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8-21-1918 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 08-21-1918 Journal Publishing Company

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TIlIRTV-mXT- YEAR. Dallj by Carrier or Mall, 70c a Month VOL. CLVIII. No. 52. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Wednesday, August 21, 1918. Single Ooptea, S FOE POSITIONS LEONARD HOKE ALLIED UNITY CRYSTALLIZED IjEICEFFJlS EFFORT IS IDE A n Pi T HREATENED US VEGAS 1 10 EXEMPT BQYS v I T-r- 1 KT-- T l- BlLL It" f. Tj TJYil ' Vv? .1 n i - I N. I uni t m I K SUDDENTHRUST AWARDED ME L y.KUNLti mil ni II F ROM SERVICE IN viz . rr, rc-:--i i iiulu ui mjnui. OF FRENCH L FOR GALLANTRY ON REVENUE BILL MAN POWER BILL

Gain of. Two Miles on Fifteen Honor Bestowed In Recogni- Chain nan jitchin Doubtful if Sharp Contest Looms in Con- Mile Front Made in Sector tion of Bravery Displayed It Will Be Reported Out of gress Following Vote to Between and Aisne, June 28, When Offjcer Gave Committee by Monday; De- Amend Measure Deferring Following Sunday's Push, His Life for Country, tails Are Stumbling Block, Calling Youths 18 and 19.

IS PRE-WA- GERMAN GRIP ON ROYE 24 OTHERS ARE HONORED R EARNINGS ARE WORK OR FIGHT CLAUSE . HOURLY IN 1 DIMINISHES . PERSHING'S LIST FIGURED IN MEASURE OPPOSED BY UNION LABOR Tills is one of the first plbotouTiiplis J : to HiTive in America showing Trend i, j Enemy Launches Desperate First New Mexico Soldier to British and Italian troops nv,i; U To Divide Corporations Into Sccreatry of American Federa- over the s;ime road on j Win their way to Counter Attacks Against the Distinguished 'Service the front. i Groups for More Equitable tion Declares It Will Give British in Which Was Son of Cashier , , Picardy, , Cross; Assessment; Administrative Employers Club Over Men; Are Down. of San . Everywhere Put Miguel Bank, Regulations Discussed, Calls It Labor Conscription, BGW IS DAMAGED FRESH DIVISIONS GERMANS BATTLE . (I minted War I rati by the Associated The first New Mexico soldier to b'3 MORN, NO JOURNAL AL LIAfltO WIAVV Iress.) awarded the Distinguished Service Washington, Aug. (i. The house Washington, Aug. ',20. Both senate From Soissons to the Belgian bor- Cross is Lieut. Leonard C, Iloskins of ways and nieann committee after an and house will begin consideration of In all-da- y der the fiernmn armies various East Las Vegas, N. M., whose name UlADLE discussion of administrative the man power bill, the sectors are to WHEN STEAMER OF FOE T STOUTLY TO HALT and extending important being put appeared in General Persh- provisions other details of the $s . army draft age limits to IS and 45 the test by the French and British. yesterday 0u0.000.0oo revenue bill, was unable list of twenty-fiv- e officers and years Thursday. The house And It is a test that seemingly bodes ing's to reach a final on de- militnry men who were awarded the medal for agreement the affairs committee closed Iti ill for the Teutonic arms, for no- tails of t lie Income and excess profits today to sus- heroism and in the AT tax and the bill will be where have they been able gallantry fighting RAMS schedules. Chairman Kltehln con-- J hearings reported tain the shock. of the Marne. HOLD UP FRENCH GENERAL MANGIN ceded that it was doubtful if the bill tomorrow with fin amendment adopt- Northwest of Soissons from the Lieutenant Hoskins was among tho r could bo reported to the house bv tho ed by a vote of 9 to 7. to defer service Aisne to the Olse, north of the Oiso four who were awarded the medal committeo by next Monday. He an- - of youths 18 to 19 years of ago uni(l to the region around Rove; In the posthumously, lie was killed in ac imiiwuu, nnwever. that there is no all others are culled. An agreement Arras sector and northward on the question whatever bill tion June 28 and was the first man ot the raising was secured with Sneaker Clark an i famous Lys salient the Germans ev- Navy At the total $H. 000. 1)0(1, 000 from that city to give his life for his Department ays Story Artillery Prepares Germans for Points of Fiorcjst Fighting sought. with Kims, In have been to fall Mr. "ecrc-tnr- Representative charge erywhere compelled Kitehin announced that y back the of the country. of Encounter Off of the pending water power bill to under pressure Virginia Expected Attack, but Rei- Enemy Dead Strew Ground; McAdoo in his latest letter agreed , General citation reads: tho man Fronch and British troops. Pershing's to the plan of dividing business into give power act right of way French Thrust Forward. "Second Lieut. Leonard C. Hoskins, Bears Marks of More nforcements Fail to With- Drive of groups for Thursday. Chairman Dent of the C. A. C. V. S. R. Near Great Magnitude purposes of deducation of In a new offensive launched La Chapclle, pre-wa- r house committee believes it can be by 28, of earnings but that a maximum the French General over a , June gave proof great Credence Than Usual, stand Shock of 'l com- in Mangln devotion and when he entered Thrust, Accomplished, percent deduction which the passed a single day. of fifteen and a bravery ' front approximately shell-swe- mittee had proposed to" give to on Oise a area in search for mining Hound Would IX'fcr Youths. half miles, from Railly the con- and kindred hazardous wounded and was killed while IWY enterprises of the bill by the liousr to the Aisne near Soissons, the MORNINS JOURNAL SPECIAL LfASCD WINK H1,s Passage several of his men to safety.' " With the French Army in France, Willi the French Army in France.! UIU ' Percent and snnato French In bitter have car- ducting Aiiff. 2i). L'tl . was more o. Thursday by the by Satur- fighting Leonard enlisted in the Washington, The navy Aug General Maiif-in'- s ,:u 'j K"";'equ ried forward their line to an average Hoskins (Reuters). vu. (by the Associated Press,) .. day Is planned by leaders. Contests last summer and was sent earlv department announced today that, tho eperations of the past two days pre- The attack nf'.Jonm-n- ""-- r I JUIllngs llllsls depth of two and a half miles and army l,...l' n freliw.i.. Tl,n I.. ..I, I...,, Hi... are expected in both branches. In in Decem- of an pared the way for a fresh advance from I"i Pirn-- i'itmiilt,,ji ' in- - the first of the battle had September to Kurope. On captain American steamer had mlenoy on tliii Aisne to ! -- ur, i . n. the debate is on phases today. The attack be Ran ut 7 o'clock ioi" tu mi,cub t imv iniuii..i... iu senate expected tho to French numer- ber 20 he tho examination fo, Pie on tho i use, was fa- - , in' th.-- turned possession passed reported that his vessel ranuyod and this morning on a front of progressing operations and other business "work or fight" amendment. In ' ous enemy-hel- d and farms. to officers' twenty when villages admission an training probably sunk a submarine 9:30 miles from on the this dispatch was filed into two groups for deduc-- u house a controversy Is brewing; over abaut i'imprez right bank 1 terprises In addition more than 8,000 Germans camp in France, and was graduate.1 of to t o'clock this afternoon. tion in the war tax herded behind the p. m. on Aust 17, near Winter Quar- the Oise, Fontenoy. purposes profits the committee's amendment to defer had been line, on 20. He was commissioned a Prisoners were to on tho basis pre-wa- r April Yesterday's heavy bombardment ap- continuing arrive of earnings, calling boys of 18 and 19 years, a prisoners. ter shoal, off tho northern Virginia at the rear to add to the thou-- These will be finan-sun- second lieutenant, and had been for parently warned tho enemy that an several j groups probably mandatory provision which At last reports Mangin's men were two in service In coast. The stated the subma- was before noon, and and transportation concerns, in- - Secretary un- months the fron' captain uttack coming, for during the captured the' Maker, General March and General still hard after the enemy and in 1 eluding all utilities, per- - lines when he was killed. rine was struck on the port bow, night fresh enemy divisions were gain territory ut o'clock had been public eight Crowder have official accounts placed the French from from one to Iwo cent deduction and vigorously opposed. In Young Hoskins was born in Las bringing her alonside. brought up a long distance in nnd a half miles. The manufacturing, senuto on Various sectors well advance th rear in motor lorries nnd was mining, gas and oil well and other With both and house commit- of the outlined In th Vegas in 1804. He was graduated The Jaeger enemy resisting with pie greatest to positions submarine crew hailed in Kom-nie- l. nijscollaueous businesses ten tees pledged lowering tho minimum Normal with the strong divisions, the captors of Mont vigor at vital spots. Where the fight- percent French afflcial communication. from the University German were shlf deduction. age to 18 years it the agfl SfM class male accents, saying they were sd frm the Moissor.H ing Is thickest the is covered appeared CjrniAn BKitfniie of 19ia, xesxr'V ti'V. the reRion to. tho ground Chairman Kitehin made this state- limits will be fixed," an reciummendcd - but re- lulj), rmt shock of the- east of friends, tho said he with Gorman dead. ' Along Scarpe Arras members of which now are fighting1 captain ment: ' ' ? Field Marshal forces have plied they were no friends of his. He General Mangin's men. liy tho war department. Halg's against Germany. Dead Arc Best DIviskMis I scil. "The committee has been discussing After a executive session In kept up x their harassing tactics kept on his course, he said. The Many Left. The tho bill stormy A memorial service was held In These reinforcements seem to have artillery preparation, which administrative regulations in which Kalin of Cali- against the enemy, who ha been In steamer is now in port with a badly was most not tho rates at. all. Wo Representative to back honor of young Hoskins the Normal been of little avail. After three hours violent, botinn yesterday affecting fornia led a which he compelled fall eastward damaged bow and a quantity of water ami the adopted u provision for a board which fight promised along the Scarpe river. The Ger- chapel July 15. of attack the French had advanced morning, enemy, anticipating to renew on the house floor, to retain ill her hold. The captain thinks he of two and miles an to reinforco will draft legislative matters, the mans resisted vigorously!! but all to ji.n average half attack, hastened his board to be of two moni- - the administration measure's provi- STOKIKS 1IKKOISM sank tno submarine. nlcniT the whole front and thousands lines, Iwo of divi- - composed no purpose and the British advanced OF sending up his best liers, one to be appointed by the sion tho order of calls for a!l lines to of the vil- TOLD IX In tho announcement, t ho of prisoners are beginning to flow putting their the east COMMl'MQl'tt making speaker of the bouse and the other by men within the discretion, lage of Fampoux. Although Haig department did not name the ship. back. The German infantry fought president's left tho as tho presiding the committee voted. 9 to 7. to write claims only a slight forward move- Washington, Aug. 20. Stories of of the American skipper's cir- .stubbornly and considerable dead head of the senate. at- ln-- cn the but their fire . ... In an amendment offered by Repre- ment, here, particular significance and heroism by i cumstantial and the ground artillery l Iin.... gallantry displayed report tangible was feeble and no Ill'OSIirv I'liiw Hill. McKenila of taches to it by reason of the fact dividual American soldiers and ma- evidence furnished by the damaged virtually airplanes "We have taken no further action sentative Illinois, repub- that the Germans have been driven took part. lican, providing that all men 20 yeara rines in their stand which stopped the bow, the story is given credence not The whole was ns to earned nnd unearned Incomes, back until they are virtually German front line but have naked the and above shall be called before thos upoir Germans on the Marne ure beginning accorded most of the accounts of sub- one hour be- treasury depart- tho old battle line as it stood in passed after the attack ment to work out a for admin- of 19 and 18 with the to Teach the war in offi- marine destructions reaching tho Soon after i) o'clock French plan December, 1917. department gan. the of three Per- amend-- , cial General navy. was on the far side istering this differential youths to be called last. The Northward, the Lys salient again dispatches. Pershing'' Infantry signalled cent against unearned Incomes, on ment makes what Sacrei has been narrowed down by the op- communique for yesterday announces of the Audigilicoiii't ravine on tho reached a ten- mandatory across the which the commlttcp Baker has Indicated will be tha erations of the Hritlsh who, north of the award of the Distinguished Serv- roads leading plateau. tative the other day. Wo tary of At the same time the village ol agreement of the war , Merville, have taken the villages ice Cross to twenty-fiv- e officers and Sawed 0(T want tho treasury to work out a plan policy department. Shotguns In the Hois do l.a ;- Vierhoek and La Couronne, and also men, four of whom lost their liVes In Oaisnes, Montague, for allocation and for deduction of ,IIot Fight Forrncen. reached the hamlet of L'Kplnnettp. won was reached on ihe left nnd tht and other technical details of Representative Kahn expressed th the acts of which the Buckshot I credits This gain represents a forward move- bravery and Load loops were entering Tartleres north belief the amendment be honor. i an unearntd Income differential plan. that would, ment of about a mile and a half, of the Aisne, on the right. The most differ- Those who live to wear their crosses Wake ef was raj " "it will be a three percent rejected by the house. Chairman and places the British astride the German Hate difficult pail the operation but It will be, as a re- of ravine, ential, whether Dent and others of the committee, road running southeastward to are! the passage Aiidignieourt sult, a normal income tax of 13 and V MORNINO JOURNAL SPCCIAL LCACCD hern ran the who expressed themselves as dissatis- Lieutenant Colonel Frank H, WIRE, alons whose port edge !!i the former for earned and HO. of pYrcent, fied with Baker's Big Retreat Imminent. Adams. Stockholm, Aug. German war main Herman line resistance. tho for or 10 nnd 15 Secretary promise, The new latter unearned, to make reulatlons for a victories of the allies ar Major George F. Rozelle. correspondents report to their news- percer.t to preserve the 10 percent eeparatf highly important. The advance ni Clarence R. Huebner. papers that they inspected guns taken ALLIED WITHDRAWAL norma; the committee heretofore has class for boys and defor the of Soissons. Captain were French northwest from the Seventy-sevent- h American agreed on, I cannot say. their call .as long as possible,' taken In with the suc- Lieutenants conjunction found them to be shot- REPORTED IN RUSSIA . Today. confident the house would retain th cessful maneuvers on the James M. Wilson. regiment and Hoh; Agreement Lassingn'y ' guns, each five VThe only main problem lcTt U that amendment. If adopted by the house nector, and couth of Roye, where K. Bongardt. carrying cartridges we will to loaded IUY MORNINQ JOURNAL VPKCIAL LCASKD JWIRK) of excess profits and try a In conference ii Beuvralgnos has been James H. Legendre. with buckshot. They declare Wo sharp controversy captured, 20. official- agree on thnt tomorrow. may mo reuum seemingly means that the enemy Lemuel C. Sheppard, that the use of such guns is contrary Amsterdam, Aug. It is hill but It expeetea as senate inn un forces to from tho linii.lly pass on the Friday, administration for executlvo from the to the Olse John McArthur. the Geneva convention. ly reported Vologda, says is not at all certain." provision soon must give up their positions William Moscow correspondent, of the Khein-tsch- e to Mr. Kltehln discretion in establishing calls. and Ward Ruckei. Replying questions . retreat eastward. It is well known that certain troops Westfaellsrhn Zcitung of Kssen, said that relief of tho individual from "Work or fight" legislation. Chair. It is not is well Sergeants Of allied In is not improbable Noyon Albert 8. Elsea. all armies are equipped with shot- thut the entente troops the the excess profits tax was decided up- man Dent said tonight, outflanked on the south and south-oas- t, and Robert H. guns for police duty behind their own Arvchangel sector havo withdrawn on by the committee long ago by the house committee and the German line is none Donaghuo. of its bill. waft to the. too secure Daniel lines. II is customary to use shotguns outside the range of the Bolsheviki was in the original draft The committeo said take north of Soissons, that the Daly. The board" as la unnec- enemy will be under the. for arming patrols who guard pris- asoa. "legislation drafting position that the legislation necessity Corporals havo 1 ' agreed upon today is to have a body of moving his oners and do similar duty, because Soviet troops hare reported to Jrv 5 ' essary in that present draft regula- troops northward from Clayton H. Moore. of experts to draw bills and other the Vesle ' it has been found the use of blown the Baikal tunnel of the the In toward, if not across, the Isaac Valley. that the up documents, l'.ach or tna tions protect government's Aisne. Trans-Siberia- n legislative W. Wear. high power riflo for that purpose it railway. two members will receive $6,000 terests. Knomy Hard I'resscd. Eugene labor's to tha Privates ' dangerous. year Organized opposition The Germans are stubbornly con- It Is to the Geneva conven- - work or amend.ment to the new' with the Curn Christenberry. contrary PRESIDENT RETURNS An effort was made by Kepresen- fight testing British points of tion to use in actual 10 man-pow- bill on the line J. shotguns combat, tut ves Moore anu lxmgworiii fu extending th draft vantage south of the James Pretty as it is a violation of the conven- FROM BRIEF sions which were held In reserve iiove svmnhonv orchestras from the to tho hous Somme near and L, Ream. just REST ages was presented north oi Bertram tion to use and These divisions arrived the 20 nercent amusement admission tax Roye, which are still in 8. liquid fire poisonous during' military committee today by Frank German J. Kendry. , in motor lorries. but committee the prop- hands and which are gase.1. BY MORNIN9 JOURNAL night the rejected Morrison, of the American the keystones Louis H. Harkcniidor. aPCIV I.RAMO W,R The committee decided that secretary to the re- The Germans on tho osition. Labor. enemy's refense line. With Washington. Aug. 20. I'rcsblent retiring filled news which sell tickets Federation of the of F. Fleming. Inniit'tiza Hits Dublin. ravine with how- hotel stands be capture Beuvraignes by the cross posthum- turned to Washington this morning, mustard gas. This, rates shall pay The bill probably will reported is on Those awarded the to amusements at high - French, Roye apparently, the Dublin, Aug. 20. Dublin has been after his brief vacation on the Massa- ever, proved only a temporary trou- admission tax. vehi- in a few days. , eve of falling, and with its fall ously were: - the Sightseeing severely visited tho influenza epl- (OHSt as Col. ble, the entire ravine being turned In . Mr. Morrison referred to the prob- doubtless the entire line Lieutenants-Cha- rles by chusetts the guest of cles are also subject to the tax. northward Memic which beiian in Belfast. There K. M. The a short time and the French troops able international effect of the work to the Somme also will give way. Chapman. House. special train carry- - have been a thousand cases toward The Germans in the Merville sec- Leonard C. Hoskins. nearly ing the party arrived at 8:36 a.,m. progressing lilerancourdelle, LODGE TO BE SPEAKER or fight provision. and the schools were closed. . miles southeast of "Noyon. tor of the Lys salient everywhere are - There and tho president and Mrs. Wilson eight Industries Blamed. followed British Sergeants were few deaths. to the House. .Many I'rlHoncrs Taken. AT GALUNGER FUNERAL our being closely by the Arthur Ware. . extremely went immediately White "It would make the world and as they give up positions under at- Farther to the right Tartieres, two allies tielleve our men are slackers.' and last were Raymond P. Cronin, a half miles tack at accounts they and southeast of Morsain, r HORMINS JOUftNAL PCCIAL LfAMD WlMI ho said. "It Is not asked by the no Imme- Brave Doeds Related col- showing indication that an was entered at 9 o'clock and Concord. N. H Aug. 20. Senator which is not exercised over diate halt is in their mind. On the Section B The commander in chief Battle Between Sub umns of prisoners began to appear Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts ,ln Lys front, although the Germans are has awarded the distinguished service Tanker and the industrial conscription. Who ypon the plateau to the rear. will deliver fho eulogy at the funeril this ? I It tha" showing some resistance, they are cross to the following members of the of Senator H. it was asking for .eglslatlon - The artillery reaction was very weak Jacob C.allinger. Colorado Fuel or the not putting- their hearts Into their American expeditionary forces for the Told by Mate on Bed announced today. The services will company great work. ' i Hospital over this part of tho front. steel trust?" acts of gallantry sot forth after their VRs Morning Journal Special Leased Wire) French low down be held in the First Presbyterian There has been little fighting along aviators, flying 2 m. He if, in case the amend names: An 20. A 400 on low-lyin- church here tomorrow at p. asked the Vesle where the Americans and Atlantic Port, Aug. feet. Kveryone was deck by .that under the g clouds, kept the Private Curn Infan- was At- French aro facing the enemy. Christenberry, foot submarine sunk off the time, but we saw nothing of the ataff regularly inforrc.ed as to the try "After having been wounded he lantic coast by the gun crew of a Brit- progress o fthe uttack and harassed remained courageously at his post un- ish tanker, according to an officer "What we did see was another tor- the enemy with machine gun fire. der heavy shell fire and not only af- of the tanker. The tale of the battle pedo. We dodging the mis-sil- No German fliers tried to Interfere Licenses of Master and Pilot THE WEATHER forded an. inspiring example by that between the tanker and at was just ns prettily as could be. It with their voi k. Few were seen in but fortitude rescued comrades who told today by John Crosby, chief mate went by us. Then the submarine came the air during tho morning.. , of Columbia, Sunk Near Peoria, FORECAST. had been buried when a shell caved of the former, from his bed in a hos- out of the water with her guns ready. The Germans made a desperate de- In their trench at Souin, France, July pital, where he is being treated for She was all of 400 feet long and could fense In the hilly and wooded region 1918." Revoked New Mexico Wednesday and 18, shock. make seventeen knots an hpur. Oui south of the Olse and around Carle-pon- t, Following Investigation Col. FFank H. infan- I.eased Thursday generally fair, except "Lieut. Adams, Crosby is said to be in a serious con- boat was good for eleven and a half Caisne and Lombray, where they (By Morning1 Journal Special Wire.) showers and somewhat warmer In on 20. licenses Mehl's try "Near Dormans, France, July dition. A remarkable feature of the knots, but we began to go with the UV held strong positions which were pro- Washington, Aug. The alleged inattention to dutf northwest was T. Wil- portion Wednesday. 15, 1918, he conspicuous for gal. case is that lie felt no HI effects dur- boat coming Ivehlnd. She up dotted with quick-firer- s. 'The of Herman F. Mehl and George was his failure to prevent Williams, Arizona Wednesday fair west, opened fusely lantry In action, when, with courage ing the which took place with her guns and the started. Four-A-Ver- liams, master and pilot, respectively, the pilot, from approaching danger local showers east portion. Thurs- engagement fight and Crolsctte farmh and fearlessness, and without regard last Friday and was in good health . "I was acting as spotter for the gun- were taken the French after a vio- of tho steamer Columbia, which sank ous place in a fog and his alleged inca t day probably fair. he by was failure to to his personal safety, voluntaril until yesterday morning. Then, safe- ner, calling tho shells as they kicked lent struggle, which proved very costly' In the Illinois river near Peoria in pacity the recogniM th KEl-OR- T, organized defachrnents of ,units' other ly in he water about the Our with the loss of 100 lives, situation as dangerous and hold thn LOCAL port, collapsed. up the ' boat. to the enemy. July nearly than his own and led them Into ef- "The second mate was on the bridge twenty-sixt- h shot took tho subma- have been revoked, the steamboat In- vessel along the short when It touched: A summary of local weather condi- fective combat." about 3 'o'clock in the afternoon," rine right. She did not blow up with I.cii Comity Bolls lUvclvcd. spection service . announced todaj, the bank. Williams was charged with, tions for the twentyfour hours ending Second Lieut. James M. Wilson, in- Crosby said.1 "There was never a sign bang. What she did was to swing Santa Fe, Aug. SO.The Iyoa county MehJ ia charged with inattention to permitting the steamer to coma In con- at 6 p. m. yesterday follows: Maxi- fantry "He returned under fire Into of any craft around but the tanker around slowly and drift" broadside on. assessment rolls arrived yesterday in duty and incapacity, and Williams of tact with rough and dangerous shor mum temperature, 88 degrees; mini- enepiy barbed wire near AmerUwlller, caught the streak made by a torpedo We did r.ot slow down, but mndc for the office, of the tax commission, show- unskillfulness and negligence. over too great headway, and whose - mum, 55; range 33; temperature at 6 Alsace, the night of July 8, 1918, to coming toward the tanker.- He yelled a port as swiftly as we could travel. ing an Increase of J700.000 over last Revocation of licenses is the only negligence in not holding the vessel p: m., 82; . southwest winds; partly recover two of his patrol who were' and the ship was thrown out of her! I am sure our shot destroyed the en- year. The total is I7.2S,42E, a" against punishment that might be Inflicted bj to the bank, instead of moving into - ' course, missed a the steamboat aervlce.' atcc af.tej; bad. DlpuUft Jh9 torpedo by fw1 emy craft' ' . w - $6,873,293 last pan. the deep it touched TWO Albuquerque Morning Journal, Wednesday, August 21, 1918.

LEONARD H0SKINS, LAS, FOR FOOD ECONOMY-- - FRENCH AVIATOR ENEMY' VEGAS MAN,' AWARDED RESERVES Look Before ' 5 , t'iy A MEDAL FOR GALLANTRY OfflClAL i i. You Buy THREE FOE from MAY HOLD ALLIES ' D015 (Continued pBgOtuQ White Mountain , Bayer -- Tablets and Cap- I missing after a raid and although STATEMENTS wounded himself, brought sules of Aspirin contain painfully v Demand' .1 them safely to the, American trenches, genuine Aspirin. IN 20 SECONDS of his until TO PRESENT GAINS them in pack-- 1 concealing the fact injury FRENCH the original V he had succeeded in his undertaking ages. For your protection; s and fainted from exhaustion." every package and every J. machine IBV MORNINO JOURNAL LEASED WIRE Apple Privato James Pretty, SPECIAL in- Bel-lea- tablet is plainly and imr MORNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASEO WIBEJ gun battalion "In tne l.tuis. Oe Paris, Aug. 20, The French forces Paris, Aug. 20. Lieut. Jlcne Fonck, France, on .Tune 17, 1018, ho and Reuter's Correspondent Says fighting east of tho Oise on a front of variably marked with one-ha- lf the famous left and went 200 about fifteen and have 5?..:i.lV-it.-.- . French aviator, who shot a comrade shelter, Have Reached miles, W'Hl . . . its A Z?2r4M Th. , y 2 Parer down on An In under fire, of the en- Germans advanced to an of about three Oernian airplanes yards the open average depth Bayer (BAYER) Guarantee r- fcust 14, as announced officially Sun emy and carried a wounded infantry Stage in Defense Which two and one-ha- lf miles and captured Crot- VW of Pari!" 4 It pares, cores (and (lay. accounted for al' three of tliem soldier back to his lines, thereby dem- numerous villages, according to the no In the record-breakin- g time of twenty onstrating heroic and voluntary dis- Marked Turning Point. French official communication issued slices, wasting1 part seconds. regard of self to save ono who could this evening. More than 8,000 prison- escorted two not himself.'' ers have been taken. of the ; Fonck went out by help AspirinFor the 14 V apple. y LEASED WIRE Bcuv-raign- past r patrolling machines. After cruising Private Bertram L. Ream, machine tV MORNING JOURNAL SPECIAL South of Roye the town of years 1 for ten minutes he surprised four en gun battalion "In the Pols Do Rel-la- u, .London, Aug. 20. The situation on has been occupied by the Has been made on the Sells for 90 cents emy two-seat- battle planes, flying in France) on June 17, lie nnd a com- the main figbtinir front in .Franco. 's French after bitter fighting. 200 The fol- banks of the Hudson Indian file with only a few hundred rade left shelter and went yards summed up by the Heater correspond- text of the communication of and car- lows: The trade-mar- yards between each. in the open fire the enemy ent with the French armies us fol- "Aspirin" (Reg. U. 8. The fell ried a wounded back to Pat. Off.) 14 a iruarantte that the mono French flier upon the first infantryman lows: "South of the Avre we have cap- SMitieacidester of Baiieylicacid in thrsa. f No kitclien should be enemy machine with his machine gun his lines, thereby demonstrating heroic tured Beuvraignes after a bitter strug- tablets and a on ulet ia of tbfi relutbla "We have arrived at the stage in Bayer auuiufacture, one. It fell in flames in ten seconds. Later and voluntary disregarfl of self." gle. Ii the courso of our advance yes- without he his on tecond ma- MaJ. F. Rozele, infantry this battle corresponding to that Oise I got sights the George terday between the Mat:i and the imin.ii,BWiwH ii.ii which reai-he- at the end chine with the same result. The third "For . three days near Cantigny, Germany we took 500 prisoners. 28-8- of in dodged sideways before Fonck could France, May lie withstood Ger- March and early June nfter long, "East of the Oise our this 4 on troops take aim and escaped, but by a swift man assaults under intense bombard- bloody and exhausting advances morning attacked the German lines tho numbers. turn of the rudder ho dashed at tho ment, heroically exposing himself to heels of inferior opposing on twenty-fiv- e kilom-ter- & a front of about M. Shore, Pa.; Raabe fourth and sent it down. fire constantly in order to command from of as tar fa.; Earl Youg, Jersey Mauger airplane the region Bellly Domenico Sharpsburg, Pa.; Lieutenant Fonck, recognized as the his battalion. Effectively and although "We counted firmly on tho arrival ns the Aisne. On our left we have Romeo, 'If It's Hardware We Have It" his command half of its officers of the moment when tho reserves Delbert A. Shearer, Washington, Pa.; 115-11- French air since Cap lpst reached of the 7 North First St. greatest fighter the southern outskirts is with nnd 30 per cent of its men, he held would be able to check the German Roll Honor Joseph L. Skelley,. Derry, Pa.; Edward riione 71 tain Guynemer, credited bring Ourscamp forest and also the outskirts of W. down Of these ho his position and prevented a break in advance and prepare the flank attacks h'leith, New Eagle, Pa.; Blair ing sixty airplanes. of Carlepont and Caisncs. L. which to Lorn-bra- Smith, Pa.; Lawrence downed six in one day in the course the lino at that point." have restored the inlltativs "In tho center wo captured American Casualties Latrobc, of two Captain Clarence It. Iluebner, In- us. The enemy in turn is using that and Staggers, Harveys, Pa.; John Turco, patrols. Bleraneourdclle and gained Vanlu--vane- e, Can-tign- y. A. A little over a year ago Lieutenant fantry "For three days near weapon against: us. His reserves are footing on tho plateau north of Vaa-sen- Philadelphia, Pa.; Joseph 2S-3- with- He Mont Co., Pa.; Riley Fonck entered tho aerial service. lid France, .May he not yet exhausted. may still HKCTIO.V 21.- Dresher, AZTEC FUEL CO. I. LIST OF Al(J. - A. Anson W. is only 23 years old. stood German nrsaults under intense possess thirty fresh divisions as well "On our the of Vczapo-ni- n Walker, Altoona, Pa.; right village The following casualties are report- Michael bombardment, heroically as 400,000 youths of the class of 1920. Osly Willils, Linden, Pa.; P. With' Tartlcres, ed the the n, ordcf must he by commanding general of, ero, Mass.; John H. Moul-to- himself to fire constantly 'In Our successes careful' and Courtil, havo fallen into our Amerirtm forces: Pittsfield, of tho internatloiia'. unions, battalion won." expeditionary N. H.i I,. urgins to command his effectively planned and manfully bandit. Killed in 32. Watervlllage, Harry Jewett elimination of the One of command lost action, Murch. Arnold V. Fire provision. and although his half "On all the fronts of attack we have 80. Georgetown, the most. came from cent of its Missing in action, Nelson, Aberdeen, Wash.; John Nes- vigorous protests its officers ami thirty per advanced on an average to a depth Wounded 47. Brick. officials of the United Mine Workers. held his and pre- liaison with an adjoining French unit. severely, goila. Standard Mt. Pleasant, Pa.; men, he position of four kilometers. We havo taken Died of 5. Senator Chamberlain said he would in which they were killed., wounds, Charles C. Pa.: Wal- vented a break the line." during more than 8,000 prisoners. 2. Norman, Tyrone, coal and Second Lieut. Charles W. Chapman, Died of accident and other causes, N. Inn i.. Storage, present the telegrams in the senate. Albei t 1 1. machine "The of taken ter Paradee, Pittsfield, Mass.; jsJ Sergeant Elson, A. S. S. R. C. "(Hi .May 6, in the re number prisoners Wounded, degree undetermined, 6. snk a kindiiof wood. Dr. C. It. Mann, of the department's as ma- and Thomas L. Reid, Sharpsburg, Pa.; gun battalion "While acting gion of while on patrol since the ISth, between tho oise Pled of 5. committee on education told the chii-mitt- Aulrepitrre, more disease, George J. Roesch, Oil City, Ta.; Al- chine gun leader, near llllsenfirst, duty, he courageously attacked a the Aisne, is than 10,000.'' Total, 178. there was not the slightest (i, in one Pi- - bert C. Rogers, Noonan, S. D.: Alfred France, July lie was wounded group of four monoplanes nnd KILLK1) IN ACTION.' Phone . . . .251 danger of the education of youths be- the face a but con- piano and succeeded in bringing one liutter, Norristown, Pa.; Lee R. Stan- by bursting shell Lieutenants Andrew ing stopped by lowering the draft age. tinued to direct his men until the at- down before he himself was shot down GERMAN John Doherty, ley, Chico, Cal.; Clark Stewart, Phila- in flames." Boston, Mass.; M. Gerald, 4s of Intensive education of young men ended." George Jr., delphia. Pa.: Norman M. Zahniser, mcnt adopted soldiers democracy tack C. ISY drafted is be explained, by Second Lietit. Leonard Hoskins, MORMINQ JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASEE, WIRC) Beloit, Wis.; Sergeants Gus. Arnold, would be used s planned, IF. infan- XT. Waynesburg, Pa, strike breakers. Corporal Clayton Moore, C. A. C. B. R. "Near Ln Chapclle, Berlin, Aug. 20 (via London.) The Highland Clarence B. Per- expansion of army schools, combining Hilsen-firs- Park, Ky.; "IE enacted, the amendment would try "During tne attack on t, France, June gave proof of great German official communication issued kins. K. DIET) OF DISEASE. scholastic and military education. when he North Star, Mich.; Rothsey lie used by every unfair profiteering France, July fi, while carrying devotion and bravery entered this with the new but- Roan Privates Dean F, Fry, Miamisbiirg, It is proposed to put the program shell-swe- area in fos evening, dealing Williams, Mountain, Tenn.; employer," he argued. "It is being a wounded soldier through machine a search O.; Albert L. White, Greenwood, N. i noperation next October. Any boy wounded and was killed while con tle between tho Oise and the Aisno, Corporals Charles Albrecht, St. Louis, used toddy hy the Bethlehem com- gun fir to shelter, he was wounded, first Y.; Charles E. with a grammar school education will ducting several of his men to safe says tho attack by the French Mo.; Louis A. Mangold, Milwaukee, Corporals Stillwell, pany. 1'nclerstand I want it made but by unusual pluck, he nevertheless down on po- Charles Kale-sk- y, be eligible for entrance with a chance ty." broke tho German battle Wis.; Charjes J. SkaleskI, Oneida, Lansing, Mich.; Georgo clour that wo do not protest his cotnrade to and, Litch-ville- , against to win a commission. brought safety sitions nfter bitter fighing. Wis.; Cook Martin A. Jacobson, Willow River, Minn.; Privates the men going back to fight, but realizing the scarcity of stretchers, in- The text of statement Tcnn.; Loo Personally, Dr. Mann opposed boys Ollie the says: N. D. Henry McGuirk, Memphis, against placing an employer in a po- sisted on others being carried to the Senator James, breaking-throug- h B. II. Wil- of 18 In active ytarfaro, but advocated "A new attempt Vrivates. Strait, Osceola, Pa.; James sition to brand his employes as slack- rear and walking himself." 111 on the of tho French; which had cox. Tidewater, Va. en?." their draft for training. Who Is Gravely part Otto A. Basel, Milwaukee, Wis.; Sergeant Robert II. Donague, mar- been expected for some days and Omar D. Biitlerville, 1ml.; Ches- KILLED IN ACTION, PHEVIorSLTT He Beck, rould I'sed T'ufuirly. ines "Northwest of Chateau Thierry, which was preceded on August IS and ter L. Bennett, Haddenficld, N. J.; REPORTED SEViatELY WOUNDED ., Mr. Morrison said very few cases RIOTS'SUBSIDE IN in the Pois de Belleau. June. 19 by commenced to France, strong attacks, Frank J. Castagne, Red Lodge, Mont.; Privates Carl K. Berggren, Chicago, Would occur where the men would re- S, he led his violent between the Oise and the Aisne. JAPAN platoon against day JulianfCisek. Minneapolis, Minn.; Nick Til.; Charles Bocca, Gary. Ind.; Bror fuse to work by SOUTHERN fire to a machine gun posi- Tho first assault broke down pending adjustment destroy enemy Cuza, Chicago, 111.; William Egle, Mail-n- o war board. men Ger- on Olnf Hjelin, Cambridge, Minn.; the labor If the tion, killed or wounded eight our battle positions after a bitter Dent, A. taV MORNIMO, JOURNAL. SPECIAL WIRR Palisade, Neb.; Henry Fresonke, Panza, New York; Bugler Earl should refuse to work- ho said, tho LEASED mans himself and did not crease firing struggle." Tokio, 17 the Minn.; Guy S. George, Shuwnnoy Wis.; Webster, Manchester, N, H. existing draft regulations could bo Aug. (Saturday, by until overcome from loss of blood." Tho official communication Issued J. - Joe Goree, Shawano, Wis.; Charles KILLED I'KEVIOl'SLY Associated Press.) The disturbances I same says- IN ACTION. lnvpked. over Corporal Valley, infantry 1 by general headquarters today Gross, Jr., Glenn, Ga.; Kut-bc- C. Hall, MISSING IN ACTION. . of Vir the high price of rice are report- on 22 "Southwest of Bailleul the REPORTED Representative Harrison "When, July a hand grenade vVW If artillery Randolph, Tex.; Vernon Johnson, culled attention to ed to be subsiding .except in north a of sol- increased to Trivato Henry C. Barron, Somerset, glnia, Secretary was dropped among group activity frequently great Gillespie, III.; Barnet Jones, New Baker's statement that tho Japan, where they are apparently in a and he cvenins tho enemy Pa. denying Mobs several diers trencjh when might strength? Monday York; Kdward Kregel. Wausau, Wis.; senate amendment Is a labor con- spreading. have burned have saved himself he at- renewed his attacks on the battle houses at Sondai. The rice by flight, Gordon M. Liudgien, Cooperstown, N. but Mr. Morrison in- exchanges to cover it with his foot anil field of South of Meteren scription plan, announce that houses were tempted Sunday. V.; William C. Logan, Leipers Fork, LINCOLN FRAGMENT sisted that It would be used as such thirty 't. bis comrades. In the wero unable to 111.'; burned In tho on thereby protc they develop owing Tcnn.; John .Matenszyk, Chicago, fry Tetimiye prefecture wan to our of FOUND IN ENGLAND unfair employers. Representative performance, of this brave act, ho concentrated fire, north Andrew N. D. ; Arne Thursday. Vieux-Boriiui- Olson, Hastings, Harrison if reasons ex- n wero in declared for severely wounded." they repulsed 1'edcrson, Shilling, Minn.; Kichurd G. workmen cease exist hand to rri-s- i emption of to Second Lieutenant V. Bongardt, hand fighting. Uedemske, Chicago, 111.; Alexander (AHtoriiilrd CorrrHixmdnnr.) should to puoi iti;i;ki.(; relieved sides of tho a few 19. In the course of they return their original CAl'SK OF EN REST field artillery "During the fighting "On both Lys Villeneauve, Marinette, Wis.; Earnest London, Aug. and in the we with- in tho court draft status, argument that at Vaux, July 1, while serving as a days ago without fighting, H. Wilcox, Unionville, la. a heaiini; prize recently followed so many members of the 'Washington, Aug. 2". Profiteering telephone officer, he crossed an open drew our posts which had been nii'.D rno.M Sir Samuel Evans drew the attention as west ot vorns. to dic- committee joined that (Chairman Dent on a great scale fs the cause of the field In full view of the enemy nnd thrown forward as far Laurence C. Sioux of the attorney general a legal Mer-v- Lieutenant Shull, to Mr. Morrison to line cast thereof. i Salt-vill- tum Piped them permit unrest and rioting in Japan, according under constant bombardment three Msrvillo a Privates Jack J. Catron. e, of President Lincoln, to conclude. lie was City, la.; a law book t3 an explanation in official quarters times to repair telephone lines vital- occupied last night by enemy Va.; C. Trim, Randolph, Sir Samuel, examining 'JU's camou- detachments. fames rame across a note and conscription poorly here. Not only wholesalers and mid- ly necessary to keep six batteries in Ala.; Ixuiis C Frederickson,, Harlem, manuscript Lunn of New ' "Near Lens and on the Brit- said: "I see I have here a note from flaged," Representative dlemen, dealing in food products and operation." Scarpo la.; John Trice, Milwaukee, Wis. Tork, interjected, in a lively exchange especially rice, but even the Japanese Private J. S. Kcndry, field artillery. ish thrusts were repulsed. North o'. IlIKn OF DISEAK. President Lincoln's last speech. Presi- between other members and Mr. Mor- farmers who grow the have been "Me performed his duty of telephone our shock troops attacked the dent Lincoln was not only American " grain Private Arvin R. Jackson, Lyons, rison. , . back stores de- line repairman with bravery and Baltimore, Aug. 20. Tho condi- lino of British 1 he was also a He holding their and great front posts, capture Ky.; Nurse Ireno Mercedes Flynn, president, lawyer. Aim of Hill. manding inflated promptness in suite of intense bom- tion of I'nited States Senator Ollie the defenders and warded off several Stated: Vpholds greatly prices. without M. of who Is 111 at Plantsville, Conn.; Privates Edwin A. a Now that the government bardment going fearlessly and James, Kentucky, enemy counter-nttack- Southwest " 'It is, I believe, a principle of law Representative Nicholla of South Japanese to be communi- of 3 Cribb, Rhems, S. John J. Henry, waiting ordered when Johns Hopkins hospital Bright' we back an C; to a contract vio- Carolina, declared that most men are has seized these stores of rice prepar- cation was broken." was of Chaulncs beat enemy Fred that when one party to to disease, grave today. in Detroit, Mich.; Repphun, to draftd to fight and that the exempted atory distributing them the peo- Corporal Fugene V. Wear, marines attack, launched the evening after la. lates it so grossly as destroy tho at reasonable it is believed (I, in Chateau- a short outburst of firing. Northwest ' for which it is made, the other workmen would be forced to fight ple prices, "On June the vicinity of CZECH0-SL0VAK- S ARE P1F.I) ITvOM ACCIDENT A Nil object tho discontent be -Thierry, went out at- it." only when they would not work. here, popular will with a private, of Roye the French renewed their OTIII II C.U'SF.S. party may rescind an shell re- in 1S56 Representative Greene of Vermont, allayed. into open field under heavy FACING GREAT ODDS tack With tanks. They were Anderson. Wash- "The speech was made and There has also been some and machine gun fire and succeeded Wagoner Frederick observed that men drafted to fight difficulty pulsed. D. Private Clark M. Har- is called the lost speech." in tho matter of in bandaging and carrying back to our and the Oise ington, C; cannot while workmen exempt- transportation, Japan lav MDRNINd JOURNAL VPICIAL LMIEO WtNEI "Between Beuvraignes strike, with in lines a wounded comrade." ris, Winona, Minn. ed, to reserve tho to sharing the allies the need for am- 1G thero was bitter fighting throughout propose right ocean Private Louis II. TIarkenrlder, Vladivostok, Friday, Aug. (by OFFICIAL COimECnONS. FUGITIVE, KILLED sufficient bottom. Consequent- Diod-rich- the on a broad front, the strike for higher wages. Secretary bulance company "On- June C, In the tho Associated Press). General s, (lay. Here, Reference to name of Private Theo-f- il ly the procurement of rice from the Shateau-Thierr- a in Morrison replied that profiteers often vicinity of with the commander of the Czecho- French advanced repeatedly strong Knofski should be classified under BY POLICE, BURIED usual sources in British Tnilia and went out shell with divisions whicii V. do not pay, enough to their workmen corporal, under heavy slovak forces, in pointing out today attacks, partly dle'd and in-- , Sum has been obstructed. and machine fire and succeeded South of accident other causes, and Greene gun the odds his are had been freshly brought up. SPECIAL LEASED Representative retorted in and hack to great troops facing, stead of died of disease. IBV MORNINS. JOURNAL WIRS) bandaging carryink -- of their attacks collapsod that deserters from the army are shot. a fcstlmated the enemy strength at 40, . Crapeausnil Ruffo should be Mex., Aug. 20. Without Our lines wounded comrade." lines. On both sides of Private Joseph Juarez, '.. After the hearings committeemen Second Lieut. H. 000 men, with seventy guns and 200 before our classified killed In In- relatives or friends present, Edward James Legendre, broke down under under .action thaf the bill would be re- M. C. R. "lie displayed exceptional machine guns. The status of the Fresnieres Ihey In action. Petersen was buried In tho old muntcJ predicted counter-attac- stead of missing AIRPLANE n Czeehn-Wlovak- Trans-Balkal- ported shortly, substantially as sub- ACCIDENTS bravery in .organizing and leading s in ia is our cemetery .here late yesterday. He a "In hand to hand ipal mitted by the war department and party of volunteers through heavy unknown, he said, but it certainly violent fighting SECTION IT. LIST OF Al'O. 20. was shot and killed by United States machine fire of was between Las-sign- y without'" a "work or ..iend-jrient.- " gun for, the purpose must be To attuln the ob- the enemy repulsed when he at- fight AT TRAINING . desperate. The casualties are report- Immigration inspectors ' GAMPS securing two wounded men on the and Thiescourt and parts of our following Lucy-Tore- ject sought by the entente allied gov of the to escape from them ''and y roads, June 6," which had ed by the commanding general tempted i Is M. C. ornments a substantial force must be front lines, into he pene- cross Rio Grande ..j, Opposition Emphatic Lieut. Lemuel C. Sheppard, In American expeditionary forces: the Saturday night. Lucy-Tore- y Manchul-ia- trated, were cleared again. the Scores of, protests, against work or nellevllle, Aug. 20. Allan B. "On Juno 3, near the sent to the front. Killed in action, (18. Petersen was believed to have been a samo way we held our adjacent lines fight amendment are reaching mem. Johnson of Port Allegheny. Pa., was roads ho declined medical treatment Dr. Paromir Spacek. a member of Died of disease, 7. nativo of. Sweden. v continued C'zeeho-Slova- to the Oise stubborn attacks Vera senate committee. Svna-to- r. killed at Scott Field near here when after being wounded and the k national council, against 55. The floated to the Mexico bank of the, to until Wounded severely, body tele-gra- courageously lead bis men." to of the enemy, kept up evening. " 4. Chamberlain has received an airplane in which he was flying aero has left for Washington acquaint Wounded, degree undetermined, of the river and was taken in charge Second Lieut. John MaoArthur, T'rof. T. U. the ot The enemy was thrown back into his Mexican who conducted "from practically every state 3,000 feet from the ground caught squadron. "Outnumbered and handi Masnryk, president Prisoners, 1. by officials, the with situation of the positions of departure. Between tho an case and or- federation of labor as well as officials fire and fell. capped by his presence far behind the council, the Total, 13.",. Investigation of tho C'siecho-Slovak- Oise and the Aisne the duch lines, be and three flying artillery IN ACTION. dered the burled. A German increased in the afternoon to KILLED body photograph companions fought, brillhintly a large In the absence of artillery the Brit- again Lieutenant David E. Wheeler, Paris, of the body was made. group of enemy planes, bringing down ish have equipped two gondolas with great. Blrength. Albert A. Moun- Tho that Petersen might attack- "Towards tho con- France; Sergeants hcory or putting to flight all in tho guns from a cruiser and sent them to evening enemy W. Va.; Walter B. have been a German agent Is not ac- ing party, while an impor- tinued his attacks between tain, MoMochen; performing tho 1'ssuri front. infantry Cameron, W. Va.; Fred Stefl, cepted by American federal officers. lllO ! tant mission near Lunevlllc, France, Nouvron. On both Riggle. Carlepont and George on June 13, 11118." of the attack he was Mt. Pleasant, Pa.; Corporals Lieut. Ward Rucker, MISS BENJAMIN IS wings repulsed N. Y.; Elmer First William In hand to hand fighting. In the J. Lester, Tlconderoga, KING AND POINCAIRE aero squadro.n "Outnumbered and' D. Blalrsvillc, Pa.; Elmer be- - BRIDE OF CARUSO center of our front our fire Lockhart, handicapped by his presence far artillery D. Philadelphia, Pa.; Wil- EXCHANGE hind the German and three held down the enemy's be- Stevcnosn, GREETING lines, he infantry liam E. Taylor, Philadelphia, Pa.; flying brilliantly fore our positions. G companions fought New York, Aug. 20. Enrico Caru- John J. Welsh, Philadelphia, Pa.; a group of enemy pianos, bring- "Between the Meuse and the Mo- 20 Agency). large so, the ob- Pa.; Paris, Aug. (Havas ing down or putting to flight all in grand opera singer, today selle our detachments Georgo K. Bishoff, Pittsburgh, and King George tained a lieenso to wed Miss reconnoltcring S. Phila- President Poinealre the attacking party, while performing Dorothy several times into the Lieutenants Richard Bullitt, of on the occasion of tho an important mission near Luneville, Park Benjamin, daughter of a New penetrated Pa.; Wilbur F. Small, Man-hel- England trenches." delphia, fifty-eight- anniversary of Fiance, on June 13." York patent' and a few hours enemy's Lancaster Co.. ' Sergeant birthday M. G attorney, Pa; the French today exchanged Fierst Sergeant Daniel Daly, later was married in the Marble Col- P. Ljngle, Dubois, Pa.; Cor- president, Builds Health company, marines Daly Raymond cordial "Sergeant legiate church in Fifth avenue. Mrs. Thomas P. Grinnan, Philadel- telegrams. repeatedly performed deeds of hero ENGLISH porals reaffirmed the close agree- John S. Keith of this was matron William B. Joan-pett- e, They ism and great service on Juno , iia. city, phia, Pa.; Madden, ment between the entente al- Wlnd-rldg- e, existing luW of honor and the best man was Bruno V Charles E, At the risk of life he extinguished MORNING JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIRE) Pa.; Muryhy, lied rejoiced at the recent Fuel at the Mr. Connels-vill- e. .armies, Saves a fire in an ammunition dump Glrata, tenor's secretary. and Pa.; Howaid Sccrist, London. Aug. 20. Bast of Arras, mm i- e, 7. while Mrs. successes ot irnN.aiuea irooi's pi On June Caruso will remain In this city. along the Scarpe river, the British in Pa.; Clifford F. Shaffer, New for the entente his position was under violent bom hnve advanced ndicted final victory i Conserves Wheat crews sharp fighting their Salem, Ta.; Herbert Stuck, Ohiopyle, ' ho visited all the cause. bardment gun Alaska Rates Increase. line slightly to tha east of the village Pa.; L. Whitehall, Washing- ef his company, then posted over a of while Ionard ';""''..'' his .Washington, Aug. 20. The Pacific Pampoux. farther north, ton, Pa.; Mechanic Ben A. .Manning. I wide portion of tho front to cheer astride the Lys river, the British have Saves men. On June 10 ho attacked an en and Arctic Railway and Navigation Waynesburg, reached , and north of Pa., to Suar un company was the L'Kpinettc, Attending Chickens and emy machine gun emplacement authorized today by Merville have captured the villages of S Prlvntos. Work assisted and captured it by use of hand interstate commerce commission to Vlcrhoek and La Couronne, according Harry D. Chllcat, AlV'ona. Pa.: Garden Lessens crenades and his automatic pistol." Increase its class rates on by to Field communica- Rid freight Marshal Clark, Okla.; Hallle J 1'V "Ho Haigs Coyle, are to Private Fleminir. infantry J5 to f8 a ton on shipments from tion from headquarters tonight. Closser, Paul Coul- "My neighbors surprised fiplidbiis-Eronofnir- fil to up and . Waynesburg, Pa.; me so well, for bravely attempted pick Seattle, Taeoma, Vancouver and San The text follows: A. see looking they throw'awuy near Oderen, Alsace, on to- - ter, GIrty, Pa.; Harry Empfield, I would not live to see sum- Francisco to on "Local fighting has taken pfaec , thought IS, a live that had Dawson and points on Blalrsyille, Pa.; Frank P, Hawk, I had such pain around my July grenade - V Iflay both banks of the Scarpe river. mer, the Yukon river, ; F. me to faint. I " fallen among five soldiers but because souin ot me river nostue attacKs wpon Pa.; James Hutchinson, heart as to cause A on . of Irregularities of tho trench he similar increase was granted certain posts which our troops have Philadelphia, Ta.; .Fred C. Kaiser, knew it came from bloating and could not reach it before It burst. He class rates In from Skag-W'a- y succeeded in east of the pressure ot gas in my stomach. A shipments establishing Pittsburgh- Pa.; James F, Kealey, me thrust his foot on it, thereby saving to interior Alaskan points. enemy's former front Jt'nes, were re- Edward O. Mc- friend In St. Louis told to use his companions from death or injury, of out lines Philadelphia, Pa.; Wonderful Remedy and I pulsed. North the Scarpe Laughlin, Grays Lapding, Pa.; James Mayr's but causing wounds that necessitated tubili.c Petroleum Prices. have been pushed forward a short now feel better than In all my life, .fTTi i amnutation of theToot." distance of C. Maxwell, Forest City, Til.; Francis I am my own work, j 19. Plans for east Fampouit after sharp doing attending The commander-in-chie- f has award- Washington, Aug. fighting in which we secured a few B. Moore, Dunn Station, Pa."; Harry to my chickens and my garden and ed the distinguished Service cross pos- the stabilization of petroleum prices ' - C. Moorhead, Pa.: 'James have- cleaned house." It is a sim- members prisoners, Indiana, Jk thumously to the following: recommended by the national petro- "In tho course of the day further O'Brien, 'Greensburs, Pa.; William L. ple, harmless preparation that re- tUbV of the American expedi lonary forces leum war service in New ground has "been gained us astride Murtom moves the catarrhal mucus from tha ?2&z3m MJ ar-te- r .committee by Rhodes, Mattawana, Pa.: for the acts of gallantry set lortn York last the the Lys. Our troops have gained L'Ep-inett- e M. Intestinal traet, and allays . the in their names: week, wece'accepted by RodJiln, Lowell, Mass.; Harry which causes fuel administration which announced and the areas east of Merville. John Scott. flammation practically Sergeant Arthur F. Ware, marines, North of Merville we havo taken Vier-iipe- k Schaffer, Etna, Pa.; J. all stomach, liver atid intestinal ma- Its belief that will pre- - Ty- and Sergeant Raymond P. Cronin, the agreement and La Couronne. A raid at- OlenshaW..- Pa.: Warren Stiver, including appendicitis. One . Chateau-Thierr- y, vent 'wYiltes rines "In the vicinity of any radical change In consumers' tempted by the enemy early this rone, Pa. Copie. Vanhesson, dose will convince or money refund- ma- Pea-bod- y, e on June 6, under heavy prices of gasoline and other oil prod- - morning northeast of Locre was re- horo, N. Y.; Thomas F. Walsh, ed. For-sal- by Butt Bros., Briggs' chine gun fire, attempted to. establish uc pulsed." Mass.; Robert P, Wilson, Oliver, Pharmacy and druggists everywhere Albuquerque Morning Journal, Wednesday, August 21,1918. THREE WlilJSEES FRENCH NEAR OISE AID ILL REACH t

FOCI STRATEGY IN OCCUPY HEIGHTS CZECH0-SL01- S t MINING ENGINEERING i i v i mia u FRENCH ASSAULT GRTH OF AISIE TO METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING 001 EH GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING JWHE truly great in let ters, art, or music CIVIL ENGINEERING are never v provincial. Maneuver They have a message for Which- Was Begun Germans Compelled to Retreat of Eastern Military instruction fall of 1918. tne world, and the world listens. The Bald win Piano 7 I Supposedly as Local Thrust and Expose Noyon Region; Front Be Recognized, by the United States Government. May Accomplished A of technical of speaks in a tone that appeals an ma; i ""tetv Now faculty graduates recognized prac- ii Believed to Have Great Rely on Machine Guns to Sooner Than Ger- to all humanity. It is the Expected; tical ability. Importance to Allies. Off Good American instrument that h.i3 Stand Onslaught, many Realized Danger.' laboratory equipment, including new flotation heroine a world favorite. The and mill units. under-grad-uat- admiration for abroad MOKNINd .IOUKNAL An enormous demand it as at tY BV for graduates and .ptr,.L LLtm Willi MOftNINa JOURNAL CfEClAL LlARKO Wllttl 1ST MORNINO JOURNAL L'O. SPen. LEASED WIRE) home attests its leadership. WnshiiiKton, Aiur. lntpi'iirnlpd With French in of Mining Schools. the Army France, Washington. Aug. L'O. Information at firm us a. local intended busi- operation Aug. 20. The operation begun this leaching Washington indicated The New Mexico School of Mines offers a sound Ath for Tht Book of tht Baldwin, primarily to enable the allies to re- today i morning by Ceneral Mungin's troops that assistance being sent the Czecho ness opportunity to New Mexico boys. tain complete possession of the initia- between the Aisne and the (Use, slovaks in the Baikal of Siberia tive on the IMoardy front, the region Low rapidly southeast of Noyon ami northwest of will reach them in time to thwart the coat, good dormitory. Write for catalogue. BALDWIN PIANO developed .success of the French east looks this Soissons, evening to be n efforts of the German-Austria- n oris-cner- a of the t)ise tonight was ncrepted hv success. COMPANY dofi'-nit- splendid General Mnngln and the Hnlsh'eviki. A. X. ninny military officials here as n o ILLINSKI, President has taken from the Cermans It was learned that the al- and fully i.repared effort haying at Cuts today SOCORUO, NEW MEXICO. u. and Mont de Chois the last lies are sending arms and inn mil nt. n,,nu,c pari in uie larger strategle heights tion to plans of Oeneral Foth. remaining? soum nt the dlse in that the Czechs and that heavy ar- 1'litn Wide in region. tillery is included. Stpe. At Mont de Tho program to advtees toniKht describing Cholsy tho French the are within one-ha- lf eastern front with the aid of the advance of tho French Tenth army troops two ami bun. for two and one-ha- lf miles of the Uise at i'ontoise. dreds of thousands of loyal Russians miles on a front the is oi more tnan tuteen miles were taken direct road to which Is now under progressing far more rapidly than FROM Trans-Siberia- FLIPS THE F1LLUMS lire of was The n as conclusive evidence that the major the French batteries. expected. plan of the allied fienevnlissinio ts far Carlepont to the southwest is also railway will play an Important part. more comprehensive than has been in the hands of the French tonight, uormniiy Js Worried. and from this com- That the im- California SUpOHCd place their Kllns Germany appreciates Hotels it is believed to include a series of mand another road1 tn ihn oiso at portance of the moves is shown in a actions which will occupy every mo- Sempigny, directly snnlh of Noyon. dispatch printed in the Essen news- ment until the arrival of winter rains General Mangln, with his right sol- paper and reported from Amsterdam Health and Summer Resorts, 1918 makes the plateaus of I'icardy and the idly on the heights north of the today to the effect that soviet troops plains of Flanders Impassible. Aisne around Fontenoy, Is sweeping had blown up "the llaikal tunnel." To C ontrol Supply Uiios. tho Germans (iff the higb ground It was pointed officials famil- Most observers agreed that the im- south of the Oise, obliging Them to iar with tills railroad that there are Read the Announcement of California's Famous Hotels S3 1 mediate objec ivo of Cieneral Man-Kin- 's retreat across the river or no less than llaikal tunnels, nil of retire UKALTir, REACH AND MOUNTAIN RESORTS ANTV forces to "pick-ins- " eastward. In either them hewn out of solid so SOLVE appeared lie the event the success rock, that "THAT OUTING i'ROHLK.M." of of movement re- to blow one LITKRATL'RK AND FULL the lioye pocket .with the the will expose the any attempts up of them , RV WRITING DUU-X'T- OR AT control of the important sup- gion about Noyon to artillery attacks would simply delay transi rtation for ply lines between that city and Xoyon. from the south, the southeast, and a short time until the debris could lie Free Information Office For the larger objective toward which' the southwest. cleared uway. Bureau at of The Morning Journal efforts of he allies are being bent, The Germans are fighting hard Members of the American engin- u t was seen the capture or Noyon and a against this danger, relying prin- eers' commission are in the vicinity of resultant breakdown or the tlerman cipally upon machine guns as in tho Lake aikal and have been repairing defensive line over a front, of scores! Thlescourt bridges that were or dam- 4 region, thus Indicating destroyed FREE AUTO BUS FROM DEPOf of miles:. that some of their artillery already aged, and doubtless they will lie able Activities of the isritish army east is across or is on tho way across to repair any temporary damage that TO POPULAR jiff of Arras, mound the Meiville sector, the river Olse. The count of pris- might be done to the tunnel. are to 1 thought, ,e linked up with the oners and an inventory of the booty Hostile to (ieriiiaiiy. 10. 04 larger plan. Not a few strategists taken still is inciinrplote. Our euros officials here are Interested in the ioresee in the near future a more im in mis operation nan counted tlttee report from Merlin today that Lettish iMiriiiiii uirusi ny lorces, com iiunureu prisoners up (o noon, and troops battled with rioters In Pelro-grai'- l. pleting the cycle of offensive from nau immense quantities of capturec Jt was pointed out that at tho Kheinis to the sea. war materials or all sorts. time of the Russian debacle the Let- tish small, but well F j4s id I r army, trained, was the only body of troops to re- VARDAI tain ts standing in nsslii. LOSES OFFICER KILLED It is known that Lettish troops formed tho guards for Lenino and II ii. mi rmrATTfrrf Trotsky when they were in Moscow LOS ANGELES and it is assumed that they have be HEAVILY EARLY BY HAND GRENADE come mercenary troops in the hire of FIFTH SIN"MAIN . the Molshevik leaders, nl no other way can their presence in Moscow and RATES $lWo$3$? ABSOLUTELY C A be accounted for, as rp Petrograd they PER DAY m EANCI& X, BUSHMAIT, BEVERLY hnve been bitterly hostile to Germany .iiuNfavwr MYUS. REPORTS SHOW under whoso rule they have suffered. These two stars are at the in "A ATDEKCAMP The suggestion is made that they were Lyric theater today l'air of Cupids.' sur- They were married several weeks ago. compelled to sell their services as, rounded hy enemies, they were unable to obtain a living in any other y- - at tiik he presented for the last time at tin "Jl" ti!i;.ti:rs To,y. ISV MORNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIRE! O...SAN Theater Repeating "The Fall "P." theater today, tells a vital Explosive Thrown Enlisted FRANCISCO of a Nation," Thomas Dixon's remark- of international storjThi. Jackson, Miss., Aug. 20. Returns by significance. from for a Coo!, Interesting and Inexpensive Vacation able message to the American people imperial army of the Ccrman kaiset tho central and southern por- Man During Practice a W. W. WORKER regarding the world war, in seven attempts to seizo North America. A tions of the state showed Representa wonderful reels. secret army of the foreit'n-lior- n is tive It. P. Harrison running far ahead Cody Causes Death of Lieut Oystii! Opera House Dark. raised in New York. As tho ..HOTEL - greates. of Senator James A. Vardaman in the!' STEWART two : ' I.yri- Theater The popular city of the North American states hav Olaf Darin, of Minnesota. for nood accommodationn from a Breakfast N. Bev- democra ic primary. K. F. Noel, a tl.50 day up. 3Sc and 80c (Sun- stars, Francis liushman and few armed defenders, It is an easv days .'Rr) Lunch 60c, Dlniwr 1 (Sundays 81.25). ir former governor, was third. Tho STEWART on erly Bayne, the lending characters task to capture it overnight. Ocary Street, Just off Union SQUara la close to everything "A T'air of reel Vardaman worth while. Municipal our line tho door. Cupids"; of' "Foro. Meanwhile ir0,000 trained lost his home city, Jack- 1ST MORNINO passes Stewart Motor Bus meets troops JOURNAL SPECIAL LtASEO WIRE1 traiua Weekly Trip to New York City." fresh from the 121 principal and steamers. European wars, art son, and was bea en in his ward Doming. N. M.. Aue- sn An 1'n.stiire Theater Repeating HessU rapidly transported across the Atlan. to 2S. in Barriscalo as star in "Within Warren county, which Vicks. ploding hand grenade killed Lieut, the thr tic with all their equipment of is laf If. also the "A greal burg situated, gave Harrison, 1,238; Lann nt Camp Cody today. Cup"; showing comedy, guns, poison gases, liquid Tire tine, was Hoodoo." -- Vardaman 104. kiciiuuc thrown by an en Jlindu bombs, such as tho kaiser listen man used to crush Politicians expressed tho belief that from a transverse trencli democracy beneath hi'; ouiing practice. A AT THK "11." feet. Kffecting a landing, they easily Presiden Wilsons letter, slating that officer in Lieutenant Dunn's, com- - mur-s- "Tho Fall of a which wli: vanquish the small North American ho "could but regard Vardaman's He Is meohsslcal skill. Nation,," ,i a Tells Police that BIG PAY whlrh PERFECT YOURSELF NOW itt Jean the foreign-hor- n Cerman election as a condemnation of ad eoiiiing, snouted warn Spokane d,Mi t army, my ing ami dropped to the es conquerors of New York, and inarch ministration by the people of .Missis ground, caping with only a severe shell shock. Touring Country in Interest r nernnmcai rna srnon. tuna- - to Washington where they depose the sippi," had a strong bearing on the lUtiflQ ISO. Over u tint). Writ today.1 CATALOG nann was killed in- nun Much to you. NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE school4 TLSL1' and in bis a-- i vote. lS president put place, His I of and Men Found Charles Waldron. Roth the other candidates cm stantly. brother. Lieut. innrira Mooney emperor. put H. was th-- Thomas on and Dunn, the first to reach Dixon, being a student of Jinasis loyalty patriotism. Sen i ne at and a or Vardamnn denied was "ouy. (icuii officer was from Guilty Chicago, 1 history knowing the ambitions of there any rtiisiin, Minn. the imperial kaiser, predicted the fu- question of his loyalty. Vardaman His SPAIN HOLDS 6 Cits ture with insisted vote parents left here' for home to FIRM, remarkable accuracy. Inas- headquarters tonight the day after much as our now from the. northern section of the state visiting their two sons. (sy mohnino jousnal special lcasec wise) immmmsasmmmm- government has Auir. 20. Kollowlnft ASSERTS MINISTER t Joined the allies, we will be aide to as- - at least would make a second primary Kpokane, oash., sist them in necessary. UKRAINE PROLONGS his statement to federal and city eriishintr the kaiser, and lour-iii- for Hie will this a ternoon that ho wis IBY MORNINO) JOURNAL SPECIAL .SASSO WIRSI democracy forever reign in our norUiwost to sound Indus- country. NITRATE PLANT WORK- - BOLSHEVIK TRUCE the Madrid, Au(j, 20. ("Jen. Jose trial Workers of the World leaders the minister of war. todiv de of the as to the advisability of calling a gen- clared that the Benefit T Till: IMSTIMK. STOPPED IN ALABAMA ISV MORNINO JOURNAL international situation SPECIAL LEASED WIRE1 eral strike of copper and lumber work gave no occasion for alarm on the Bessie Barriscale, the popular wasningion, Aug. 20. Reports of ers to compel the release of William of RejJ Cross screen Btar who has been mo uussinn part Spaniards. The note recent'v hailed by (BY MORNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL LCASEO WINE1 I'kralne pease negotia- I. Haywood and others convicted Sat sent by the '.fi'iMti ' ' itrities as the actress in the tions have been Spanish government to JiJmHSM MB It greatest Washington, Aug. 12. Work on the received at the state urday at' Chicago, and of Thomas J. Berlin the sinkine of Soan- - ,,y silent drama, will in her sec- department from Merlin regarding appear prreat power nitrate on through the Mooney. under sentence of death in Ish lii f ii ond Paralta at the thea- project the ships by (iermun submarines, hg I'ris. r.i jc play Pastime Tennessee river at Muscle Shoals, nweoisn press snowing that the Bol- California, W. E. Hall, a loiwr, was said, was written ina firmer tone t Margaret Matlie, Soprano ter for the last time. Tho pic- Ala., shevik! and tho than today, has been ordered temporarily sos-- Ukrainians have placed under arrest this evening on a were previous notes but it could not 4 and ture. "Within the Cup," was written war agreed to prolong' their truce, to federal chargo 61 using seditious lan a Monte M. cpmted by the departmnt on rep bring change in Spain's attltudo of Irene I'artch, Violinist by Katterjohn and dea's resentaliona from the war industries railway jiost, and troop com. guage and advising the curtailment of neutrality. with of a- - serious-minde- d struggles board that labor and materials used in'inleations to exchange goods to the products essentiul to the war. at the girl who mingles with the froo-soule- there are needed to meet immediate amount: of 17,000,000 rubles, and to Questioned by Ugonts of the depart frivolous life of the artist of restore (the ment of the war CAREY AND ROSS. LEAD quarters war demands. . consulates. justice, department BROADWAY both Taris and New York. The set- The Hull t SEVENTH The board Is understood to tariff question has not been and the city police department, The center of business the- of the are elaborate have and there" is he where IN WYOMING PRIMARY shopping, and School tings production held that since several years would settled a di'.'erence of said left Chicago recently, atrical district: Convenient to all cat lines. High and the Interesting. As "Thisbe he of 300outside rooms with story fco required to complete the opinion regarding the distribution of had attended the trial Hay private bath. Eu Lorraine" Miss Barriscalo project the Ukraine wood, of the 1, W. tSV MORNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL LSASEO ropeanplan. Ksles $1.50 and Dining undergoes work on It should wait until it state's wealth. general secretary WIRS, room up. Auditorium a cbmpl"te transformation of char- woujd W., and other members of tho or service refined and excellent. Free not use labor and material demanded Cheyenne, Wyo., Aug. 20. The ataefroin DopniR, Folder acter, which affords ample opportun- BEAT""" ganization, on charges of resisting he in upon reauest. by industries contributing to tho suc AMERICANS OFF early returns today's primary elec- YVJUIAM R. FLOOD, Manager. ity for her to display the versatility war program of the government and tion indicate that Robert I). J. 0. LANKERSH1M, Owner. and that have made her fa- cessful prosecution of the war.. he had visited Butte and other in was Carey talent that nominated for on H-l--- a.' Tuesday, August 27 GERMAN NIGHT RAID governor tho L ii1 A M JL-- 1 mous. dustrial centers of the northwest. He republican ticket by a bis i l i - is MEXICO one of majority The management repeating ftlso INCREASES said he was tho principal or over M. H. Cnmpliii and L. R. A. at 8: p. m. today the comedy, "A Hindu Hoodoo." tir MORNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIRE ganizers of the lumber strike of 1917 Condit. On TAX ON With the the democratic ticket EXPORT OIL American Armv In France. which failed, after the arrest of lead William R. Ross, his Aug. 20 the Associated ers here soldiers. In Hall's supported by nomination early tonight over At the I'iaiio Mr. K. (by Press). by los advocates, is leading Frank James VV. Stanley NORWEGIAN SKIPPERS A raid from Ger- session when he was L. Fisher and W. W. Sproul. MT NURNINS JOURNAL SPECIAL 1 EASED WINS! by thirty to forty searched at the lloux, for Seder, Mr. Harold I'm toll mans in incumbent, governor. Senator Francis E, Warren and an Mexico 20. An the Woevre was beaten off police station, was found the check The vote for Ross In UNABLE TO SAVE SHIP City, Aug. increase the Americans for aeized northern Wyo- Frank W., Mondeli had no to fifteen pesos a ton In the tax by Sunday niirht. de a trunk by tho police earlier ming was strong tho fact on export the assistance the re- - in the which was filled' with I despite that opposition the republican ticket. on oil was announced today by the spite raiders day Home lives in Cody. The vote was ISV MORNING JOURNAL SPECIAL LCASEO reived from their trench mortars and W. W. literature. early today light but Wirl government. Tho tax on fuel oil will There was a lively contest on tho increased in tho re- TICKETS 50c L'O, shells. afternoon. The Tioston, Mass.. Aug. Captain be increased from 13 to 20 gas democratic ticket for the nomination vote over " of the pesos. An American discovered the publican cast the state wan On Sale nt .Malson's. T Thorhjornsen Norwegian Crude oil companies are required, patrol STRIKERS OPPOSED for United States senator. Tho sup- approximately three times as aa steamer San Jose, sunk l,y a German under the to raiding party moving forward In the of John large order, submit manifest's and porters E. Osborn claimed the democratic vote. submarine off the north Atlantic coast of their shipments every two months moonlight attacked the eneniv TO'CZECHO-SLOVAK- S Saturday, told today how he had pro- upon which the tax will be collected. with rifles and grenades. A sharp tested the destruction of his fight followed and the raiders were against The the IDT government, announcement driven back to own MORNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIRSI ship on the ground that it was under says, takes this action because oil their lines. '? charter to the Vladivostok, Sunday, Aug. IS. The f i ar fcl t a. t THAT Norwegian covernment. prices have doubled, but has only in- ANNOYING, The commander asked that creased TREASURY HOLDS threatened strike has resolved itself the taxes 60 per cent. Ths UP into a strike dock PERSISTENT COUGH the charter be produced. There was oil in- partial by printers, companies have declared their workers and casual laborers who de- may lend to chronic lunir trouble, oi' no copy aboard although the captain tention of the increased rate FARM BOND ISSUES mean that tho chronic htmid already exhibited a letter that the paying mand the release of the imprisoned Is reached. In either qas showing under protest. soviet held try San .Tone had been chartered by the 'Delegate as hostages by ECKMAN'S ALTERATIVE government of, SY MORNINO JOURNAL .rECIAL LSASSD WIRSI the Czecho-Slova- and the expulsion Norway. Auz. 20 of General This tonic ana ttnnue-repfllr- sup- After readinij the Washington. The treasury Horvath, the Cal- letter Captain rerusen plies the acknowledged benefits of Thorhjornsen said, con- today to allow the federal leader. cium treatment without lnturblne farm lonn to th ferred with another officer of the board market the The strikers denounce the Czecho- stomach. Contains no Alcohol, Nor 4 V, Hablt-Foriuiii- per cent slovaks for cotlo or fr Drug, submarine, who stated farm loan bonds abolishing the soviet gov- that he subsequently now held In the treasury before the ernment and the entente allies for $2 size, bow $1.50. . $1 lize, now 80a formerly was in command of one Hamburg-America- fourth Loan a -- Price includes war tar. All druBtfst of the n liners Liberty campaign. The "establishing military dictatorship.'! Eckman laboratory. Philadelphia and had resided In the United Slates one sale of these bonds, which bear high- A majority of the labor unions have before tho war. Then the is only er interest rates than Liberty Bonds passed resolutions refutiing to partici- was captain and are entirely tax in the strike. Informed that if he could not es- v point free, may inter pate tablish proof of his statement the good fere with the Liberty Bond program. ' vessel would - tne neiu. SONORaIaNDITS HOT be sunk. for treasury DIE FAYWOOD SPRINGS " DISLOYALTY Ftr Rheumatism, Stomach Trou- MAN FROM' ARCTIC ' CHARGE WHEN CAVALRY COMES bles, Kidney Ailments, Inflamttia-tion- a. REFUTED BY DIDN'T KNOW OF WAR WALTON ISV MORNINO JOURNAL Arterial Hardening, Loco- PostToasties SPICIAL LSASEO WIRSI motor Nogales, Ariz., Aug. 20 Three ban- Ataxia, Nervous Breaking, 1ST MORNINO JOURNAL ( MOSNINU JOURNAL SPICIAL SPECIAL LSASEO WIRE) dits of a band operating In etc. Perfect Treatment, Perfect LIAISD WITl northern to A civil-Izatio- .(MadcOfCorn) Washington, Aug, 20. Sonora, were killed, a U Montreal, Aug. 20. Reaching n Bpeaklng in quantity of Climate, Health, Pleasure, Large after an absenee of fiv the house today. Representative Wa- ammunition and equipment was cap- Modern Hotel. Booklet- vn,. lton of New Mexico tured - .Round among the Eskimos Jn Grant land in defended his state and the band put to flight today trip to Faywood from Albuquerque the Arctic circle, Frederick from published attacks of, disloyalty, by a detachment of cavalry under Col. W Rmithern $13.70. has Just learned that there is a wat feclarlng New Mexico to be equally Jose Felix Lara, according to report going on. - loyal with any of the commonwealths, reaching headquarters of Oen. Ar- - TV Smltrrern ts , A charge that nulfo Gomez at C. McDERMOTT, , a fur trader. He Is many of the residents Nogales, Bonora, passing Montreal or Mexico speak is not Federal cavnlry were said to be close. J - through today en jew Spanish T i.rl of lowai furme United FAYWOOD, X. M. route for his home in Npw Vnrit tr ar reflection on the state, ..he said, and ly pursuing the bandits. !? tubs said he would enlist there In tho rolnted out that in many communities, United States the use of foreign lredom-lnate- q, Don't ieg! the wo-DIf Red navy. languages " : atiRoa, of fas Oawrt t Claims) of sini , Crow Club, Join todai. VkM!lliiri 'iiTn,ttfirii(i'tiiTiftyrtii'iiia

1918. FOUR Albuquerque Morning Journal. Wednesday, August 21, ! Car to It? GERMAN STANDTO1 DODGERS DEFERI Crawl Under Your Repair INDIANS MCE tlULSIIUNSLtM Not This Bird; he Does it Standing up COME-BAC- K AND NORTH OF AISNE UNSETTLED WHEN JgfL CHill ID THOUGHT LIKELY EMPERORS MEETl TAKE ft SERIES DEFEAT BOSTON m'WiSz

if (it Go Into! After Two On Sector Held by Americans Not Enough Time to Reds' Winning Streak Is Losing Straight, Cleveland Third and Artillery Activity Quickens, Details at Conference ofj Broken When Brooklyn An- Takes of While Aerial Decreases; Kaiser and Austrian Ruler; j You'll nexes Contest; Johnston Last Game Important Never Scries From Red Sox, French Maneuver a Factor, Polish Problem Perplexing Poles Out Three-bas- e Hit. Bake Another Cake

tRV WIRE BY MORNINO JOURNAL WIR MORNIN9 JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED " WORNINO .IOURNAL O WIR) RPICIAL LIAItD RClL tff Amsterdam, 20. to the Sport ..NO 8.. Dodgers l!os:on, Aug. 20, After losinjc two With the American Armv on the Aug. Owing tried these. That' what MORNINI1 JOURNAL SPEUAL LEASED WIRE Yesle multitude and of questions fter you've !V straight, Ch veland took Hie third anil Front, Aug. 20. The operations complexity one of our customers told her friend. Cincinnati, Aug. 20. Brooklyn won of the Germans between Soissons and discussed and the short time allotted she was last Kurne of the most irnpoitnnf Rheims to the recent conference of the Aus- .nd she knew what talking Hie lust game of the scrips, breaking Hoston since the French began their about, for first she wag aeciueoiy of series of the season fnmi offensive northwest of Soissons have trian and German emperors details it dona Cincinnati's winning streak eight not the skeptical regarding any baking Score: been characterized by a slightly in- could be discussed, says home. But straight games, score: Frcmdciiblatt of Vienna, Funda- outside the why prats Cleveland. creased use of artillery and a de- our baking? Try some pies ana lirooklyn. - I All. PO. crease in mental lines only were aid down, thi? AR R. II. PO. A. K. a ,':-'-'- aerial activity. There have at cakes and you'll do the praising. 4 : 1 no news, says, to be elaborated 3 0 (I 0 Granoy. If . , been alterations of any import- taper rf 1 deliberations of the two rulers Johnston, V I 4 ance in Vesle future 2 0 n, fs positions along the ss . . 2 2 'hap ina "This to the Polish Olson, (i front. especially refers 1 cf . con- 0 14 0 Speaker, - the Frcmdenblatt Ilaubert, lb. 1 The American!- carried out raids question," 0 1 Wood, 2b . . . "and in Yienni Wheat If . . (14 last night near Bazoehes. The opera- tinues, public opinion 1 . o with the that the cf . . 0 3 0 Hescher, rf tions were successful. of the agrees government Myers, 10 One in 0 ..... lb j polish nation must plan O'Mara, 2b tr4 & ( s. . fc Johnston, toners taken gave information to 110K 0 for the creation of a new Polish state." 1 0 0 31) the Ger- Pioneer Hoolan, lib . Turner, Americans concerning the TI10 Poland must Bakery c . . . line. newspaper say c . 0 2 O'.Veill, man units along that part of the Archer, 10 0 ar- cast the decisive vote in the electioi 0 P . . . The Germans are still their VI i . 0 Bagf y, using lie cast in rimes, 13 II of 0 king, but it must Couinhe, p ., tillery against the French and Ameri- of cans and are also to send with the "vital interests N. BAM J NO, 2 6 10 1 continuing Austria-Hungar- y Prop. Totals . . 30 27 and Germany." S I f 27 over gas projectiles. CliK'Inimtl. Totals It is assumed that the reduction In 7 Hnulh lrt fltrtw. AE r II. PO. A. E. Uosloii. aerial activities of the Germans EXPECT t the 158,000; 2 0 o o o o! All. i:. H. Pi Oroh, 3b . , . . is due to the despatch cf some of their 0 3 0 o 2 MEN REACHING 21 Neale, If .... 0 Hooper, if squadrons (o the battle zone north , 0 2b . Is considered Mitchell, p . Khean, west of Soissons, as it LUMBER oooo n 3 0 0 :i 1 umlesti-- Maithold Itoush, cf 0 0 Strunk, cf unlikely that the Germans IRV MORNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WtE faint., Oils, Glass, Roofing 1 II ate Re- II 12 0 Until, p . . 3 the operations there. Washington, Augton, Aug. 20. and Building Paper. P. Magee, lb ill circles 0 0 1) II The belief prevails army vised estimates announced today by Griffith, rf 12 Kinney, p that unless the French are cheeked J. C. BALDRIDGE LUMBER II 0 1 7 0 . 4 it show that L. Magee, 2b iMcIiinis, lb line swine from the the provost marshal general it the may pivot 1 0 0 2 3 0 . . . r.S. 000 men have become Blackburne, f Miller. If near SolsHons to the plateau Ironi young who COMPANY 1 2 0 . . 2 II should Wingo, c . 14 selia n;;, c which ..the. allied positions would bon- 21 since last June ,, register 1 0 1 II 4 Of Ring, p 0 Scott, ss , . . der tlie German holdings south of the for military service next Saturday. 1 0 4 . . . 0 0 0 0 . " an enorm- number it is estimated that about Cueto, If , Ho Coffey, 3b Aisne untenable, except at this FARR COMPANY to examine the tinder parts. s. THE WM. I'.y Paul Puriiiaii. ear c , . . ous cost. half will go into class one, subject to j Mayer, 1 4 0 bends over artil- 31 27 13 If Al Schwartz of Ky stands up Ktraight, If . 3 a The nature of the German immediate call to tho colors. Wholesale Retail Dealers In Totals Newport, cimply V.'hitonian, a and 10") 000 2 twists his head up under the fire would indicate of .regis- SALT MKATS Brooklyn " were not past the draft age I'ncle Sai,i and lery apparently but The estimates Saturday's FRFSll AM liu-nnti- ms line of the Yesle, 000 000 010 fiiui in ihlsi man a mcst vain- - car und not as much bemlH a knee .33 4 27 13 2 Blabilizd north tration by states, include: Sausage a Specialty Cincinnati Totals no. trenches have yet been Two-bas- e hits S. Ma-ge- e, it. is no of the permanent 1,343; Now Mexico, 463; For Cattle and the Summary: able automobile mechanic. in doing There part Score by innings: discovered, which tends to suppo, the Colorado, Hogs Ruling Three-bas- e Schwartz works upon that I11' 200- - Market Prices Are Paid Wingo, Ring. hit Schwartz's skill in repairing auto-mobile- car that Cleveland 130 that the enemy still Intends to Texas, 7,353. Uau-bei- t. he does not nave occasion to use his t theory .lohnBton. Sacrifice hits Olson, is world wide. His on Boston IP' 020 000 the Aitme. Meanwhile the spend old us a contortionist to lecross al- Sacrifice fly Oroh. Rases on profession Two-bas- e hits Grnney, line Is being subjected to a job when it rosts the owner a whole him out and make difficult po- Summary: German, VETERANS OF 1865 balls Off Grimes 1. Struck out By help Three-bas- e hits most constant shelling by the dollar .for each hour's time is such sitions easy. Speaker, Mayer. artillery 2. Grimes 2. inmiiKS 2. bases Americans and French. WALK IN PARADE Rinc by pitmen owner Willi The above picture shows, Schwartz Graney, O'Neill Stolen DUKE CITY 8, Mitchell 1 Tassed that it makes the jrrin P.y Ring by i,'ct-tin- by the camera 2, Bagby. Speaker, lioopei. Joy, for Al docs not waste. tlni as he was surprised iChapman IS Cleaners-Hatte- ball Wingo. Archer. Into difficult position to while repairing a ear. It is one of Sacrifice hits Graney, Chapmar. RELIEF WORKER RV MORNINO JOURNAL BPPCIAL LSASPt) WIRE) rs repair it it i nans of the car. his favorite positions as makes Shean. Sacrifice fly Turner. Bases Portland. Ore., Aug. 20 Thousands 2. VICTIM0F CHOLERA VitUiburgh 10, New York Schwartz is a contortionist by easy for him to get at most any part Ion balls 4. Couinbe 1, Ruth i, of veterans of the Grand Army of the 220 West Gold. Phone New still walk Bagby 41. Pittsburgh, Aug. 20. The fessljn and he finds this a great nf the automobile and 1. Balk Uutb. Struck out Republic- - marched today through same in lo Kinney LIARCD WIRI1 York Giants made their last appear- v:ininiro in repairing automobiles. Hi: around the car at the time 2, Kin- tY MORNING JOURNAL 1RICIAL streets in that was car. Bagby 3, Coumbe 2, Ruth of Portland's a parade de- under a the trouble under the 20. The death fifty-secon- d ance of the season here and were t'oes not waste time crawling eating 2. Wild Bagby,. Passed New York, Aug. the feature of the ney pitch has been in big feated by the Pirates. Score: ball O'Neill. pitched Dr. William Shedd, who annual encampment now in progress Innings in the I.ako w York. Coumbe 4, Huth 7, Kinney 1. charge of refugee work Qrlando A. Somers, of Kokonio, Ind., Bagby 5, - Wallace Hesselden . H. PO. A. E. STANDING OF THE TEAMS PLANS FOR SHRINERS' Urumia district of southern Persia, commander-in-chie- f, led the proces- 0 1 in a today Hums, lf. 12 THURSDAY MASONS WJis announced cablegram Hion. There were numerous bands in 0 0 CEREMONIAL ALBUQUERQUE to the American committee to Armen- route of was lined General Contractor Young, rf. 10 x , MIAGI I.. lino and the march 0 3 vriox.u DEGREE ian and relief. He died of multltcdcs of We are In a position to give Kftuff, cf. 10 W. L. Pot. j ARE NEARLY COMPLETE CONFER LJBANUS Syrian with cheering people. 2 2 5 1 Sain August 7. rode in more value for the money than Doyle, Ib. 74 .I5''r' cholera at Kalahon, A few of the older veterans In 2 1 Chicago Pres any other BUILDING FIRM ss. :,g r,G .r.niii HORNINw JOURNAL) Dr. Shedd was a member of the automobiles, but the majority Fletcher, 14 Cincinnat . . seventy-fiv- e candi- riRRCIAI CORRCRRONDRNCf 0 groat 1 tills vicinity. lb. 11 0 0 r,s mi .402. Approximately 20. Alhuoueroue board of foreign missions walked. Zimmerman, New York . . dates will be initiated across the sands Santii Fe, Aug. byterian, Office 3 b. 0 0 4 0 .4:. of and brother-in-la- of President Ray with Sicking, . . r.i to of the Shrine here tomorrow, accord- Masons conferred the Prince 0 2 0 0 Pittsburgh novitiates at of Roland Stanford Rarlden, e. 4'.l CI ,.41! ing to 1'. L. Williamson, illustrious po- degree upon the Lyman Wilbur The Lum-- 0 0 Philadelphia .42.1 Masonic cathedral here today. Superior i Gibson, c. . . 4S 04 tentate of Hnllttt Abyatl temple. Many the university. Notice to Contractors. 10 Boston of the cere- came . . r,2 70 ,4'-'-'i of the, cond'nlales will come direct At the opening1, day's The .cablegram which from Mill Co. Steele, p. Brooklyn . . . of State for ber & .20120 0 0 0 !r,o KS .42 from Santa Fe. where they have just monies, former Secretary United States con- Sealed proposals constructing x Kirke . . . St. Louis ...... Gordon Paddock, 77 taken the Scottish Kito degree and Nathan Jaffa presided as Zarabahal states the Chris- or improving the National Forest PHONE in the of the sul at Kashin, s'so Road located within or 9 5 others will come from Camp Cody conferring "Knight is project partly Totals ... 34 24 13 AMERICAN I.KAC.I la. KnHt" with Chief Justice tian population of Urumia fleeing Santa Fe ' The latter class will include about degree, within the National Forest, X in W. L. Pot. driven on the Turkish Patted for Steele ninth. twenty-five- . Richard H. Hanna as King Cyrus. to Teheran, by State of New Mexico, County of San IlltHburifli. Boston ...07 40 .f.78 officers of the Shrine here will The degree work up to and includ- invasion. All missionaries have left Miguel, will be received at Room 202, AB. R .H.PO. A. R. Cleveland .. ..(if. SO .565 meet at the Masonic temple tonight, to ing the 2Xth degrees look up the with one exception. Luna Strickler Building, Albuquerque, .nr.s 1 P. M., on If 4 0 0 . . B3 ni make final preparations for their part day, while in the evening a reception New Mexico, until o'cloci:, Leach, 12 Washington A 8. 3 0 . no nr. .r.or. in business meeting and dance in honor of the Masonic the second of September, ''.!; ss 0 2 . , . , the ceremonial. ESTATE day I Hudson for Roone, Chicago will be held at the were at the Masonic QUEEN LIL'S at which time and they will be Signs 3 0 0 0 0 . . r.r, r.6 .4!r of all the members guests staged place Carey, cf New York at 10:30 o'clock Thursday cathedral with great eclat. publicly opened and real. The light 4 1 r. o o . . 40 03 .437; temple BATHERS Southworth. rf. . . lietroit .... morning. The ceremonial proper will The Albunuerque brethren will 0PENJ0 Is reserved to reject any and all bids, 2 2 . . 52 69 .430 Cutshaw, 2h 3 13 Philadelphia. begin at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. confer he first degree tomorrow, that and none will be considered except 7 Wail Mollwltz, lh 4 2 10 St. Louis . . , . 43 r.S .426 The day's proceedings will end with a of Scottish Knight of St. Andrew. ( AnAoolntrd Ppprs CnrrrRpnnnVnre.) those from contractors ascertained to Paper 2 0 T. of the estate MeKechnie. 3b. . . 4 2 0 ball in the Masonic ball room. There Honolulu, 1L, Part be experienced and responalbl?. the has to be con- Schmidt. 3 will be no parade, as has been TO FIX STATE'S QUOTA of the late Liliuokalanl The length of project 01110 Hoathcoto custom In former ceremonials. The to the of structed or improved is approximately Mayer, p i faced Jacobs, Fisher and at just been opened public Hudson for 110 n candidates will be treated to lunch time. This 4.21 miles, and the principal items ofj being the only nu to reach firs IN NEXT LOAN DRIVE Honolulu for the first as 8 27 noon on the day of the ceremonial,' of work are approximately .follows: TolalB . . . 33 10 10 : makes one of the finest stretches base. Clearing and grubbing, grading road- Picture Frames . 000 200 (100 2 R. If. K beach at Waikikl now avail- New York Score: FECIAL CORRESPONDENCE TO MORNINO JOURNAI bathing way and culverts and re- 41x 10 001 3 Fi 0 GIRL SCOUTS PREPARE constructing Fourth St. and Copper Ae. Pittsburgh . 032 000 Philadelphia ...002 000 Santa Fe, Aug. 20. District Judge able to the people. walls. 2 1 own taining Summary: Two base hit, Gibson. St. Louis ... . , .01111 000 0000 FOR ENTERTAINMENTS Reed Holloman, chairman of the Prince J. Kuhio Kalanianaole, Said contract form and tho maps, Three base hit. Zimmerman. Home tiatte ries: Jacobs and Adams; New Mexico counties in the Kansas er of the property, has torn down a plans, specifications and estimate of run, Cutshaw. Stolen bases, South-wort- Packard and Gonzales. City Federal Reserve district, for fence which for years made the beach quantities may be examined by re- MeKechnie. Sacrifice The drill team of the Girl Scouts the. Liberty Bond drive, was notified Prince' Kuhio, once widely sponsible contractors at the folltnvlnj Mollwltz, will meet at 2 o'clock this afternoon a of the private. S PILLS Cutshaw. Sacrifice flies, Rarl- today that representative known an "Prince Cupid," Inherited addresses: CHICHESTER hit, WINS BIG in the armory. At 3:30 o'clock the en- federal government will be in Santa Room 301 Tramway Building Den- Double Boone to DIVORCEE' re- much of tho of the late den, Schmidt. play, tire scout troop will meet, for a Fe Monday to meet with bankers, property ver, Colorado. lHamond Bases on balls, off Steele 1; en- of queen. He la now serving his eighth 1MIU to Kd nri Hold DielllkVBrndyy Cutshaw. IN GRAND CIRCUIT hearsal in preparation for their members the Btate and county Room 202 Luna Strickler Building, vllK Blu Klbbos. VX 2: EVENT from the ol sesled off Mayer 3. Struck out, by Steele tertainment. councils of defense and others Inter- term as delegate territory Albuquerque, New Mexico. Take no other. Hujp of roar 2. uni- finan- is a candidate j 1. Wild Steele The girls who expect to order ested to discuss with them the Hawaii to congress and State Office, Sant.i Fc, t,VVioND HA ISO Col S by Mayer pitch, Engineer's ill II dLLS. IRV MUMN1NS JOURNAL IMCIM. vlAHO W1RS1 to forms are asked to be prepared cial and crop situation in northern for tho republican nomination. New Mexico. yean known as Best, Safest, Alfftys Reltsbls N. Y Aug. 20. Ow- 1 Hoston fl. Pmighkeepsie, place their orders this afternoon. New .Mexico preliminary to,' fixing Bathers have christened the new SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Chicago The Divorcee, owned by A. H. Coxe, to extensive use of khaki for the for next Loan 20. Great battin? for ing the quota the Libert) beach "Kuhio park." Chicago, Aug. won "The National'' 2:17 class soldiers' uniforms the girls will he drive, to be made beginning Septem- Hendrix enabled Chicago three-year-ol- in Grand by Claude d trotters the to a of mate- ber 28. A also be Albuquerque Foundry A for Infection and unable get good grade meeting may remedy to overcome Boston't early lead Circuit races here today, defeating at a prohibitive cost. Owing arranged at llaton. STARVING SLAVS of tin urinary trsot. Rta-bl- e rial except Machine Worki win the final Eame of the series in Chestnut Peter, of the Murphy to Ihls fad it has been decided to and Patulcai, In a sensational race and secur durable FIGHT WITH GUARDS Machinist sod will Dot ttrioturs extra Innings. Score: purchase uniforms of other 1 to A a new truck record or i:un in MANCHU LIVERIES Engineers Alu- in days. Boston. ing material. Castings in Iron, Brass. Bonze. Sold By first The Divorcee led all PRICE $1.20 DrDgglsta v AB. R. H.PO. A. K lite heat. The scouts are planning to hold tmt MORNINS JOURNAL SPECIAL LSASEO WIRS1 minum. Electric Motors. Oil Bnglns Treatise. wiLb euch bottle or mailed uu request. In and won on ARE TABOO IN PEKIN bv 1 the way the first heal in the 2b 4 1 7 5 0 their entertainment armory London, Aug. 20. Hundreds of per- Pumps and Irrigation. THE EVANS CHEMICAL CO. CINCINNATI, Herzog, by a length from i nesinut This Works Office AUmqnerqua 0. 3 2 3 1 0 nearly the first Thursday in September. sons were killed and wounded In a and Taggert, if peter. managed to put (AnmH-lutei- l Pre ms 1 Murphy cnte Is to change. On the CorreHpondence.) . . . 6 0 1 0 0 a subject veritable battle between Lettisr Chadbourne. cf Chestnut Peter under the wire win follow entertainment the Pekin, July )o. Some of the lega- 1 3 6 1 ing the food dis- 6 2 ner In Ibe second heat., Di all-da- guards and rioters during the Terry, bb heating p.irls 'will hold an y picnic. tions in Peking htive been requested 4 7 1 vorcee a nose in 2:5 the orders in according to an J. C. Smith, 3b by by the Chinese foreign office to aban Petrograd, 3 0110 0 1 fastest heat of the day. In the third Amsterdam to tho Exchange Konetchy, lb 215 nor ASSESSMENT FIGURES don the cusloni of using the old Man dispatch s. o. s. s. o. s. 5 0 0 4 0 0 heat neither Chestnut Peter company. Wilson, c The chu hat as a feature of servants' liv- Telegraph 4 0 0 0 0 Hol'.vr Hob could reach The which ouotes Petro Rawlings, rf the finish was TO SHOW AN INCREASE ery. It is usual the for- dispatch, 1 0 0 0 ' Divorcee, although throughout adviceB way of Berlin, says Rudolph, p close. The winners were eign colony in Pekin to see all the ser- grad by 2 1 1 " ? again OVER PREVIOUS YEARS that after Iho city had been without Regan, p paid in Liberty Ponds. vants who wait deckel 2 0 1 0 2 0 upon guests food for two a procession of . Vassur" 2:14 class ) days, George, p "The pacing out in the silken robe of a Chines-- the for Oro Pino RRSCIAL CORRRRRONnrNCR 0 MURNIN JOURNAL', workmen marched through was easy Murphy's ' and Manchu 4 gentleman wearing the "Down Totals 40 6 12x31 20 In the 2:14 trot, an extra heat was Santa Fe, Aug. 20. Chief Clerk - streets, shouting: with lhe Girl wop. hat, which is shaped like the rain- down with the Kremlin!" HELP! x One out when winning run necessary before Hoquila of the state tax com- Germans; Miss won the open- Rupert Asplund shields one sees on top of smoke- am! Dewey Walls a tour of The battle between the rioters ing heat of the 2:15 trot with ap- mission has returned from stacks, with a bushy red silk or horso tho Lettish guards occurred .before Chicago, twenty-eigh- hair tassel A. K parent ease, but I'etrex. driven by eighteen of the t counties hanging from the apex. tho institute. Martial law was AB. R. II. PO. took the second heat. It was the of the Smolny 4 1 1 Murphy, of tho slate for the tax commission recognised livery in Petrograd the same Flack, rf .... However, Miss Dewey Walts took the Manchus in of the proclaimed 2 In assessment and, the opinion ' -- Hollocher, bs 6 final heat and the race. assisting finishing up office should have evening. 2 Al- foreign officials, Small of Boys Mann, If rolls and the making budgpts. out with Manchu house. It 2 passed the IN Barber, If . the assessment returns will Is a GERMANS RETREAT 1 WORLD'S SERIES PLANS though very effective livery and foreign- Paskert, cf . exeeco those of bv ers dislike to 1 probably last year abandon It, BEFORE HAIG FORCES Merkle, lb . 6 TO BE ANNOUNCED FRIDAY --Little Girls 1 $20,000,0110 and more, Mr, Asplund Zeider, 2b . to per- 1 found it almost impossible LANDIS MAY SENTENCE t MOMNINO JOUNAL SPECIAL LEASED WINE) Deal, 3b ... lV MORNINH JOUHMAL BPCCIAL l.CAMO WIRS) - 7 suade county authorities to reduce With the British Army in Frence, a lot of O'Farrell, c Cincinnati. O. Aug. day I, The wants 0 tax levies. , W, W, SATURDAY 20 Associated Morning Journal Carter, p . . National Commission. The nat- county Aug. (by the Press.) 0 The demand for road and continued Walker, p . ional baseball commission met building Field Marshal Halg's forces school Is so In ISV MORNING JOURNAL LIASSD WINE in p 0 here today and went into u thorough house construction to advance throughout the day day Hendrix, the are Chicago, Aug, 20. Tho 100 I. W. W, discussion of the coming world's sistent and people apparently tho Mervllle sector of the Lys salient . 1 but before the con- so to tax themselves for those leaders convicted Saturday of conspir tho retir- Clean Cotton 42 7 12 33 18 series shortly willing They are closely following Rags Totals - to interfere clusion of the meeting, announced improvements that the county corn- acy with the government's Germans who, this afternoon seem Score by innings: no war program know their fate ing which to 6 officially that decisions relative missioners insisted upon tho limit in may to have back to an extreme depth to make money with Boston ..300 020 100 00 Saturday morning. Federal Judge gone Here is your chance 7 to the schedule, umpires, eligible 001 003 200 01 taxation for those purposes. time of between three and four miles and , Chicago players and other details would 'be today set Saturday a8 the Buy War Savings Stamps. Two-bas- e when are still no indication to come Summary: hits Konetcny announced before an official promu- he will hear the motion of the showing them to this Three-bas- e defendants for a. new trial.' It Is be to a halt. the and bringing 2, Barber, Hendrix. hit lgation of a bulletin containing all COMMITTEE BEGINS By collecting rags, ' lleved that if he overrules the motion to the south of this sec- ' ' .' run Hendriv this Information on next or Especially office. . O'Farrell. Home Thursday FAREWELL lie will fix the sentences Stolen bases Taggert, J. C. Smith Friday. PLANS FOR prison tor the Germans have left behind them Her- The reason given Chairman numerous lines of Wire Prices Paid. Merkle. Sacrifice hits Taggert, by TO FIFTY DRAFTEES retarding Prevailing Market Double August Herrmann, speaking for tho zog 2. Konetchy, Fluck. plays was American MEN J. C. to commission that the 21 SINCE JUNE 5 Trrv tn Konetchy: Smith race was too close. Col. S. to Bases on balls league entirely Tho com mitten appointed by YANK FLIERS BOMB S. s. OS. Herzog Terry. D. K. It. assist in the TO REGISTER SATURDAY 0 2, Sellers to prep Rudolph 1. Carter 1. Walker Ragar When yon put ii-u- :n your cellar arations for the patriotic farewell to ENEMY SUB BASES HendVIx 2. Hit by Bv Ik. cuit'l. . The fa- Who will 2, pitcher Hiire tlmt' It is hot be given ttie fiflv recruits All Struck out Carter CaniD Pike. 27, male persona who have George (Flack). mous contains tho greatest leave for Ark,. August $ Sugarite reached twenty-fir- st birth- - MOWN INS JOURNAL LIASBD WIDK1 1, 2, Walker 2, Hendrix 2 number of heat units. costs held Its first meeting tn the Chamber their (V (tCIAL Ragan Sugarito ' since 6. on 20. The American 1. Innings pitched Rudolph no more Inferior of Commerce Inst night. day .tune 1918. and London, Aug. George than conl. j German Paint 4 3, to confer or before 1,918, must navy's air campaign Glass, 3, Car- The committee planned August 24, against Ragan 4 George 1.1 MBI.R ("OMI'ANY. coun '.submarine bases in Flanders 3. with the draft board, the county on 1918 began 3, 1 Hendrix 6. register August 24, Os-ten- , ter 4 Walker Phone 333. of defense iind K. lead August 15 with, the bombing of LUMBER Cem ent, Plaster cil Fled Ellis, These men should consult wKh "" with to ee of thn cltv band, reference local j.1 us how-and- ; Philadelphia. 3; St. IxmiIh 0. I tn the raft boards to While details are it la aabi Tell it the classified necurlnir their : lacking Lumber Company through - bo where they should regiMer, were success- Albuquerque ' 20. He-sul- ta demonstration. will also' - the generally It'lMW' Bt. Louis. Aug.' Philadelphia columns of The Journal. - :;' .,- :. operations 4U1 NOHTU gliWB'i' shut out St, Ixiuls In the last game of written lo tho various war organiza ful and that the Americans are par. n . certain. to take good at bombing. the aeries. But twenty-seve- men are quick and tions, asking them part. ticuhsrly night C ' ." ':, '' '' ';' If"' At Albuquerque Morning Journal, Wednesday, August 21, 1918. FIVE


"The Public Be Damned'1 Pol- Expected That Drouth Dis- Single Survivor. Who Is Picked icy Will No Be Tol- tricts in Texas and New .' Up Patrol Tells of Ter- Longer ' by erated, Says Director Gen- Mexico Be Hardest Hit by rible Days When Comrades MOM . ml i.yM, ir eral in General Order.. High Prices of Stock Food, Died on Drifting Raft,

BY SPkCIAL eOHfttSPONDlMCI TO MCANINO JOURNAL1 MORNING JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WtRC (AsM'liilil l'rr CorrFRiHindrnre.) Kanla Fc, Aug. 19. One of the few KI t'aso, Tex., Aug. 20. Cotton seed London, July 25. Nine sailors convictions under "work or fight" or- cake and meal will tve scarce this win four of whom were of wounds ter dying dinances la reported from Roswell, and this class of cattle feed will left by a submarine commander to be lush in offi- on a where Samuel Allen was sent to Jail price, according to an perish ramshackle raft in the cial bulletin received here at the of North Rca, where of them died for 30 days and fined $:,5 as part of eilit fice of Food Admlnstrauor Charles is the story of Hun told u campaign to make pool hall and sa- N. barbarity by Bassett, fhom State Food Adminis Haakon Ohlson, the sole survivor o loon loitering In this same, unpopular. trator K. A. Paden of Dallas. The bul the Norwegian bark now line is considered the. order of Director Eglington. letin stated that the shortuge in cake In a British naval General McAdoo which says: "The. was recovering hospital caused by the short cotton crop When near death 'Ohlson was rescue , sale of liquors and intoxicants of ev in Texas this year. by a British motor boat patrolling' in n,Qoo,ooo character in reslau- - ery dining cars, Increased prices were also predicted Helgoland bight. rants and railroad stations under fed- on this lim- for cattle feed because of women the The pay. Eglinton was carrying coal tc envelopes eral control shall be discontinued im- ited of. cars for it. supply transporting Norway when attacked by the sub mediately." Mr. McAdoo under date Cotton seed cake and meal are used marine firing shrapnel. The captain', of Hundny. August IX. has also Issued extensively for cattle feeding in dis- arm was General Order No. as right shuttered, the steward "For MEN must 40, follows: tricts where fall and winter grass Is was wounded in FIGHT and WOMEN must WORK "To all in the scarce. badly the leg, a sea- employes railroad man was shot the service of the I'nited Com- Local through body an1 States: cattlemen say the prices will the second mate's arm was plaints have reached me from time to have llttlo effect torn In TWELVE MILLION upon the panhandlt women earning make her a a "woman-size- " time that are not and southwest splinters. lighter one, laihe, employes treating stock growers, because Suli Circles money; women's money in women's and the pulilic with us much consideration the recent rains have as- Raft. she'll turn it faster than ever a man practicality The filled but the crew and courtesy under con- - sured them a fall winter ship rapidly pockets! turned his government good and put out a raft made of five . trol of the railroads as under range. plank'i private and by barrels. A And sixty years ago there ! control. I do not know how much The price Increase is to supported barre. were not half a They shortened the hours Provided rest expected of water and a case of biscuits million women !.,. in courtesy was accorded the public un- have a depressing effect upon the cat- weiv "gainful" occupations in rooms, cloak rooms, dining rooms. Made on the raft. The t der I tle In ut placed submarln the United States. private control'and have no Industry i$routh districts came fired Into over factories employing thousands of women basis, therefore for accurate Texas. ' up. the sinking bail Women compari- chauffeurs made-to-measu- re and pass-M- within fiet of th i ! Women police ! equipped them with son. ) hope, however, that the re- twenty specially unfortuntes as it circled about th , Women to woman size ports of discourtesy under govern- raft. farmers! At least two million of machinery! ment administration of railroads are Women CZECHQ SLOVAKS "Not a word did the Huns to them. elevator boys! I And under incorrect, or that are at least say Everywhere women, these new conditions, they us," said Ohlson, Women street car conductors confined to a relatively few cases. "although they could thousands of were actually delivering as much as a see our wounded and the ! man, Whatever mny be the merits of these plight V't them Women in war industries tnd in were in. There was a stiff breeso Already a many cases more. complaints, they draw attention to a million and a half ! CULLED and I the to of them question which is of the utmost Im- TO RALLY bowing expected raft This is the that break The submarine extraordinary story was In the of the up. steamcn Even before the war became told Pictorial portance management away. our war, by Review to American women. railroads. For It be- before our many years was The wounded seaman men were called, our women were lieved that 'the be damned' died soon aft public erward and we threw his over following eagerly the record of what policy was the policy of the railroads TO ALLIED BANNER body The spirit of American women board. The next after n women were tinder private control. Such a policy morning, doing on the other side is Indefensible either secpless nluht for all, the steward to their With a spirit as alert as our women's under private died and the keep countries' industries control or control. then second mate. We Pictorial government It shoved their bodies Into the. going. own, Review, even before would be Indefensible un- wate particularly also. On the dav the we entered the war, sent Mabel der control when railroad em- of Forces in Or- third captain Were women "over there" public lied. Then I must really doing are the direct servants of have lost count of men 's work Potter Daggett abroad to record the ployes the to As- for on the afternoon just like men? That public. 'The be damned' der Realize National time, of th work public policy 1 was the breathless splendid that women will in no circumstances be tolerated fourth day found myself alone will, question! pirations Urged in Mani- the chief mate. -- were doing in Europe. on the railroads under government j IjQHt Mind Then control. festo Issued at Prague, Pled. Factories made over With a vigor of its j "I did best to cheer him worthy "Every employe of the railroad my up, but fit 1,500,000iy- Pictorial in he only said, 'I am going down into to women WOMEN readers, Review, should take pride serving the pub- in since the lic and Cour- fV MORNINO JOURNAL SRICIAL the cabin to get my pipe,' and I knew war industries war, has those courteously efficiently. LIAStO WIRtl And the kept ' tesy costs nothing and when it is Washington, Aug. 20. A manifesto his mind was going. He died that extraordinary alone readers constantly in touch with J Issued by the afternoon, and I managed to get the answer came under the au- dispensed, it makes friends of the newly founded Czecho- 205,000 in canneries the broader issues of a world' and to slovak national committee In body clear of the raft." ofthe British WarOfBce public adds the Prague thority 275,000 in textile mills Czecho-Slova- k wide to women. of the employes. My attention has has reached the One of the barrel buoys had leaked itself: That in the 1701 opened and that end of the settled low jobs at 212,000 sewing machine been called also to the fact that em- council here. In the manifesto raft which women are And Pictorial Review read ployees have sometimes offered as an the program of the national commit, in the water. Brine got Into the bis employed, operators tee a is 130,000 in and ho- ers have excuse for their own shortcomings, is outlined and the main points cults and inlo the barrel of fresh woman "just as good as a knitting responded splendidly s siery mills or 8; Justification are: water. a and for tothese contributions and tothe for delayed trains man, some of them 100,000 women mechani- or other difficulties the statement that "The outlining and of "I was alone on the raft for five better." broad, work Czecho-Slova- Ohlson cians comprehensive 'Uncle Sam Is running the railroads all the forces of the l: days," went on. "I didn't sea a I 100,000 in munition Pictorial Review has always now' or 'These, are McAdoo's orders.' nation for the realization of their na- single ship all that time. must Hut the lathes ? Could plants tional have been a little because great 400,000 making military endeavored to do in etc. Nothing could be more repre- aspirations and a call to all delirious, a woman turn them? Just matter hensible than statements of this char- Czechs and Slovaks to to the I'd lose count of the hours. I was wet equipment of vital to rally 95,000 shoe interest women. acter, and nothing could be more struggle for liberty." through. At night I'd hear the water workers hurtful to the success of the railroad Ihe manifesto expresses Its confi- swishing around me and then I would administration or to the welfare of dence In the outcome of the fight and sleep." railroad employes themselves. No asserts that by their own strength the On the ninth day he "heard distant doubt, those who have made them Czecho-Slova- k people has "risen from firing. He managed to get to hN have done so thoughtlessly in most the grave of centuries and by the! knees to look about him. There was which have instances, but the harm is just as own strength will place themselves In the British patrol boat. When Ohlson Topics been discussed in a broad great if a thing of this sort is done the light of the world in the compan-- , was taken uboard he collapsed. thoughtlessly as if it is done deliber- of free nations of the future liberated comprehensive way by Pictorial Review ately. There are many people who and civilized mankind." MABEL POTTER DAGGETT IDA for partisan or selfish purposes with GERMAN CLYDE CLARKE HELEN RING ROBINSON PEOPLE the first woman to be abroad ARTHUR T. VANCE government operation of the rail- 5,317 BOYS AND GIRLS tent Pictorial Review's Waihinjton the first woman senator in to study the change! in woman's the Editor of Piotorial Review, roads to be a failure. Every employe Editor, throufh Pictorial United States contributed a haa who is discourteous to IN STATE ARE ENGAGED life caused by (lie war, pointed Review's Bureau in constantly throufh his own the public oi out in nine Washington, series of articles editorials s make excuses or of the articles the deep bear has contributed in the most "Preparing urfed broader recog- statements IN DOING inf these prac- Women for the Ballot" and ur-i- nition of women's lilnd I have is these CLUB WORK DECLARE LEADERS changes will have on tical way to women's national a broader awakeniof described, helping woman's lite in the future. iflterest in civio and their share in national or selfish interests to dis- service. and nstional iasuei. partisan KRICIAL work. credit government control of rail- CORRtRRONDRNri TO MORNIN JOURNALl Santa Fe, 20. roads. Recently the wages of rail- Aug. Charles Orch ard, Smith, state leader of 20-ce- nt road employes were largely Increased, boys' and DECEIVED THEM Largest circulation in the world 1,500,000 an to railroad girls club work, reports that an army copies monthly involving addition op of 6,317 expenses of more than $475, boys and girls between the erating ages of 10 and 18 are 000,000 per annum. In order to meet working under me supervision of the club I this Increase, the public has been division or the New Mexico Agricultural col- MONN,H JOURNAL ePtCtft LSARIO WIRR) called upon to pay largely Increased 20. lege. Based on the average net In- Washington. Aug, Deceptive passenger and freight rates. The peo- come used In the the have of $20 recieved by boys and arguments past by PICTORIALS. ple accepted this new burden EVIEW German to the! in this state approxi-matel- y junkers mislead, peo cheerfully and The least girls for 1917; AMERICA'S GREATEST WOMAN'S patriotically. $106,340 will be realized pie are summarized by the Hamburg MAGAZINE that every employe can do In return above Tha Pictorial all expenses. The force of Echo In its .issue of August 12, with Review Company is to serve the public courteously people New York M cents the copy that instruct and the comment "the German people are At news-stund- s and efficiently. A supervise this num- everywhere faithfully great ber is made up of four state now paying for all this." A state ti.ttthe year responsibility and rests upon the workers, duty nineteen r dispatch today quotes the railroad employes in the United States. county leaders, twenty-fou- paid local leaders and about vol- German paper as saying: Upon their loyalty, efficiency and 200 untary local leaders. These club "Events of the last week have a patriotism depends in largo part the services of three in s members are raising In the deep significance for nation and real artists the GALLUP received word from the war depart- America success and the overthrow aggregate Its PREPARING TO 487 61) rulers. The following L musical for the term ment his of the kaiser and all that he repre- pigs (mostly pure bred), FACULTY department that application has been calves, 27 6.270 500 arguments deceive themselvef which 3. LAY MILE AND anil lie will com- sents. Let us not fail to measure I p sheep, chickens, opens September QUARTER accepted soon' be a 999 acres field corn," 50 and others: . ftil missioned officer In rabbits, to our duty, and to the just demand acres Ah instructor in voice the institu- OF the medical corps. of garden. In addition 1,960 mem- - "'The Americans are bluffing and STREET PAVING SOON Mrs. VY'iUgon and children will soon of the public that railroad service will never tion has in the person of Mrs. Aila shall not be bers are In the cooking and sewing declare war.' go to California to live. only efficient, but that It " That If Is AT SILVER CITY Pierce Winn, ono of the west's most clubs, while fifty-fou- r more members war declared America lPCIL CO.CONDNe TO MOHNINS JOURNAL A German propagandist was ar- shall always be courteously adminis- Is finished vocalists. Mrs. tered." are doing work the nature of which arming Itself against Japan and Winn necde; Gallup, N. M., Aug. 20. The next rested in Gallup Saturday evening for will not send soldiers to no Introduction to musical circles in draft to It Is to be doubted whefher In the' has not yet been listed. Europe.' quota leave Gallup will con- trying o make a speech V 'That the submarine this part of the country, as she has sist of 20 men whole range of public documents "Dividing this number according to would alnh who will entrain Aug. on Main street. The street was fair- the troop GETS NEW taken the leading solo in Some of 27. will be since the founding of the counties Union county heads the list ships.' TALEN T parts They sent to Camp Pike. ly crowded and the fellow tried to republic, with " 'That the block- the most there .Is one to be found more 899 members. In Bernalillo submarine would important musical events Arkansas. Those in the coll are: take advantage of the opportunity. He there were ade France.'' r staged in western cities. James H. Manuel straightforward and pouched 429, San Miguel 412, Col Albuquerque Rudolph, Patrick, had Just begun his speech and made fax " 'That would be starved and El Paso music lovers can attest Richard Guy, in such Anglo-Saxo- n terms 886, Torrance 312. San Juan 295. England Ernest Blankensmltb, inly a few expressive Otero out by the submarine.' her rare of the most Arthur B. Vbaldo as this order of McAdoo's. ' 252, Eddy 243, Curry 231, Quay spicui. eoncspooiN:e to MonrrtNa jouknali Interpretations Smith, Garcia, Jim when he was arrested and put in Jail. " difficult roles In Gult-tere- 193, Santa Fe 188, Dona Ana 184 That Germany's firm attitude Silver City, .V. M., Aug. 20. Despite oratorio and opera, Magnino, Dell Arcey, Jose Pedro z, He will be held over for government ChaveB 183, toward the United States would extreme as well as her versatility In the John Luther r AUTO LICENSE FEES FOR Guadalupe 181, Roosevelt bring the difficulty which Is be lighter Elahtve, Severo .nvestigatlon. , , ) UI, bocorro 134. Sierra 119. Grant the neutrals to their side.' " ing experienced in the employment of vein. The normal is moat fortunate Guitterez. Robert Noble, Thomas A. 116, Lincoln 74. de Baca 70. Valencia talent for school In her employment, and the number of Sandoval, Htram Allen Wilson, Uynum Ijih Vegas Boy Wounded, JULY ARE DISTRIBUTED competent faculties, to 67, Sandoval 60. Taos 47. Mom 1 r. Plan an "Ailios" Party. due to the military activities of the students avail themselves of this Shaw, Henry Dickson Deal, John Bru- East Las Vegas, N. M.,; Aug. $0. BY SECRETARY OF STATE Four counties. do not as yet have club . East Las Vegas, N. M., Aug. 20.- - nation, the Btate normal has been rare opportunity for competent train- no, lyuls Baronl, Fidel Candalerla, Olin Lewis, a. Las Vegas boy who left The par will be wont, Elks are planning art "adlos" ticularly fortunate In . securing the ing necessarily large. Emeliano Martinez. here lust year In one of the earlier ' - on , In instrumental music, Miss Grace t MORH- JOUR.AL S..CIAI I RSO W.l party the night of September-30- draft calls, recently was wounded in NATION-WID- O. who Santa Fe, Aug. 20. The suf of E and there are some who are Inquiring Oldham, handled this work is soon to France, according to Information re- PROBE here with such an enviable Gallup have a mile and $2,997 received for motor car licenses as to whom the Elks wish to bid fare- record last a quarter of new in ceived by his father, Charles Lewis. OF Hair Often Ruined season, will again be Instructor. Miss paving put at a during July was distributed today,, LIVING IS BEGUN well. Others express a knowledge as r cost of $75,000. Lee S. Miller of San The young soldier Is reported to b to of state to the of Oldham has studied violin with the in In $620.03 going the secretary Identity the Washing With ta Fe submitted plana nnd speeifica- -l recovering a hospital the war IBV by Soap best masters and is for expenses, $1,188.37 to the county MORNINO JOURNAL' RP.CIAL A of the European especial- t zone. He will go back Into the tren- LIARIO Wl reproduction skilled in ens for the project and the work treasurer's In to the II' Washington, 20. old Las' Vegas plaza In 1884 Is to be ly stringed instruments of will soon ches as soon as he has his proportion Aug. Countrywide Soap should be used In be, under, ,nv. Consider- regained censes collected from each county, Investigation of the cost of one of the features. The affair Is to very carefully. all kinds. Her work piano Is also more livine was f you want to keep your hair looklns of a order. able street 'innr'nint Is strength. and J1.18S.60 Into the state treasury started today by the burean of be a homecoming meeting, and every Its high labor best. Most soaps and Dreoered In school music chorus cct t?mplated for tho nnr futuic. for school and good roads. statistics to obtain data for, use In Elk in this part of New Mexico is ex- shampoos contain too much alkali. public and Germans Violate Pact. work. Miss Jama Duncan has been 20. O- Grant county received the largest making wage adjustments. Six pected to be 7 . This dries the scalp, makes Washington, Aug. German agents present. the hair Her credentials excel- Mr?. P. E. Aldrich announces sum among the counties, $113.81, Ber- began the; Inquiry In call- brittle, and ruins It. employed. are that fficers formerly Interned In Switzer- Baltimore, made a tn young ladies nalillo county received $105.09, Chav- ing on representative In dif- Old Time ItMdtlont Burled. Tha best thing for steady use Is Just lent, having splendid showlne, hae cniolk J for land and repatriated haver been sent families muislfied In this line of education in service. es $96.76, Luna $77.33, Union $73.76, ferent parts of the city. East Las N. M., 20. irdlnary cocoanutoil (which the schools nursing Th; quota lor on military duty to the Ukraine tn vio- Vegas, Aug. la pure and greaseless), and Is of California. county was as Socorro $68.94, Torrance $60.67, Curry Information will he gathered from The funeral of Samuel an better three, but usual lation of the agreement of Berne, ac- Goldsmith, than the most expensive soap or any- Prof. J. E. Brownlee, In the thev have ove- - $r.4.72, Colfax $53.93, the other coun- the families regarding their annual ex old time resident of Lag Vegas, was else can use. acting fne 'hi top cording to an official dispatch today thing you capacity of of the normal The annual snake dance will ties getting less than $50 each. penditures for food, clothing, housing, held' here. Tuesday, lodge One or two teaspoonfuls will cleanse president Hopl from France. Chapman the absence of Et, L. take at Toreva fuel, furniture and miscellaneous ex- No. 2, A.. P. and A. M. the the hair and scalp during President place and Hoteville. conducting thoroi'shly. simply Enloe at Calif., attended on the Indion Remit for Highway Work. penses.- ' services. Mr. Goldsmith died re- moisten the hair with water and rub Long Beach, Hopl reservation, Aug. Salzburg Without Food. in. an a of the state board of edu- 22 to 27. . Santa Fe, Aug. 20. Torrance coun- From data already gathered by the cently in Antonito, Colo. it It makes abundance of rich, meeting Washington, Aug. 20. Salzburg, which cation at Santa Pe last week. Miss Word has been cen- ty has sent In Its first remittance of bureau, an increase 'of 3 per cent over reamy lather, rinses out easily received .here that Austria's ono time famoYia touri $3,000 to ' removing every particle of dust, dirt! Isable Eckles, superintendent of Grant John Ronan, a- Gnllup boy, has re- ter and health resort, ,1s in such dire match state and federal ap- the prices prevailing on June 15 Is Dura n Tenchirs Chosen. and excessive oil. o dandruff The hair county schools, also Is a member of ceived his for food propriations for the Abo and Estancia shown on twenty-tw- essential food "East Lag N. M.. 20. tries and promotion to corporal. straits that all strangers have Vegas, Aug. quickly evenly, and it leaves jthla board and was In attendance at T. J. Morev, Indian been ordered to leave highways, Otero county , sent in articles a month later. The prices of Arnold Garllek of this has been the scalp soft, and the hair fine trader at Chin town, according several city and this special called meeting. Lee, Is Bpendlng a few in to an official Jrom $9,036.3 for the same purpose. Chav- articles decreased. The .fine selected as of llky, bright, lustrous, ' days Gallup dispatch today principal the Duran fluffy and easy Prof. Myron R. of the nor-m- on business. es county remitted $500 for work on cuts or rresh beef dropped 1 cent, schools o manage. ' Lugiblhl France. per for the coming terms. Other will deliver a series of the Eight-mil- e draw. navy beans 2 per cent and lamb You can get mulslfled cocoanut oil factulty Miss Lcy Gonzales returned last kird, teachers, to be employed there are addresses before teachers' Institutes and coffee less than five-tent- ol Miss it any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and week from the teachers' normal at Journal Atfs Verdle Mrs. Iulna San- a Want Because Thatcher, few ounces will supply mem-Oa- r In eastern New Mexico the last of Au- San Pay Journal Want Ada l .... . every Diego. trln result. put cent.,,, chez, Miss ciura Tipton. of for - uti family moalbA gust. 'I Dr. II. G. WlllHon of this city has Everybody Reads the Journat, SIX Albuquerque Morning Journal Wednesday, August 21,19 1 8. AN INDEPENDENT KEWSPAPKB If that charge were made by some ordinary economist or by a politician FORWARD, MARCH! or by one who might be denominated a statesman other than a member of the great body that for years has been Troopship in From Sea Homing Journal invested with the pove,r of investiKa- Published by the tion In these matters, it is probable (Associated rrese Correspondence.) JOURNAL CO." that the the charge sky had cleared and the huge hulls of PUBLISHING party making American Port, Western France, the would be denominated a transports loomed out of the mist, Western demagogue. July ,25. Twelve o'clock at night, al' their funnels black smoke, Representative It has been to and lights out ashore puffing C. J. ANDEUSON, apparent shippers and afloat, heavy their sides painted with fantastic 111 rain squalls sweeping out to sea, and Marquette Blag., Chicago, producers throughout the country this camouflage, and their decks rising away from the great centers of indus- great port dark and silent as the like terraces crowded with khaki clad Eastern Representative laiesi iieet or American transports and Americans in broad brimmed . and commerce this dfcerimin-ntio- n 13 de- their RALPH R. MUI.LIOAN-- try that convoys monster ships, 10 sombrerors. The had 0 Ea?t d destroyers Street. New Tnrk. was practiced, and during all stroyers, 36,000 fighting men and drawn off and were bur.ched ten lCntt-re- aa aeeund-clas- s 5,000 crew lying mutter at tlw those have and creeps in from the At across. looked bo-si- de N. years they protested They diminutive posioffice of M., under . ' lantic. Albuquimua, Act never once has been a rcmeds.-- the big ships, but their power of Cotinress of March 1, 1S79. With an we showed in These artificial conditions have American armv escort the glint of guns and the Larger circulation than any other paper had climbed to a high point on tho long, lean build like a greyhound Jn New Mexico. The only paper In New compelled manufacturers to leave the sea front to a of first stretched for action. Mexico Issued In get glimpse this Further back every day the year. natural field of their where proeers in the mi- were the French battleshins. " TBRMST'OF "suBsciuV'fioNl operations gigantic military tho else gration from America to Europe, the All about were innumerable small Ially, by carrier or mail, one month.. 70e raw product and everything by greatest the world has ever known, craft, army and navy tugs, Yearly, In advance $7.G8 was at hand and go to certain large to lighters, ' and then follow it, Btep by step, as launches and a flotilla of fishing craft KoriciaTo slTijsciVifiKits. centers of commerce, because those us vast ana un- with their nets Subscribers to intricate activities hanging to dry like the Journal when writing centers of commerco were favored to folded up to the arrival of tho men on huge sails of lace. Back of this water to have their paper changed to a new ad- mo scene dress must be sure to the old address. such nn extent by tho railroad com- naming front. stretched the huge warehouses, give The wireless like "The Jourhul has a circu- panies that the in- station had received a sprung up mushrooms, until the turning higher manufacturing message of the whole front was black with buildings lation rating than Is accorded to any other terests elsewhere could not compete. cipher giving warning paper in New Mexico," The American approach of the fleet. It had been and the more buildings. Already the Newspaper Directory. Mr. McChord calls attention to this nopeu tne arrival would be in daylight, lighters were alongside ami tho sol- diers came down tho O O fact not primarily for the purpose of with flags flying, bands playing and tramping gang- the SUn Shinlna- na ftfrn- ways to go ashore. MEMBEll OF THE ASSOCIATED attacking conditions that existed In the AmnHcnn PRK.SS. ing men got their first glimpse of The Americans found this port The Assuclnled Presa Is exclusively transportation service but for the pur- XUUrone. lint th H Oa no nnrn, a without any system of big docks. A entitled to the use for republication pose of warning our government and said the admiral, and there Is no time few of the smaller ships can come to of all news credited to It or not other- those connected with it that it is now for Btage effects. the docks but most of the unloading wise credited In thie paper and also 80 midnio-b- must Tlie to commence to for And ar in tho min nn.l be bv lighters. Ameilcan the local news published herein. time prepare after commanders are planning to change war conditions. He calls attention to the nil and soon the Ions breakwater JOURNAL- and for first time ainpo th loft ih: this, TUB takes prints in- will linked to bind hours and minutes of ex- the fact that wages are constantly other side, the huge flotila moved in be the by brilges Ixty thirty a line thus at a stroke a, dock- clusively Associated Press leased wire creasing and that when the war is long of lights Jo tho sheltered creating huge No news- roadstead. There the of ing system by which tho American service each week. other over, in the very necessity of tho case, wits creak paper published in New Mexico takes windlass and the chains as tho anchors troops will march straight across - those will reason i more than twenty-fou- r hours of As- wages decrease by gripped. from the ships. loclated Press service during a week. of the fact that hundreds of thousands And Vet this midnifi-h- t nn-ivn- in A lighter was now pushing off, with J ! 500 d of men who are now employed in .o umnuin OIIU OHiy U 115 U troops packed on it l'ke tho crowd tho steady succession of armad. at a. holiday procession. The men .AUGUST 21, 111 IS special war work will have to sock great JVEDNKSDAY. as coming every tnree and four days, were feeling gay, for they were about " - of r other kinds employment. in the colossal American military in- to step on solid ground again, and to There will be a resistance to the flux Urhtntl aafMtn,r Uilm.. t have their first look at and liOYCOTTIN Or G F.ltMAN Y. Franco; decrease in wages by these employes, 275,000 men for a single month. These besides they had th regimental band 35,000 men in which was unless the cost of Is just are the population sending the Star Spangled If Die German leaders and the dor naturally, living of a good sized city; twice as many Banner echoing over the water. Every or Spanish-A- man think that the bitterest proportionately fairly proportion- men as we sent to Cuba for the head was bared as the strains of the people decreased. merican about half tho anthem went Over the men fruit Unit could fall into their ately war; up. possible Mr. McChord takes tho view that force Napoleon had at Waterloo when floated a huge dirigible balloon point- from the present war is a military tho destinies of Eurone woio in the out to sea in of a mbninrine. lap that can "not be accomplished unless ing quest defeat, they are .deluding themselves. scnle. The soldiers gazed at it ns the first labor is scattered the And while is one record of it rose two The world has not set itself to the throughout this of the sign warfare. After only and finds Its in is a small like monster beetles and the Prussian war country occupation debarkments, yet it only hydroplanes task of punishing the of the food- part of that mighty coming in from joined in the chase for submarines. of but has vicinity necessary west.- - makers by force arms,' it n tho It is the unprecedented Now the were at the dock, stuff supplies, and unless tho conges-tion'i- lighters nlso determined mat the whole Ger- magnitude of such a military move- and with the tide out the men climbed the great cities is relieved and across In 20 to wharves. As be for a ment, the ocean, tho face of up feet the they man people shall punished men are to find laborers In submarines, that has thrilled the allied fell In for the march to camu had war. permitted they generation after the tho great open where rents are suf- world and broken the spirit of the an earnest, quizzical look, for this was More than a miartor-o- f a million reasonable for a man to adversary, the first sight these men of tho now ficiently It was a scene in the harbor world were of the old world-m- ost at the Instigation of the ' stirring taking persons, bouse his family. the morning following ns the irans-port- s of them from Iowa, Nebraska American (Defense society's boycott The senate began consideration of unloaded their 3fi,000 men. The and the middle west. have themselves r committee, pledged this Important subject (and it will - station and had been on tlie train never to made In Ger- buy anything grow more important still as peace several clays and had days yet to The movement is be- r $1,000 under the same conditions many. only just draws nearer) the latter part of July. travel. One of the little children had when victim is The offer will find favor and -- the a negro. gun and that it The Congressional Record for August Faith of War Torn France an arm off, another a applies to officials and private citi- is seen in the leg. WITH SCISSORS pnpport in this country 1, gives the proceedings. Talk about war. Were Sherman zens of any state. response it has so far met. Sim- the took he would have to invent a more AND PASTE The Georgia legislature is ponder- quick Supposedly senators up the here, a bill which for tho re- ilar movements have been started In with an idea of Silver descriptive term than the one he was ing provides question framing Inspires City Pastor wont to use. in moval from office of any sheriff who France and Groat where they to conditions Every man our unit to be from Britain, legislation meet the was moved to tears as we were 151'TTKRMILK iTO CONIENSET permits a prisoner taken to BE the Jail or from his and have grown formidable proportions. which they all foresaw and all agreed brought close to this, our first cxper (Indianapolis News.) deputies have no connection' with gov- met. A of Con rm ..n ...... ienco with war's havoc on Innocent In a Wil- lynched) They should bo pursual the i iiu ituiuwing letter .written to a answered that he had a child recent Interview with Dr. about the Texas Vn will younger and down in our hearts we liam of St. was The difficulty plan ernments, except so far ns'they giessional Kecord for that day, how friend by tho Row Robert K. Brown- which sufferers, Greick, Paul, the fact is it no for get- was shot by tlie Huns. thanked God that wo had come to brought out that for immense that makes provision have to be taken into account when ever, shows that neither accom of A Y. years that will convict in lynch- they ing, formerly pastor the Church of M. C. A. secretary told me this strike our blow. quantities of buttermilk have been go- ting juries trade agreements are drawn up in the plished nor even started to accomplish the Good in Silver N ror to waste. Dr. Greick is ing cases, tl looks like prosecuting Shepherd City, tragic incident, he helped to get You would have been proud of our ing a prom- witnesses are to have a hard of M., now of- ns to car inent member of American Chemi- going peace negotiations. anything at all. serving as chaplain in the dqlhrs for the family. A British boys they went from car the time $100 a harder on to thos"c! cal for has devoted getting the and Boycotts are effective weapons, and What they did do was wrangle the American Expeditionary Forces, re ficer the front in tho last drive giving up their day's rations society and years time the $1,000, unless suf- un- rushed who I was. told upon himself to a of the milk prob- getting Nvhile generally are applied entire over whether Mr. fleets in a remarkable degree tho in into a French home where the depended largely study ficiently aluring rewards are offered they day mother was the the American Hollers to relieve their lem. As a result of his efforts along if there ever was or will be Jus- article should be In spiring Influence tho Americans have preparing scanty meal a has been discover- to jurors to convict. Juries in lynch- fairly, published for her five her be- hunger as they passed from station to this line, method It will felt upon their arrival in France. children, husband You ed for into ing cases are peculiar. tification for their employment, the Record or whether It should be ing in the army, and told her to flee station. would have felt proud, condensing buttermilk The been In opera- of semi-soli- d smooth substance of the Georgia plan has lie after the war. given to the people as a senate docu- at once, as the city was being shelled. likewise, the Red Cross, for to them tion in Illinois for Beveral years and TT. In the of two or three consistency of ice cream. ment. "Somewhere in France," S. Army Taking a few things from the table, persons young has been found efficacious. P. O. 741. American E. via and no girls, wearing that uniform which has All the nutritive value of the butter extremely a over man- F., Franco, worldly belongings, she rushed milk is in and It has not put a stop to lynching in The Austrian minister who, in In petty debate tho best New York, 17, 1918. to the train with her fivo ones become tlie emblem of the noblest conserved this product July little was com- it is therefore suitable for that state, but it has practically speech, once told the ner for telling the peoplo of a problem My dear Mr. Pettus: and got away just in time, but her self sacrifice for humanity, especially of conciliatory I wanted to to mitted the care of this helpless use in bread making. From eight to stopped tho practice taking pris- Ozecho-Slovuk- s were back- of the write you on tho 14th beautiful sixteen old throng. they the ahead, they lost sight entirely year daughter, None of tm was left ten pounds of this material when add oners from the sheriff's custody and of this month, which was a national who could not be found at the time, after this ir which was a bone of his empire, evidently told the main issue (industrial preparation in to doubt as to why we came here, and ed to a barrel of flour produces a re lynching them, popular holiday France for both Americans had bo left behind and she has and safe pastime before the truth. against the return of our soldiers.) und the never heard of her since. God we all said: "If the American people sulting loaf of greator food value, perfectly frenchmen, commemorating grant could see of since the milk to make law was enacted. An Illinois sheriff, national Independence of the French that death cams to one who would but this graphic picture protein helps the alternative the ravages of a relentless foe, there up the defficiency of it in our present when confronted with A munitions worker has estab- people. Every American, both here meet a far worse fato than death if of his prisoner or losing his KING MAKING. girl and in our own country, must have she fell into the hands of Huns. could be nothing so precious but that day flour substitutes. The vitamines holding lished a hand gre- the of the butterfat to define the job, generally finds a way to foil tha record l.y filling felt inspired to help Franco celebrate In the railway station at, Vierzon a they would gladly part with it lo crush help a nades rate was so to this ugly monster which hus lifted its structure of the bread besides produc- lynchers. .linff in Georeo Itenwick, with high explosive at the what akin our own great sight mot our eyes which we shaP an five All In which tho of never a would head to destroy a world's peace and ing agreeable milk flavor, and the New York Times correspondent at of one every seconds.. that day. people the French forget sight that ' sugar of milk, aside from being of LONG TIME OFF. Ger- republic took a On tho wring pity from tho most hard heart- Happiness. Of remains is to get them into the leading part. food with .) Amsterdam, the masters the central Fourth of I ed. It was a of To pass from the theme of suffer great value, when combined (Birmingham man same July heard the French long train about fifty to the dextrin In makes a fine me were in a great hurry to make trenches at the interval. soldiers sing "La Marseillaise" as I Ciirs of unfortunate refugees, who had ing the spirit of endurance which flour, "When you were wooing you empire hus filled the world by its magnifi brown crust at a comparatively low- made many extravagant promises." more and kingdoms when they have never heard it sung before. Ev- just tied from the battle front, all so it saves kings heart was emotion huddled of 'in cent courage, one cannot but take baking temperature, that "So I did, my dear. I particularly met at German headquarters IIOXDS AX1I IJONDS. ery touched with together, many them a new Juel and unnecessary loss of Imperial as tho sublimo words of this great notning nut cattle cars, lying upon heart and gain inspiration in prevents recall one." Jast week. battle of from straw, old men and knowing that It is with such comrades moisture. "What was It?" Tho tie that binds tho allies to- cry freedom rang forth women, many In own Dr. Grelck's method is The German war lords are making the lips of tho Invincible son of mothers with their Utile children in arms that our soldiers are very timely "I swore I'd" love you till the sun same as which side side in as it. opens up a new source of food me subdued of what gether is not the that iFrance. their arms and many very young boys standing by the present grew cold. Scientists tell that will kings for portions 1 supply, which is of value not only years-hence.- holds Austria and tho German prov- "To arms, to arms, ye brave, and girls. Never have seen a more crisis. be not less than 30 million was Itussia. are up To me most beautiful In from the of quantity, but is r They polishing Th' avenging sword unsheathe! tragic picture written in the faces of the thing viewpoint hand-pressin- g inces together. - of as the new and God's children. N France France a land of the beauti- great interest, product crowns, carving scepters, Tho March on! March on! to ad- Ger- Ever since formation of the All Some of told our who ful, where even in the throes of war, imparts the bread the added royal rols for divers hearts resolved them ' boys of flavor "sollverein,' German customs union, On or death." could speak French that had the lark sings its sweetst song high up vantage improved and pro- AUSTRIANS EXPECTED man to wear on somewhat victory they in the air and where the gorgeous vides the vitamines and milk salts so princes prior to Prussia's attack on Austria That the of tho French fled from their peaceful little villages thrones German armies are spirit brave before crimson poppy grows in the very necessary to tho proper assimilation of RESUME ATTACK riekety in June, 1S8G, the one Idea of the soldiery has risen to the height of just they crumbled into dust food. TO, in Tola ml, Lithuania and Fin before tho that trenches, a symbol of the sacrifice of erecting German nation has been to extend its this martial challenge, four long years approaching Huns, and its heroes is tho of hail been on the road spirit fraternity tBV MONIN JOURNAL SPECIAL LIASKO Wlftll land. years fraught with untold suffering, they tramping and found YSE PUISONEKS TO LOAD ICE. ' trade and gradually to dominate either bear for days before the comradeship everywhere 20. Just how long these "made in Gor ample witness. reaching railway between the French and the Ameri- Washington, Aug. Resumption commercial pressure or by force of The French soldier down to Philadelphia Record.) of Austrian offensive On the Italian- will last depends upon by may go cans. Trenton. The general ice famine the many" kings but not to is either -front arms tho countries of Europe. death, defeat. It They fight as brothers in a common that threatens Trenton, because of the is to be expected at any time, the fighting now being done upon the victory or death. We have heard to the critic of the It Is admitted now that Germany Franco rs cause. Thero is something about it lack of men to move the Ice at the ice- according military west front and what our 4,000,000 wilt that has been bled white, that defies the of to volun- Corriero not only hoped to dominate all of she Is at w that powers language houses, may be averted by tho Italian newspaper D'llalla, do next and summer. bleeding every pore, and describe. Of course we all know that offer of Inmates of the state pris- a received here from there spring in this manner, but the whole wonder why, in of it she has tary says dispatch of Europe spite all, we are here to ward off something on to relieve the situation. There is Rome. This business making kings, world. tho war of 1866, been able to preserve a spirit of faith PCS CL countries Austria, by that sooner or later must have beer no shortage of ice, but the Icehouses The critic bases his predic- out frontier for other and courage that has become the ad met in our own land. than in Trenton cannot military was forced into the German customs miration of (he world. Deeper the vicinity of get tion on such recent events as the clos- and building thrones with controlling assis- that, however, there is the feeling tho labor to load the cars, .'With the union and became an unwilling Here is the answer on the lips of ing of the Swiss frontiers, the visit of wires leading to Potsdam has long one sons- - that we have come, after many long result that within a few days the city tant to building up German power on of her "We sleep in mud, to at feet of our ioe. Karl to tho Trentino and been the aircastle which impelled the we bathe in but our years, lay the France may he entirely Without Emperor the continent. biood, souls, they for: so given The situation was to the tho conference , at German military to make Huns out of dwell among tho stars." Or again, CDMOND VAHCE. gratitude help generously presented Jlohenzollerns No one can but see the causes when we too were struggling for free- prisoners the other day by the head headquarters. help the secret may be read in the follow- "i the Germana. that bind the allies to one purpose. which for of dom, keeper, and they volunteered by entered the war ing, sublimity patriotism, Being over here, I have often hundred. The first batch left the If America had not are so from those has no parallel in the annals of his a? They divergent' A thought, that coming as late ns we did prison at 6 o'clock tho other morning when tt did and as wholeheartedly which hold Central Powers1 to tory. French soldier, mortally into how could we have in a motor truck" for Lawrence Station, the kaiser to wounded, to be carried to his the struggle, It did, it is very likely that is ridicu begged our national soul and honor, had where thev snent the entire day trans THAT IN Bel- gether that any comparison native city. kept CHANGE now would be making kings for which r we kept out of it altogether. It would ferrihg ioe from the large plant of tho lous. The first impulse prompt His wife was awaiting him at the guns been to our gium, Serbia, Montenegro and would station to him new Smash Huns. have recorded eternal Bahrenburg company to waiting cd the allies to unite wa sthat of self greet with their shame and Ignominy. Of one I which were be grooming his sons for the thrones born babe. Aa he was being taken thing freight cars, Immediately preservation. As they became annealed Rravo French nm confident. God brought us to this sent to this city. WOMAN'SLIFE of Great Britain and the United StateB. from the train,' ho breathed his last, will us to Into a whole that Impulse has changed whilo his wife with tho Take trench. thing, and He guide through tried the same system rushing to him the end, when shall MAKE GOOD TIME ON FRENCH Napoleon, from one of sell preservation to one child, placed It his pallid face Huns f(.(. glorious victory when he kingdoms to against Cold stoel crown all allied arms, and when jus- KOAI. , apportioned of respect for each other. Its out- and exclaimed: "After all, I was only tice over and other marshals. Only nis wife. Frunce was his and right shall prevail ty (Washington Star.) Mrs. Godden Tells How It Jiis brothers growth is a determination to remove mother." Gen ranny and wrong. American military dispatch riders, tho reign-hous- e Everywhere I havo seen a Foch in one of them has survived, forever tho need of to fight people Beats p It Is this spirit that nerves every the motor cyclist successors of the old May be Passed Safety c, having clothed with tho habiliments of sor Hiiche, Marshal ' " arm to nnd to to arm are a hundred of Sweden. And for self row; a land whero no one walks save Haig s tanks fight endure the very courier, covering and Comfort the Swedish preservation again. end, without compromise or fear Of mile's In three hours over the French who mounted the very aged and the very young, for I'lay pranks. reach- as Charles XIV., at once began all her sons who are left face the ter defeat., roads, according throne CANNING IN NEW MEXICO. Yanks "They shall not pass" tlie great ing the war department. These riders, and finally rible Hun, whilo her young girls make gain Verdun is J'remont.O. "I was passing through to break with Napoleon Past Aisne challenge at now written carefully selected, men, who do their - of Scan- the munitions of war, and throughout on the of stilled power. work In of bad bad the critical period of life, being forty- secured the Independence tho The announcement from Artcsla tho little and hamlets Advaneo banner every spite roads, villages where and no one who believes in a 'God of weather and enemy fire, are intrusted j six years ui ugeauu more fifteen . carloads of Through dinavian monarchy. that than I have gone there reign an uncanny France, Justice and in the ultimate triumph with the task of keeping regimental had all tne symp canned fruits and vegetables will be silence, the silence almost of death. of what is right can doubt regarding brigade, division and corps headquart- toms mcidenttothat come And yet, the soul of this land, into Rhine Crossed. in flash- THE WAY OP CONGRESS. shipped from there this fall will Huns lost. the final issue. It may be long, it ers touch with each other. change heat which the very Iron has entered, re- ,be No one can know this and as a to a good many people Crown f may short. es, nervousness, surprlso mains unconquered. prinfce but God has settled HIS NEAREST FOE. was in a run C. C. of tho In In New Mexico who the state Sad quince. much, already general McChord, a member regard I walked one evening into a Tory what the end shall be. and whose it (Ellington Field, Tex., Tale Spins.) Idown condition, so tfrstate Commerce commission, n as one producing not much besides small village called Marbagne. It shall be ,if we cling to the vision of Sentry Halt! Who's In- Old Bin. there? it was bard lor me of com minerals nnd livestock. seemed to have but a few hundred the of His cause. Challenged Your member the Railroad Wage on wall of All in. justice Party sergeant.' to do my work. of which habitants, and yet the the And With the earnest prayer that all o,ur Sentry Advance, enemy. E. mission, and also lately appointed by The quality the tomatoes, village church I saw a tablet on which Lu, oe Lydia Pinkham's All peoplo at nome may sirengmenen Com- the president as one of the umpires of is the chief product of the valley were written tha names of those who through, to sacrifices to which TWO WAYS Vegetable I bear whatever TO STOP LYNCHING!. was recom- to to had In and .) pound the National War Labor board, wrote around Artesia, is said be equal fallen, ncaring thirty all, Frilz God and our country call them, and (St. Louis beneath the names was written the weeps In ; mended to me as the an article recently In which he pointed any and the fact For ' may with unflagging zeal believe Texas and Georgia are trying to v produced anywhere, words: "Priez Dieu eux," keeps. of our I with j best remedy for out the need that the govern that the crop is eagerly sought by pour "Pray Allies the splendor cause, am, put a stop to lynching. The Texas my urgent God for them." best wishes, . yours, plan is to rewards convictions. troubles, which it once dealers the statement. Win prizo Faltntuiiy pay for ment begin at to make provision bears out How could. I, an American, forbid a . ROBEltT EVANS BROWNING, The Georgia way is to take' the surely proved to be. I feel better and for the Industrial absorption of the Sweet potatoes and asparagus are prayer for those who I knew stood as Chaplain sheriff's Job from him if he allows in every way "since a wull between all I held dear and We're in stronger taking it, millions of American soldiers who will also raised in large quantities In the that Berlin. anybody to be lynched in his baili- and the annoying symptoms have disap- this merciless Invader and destroyer. HIGHWAYMEN INVENTED most ex- Na-pole- home at of tho war. Arstesla district. of such K. Bill TOILET wick. The Texas plan is the peared. " Mrs. M. Godden, 925 return the end Fostering I knelt and thanked Qod for VINEGAR. is sure ' to just Quito ill. pensive, but the Georgia way Fremont, Ohio; Mr. McChord charges direetly that industries will do much benoflt the Franco and her Indomitable spirit News. to prove the most effective.! St, who have (Detroit Such annoying symptons as heat la congestion has been brought about state and will go far' toward making We, Just entered this strug. the ladies who use toilet ,The open handed Texana propose to ' door Perhaps lead-ach- e, ' gle, have yet to go a long way to un Trap .vlneirnr would like to know its nriirinT end mob violence not flashes, nervousness, backache, In certain sections of this country and It self sustaining. In floor lynching and and dcrstand what France has suffered. The runs like this: the only in Texas, but "within the bounds irritability " the blues," may at the same time a depletion in other The success of the tomato growers This little is but a of Gives way. Btoiy During overcome and village type Bands great plugue that visited Marseilles, of continental United States." The be speedily the system sections of tho country relative to this fall, notwithstanding that the all. Every family has a tale of suf- play, four highwaymen who had formed a idea is to raise a fund of $100,000, to restored to normal conditions by this ' and through arti- season was backward, promises to give fering to tell, for In every family thero gang, Invented an aromatic vinegar, be maintained for five years to com- famous root and herb remedy Lydia E. population Industry are one more In black. A I'ight showers, vio- ficial stimulus to truck or dressed No by meajis of which they could rob the bat and punish lynching and mob Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. means, through' preferences, garden' production few I went Into a flowers. Is to sec- ' days ago tiny shop dead and dying without any fear of lence. A roward of $100 be paid if complications them prejudicial action against other In the Artesia belt next year. where a young who was for any "present ; Frenchman, infection. This vinegar was for a long to each person directly responsible selves write the Pinkham Medicine Co., tions, and that practically' all has formerly a machine gunner and had time known in France under the name the arrest and. subsequent conviction for how to eat lost one leg, was Bhoes for a instrumental Lynn, Mass., suggestions Jieen accomplished through the wrong The meat and wheat we didn't mending of lo quatre Voieur," and of any person or. persons . -- - "Vinaigre overcomo-them- The result of forty ' to Gor-- living. With him were his rfifo and becamo toilet in arousing a mob to commit lynch- ful use of the privilege relating have something to do with the two beautiful I asked him If eventually vinegar, years experience is at your service ant) I boys. ing or participating In the lynching this country, mun retreat, ' Una was Utter held in strict confidence. transportation la A the extent ef bis family, tie lota tii Tweuun aub. itself, when the victim is white, and your Albuquerque Morning Journal Wednesday, August 21,1918. SEVEN Intnitlona Nw Mnriot, BRINGING UP FATHER Coprrlrht. BY GEORGE McMANUS

' FOR -- wMsM tW ' OODhESb tAKE , MO MX WIFE - jm4F- AtiKEQ f 2 t 1 3 I KEM ME IF I tfTlLL LOVED " C - - jtC T. I FKHT.N ' '4 Jr4 s ii HER AN' DIDN'T 8 s - ft r t I 4 - i Iff h? : .; Da VI3

ii i i . i1 a i . . f i m i i in -y i i a s is kv i

L - " - - r JJ,I - vfgg& . , Cfig Ifflb''sglg-,- l IS Tom Ml Hi TkiSfl file

Int. Mer. Marine 102 Tfd. Ctfs sums FOR SALL Kennecott Copper 33 Vs a Emmn MieceRaneom. STAR FURNITURE CO. Louisville & Nashville 115 Kult KA1.M 118 West Gold. STOSSTtt $1,300 modern brick, hot Valley ranches are our Ions; suit. Horse, Imrnoss and bugKy. Mexican Tctroleum 100 water heat, lot 75x112, Fourth If you want to buy land it will pay aim, iiiq a Dmiuerqlia. Koll Top Desk. $20.00. Miami Copper 27 Oa ward. you to see us. We have several close l''OU SA i,K l t, no7siT V"oJmTrtor. lillle Automobile Mechanics' Tool Ilox, Missouri Pacific 23 H $1,600 frame, bath, sloep- - A in farms now that can be eopiniliH and cluti h. Itargalii. I'lioino litfli $5.00. - modern brick wilh large bought; Montana J. . 09 ing porch, South Broadway, closo the run uoe SMfe, hultnblo for liTTlell Power corner lot, five worth money. S."i ,l.; Refrigerator, special price. in. sleeping porch, only - Kow York Central 23 blocks from postoffico. Owner aalely deposit boxes. Address Jour- Want to buy what you have to $1,500 cement block bun- has ral. sell. Northern Pacific S9 left town and has put the TEIMTON ft CO. I'hono 409 galow, modern, glassed-i- n sleep- price I'OH WALK clood gentle driving outfit, 2 43 down to $2,200. If you want a nice FIRE INSURANCE ACENT9 rlus, one Pennsylvania ... ing porch; Highland little home fit a double, one Ingle. 401 North E Hay Consilidated Copper 23 $2,500 bargain, you had Third and Gold Thirteenth. Phono 9(19. bungalow, modern, better look at this one. Sco FOR SAI.K PR Reading S!l sleeping porch, garage, Fourth Ono nenTly new Ford t; Iron & Steel 9 ward. extra equipment. Address Ptein. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Republio A. Pclllosa i 7 $2,500 L MA1TII1XO. Co. West Copper. Southern Pacific 87 stucco, bath, etc., FARM - cement walks and REAL ESTATF, FIRE INSURANCE LAW) 0O"- ImiINT ATTORN KV4 Southern Railway 23 U coping, also par Boof oor all on LOAN 3. 15 acres, small house, barn, etc., $3,000. io gallon. undar car will W. Rdobe, lot 75x142; Improva from to W on JOll.N U ILsON and,. Rails Show Texas Company 150 Phone 169. 216 10 atu'es, all Iti cultivation, $l'0U per no.r, year year. can put Shippings Third ward. West Gold. new roof that will as Attorney Union Pacific 124 V, J'.'O acrua, huuao and $7,000. last long th Room 17 $1,900 frame, glassed- building. The Maniano Co. Phon Uwl-- 15, and 19. Cromwell Building Greatest IT. modern, AH cloao to city. Increase, Although S, Industrial Alcohol 127': -in porch, shade, good outbuild- U0 South Walnut Phone 1178. United States Steel 11 ings. West Lead It. McCXTOHAN kAlul All Reflect Ui avenue. STOLEN, 210 907 caroon roor paim naircntcrnienT j Issues Upward 80 $4,750 West Gold Thnno top lasts Utah Copper cement block Insurance. I,oans l'ubllo Iraki; five year. Us Dero uRTiTirkkSFF and shingle Notary ready paint, floor paint, Valspar, Jap-a-ltt- c ',' iTrend and residence, hardwood Caiiilluc, liberal reward for return, lleply mohair Dental finrgena . . Optimism, floors, hot air furnace, corner lot A. A., care Journal. top and eat dresilng. Motor car fin- Rooma Harnett 744 NEW YOIJK COTTOX. ish, cold water Uulldlng Phon good location, Fourth ward. kalsomlne, and be satisfied Appointments Made by Mall FOR Rooms. Tho. . Kcleher. 408 W. Contial. Phone 410. New 20. Cotton ' HELP WANTED REJH a f. cor r New York, 20. Triiriins in York, Aug. close! A. Aug:. at net declino of 35 to 47 FLEISCHER Dentist steady a 5 stocks today broadened on a slight Real Nortlu FOR BAI, Rooms Mellnl Building points. Estate, Insurance, Loans ONID increase of The 1 111 Centrifugal pump nd activity. expansio South Fourth Street. W rooms PHYSICIANS AMI rlt'KtiKUNS ANTED A aeuund cook at unce. l'ulf- - lm JtKXT Kumlahed fur lisht phase motor. With pressure control. Ap- wag accompanied by a 621 ply D. general CHICAGO HOAKI) OF TKADE. man Cafe. hoiiHckeeplnR. West Bllvef. Weinman, care Economist, UK. K J; ItOVKIt strengthening of the list, although I'HMt ItlC.NT Two WANTED Nlslit man, ula im'rhunU'al rmmis furnlBhed lor New Ideation. shippings, rails and a few specialties man. Ami-rlca- lirlit hi.i.poktM'priiK'. 219 Went (j rani to. Itooms S'l-- JlanieD Building Chicago, Aug. 20. The persistency tlnniK". FOli ti.M.i: At were " Tho Meyers Co. Klore, ior-ne- r Phones, (irrieo C',1. Itesldenco 2liH. again most conspicuous. WA.NTKI) Exlwrli ncc il wnTry r'UK ltlfiNT Muauro rurniBoO nxjim; no of damage reports from southern Ne mull or 608 First street and avenue A lol SVi'a Cook woman. Pullman Cafo. Ick; running water. Vi Wut Ctmtral. of t'oppr W. I. .Ml M. II. liberty continued their up braska and Iowa as well as the south- Wanted furniture and fixtures, Including one ctec-til- o Kl'IIV, WANTED liKN'T- LUht houMkiH'pin rooms ; pluyer-plan- ward progress to the new cpiota-tio- n Uxprlcnc-- man roi milk house one bar Pnictlee Limited to Tulrcnlol Wright high west, coupled with marked strength Wages $40 a monh. Can no rhtlilrnn. West CntU. uiniglit piano, of $101.14. other go homo work. Apply JBezek'i Dairy. 1302 North (ill outfit, typewriters, cash register, show cases, building; opposite postofflcs. Offlea noun, Liberty issues at Kansas City about active nights. Phono 1040. Fourth. FOIt KENT on o 10 13 2 S m. office were active brought Hoomi week, batii, step ladders, large healing stoves, shelf to a. m., to p. Phone, but without corn no over Ooliien Rule Store. ladder and .197-- 397-- appreci.iMc trading in futures todav, prJcci! MONKURIDGE MANOR. WANT WD Man to wash bottles and cans. sick; track, dlagrapli, roll desk, plat- residence changes. to JtiONl form scale, trucks, office scoring net advances of 2'ic 2cc Apply Bezemek'a Dairy, I'm North Fuk llousttkcepinK and Bleeping desks, chairs, lilt. MARGAHKT . ARTWItK.HT A Fourth. rooms. Hotel, Klti 2 Ssiurth shelving and counters, copper measures, bot- significant development of the and closing strong. October com Albuquerque PmctUe Mmlled to Women's and 'fl W'ANTKD Teacher of Second. tling outfit, bar glassware and other articles day was the adoption of a resolution closed 2'4c up at manual training loo numerous to mention Diseases $1.65. and mechanic, ltlo lirando KOH liK.N'i" New! furnished and all goes dirt cheap by the house ex- r1m for cash, no decent offer refused. 1123 K. Central Phone S71. AlbuounrnuftNM'. clearing commute? Oats were bought by shippers today Sehtol, llox rHw City. Hlcopinif reasonable rates, ftl'i The its FOR RENT porches; Mcycr Co., Inc., Oritur First street and pressing entire sympathy with the fnd by shorts who were impressed by Apartments. W'ANTUD Man to run man Nrt h Second, lilt. HAH All (t)KF.H "credit wollilrlll, prefer Copper avenue. In Children. conservation" recommenda- the coin strength. Tlio undertone of Foil KENT Furnished without family and ono who understands Foil UKNT Mce rinuvi, slcflplnjc prtrch, all Prank' Mmlled apartmcnti. Elm Powers' machine. Office Rooms 1 and 2. Wright llldg. tions recently advanced by the 'fed- the market was strong. Closing H"'l. Firm and Tljer.n. notary Permanent chance modern conveniences. Finely lucuted. Call WANTED care Journal ifl 5 Went fop per. Mlsceftaneous. Fourth and Gold. eral reserve board. Indefinite con- L9LjL,KhJt.P"'y;JIlreHtiHtler. P- 2e over October at FOR RENT Two three-roo- apart-room- a. 3 m. to 6 m. prices yesterday. and GOVEIINMBNT ic Hours p. tinuance of is monti KWl)8"aiS" CLEKSM IA)1! KENT burnished rouins and WANTKD If you need a call Phone 1 tight money expected 74 c. and Bleeping Highland WashlnKtcn. all new and modern. carpenter, J. Residence Phone 2075. Office as a result of this action. Houm. Ejaminatlona everywhere In apartments, 8. Hurling. Phono 15H6-- In the removal of the August. Experience unnecessary. Men 215 North Beventh. provisions FOR RENT ' and WANTKD To buy the host twelv hundred Canadian Pacific its from Three or four room fiirnlnhed ""' uesinng government Dosltlona write RIO GIIANDE HOTEL Hooms and apart- FOR REM Mucellaneoui. augmented maximum price restriction dry P SOtt pound horso alx old. John Mann. ' Block, South Sixth, free to J. C. - 519 West Central. years recent advance with an additional wilted meats, by thn fond mlministra. , t fr particulars' Leonard, (tutm- ments, Mrs. Klchuri West, 1'roprl tress. WA.NTl'JD ood sliolgun mid rll'ie, The gross of four B. 1203 North Arno. gain points. tion about prices. KoU , t Kxchange, 120 West Gold. Phone 1111. rate. Garcia, brought higher iCKXTinBhrirfwriin-ii- in tho Washlnnton., IMI'IC1UAL,11U0.M.S Nici clean xoiansT Next to United States .Steel were a net advance U'nihiiivrnn 7T . WANTKD u room which' Closing prices at iwaimuic lor occupancy HUVKKNMK.NT Will hold civil Kcrvlce rates bv day or week; over Woolworth's, iiecptlt and office (.'nil at V. SI 3 Iture. Will Room With gained a trifle. Mercantile Marine of 5c to in lard, 2ie to 27 c in Tepieniiter jsi. Apf. In In Aukubi. 3 West Central. pay price. 1'iione For Rent 7c Alhu(Ucr0uo S106-J- . fioyj; 'Olioil to he Waahlntt-ton- . preferred was most active. ribs to 40c to GOc in pork. clerk, appointed at FOR UKNT Large airy room Bleeping FoK RENT Kast room wltn p'irch; board, FOR RENT Office Rooms. Enperlence unnecessary. Men wo- WANTKD A K bass American Telephone an- men and porch suitable for light housekeeping, xMl flat horn private family. 62.1 South High. registered Closing prices: dcslrlnc government clrrkahlpi write r,.ro. Inquire 1317 North First. quire ut Hennett ludiun Trading other substantial and West- for fre to K. E. - rooms. recovery Corn Sept., Oct., $1.G5. partlculara Terry, (fom- AMHH1CAN C02 l Fourtli and Gold. FOR RK.NT Large, clean ping $1.04; over Woolworth's stnr HOTF1,, West Central. ln."- - 6US ern Union also made up of us 74 c. jupstalrn, S"if3,'" s;',r,vk"1 Kxniiilner). 315 Columbian new house- jiorctr and board. Phone part Oats Sept., 73c; Oct., FOR Wanhlngton. Opened under management, WANTED At once aecond hand furniture loss. Bales to HENT2lS'ont" conneotmi Zttic and rooms, rates reason- coiik South Edith. amounted 90,000 Tork Sept., $44.30; Oct., $44.75. ronms Onlilii Hut keeping sleeping and kitchen utensila; als' atov or nvr Stnr. able. Phone 801. 2196-- shares. $26.90. rangs. I'hono FOR RK.NT Room with sleeping porches, Lard Sept., $26.77; Oct., A cold 1st class taide board. Domestic bonds were W N TED Competeiik aaiMwoiuan. Bonrn. WANTKD Urotor wishes to purchase lo hot and water, Irregular and Kibs Sept., $25.00; Oct., $25.22. WANTED Position. Economist. . Casa do Oro, 613 West Gold. Internationals featuiiess. Total sales, cation to practice medicine In New Mex-i- WA.TEI Oiri f, r FOR RENT Furnished rooma, 414 West Sil- AddroBs care Journal. FOR ItENT furnished Old WANTED Position oy nfflre ticnel'al housework. 3 J Doctor, Sleeping porch par value, $7,150,000. registereJ pxpprienced West ver: no lick, no children. first-clas- s tablo board. 101 South 4'b lost NEW yOKK MONEY. man. Bookkoflper, salpsman or clerical Marquette. HIGHEST CASH PR1CB PAID FOR JtNK rooms, per cent on sales. ItEN'r-Deslra- "front no ick"! Edith. Phone 880. Mrs Abbott. line In store or office. Adilross E. S., Journal WHITE Anuelei s V. il. C. A. Auto School. Putt room, BY TUB BOUTHWJBKTNRN' JUNK CO., Closing prices: by I rwln forIs service. or children. 714 West Silver. 114 WERT 1,19 A D. 618. WD New York, Aug. 20. Mercantile WAKTET PwiHnh-- dru(tKi 1 yenra PHONO ALSO FOR RENT Nice room and porch sullable American Beet Sugar nt but WANTEIJ Girl woman FOR RUNT Nicely furnished room, first Bl'T OLD AUTOS. for two with board, rates 135.00. Phone unchanged; unchang- experience.; present employed, for MMI paper, sterling 724 class hoard next door. WANTliD-Heoond- anl American Can 46U would like'to mnKt( a change; brut of refer. housework. est Copper. West (b.ld. men'a and boys' 1.VI8-- 16 South Arno. ed. enen. AildreRH Ptlvn care .Tounml. WANTEIJ FOIt ItKNT Two desirable rooms clothes, ahoe and underwear. Also trunk American Smelting & 78 H Competent Klrl for general sleeping MRS. W. H. Itl!F,n. of the Lockhart Ranch Infilling Mexican dollars, unchanged. H'.'O with clothes and bath. 414 West and suit case. Call 1. ieeond- - American Apply West Oold. presi CUoago to S South Arno. where she Tel. & Tel Time loans Cold. hand store, 317 South First has moved Strong, unchanged. ijiri or woman for Is prepared, to take health seekers. Phon American Zinc 18 general WAN T ETJ-- o, 000 2o o Call moncy-3-Stron- unchanged. hoiisewnrk. Apply 14nz East fllver. FOR RK.NT Nicely furnished no ba gs. Pity7rora to 2335. Anaconda i i.rti.v tipe.ially in cliildli'll s sick children. 703 each. (00 ton Iron. from Copper 0 bt l.u WAN rl'jD Uoud wonan and First class nourd. scrap Pay reuses and houso dresses. Call 605 cook, o ESCON The convales- at i. per West Silver. to per lb. Bt. Lmili EL JAltDIN DIDO Atchison South Reventh. month. 110 South Third. I'hone Patriotic duty. NEW YOKK MKTAL. Foil K1CXT Furnished rooms for Jnnk Co., 45 South first trect. Phone 171. cents Ideal home, lias room with prlvat Baltimore & Ohio ; 64 WOMAN For general houaework; n'o eook. light housekeeping and lngle rooma. 121 2 MATTRKKHKS renovated In same, or new hath. Also desirable double room vacant. Butte & 94 WANTED Salesmen. In. Address Box 2fl, Superior 23 20. Lead Albnquerau. North Third. tick. Furntture and 1801 West Central. I'hona 1118. New York, Aug. and WANTED Maid for repaired, upliolstercd California Petroleum 25 YvANTl'.U Salesiuati, oin, with tar prefer general housework. FOR ItKNT room furnished; modem reflnlshed. Hprlngs restretehed. Kullsfnctlon spelter, unchanged. Apply SOD North Fourth. Phone Ml. Iirge SHADY NOOK ranch offera excellent room Canadian Pacific 160 red, ill Bout)) Fourth. conveniences and heat for winter. 400 guaranteed. Alburiuertiuo Mattresa and board. Just the to get atrnng. WANTED C South Seventh. 1011 place Vi nipetent housekeeper at South Second. Phone 471. For rates 3439P-4- ; fro Central Leather 73 once. Mrs. O. phone transportation KANSAS CITY rUODCCE. T. rhllllps, 415 ftouth FOR RUST .Nicely furnished room wilh Accommodations now available. Mrs. H. B Chesapeake & Ohio 57 Walter. . WANTED Careful kodak finishing by mas- changed; seconds, Bland, housekeeping privileges, ludy or marrlcj ter photographers. Twice dally service. Thomaa. Chicago, Mil. & St. raul. 48 4041',lc; WANTED A Bill for general housework. couple. 03 West. Lead. 20. Butter and 4 4 tip Remember, satisfaction guaranteed. Send Chlno Copper Kansas City, Aug. ards, c, Apply Miller & Bluiilt'iisliluo Dairy, 1722 38; West Central. your finishing to a reliable, established firm. BUSINESS CHANCES. Colorado Fuel & Iron.. 47 poultry,' unchanged. KgKs Firm, unchanged. Eigritanas. Hannn. llannii, master photographers. 39c; seconds, 33c. Cheese 2G 8i SA LK 14 rooms. Crucible Steel 8 Eggs Firsts, Steady. Daisies, e; FOR RENT Large room with lepln; For Albuquerque Hotel, twins, 25Vi Vi?; porch; Ideal for two. Bast Central. PERSONAL. 315 South First. Cuba Cane Sugar 30 Americans, 26?; WANTED Kperlenced fiiianlsh salesladies. Ill long:horns, 26',i (fn2"c; hrlck, SOifJMiC J. Foil RKN'f ruriilheT7twiinf"'rwon7' FOR KKNT Two at Seventh and Erie CHICAGO PRODUCE. C 1'cnncy Company. ll.f.O MRU. II. L. DUSKEY TAXI LINE rhon buildings 15', lemen, each per week. 211 Kast Cen- Ceneral Avenue. to J. 111. Great Northern Ore Cits 31 Potatoes Unchanged, ncceipts 52 tral. oe, Special rate to parties. Apply Kldr, cars. agent. Great Northern 92 20. Cutter Market FOR R EN T Furni lied room eepi pfd...; Chicago, Aug. WANTED Well qualified middle man and i ng FOR SALE Hotel, seventeen well furnished - aged imreh. sultalile for two. Also rooms for FOR SALL Houses. Inspiration Copper 51 firm. extras and un- who has had ciper-lenc- o rooms, located, close to Creamery firsts, present duy business I'hono 1IM0-- - centrally depot. housekeeping. Owner- - See National Invest M VI :.ST M A I K IVTH. Inclutllng ofrice manageinjent ami FOR SALE will sacrifice. )K (lood FOR ItKNT Modern newly fnrnlsheil l"urnisne(i nome, S3ioo. Terms meiit Co., 103 North Third. salesmanship, opportunity for the sleep. pays 10 per cent. Phone owner 6K5. right man. Salary consistent with duid lug and light housekeeping moms, with t'hU-ag- also FOR SALE New stock of stoves IivcHtnck. and qualifications. Address, c. M. Mil- - gas. sleeping porches. 014 South Arno FOR lALE Dungulow; flse rooms; beauti- furniture, Phone i:t;,:-n- . 1473-W- . shoo bourn, Estancla, N. M". fully furnished, $5,000. phone and rangrffl repairs, hardware and ('hlcuRo, Aug. 20. Cattle store fixtures. Phono or N21 Uecclpti FOR HALE Five-roo- 2032, address 12,500. Market strong to 15c higher. modern brick, heat- North Seventh street for further -- FOR SALL Livestock. ed; alx lots. Whole or part. Central, 623 Calves 25c higher, a few gointr nt th? FOR REN1 Dwellings. Journal. new record price of $18.00. Beef cat- Hill Uclglan hares. 1400 North FOR SALE In Old Town, ad'ho FOIt RENT Hinall store room at the end tle, $10.00 18. 85; stock cows and North. housV Price I7S0.00. P. O. Bo 38, Old of tho street car line, University Heights. S FOR IlliNT Three-roi- cottage, furnished; FOR SA 1,13 Two sows and 10 Albuquerque, N. M. Splendid opportunity f,,r B young' man or heifers, $7.25 14.25; stackers and 1203 woman ranniiiiiuifi Ill'Si'll 115 month. Inquire loll North First. pigs. North First. FOIt SALE Nice home, furnished and here for their health. Small stock feeders, $7.50 (f 13.00; calves, $10.73 required. Two hundred to threo hundred RENT Three-roo- unfurnished FOR PALE Two well good paying business, $4,000, half cash. 5; western beef FOR house broken cow university students and a neighborhood of fill. rango steers, shade; outUulldiugs; 110.00. Inquire 1300 Bezemek's Dairy. Phon 61. Bungalow, Journal offlo. DO possity that many more to draw from. $13. 16.50; cows and Second. FOR SALE-1- 05 Like the ceaseless of a heifers, $9.00 North FOR SALE Two horses, one ftiotT"inoUern bunglifowT Rent $5 per month. Inquire 1). K. U. turning great wheel, 12.50. buggy and rented. House suitable the South. harness, or will trade for hoga or small for boarders; has Sellers. operating tremendous machinery in a plant pigs. 1203 North First. two screened porches. Box 6, care Journal Hogs Receipts 23,000. Market FOR KENT Five-roo- modern houso, HO: Out buildings. to 930 THE RIO GRANDE DUKOO HOG Ctt7"of From the moment steady 10c higher. Butchers, $19.30 water paid. fcjouth Third. Phone FOIt SALE room WANTED-- of their insertion in the 12C3-- Albuquerque The largest breeders of reg- Nine houso; four room Dwellings. 13.95; pigs, In room on Want Columns of the $19.2520.10; packing. istered hogs the southwest. Can supply apartment upstairs; bath each iVANTED Thl'eu or four-- i in furnished Albuquerque Morning Jour- FOR RENT Furnished house with you with herd boar and floor; hot water heat; lawn, shade trees $18.00(5)19.25; bulk, $18.00 19.90; water young stuff at cottage, with sleeping porch and bath; the WANT ADS canvass sleeping porch. Light and moderate prices. We can also you and garage. (116 West Coal. l.'U5. nal, operate incessantly, tirelessly, pigs, $18.00 18.50. 10.00 month. 611 West uppy wlil pay between 85 and $oj. Phone paid; per Inquire with medicated crude oil for lice, at 60c per Foil SALE (By Owner) modern between 12 noon and 1 p. m. and 6 and 8 v Plain oil QUICKLY, Sheep Receipts 15,000. Market Oal. gallon. crude at 25o per gallon. brick hardwood D. m. Oil furnished to (first ward), floors, two Bteady to lower. $16.25 all pig club members free. pnrcnes, nasement. i'rlc 13,500.00, P. O limits, Hlghtanw. Office 121 South Third. Box Meeting Thousands of eyes 18.50; feeders,' $16. 50 17.75; ewes. 213, City. t'UK itENT Furnished rooms. til South FOR SALE Cemont block house five rooms $11.2513.25. '' Phone 302. FOR SALE what is most in Walter. Automobilet. sleeping porch, cellar, city water, corner Telling needed, demand, in Two-roo- furnished lot one block from car line, to FOR RENT house, FOR SALE 1917 handy chops MAIL STAOH of 110 00. 15S0-- Maxwell, in first class a little cash and month. Call 1301 every walk life, every industry, vocation. KnnsuH City IJvcstork, water paid, Phone 111 fll per every condition. Call at South Fourth. South Arno Phone 3900-- Phon call anywhere any time. Kansas Aug. 20. Cattle Re TOR RENT Furnishes .wo.rnont T City, cottage FOR SALE One Complete Set of f,v. silver City am.; ar. Mogollon I p.m. the of others- with porcn. 1033 south Walter. wheels FOR SALE residence In High- 7 Telling your eyes needs - ceipts. 14,000. Market steady, strong. ileeplng for Ford; noaxly new; cheap, p. o. Box Lv. Mogollon a.m.; ar. Silver City I p.m. Four-roo- hou lands. Worth $3,000, and $1.00 will swing In Steers; $ 17.00 18.25; westerns, $10.00 FOR RENT two glassed 874. City. Best equipped auto livery southwest. Ifi22-- J. It, The amount the house will rent for will r the In porches. Water paid, in. Photie SALE BBNNKT-- MOTOR TRANSIT CO. Skillfully managing exchange of labor 15.00; cows, $6.25(012.00; heifers, FOR Maxwell, suitable pay balance on Phono SUver . M. FOR RENT Three-roo- furnished monthly payments. tliy, cottage. ior ngni aenvory service. Very reasonable. 1237-- Address P. O. mental and physical, helping to buy, sell, rent ex- $7,5014.50: feeders, $8.0016.00: Inquire 1T South Broad war. Phon HS4-- Phone 1154. Bog 445, City. calves, $6.50 14.00. change, employ and in scores of other ways. FOR RENT Modern furnished flat on Eaat liE.-t- r buy In state Model N iiuppin,l)li TIME CARDS. Hogs Receipts 6,000, Market Central car line, convenient to aanator-- for $2!. Cash buyers only considered. FOR SALE hurnfture. - lums. Thaxton ft Co., Third and Gold. Phone 1987-- .. it will a thousand higher. Bulk,' $18.9019.50; heavy, FOR SALE new Surely repay you RENT Small furnished cottage, mod POR SAI.E-li- lK lluick light Practically furniture at $19.25(&519.55: light, $18.75 19.50; (OH six, 409 North Twelfth. . fold to read and use the WANT AD' ern, glassed porches;- good location. run less than 300 miles; for $16.50 17.50. , quick pigs, rhone 881 mornings. Keys 15i4 Eat Cen- sale will take $1,250. Address care FOR SALE Furniture for five-roo- house. COLUMNS of the ' ' Sheep Receipts 3,000. Market tral. . Journal. All complete. Inquire 409 North Edith. " 1 1S14-- ;" '. strong. Lambs, $16.00 8.60 ; year FOR ItENT Furnished tour-roo- modern FOR SALE One Ford roadster 1917 model. Phone in three-roo- lings, $11,501 16.00; wethers, $10.00 house; glassed porch; also Also one Ford touring oar 1917 model. FOR SALEFurnlture. Second hand dining TOPFKA SAXTA FE RIAL-WA- Y two cars In ATCHISON, 14.75; ewes, $9.00014.50. house; large chicken yard. Both fine condition. See theso cars room table, buffet and chairs; good con- CO. cIoniri5iiiS 1001 F.ast Central. Phone 499. at Garage, 813 West Silver. dition. 515 West Roma. Tel 753. ASIosgonarKg Phillips Westbound. . . Mnai General. FOR SALE A prize for some one. Beautiful No. Class. Arrives Departs. Denver Livestock. 1918 Mitchell car, new, a snap FOR HUNT -- Furnished house; cajl 2d02-- nearly FOR SALL Real Estate. I. The Scout 7:10pm. 8:30pm. mmmmmm 20. Cattle $1,175; terms, $1.S25. It will be re- 3. Penver, Aug. Receipts $25.00. Cash. California Limited ..11:45am. 13:45pm. : x duced 5 each week till sold. Act quickly. FOR SALE $0,500.00 will two delight- 7. Fast 10:45am. 11:15am. I, 200, Market strong. Beef steers. live-roo- buy Fargo FOR REN T Unfurnished modern to 87. 9. For insertion in the Sunday issue, get your $8.50 Phone 885. Fourth week, August ! ful, modern mountain homes on the Pocos The Navajo 1:30 am. 8:30 am. 16.00; cows and heifers, $7.00 house, with sleeping poron una garage. river. 100 acres 1896-- Including of land adjoining Southbound. in We cannot ersr Newlv papered and painted. Phone WANTC&-aIe8me- n. copy early. guarantee insertion if 10.00; stock and feeders, $7.60 the Valley Ratich resort. This offer holds HOI. Kl Paso Express .... , 10:15pm, good to 1st. is not received 6 II. 00; calves, $11.00 13.00. , only Sept. For further parti- 807. El Paso Express ... 11:45am. copy before p. m. ac 1 3d. M. . CARPENTCRIWG. WANTED Salesman with Spanish culars apply Box Valley Ranch. N. Hogs Receipts 1,000.-- Market 15c South Fourth. Kastbound ...... quaintances. Ill 10. The Scout 8:05 to 25c $19.50; bulk. FOR CARPENTER work, reasonable. 7:35 am. am. Don't neglect to call and get your answers, higher. Top, Drop 2. The .... $18.25 1 9. 2S. rrarfl ins nnrtn rirm mrwvmx TYPEWRITERS. Navajo ,:0 pm, 8:40pm. because these little ads always bring results. PASTURAGE. 4. California Limited ...0:00 pm. 7:00 pm. Sheep Receipts 6,000. Market MONEK TO LOAN. TTPKWRlTKItH All makes, overhauled and . Santa Fe Eight 9:13 pm. It) :24 pm. FOR KENT 70 acres rood pasture; $2 per Ribbon for Al From steady. , Lambs, $17.00017.75;. ewes. repaired. vry machine. ftanth. MOMET TO LOAN On real e.lau ourrtr. month Dolde's Ranch, i mile acuta of buquerque Typwrlter Exchange. Phon 114 81 . Kansas City and Chicago, ....7:00am, Ul Htrt (ton OH .IVX Go. ElutDi UL town, jfioa mi, , v in Houtn rourta, ....jj,. I08t Kausaj en and CbUy .....T:t nm. EIGH" Albuquerque Morning Journal, Wednesday, August 21, 1918. - n m CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. If OBACCO PRICES LETTERS FROM OUR FRENCH 118 WEST CENTRAL AVE. I 111 SOLDIERS IN FRANCE LAST TIME TODAY Plumbers, Hot Water and Steam Heaters, Tinners INCREASED OWING TELLS OF 0. S. House of High-clas- s Pictures and Music K,remit I,co G. Xoruoaril. i - - The following card was received by 'Wrot" Steel Warm Air Furnaces the Morni nw Iniii'ivil front SorilCJtllt ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. hNorgeard, thanking the paper for to- - PARALTA PRESENTS uacco 115. If. U. TAX Oil WEED wnicn was iurnsiicu uuuuku MEN FRANCE THOSE ALBUQUERQUE, 10 it tobacco fund: II 'I thank you sincerely for the do- nation of tobneco which yon sent. It Barriscale is is essie a scarce article and appreciated Mrs. C. B. Mar-- 9 9 of by all of. the men. Have had the Brown, 215 West j Wholesale Scale Increase pleasure of1 a few hours in miette avenue,' has received an inter- ' spending in the Due your city." esting letter from her sister in France. "Within Cup There Is by 'Committee; which throws a Today Arranged Harry BavK light upon the feeling Tll-V- IS WITHOFt SIX AMONG YOl. l.F.T HIM FIRST Mrs. 'HI', Will Soar to a Mrs. C. A. Hudson. M7 West Gold toward Americans in France. CAST A STO.Ni; AT Hi ll. Local Prices avenue, lias received the following Brown is French and all of her rela- Runkist Oranges, Grapefruit. 1. onions, inK and Jelly I'hims, letter from Private Harry Davis, Co. tives are in tha country. Seedless Sweet A Muscat and Grapes, Potatoes. Celery, Cantaloupes, Corresponding Degree, F, 21st lCngineers, A. K. F.: part of the letter follows: ALSO A COMEDY "A HINDU HOODOO" Watermelons, Green Corn. "I am fine and have not "Wo have three meatless days a feeling bill been sick since I have been over here. week here, it is of little matter Three hundred pounds Boulderado and None Nicer butter. " to us to Father's habit of filling his "jimtn-Pine- I am enjoying this country fine and do without it (e'est la guerre). Hill's Bros. Ked and Blue fan Coffee. and brother's not receiving As for bnad, we have from 300 to after sunner. so don't worry about It. bid fait so we are 500 grammes person per day. Rnv a iound of our fanned Prunes; they will habit of pufflng his cigarette, may letters as very busy prr rti today surprie u a deal. depends upon the line of work LI)., 20c. to become costlv luxuries. With the ,n,i round great on tobacco f our which one Is engaged. Alw we get 500 adopted tax We have to leave all things i recently oi person p'-- filming other luxuries, tobacco and with the company except inose we grammes sugar per T. S. Food License No. . or co.u on !"-- Lecture cigar dealers throughout the entire n earrv hecaus-- it is hard to have momn, iwo quarts Every Patriot Should Attend the will be forced to hike thoii many around. I have Un (country things TltV A'T"- ,Z prices, in sonic cases me piivu mi around a deal sin ee we came Delivered great won- - w fZv. by be doubled. over have seen manv WARD'S STORE CRESCENT GROCERY here nnd a ti' Av,mr, r,n,'tl.;,wr l,ntlnr "t... wuvw moans committee 01 1 t, Tlio nnd derful siehts. have been nearly A n fllllCS as- with thn Violr, rf rnr til H. the National Tobacco .Merchants' France. In it wilt end HOMER WARD ROBERT JONES into the through - .xooou.v urn the hone flint SIS Marble Avenne. Coa and South Walter. sociation has thoroughly gone "Whore do we lio neyt soon. You know have; and a tentative scale of in- soon they already Phonca Phone ..670 matter knows. But I think Germany shown the bodies what, they capable ... 4ias been fixed which T think the war Dr. K creased prices will find out. hardly them a Nathan of doing and will show doubtless will go into effect hero will last over this year. I M0 It well they scneuuiu in a lot more. within a short time. ine because we are located here large "I want you to tell all your Ameri- follows: town. can friends how thankful we are fori At the Cigars weighing not more man Davis enclosed an interesting pub- wo see raised from their help. All day long big three pounds per 1,000, lication of the Knights of Columbus. trucks of American soldiers going to $1 to $2 per .1,000. S. W. Barlli- - the front, and to tako a look at their Weighing more than three pounds Brvth has received from his so and so confi- mum 14Hth F. faces, determined School Auditorium T YRIC THEATE per 1,000 and retailing at nui son, S. W. Rarth, Battery A, dent, we are certain now that we are High 1? 5 rrom 16 co than cents each, raised A., a letter as follows: going to win the war. And we feel $5 per 1.000. "Just a note to tell you 1 am fine toward those young boys who - r. cents and deeply TODAY ONLY Retailing- at more than end We are moving around. a have come from so far away and nwny 8 raised dandy. not more than cents each, great (leal and sleep in a different from home and their mothers. It looks $4 to $8 1.000. At I am never be able TONIGHT from per present lo us as though we will 8 cents each place every night. Retailing at more than with convoy and to repay them for all they are giving 15 cents each, the transportation and not more than not with the guns: in other words, us so readily." i raised from $6 to $12 per l.uuu. train. Am in charge 8:00 O'CLOCK Bushman and 15 cents and wlli the freight Bayne Retailing at more than Gie altho'.iah there is plenty raised from of ctffice, EPW0RTH LEAGUE WILL not over 20 cents each, of work it is interesting. The ht nee in "A PAIR OF CUPIDS" 1,000. we are ' Will Taken $8 to $lfi per giving the Germans hell and HOLD FRENCH SOCIAL Xo Admission and Colic lion lie Metro Feature In Five Reels Retailing at more than 20c each toward Berlin mighty fast. 1.000. moving li Sl'IX'IAL MISIC BY MIJKRTV CHORUS raised from $10 to $20 per is going fine with the Cigarettes. Everything as it Lead Av- more lies nnd It reallv looks though The Kpworlh league of the Ford to New York Pt. 2 Cigarettes weighing not than becinninir of the end. So far enue Methodist church will hold a so- Weekly Trip City,' 1.000 and retallinK were the three pounds per not a in Mattery A. If you do cial on the C. T. French park, oppo- 2 raised from casualty at less than cents each, not a often do not worry as site the high school building Thursday "THE BRIDE'S AWAKENING" 1,000. get letter to Friday and Saturday $2.05 to $4.10 per It is to letters mailed, night. The fact that the social is 2 cents or over, raised hard pet it Retailing at j Sanchez- be held on Mr. French's ground, 1.000. It. from $2.05 to $5.10 per William R. Walton. 3 V3 West Cen- will be called a "French" social. The Bryant's Delivery LADIES Weighing more than three pound? received a letter fi om will be examined for a camou- SFRVICK to $9.60 tral avenue, has guests FOR QCICR How to cut down your dress- per 1.000, raised from $4.80 R. Sanchez. Co. F, 30th infan- flage army, and for every defect they Phono tint. it2 West Copper. Lunita Garcia in district court for the Private ' a forfeit. making; bill, and help win tho per 1,000. A F, F ?s follows: havo will be forced to pay collection of a note of $350. Tobacco. try life In the war, by using your old frocks. Wilmot H. Booth has filed a pet:- - 13 cents to "T am' well an.l enjoying FRESH IN TODAY Tobacco is raised from came straight to Successfully remodeled to any tion in district court that a ,onv We right GENTRY'S EGGS 2I0I-- asking 20 cents per pound. where the lug stylo in vogue. PHOXF. Gross, & Co. be forced to the firing line Con-ro- Kelly give Cigarette papers and tubes have to have good luck Hawkins, Kklnncr, Champion, y WANTED Grapefruit, Oranges, Peaches, him an accounting- for certain In to going on. I hope h 's, raised price, according We were on 5o dozen. Hartlett Tears, exactly Korber. and Son Jose Market; - Grapea, schedule. f saw Albert the Messenger Boy- with wheels at Bananas, and the are name transport when we crossed Eating The condition of Miss Minnie Miller, These prices, as stated above, TeH all nrnrt, Cooking Apples, Crab Apples. who an at the of wholesalers Atlantic ocean. W $1 A NUMBER OF underwent operation for the government the across and in to the fiont SUITS CLEANED, Sweet Potatoes, Sweet Coru. hospital several days ago, can be little doubt that got safelv Bryant's Delivery Presbyterian but there trenches. Four uit $1.25. was reported to be improving last the prices; will rise correspondingly pressed FARM LABORERS Contract plan. Columbia Cleaning Co. night. I"Imim Want on farms some Miss Florenc e Seder left last night h"What else can we do," one dealer DEFENSE COUNCIL Is lKllrT. !". positions to her wholesale are are experienced hands. Em- Matteoccl, Pafladino&Co. for Madison, Wis., join parents. "if the prices five-roo- i course argued, our present AT CHILILI FOR RK.NT For Sale Automobile men should She will take a raised to more than FORMER and ployers needing GROCERIES AND MEATS at the of Wisconsin there If they are doubled, ws new bungalow. Sleeping porch I'niversity profits? AU modern Improve-m- i One run 8.000 miles, seo the this fall. must raise the price correspondingly. W. Wilson large 'basement. 01 W. Phones 495-40- 6 Alfred Grnnsfeld. John nts, in. of Mrs. good cmidit ion ; cost $1,200 new; Tljcras. No. 2. Woodmen i the. (lose Inquire Cottonwood Grove vlr.Mtovn meinlwM'S of 701 AVest Plume will sell now Farm Labor Agent will hold a mooting MEN of defense Meyer, Copper. Circle, regular it ARMY WILL TRAIN .Bernalillo county council IOIO. for MORNING JOURNAL OI'FICIl 2:30 o'clock this afternoon in the I. have returned num $475.00 in- nnd other parties, I'hone 2 Hit) I O. . F. hall. Candidates will be MECHANICAL DEPT. Chllill and Bernalillo, where they were FOR coun- YOUR HAULING BY TONS T?f?ff??Tff?f???ffff ftff itiated. in the interests of the defense T. V. Barnes, 114 South Third street, received cil. Is Motorized by Henry's Delivery. who underwent an operation The local draft board has At Chilili a program waf ronsr J recently the entrainmenl patriotic Mr. Phono S. 1st Brothers at the Presbyterian hospital, was orders concerning held Sunday night. Mr. Grunsfeld, BRITISHERS IT... last of men with certain eaucauoimi an on lo be doing favorably course in Montova ench delivered address Truck Driver Wanted unaeriaKers for a training concerning the war and " The or- timely "topics ENLIST NOW! Rir.nvwfln! pnnivir ,.. r, r, ., uncm.ii, the mechanical departments. following their addresses a community with experience in driving ihompt a:. follows: A community 76. STRONG BLK., COPPER T street, sustained a' painful Injury to der Tor council was formed. WHITE THICK, All to enlist In the c r r the entralnment been formed for AUTO SERVICE persons wishing her arm yesterday morning when she "Complete men council also has for country work. Apply U) or Canadian forces are re- oc Mesllla Park. N. M.. of as many in Precinct 10 .. British fell on rusty nail. The accident school edu- TO quested to call on tho undorsigned. curred her home. n possible of grammar At Bernalillo Monday night Jack Bros. at or its equivalent or who have Mr. Montnya Grunsfeld C. lieutenant 1n cation Revnolds, Felix Baca, JEMEZ Harry Mabry. first hHd at least the ability to read ana Grunsfeld spolce alone the British Canadian Rccrultlnu the of the service, who and Mr. Mission aerial branch write and who have had at least same lines as their subjects at Chilili. received his "observer's wing" recentl- of grammar school edu- was not for the forma- HOT SPRINGS Is here for two days visiting his four years The meeting LOCAL ITEMS y, cation and who have some aptitude tion of a council, as Bernalillo already ROUND $20. brother, T. J. Mabry. mechanical work. for purpose of stimu- TRIP, ' for com- has one, but the WANTED George Roslington The Montezuma firocerv and Llouor "They are to report to the Interest in the work. Resident Officer filed against New Mexico lating Notify Undersigned. company has complaint manding officer at the A to drive a Ford truck. Ap- J. Jl. tne conecwou ui and Mechanical College boy Slenapaco lor Agricultural "Nit CHAS. H. CLAY, ply at Tourist lunches. Pullman Cafo. a note for J63.fi0. alleged to be due 1 for Instruction as on Sep! ember if MESSAGES Martin & Thorn. Taxi. Phone 273. them for three cases of whiskoy. auto mechanics and chauffeurs and UNDELIVERED jf Jemez Hot Springs, N. M. .Summers Burkhart1 is in Santa Fe Word has been received from Bat gas engine men. Only white men Bryant's Delivery on legal business tery A boys wlm report tnat tnis ai physically qualified for general mili- k Ji: . USED CAR SALE ...... iviuinn of the New Mexico troops are are to be Inducted under persons virs. ' tary service 1HCSS,I-- tr, iv,n following jacoo iviein win leave tonight ., V,,, that thus far iw. of to Join Mr. Klein in Kirkwood, Mo. front. this call. remain undelivered at the office Look Over List You : nouPl ,",have been reported. selected this service will tho Way AI- - fatalities "Men for Western Union uecauso o Anostoles fcmerenos. formerly of , master mechanic at gov- the T. Just What You Wnu ' p McMurray, receive a course of training E. C. Palmer, 1. GRAZING LAND FOR SALE WANTED nnd liuquerriue, has gone to IXming, N. M. the" division of the serve flcient address: of Uo Grande ernment expense fitting them to Mrs. Charles E, Logan, J. B. J. Link of Las Criices is in the. i whn him heen ill at Link. Suitable range for sheep for One Overland Touring, in army positions, both at the front Mrs. H. Delorme. ;s posi- 6- - $275 city on business he will be here ai 412 South Fifth street, was men Lehan, lease on long or short term lease. Stenographic posit'on. legal paasenger his hcmie, and behind the lines. Young & Second and One Overland Roadster. .. .1150 week to be slightly improved last for service until Wm. L. Staloy Co., tion preferred. Address I. J. C reported may volunteer this Gold Are. One Overland The Order of Hallway Employes night. August 2fith. NOTICE care Journal. (in excellent con- will meet in the O. W. 8 R. P. Barnes has receive! on bus- touring W, hall at Judge As 1 will be out of town dition) almost new $800 o'clock fU fin rues, a member V. closed for tonight. a MAN WHO ESCAPED iness mv office . wil! One Overland Touring, Born yesterday morning lo Mr. aim of Company 1!. Thirtieth engineers, $250 states ne is in three davs, August Mrs. Benny Cordova, 1213 Williams letter in which he JA.L RETURNS OF ' IHl. II. .1. IAIS. Dentist One Dort, Touring $150 a as a result of an accidental W.- street, daughter. ' 210 i Central F.X PERI ENCED SALESMA N One Overland Light Touring. bayonet wound. OWN VOLITION License Mrs. C. L.Poole of Gallup, underwent in not in conflict with the lec HIS nnd Htockkecper lor Cotton goods Dog $150 ii n hos- ,rdr Wyllis-Knig- operation at the Presbyterian ture of Dr. Nathan Krass. which .will BITTNER H0US'eR00MS department. One Touring, pital Monday morning. 7- - passenger (an excellent be held at the high school tonigni, uie Wearied of his efforts to evade SIO South First. Phono 221. Notice! Mrs. George Buehl of Los Angeles night band con- of authorities who are seek- THE ECONOMIST it buy) $1250 son regular Wednesday posses All owners of dogs who fail to and her small are in Albuquerque. cert has been postponed until Friday ing to locate four men, part of the Trlmblo MANY BARGAINS AMONG lived in coun- Livery and saddle horses, procure dog license on or before They formerly this city. which from the 1 1) 1 night. number escaped 31, 8 , for the. be CALL F. A. Anderson of tho BurroWes are lust Juan Red Burn. August year THE ABOVE. AND Sergeant Mr. and Mrs. Roy ty jail .Saturday morning, Aug. 1, ID 18, will be army recruiting station at El Paso, a visit to southern Mit.ins lin iv.'ia heincr held to await ginning LOOK THEM OVER contemplating on an assault B. M. WILLIAMS prosecuteil under the ordinances Tex., spent yesterday in Albuquerqua. California, and may leave the city action of the grand jury Dentist which for such license. C. will visit returnen to oi nio unu Real Hoover provide W. Hart, 515 South Broadway, this evening. Airs. Burrowes cnarge, custody Room l nd S. Whiting Bulldlni The Candy but Mr. volition KISTLER-OVERLAN- D underwent an operation for appendi- friends for at least a month, yesterday morning. Phone No. 684. Chocolate --nop ouocuu CO. citis at the hospital will return in about a week. "I'm tired of hiding and running Geo. D. Hammond Presbyterian Burrow; Corner geoond and Ool. 513-51- Dr. Nathan Krass, one of America's Phone 710. 5 W. Central. - Wl SOeaK at cia. when he knocked on the door of CITY CLERK Antonio Dover was fined $15 in po- f.,..nmnut nralnrn Persons who wish to teinew or tke GRIMSHAW'S n., ...... t.,- -j .l, L'nlli fnniuht in the high school Garcla's residence early yesterday Cru-a-s- 1 ir rAntrnl 2 Invited t virtfTiinir out membership In the Red Cross 1 charge of having a stolen bicycle inlauditorium. The public is - Giimshf4W Want to Bee Ionw who will discuss tne Mnsiiis told the sheriff he had noth- ran do so by calling at Strong's Book his possession. hear Dr. Krass, I inn tn f.v.r t ha trin nnd that he O. A. Watson Co.. Grirushaw's George F. Mahoney, state superin- - most interesting and popular phases of Store, 4 Hun merely escaped In the excitement n ii ii fton inn. or bv Dhonlnc Gallup Lrnnp Gallup Btore tendent of the United States employ- of warfare. Un II a trM 1 ll O sheriff he Paul If. Dieckman, who Is stationed mnn.atif the chairman of the Membership com- CerrUlos Lump 'LIU.10-11- 1 Pr. CerriUos StOTS ment service here, spent yesterduy in after Invest- climbed through the sawed bars after VOcll VIJ Denting on business. at Camp Fremont, Calif., had and mittee. No. IMI-- Let Us Send a Man $1,000 in Liberty bonds, has writ the other prisoners escaped PHONE 01 Daniel Garcia left Monday night for ing he really had no good reason fot To That Broken Window San and Ma toother Bruno E. Dieckman, that Replace Jis Angeles, Diego other which he teft in his escaping. CITY ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP GUum. ALL SIZES; STEAM COAL. in southern California. He wiU to invest $1,000. on bond to AjmrRACTTE, points brother's care upon Masias was held $4,000 607 LUMBER CO. lie away three weeks. entering uieunuj, await the sitting of the grand jury. PHOIVK ALBUQUERQUE Coke, Mill Wood, Factory Wood. Cord Wood. Natl-- e Klndlln, Lima. There will be a of the offi- in War Savings Ktamps. on a FREE CALL AJTD DFUVERT 421. 423 N. First. meeting claim mat me He is charged with an assault Phone of Order Dove hunters -- BATCH'S OLD STAND cers Ballut Abyad temple. mesa 11 year-old girl. of Rhriners, at the Masonic temple, Grande valley and the eastern who es- are more this season wun Four of the eight prisoners at 8:30 o'clock tonight. prolific caped still are at large. The escape Mrs. E. L. Bradford left cloves than any season for the past means of steel saws yesterday all hunters are re was effected by morning for Santa Fe. where she will few vears, and furnished the prisoners by the wife of and W.. E. Llnd-ec- y. to the city wun tne saws visit Governor Mrs. turning theni law. one of them, who slipped the allowed each hunter under Into a dinner bucket. The woman con- . ..,,,. nt- -Fe- emnloyef- Charley Page and Eugenlo Jurado A COOi oi i vrt. ann fessed her in the escape and was and discussed p ans for part I were fined $15 each and Reccl Salazar met last night placed In jail. time $20 on the of vagrancy yes- the conservation meeting nn;ii iast today charge ol afternoon. be held August 2 for the benefit terday 4V and- thetf ITALIAN EDITORS SPEND Charles W. Las Placitas vuiirnd . E.ckert, the wiiiuiojca will be open to THEATER on families. The meeting miner, was in the ilty yesterday worn ouicr TIME IN ALBUQUERQUE He expects to return to his the public and speakers u Vi r. i will discuss fuel conservation. ivt ii t la m r r n cities were Ramon Salazar John F. Kelly and family, who Medio Tafoya and the past Several Italian editors, representa- were sentenced to twenty-nv- e ano up In the Pecos country tives of their government, who are twenty days in Jail, respectively, in week, returned to the city yesterday. the Cnlted States, spent some had trout every touring & - police court afternoon on Mr Kelly says they ftl..,A In ll.ii nnarii 11 A vARterdaV mOm- yesterday while on the Pecos, and the coast. The charges of vagrancy. morning start- Ing en route to the Pacific Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Beaven, after morning they broke camp and .ni,. intei--tin:- nf their COUO- - the past two months In ed on their return to the city, hi trv and the effect of the war upon it spending Amer- southern California, returned to the killed a large rattlesnake. , and seemed well pleased with alili yesterday morning. Frank Blake, a messenger delivery ica. city Alvarado sus- are. oir Ignacio Gutierrez left Monday boy for the pharmacy, Those who compose the party badlv lacerated afm Rome; a Ran Los and tained a right Antonio Trlbuna, right for Diego, Angeles when Agresti, other points of Interest in California. 1:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon Paola Cappa, Avvenire and Corriere he several month"! he was thrown from his bicyele as he d' Aldo Cassuto, of the He will away for car. The Italia, Bologna; 0 WONDERFUL REELS A has been filed by P.o was hanging onto a street Secolo. Milan: Orazio Pedrazzl, Nuevo IN 7 complaint Central , tsenwald Brothers against Flavio and accident occurred on East, Giornale, Florence; Franco Ralner avenue. The lad was not seriously Giornale d'ltalia, Rome: Pietro Solar , Injured. , Tempo, Rome, and Leonardo vitlettl, George W. Oakley is in the city. He Idea Nazionale, Rome. Mr. nn k lev here shortly from No Raise in Prices Los Angeles. Cal where she has heen CARD OF THANKS. . SPRINGER the past few months. They have We wish td, thank the neighbors to the Christmas holi- and also the electrio light employes planned spend us ANYTHING days in Kansas City, Mo., with their for their kindness, shown during HAULS daughter, Miss Edna B. Oakley, who our beloved son's sickness and death, is the teacher of Latin and Spanish also for the beautiful floral offerings. H. in the paton, N, M., Wfih school, j Mil, AND HhS. f, M9HN,