REPORT and RECOMMENDATIONS of the HEARING COMMISSIONERS APPENDIX B Proposed Plan Change 3 to the Canterbury Land and Water Regi

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REPORT and RECOMMENDATIONS of the HEARING COMMISSIONERS APPENDIX B Proposed Plan Change 3 to the Canterbury Land and Water Regi IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 AND IN THE MATTER of the Environment Canterbury (Temporary Commissioners and Improved Water Management) Act 2010 AND IN THE MATTER of proposed Plan Change 3 to the Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE HEARING COMMISSIONERS APPENDIX B Proposed Plan Change 3 to the Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan Part 2 – Map Volume - Inclusive of Recommended Amendments Hearing Commissioners: Gordon Whiting Andrew Fenemor Edward Ellison This is a true and correct copy of the decisions on Proposed Plan Change 3 to the Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan - Map Volume, as adopted by the Canterbury Regional Council at its meeting on 22 September 2016. This document is part of a statutory regional plan prepared by the Canterbury Regional Council in accordance with the requirements of the Resource Management Act 1991. The decisions on Proposed Plan Change 3 will be publicly notified on 01 October 2016 and take legal effect from that date. The Common Seal of the Canterbury Regional Council was fixed in the presence of: Ptf/Pti Bill Bayfield Chief Executive Canterbury Regional Council L&./~v /~? Dame Mar aret Bazle NZ, DNZM, Hon Dlit Chair~ on r; Canter ury Regional-'touncil 22 September 2016 Planning Maps The Hearing Commissioners make the following recommendations with respect to the proposed changes to the Canterbury Land and Water Plan Map Series (the Planning Maps) as proposed by Plan Change 3: Amend Maps A-103, B-103, A-104, B-104, A-108, B-108, A-109, B-109, A-112, B-112, A-113 and B-113 of the Canterbury Map Series to: o delete the Lake, Red, Orange and Green Nutrient Allocation Zones, where those Nutrient Allocation Zones occur within South Coastal Canterbury o Add the content shown on attached Maps A-01, A-02, A-03, A-04, A-05, A-06, B-01, B-02, B-03, B-04, B-05, B-06, C-01, C-02, C-03, C-04, C-05, C-06 and the Index Map to the Canterbury Land and Water Plan Map Series 1300000 1350000 1400000 1450000 1500000 1550000 1600000 1650000 1700000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 5 5 CANTERBURY LAND AND WATER REGIONAL PLAN (LWRP) PLAN CHANGE 3 MAP SER IES 0 0 South Coastal Canterbury 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 3 3 5 5 h Minimum Flow Sites Sub-region Boundary Surface Water Allocation Zones 0 0 0 0 0 Kaikoura 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 5 5 Groundwater Allocation Zone Nutrient Allocation Zone High naturalness rivers, 0 0 including tributaries 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 2 2 Area of soils ( soil classes in brackets) 5 5 Shallower (XL, VL, L) Deeper (M, D) ! ! ! Extremely light ! ! ! ! ! ! (XL - Shallower sub-set) ! ! ! Wetter (Pd, PdL) ! ! ! ! ! ! 0 0 0 0 Hill (S1, S2, S3, S4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 5 5 Flow Protection Zone Otaio River CHRISTCHURCH Hook River Sir Charles Creek Wainono Arm Upper Waimate Creek 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 Makikihi River 1 1 5 5 Waihao River Nutrient Allocation sub-areas Northern Streams Plains sub-area: Waihao-Wainono Plains sub-area Horseshoe Plains Kohika Plains Waihao-Wainono Hill sub-area Makikihi Plains 0 0 0 0 Otaio Plains 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 5 Northern Streams Hills sub-area: Morven-Sinclair Plains sub-area Kohika Hill TIMARU Makikihi Hill Otaio Hill 01 02 Basedata 0 0 0 0 Local Authority Inland Boundary 0 03 04 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 5 5 State Highways 05 06 Land Parcel Boundaries Open River Bed 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 c CANTERBURY LAND AND WATER 0 0 0 0 5 5 MAP n REGIONAL PLAN (LWRP) ¯ e r e INDEX Scale 1:200,000 f (on A3 Page) Plan Change 3 e 0 20 40 80 120 Map Series R Km Z:\PET\2015_2016\pLWRP\PC3\2_Amendments\LWRP_PC3_Index_A3L_160823.mxd 1300000 1350000 1400000 1450000 1500000 1550000 1600000 1650000 1700000 1418000 1420000 1422000 1424000 1426000 1428000 1430000 1432000 1434000 1436000 1438000 1440000 1442000 1444000 1446000 Motukaika 0 0 0 0 0 A ROAD 0 G 2 AIK River Motukaika 2 8 8 A K 0 TU 0 L 5 O 5 W M Francis A Y Matson Stream Stream S R O A D Motukaika Pareora River P River A R 0 E 0 0 O 0 0 White Pratt Stream 0 0 R 0 8 Pareora River A 8 0 0 5 Rock 5 M R D I A O V O E Matata River R R TS A T R R Reserve A O R O A P D A D Nimrod Stream A D O F R D R E A E N O R N O 0 Elworthy 0 T Y C 0 0 E H 0 Two S L 0 M 8 L 8 The Hunter Stream E 7 A 7 V A 0 M 0 Mile I 5 5 Mount L E N Hills / Te R Stream O S Tari a Te Kaumira Nimrod M Mount IG G A UL Reserve R LY Nimrod/Kaumira C R O A Pareora D River South 0 Wyatt Stream 0 0 Branch 0 0 HO 0 6 WELLS ROAD 6 7 7 0 Gordons 0 5 Maungati Maungati Valley 5 Stream Peter Stream ROAD AD RD Motukaika RO Riverview A ERS W River ELD 0 Elder Stream 0 0 0 0 D 0 4 4 7 D 7 A A 0 O O 0 5 R 5 RDS R E YA Y IDDL E M L L A V D S A N O Gordons O R D S Stream R N A O O N 0 0 G S D 0 I 0 0 V E 0 2 A 2 R 7 D D 7 0 A 0 5 SO 5 N D O RO A R Otaio D IR River / A The Hunter SID C FS R EY Hills / Te Tari Otaia CLIF OA R LUE D OA AD B D a Te Kaumira O R D S A R IE O 0 L M 0 0 L R ILE 0 0 O 0 C 0 C 0 S 7 7 Y Otaio River U 0 0 5 5 R T D T / Otaia IN N G E E D H SK E ROA Blue Cliffs B Pareora LIN AN K K River South AC RO B AD Branch 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 6 Otaio Gorge 6 0 0 5 5 D ESK A VA Y ROAD O LLE Waihao River R North Branch S Y A L U A C 0 A FORR 0 0 ES 0 M D TS 0 CAM ELL N ROAD 0 6 M Otaio PB A 6 6 E 6 0 N 0 5 River / 5 Z WO IE O D VAL S Otaia L SHE LE R Y O R A OA D D Kohika 1418000 1420000 1422000 1424000 1426000 1428000 1430000 1432000 1434000 1436000 1438000 1440000 1442000 1444000 1446000 e Basedata Canterbury Land and Water Area of soils MAP c Regional Plan (LWRP) ! ! ! Sub-region Boundary Local Authority Inland Boundary ¯ n Shallower (XL, VL, L) ! ! ! Wetter (Pd, PdL) e PC3 PC3 South Coastal Canterbury State Highways A-01 r ! ! ! Extremely light ! ! ! 02 Scale 1:75,000 (XL - sub-set of Shallower) Hill (S1, S2, S3, S4) PC3 01 (on A3 Page) e f ! ! ! Land Parcel Boundaries PC3 PC3 Map Series e Deeper (M, D) 03 04 0 0.5 1 2 3 Km R Open River Bed \\fileservices02\ManagedShares\GIS\Projects\PET\2015_2016\pLWRP\PC3\2_Amendments\LWRP_PC3_Quality_MB_A3L_160822 1418000 1420000 1422000 1424000 1426000 1428000 1430000 1432000 1434000 1436000 1438000 1440000 1442000 1444000 1446000 Motukaika 0 0 0 0 0 A ROAD 0 G 2 AIK River Motukaika 2 8 8 A K 0 TU 0 L 5 O 5 W M Francis A Y Matson Stream Stream S R O A D Motukaika Pareora River P River A R 0 E 0 0 O 0 0 White Pratt Stream 0 0 R 0 8 Pareora River A 8 0 0 5 Rock 5 M R D I A O V O E Matata River R R TS A T R R Reserve A O R O A P D A D Nimrod Stream A D O F R D R E A E N O R N O 0 Elworthy 0 T Y C 0 0 E H 0 Two S L 0 M 8 L 8 The Hunter Stream E 7 A 7 V A 0 M 0 Mile I 5 5 Mount L E N Hills / Te R Stream O S Tari a Te Kaumira Nimrod M Mount IG G A UL Reserve R LY Nimrod/Kaumira C R O A Pareora D River South 0 Wyatt Stream 0 0 Branch 0 0 HO 0 6 WELLS ROAD 6 7 7 0 Gordons 0 5 Maungati Maungati Valley 5 Stream Peter Stream ROAD AD RD Motukaika RO Riverview A ERS W River ELD 0 Elder Stream 0 0 0 0 D 0 4 4 7 D 7 A A 0 O O 0 5 R 5 RDS R E YA Y IDDL E M L L A V D S A N O Gordons O R D S Stream R N A O O N 0 0 G S D 0 I 0 0 V E 0 2 A 2 R 7 D D 7 0 A 0 5 SO 5 N D O RO A R Otaio D IR River / A The Hunter SID C FS R EY Hills / Te Tari Otaia CLIF OA R LUE D OA AD B D a Te Kaumira O R D S A R IE O 0 L M 0 0 L R ILE 0 0 O 0 C 0 C 0 S 7 7 Y Otaio River U 0 0 5 5 R T D T / Otaia IN N G E E D H SK E ROA Blue Cliffs B Pareora LIN AN K K River South AC RO B AD Upper Waihao Branch h Otaio Groundwater 0 0 0 0 0 Allocation Zone 0 8 8 6 Otaio Gorge 6 0 0 5 Otaio River 5 D ESK A VA Y ROAD O LLE Waihao River R North Branch S Y A L U A C 0 A FORR 0 0 ES 0 M D TS 0 CAM ELL N ROAD 0 6 M Otaio PB A 6 6 E 6 0 N 0 5 Z River / 5 IE Kohika Stream S Otaia R Makikihi O A D Groundwater Kohika Allocation Zone 1418000 1420000 1422000 1424000 1426000 1428000 1430000 1432000 1434000 1436000 1438000 1440000 1442000 1444000 1446000 Basedata Flow Protection Zone e Canterbury Land and Water Sub-region Boundary South Coastal Canterbury c MAP Local Authority Inland Boundary Hook River Otaio River Upper Waimate Creek Regional Plan (LWRP) n ¯ Surface Water Allocation Zones h Minimum Flow Sites e State Highways Makikihi River Sir Charles Creek Waihao River PC3 PC3 r B-01 Scale 1:75,000 02 High naturalness rivers, e 01 Groundwater Allocation Zones (on A3 Page) Land Parcel Boundaries including tributaries Wainono Arm f PC3 PC3 PC 3 e 0 0.5 1 2 3 03 04 Map Series Open River Bed R Km Z:\PET\2015_2016\pLWRP\PC3\2_Amendments\LWRP_PC3_Quantity_MB_A3L_160822.mxd 1412000 1414000 1416000 1418000 1420000 1422000 1424000 1426000 1428000 1430000 1432000 1434000 1436000 1438000 1440000 1442000 1444000 1446000 1448000 1450000 1452000 0 0 0 Cannington P T 0 0 Longden A A HAD 0 6 L 6 White Cannington R I O 8 K W ROAD 8 0 Stream E 0 Stream O 5 Francis 5 Rock O W C R D R A LIF A R O a O Stream FS S River i R m R O E a OA G Otipua Nessing D t e D A B A O D R Mathias O D D R i s O Creek North The Hunter R R Pareora River D t r i O 0 Stream S c t O K 0 RIN A G 0 Stream UE R Branch 0 0 E 0 Hills / Te Tari G O D F OAD 4 R OA 4 8 R Pareora River 8 S A 0 a Te Kaumira S 0 Matson Stream Y Y R 5 5 R A IT O R A O W Claremont Two E D E L V Hakataramea M a c k e n z i e D i s t r i c t A R Legged G PA Taiko Stream Otipua Creek River W a i m a t e D i s t r i c t Motukaika 0 Stream South Branch 0 0 Galway Stream 0 0 River 0 2 Motukaika 2 8 8 0 0 5 Pig Hunting 5 Matson Stream Motukaika IEW Creek FAIRV ROAD H River A D A Pareora River A K Francis DA A O 0 White IR 0 T R 0 Pratt Stream ROAD 0 0 A Stream 0 0 R Pareora River Rock Pig Hunting 0 8 D D E 8 A 0 A A N 0 5 O 5 M River O O R R T Creek E S S A A TT T i K E m I A R M W a P Anderson Nimrod Stream A P LI a r u A Scour Stream K D i m S D Matata U Elworthy A Pareora
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    -'-- Ilumb. 4. 103 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETT'E EXTRAOI~DINARY. WELLINGTON, 'l'UgSDAY, ,JANUAHY 15, H1l8. Notice as to Men called up under the jJ;lilitary Service Act, 1916, for Service with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force. N pursuance of section 10 of the Military Service Act, 1916, I, James Allen, Minister of Defence for thl' I Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby notify that, pursuant to the said Act and pursuant to a Warrant issued in that behalf under section 8 of the said Act on the 18th day of December, 1917, and pursuant to section 2 of the Military Service Amendment Act, 1917, the men whose names, places of abode, and occupations are set forth in the' Schedule h(creto are deemed to been selected by lot from the First Division of the Expeditionary Force Reserve for service with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force. and I hereby declare that those men are called up for service with tha.t Force accordingly. Da.ted this 14th day of January, 1918. SCHEDULE . • Pre~tiously volnnteert'd. ~(). 1 (ACCKLAND) HE(,RUl,(,[~GI)(:-iTRJ("l'. 9~!15" Bradley, Alber( Yiet"f'. :-itoke .. , 26 W"llill~ton St, Allckland. 9272(; Brigg~. ('hade:;) Lenard. Sl->.anlan. [,7 :Kd:-lon St, Auckland. 92720 Anderson, Charle" Alfred, Cook, Auckland. ~R3RH Cairn8, Alcxaruler Xewton, EngintH']oaner, 46 Tutancka,i 88378 Barber, Archibald Rohert, Stable Assistant, King St, {{d, Grey Lynn, Auckland. Pukekohe. 927:!7 Casey, Raymond Glollcester, Piremall, Auckland. 92722 Beatty, John, Bntcher, Pukekohe. !J2728 Chand, Amar, Flax-cutter, Kopllku, via l\1"T(·,er.
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