Thursday, Aug 8, 2019 Since Sept 27, 1879 Retail $2 Home delivered from $1.25 THE INDEPENDENT VOICE OF MID CANTERBURY Eric Gardiner’s council flat might not have any insulation, but a combination of a heat pump and plenty of sun- Book it, or shine help him ward off the chill of winter PHOTO SUE NEWMAN 080819-SN-003 miss out P3 Insulation conundrum BY SUE NEWMAN units does not allow sufficient space for and we are unable to insulate due to the
[email protected] insulation to be installed. constructions of the units – we would It could come down to a battle between Once current tenants leave, its only need to replace the roofs to do this work. bulldozer and budget as the Ashburton option will be to leave the flats unten- “The other two units are partially in- District Council ponders the future of anted. sulated as we can’t insulate under the some of its elderly housing units. Insulation has been installed in all floor as the floor height does not meet Like many local authorities around units where this is possible, but concrete the minimum safety standard for the in- New Zealand, the council has been floors and a lack of ceiling space means sulation staff,” Brake said. caught by changing regulations around this is impossible for some, said council For 16 years Eric Gardiner has lived in insulation in rental properties. business support group manager Paul an uninsulated council flat in Friend- Canty The new standard comes into effect in Brake. ship Lane, but he’s not complaining – July, 2021, if a unit is let to a new tenant Currently there is one uninsulated now.