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[email protected] Paper from: Development and Application of Computer Techniques to Environmental Studies, CA Brebbia and P Zannetti (Editors). ISBN 1-85312-909-7 Characteristics of river flow in the Transylvanian Basin V. Sorocovschi & G. Pandi Department of Geography, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania Abstract One of the largest depression in the Romanian Carpathians, the Transylvanian Basin, occupies the central part of Romania, being a typical upland region. The river flow characteristics in the Transylvanian Basin have been pointed out as a result of data processing and interpretation activities carried out at 24 hydrometric stations. The humidity contrasts as a consequence of the territory exposure to the advection of oceanic air masses coming from the west are reflected by the distribution of the components of the hydrological balance, which has been presented in detail in the first section of the present paper. The second section focuses on the way in which the effects of the climatic demarcation influence the temporal distribution of the flow, the frequency flow rhythms, as well as on the territorial distribution of the types and subtypes of regime. 1 Introduction The Transylvanian Basin is the widest and the best individualized area with negative morphology in the Carpathian range, which covers 10.5’?/oof the Romanian territory (237,5000 km2). Because of its central position in the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic area, the Transylvanian Basin is a place of convergence for several geographical elements, among which the rivers and the human potential are especially important.