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V • A ^ W tW E L V B Mmi^ratnr Ettntbtg fIrraO WOWDAT, JtTLT 22,1985 AVERAGB DAILY dBCUI.A'nON THE WEATHER for the Month o( June, 188^ Forecast ot CJ. S. *Veather Bureau, Persona attsnding the revival now working digging a ditch from Hartford meetings at Gospel hall have in the north side of the Y. M. C. A. CHAMBER C O H M im E higher voice, which in an obligato ABOUT TOWN creased in number so that Evangel building across the land of the "Y' CRUSADE UNION BOY reached an E flat above higli C. The to the pool. A pipe line will ^ laid leader stated he waa capable of 5,513 loca l thunder thowers, probably 1st Samuel Greer has decided to con Binging C above high C when in tinue them every night this week ex there and when clean water Is ON OUTING IS NAMED WE FUNERAL W«ME 01 Member ol the Aodit tonight and Wednesday; Uttle A dental cUnlo will be held at the good form. Hattrhfstfr lEuf ning ^ pralb change In temperatnre. wanted for the pool it can bo sup Boreon ot drcolatton* Health Center on Haynes street to copt Saturday. Tonight at 7:80 is SINGERS ARE HEARD The ensemble numbers were rich morrow morning at B o'clock and a the weekly children’s meeting but plied from the drinking water sup I W I L U A M * P, I ply. As the men are only , allowed and sonorous and were of a sacred tonsil clinic at 10. parents and friends will be welcome, President Charles Ray of the nature. Such an excellent impres The subject will be "Calvary.” Priz to work three daye each week in digging the ditch and the number Chamber of Commerce today an sion was created by the chorus, by VOL. LIV., NO. 250 (Cloaslfled AdverUolng on Page 10.) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY. JULY 23, 1935 (TWELVE PAGES) es will be given for the best answers PRICE THREE CENTS Adjutant N. J. Curtis of the Bal- of men employed is less than 10 the nounced the personnel of the com popular request arrangements have ▼ation Army corps and Colonel Al and a Bible to the perixin who brings Seating Capacity at Salvation been made for the entire group to i v h n digging of the ditch Is not pro ^ Q u ^ ! mittee that will have charge o f ar bert Bates are at Old Orchard, in five new people. A cooling treat gressing as fast as desired. It will rangements for the annual outing of give a concert on Wednesday eve 1861, 1891 AND 1836 Maine, on business connected with will be provided for every one. be a couple of weeks before the the Chamber next month. The com Army Citadel Taxed for ning at 8 o’clock at the citadel. The Y'EARS CARVED ON TURTLE the camp-meeting^ to be held there ditch is dug and the water line laid band will also play t<Tmake a varied COMPLETE and MEMORABLE 1 Figrures In New American Tragedy Death mittee, which is headed by Charles and pleasing musical program, for ITALY’S ENVOY NAME OF DEAD in August Mr. and Mrs. Luigi Pola of School and this will give, but one month for Burr as chairman, will hold Its first Southington, July 23.— (AP) street have returned from their the use of the pool before the official Musical Event. which a nominal charge will be The Quish funeral home is a center of service 2,000 STATE TROOPS meeting tomorrow afternoon at 4 made at the door. —A turtle with the dates 1861, Thera will be a visiting minister. vacation which was spent at Sound closing date on September 1. o'clock at the Chamber office. where costs are fully considered; no matter 1891 and 1935 carved on Ita shell Rev. Paul A. Nygren, from Min View. Tennis Courts Last year the outing was held at how small the sum you can expend, quality is TO ETHIOPIA Is crawling about somewhere In MAN IS SIGNED nesota, In the Swedish Congrega The work on the tennis court is Columbia Lake the first week in The Cnisade Union Boy singers of always high. the vicinity of this town today. tional chiu-ch tomorrow night' at Miss Gladys Keith, employed in also going along slowly. It is August and it Is highly probable The dates were afflxe ’ on the RULE TERRE HAUTE Newark, N. J., gave a concert last 7:30 o'clock. The niceting will be the Manchester ERA office and Miss FERA project and was started about that the same site will be selected S U G im RULER turtle's back in the years indi TOATEEGRAM Hattie Strickland, assistant town the time that the court would be night at the Salvation Army citadel cated by the same hand—that of oonducted in the Swedish language. this year. The other members of Announcement A Valuable Booklet On He has been visiting in Sweden the clerk, returned today to their offices in demand. There is still a lot of which taxed the seating capacity to Charles Henry Tolies. Tolies work to bo done there. The fill had the committee are; Ernest Bantly, Memorial Tributes Sent last year and will bring a greeting in the Municipal building after their Fred T. Bllsh, Jr., Frank Busch, the limit. The Herald waa the only was 16 years old and the Civil to be dug out, also the clay and medium for announcing the event. Mrs. Nellie H. Taylor On Request. DURING BIG STRIKE from Sweden. annual Vacations. Refuses to Attend Birthday Wa. had Just J)egun when he Witness Tells Senate Lobby there has now been a fill made of Thomas Ferguson. Roger Hartt, El The applause which greeted each more Hohenthal, John I. Olson, Na first marked the turtle with the sand and gravel. The court Is tq be number could not be restrained even During the storm Friday night Selectman and Mrs, Jame'n H. than Richards, Leroy Slocomb and Dressmaker date and bis Initials. Thirty rolled and when this la finished on a Stlnday night. Reception Given by Em years later he found the same ^Probers the Man Had the home of P. J. Ryan on Ridge Johnston of B Munro street left this there will be a coating of clay. Harlowe Willis. Is Resuming Work At street was struck by lightning. Rev. H. E. K. Whitney Is the lead turtle and carved that date 1891 POLITICAL DEBATE Only Few Bnsiness Honiei morning for a vacation in Maine. Fences are to be built and it will er. The aasoclate leader, Leroy 829 Main Street There was a few shingles knocked Mrs. Johnston is clerk in the Munici on the shell. off, some plaster was disturbed and probably be about the middle of Connelly, Is also an accomplished peror; Crowds Cheer Passed Away About Two pal building office of the Board of August before the court is ready. musician, and according to Dr. Dressmaking, Repair Work, aajMAiNSr, ^ P W 4 3 4 0 Yesterday Louis G. Tolies, for the electric light wiring was dam- Health. mer master ol ‘ the Connecticut EXCITES THE HOUSE; Indiana City As m: ' aged. Nobody was injured. LUTHER LEAGUERS Whitney waa able to gain a prize for or Work In Your Home five successive years in his leader MANCHESTER American Diplomat. Grange, and son of the turtle Years Before. carver, found the animal again Mr, and Mrs. Frederick Frcderick- G. Albert Pearson, organist and ship of High school and Salvation By the Day. Holiday Is Declared — musical director of the Emanuel Army hands. He is also a finished and brought it to his father, son are leaving Manchester on LIQUOR LICENSES RETURN FROM LAKE who mad ' the third carving Thursday for Canada, where they Lutheran church and widely known violin player and the applause which By ASSOCI.VTED PRESS Washington. July 23.— (AP) — greeted his offering last night with a Jack-kiUfe. Congressman Asks If Presi Strihes Reported in Other will visit with their son, Edward. bass soloist, left today for North- A royal birthday celebration Testimony that one of the meesages field, Mass., where he will spend amounted almost to an ovation. threatened a further disruption of sent from York, Pa., opposing the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lerncr and three weeks at the Westminster FAIL TO ARRIVE On the program was a soprano dent Violated Oath to Sections of Nadon. daughter, Pauline, of Hudson street, Choir School's summer sessions, Twelve from Manchester solo, which was ^ven with a clarity the already strained relations be utilities holding company bill was have returned from a delightful two studying choir work. Mr. Pearson, and range equally the highest fe James D. Aceto tween Italy and Ethiopia, •’signed” by a man who had been weeks’ vacation spent at the shore who is also director of Manchester male soprano voice. The audience The Italian minlater to Addis STEEL HELMETS dead about two years was received Support Constitution. ^ n t Vacations at Camp hcllevcd they had heard the ulti GENERAL MASON AND By ASSOCIATED PRESS. and Mr. Lemer has resumed his du High's glee clubs and director of Hard Stuff by the Drink Not THE W . G. GLENNEY CO. Ababa refused to attend Emperor today by the Senate lobby commit ties as overseer at the United States music at the Longmeadow, Mass., mate in a boy’s voice, when another CONCRETE Halle Selassie's reception marking With military control tightened boy began to sing with an even Coal, Lumber, Mason’s Supplies, Paint tee.