Alcorn Declaratioi He Would Run Stir Supporters of Brow!
H a rtfo rd - Emanuel Lutheran Brotherhood Mona Tpraa suxlUary, B.W.V, tors, Chariaa Smith and John Grif- Hole’s and House’s tor yoatorday'a , wlU hold ita ragular maaUng to 5,868 will have a lawn party this evening SEIECTMEirS M O N m T fla; dalegBta^ atato eoaveatlan, coupon In connection with the anni Fair toedidA and ______ ABOUT TOWN on the parsonage grounds, or In morrow evening at 8 o’clock In the SMITH PURCHASES MAKING PROCRESS JoMph Bkoaaakl; altarnoU, Frank versary oalM now going on. The MemlMr of Om Audit Burgos of grealaWana. iBghtto oMrier toidght oad o« case of rain In the church vestry Army and Navy olubbouaa. Braonan; •toward, Walter Moske; lucky number was 30799 and was ooaot Thuboraday. ' . Sttijr** Junior ebolr win haT« Clarence Anderson, chairman of the MEEnNG ON JDIY 20 rep resen tailva on house committos, drawn by Ethel lalelb of 24 Modiaon MANCHESTER — A aTY OF VILLAGE C ^ KM ' _ toniftat at 6:30 In the rducatlonal group, ;rblch Is In Mr. and Mra. Cliarlea W. King of NORTH END T R A Q ONVF.W .’SHOME Charles Connors. street. charge, urges members and friends 398 Main atreet who recently com bonae to plan for the out- Severs! Important Matters to A oommittoo ccaststlng of In view of the Merchants annual VOL. LV.. NO. 244. Advactlatog on Poga lA), Brery member la urged to be to attend, and to come as eariy — pleted their new cottage at Oom- Chozlaa Oonnora, Lawrence Moonan, tJl-day holiday tomorrow the next MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JULY 15,1936 (SIXTEEN PAGES) Dt possible, to enjoy a fuU evening fleld Point and art there for the Be Considered— May Ree- Waltor lloaka, Reymmid Oolsman drawing wIB not b« held until Thurs PRICE THREE CEf games and good fellowship.
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