1953 CONGRESSIONAL ~CQRD- H:9USE '1011 Nebraska has done a very gracious and Erich C. Mehnert, VC, 01718887. of second lieutenant, under the provisions a very proper thing. James R. Olin, VC, 02208950. of section 506 of the Officer Personnel Act The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Raymond H. Osterholtz, DC, 01765661. of 1947 (Public Law 381, 80th Cong.), sub John C. Powell, Jr.,_ JAGC, 0552716. ject to designation as distinguished military bill is open to amendment. If there be Erven A. Ross, VC, 0939684. graduates, and subject to physical qualifi no further amendment to be proposed, Howard B. Slider, Jr., VC, 01724873. cation: the question is on the third reading of Robert A. Sturtevant, VC, 01776019. Charles F. Hudson, Jr. Thomas R. Sutton the bill. · To be second lieutenants Thomas F. Joyce, Jr., Sam S. Harrell The bill (H. R. 568) .Was ordered to a Elizabeth A. Galt, WMSC, M2919. 01888088. Morton F. Brann third reading, read the third time, and William F. Gilley, MSC, 01877430. Charles E. Larason, Johnny J. Churchill passed. 01916124. William P. Ferguson The following-named person for appoint Edward C. Lungren Edward C. Fike ment as chaplain of the Regular Army, in Theodore R. Moody, Clyde Fisher, Jr. ADJOURNMENT TO FRIDAY the grade of captain, under the provisions 01888005. Allan J. Francisco, Mr. MILLIKIN. I move that the Sen of section 506 of the Officer Personnel Act of Thomas L. Stanford, 01338806. 1947 (Public Law 381, 80th Cong.), subject Jr. ate adjourn until F'riday ne~t. to physical qualification: Tht! motion was agreed to; and <at 3 Aloysius M.
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