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Spring 2021 REV.Qxp Layout 1 4/9/21 10:38 AM Page 1 OTH News Spring 2021 REV.qxp_Layout 1 4/9/21 10:38 AM Page 1 On the HillSpring 2021 • Vol. 60:2 Alumni Reunion planned for August Wish you were here: Our postcard collection Two monks take next step in monastic life Cover: Archabbot Kurt Stasiak, OSB, incenses the casket of former Archabbot Bonaventure Knaebel, OSB, who died January 22 at age 102. OTH News Spring 2021 REV.qxp_Layout 1 4/9/21 10:38 AM Page 2 On the Hill Spring 2021 • Vol. 60:2 FEATURES 2 . .Monks’ Personals 3-5 . .Monastery News 6-7 . .Postcards: Archives Organizes Collection 8-9 . .Photos 10 . .Painting Memorializes Gill Ring 11 . .Student Profile ALUMNI 12 . .Letter from the Director of Alumni Relations 13 . .Alumni Reunion 2021 14 . .Alumni Eternal and News 16 . .New Online Workshops On the Hill is published four times a year by Saint Meinrad Archabbey and Seminary and School of Theology. The newsletter is also available online at: www.saintmeinrad.edu/onthehill Editor: . .Mary Jeanne Schumacher Copywriters: . .Krista Hall & Tammy Schuetter Fr. Denis Robinson, OSB, prays at the altar during the Send changes of address and comments to: Ministry Installation in St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel on The Editor, The Development Office, Saint Meinrad Archabbey and Seminary & School of Theology, February 18, 2021. 200 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad, IN 47577, (812) 357-6501 • Fax (812) 357-6759, [email protected] www.saintmeinrad.edu, © 2021, Saint Meinrad Archabbey Find more photos at http://saint-meinrad.smugmug.com. Monks’ Personals Fr. Adrian Burke, using Zoom, presented Br. Martin Erspamer designed a new Consortium Medieval Conference hosted conferences for the Cathedral of the stained-glass window for St. Pius Church virtually by Rutgers University, and the Assumption (Louisville, KY) parish in Owensboro, KY, which was installed on Medieval Liturgy Working Group at the retreat (Nov. 14-15, 2020); for the March 30. The newly renovated church University of Notre Dame. Permanent Deacons and Wives retreat for will reopen in April. the Diocese of Lexington, KY (Jan. 15-16, Br. Stanley Rother Wagner was accepted 2021); and for a Lenten Mission for St. Fr. Meinrad Brune, archivist, and Br. into the Master of Arts program in history Isidore Catholic Community in Defiance, Stanley Rother Wagner, assistant to the at the University of Louisville, Louisville, OH (Feb. 28-March 2, 2021). archivist, spent all day on March 25 KY. He will begin his studies in August. cleaning up the gallons of water that came Fr. Eugene Hensell was appointed Guest down the walls into the Archives in St. Fr. Eugene Hensell will present a day of House chaplain in January. Gregory Hall following a water line break. recollection via Zoom to the United States They also had help from many coworkers Conference of Catholic Bishops from Br. George Rumley was appointed and two novices. Ohio and Michigan on May 10. assistant to the masters of ceremonies in January. Fr. Joseph Cox served as chaplain for the Fr. Christian Raab presided at Holy Little Sisters of the Poor in Indianapolis, Week services for the Franciscan Sisters Fr. Harry Hagan published an article on IN, during Holy Week. of the Eucharist in Lowell, MI. He also the prophet Balaam (Numbers 22-24) was a guest on the podcast “A Positive called “Balaam: To Bless or To Curse” Br. John Glasenapp presented Jam” (S2 E12; March 21, 2021) to discuss in the January/February issue of conference papers at the annual meeting Catholic themes in contemporary rock The Bible Today. of the American Musicological Society music. W (virtual), the Interuniversity Doctoral 2 OTH News Spring 2021 REV.qxp_Layout 1 4/9/21 10:38 AM Page 3 Events Monastery News on the Hill May 8 Br. Stanley Rother Wagner Graduation for Seminary and School of Theology professes solemn vows September 12 Celebration of monastic jubilees. Br. Stanley Rother Before joining the monastery, he was a Wagner, OSB, high school teacher at St. Anthony High September 17-19 professed solemn School in Effingham, IL, and an archivist Guest House Retreat: “How to Read vows as a for the Illinois Secretary of State. Benedictine monk the Biblical Prophets” by Fr. Eugene of Saint Meinrad His current work includes assistant to the Hensell, OSB. Archabbey in a Saint Meinrad archivist, oblate novice September 24-26 ceremony on mentor, and custodian for Monte Cassino January 25, in the Shrine pilgrimages. Guest House Retreat: “Contemplative Archabbey Church. Living” by Fr. Adrian Burke, OSB. Br. Stanley Rother Wagner In professing solemn vows of obedience, Br. Stanley Rother, fidelity to the monastic way of life, and September 28-30 33, of Quincy, IL, attended high school at stability in the community at Saint Guest House Retreat: “Healing Anger Archbishop Quigley Preparatory Seminary Meinrad, he becomes a full and permanent Through Forgiveness” by Br. Zachary in Chicago. He earned a bachelor’s degree member of the Benedictine community. W Wilberding, OSB. in history from Quincy University and a master’s degree in liturgical studies from October 1-3 University of St. Mary of the Lake. He was Guest House Retreat: “Unpacking the a member of St. Aloysius Parish in Vocation of Marriage through Springfield, IL. Scripture and Married Saints” (Married Couples Retreat) by Josh and Angie Greulich. Br. Peter Holden October 8-10 Guest House Retreat: “The Rule of St. professes temporary vows Benedict for Life Today” by Fr. Harry Hagan, OSB. Novice Simon He is a graduate of Western Hills High Holden professed School in Frankfort, KY. Most recently, his October 15-17 his temporary vows home parish was St. Leo Parish in Guest House Retreat: “Being Humble, as a Benedictine Versailles, KY, where he was a volunteer in Being Holy” by Fr. Adrian Burke, OSB. monk in a the parish’s Alpha program. ceremony on October 18-22 January 20 in the Temporary vows are typically for three Guest House Retreat: “A Conversation Saint Meinrad years. This period offers a continuing with St. Paul Regarding the Trials of Archabbey Church. opportunity for the monk and the monastic Pastoral Ministry” (Priests Retreat) by community to determine whether monastic Fr. Eugene Hensell, OSB. Br. Peter Holden He has completed life is, indeed, the right vocation for this his novitiate, a year individual. W October 26-28 of prayer and study of the Benedictine way Guest House Retreat: “Gratitude” by of life. As is the custom during the Br. Zachary Wilberding, OSB. profession of vows, he chose a religious name. Novice Simon is now Br. Peter. Mass Intentions November 7 You can now request Mass Br. Peter, 24, is a native of Lexington, KY. Celebration of monastic and He earned a bachelor’s degree in music Intentions online priesthood jubilees. from the University of Louisville in 2019. www.saintmeinrad.org/ As a student, he was also a music theory mass-intentions For more information, and music history tutor. call (812) 357-6611 or visit our website www.saintmeinrad.org 3 OTH News Spring 2021 REV.qxp_Layout 1 4/9/21 10:38 AM Page 4 Monastery News continued... Two novices join Benedictine community In a brief earned a he earned a bachelor’s degree in history ceremony, bachelor’s degree and theology from Bellarmine University. Novices Connor in Catholic Zink and studies from He has worked for The Kroger Co. for 18 Matthew Morris Marian years in a variety of positions. His home were clothed in University in parish was St. Catherine of Siena in Ft. the Benedictine 2018. Thomas. habit at Saint Meinrad He previously Novices take a year off from formal Archabbey on worked in retail studies and trades. The novitiate is a time Novice Connor Zink January 19. They Novice Matthew Morris for Meijer and of prayer and learning intended to help a are now in a year did volunteer novice discern his vocation as a monk. At of monastic formation, including study of work at his parish, St. Maximilian Kolbe the end of this year, a novice may be the Rule of St. Benedict and monastic in Liberty, OH. permitted to profess temporary vows of history. obedience, fidelity to the monastic way of Novice Matthew, 33, is a native of Ft. life, and stability in the community of Novice Connor, 24, is from West Chester, Thomas, KY. After graduation from Saint Meinrad. W OH. He was homeschooled and then Newport Central Catholic High School, Monk named semi-finalist in national performing arts competition Br. Michael Br. Michael’s work has been awarded by electroacoustic composers, including Reyes, OSB, a juries made up of experts in the field in Jonty Harrison and Denis Smalley. junior monk of various international competitions and Saint Meinrad concerts. In 2016, he won the grand prize For his academic work in music, Br. Archabbey, has at the 6th Sond’Ar-te Electric Ensemble Michael received the President’s Research been named a Composition Competition, where he in Diversity Award from the University of 2021 semi- bested composers from 18 countries. Illinois, an award bestowed by the finalist for The university president to 15 high-performing American Prize, His international music achievements faculty and graduate students across the a national include the Ani Ng Dangal National three campuses of the university Br. Michael Reyes competition in Award for music bestowed by the conducting research in their respective performing arts. Philippine government in 2017. Br. fields. Br. Michael presented a paper on Michael is one of five composers from current compositional aesthetics and ideas A seminarian at Saint Meinrad Seminary around the world to be invited by the at the University of London. and School of Theology, Br. Michael is University of London’s prestigious one of the eight semi-finalist composers School of Oriental and Asian Studies to In collaboration with Saint Meinrad’s Fr.
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