On January 1st, 2006 I began to fulfill my New Years resolution to read Thomas Pynchon's Mason & Dixon at a pace of three pages a day. I resolved to look everything up that was interesting or obscure. I took a lot of notes throughout the nine months it took to read the book. This is the result. If you find any errors, please email me at
[email protected] and I'll incorporate your corrections into this text. Toby Levy pages 1-3: Page 5 reveals that the year at the start of this book is 1786, and the place is Philadelphia. This is The first numbered page in the hardcover first where Charles Mason died earlier that year. The first edition is page 6. named character is Whiskers the cat. The children are identified on this page only as "the twins and their Leafing back from there, page 1 is the one that sister." They and assorted friends gather in this family has only the words "Mason & Dixon" in chapter room to hear tall tales told by the Reverend Wicks heading typeface about a quarter of the way down the Cherrycoke. Cherrycoke (the name of a bit character in page. The ampersand usage is correct in that it was a Gravity's Rainbow) came to Philadelphia to attend business partnership. Mason is always listed first Mason's funeral but arrived too late. The house because he was generally considered to be the man in belongs to his sister Elizabeth and Elizabeth's husband, charge of their two major undertakings.