Pcwlirv* 11 Boys Have Played Only One G*M«?- FIRE and CLORY!
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my name I I know banditry la not SEE THAT LETTER ? a womans field! You oan UU I'm TEXAS LADIES Western Clubs of Majors BUSY GRANT an old hand though! I'm shunting tons of coed onto the sidings. Kak- rona Is a symbol I variously Interpret. Eastern Outfits On Sundays I'm okay, but Vm e Leading IS ON‘SPOT sham Mondays!” BACKING BABE find on How many did you the (By The Associated Presst »wo games and lost flve, and tbs first attempt? Try again until you Results of the first major league admitted weakness of the Browns. If He Makes Good TEXAS LEAGUE get them alL Women Golfers Protesting lntersectlanal series of 1935—nec- Principal honors in the interaec- Showing Standings Tomorrow's the last day of the essarily inconclusive because of the Uon&l struggle went to Chicago's Against Mexico He's Team W. L. Pet G-Men contest, fans. Hold on to Ruling Didrikson Not number of White Sox large postponements— and the New York Giants, On Davit Team Oalveston . 31 11 666 your solutions until you have all indicate the balance of so far leaders Amateur power of the two leagues, and th* Oklahoma City ... 18 13 .600 fire. Then mall them to the manag- lies west of the Alleghenies. Detroit Tigers. Tulsa . 18 12 .600 er of the Theatre. The £ of the Na- NEW YORK. May 16. UP)—'This Capitol Eastern “home" clubs The Pale Hose, the . 19 13 .594 by trimming It Beaumont prizes are as follows: 1st 4 passes; HOUSTON, May 15—(*>)— The tional were able to win should not be read aloud because league only Athletics 5 to 0 Wednesday behind Houston . 18 14 563 women Babe ten- 2nd 2 passes; and 14 prises of Didrikson beat at golf 17 and tie against 30 vic- the of is only being whispered by the games three-hit hurling Ted Lyons, Port Worth . 13 18 .419 one each. in the ... pass winning Texas women's tories for the Invaders. Eastern finished with six victories in nis moguls cf the country, but eight Bin Antonio . 9 18 333 We know that 11 be Interested championship are on the wonder clubs fared even II Bryan M (Bltsy) Grant, Jr, the you American league games. The Giants, after Dallas . 5 36 .161 athlete's side in battling to learn that "G-Men." that screen girl the controv- worse with 13 victories to 18 defeats l>> an even break with the Dean peppery, half-pint Atlantan, makes over her amateur Wednesday's Results epic Which deals with the Uncle ersy standing. All this was in spite of a poor brothers of St. Louis before a ban- a good showing In the United Statee- The Texas Women's asso- All rained out Sam's smashing attack against or- Ooif showing by the Reds, who won only ner crowd of 41,110 In the windup, Mexico Davis Cup series to be play- games ciation of which Miss Didrikson re- crime in America, Is opening won seven games and lost three in ed this week-end In Mexico he Is Games Thursday ganized cently became has voiced a< the Theatre, Friday, May champion addition to tying with Cincinnati. virtually certain to go to England on Ban Antonio at Dallas. Capitol a protest against the United States 17th. It stars James end e Two home runs by Hughey Crits Uncle Sam’s Cup squad next month. Beaumont at Fort Worth. Cagney Golf association action In TO INSTRUCT of acton. Don't miss ruling ( :ff Dizzy Dean and a flock or Card- That is assuming the United States Oalveston at Oklahoma City. galaxy superb that Miss Didrikson’s amateur It! inal errors gave the Giants a 4 to conauers Mexico. Houston at Tulsa. is not what it to be of this standing ought 1 triumph in opener, And don't miss the last day and that she Wednesday's Officials of the United States is not eligible to but brother Paul later contest. Friday! pitched St Lawn Tennis association are pleas- AMERICAN LEAGUE and there was an unaddress- compete for the Southern associa- holdup • ... Louis to victory by the same score tion or National ed with the way Grant performed in Standings championships. with Jim Collins the win- W. L. Pet. cd letter lying in the street. When the supplying the preliminary series against China Team One More Pointing protest at A.. M. runs Senior Observed ning with homers. 15 6 .714 Day he read It he quickly discovered that Day Iteio. chairman of the amateur last week-end and now the Georgian Chicago Cleveland . 13 6 .684 It was a code which status and conduct committee of Tigers Oat Front is “on the spot" insofar as realizing really message, Class Presents Boston . 12 9 371 Play the Mrs. C. A Hillier re- his ambition to 30 abroad as a mem- In the gang had intended to send to US.a.A., 345 'G-Men’ (Special to The Herald) New York . 12 10 their chief, the route cent secretary of the Texas asso- The Tigers took their series with ber of the Davis Cup team is con- outlining they LA FERIA, IS- As a . 11 11 300 May and Mrs. P. H. ihe east a 5-3 a cerned. Washington would take after the holdup. pert ciation, Scardino, by margin despite 12 A55 of commencement week aclvitlee Detroit . 12 With this Information, the secret president when the tournament in whitewashing at the hands of the U. S. L. A, powers will say only Prize Contest Senior Class Day was observed by St Louis . 5 14 363 which Miss Didrikson won her title Yankees Wednesday. 4 to a Red that Grant is being given considera- agent radioed to police in towns the graduating class Wednesday. Philadelphia . 5 15 350 Iwa indicated would Ruffing turned the trick, granting tion for an overseas but the alon" the route the gangsters were played, they post, Wednesday's Results Seniors In charge of the assem- ■charge that Reid made contradic- jnly six hits, while young Joe Sul- fact is the American team in all taking, asking them to watch all their pro- Chicago 5; Philadelphia 0. How'd you do on yesterday's case bly penod opened program ■ tory decisions in the matter. livan was batted freely to end his will six members, roads. Two days later the bandits with the of the sym- oability comprise New York 4; Detroit 0. In the Q-Men contest? presentation % They said that they, before the three-game victory streak. Let’s go were bolic to the is has been announced, and only Cleveland 5; Washington 4. apprehended. key and spade preet- ■Texas tournament here recently, Cleveland, which lost the league right into action. Below we are the letter .ive places have been filled. Boston-St. Louis, rain. reprinting dent of the Junior claaa The pres- ■asked Reid to on Miss Dld- >ead to Chicago during the home calls for a bit of the secret found. In It are In- made Bruce Ash- pass The personnel thus far Is Wilmer Games Thursday Today’s problem agent entation was by Blkson's standing and that they stand, gained an even break in cureful It’s a secret of the senior S. Allison, Sidney. B Wood, Jr, Cleveland at New York. study. message cluded. the names of 19 cities through worth. president elsee. his to mean that sight games by outlasting Wash- in iich are hidden the names of ■rterpreted reply John Van J. Donald and of which the bandits had intended to and Charles Hamner. president 5 to 4 in other Ryn, Budge Detroit at Washington. ■rer status as an amateur golfer was ington Wednesday's 13 towns Oet out your blood hounds drive through on their way to a the juniors, pledged the Juniors to American as rookie C. Gene Mako. Mako, Budge and Bll right. Mrs. Hillier said that the league games and find them. can on the traditions of the Grant are the American NATIONAL LEAGUE hideaway. See If you decipher carry Bexas association had feared that Ab Wright knocked in three runs. contingent the code message and find* the 13 school. rained out at St. Louis, in Mexico. Standings ■here might be some question of Boston, (Caae No. 4) towns. To well Dorothy Jane Klester. valedic- Frankie Parker, the Lawrrencevllle Team i W. L. Pet. make it simple, give Bliss Didrikson s eligibility and that ►quailed the Indians’ record for the torian. explained the class platform. New York . 15 6 .714 a hint. Newark is the first city, and officials asked a from the best eastern (N. J.) schoolboy, was intended for As an armored car drove up to one were ■he ruling showing. 15 9 Hammond last. Now find the Optimistic views given by the sixth man but he declined the Brooklyn . .625 the ■JjS.GA. and received the follow- The Brooklyn Dodgers, holding of the largest banks in New York Beryl Baker, pessimistic views by Chicago .. 13 8 619 cities in between. i Bng from Reid: trimly to second place in the Na- invitation, preferring to confine his City, a car full of bank robbers pull- Clara Wyland; class history—Max- gt. Louis . 13 11 342 Here's the message: tional league, split a doubleheader outdoor campaigning to this coun- ed up alongside, limed perfectly, so In Lind class poem— Julie ........ 13 13 300 knew berg; The Dead Wood with the Cubs. After had The that Pittsburgh The blonde bandit said she Chicago try.