
Rem: Revista Escola de Minas ISSN: 0370-4467 [email protected] Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto Brasil

Tavares Marques, Gisele; Lima da Costa, Marcondes; Rodrigues Gomes, Érico Orange from Buriti dos Montes, Piauí: solid inclusions as genetic guides Rem: Revista Escola de Minas, vol. 68, núm. 1, enero-marzo, 2015, pp. 53-59 Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto Ouro Preto, Brasil

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GeosciencesGeociências Orange opals from Buriti dos Montes, Piauí: solid inclusions as genetic guides

Opalas laranjas de Buriti dos Montes, Piauí: http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/0370-44672015680203 inclusões sólidas como guias genéticos

Gisele Tavares Marques Abstract Mestranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geologia e Geoquímica, Orange opals from Buriti dos Montes (Piauí, northeastern Brazil) have gem- Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA ological properties that favor their use as jewelry; these characteristics include Belém – Pará - Brazil their colors, transparency, relatively high stability and hardness. The exotic con- [email protected] tent of solid inclusions provides greater beauty to the opals of this region. These opals originated from hydrothermal processes and are found mainly as veinlets Marcondes Lima da Costa and veins in the sandstones of the Serra Grande Group, sectioned by diabase dikes Professor colaborador, and sills of the Sardinha Formation. Solid inclusions, such as bubbles, botryoidal Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA aggregates, dendrites, and nodules, among others, consist mainly of kaolinite, Belém – Pará – Brazil hematite/goethite and and influence the chemical composition of opals. [email protected] Intense zoning of quartz crystals and high values of Ba and Fe suggest that deposits were formed in a hydrothermal environment. Diabase dykes could have Érico Rodrigues Gomes been responsible for heating the hydrothermal fluids. Sandstones, rich in aqueous Professor do ensino básico, técnico e tecnológico solutions, also contributed to the available silica for the saturation of these solu- do Instituto Federal de Educação, tions, and fractures enabled the migration and entrapment of hydrothermal fluids, Ciência e Tecnologia do Piauí resulting in the mineralized veins. [email protected] Keywords: orange opal, solid inclusions, hydrothermal genesis.


As opalas laranjas de Buriti dos Montes (Piauí, nordeste do Brasil) têm propriedades gemológicas que favorecem seu uso como jóias; essas caracterís- ticas incluem as cores, transparência, dureza e estabilidade relativamente ele- vadas. O exótico conteúdo de inclusões sólidas proporciona maior beleza às opalas da região. Essas opalas foram originadas por processos hidrotermais e são encontradas, principalmente, em vênulas e veios nos arenitos do Grupo Serra Grande, seccionados por soleiras e diques de diabásio da Formação Sardinha. Inclusões sólidas, tais como bolhas, agregados botrioidais, dendritos e nódulos, entre outras, consistem, principalmente, de caulinita, hematita/goethita e quart- zo e influenciam a composição química das opalas. O zoneamento intenso dos cristais de quartzo e os elevados valores de Ba e Fe sugerem que os depósitos de opala foram formados em ambiente hidrotermal. Os diques de diabásio teriam sido responsáveis pelo aquecimento dos fluidos hidrotermais. Os arenitos, ricos em soluções aquosas, também teriam contribuído com a sílica disponível para a saturação dessas soluções e as fraturas permitiram a migração e aprisionamento dos fluidos hidrotermais, resultando nos veios mineralizados.

Palavras-chave: opala laranja, inclusões sólidas, gênese hidrotermal.

REM: R. Esc. Minas, Ouro Preto, 68(1), 053-059, jan. mar. | 2015 53 Orange opals from Buriti dos Montes, Piauí: solid inclusions as genetic guides

1. Introduction

In the Piauí State of northeastern which are also suitable for use in jewelry, 1986b, 2005), Smith (1990) and Spencer Brazil, Pedro II and Buriti dos Montes such as their orange hues, transparency, et al. (1992); Mexican opals are also well counties have the most important opal oc- hardness and relatively high stability. The known in the international gemological currences of the country. The gemological exotic content of solid inclusions provides market. As shown by Gomes (2002), qualities of these opals are equivalent to greater beauty to the orange opals found Gomes & Costa (2001), Marques (2011) the famous Australian opals. According in this region. These inclusions occur and Marques et al. (2012), Piauí opals to Gomes (2002), the orange opals from isolated or in various arrangements with originated from hydrothermal processes. Buriti dos Montes do not exert the same millimetric to centimetric size that are In this context, this paper discusses the fascination as the precious opals from intrinsic to Buriti dos Montes opals. morphology, mineralogical and chemical Pedro II because they do not show a play- Similar solid inclusions have been de- composition of solid inclusions, their in- of-colors. However, this variety has been scribed in Mexican opals by Koivula et teraction with the orange opals and their highly appreciated due to other features, al. (1983), Gübelin & Koivula (1986a, genetic significance.

Localization and access: Buriti and Urucuia Formation, in the south) gradual contacts with sandstones and dos Montes County is located in the sequences were considered part of this ba- marine shales (Tianguá Formation) that northeastern part of the Piauí State, ap- sin but are directly related to the rupture are overlapped by sandstones and fluvial proximately 230 kilometers (km) east of Gondwana; therefore, their evolutions conglomerates (Jaicós Formation). The of the capital, Teresina. Access to Buriti are distinct from the Parnaíba Basin. Cretaceous basic intrusive magmatism dos Montes County from Teresina is fa- Góes (1995) and Rossetti et al. (2001) occurs in the form of sills and dykes that cilitated by federal and state highways suggested the names Alpercatas, Grajaú constitute the Sardinha Formation and that intersect the region through Campo and Espigão-Mestre for these basins. The cross cut the Parnaíba Basin (Góes, 1995), Maior and Castelo do Piauí. Serra Grande Group occurs within the including its base, where the rocks of Geological context and occurrence: limits of the Parnaíba Basin and presents Serra Grande Group that host the studied The Piauí opals are hosted in the sedi- itself in discordance with the overlying opals are found. These orange opals are mentary rocks of the Parnaíba Paleozoic Canindé Group. According to Góes found mainly as veins and veinlets, fill- Basin, which involves three depositional et al. (1990), the Serra Grande Group ing the fractures in Serra Grande Group cycles controlled by global tectonics, as represents the first marine deposition in sandstones. They also occur in cementing proposed by Góes & Feijó (1994): the the Parnaíba Basin, corresponding to a breccias in the contact zone between host Silurian (Serra Grande Group), Devonian complete transgressive-regressive cycle, rocks and mafic dykes. These primary (Canindé Group) and Carboniferous- where fluvial-deltaic to shallow marine deposits formed the source for the collu- Triassic (Balsas Group) sequences. The sediments were deposited and consolidat- vial and paleochannel deposits. Locally, Jurassic (Pastos Bons, Corda, Sardinha ed into Ipu, Tianguá and Jaicós Forma- there are veins of quartz associated with and Mosquito Formations) and Creta- tions. In general, continental sandstones opals with goethite dispersed between ceous (Grajaú, Codó and Itapecuru For- and conglomerates with possible glacial quartz crystals and opals (Gomes & mations, in the north, and Areado Group influence (Ipu Formation) are present in Costa, 2001).

2. Materials and methods

One hundred forty six opal samples The opals and their inclusions were Optical stereomicroscopy: All distributed into 20 lots, with an average characterized by their morphology, mi- samples were observed with a Zeiss ste- of approximately 7 pieces each were cromorphology, and mineralogical and reomicroscope (model Stemi 2000-C), used. These samples were collected by chemical compositions using the follow- described according to their macroscopic the geologist Érico Rodrigues Gomes. ing analytical techniques: features and photographed.

X-Ray Powder Diffraction (XRD): We used an X-ray diffractometer 2.122º. Scans were conducted from 5° XRD was carried out at the (model X'Pert Pro MPD (PW 3040/60) to 75° 2θ with a voltage of 40 kV, a 30 Characterization Laboratory of the PANalytical) with a PW3050/60 (θ-θ) mA current, a 0.02° step in 2θ and 10 s/ Geosciences Institute of Federal Uni- goniometer and an X-ray tube ceramic step, an automatic and 4° anti-scattering versity of Pará (IG-UFPA). XRD was with a Cu anode (Kα1 = 1.540598 Å) slit, a 10-mm mask, and a spinning used to determine the main mineral model PW3373/00, long fine focus, motion of sample with 1 rps. The data phases and crystalline order-disorder Ni Kβ filter, X'Celerator Real Time were processed and interpreted using an degree (crystallinity) of the opals, which Multiple Scanning (RTMS) detector in X'Pert Data Collector and X'Pert High were prepared by the powder method. scanning mode with an active length of Score software, both from PANalytical.

Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass The samples were previously pow- ments, including rare earth elements Spectrometry (ICP-MS): ICP-MS was dered into aliquots of 200 mg, melted (REE), were determined. conducted at Acme Analytical Labora- with lithium metaborate and tetrabo- The loss on ignition (LOI) is given tories Ltd. to determine the bulk chemi- rate, and then dissolved with nitric acid. by the difference in weight after calcina- cal composition of the opals. The major C, S, and trace ele- tion at 1000°C. 54 REM: R. Esc. Minas, Ouro Preto, 68(1), 053-059, jan. mar. | 2015 Gisele Tavares Marques et al.

Scanning Electron Microscopy polished thin sections were also used to of Scanning Electron Microscopy of the (SEM/EDS/CL): Fragments and pol- obtain backscattered (BSE) and cath- UFPA were used. ished thin sections of opals, empha- odoluminescence (CL) images, in addi- Operating conditions for the SE sizing their inclusions, were used for tion to EDS analysis. These thin sections and BSE images and the EDS analysis the morphological and mineralogical were coated with for 2 minutes were as follows: beam current = 90 study using secondary electron (SE) im- for EDS analysis and 30 seconds for μa, accelerating voltage = 20 kV, work ages and energy dispersive spectrometry CL images, with a coating thickness of distance = 15 mm, scanning time = 30 (EDS) semi-quantitative chemical analy- 15 nm and 3 nm, respectively. A LEO s with 3000 to 4000 cycles per second sis. All fragments of samples were fixed ZEISS SEM (model 1430) with a Sirius- (c/s) for each analysis. The conditions on stubs with carbon double-sided tape Gresham EDS detector and a Gatan for the CL images were the same but and coated with gold for 2 minutes. The Mono-CL belonging to the Laboratory with work distance = 13 mm.

Opal Structure ment, masking the typical subspherulitic uniform in size and have a regular pack- The opals from Buriti dos Montes aspect, giving rise to an almost mas- ing without any interstices filling (Wol- are semitransparent to translucent and sive feature (Figure 1A, B). The sphere laert et al., 1990). However, these opals have a wide range of hues, from light diameters range from 150 to 500 nm. have good transparency, which may be yellow to brownish red. In the SEM Irregular spheres and compact arrange- related to the size of the spaces between images, it is possible to see that the in- ments do not allow for the production of the spheres. According to Schwartz terstices between silica spheres forming a play-of-colors, an effect that manifests (1984), small interstices provide greater the opal were partially filled by opal ce- itself only when the spheres are perfect, transparency to opals.

(a) (b) Figure 1 A, B - Subspherulitic arrangement of the orange opals, whose cementation generates a massive aspect. Secondary electron images obtained using SEM. Scale bar = 1.5 µm.

Solid Inclusions Morphology The different types of solid inclu- inner wall of the cavity, while others sions within the opals allows for char- sions in the studied opals were identified are completely empty, which most likely acterizing different morphologies, such and classified according to morphology indicates already-released gas content. as coral reefs, stalactites, stalagmites using criteria such as shape, color, size There are bubbles surrounded by tension and columns (Figure 2C). Dendritic and texture as well as the three-dimen- fractures (Figure 2A) with an external inclusions (Figure 2D), with a typical sional arrangement produced within appearance of microconcretions and arborescent aspect, are dark, usually the opals. filled with opaline silica (Figure 2B). The brown, and are associated with botry- The inclusions, named bubbles, botryoidal inclusions are sandy aggre- oidal inclusions, bubbles and fractures. correspond to rounded cavities with gates of the host rock, with a botryoidal The tabular or lamellar inclu- diameters between 5 and 20 mm and aspect and a general tendency towards sions (Figure 2E) are groups of parallel are cream-white or brownish according rounding. Their color varies from white lamellae or platelets of sandy material. to the filling, usually of host sandstones. to cream and brown to reddish tones. Microcrystals, isolated or grouped, are Some bubbles have a white film on the The spatial arrangement of these inclu- euhedral and well formed. Microcrystals

Figure 2 (a) (b) (c) (d) Opals from Buriti dos Montes with the main solid inclusions and associated features. A - bubble with tension fracture, B - white opal bubble with Fe oxy-hydroxides in the center, C - botryoidal-columnar (e) (f) (g) (h) inclusion with tension fractures, D - dendrites, E - lamellar inclusions with botryoidal terminations, F - helicitic inclusions with dry fractures, G - sealed fractures in red opal, H - red patch in orange opal. Scale bar = 1 mm REM: R. Esc. Minas, Ouro Preto, 68(1), 053-059, jan. mar. | 2015 55 Orange opals from Buriti dos Montes, Piauí: solid inclusions as genetic guides

of quartz inclusions in these opals are channels, sometimes curved, with mil- are sealed fractures (Figure 2G - totally frequent. Nodules, composed of materi- limetric diameter, which may be empty filled by opal), dry fractures (unfilled als from the host rocks, represent sandy or partially or completely filled with fractures), tension fractures (semicircular fragments that were not completely sandy material. The filling gives reddish fractures that surround other inclusions), dissolved during the migration of hydro- or whitish colors to the tubes. superficial fractures (external fractures, thermal fluids. The helicitic inclusions Some features, such as flow struc- non-penetrative) and cracking fractures or cobwebs (Figure 2F) are formed by tures (striations that represent the (group of interconnected fractures that brown, irregular tiny needles, similar probable migration of fluids through delimit small polygons with penetrative to strands of hair, together constituting fractured host sandstone) and fractures, character). Patches and color zones (Fig- an arrangement similar to a cobweb. occur in isolation or in association with ure 2H), also frequent, are portions of The tubes are cylindrical and elongated botryoidal inclusions and bubbles. There opal with variations of the main color.

Mineralogical Caracterization The mineralogical analysis by XRD (Figure 3A, B). The presence of kaolinite the shape of the crystals. Hyaline quartz revealed different order-disorder degrees in the solid inclusions is indicated by re- also occurs in small druses and accompa- in orange opals, from amorphous opals flections d = 7.17 Å (7.18/7.19) and 3.58 nying veins of opal. When imaged by CL (opal-A) to cristobalite-tridymite opals Å. The interplane spacings d = 3.34 Å using SEM, these crystals reveal a pat- (opal-CT). Samples GB 7-28, GB 8-37 (3.35), 1.54 Å and 1.44 Å refer to quartz tern of concentric zoning perpendicular and GB 6-2 are typical of opal-A, whose microcrystal inclusions in the opals. These to the c-axis, showing various intensities diffraction patterns show a main peak quartz microcrystals as well as botryoidal of luminescence. This feature is diagnos- with d = 4.11 Å (4.10/4.12), broad and and lamellar inclusions, nodules and tubes tic of hydrothermal origin (Rusk et al., high background, and another incipient formed predominantly by kaolinite have 2006; 2008) and contrasts strongly with in d = 2.50/2.51 Å. The high background been confirmed by EDS analysis. the extremely homogeneous texture, i.e., and low resolution of the peak d = 4.32 Å, In addition to these , he- without zoning, exhibited by grains of sometimes almost imperceptible, suggest matite and/or goethite were also found detrital quartz of the sandstones that host low-order crystalline, approaching an in the darker portions of the botryoidal, the mineralization. In CL images, venules amorphous state. Samples GB 2-14 and dendritic and helicitic inclusions as well as of hydrothermal quartz overgrown on GB 9-6 are typically opal-CT, character- in the nodules and in the center of a bubble detrital quartz were observed (Figure 5A, ized by interplane distances d = 4.10 Å formed by white opal within yellow opal. B), indicating that fluids migrated through (4.11), 4.31 Å (4.32/4.33), 2.50 Å, 2.05 Opaline pseudomorphs of gypsum or the interstices of the grains into the sand- Å and 1.63 Å. Among the terms defined barite (Figure 4A, B) were found locally, stones. The thickness of hydrothermal as amorphous and cristobalite-tridymite, filling small cavities in opals. EDS analysis quartz veinlets gradually increases toward there are intermediate stages of order- indicated only Si and O, showing that the ore veins, until the detrital grains are disorder crystalline, as in the GB 1-24, GB these inclusions were completely replaced completely consumed, leaving neoformed 5-5, GB 4-5, GB 3-20 and GB 10 samples by the opaline silica, preserving, however, euhedral quartz crystals (Figure 5C).

(a) (b)

Figure 3 A, B - X-ray diffraction diagrams showing the different order-disorder de- grees of the studied opals, with variation between opal-A and CT, and intermediate levels, from the base upwards. Kln - kao- linite, Opl - opal, Qz - quartz (abbrevia- tions of mineral names based on Whitney & Evans, 2010). 56 REM: R. Esc. Minas, Ouro Preto, 68(1), 053-059, jan. mar. | 2015 Gisele Tavares Marques et al.

(a) (b)

Figure 4 A, B - Pseudomorphs of gypsum or barite included in orange opals. Secon- dary electron images obtained using SEM. Scale bar = 5 µm.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5 A, B - Detrital quartz grains (Qz1) of sandstones that host the opal mineraliza- tion with hydrothermal quartz overgrowth (Qz2). C - Euhedral quartz crystal (Qz3) with internal concentric zoning. Cathodo- luminescence images obtained using SEM. Scale bar = 100 µm. Qz - quartz (abbreviations of mineral names based on Whitney & Evans, 2010).

Chemical Composition The opals from Buriti dos Montes trace elements, only the high values of most likely due to an association with the are composed mainly of SiO2 (90.14 % Ba are highlighted, ranging between 195 solid inclusions of hematite and kaolinite. on average) and 8.03 % water (based on and 1373 parts per million (ppm), with From EDS analysis, it was possible to

LOI), 1.32 % Al2O3 and 0.2 % Fe2O3. an average of 808 ppm (Figure 6A). Other identify higher contents of Fe in patches

The SiO2 contents correlate negatively trace-element contents are very close to and dark colored zones than in the opal with Al2O3 and Fe2O3, most likely due to the detection limits. Gomes (2002) em- matrix. Similarly, reaction borders sur- the mineral inclusions, such as kaolinite phasizes that barite veins are common rounding helicitic and dendritic inclu- and hematite. Part of the silica-contents in the sandstones that host opals. The sions have higher contents of Fe, with is also found as quartz inclusions. Al can GB 4 sample, which is richer in Al2O3 an average of 4500 ppm compared with also be a potential Si replacement in the and Fe2O3, displays the highest contents the surrounding opal with an average of opal structures. Among the analyzed of REEs (Figure 6B) and trace elements, 1700 ppm of Fe.



Figure 6 A - Multi-elements diagram with the distribution of trace elements in the opals. Trace element concentrations (ppm) are relatively higher in sample GB 4. B - Diagram showing the distribution of REE in these opals and considerable enrichment in sample GB 4. The contents were normalized by chondrite of Taylor & McLennan (1985). REM: R. Esc. Minas, Ouro Preto, 68(1), 053-059, jan. mar. | 2015 57 Orange opals from Buriti dos Montes, Piauí: solid inclusions as genetic guides

3. Discussion and conclusions

The vast content of solid inclusions, goethite within the opals. The possible of hyaline quartz with intense zoning in their arrangements, contact relationships, existence of micro and nano-inclusions, CL, in lateral contact with opal in the mineralogy and chemical composition rich in these minerals can also contribute veins, and as microcrystals included in the reinforce the hydrothermal genesis of or- to this effect (Fritsch et al., 1999; 2002; opals. This hypothesis is corroborated by ange opals from Buriti dos Montes as sug- 2006; Steffen, 2000; Gaillou et al., 2008). the morphology of the inclusions, by the gested by Gomes (2002), and discussed The lamellar inclusions reveal a structure mineral assemblage characterized by he- by Marques (2011). Most inclusions that can originate from the deforma- matite, barite and kaolinite, and by the si- are formed by materials from the host tion of sandstones assimilated by fluids, multaneous occurrence of inclusions and rocks or simply from particles that were considering that the mineralized area is veins of typically hydrothermal quartz. involved by fluids during their migration under the influence of the Transbrasiliano This hydrothermal environment through the fractures in these sandstones. Lineament. The opals from Buriti dos was most likely conditioned by the dia- The hydrothermal fluid flow is evident in Montes are marked by high contents of bases of the Sardinha Formation, which flow structures present in the opals and Ba and Fe. Ba may possibly constitute acted as the heat source responsible for on features representing partial dissolu- inclusions of barite, a common mineral heating the aqueous solutions present tion of some inclusions (e.g., the reaction in rocks of the region. Fe occurs as oxy- in the sandstones of the Serra Grande borders around the helicitic and dendritic hydroxides in solid inclusions, which Group. These sandstones also contributed inclusions). Other features, such as sealed give the distinct orange color to these to most of the solubilized silica necessary fractures, patches and zoning of colors, opals. The presence of barite, hematite for the saturation of the solution, while refer to late fluid flow and partial disso- and kaolinite also reinforces the context extensive and numerous fractures were lution of hematitic plasma particles. The of a hydrothermal environment for the indispensable for trapping these hydro- color zoning was created by neoformation origin of these opals. This hydrothermal thermal solutions, thereby hosting the of Fe oxy-hydroxides such as hematite and genesis is also confirmed by the presence mineralized veins.

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Received: 15 July 2013 - Accepted: 23 October 2014.

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