Heath Culture. War Ofworlds. Lyceum Subjects

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Heath Culture. War Ofworlds. Lyceum Subjects 'A N D SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT - JUVOTED TO PROGRESSIVE, RELIGIOUS Issued the First and Fifteenth Published by LILY DALE, N. Y., DECEMBER I, MIL of Each Month at 50 Cents per Year. Nnnber H Wine 7. The Sunflower Publishing Company effect upon the subtle body. This ancient penetrability he sees the truth that his srstera is explained by Pantanjali in its WAR OFWORLDS. soul waves and his reason feeds upon. LYCEUM SUBJECTS. HEATH CULTURE. esoteric meaning. Thereafter man progresses fast or slow according to his power of assimulation. BY JOHN R. SNOW. By Jno. F. Morgan. “SUSHl'JISA,’’ BY STELLA B. CASE. The little wires of electricity that are at­ (which is the action of the spinal chord.) CHAPTER XI. tracted to a man's inner self and are dis­ purity. The Advanced Thought publications As long as the tat was are not known LIFE’S PHASES. tributed through space, sometimes reach­ P u r e h the air at the dawa, which the « a ’ see devoting a great deal of space to to a person it is necessary for him to ing across the continent are his tele­ Cleanses afresh for a new day be|un; brp abdominal breathing: "The Psychic pracitce Gnani-Yoga concentration (but Out of the darkness or life’s ravjne phones and cables upon which messages Fare is the water by montaln streams borne. Kwsth ” "The Solar Plexus (The King’s - . , . Cometh the tints of a fairy glow. Fed from the clouds which the hill tops have . „ _. „ „ t,~. not meditation which produces a drifting are flashed to him by minds distant a d r a w n . Inrin),” ‘Dynamic, “The Sun, “The . 5 _ . , , ,. Living to each a mystic dream. Pure as the flowers which spring from the ground. tendency) and watch the effect of breath- great number of miles. Across these Touched into life by the sunlight around. Moon ’’ ,"The . „ Magnetic,” „* ., "The„ _Electric,'mg upon | the| differentI nadis,. as the.. oil... in The glories dawned of a long ago. lines man often receives or looses his -The Etheric, "The Master Concentra- them reflect everything___ .u; in the „c_“Sea „fof Man is etherial infinite and sublime, a power of expression. From the un­ Here is its meaning then—aU from above. t»is ” "Temple,” “Through the Left Mind.” By Prana-Yoga the Yoga can living personation of all that is beanti- developed soul of some savage who exists All that our God gives to m an in His love, Jiostril," “Cross," “With Palms Up,” All he bestows on His children on earth climb the “Tree of Life." fut and divine. The decrees of nature as a part of uncultured nature he may Purity has, as the gift of its birth. “Os a Black Spot.” “The A U M” “The abide in him and with him and are receive all that is purest and best, and* Vais,” “The Breath of Life.” and others A V M BREATH. But as the flower thst peeps through the sod a part of the whole. Its perfections and using it is surprised to find that he ex­ Springs from earth’s foulness to beauty and too numerous to enumerate, as taught Particularly if vibrated in the seventh imperfections are simply the outcome of periences something that his outer self bloom, by the different school* and cults both in no,e 0f the action will cause the brain Beaching Its head from the ground to its God growth and progress, and are a part of had remained unconscious of. Then he So can fresh purity, m ortals assume. tbt Orient and Occident. cells to be illuminated. (See “Occultism the all-concerning force in life that finds may feel the thrill of unity with nature, Power is destruction if we don’t know and symbolism. ,n Sunflower.) l^et us then tend well the soil of our mind, bo* to use it or if we are foolish in its nutriment even in the breath expelled by the love that is universal, and his soul W ater with wisdom and sow it with love man or beast. Each tone of the voice may be filled with the most elequent Then from its baseness a fresh grow th will find aw, particularly to the selfish and undis- THE SACKED WORD‘ Passage to begin through grace from above. ctplined mind- Therefore Yoga practice The word “OM,” or rightly rendered vibrating with harmony or discord, expressions and suddenly he finds that it should be under the instructions of a “A-U-M.” (Both words are used by made musical with emotion, or harsh has left him. Perhaps if he could travel The above poem was written very rap­ Master and can never be imparted by students of the occult who do not un­ with intensest passion, finds in the re- with the emotion he might find some idly with a lead pencil in my presence 6n peg. To start at the beginning we must derstand the potency of sound.) It is soundant ether a level where its tones fair maid tracing in sentences on paper, Saturday, March 25th, 1893, while I go back to Mother's Breath. claimed that there have been students are caught and held and carried back or an orator entrancing his hearers with was preparing for the Lyceum subject of and forth on the waves of sound. Its that which his own soul had received. Purity that was discussed at the Malden “ m o t h e r b r e a t h . " who have used it to awaken the "Kun- ‘ la I ini" (which is only the nervous sys- music means harmony to the originator, The expression is carried on the unseen Lyceum, Sunday, March 26, 1893. It That indelible stamp that our mother and have been driven insane by or health impaired if the sound be that wires of harmony and blended with the was written by Mr. Arthur S. Ford of n»pressed upon us at the moment of con- tjje ;ntens<. anc( rapid vibrations engen- of discord from jarring senses. Each forces that attract, finds a source of ex­ London, England. option by her thought and environment dere(j jt_ tone of the voice represents the emo­ pression congenial to its condition or Thinking it might be of some service asd which will determine the duration Thi> £ ^ the “Lost Word” that tions that originates it, just as each the conditions from which it was drawn. to you as well as the cause of Spiritual- sf our length of lift on this planet. If meinbers (of _ i*gr« ) paid over one thought represents the breadth or great- Man is seldom the expression of his own ism and particularly the Lyceum work, (K» two and one-half to three seconds hnndred doUar, to obtain, bat had not ness of the thinker. To every human forces, but is ever the expression of forces I send you a list of subjects that I have •« years. »I t^tM irfiow er of CaHiog forth the tight voice, melodious or otherwise, is given a that find through a harmonious outlets had the pleasure of discussing with to two and one-quarter^quarter seconds sixty-five co,or an(] number. It is npt in merely healing balm, or a nettle rash, that ir- From out that mystic world sublime, others at the Malden Childrens Progress­ years. but if only one and One-half second pronouncing .the word wherein resides i tat ese very sense of the hearer, ana the Mind finds mind on the wings of time. ive Lyceum and the Boston Spiritual forty years* which would indicate a neg­ potency — the sounds number and color or^iqiator also, to a newer soreness. And harmony, blended with worlds ' Lyceum. ative condition at the hoar of conception. muflt harmonise, and be directed by the TitO cultivated tones of a cultured man sublime The Malden Lyceum was discontinued “DYNAMIC BREATHING** awakened consciousness of the individual. or woman ch^Ty with them the effect Gives to the thought that is born a September 13th, 1894 and does not now Beaus dynamizing the lungs and brain Every letter in the alphabet has its that prompts the culture. The natural rhyme. exist. with the physical life qualities and finer own sound, color, form and number, music of an uncultivated but naturally Then blended together with force and SUBJECTS DISC US ED AT THE MALDEN essences of the air by the conscious use of The question of breath is very import- musical voice is an assured balm tq a love LYCEUM. thc creative power of thought in the ant at the present time. To the average wounded heart or a tensioned nerve. Finds chimes, its growth to the world to Purity. Aspiration for the attainment of a meta- American meat eater, alcohol and to- Sympathy vibrates in its tones with the prove. Compensation. pfiTsical idea. bacco partaker* mammon worshipper* music of a tuneful heart and the natural , . ’ , . , r . etc., and until thev are concentrated to Goodness. The whirling dervishes of Asia the mar- £l)> Vaivenial Good I would advise them tendency to irritably melt away before CHAPTER XII. What is the mineral kingdom? the sweetness that is distilled by the He trances of the Shamars of Siberia, the to go slow in Setting in motion vibra- CENTER POWER. What is the vegetable kingdom? reSgious ceremonials of chanting and tious that they can not control, since music as it echoes through the tired What is the animal kingdom? daiicing of the orientals, the inspirational they may cause a reaction.

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