Portraits of Notable Iowans
RESEARCH CENTER STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA (515) 281-6200 History.Research@iowa.gov Photographs Collection – Portraits of Notable Iowans These files may also include portraits of the individual’s spouse and other family members and, occasionally, a photo of their home. Most persons in this list have Iowa connections, but some national and international figures appear in here as well. For more information about these collections, contact us at the email or phone listed above. Available at Des Moines Research Center A Abben, Ben C., Jr. Abbott, Charles H. Abbott, George K. Abercrombie, John C. Abernethy, Alonzo Abernethy, Jacob Abraham, Lot Abrahamson, M.L. Ackerman, Michael Ackiss, J.C. Adams, Austin Adams, Austin (Mrs.) Adams, Elijah Adams, H.C. (Senator) Adams, John (President) Adams, John Quincy (President) Adams, Samuel Adams, William Adams, William T. Adcock, Homer Addleman, William Adkins, John V. Adorno, Paolina Agnew, David Hayes, M.C. Aiken, John Henry Ainslee, Peter (Rev.) Ainsworth, Lucien L. Albert, Elma G. (Judge) Alden, Cynthia Westover Alden, Ebenezer, Jr. Alderman, U.S. Aldrich, Charles Aldrich, C.S. Aldrich, Matilda W. Alexander, Archibald IOWA DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL AFFAIRS STATE HISTORICAL BUILDING • 600 E. LOCUST ST. • DES MOINES, IA 50319 • IOWACULTURE.GOV Alexander, Lucy Alexander, Thomas C. Alger, Russell A. Allen, B.F. Allen, Isaac L. Allen, James (Captain, Black Hawk War) nd Allen, James (Captain, 2 Iowa Cavalry) Allen, J.H. (children of) Allen, William Allen, W.S. Allis, Edward P. Allison, William B. Allston, Washington Allyn, George S. Alvord, E.S. Ames, Amos W. Ames, Fisher Ampere, Andre Marie Anderson, Albert R.
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