Se 7 pt .W emb S2 er 8 – 14 2008 A male perspective on Jane Austen Tertiary musings from a Queer Girl Queer Parties at UNSW international night markets 18 sept t h u r s day blo c khouse from 4pm � a night of differ ence at unsw with a banquet of cultur es to taste. K_`j\m\ek`jXe`e`k`Xk`m\f]k_\:lckliXc;`m\ij`kpXe[k_\@ek\ieXk`feXcJkl[\ek;\gXikd\ekjf]k_\JI:Xe[`jjlggfik\[ Ypk_\DXcXpj`XeJkl[\ekFi^Xe`jXk`fe%;\kX`cjXknnn%XiZ%lejn%\[l%Xl% 2 Blitz Magazine SD02673 Mooncake Blitz S2W6_v2.indd 2 3/9/08 12:45:00 PM Blitz Magazine Telephone: (02) 9385 7715 Fax: (02) 9313 8626 Dear Reader, PO Box 173, Kingsford NSW 2032 Tempus fugit or, in English, time flies! Funnily Level 1, Blockhouse, Lower Campus. 3 Editor’s Letter international enough, although “tempus fugit” has its origins traced back to the Roman poet Virgil, the White Email:
[email protected] Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland was the first Website: 4 Chair’s Letter character in literature to use the expression. 6 Queer Parties at UNSW It’s just over half way until the end of semester Blitz Team 2008 night (and end of the year, and the start of a long, well Editor: Alina Petanec deserved break!), and it’s not looking to slow down 8 A male perspective any time soon. Not only is spring in the air (it’s Designer: Erin Henriksen on Jane Austen m about time!) but I’ve already started planning what arkets I’m doing next year.