1954 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 1673 H. R. 5959. An act to exempt certain com­ H . R. 3027. Ali act for the relief Of Tamiko HOUSE OF .REPRESENTATMS missioned officers retired for disabilities Nagae; caused by instrumentalities of war from the H. R. 3228. An act for the relief of' Mrs. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 19.~4 limitation prescribed by law with respect to Ursula Eichner Clawges; the combined rate of retired pay and of H. R. 3280. An act for the relief of John The House met at 12 o'clock noon. compensation as civilian employees of the J ames T . Bell; The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, Government which retired officers may re­ H. R. 3390. An act for the relief of Eiko D. D., offered the following prayer: ceive. T anaka; H . R. 5861. An act to amend the act ap­ H. R. 3619. An act for the relief of Rufin 0 Thou who wert the God of our proved July 8, 1937, authorizing cash relief Manikowski; fathers we thank Thee that in the an­ for certain employees of the Canal Zone H. R. 3728. An act for the relief of Mrs. nals of our national history we have the government. Helen Bonanno (nee Koubek); record of men and women whose life and H. R. 5379. An act to authorize the print­ H. R. 3733. An act for the relief of Mrs. character enshrined our country's ing and mailing of periodical publications of Anna Holder; certain societies and institutions at places H. R. 4439. An act for the relief of John noblest traditions and loftiest ideals. other than places fixed as the offices of pub­ Abraham and Ann Abraham; Today we are paying tribute to the lication. H. R . 4577. An act for the relief of Edith memory of an American patriot whose H. R . 395. An act to confer jm·isdiction Maria Gore; supreme ambition was to know and do upon the United States Court of Claims with H . R. 4972. An act for the relief of John Thy will. respect to claims against the United States Jeremiah Botelho; We rejoice that he always kept the of certain employees of the Bureau of Pris­ H. R. 5195. An act for the relief of Max windows of his soul open toward the ons, Department of Justice. Kassner; That the Senate has appointed the Sena­ H. R. 5379. An act to authorize the print­ unseen and eternal, whence came his tor from New Hampshire, Mr. B RIDGES, and ing and mailing of periodical publications wisdom, strength, and courage. the Senator from Nevada, Mr. McCARRAN, as of certain societies and institutions at places Grant that we also may be inspired members on the part of the Senate of the other than places fixed as the offices of with faith and hope as we enlist in a Joint Committee on Reduction of Nonessen­ publication; crusade to bring peace and freedom to tial Federal Expenditures; and H. R. 5861. An act to amend the act ap· all mankind. That the Senate has passed Senate bills of proved July 8, 1937, authorizing cash relief Hear us in the name of the Prince of the following titles: for certain employees of the Canal Zone gov­ S. 1184. An act to authorize relief of au­ ernment; Peace. Amen. thorized certifying officers from exceptions H. R. 5945. An act conferring jurisdiction The Journal of the proceedings of t aken to payments pertaining to terminated upon the United States Dist rict Court for Tuesday, February 9, 1954, was read and war agencies in liquidation by the Depart­ the District of Colorado to hear. determine, ment of State. and render judgment upon the claim of approved. S. 1381. An act to amend the Agricultural J. Don Alexander against the United States; Act of 1949. H . R. 5959. An act to exempt certain com­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE S. 1990. An act to strengthen the investi­ missioned officers retired for disabilities gation and enforcement provisions of the caused by instrumentalities of war from the A message from the Senate, by Mr. Commodity Exchange Act. limitation prescribed by law with respect to Carrell, one of its clerks, announced that S. 2313. An act to amend the Commodity the combined rate of retired pay and of the Senate had passed bills and a joint Exchange Act in order to include wool among compensation as civilian employees of the resolution of the following titles, in the commodities regulated by such act. Government which retired officers may re­ which the concurrence of the House is Respectfully yours, ceive; and requested: LYLE 0. SNADER, H. J. Res. 358. Joint resolution to discharge Clerk of the House of Representatives. indebtedness of the Commodity Credit Cor­ S. 666. An act authorizing the Secretary of poration. the Interior to convey certain lands and rights-of-way in the State of Wyoming to BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTION the town of Jackson, Wyo.; SIGNING OF ENROLLED BILLS AND S. 1386. An act to amend section 2 of the ENROLLED Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, re­ JOINT RESOLUTION lating to the meaning of the word "com· Mr. LECOMPTE, from the Committee The SPEAKER. The Chair desires to modity"; on House Administration, reported that announce that pursuant to the authority · S. 2772. An act to provide for the dis· that committee had examined and found posal of paid postal-savings certificates; and granted him on Tuesday, February 9, truly enrolled bills and a joint resolution 1954, he did on February 10, 1954, sign S. J. Res. 12. Joint resolution to request the of the House of the following titles: International Joint Commission on United the following enrolled bills and joint States-Canadian boundary waters to make H. R. 395. An act to confer jurisdiction resolution of the House: upon the United States Court of Claims with a survey of the proposed Passamaquoddy H. R. 395. An act to confer jurisdiction tidal-power project, and for other purposes. respect to claims against the United States of certain employees of the Bureau of upon the United States Court of Claims with The message also announced that the Prisons, Department of Justice; respect to claims against the United States Senate had ordered that the House of H. R. 1129. An act for the relief of Katina of certain employees of the Bureau of Pris­ Panagioti FitHis and Theodore Panagiotou ons, Department of Justice; Representatives be requested to return H. R. 1129. An act for the relief of Katina the Senate the engrossed bill, H. R. Fi1His; to H. R. 1496. An act for the relief of Mrs. Panagioti Fiffiis and Theodore Panagiotou 4254, for the relief of Aneta Popa. Hermine Lamb; FitH.is; H . R. 1516. An act for the relief of Mrs. H. R. 1496. An act for the relief of Mrs. Clemtine De Ryck; Hermine Lamb; COMMUNICATION FROM THE H. R. 1674. An act for the relief of Setsuko H. R. 1516. An act for the relief of Mrs. CLERK OF THE HOUSE Motohara Kibler, widow of Robert Eugene Clemtine De Ryck; Kibler; H. R. 1674. An act for the relief of Setsuko The SPEAKER laid before the House H . R. 2021. An act for the relief of Clarence Motohara Kibler, widow of Robert Eugene the following communication from the R. Seiler and other employees of the Alaska Kibler; Clerk of the House of Representatives, Railroad; H. R. 2021. An act for the relief of Clar­ which was read: H. R. 2618. An act for the relief of Santos ence R. Seiler and other employees of the FEBRUARY 10, 1954. Sanabria Alvarez; Alaska Railroad; The honorable the SPEAKER, H. R. 2633. An act for the relief of Lee Sig H. R . 2618. An act for the relief of Santos House of Representatives. Cheu; Sanabria Alvarez; SIR: Pursuant to authority granted on H. R. 2813. An act for the relief of William H. R. 2633. An act for the relief of Lee Sig February 9, 1954, the Clerk today received E. Aitcheson; Cheu; from the Secretary of the Senate, the follow­ H. R. 2839. An act to enable the Hawaiian H. R. 2813. An act for the relief of William ing messages: Homes Commission of the Territory of Ha­ E. Aitcheson; That the Senate has agreed to the report waii to exchange available lands as desig­ H. R. 2839. An act to enable the Hawaiian of the committee of conference on the dis­ nated by the Hawaiian Homes Commission Homes Commission of the Territory of Ha­ agreeing votes of the two Houses on the Act, 1920, for public lands; waii to exchange available lands as desig­ amendment of the Senate to the joint reso­ H. R. 2842. An act to authorize the Secre­ nated by the Hawaiian Homes Commission lution (H. J. Res. 358) entitled "Joint reso­ tary of the Army to transfer certain land and Act, 1920, for public lands; lution to discharge indebtedness of the Com· access rights to the Territory of Hawaii; H. R. 2842. An act to authorize the Secre­ modity Credit Corporation"; and H . R. 2885. An act authorizing and direct­ tary of the Army to transfer certain land and That the Senate has passed without ing the Commissioner of Public Lands of the access rights to the Territory of Hawaii; amendment bills of the House of Representa· Territory of Hawaii to issue a right of pur• H. R. 2885. An act authorizing and direct­ tives of the following titles:. chase lease to Edward c. Searle; ing the Commissioner of Public Lands of the 1674 CONGRESSIONAL ·RECORD- HOUSE February 12.
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