Newsletter of Saint Charles Borromeo Catholic Church ~ June 2018

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Newsletter of Saint Charles Borromeo Catholic Church ~ June 2018 no se pierda articulos en páginas 2, 4, 5 NewsletteHr of SaintuCharlmes Borroimelo Ciatholiac Chursch ~ June 2018 Infinity War Spoiler Alert: Jesus rolls the stone away and saves us from Death. I love superheroes. Based upon the abundance of superhero movies produced, I can assume three out of five people in the world do too. (If you are one of the two in your pew who does not, I appreciate your fortitude before the Hollywood blockbuster gauntlet.) But, I love superhero movies. The mindless preposterousness of the plot is part of the appeal; however, as I write this, it is three days before the release of the latest Marvel production and I cannot overlook that there is something profound at work in this one. The elements of its composition reveal the secular longing for divine salvation. The title: Infinity War The plot: “Thanos arrives on Earth to collect the Infinity Stones for a gauntlet that will allow him to bend reality to his will” (a quotation ripped from Wikipedia). The antagonist: Thanos. A name derived from Thanatos the Greek mythological personification of death The protagonists: Pretty much every superhero that Marvel has created “To what shall we compare the kingdom of God, or what parable In other words, Death arrives on Earth to collect our sense of the infinite, can we use for it? which will allow him to bend reality to his will. A Marvel is called upon to It is like a mustard seed that, stop Death and reclaim for us infinity, that sense of forever and ever. when it is sown in the ground, is Now, the Gospel does not need to be Hollywooded-up. Jesus doesn’t need the smallest of all the seeds on a cape; he has been Transfigured. And this film isn’t faith. Yet . the earth. Increasingly, declining numbers in church attendance are brought to our But once it is sown, it springs up attention and there is concern throughout traditional organized religion that and becomes the largest of young people are growing up and growing away from the church. I don’t plants and puts forth large doubt these numbers, but I do not fear them either. People long to believe, to branches, so that the birds of hope, to stand marveling before Goodness. On every movie screen, enormous the sky can dwell in its shade.” and colorful and loud, that basic human desire is being played out. We yearn —Mark 4: 30-32 for a wonderous person (a marvel) to intercede and save us from the grip of death. In this issue... And we have the Divine Incarnate interceding and saving us from that struggle. The continuing mission of discipleship is to share this with people Infinity War who are hungry for clearly more than popcorn. The Legacy of Faith The yearning for salvation is answered. Let us rejoice and be glad. Glory Legacy of Faith Overview be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is Welcome Eight New Members now, and ever shall be . infinitely. Father Paul Gallatin Father Tim Luschen –Kathy Judge News from the St. Charles Garden Parish Life; Founding Members 1 More On Our Stained Glass Legacy of Faith Herencia de Fe Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo, We have been blessed with a beautiful church building Se nos ha bendecido con una iglesia hermosa que ha that has served our parish for fifty years. Our community servido a nuestra parroquia durante 50 años. Nuestra is one built on faith and guided by a commitment of comunidad está fundada en la fe y guiada por un service to others. We strive to serve as a beacon of compromiso de servicio a los demás. A través de la worship and respond to the spiritual, educational, and iglesia, la escuela y la clínica, nos esforzamos por servir social needs of all our family and friends through the como un ejemplo de adoración y para responder a las church, school, and clinic. Today we continue that necesidades espirituales, educativas y sociales de todas tradition with dedication in our hearts and gratitude for nuestras familias y amigos. Hoy continuamos ésa our many blessings. We also find ourselves ready to tradición en nuestros corazones con dedicación y begin an important new chapter in our journey together. agradecimiento por nuestras tantas bendiciones. Our families have taken great pride in our church that También nos encontramos listos para comenzar un serves as a sacred space of prayer where we all can importante capítulo nuevo en nuestra jornada. encounter the living, true and loving God. Just as we Nuestras familias están orgullosas de nuestro edificio take care of our own homes, we too must take care of de la iglesia, el cual sirve como un espacio sagrado de our aging parish home and campus. oración donde todos podemos encontrar al Dios vivo, On the eve of celebrating the 50th anniversary of our verdadero y amoroso. Así como cuidamos nuestros church building, our parish community is working to propios hogares, nosotros también debemos ocuparnos address pressing facilities concerns. Growth over the de nuestra parroquia que también es nuestro hogar y de years and the continuation of our mission are making las instalaciones las cuales están envejeciendo. Hemos these improvements necessary. orado sobre el futuro de las instalaciones de San Carlos St. Charles’ Legacy of Faith campaign is the first in Borromeo y hemos cuidadosamente creado un plan para more than twenty years and is the result of a great deal abordar las necesidades de la parroquia, sus ministerios of prayer, careful study and input from parishioners. We y sus parroquianos. have organized our needs into stages given our financial La Arquidiócesis de Oklahoma City se ha embarcado capability and considering our responsibility to be recientemente en la campaña Una Iglesia, Muchos fiscally prudent. Discípulos, la cual espera recaudar $60 millones de Also, the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City has recently dólares para las comunidades parroquiales de la región y embarked on the One Church, Many Disciples campaign para los tantos ministerios compartidos de la Iglesia. Al seeking to raise $60 million for local parish communities unirnos a este esfuerzo a través de nuestra campaña and shared ministries of the Church. By joining in this parroquial, Herencia de Fe, fortalecemos el futuro de effort through our parish campaign, A Legacy of Faith, San Carlos Borromeo y ayudamos a moldear y la fe de we strengthen the future of St. Charles Borromeo and nuestra región y apoyar a nuestros hermanos. help shape the faith of our region. Todos compartimos en la responsabilidad de ser We all share in the responsibility to act as good buenos administradores de nuestras bendiciones. Al stewards of our blessings. Uniting as a community to unirnos en comunidad para apoyar a este esfuerzo tan support this important effort, we will develop new importante, desarrollaremos conexiones y relaciones connections and relationships within the Mystical Body nuevas dentro del Cuerpo Místico de Cristo. Estoy of Christ. I am confident that with the support and seguro que con el apoyo y las oraciones de las familias y prayers of St. Charles Borromeo’s families and friends, amigos de San Carlos Borromeo, seguiremos siendo una we will remain a vibrant, faith-filled community comunidad enérgica y llena de fe dedicada a servir a dedicated to serving God and making His presence Dios y dar a conocer Su presencia. known. Sinceramente en Cristo, I leave you with a teaching from Pope Francis I Rev. Tim Luschen believe epitomizes the spirit of our campaign: “Jesus teaches us another way: Go out. Go out and share your Párroco testimony, go out and interact with your brothers, go out and share, go out and ask. Become the Word in body as well as spirit.” Sincerely in Christ, Father Tim Luschen Pastor 2 A Legacy of Faith Projects and Information Phase 1: 3 Million Phase 2: 2.8 Million Enhancing the Accessibility / Safety of our Campus New Parish Hall Through an investment of $770,000, we will A new parish hall as a gathering space for everyone— reconfigure the parking lot by relocating the lane from active parishioners, religious education participants and North State St., adding 100 spaces, creating one large the school. The new center will include a flexible and di- playing field for our students with direct access to the vidable gathering space to accommodate approximately school and provide accessibility for those with physical 100 persons with a new kitchen for celebrations, min- challenges. We will also install a secure and attractive istries, hospitality. as well as expanded restroom facili- fence around the perimeter which will include brick ties and an accessible entrance from the parking lot. The columns. new parish hall will replace the original convent, now Refurbishing the Church outdated and in need of ongoing repair and will include On the eve of the 50th anniversary, it is time to invest space for parish administrative offices and storage. in our faith community as those who came before us did Cry Room for us. Plans include restoration of the confessionals, A place for parents to take crying children and allowing two priests to hear confessions at the same continue their participation in Mass. time; an additional bathroom; new flooring on the altar; New Pre-School Classroom adjustments and re-grading of the front Grove Street The construction of a new Pre-School classroom entrance of the church for accessibility; also an outdoor, connected to our present school building that would also covered gathering space by the main entrance allowing be a safe room for severe weather.
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