Ats.RM. Vbuearn

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Ats.RM. Vbuearn PAGE TWENTY-FOUR — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., May 29. 1973 Director The Weather Bike-A‘Thon Planned^ Selected UConn To Stop Opening Partly cloudy tonighf and Thursday with a For Saturday Morning MEDFORD, Mass. (AP) — Intra-University Mail chance of showers. Low tonight 55-60, high Appointment of Philip Clark tomorrow in the 70s. Precipitation probability 30 per cent through period. Horton, former editor of The STORRS (AP)—University of system,” the statement added. mail service financed by the A bike-a-thon, sponsored by American Youth Hostels and ticipants will be instructed on Reporter magazine, to be direc­ Connecticut officials will stop A university spokesmen taxpayers should not be used MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1973 - VOL. XCTl, No. 203 Manchester—A City of Fillage Charm THIRTY-TWO PAGES — TWO SECTIONS American Youth Hostels and the Connecticut Lung Associa­ safe riding practices and will be tor of the Edward R. Murrow opening intra-university mail to declined to say wbat the for anyone’s personal needs.” PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS the Connecticut Lung Associa­ tion. given copies of the entire route. Center of Public Diplomacy has determine if the delivery “different approach” was. But it contended that “the un­ tion, will be held Saturday, June Entry blanks and further in­ Mayor John Thompson, and been announced by Tufts. system is being misused, the A statement from the CCLU iversity itself had acted im-, 2 at Keeney St. Schopl from 9 formation may be obtained Philip W. Woodrow of 175 Green University. *' university said. said the civil liberties group properly and had violated con­ a.m. to noon. from the Lung Association; Manor Rd., executive director The Murrow Center, named "sympathized with the univer­ stitutional guarantees when it Sponsors will pledge money Talcott Notch Rd., Farmington, of the Lung Association are for the late broadcaster, is an ’The university’s announce^ sity’s contention that a public opened the mail.” In Western Europe for each mile ridden by their or by calling 649-3028. expected to open the bike-a- arm of Tufts’ Fletcher School ment followed a meeting bicyclist. Proceeds will go to The route will originate from thon by riding the first lap. of Law and Diplomacy. between UConn Comptroller Keeney St. School w here^ar- A graduate of Princeton in Edward Hanna and Sondra 1934, Horton also studied at Stave, .president of the French and German univer­ Northeastern Chapter of the Book Gives Businessmen sities and reported on German Connecticut Civil Liberties BUSINESS and Soviet youth movements Union (CCLU). ’The chapter had Nixon Seeks To WORLD ALMANAC Tips On Conduct Codes for the North American received complaints atout the FACTS Newspaper Alliance (NANA). practice from faculty CHECKING In Communist China During World War II, he was in” members. government intelligence and CHARLES COLSON was a ACCOUNTS served in London, Paris and special counsel to President “in a few cases it appeared WASHINGTON (AP) - they may have to listen to an that the university’s mail ser­ exposition of the Peopie’s Germany. Nixon in the pre-Watergate Dispel Bully Role American businessmen seeking Afterward he became an days. He hired E. Howard vice was being used for private Free checks. Free stetements. trade with mainland China Republic of China’s political associate editor of foreign af­ Hunt, former CIA man and purposes. Some pieces of mail ■No Minimum Balence should avoid pornography and views.” which seemed personal in fairs at Time magazine and convicted Watergate con­ >WASHINGTON (AP) - ^politics while in China, but spirator. Colson allegedly nature were opened by staff While Pompidou will be moves toward detailed meetings with leaders of the The report lays great stress later joined the founding group President Nixon flew to Iceland should be prepared to listen to is involved in unethical members in an effort to identify pressing for quick action on negotiations in areas of host country. Their own two on proper behavior by of The Reporter. today for talks with French Chinese political harangues. campaign tactics. those who apparently were mis­ MANCHESTER STATE BANK monetary problems, Nixon will economic, defense and foreign days of talks are to begin American businessmen, saying Tufts said one area which President Georges Pompidou, “Chinese social customs are using the mail service,” the un­ emphasize a quest for a new policy. Thursday. ‘‘Chinese businessmen Horton has singled out for hoping to .dispel any fear of Un­ conservative, particularly iversity said in a statement. 1041 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER “Atlantic charter” — a set of ^The two presidents, after Henry A. Kissinger, Nixon’s traditionally place, great emphasis is the role of mul­ Living Cost To Rise cle Sam’s playing a bully-boy broad principles and goals for where pornography is in­ “’The administration is now Open Sat. 0 A.M .-Noon arriving in the Icelandic capital foreign-policy assistant, emphasis on etiquette, and an tinational corporations in inter- - role in Western Europe. the Atlantic community as it volved,” advises a new Bonn — The cost of living in working with university of Reykjavik, plan separate acknowledged to newsmen The American transcon­ American businessman is well- national relations and their im­ tinental railroad was com­ Commerce Department West Germany is expected to departments on a different ap­ m MemberFDIC Tuesday that there is concern in pact on public opinion and publication on trade with the advised to conduct himself with rise about 5.5 per cent in 1973, France and other European pleted May 10, 1869, when policy-making both at Home and proach to try to eliminate mis­ a golden spike was driven Chinese. quiet dignity and reserve.” the same as in 1972. abroad. use of the university mail capitals that the United States into a tie at Promontory It says U.S. businessmen might try to blackmail its Point, Utah, marking the going to China should avoid Sen. Cashmaii Accepts Atlantic partners by using its junction of the Central Pa­ arguments on Vietnam, Taiwan participation in the defense of cific and Union Pacific rail­ or “other sensitive issues.” Nor Western Europe as a club to roads, The World Almanac should they mention Taiwan or Lieutenant Governorship gain economic concessions. recalls. The CShadian Pa­ use the terms Red China or Disavowing any U.S. intent to cific Railroad spanned Can­ Mainland China in cor­ play the bully, Kissinger told a ada when the last spike was HARTFORD (AP) - ty tp bring the same open-door tunity to press my views in the driven into a tie at Craigel- respondence with the Chinese, AtS.RM. Promising to be "a good com­ policy to a wider public through highest councils of state news conference: lachie, British Columbia, it adds. municator for the people of the office of lieutenant gover­ government. I intend to take “The United States does not on Nov. 7, 1885. On the other hand, the report Connecticut,”" Peter L. nor.” full advantage of this oppor­ maintain now that there should CopyrlKht © 1973 advises, “ U.S. businessmen Cashman today announced he Cashman called Hull “a tunity.” be one grand negotiation in Newspaper Knlerprise Arho. should be aware U at at some would resign as president pro remarkable man and a tremen­ Meskill now must set a date which all subjects are discussed time during their stay in China tempore of the state Senate to dous asset to the Republican for a special election to choose simultaneously. Obviously, it is VbuEARN Party.” more practical for individual become lieutenant governor. a successor for Cashman from He will fill a vacancy created “There is no way I can the 20th senatorial district. subjects to be treated separate­ Babhidge Chats With League Officials by the elevation of T. Clark Hull possibly match the kind of ap­ Meanwhile, the Senate must ly, but what the United States does maintain is that these sub­ to the state Superior Court proach he had,” Cashman said. select a new president pro tern. jects are organically in­ ginsumer Dr. Homer D. Babbidge chats with Mrs. Marshall Cohen, meeting. Mrs. Cohen was succeeded by Mrs. Potter as bench. He said he didn’t know yet The most likely candidate is terrelated, not because of an standing, and Mrs. Rockwell Potter at Tuesday night’s League president. (Herald photo by Pinto) “I see the duties of the office how he would “shape” the of­ Greenwich Republican loncern Manchester League of Women Voters annual dinner­ of lieutenant governor as a full fice of lieutenant governor, but Florence D. Finney. act of policy by the U.S. and not time effort to listen to people was confident that Meskill Cashman, a native of as an act of choice, but as a would allow him the same free Cleveland, Ohio, is a former necessity.” Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection from all over the state and to Barbara B. Dunn. Commissioner convey their thoughts to this ad­ hand that he had given Hull. school teacher and director of ..He said flatly it is “not cor­ Terry Higgins. Director of Consumer Education 0 ministration,” Cashman said at “The governor has assured sales for an industrial research rect that the United States by Dr. Babbidge Urges i ivies a morning news conference. me that there will be full oppor­ firm. emphasizing the relatlon^ip of —Lock all windows and doors. Summer is right around the The 37-year-old Republican various fields to each other Is —If possible, leave a light on, corner and for many of us this from Lyme said he expected to trying to blackmail Its Euro­ or even better, get some type of means vacations and picnics.
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