Fear Algerian Terror Reign

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Fear Algerian Terror Reign Distribution Today Weather 17,975 MMtiy fair today, tonight RED BANK and tomorrow. High both days, M-55. Low tonight, 30s. See I Independent Daily f SH 1-0010 weather page 2. (^ UQNDArrnnovauritiDAY-caT.im J Ieiuod dally. Monday throuja fridiy. Second Cltu Poitigt 35c PER WEEK VOL. 83, NO. 198 Paid at Red Btuk and at Additional Hailing Office*. RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1961 7c PER COPY BY CARRIER PAGE ONE Erdman Quits Fear Algerian With a Blast At Mitchell Terror Reign See Hot GOP Today in Washington Seek Killers Fight 'From Associated Press Unterberg, McCall SENATE After Raid Here On In'In recess until Monday, Armed Service Committee con- On Hospital TRENTON (AP) — Newsiders nominations, hear Navy Praised for Service Secretary Connally on defense Jersey's primary election HALTED BY LAKE ERIE SLUSH —Two Great Lakes cardje^.-Jho tanker Mercury, NEW SHREWSBURY - Mayor posture. (art K. Baron last night pre- PARIS (AP) — French politics erupted yesterday Banking subcommittee on left, and the freighter George H. Ingalls, upper center, came to a chilly halt when sented two former councilmen, police made a nationwide with the sudden resignation housing continues hearing on Lake Erie iluih blocked tha entrance to the Buffalo, N. Y., harbor. Two U.S. Coast Clarence E. Unterberg and Rob pending housing legislation. sweep against suspected Al- Of Carl Erdman, Republican Guard icebreakers helped the Ingalls to clear water, but the Mercury remained in ert L. McCall. emblazoned scrolls HOUSE commemorating their services to j gerian and French terrorists the deep freeze. (APWirephotol state chairman. In recess until Tuesday. the borough. i today as killings and bomb- Erdman slammed former The documents, signed by may- I ings increased after the col- Secretary of Labor James P. or, councilmen, and Borough Mitchell in a bitter statement American Is Clerk Jerome S. Reed, thanked lapse of hope for immediate announcing his resignation. A Borough of Many Addresses the two men in behalf of the negotiations to end the Algerian Mitchell is one of three candi Injured In people of the borough. rebellion. dates for the GOP gubernatorial Mr. Unterberg's scroll said, In Paris police hunted an Algerian nomination. The others are state part: _ J execution squad that carried the Sens. Walter H. Jones of Bergen Saigon Attack Seeks An End to the Confusion'He wiflbe particularly remem- hit-and-run war between rival bered for his part in deve'oping _£ounty and Wayne Dumont Jr. SAIGON, Viet Nam (AP) — A rebel factions into a suburban -NEW SHREWSBURY - The Bank, Shrewsbury, Farmingdale, ices, he said, have decided t( the borough police force from' of Warren County. terrorist's hand grenade today hospital yesterday, killing 2 per- residents of New Shrewsbury, Asbury Park or Neptune. list an emergency number: a vo!unteer_reserra_ioja_r£gular Erdman said he would not "sitwounded an American aid official sons -and..wounding 12. - among them all, have five tele- This, hT pointed dul71eads~to Llberly~2-1933rTO5 number ~wi police department, and for so by and watch the Republican in Saigon. He was the first Ameri- In Algiers the U.S. Consulate phone exchanges and six mailing confusion and delays. have two incoming trunk line: ably serving as the first police Party of New Jersey being torn can victim of a terrorist in Soul addresses. 5 Telephone Exchanges and will bring immediate atten was bombed after it closed for commissioner." the day and an attempt was made asunder by unworthy campaign Viet Nam since November. This leads to problems, and The confusion is compounded, tion to the resident's need. Stick Mr. Unterberg served on the to burn the American Cultural tactics which can only be a dis- The attack was also the first Mayor and council discussed he explained, by the fact that ers giving this number are bein] council from 1951 through 1960 Center. Both attacks were attrib- service to every member of our violence in South Viet Nam's some solutions last night. the urgent call may come from given to as many residents a The scroll presented to Mr. Me- uted to French rightist retaliat- party." capital since the Viet Cong Com- a telephone with any of these possible. Councilman John Lemon, Jr., Call said: Clarence E. Untetfaeig ing for U.S. moves to ?,et peace Last night, Mrs. Helen-Qaeser, munist rebels stepped up their exchanges: Liberty, PRospect, If however, he said, the persor said that in the past residents "As fire commissioner he talks started between the French of Union County, vies chairman terror campaign in an effort to KEllog, SHadyside, or in the case who needs help follows the in making an emergency, fire, police worked diligently to bring about and the Algerian rebels. of the Republican^ State Commit- scare voters away from the polls or first aid call sometimes have of one lone New Shrewsbury resi struction printed in the front o the creation of the Fire Council Police rounded up known tee, said Erdman's resignation at the presidential election Sun- given their postal addresses — dent, WEbster. every telephone book, and call an important step toward forma- French extremists in Paris and "has forced me to assume the day.- which may be Eatontown, Red The borough emergency serv- the operator, he will also be con tion of a tire department. His the French provinces also .'or chairmanship." The American, Howard C. nected. Mrs. Glaeser said Erdman's Thomas, 47, of Fort Myers, Fla., unfailing willingness to work for questioning. The police said no On Emergencies action "has come as a great was wounded in the right eye the borough, was recognized by well known persons were picked shock, especially that It should and his face was pierced by frag- The important thing for the his selection as council president up, and it was not immediately Unsigned Flyer Case for 1960." be timed as it was in the last ments o( the grenade. U. S. of- caller to remember, in this case, known if any of those questioned few days of such an important ficials said the injuries were not he stressed, is to state clearlj Mr. McCall was a member of were detained. flection." critical, but Thomas—whose vi- that he lives'in New Shrewsbury the counoil from 1959 through Talks Held Up Prosecutor to Refer Union Beach I960. TTie primary election will be sion in his left eye was already Citizens, whatever their pos Negotiations between the April IS. impaired—was flown to the Phil- Complaint to the Grand Jury office may be, must remembe French and rebels were to have ippines for treatment at the U. S. he said, that it's the geographica started today in Evian-Les-Bains. Won't Participate Air Force Hospital at Clark Field. location that's important wher May Finish But the chief rebel group—the Mrs. Glaeser said she would FREEHOLD—The county pros before the March 1 school election the house is on fire or when National Liberation Front (FLN) Thomas had just left his car in Union Beach, will be presented relinquish all active participa and was crossing the garden at ecutor's office reported yesterday policeman or ambulance —refused to meet after the Bon in the campaign. Her dec! that the case involving an un to the Grand Jury, probably next needed. Town Hall French announced they woula his residence, on his way to week. don, she said, "has the com lunch, when the hand grenade ex- signed flyer, distributed the day Mayor Karl K. Baron said hi hold simultaneous negotiations plete approval of the candidate ploded nearby. His residence is John Gawler, chief of' county has met with postal authoritie: with a rival rebel group, the Na- I am supporting." By June near that of U. S. Ambassador detectives, told The Register that recently for talks on a post offici tional Liberation Movement She added, "It has been my Elbridge Durbrow. the investigation by the prosecu^ (See ADDRESSES, Page 3) MIDDLETOWN — The first (MNA). The French rejected the tor'i office w»i compiowd Mon- -ptMUg».»t «» individual to work The grenade thrower escaped. Challenges stage of the new township execu- FIN demand that it \e desig- day. night and day in the supi>ort o An employee of the U. S. Fed- tive offices should be completed nated chief spokesman for Cie James P. Mitchell. This has been eral Aviation Agency, Thomas The case was referred to the by June 15, according to William Algerian nationalists. a secret to no one, and under had been here for eight months Variance's prosecutor last month by the MC Faculty Miller, architect. Robert L. McCall There appeared to be little vfi circumstances can I become advising President Ngo D i n h Union Beach Board of Education. Mr. Miller said workmen are chance either side would make neutral in my loyalty to him." Diem's government on the im- Legality A board member, Richard A. Is Queried awaiting shipment of the metal a- serious' move before Tuesday Erdman, who had planned to provement of airport facilities. Shannon, Jr., has taken "full re- partitions for the various rooms Contracts to get talks started. French retire when his term expired His wife and two sons, William NEW SHREWSBURY — A zon sponsibility" for the flyer, which Plastering work has been com- President De Gaulle has sched- April 27, charged that Mitchell Jr., 20, and Bruce, 15, are here asked for a. defeat of me school On Conflicts pleted and workmen are starting uled a news conference for that had violated a fair-play agree Ing variance recently granted to to finish off the ceiling of the with him.
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