A lof conversion can increase your property value by up to 20%. It can save you the headache, and heartache, of moving house to gain extra room. It can also be an excitng and stylish The Importance Of Good Design new space in your home, helping you to achieve the lifestyle Types Of Lof Conversion you’ve always dreamt of. Using Natural Light To Create Amazing Spaces Lof conversions do not have to be boring, practcal spaces; they can have the wow factor and become atractve, design- Lof Staircases led spaces for contemporary living. What kind of space do Heatng And Lightng Your Lof you want to create in your lof? A master with luxury ensuite, games room, home ofce or private retreat? Storage That Doesn’t Look Functonal

Your lof conversion could be any of these, with the right space Inspiring Bathroom Design Ideas and some imaginaton. Smart Lofs And Smart Home Automaton This guide will take you through the many aspects of Eco Lofs: Reduce Your Carbon Footprint convertng your lof and help you decide what will work in your space and suit your needs. Our goal is to help you to Innovaton Is WOW! create a space you will love and be able to enjoy for years to come.

We cover the following key factors that will shape your lof conversion - give them some thought now for a stress-free and successful conversion project:

• The lof conversion experts you need on your team. • How to work with your experts to get what you want. • Types of lof conversion. • Finding the right soluton to ft your space and stll create the wow factor. • How to use natural light to create an amazing space. • Lof staircases and which type is right for you. • Insulaton, heatng and lightng. • Tips on functonal and practcal storage that is also innovatve and stylish. • Ideas for bathroom designs. • Inventve space saving solutons. • Advice on smart home automaton. • Creatng an eco-friendly lof conversion.

If you want a lof conversion with the wow factor, read on! THE IMPORTANCE OF GOOD DESIGN You will probably need the help of several diferent people.

1. Architect/technician or building surveyor – this person will prepare the proposed A successful lof conversion centres on good design. Good design is the diference drawings or design for the builders. They will also obtain necessary permissions and help between a space that fows with the rest of your home, and one that feels like a bolted fnd a suitable builder to manage the project for you. on extra. Good design makes sure that you do not lose important space on your frst foor, for marginal gains in your lof. Good design will ensure that your new lof room 2. Specialist lof conversion company – they can do everything from design and planning, fulfls its purpose, and looks great too. to project managing and building. Their specialist expertse can be invaluable in helping you maximise the potental of your lof space. You do not have to sacrifce good design simply because you are adding a practcal space in your lof. While an extra bedroom may be a necessity it can stll look great. However, 3. Builders – if you opt for the services of an architect, you will also need to engage a to ensure it works seamlessly with the rest of your home and meets expectatons it is building frm to execute their plans. Find a frm with good experience of conversions to advisable to get some expert advice. ensure yours progresses smoothly.

When startng the hunt for the right experts at the right price, you will need to obtain various quotes. Make sure that they visit the site frst and create a quote from accurate measurements of your space. You should also ask how they expect to minimise dust and noise or water damage (should work need to be done to the existng ).

Whoever you invite to inspect your lof and give you a quote, expect them to ask you lots of questons about your conversion. They will be looking to ascertain the level of work that will need to be done so that they can give you an accurate quote. Here are a number of the aspects of a conversion that could afect the cost. These optons should all be explored with the frms you invite in to quote: TYPES OF LOFT CONVERSION fre spreading throughout the property and therefore you must put precautons in place. These will include some or all of the following:

• An escape . • Fire resistant stair enclosure. • Mains operated smoke alarms to the hallways and/or all . • Doors or fredoors to all rooms directly from the hallway. • A dedicated escape route to the front door. • A sprinkler system (in open plan conversions).

Finally, when invitng companies to quote on your lof conversion use it as an opportunity to explore the potental of your space. An experienced frm will have lots of innovatve ideas and creatve hacks to optmise the available space. The frst step before startng any lof conversion is to decide what kind of conversion you require. This will depend on your available space, your current roof design, your budget, and your objectves for the lof conversion. Do you need any work done to the roof? Have a look at what other people have done in your neighbourhood and especially at Ideally you need a minimum height of 2350mm from ceiling joists to ridge board to propertes similar to yours. If possible ask your neighbours if you can have a look - it will convert a roof space. This is usually one of the frst things the estmators will check. help you see what is feasible and also explore what you like, and don’t like, with other lof conversions. If your lof is not at a suitable height for what you want to achieve, you will probably have to decide whether you want to raise the roof or lower the ceiling below it. This will add more cost to your conversion but increase space in the long run. If you choose to raise the roof, you will have to get planning permission and be prepared to have scafolding covering the house and an open roof that can have an impact on your quality of living. Look at neighbouring propertes to see whether anyone has already done this kind of work. If a precedent has already been set, you should fnd it easier to get planning permission. The architect or lof conversion company should be able to advise you on The following 4 types of lof conversion this: choosing a local frm to work with can also help, as they will be familiar with local are the most common optons: planning departments. Roofight Conversion If you cannot increase the height of your roof (maybe you are in a terrace) then you may have to consider lowering your ceilings below. This can be quite intrusive as it will A roofight conversion is the simplest usually afect all of the frst foor bedrooms. But it may be a necessary pain point to go and most cost efectve conversion through if you want the ideal lof conversion that doesn’t feel cramped for height. soluton of all (it can save you 25% of the average cost of a conversion). If Do you need new ceiling joists? your lof has enough space (height above etc.) that it doesn’t warrant any Usually your ceiling joists will stay in place if you do not have to lower the ceilings (see changes to the size and shape of the above). However they will not be strong enough to take the weight of the new lof foor, roof, then the interior can be fted so a fully suspended foor system will be installed. This suspended foor will be sturdy and out with roofight to add natural can also achieve good noise transfer reducton to the foors below. light. For a roofight conversion to be done properly you should stll have a Have you thought about fre safety? suspended foor & staircase installed that complies with building regulatons. You will need to ensure that your lof conversion comes with the appropriate fre safety You will also need to thermally upgrade measures. As soon as you open up a space with a staircase, you are increasing the risk of the roof with insulaton and plasterboard to keep it warm and energy efcient. Dormer Conversion It’s also common to combine a dormer conversion (see previous) to the rear of a hip-to- gable conversion, increasing the space even further resultng in a large internal roof space. This type of conversion involves placing a vertcal wall On some detached houses or bungalows it’s even possible to raise both hips and create from the botom of your sloping roof and placing a fat 2x gable ends. This creates a lot more space on the inside of the lof but also lifs your roof on top of it that extends to a higher point on the roof and changes the shape completely, which in turn will require planning permission. original sloping roof.

A dormer creates more headroom to your existng lof and extends the available space from the side. The dormer is the most common type of conversion and ofen dormers can be built without the need for planning permission using Permited Development rules. Dormer walls are usually clad with tles, but you can also clad with slate, lead or a hardwood tmber.

Mansard Conversion

Named afer the 17th-century French architect, Francois Mansard, a mansard conversion is usually done at the back of your home. This type of conversion has a fat roof and a back wall sloping inwards at 72 degrees. These are typical of terraced houses in urban areas and windows are usually added in dormers. Due to the change in roof structure and large area that is extended, this type of conversion will almost always require planning permission. These can be a great opton to convert buterfy or ‘M’ type roofs which are commonly found in central London. Mansards extend the full width of the property and therefore create a large amount of roof space. They are more complicated to design and therefore are more expensive than other types of roof conversion.

Hip-to-Gable Conversion Which style is right for you? The old sloping roof that you once had would be extended to create a gabled end and more height on Of course you have to think about what fts within your budget but also what works for the inside. A single hipped roof is a common design the type of property you have, the space you need to create and the planning permission found on semi detached or end of terrace propertes. you are able to obtain. Discuss the various optons with the architects or lof conversion This conversion is great if you’re looking to get a lot of companies you invite to quote. Ensure they are experienced within your geographic area room out of a small space but planning permission may so they can best advise of local planning requirements. The right expert will be able to be needed, although ofen Permited Development advise you on the most appropriate soluton for your lof and also ways to ensure you rules can be used. maximise your space. USING NATURAL LIGHT TO CREATE AMAZING SPACES

Top of the ‘must have’ list for most homeowners is natural light. It is the key to a bright and spacious looking room but also to a happy and healthy life. If you want to give your lof conversion the wow factor, fooding the space with natural light is a great way to do it.

The frst place to start bringing in natural light is, of course, through the windows but there is a lot of natural light to be gained elsewhere. Maximise potental sources such as doorways and stairwells, and use light and refectve surfaces to help bounce available light around the space. If your lof is tght on space, the lighter the room the bigger and Dormer Windows versus Juliete Balconies more spacious it will seem. Dormers can be useful in creatng more space, which is why they’re a common additon Roofop Windows to many lof conversions. But do you choose large dormer windows, or install Juilete French doors? Dormer windows certainly provide some natural light and a view and also Roof or roofop windows (commonly known as velux windows) let in twice as much light allow you space to install a radiator or dressing table underneath. But an inward opening as normal windows and three tmes as much as dormer windows. They will also help with Juliete balcony is what really creates the wow factor. However it does mean that ventlaton. A great choice for any lof extension. radiators and dressing tables need another wall to be sited on, which may compromise available space. The window’s orientaton towards the sun will make a diference too. In most cases, a north facing window will difuse light and remain stable throughout the day but an east, Glass Balconies south or west facing window will provide direct sunlight at some point of the day: the quality will vary depending on where the sun is facing. If you do choose Juliete doors and want to maximise light then glass balconies make a huge diference. The alternatve is decoratve steel railings which may be more suitable If you’re making this space into a bedroom, you might want to consider blackout blinds for traditonal Victorian houses, but if you want a contemporary feel then a glass or shuters to keep the room dark at night and early in the morning. If you really fancy balcony is a must. adding the wow factor, why not make these blackout blinds motorised so they open automatcally when your morning alarm goes of. Floor to Ceiling Windows

These can be a great additon at the top of a lof staircase to food light down the hallway. Bear in mind these windows will need to have special toughened glazing and building control may also require these windows to have a railing on the outside (even though the window may not open).

Roof Lanterns & Flat Roof Windows

A roof lantern is a triangular shaped pod that extends from the roof of your lof extension. These work partcularly well on fat roofs and gives them a triangular roof shape. The bigger the beter with a roof lantern, as they bring in a lot of light and create beautful spaces that bring the outdoors inside. These lanterns are normally only LOFT STAIRCASES suitable on roofs with a very high pitch as the top part of the lantern cannot extend higher than the highest point of the roof. If you do not have the room The staircase is an important part of creatng the wow factor in any home, but it’s also for a pitched lantern, then a fat roof one the most complicated elements to get right. It’s the central piece of the room that window can be used, which stll foods determines how the room will be shaped and how someone will frst enter the new area a huge amount of light into the room. you will have created.

You can get custom made electric If the aim of your lof conversion is to create space, you won’t want the staircase to steal shuters and blinds fted so you can too much from the foor above or below; if you are going for that ‘wow factor’, a purely easily clean around them and change functonal staircase might not make quite the right frst impression. light levels to your needs. You can even add them to a home automaton system It’s also important to get an expert to work out if the new staircase positon will achieve and control them from your phone. the correct pitch and head-height clearances. Specialist lof conversion companies and good architects should have no problem advising on your optons with this.

However let’s consider what kind of staircase you want.

Types of Staircase

To minimise impact on space, ideally you should have your lof staircase added above Decoratve Railings the staircase you already have. You need to consider how it will ft around your frst foor landing without making it feel too cramped. The dimensions of your staircase will all have Stairs can ofen feel like they are an impact on these factors and should be considered by you and your contractors when actually taking away space from the looking at the type of staircase you will have. house. A great way to combat this is by creatng decoratve stair railings that allow light through and give the impression of more space because Straight Staircase Quarter Staircase they create less shadow. Straight stairs work well because A quarter staircase is built with they are easy to build and mould corners and small landings on each into the theme of the house. They 90° turn. If there is not enough do require a fair amount of space space to create a straight staircase, as a landing needs to be created. then this can ofen provide a good alternatve.

Half Staircase Winding Staircase

A half staircase is even more A winding staircase curves in on compact than a quarter staircase; itself untl it reaches the next foor; but instead of providing a 90° turn, the treads are larger on one side and a half staircase creates a 180° turn thinner on the other as you move in and uses even less space. a circular shape. STYLES AND FINISHES

If you want the stairs to stay in keeping with the style of the existng house, ensure the posts and spindles are specially moulded to match. Some mix and match hardwood varnished handrails, but painted sofwood spindles. If you fancy a completely diferent and modern style, think about glass panels or steel spindles which can set of a unique contrast.

Here are some thoughts on style and design of your staircase.

Wood –a great opton all round if you are matching your staircase with the ones you have already.

If you are fully carpetng your staircase a standard sofwood staircase should sufce, but if you are having a feature half carpet or even varnishing the entre staircase, a quality wood like oak is a must.

Glass Balustrade – glass will help create light both on your existng foor and lof. It can also create the illusion that your stairs are not taking up much space.

Open Risers – have you thought about having treads that look like they are foatng? This also allows more light to flter into the hallway. Not a great opton though if there are young children in the house dropping toys through the gaps!

Decoratve Treads - these traditonal treads can really enhance a staircase, rather than having a closed string. It opens the staircase and makes it feel part of a grand style hallway. This opton is perfect for large open-plan hallways.

The perfect staircase to your new room will set the scene to the new environment you will create. Whether you are hoping to give your children excitement when they visit their play area or yourself the entcement you need to go to your studio or the motvaton you need to visit that in-house gym, make your staircase a doorway to something that will give you a ‘wow’ feeling with each and every step.

Spiral Staircase

Coiled up a litle more than the winding staircase, the spiral staircase gets its name from its spiral like shape. These can be big space savers because the steps create an upwards spiral and there is no need for a landing. These can be problematc to achieve building regulatons and are ofen not very practcal when the stairs are being used frequently. HEATING AND LIGHTING YOUR LOFT beter than getng out of bed and putng your feet on a warm cosy foor. Underfoor heatng systems work best with a thin foor covering like laminate or engineered wood. Heavy tog carpets do not work well as they stfe the heat coming through.

The wow factor isn’t all about what you can see; Lightng warmth and lightng are major factors in creatng an atractve and usable space. As well as natural lightng, you will want to think about how you are going to keep the room bright at night. You have a lot of optons ranging from standard lamps and shades If your lof is being built from scratch then it will need to quirky fairy lights dancing around your staircase. It’s important to not only think of task to comply with current building regulatons and will lightng in your lof, but also mood lightng. automatcally be well insulated. You may not have many optons on how your builders achieve this, but LED Spotlights - LED bulbs are known for being bright. If you are looking to create light you will have plenty of optons on how to provide in a dark corner or give the room natural looking light, it is a great choice. They work well heatng and lightng. in lofs as ofen the ceilings have a lower head-height and traditonal pendants may get in the way. LED bulbs are also extremely energy efcient and can last for over 10,000 hours, Heatng so it saves you worrying about changing them regularly.

If you think that you can ignore heatng because you Dimmer Switches - common in a lot of modern houses, a dimmer switch is a great opton have an insulated lof and you know that heat rises, and an inexpensive way of being in control of the lightng levels. For bedrooms, these are think again! It might surprise you to know that the ideal for mood lightng with the ability to switch up or down on demand. lof can ofen be the coldest room in the house. One opton is to extend your heatng and plumbing during Lamps and Decoratve Lightng - freestanding lamps are not just a great source of light, constructon to make room for radiators in the lof. You but add decoratve features and style to your new space. What style you choose will be will need to hire a plumber to make sure that your boiler based primarily on personal taste and what your lof room is used for: can handle the load and do the job professionally.

Traditonal radiators can take up quite a lot of space; Tall standing lamps - perfect for light Wall lights - you can atach lights if you are aiming to save space with the conversion when you are reading or working on to the walls in a decoratve or more then you might prefer to opt for a slimmer electric a new paintng in your studio. discreet way, depending on your radiator instead. Alternatvely tall and narrow column desired outcome. radiators can provide a great alternatve if you do Short lamps and shades – look great not want to use up much wall width. It’s important to on table tops and counters, or in Feature lightng - a chandelier or start planning where the radiators will go before you wall niches to light specifc areas of ornamental light can really add a start mentally dressing the place with furniture. This the room. wow factor to the room. is because heat should be a number one priority and you don’t want to be lef with any cold spots afer the work has been done. Ideally radiators should be placed under or near windows as these are the greatest areas for heat loss. Decoratve lights - fairy lights or industrial bulbs hanging from the There is an alternatve to radiators that you can also ceiling. Decoratve lights can add to think about, which is underfoor heatng. This is a the style and theme of your room as very popular soluton and can be achieved in a lof well as bringing in more light. conversion. This is more complicated and will be more expensive than a traditonal radiator soluton. However it will heat the lof conversion very evenly and efciently and you will not lose any wall space as you will with a traditonal radiator. There’s nothing LED Strip Lightng STORAGE THAT DOESN’T LOOK FUNCTIONAL

This opton can not only save space, as strip lightng is extremely slimline, but can also help you save on energy bills. LED Due to shape and ofen restricted size, lof conversions must use the most innovatve tape is also an opton where space is of a ideas possible to create storage solutons that don’t cluter the new room. Storage doesn’t premium: this stck on tape is embedded have to look ugly! There are many ways you can introduce practcal storage solutons that with LED lights and can be used to create do not detract from the overall style and design of your room. feature lightng as well as being a space saving opton. This opton can look great Wall Niches when hidden around roof lights and also works well on recessed ceilings. A stylish and modern soluton for lof conversions, but something that you will need to think about in the planning stages. You can create niches in a feature wall that can be used for all Staircase Inset Lightng sorts of things; storage for ornaments, light features or a quirky bookcase for example. In many Victorian homes, the area in between two chimneys can be used as a niche. Small LED lights cut into the side of the staircase can really add a modern feel. Bespoke Furniture Ofen these can change colour depending on your mood. If you are thinking of interestng ways to create a storage area that fts in the space you have available, bespoke furniture can be the perfect soluton. A cupboard that fts in a Ensuite or Bathroom Lightng sloping wall, a custom fted walk-in wardrobe in the corner, or mult-functonal shelving that also provides a workspace. You may be surprised what a good carpenter can do with This can be one of the trickiest areas to the space provided. get right, but planned well the lightng in this room can really enhance the space. Pocket, Folding or Sliding Doors Due to these being wet areas, or within wet zones, you are ofen limited on what If you are ftng a bathroom into your lof or creatng a space with multple rooms or a products you can use as they will generally need to be waterproof. This is the most landing, the choice of your entrance door can make all the diference to the space around important area to add task lightng, as although you want it to look good it also needs to it. A door that opens in the conventonal way needs space in front of it when it opens. On be practcal. Ofen one of the best areas to add practcal task lightng is above the basin the other hand, a sliding door can have storage in front or behind it as the door just slides and around the mirror. You can ofen buy stylish mirrors that incorporate lightng around easily across the wall, or folds neatly away by the wall next to it. the edges that look fantastc. Alternatvely think about creatng a feature vanity unit with inbuilt lightng to add the wow factor to the room. Try and use niches in the walls and around the shower area to create mood lightng. Or add led strip lightng to a recessed bath panel. Eaves Storage Build a Partton

The eaves in a lof conversion can be a redundant space unless you plan to crawl This may seem like something that would actually take space away from the room around on all fours! Boxing them of to create cupboard space is a practcal way to but if you are looking for innovatve storage solutons, sometmes a free standing use this space. Eaves storage can be quite inconspicuous, matching the décor of partton wall can help create a practcal storage unit on one side and a place for the walls so that it goes virtually unnotced. the bedrest on the other. With space at a premium in London, this is one of the most important areas to get right. Chimney Storage Start planning your storage solutons at the design stage of your lof conversion If you have worked your new lof conversion around an unused chimney you can project. Remember to keep in mind what the space will be used for and what you make use of this feature for storage. Shelving, a recess for a TV screen, or perhaps want to be able to do with it when thinking about how you will create enough you can install a wood burner into it. storage.

Floatng Shelves

Using foatng shelves to display ornaments or books can create the desired illusion of more space without the need for a large piece of furniture. Floatng shelves can “Your lof conversion specialist should be able also be used creatvely to add a design element to the room. to ofer some inspiring storage ideas. Ask them Stair Storage about previous jobs and how storage has been

When creatng your staircase, if you have opted for traditonal style treads, why not incorporated into those designs.” get the architect or designers to add storage or drawer space underneath. There is ofen a large area under stairs that gets wasted, so this is an ideal soluton if you are tght on storage space. INSPIRING BATHROOM DESIGN IDEAS

Adding a bathroom to a lof conversion or extension is a great way to increase the value of your property. As well as extra living space, buyers also want more extra bathrooms. If you plan to add a bedroom in your lof it is defnitely worth considering whether there is space for an ensuite bathroom too.

There are of course practcal consideratons. Lof bathrooms have to frst overcome the problem of plumbing. As drainage for your toilet is normally built into the side of your house on the second foor of your property, your builder will need to consult plumbing regulatons to ensure that the same drainage system can be created in your lof.

Water pressure will also need to be considered. You might have to upgrade your boiler to achieve this as well as running water pipes up to the lof. When creatng a lof bathroom, space saving and natural light will also be important factors. When consultng your architect, look at innovatve solutons like some of the following:


Mirrors can create an illusion of a larger shower and bring in natural light from the windows or roofight.

Baths Shower Niches If you have a large enough space, a freestanding bath can make the room look bigger and more luxurious. Alternatvely, it can work well to have your bath fted Include a niche in the shower. These make a great place to store shampoo and conditoner under a sloping wall – you’re only going to be lying it in so won’t need much while retaining the space in your shower. They also look great fted with lightng, providing headroom. illuminaton while you shower as well as a design feature.

Basin Fitngs and Fixtures

You could get a basin with storage underneath it or a foatng basin, depending on Focus your ftngs and fxtures on the theme that you are going for in your bathroom. If whether you are optng for more space or more storage. you are trying to create more light and space, keep the colour scheme as light as possible and use the fxtures and ftngs as an interestng feature to juxtapose the light against. Walk-In Shower/Wet Room Bathroom Tiling If you have a smaller space to work with, try building a walk-in shower or a wet room. You could add a level of luxury by ftng in a jet wash shower or steamer and Tiles are perfect for bathrooms because they are easier to clean and keep moisture away adding a seatng area. This involves ‘tanking’ the room so that any water run of from dry walls. But this doesn’t have to be their only use. In a lof bathroom, tling can does not leak into your downstairs room. You will also need to ensure the room is make or break the overall look and feel. How you choose the tling will afect the illusion well ventlated with an extractor fan to minimise condensaton on walls, ceilings and of space. If you have a smaller bathroom, using plain coloured tles can create the illusion any sanitary ware. of a bigger room. And will you tle the whole bathroom or just the area where there is a shower? SMART AND SMART HOME AUTOMATION

Creatng a new room in your home is a great opportunity to also update your property and introduce technology solutons that ofer convenience and the wow factor to your lof. Almost everything today has the ability to connect to the internet, allowing you to control your automated home system from your phone or tablet.


Smart home automaton can connect your thermostat and heatng system to the internet so that, with the fick of a buton, you can set the temperature of your lof, even if you are out of the house. This is especially useful if you plan to return home early and want to warm up your room, or if you want to turn of pre-programmed heatng because you’re running late.


Similarly, you can also control your lightng. Turn lights on and of from downstairs or when you’re out. Blinds can also be connected to your home automaton system so you can control the lifing and rising of the blinds from your phone. This is partcularly useful when you have a lot of roofights that are hard to reach; it also removes the need for remotes, which can quite easily be lost.


If you think your lof is too far away for you to hear your doorbell, you can connect your doorbell and alarm system to your home automaton system and you can open the door to friends all the way from your lof! If you include your home security in this, you can add a camera to your front door and see a remote video feed of who’s ringing the bell.


Whether you are using your lof as a bedroom, living area or even a home entertainment room, the Internet of Things (IoT) provides many opportunites to give your lof conversion the wow factor. A smart automaton system can control the speakers and entertainment systems in your lof so you can play music or stream flms from the comfort of your phone. A popular choice in home automaton is to create an in-wall or in-ceiling speaker system so that every room is able to play its own music or you can even have the same music running through the entre house. The choice is yours! INNOVATION IS WOW!

Inspiraton and innovaton is key in making your lof conversion into something that will not only be practcal but also give your home the wow factor.

The frst step is to do some research, the next is to get some expert advice. Look online for design ideas, then speak to your local lof conversion company or architect about how you can make them a reality.

Budget, space and other practcalites may infuence what can be achieved in your lof space, but an experienced contractor will always have some innovaton solutons up their sleeve that will stll make you say ‘wow!’

Jefery and Wilkes are specialists in lof conversions with extensive experience of convertng lofs in propertes around West London. We can take care of every aspect of your lof conversion from design and planning, to adding those fnishing touches.

Our goal with all lof conversion projects is to create a space that not only adds value to the home, but a space our clients fall in love with. We want them to not only gain an additonal room, but also be able to live in a home that provides them with the lifestyle they want.

If you want extra room, to add value to your property, or to create a unique space that allows you to fulfl your dreams, get in touch with our team for a free quote and survey.

Call today: 0208 819 3883 Email: [email protected] Explore our website: