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DEMANDEZ NOTRE SUPPLÉMENT LES MUTATIONS LES INITIATIVES www.lemonde.fr 57e ANNÉE – Nº 17618 – 7,90 F - 1,20 EURO FRANCE MÉTROPOLITAINE -- MARDI 18 SEPTEMBRE 2001 FONDATEUR : HUBERT BEUVE-MÉRY – DIRECTEUR : JEAN-MARIE COLOMBANI Ultimatum aux talibans, inquiétude à Wall Street b Aligné sur les Etats-Unis, le Pakistan donne trois jours à l’Afghanistan pour livrer Ben Laden b L’enquête du FBI sur les kamikazes avance à grands pas, mais la crainte de nouveaux attentats demeure b Le sort de l’économie mondiale est suspendu à la réouverture, lundi, de la Bourse de New York SOMMAIRE b La situation au Proche-Orient : La rencontre entre Shimon Pérès et Yas- Identifying the Enemies b Les Etats-Unis préparent leur ser Arafat pourrait avoir lieu après Under New Rules of War By MICHAEL R. GORDON works. But since the terrorists are hard to find, Washington is focusing not just on them but on the regimes WASHINGTON, Sept. 16 — When that back them. Certainly capturing a President Bush and his top aides talk terrorist or enemy leader is one of the riposte : Le Pakistan fait pression sur 48 heures de cessez-le-feu. p. 10 about military action to end Afghani- most difficult of military tasks. stan’s support for terrorism, they are The American military tried in vain focusing on attacks to punish the Tali- to capture the Somali warlord Mu- ban and undermine their hammad Farah Aidid. And it failed to control over the country, break Saddam Hussein’s hold on pow- News not on a full-scale Amer- er, and the NATO air war to evict Yu- Analysis ican occupation. goslav forces from Kosovo did not lead les talibans pour qu’ils livrent Oussa- No war plan appears to the immediate capture of the Yugo- to have been agreed upon, and offi- slav leader Slobodan Milosevic. cially, the Bush administration insists The first Bush administration suc- that no options have been excluded. ceeded in apprehending Manuel Norie- The administration, however, is pre- ga, the Panama strongman. But Wash- b paring a powerful military strike if the ington had many advantages, includ- ma Ben Laden. Mission de la derniè- La mort du commandant Mas- Taliban, as expected, refuse to hand ing American military bases and air- over the terrorist Osama bin Laden fields in Panama. and shut down his terrorist network. But Mr. bin Laden has been elusive The blow would be intended not only and has based himself in a rugged re- to destroy terrorist bases in Afghani- gion, remote from American bases Chang W. Lee/The New York Times stan but to demonstrate to other na- and forces. Vice President Dick Che- re chance chez le mollah Omar. Un soud : Les paroles de paix du chef de Hundreds of tions that there is a heavy cost to be ney said Sunday that the United States workers, above, paid for regimes that shelter enemies was not even sure he was still in Af- of the United States. ghanistan. Faced with a difficult task digging into the A principal option is to intervene of targeting him, the Bush administra- mound of debris militarily in Afghanistan’s civil war on tion has responded by enlarging the that used to be the the side of the Taliban’s foes: the be- problem. The theory is that while the World Trade Center leaguered Northern Alliance, which terrorist may be hard to find, a regime p. 11 claims just a sliver of Afghanistan’s that shelters them is not. entretien avec le chercheur Christo- la résistance aux talibans. are realizing that the chance of territory. It was weakened further ‘‘The terrorist organizations them- when its leader, Ahmed Shah Mas- selves and the terrorists don’t have finding any more soud, died after a suicide bomb attack targets of high value,’’ Defense Secre- victims alive in the committed just days before the raids tary Donald Rumsfeld said Sunday on rubble is growing in New York and Washington. television. ‘‘They don’t have armies phe Jaffrelot. L’Iran se découvre des remote. An ever- At the same time, the United States and navies and air forces that one can thinner column of would apply additional pressure, for go battle against. They don’t have cap- smoke rising where example, by persuading Pakistan to ital cities with high-value assets that the Trade Center stop shipments of fuel to its neighbor- they’re reluctant to lose.’’ ing Afghanistan. He added: ‘‘Some of the countries towers once Such steps may fall short of a knock- b dominated the out blow to the Taliban. Complicating intérêts communs avec Washington. Horizons-Débats : Points de vue skyline is now part the administration’s planning, the ele- of the view across ment of surprise has been lost. The Tal- Moving carefully, the Hudson River iban and Mr. bin Laden’s men are ex- from New Jersey. pecting a bombing attack and have but not letting the Dith Pran/The New York Times been evacuating their camps and bases, according to American intelligence. outrage pass. L’Irak reste une cible tentante pour de Chris Cramer et Tony Judt. p. 12 But there is a recognition that to go further by invading and occupying Af- Among the Ruins, Hope Yields to Reality ghanistan with thousands of troops that are harboring terrorist networks would place the United States at odds do, in fact, have high-value targets. By DAN BARRY goodbye. Early Sunday morning, word recovery is often blurred; usually, the with much of the Islamic world and is They do have capitals. They do have spread like fresh air that rescue work- somber shift from hope to acceptance fraught with enormous dangers. armies.’’ Deputy Secretary of State ers could hear tapping from that hell becomes almost understood. ‘‘There is The administration seems to be Paul Wolfowitz spoke last week of l’équipe Bush. Le président et son Day after day come the numbers below. no clear demarcation where we are in grappling for a plan involving air pow- ‘‘ending states who sponsor terror- that never seem to add up, from the Mr. Giuliani said he understood the rescue and suddenly we’re into re- er, and potentially ground troops, that ism.’’ Officials say now that he mis- number of the confirmed dead (190) to strong human desire to almost will covery,’’ an official from the Federal is more forceful than the cruise missile spoke, that he meant to say that the the number of those those still cat- such stories to be true. But the rumor Emergency Management Agency said. strike that the Clinton administration goal is ending state support. egorized as ‘‘missing’’ (4,957). But of of ‘‘knocking at the site’’ was false, he ‘‘The elements of the two can coexist launched in 1998 against Mr. bin Laden In some cases, like Afghanistan, this b all the statistics being solemnly said, just as many other heart-stirring side by side, but there will come a point in Afghanistan, with little effect, but may be a semantic issue since the goal équipe à Camp David. Le rôle du Horizons-Entretiens : L’analyse de shared in the aftermath of the terror- rumors before it were not true. ‘‘In any when rescue operations will be over.’’ that is less than the huge air and would be to dislodge the Taliban regime ist attack on the World Trade Center event,’’ he said, ‘‘we’re going to con- Subtly and very reluctantly, that ground offensive that the United States if it refused to cooperate with Washing- last week, two in particular bleed the tinue to search for people and look for transitional flow is taking place now in launched in the Persian Gulf war. ton’s counterterrorism campaign. reservoir of hope. people — at the same time realizing Lower Manhattan. Administration officials indicated In other cases, political, economic Number of those rescued from the that the losses here are staggering.’’ The rescue mission continues un- that military action against Afghanistan and limited military pressure may be rubble: five. The mayor’s carefully chosen words abated, of course. Hundreds of workers need not be an urgent matter since the applied. The Bush administration has Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU. p.2à5 Gérard Chaliand. p. 13 Number of those rescued since echoed the language that he and other still shared Sunday in ‘‘bucket bri- element of surprise had been lost. In- certainly not committed itself to in- Wednesday: zero. officials have used over the days, lan- gade’’ duty, scooping pail after pail of deed, the Pentagon will need time to pos- vading all of the nations on the State Sunday, though he did not suggest that guage that seems to nudge people to- dirt from a site containing hundreds of ition its forces if it decides to carry out a Department’s list of nations found to rescue efforts were drawing to a close, ward accepting what has happened so thousands of tons of debris. The reason major attack in a distant region like Af- help terrorists: Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Li- Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani gently re- that they can mourn. Sunday, Gov. for this maddeningly slow method of ghanistan, far from American bases. bya, Cuba and North Korea. minded the world that the chance for George E. Pataki said that rescue rubble removal is to preserve any be- But administration officials also Recognizing the difficulty of its mil- more survivors was minuscule. workers were ‘‘doing all that they can low-ground pockets of shelter that know that politically it will be easy to itary task, the Bush administration ‘‘The recovery effort continues and in hope that a miracle will happen.’’ might collapse under the weight and vi- take action while world outrage over has also avoided building expectations the hope is still there that we might be Some of the rescue workers emerg- bration of heavy equipment.