BOD Biological oxygen demand CEARAC Coastal Environment Assessment Regional Activity Center CEM Center Environmental Monitoring , Federal Service on Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, Vladivostok, Russia CNEMC China National Environmental Monitoring Center COD Chemical oxygen demand DIN Dissolved inorganic nitrogen DIP Dissolved inorganic phosphorus DO Dissolved oxygen DSi Dissolved silica EEI Economical Environmental Index EQS Environment Quality Standard FPM Focal Point Meeting GDP Gross Domestic Product GIWA Global International Waters Assessment HCH Hexachlorcyclohexane compounds HNS Hazardous Noxious Substances ICARM Integrated Coastal and River Basins Management IGM Intergovernmental meeting(s) MEP Ministry of Environmental Pollution, China MOE Ministry of Environment of Korea MOMAF Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of Korea MOST Ministry of Science and Technology of Korea MPC Maximum permissible concentration NIER National Institute of Environmental Research of Korea NIES National Institute Environmental Science, Japan NFRDI National Fisheries Research and Development Institute, Korea NOWPAP Action Plan for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Northwest Pacific Region NPEC Northwest Pacific Region Environmental Cooperation Centre, Toyama, Japan PAHs Polyaromatic hydrocarbons PCBs Polychlorbiphenile compounds PGI Pacific Geographical Institute, Russian Federation PHs Petroleum hydrocarbons POI Pacific Oceanographic Institute, Russian Federation POMRAC Pollution Monitoring Regional Activity Center POPs Persistent Organic Pollutants RCU Regional Coordinating Unit SCOPE Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment SCOR Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research SOMER State of Marine Environment in the NOWPAP region SS Suspended Solids TDP Total dissolved phosphorus TN Total nitrogen TP Total phosphorus TPLCS Total Pollutant Load Control System UNDP United Nations Development Program UNEP United Nations Environment Program YSLME Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem WG Working Group(s) WQS Water Quality Standard Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary……………………………......……………………………………………. 2. Introduction 2.1. Goals and objectives of the report………………………………….......………………….7 2.2. General background information on NOWPAP…………………..……......……………...8 3. Geographical scope of the selected case study areas 3.1. Jiaozhou Bay (China)………………………………………….......……………………..10 3.2. Dokai Bay (Japan)…………………………………………….......……………………...11 3.3. Masan Bay (Korea)…………………………………………………........……………….12 3.4. Peter the Great Bay (Russia)……………………………………….......………………...13 4. Jiaozhou Bay 4.1. Social and economic situation at present time and during last decades……….......…….18 4.2. Environmental problems in the coastal zone, including rivers and coastal sea areas 4.2.1. Chemical pollution and temporal changes in composition of river runoff…........…….22 4.2.2. Loads of contaminants through rivers and by direct inputs…………………........…….23 4.2.3. Degradation, changes and loss of coastal habitats…………………………........……...28 4.2.4. Pollution of the marine ecosystems………………………………………….......……..28 4.2.5. Eutrophication and the changes in the structure of biological communities….........…...31 5. Dokai Bay 5.1. Social and economic situation at present time and during last decades……….......…….34 5.2. Environmental problems in the coastal zone, including rivers and coastal sea areas 5.2.1. Chemical pollution and temporal changes in composition of river runoff…........…….36 5.2.2. Loads of contaminants through rivers and by direct inputs…………………........…….37 5.2.3. Pollution of the marine ecosystems………………………………………….........…….37 5.2.4. Degradation, changes and loss of coastal habitats………………………….........……..43 5.2.5. Eutrophication and the changes in the structure of biological communities…..........…..44 6. Masan Bay 6.1. Social and economic situation at present time and during last decades……….......…….46 6.2. Environmental problems in the coastal zone, including rivers and coastal sea areas 6.2.1. Chemical pollution and temporal changes in composition of river runoff….........……48 6.2.2. Loads of contaminants through rivers and by direct inputs………………….........……50 6.2.3. Degradation, changes and loss of coastal habitats……………………….........………..50 6.2.4. Pollution of the marine ecosystems……………………………………….........……….51 6.2.5. Eutrophication and the changes in the structure of biological communities…..........…..55 7. Peter the Great Bay 7.1. Social and economic situation at present time and during last decades………........……7 7.2. Environmental problems in the coastal zone, including rivers and coastal sea areas 7.2.1. Chemical pollution and temporal changes in composition of river run-off….........……60 7.2.2. Loads of contaminants through rivers and by direct inputs…………………........…….65 7.2.3. Degradation, changes and loss of coastal habitats………………………........………...70 7.2.4. Pollution of the marine ecosystems………………………………………........………..71 7.2.5. Eutrophication and the changes in the structure of biological communities….........…...79 8. The influence of different human activities on the marine and coastal environment within selected case study areas…………………………………………………………….......................82 9. Conclusions……………………………………………………………………….........………..87 10. References…………………………………………………………………………................……..90 6 1. Executive Summary Regional Overview “Case studies of river and direct inputs of contaminants to the marine and coastal environment with focus on the anthropogenic and natural changes in the selected areas of the NOWPAP region” had been prepared by the decision of 7th and 8th POMRAC FPMs approved by the 15th IGM. The goal of this activity was to reveal the relationships between inputs of contaminants from the land-based sources and environmental changes in the adjacent coastal areas. The previous results of NOWPAP activities have shown that such relationships, especially in quantitative terms, could be found only for the selected areas where extensive data sets are available. Therefore, each NOWPAP member state proposed such case study area: Jiaozhou Bay in China, Dokai Bay in Japan, Masan Bay in Korea and Peter the Great Bay in Russia. Experts from the NOWPAP countries have presented data on these areas according to the format proposed by POMRAC Secretariat. These data as well as other published information on the selected areas, were compiled, analyzed and presented in this report. The goal of this report is to look at the environmental status and trends within some typical and/or important coastal localities of NOWPAP countries, and to correlate this information with the changes of river and direct inputs of contaminants to the sea from the adjacent watersheds. The structure of the report comprises brief description of geographical features of selected areas: major rivers, coasts, geomorphology, climate, landscape and land-use features, as well as reasons of the study areas choice. Socio-economic factors relevant to the scale of the anthropogenic pressure on the coastal environment within selected areas are also described: population and popu- lation density, GDP and types of economic activities, wastewater generation and wastewater treat- ment efficiency, etc. The efforts have been made to obtain data on the changes of anthropogenic pressure during the last 30-50 years. Significant part
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