Je 727*" a C2 Nje
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Aug. 28, 1923. ‘ ' 1,466,178 5. LANGE TRAP - Filed Aug. 14. 1922 » '2 Sheets-Sheet 1 Je 727*" A c2 nje % _ ' \ “my, v wrmzss: ATTORNEY Patented Aug. 28, 1923. i ran i I if? E f ‘rare SEVERIN Lanes, or BEAR seams, Mourn'na. TRAP. , Application ?led August 14, 1922. Serial No; 581,734‘. ' To all whom it may concern: ' - and this receptacle maybe either an ordi Be it known that I, SEvnRIN Lnnema citi nary pa1l,. wash boiler, tub, barrel or the zen of the United States, residing at Bear like. In carrylng out my invention I pro-' Spring, in the county of Fergus and State vide‘an elongated support 10 which in actual 1 5 of Montana, have invented new and useful practice may be a wooden or metallic bar Improvements in Traps, of which the fol and upon which is slidably» adjustably 60 lowing is a speci?cation. V > mounted an elongated bar 11 constituting a This invention relates to traps and has runway or approach member. this bar 11 for its. object the provision ‘of a. novel de carrying a depending 'yoke. 12 which em‘- ' 10 vice designed to be used in connection with bracingly engages the support 10; for pre a pail, wash boiler, tub or the like,’ prefer venting lateral displacement of the lower‘ 65 ably containing water, and including a piv endof the approach member with respect oted platform on to which the animal is to the support. The yoke 12-is formed at its lured and from which it is‘ subsequently ends with eyes'12f‘zthrough which pass se-"l precipitated into the receptacle and curing bolts 12‘‘. The numeral 13' des‘ig~ drowned. 1 . ' i - nates a spring yoke which straddles the/up An important object'is the provision of a per end portion of thebar 10 and which has device of this character which is adjustable one end formed with an eye 13a'held to the so that it may be used in association with support 10 by aibolt 13b,‘ and which has its receptacles of any height and which is also other end formed with a. hook 13° detach- ' provided with an adjustment by means of ably engaged upon a bolt 14 projecting from which it may be regulated for use in ‘catch the otherside ofthe'support. 'The barmlO ing mice or rats. ’ 1 is formed throughout its length with a plu An additional obj set is the provision of a rality of transverse grooves 15‘within any 25 device of this character which will be simple one of which the spring yoke 13 may be en and inexpensive in manufacture, e?icient gaged for holding the approach member at 80 and durable in use,.positive in action and a ‘the desired adjusted positionlongitudinally general improvement in the art. of the member 10 so that the device may With the above and other objects and'ad be used in connection with either short or 30 vantages in view the invention consists in tall receptacles. .The' upper extremity of the details of construction to be hereinafter the approachmeinber is preferably widened more fully described and claimed and illus as indicated at 16 while the lower end is trated in the accompanying drawings in preferably beveled off as indicated at 17 so which: as. not to provide anyobstruction to the 35 Figure 1 is a side elevation of my device passage of an‘ animal. 'Hinged upon the in normal position showing it associated upper ‘edge of the ‘approach member as 90. i with a receptacle, shown at 18, isa platform 19 which has one Figure 2 is a longitudinal section through end widened as indicated’ at 20 and overly the device associated with a receptacle and ing the approach member. > 40 showing it in the act of precipitating an ' ‘This widenedportion is formed preferably. animal thereinto. open as shown and has its edges provided ‘Figure 3 is a plan View, with notches 21 arranged in‘pairs and with Figure 4 is ane-nlarged detail plan view in' any one of which may be engaged‘the of the pivoted platform showing the weight re?exly bent ends 22 of a spring rod 23 45 adjusting means, which carries a weight 24; I designed "to Figure 5 is a cross sectional view through counter balance the platform and holding it 100 . the run way, along the line 5—5 of Figure 1. normally/in a position alining with the ap Figure 6 is a cross sectional view through proach member. ~VVhen it is intended that ‘ the platform. ' > _ the device be used for catching mice the Figure 7 is a cross sectional view through spring rod 23 is engaged within the notches the runway along the line 7—7 of Figure 1. 21 nearest~ the pivot point while when it is 105. _ Referring more particularly to the draw intended to catch rats the spring rod must ings the letter A designates a receptacle in be engaged within the notches farther from connection with which my device is used‘ the pivot point so that" the counter balancing effect of the weight may be'regulated to meet ‘ Having thus described my invention‘ I 35 the different conditions. claim: ' Carried by the upper end of the approach ' 1. A trap of the character described com member is, a 'wire 25 which has its end prising an elongated bar adapted to be sup-_ ' formed as a hook 26 operating as a bait ported in inclined position with its upper holder, this hook being located in advance end resting upon the upper edge of a recep of the active end of the platform.’ \ tacle whereby to constitute an approach 40 In use, the approach member is slid along member, a platform pivoted. upon the upper the support 10 so that the device will be ex end‘ of the approach member and provided 10 tended sufficiently that it will have a gradual. with counter balancing means, anda bait incline when its lower end is supported upon holder‘carried by the upper end of the ap the ground or-?oor and its upper edge en proach memberand extending beyond the 45 gaged upon whatever vreceptacle is used. platform, the rear portion of the platform Bait is placed on the hook 26 and-the device having its side edges formed with pairs of 15 is then ready for use. An animal attracted notches, and a weight carrying loop like - by the bait must climb up the approach member of spring formatlon engaged Within - member and to gain access to the bait must selected‘pairs of said notches. ‘ - 50 step onto the platform 19. As soon as the I 2. A device of the character described animal’s weight comes onto‘ the platform comprising an elongated support, an ap beyond the pivot point thereof the platform proach member/mounted upon said support will swing downwardly precipitating the and formed with a, plurality of transverse animal into the receptacle when‘ it willbe' grooves, a yoke carried by the lower end of 55 quickly drowned.‘ The platform automatié said approach member and embracing said cally returns to normal position ready for support, and a spring yoke carried by: the 25 the next victim so that the device is always upper portion of the support and embracing ready for constant service. _ the approach member and engageable within ‘ While I have shown and described the a selected one of said grooves, bait holding 60 preferredembodiment, of the invention,‘ it means carried by the upper end of the ap is of course to be understood that I reserve proach member, and a counter balanced 30 the right to make such changes in the form, platform hinged upon the upper end of the construction and arrangement of parts'as approach member. _ will not depart from the spirit of the inven In testimony whereof I a?ix my signature. tion of the scope of the subjoined claims. SEVERIN LANGE. .