DX-Window No. 500 – JUBILEE EDITION from the Danish Shortwave Club International Tavleager 31, DK-2670 Greve, Denmark ”Friendship through Knowledge”

DSWCI 50 years in 2006 - the DX Club that had global membership 30 years before "Globalization" www.dswci.org

Editor and Distributor: Anker Petersen E-mail address: [email protected] .

Next deadline is on Monday March 17 at 1800 UTC. March 05, 2014

Dear friends,

Welcome to this Jubilee edition! The DX-Window has been produced by the DSWCI as a news bulletin in various periods since 1967:  First as more than 100 weekly live DX-programmes in the English Service of Radio Denmark Shortwave from November 5, 1967, till December 28, 1969, when the English Service closed.  Then as a printed newsletter in the period from 1987 to 1994 with various editors.  In 1996-1999 as a weekly e-mail newsletter numbered DX-Window No. 1 and onwards with various editors, issued to all contributors.  Since May 2001 as a fortnightly newsletter edited by yours truly and issued by e-mail to DSWCI-members and other contributors. Our very active webmaster, Rolf Wernli, uploads each issue to our website, where you can read it in the Members Area at www.dswci.org by using our current username and password.

You can help the editor very much by sending your loggings in the same way, as we use in the DX-Window! Perfect examples on contributions are shown at the end of this DX-Window.

We have received congratulations on our jubilee DXW no. 500 from Bernardini, Bohac, Monferini and Pankov. Thank You!

The three months long Ukrainian revolt against the leadership of elected, but corrupt President Viktor Janukovitj at the central Maidan Square in Kiev resulted February 20-24 in severe clashes with the security forces. 88 were killed and about 2,000 wounded – the biggest revolt in Europe, since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. President Janukovitj had to run away to Rostov-on-Don in Russia, while the head of the Ukrainian Parliament Oleksandr Turtjinov was appointed as acting President. On February 27 the Ukrainian Parliament approved a temporary Government with Arsenij Jatsenjuk as prime minister. The situation is very unstable and escalates quickly, particularly on the autonomous peninsula Crimea where nearly 60% of the population are ethnic Russians, 25 % are Ukrainians and 12% Tatars. The UN Security Council has held three meetings about this issue. On March 01 the Russian Parliament approved, on request from ex-president Janukovitj, sending Russian troops to Crimea to protect Russian inhabitants, which later was condemned by NATO and the European Union. The new Ukrainian Government put all its armed forces on the highest alert. Ukrainian Radio and TV is mentioned below.

Thank you for your contributions from all parts of the world to this DX-Window. Our Italian DX-friends Dario Monferini and Giampiero Bernardini again have spent a weekend, February 22-24, at Bocca di Magra, La Spezia, Italy, where they heard a lot of interesting stations, some of which are brought below (BOC-32). They also report that a long-lived sunspot AR1967 returned to the Earthside of the sun on February 25 and promptly erupted, producing an X4.9-class solar flare. This is the strongest flare of the year and one of the strongest of the current solar cycle.

Our longtime Irish member Patrick Cody wrote: ”At long last I have got back the AOR 7030 in good condition and I attach some recent loggings”. Congratulations with that after waiting for many months!

Highlights this time: Kyrgyzstan still heard on 4820.53, ex 4795. New Libyan MW on 1314. New invitation to the Conference of the EDXC. Best 73, Anker


¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ DX NEWS ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

ANGOLA 4949.74, R Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, Luanda, 1925, Feb 27, Portuguese programme, better modulation, 33333. (Giroletti). Also heard at 2335-0040, Feb 27 and Mar 03, Portuguese ann, programme of ballads – stronger than usual, 35232. (Cody and Petersen)

ARMENIA 4810, Armenian National R, Yerevan, 1904, Feb 24, Arabic programme, fair-good. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)

AUSTRALIA 2325, VL8T, Tennant Creek, NT, 2005-2058, Feb 22 and 23, reports, interview, 15331. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini and Mille)

2485, VL8K, Katherine, NT, 2008, Feb 23, interview, fair. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)

4835, VL8A, Alice Springs, NT, 1820-2018, Feb 18, 22 and 23, reports in English, 35333. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini and Mille)

4910, VL8T, Tennant Creek, NT, 2130, Feb 22, reports, fair // 4835 // 5025. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)

5025, VL8K, Katherine, NT, 2132, Feb 22, reports // 4910, good. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)

9500, R Australia, Shepparton, 1913, Feb 24, Australian reports in English, very good. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)

BANGLADESH 4750, Bangladesh Betar, Khabirpur, 1625, Feb 19, discussions and talks by man. Language seems to be Bengali. Audio is here: http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/30553323 . (Liangas)

15505, Bangladesh Betar, Khabirpur, 1513, Feb 18, musical IS repeated until 1514:15 time pips, ID, music, 1515 man with Hindi program, 35333. (Sellers)

BOLIVIA 5952.48, Emisora Pio XII, Siglo XX, 0100-0130, Feb 27, a female and male in long discourse, fair signal. (Bolland)

BRAZIL 4845.1, R Cultural Ondas Tropicais, Manaus, AM, 2245-2255, Feb 26, commentary on football match, 34333. (Cody)

4875.15, R Dif. Roraima, Boa Vista, RR, 2310-2322, Feb 24, Brazilian music, also heard 0835-0845, Feb 25, with telephone interview, 33333. (Cody)

4885, R Clube do Pará, Belém, PA, 2150-2350, Feb 26 and 27, commentary on football match, 34333. (Cody and Mille). Also heard at 0520, Feb 27 and 28, local programme with ID, 33333. (Giroletti)

4914.97, R Daqui, Goiânia, GO (presumed), 2325-2335, Feb 19, Portuguese hymns and orchestra music, 24232. Heterodyne presumed from R Dif. Macapa on 4915.00. (Petersen)

4985, R Brasil Central, Goiânia, GO, 2152-2154, Feb 26, Portuguese programme, 15331. (Mille)

5035, R Aparecida, Aparecida, SP, 2240-2250, Feb 23, programme of religious songs, 34433. (Cody)

5939.8, Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, SC, 2200, Feb 22, Portuguese religious, fair. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)


6136.48v, R Aparecida, Aparecida, SP, 0850-0900, Feb 19, Portuguese talk, I clearly feel drifting in a few minutes, 45333. (Wagai): Also heard on 6137.4, at 0015-0057, Feb 21 and 26, has varied further up; could it be deliberate to avoid 6134.8 Bolivia? They are certainly more separable now, especially since R Santa Cruz is quite weak by comparison. Then I check the other Aparecida frequencies: // 9629.76 approx. at 0023 is best, mentioning flagship show ”Com a Mãe Aparecida”, but less flutter on // 11854.82; approx. 5035: too much QRM from Cuba. (Bueschel and Hauser)

6180, R Nacional da Amazônia, Brasilia, DF, 0651-0654, Feb 19, song, 35333. (Mille)

9565, Super R Deus é Amor, Curitiba, PR, 0530, Feb 28, music, 33333 // 9586.7 // 11765. (Giroletti)

9629.9, R Aparecida, Aparecida, SP, 2020-2038, Feb 18 and 27, Portuguese talk and ID, 35333. (Giroletti and Mille)

9645.3, R Bandeirantes, São Paulo, SP, 0540, Feb 28, Portuguese ID: "La Radio Bandeirantes!", 23333. (Giroletti)

9665, R Voz Missionária, Camboriú, SC, 0550, Feb 28, religious music, 33333. (Giroletti)

9818.88, R 9 de Julho, São Paulo, SP, 0855-0900, Feb 24, Portuguese talk, I'm feeling it may be worth while carrying out the idea of noise canceling, 34333. (Wagai)

11765, Super R Deus é Amor, Curitiba, PR, 0700, Mar 01, religious programme, 33333. (Giroletti). Also heard at 2020- 2023, Feb 18, Portuguese, 23332. (Mille)

11780, R Nacional da Amazônia, Brasilia, DF, 2038-2100, Feb 18 and 24, Brasilian song, news: ”Nacional informa”, ”Radio Nacional de Amazônia la tue Voz”, weather and ID, 35333. (Giroletti and Mille)

11854.90, R Aparecida, Aparecida, SP, 2115, Feb 24, local programme in Portuguese, ID, 33333. (Giroletti)

CANADA 6070, CFRX, Toronto, 2357-0001, Feb 20/21, advs, ”In-depth radio, News-Talk 10-10, CFRB, Toronto”. CFRX talkshow runs past hourtop, 0000:40 on to news and weather, but RHC 6070 carrier *0000:55 blots it, starting weakly and rapidly ramping up to full power, adding modulation at 0001:40 from the music-fill hour, poor signal, and also storm noise from nearby. Also heard at 0627-0628, Feb 22, interviewing a stand-up comedian, 0628 QRM starts from 6075 Vatican bells but not too bad; also has splash from strong second-adjacent 6060 RHC, fair signal. (Hauser)

CANARY ISLANDS 5780.01, Horizon FM, Tenerife, via 75 watts SW-transmitter, 1730-2400, Fr Feb 21, Sa Feb 23 and Su Feb 24, again heard with English short anns, ID by man: ”Horizon FM, Tenerife” followed by ID by woman: ”Horizon FM”, advs e.g. ”Ball Concept, Danish furniture”, 2100-2103 and 2200-2203 Sky News, but mostly British pop songs, 35233 heard // live streaming on www.horizon.fm, which was 36 seconds delayed compared to SW transmission. On this webpage is also written: "Horizon FM can now be heard all over Europe on 5.780 Shortwave". Both these facts indicate that the transmitter really is on Tenerife as also indicated on the QSL received by Andreas Schmid(Cf. DX-Window no. 499). Not heard at 1825- 2045, Sa Mar 01.(Kuhl and Petersen in DXplorer)

CHINA 4750.00, Voice of China, Hailar, 2056-2300, Feb 18 and 19, Chinese discussion, Russian QRM in USB, 33243 // 4800 (55344). (Mille and Petersen)

4940, Voice of Strait, Fuzhou, 1511, Feb 22, English news about China, ID “You are listening to ‘Focus on China’...Voice of Strait…”, 45444. (Sellers)

5050.00, Beibu Bay R, Nanning, 2335-2350, Feb 19, Chinese ann, Chinese pop songs, 35233. (Petersen)

6130, Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet, *2050, Feb 23, Tibetan ID, also in English, good. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)

CLANDESTINES and other Target Broadcasts 1550 MW, R Nacional de la R.A.S.D, Rabouni, Algeria, 2040, Feb 24, vernacular programme, local music, 22333. (Giroletti)

3912, Voice of the People, Goyang, 2128-2130, Feb 18, Korean talk, 25331-2. (Mille)


3985, Echo of Hope, Hwaseong, South Korea, 1312, Feb 27, Korean news by man and woman, 33343, noise jammer, same on 6003 and 6348. (Sellers). Also heard at 1639, Mar 01, Korean talk, 24232. (Ashar)

4880, SW Radio Africa, via Meyerton, South Africa, 1807, Feb 22, English interview, fair. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)

5910, Shiokaze Sea Breeze, via Yamata, Japan (100 kW / 280 degrees) now on this frequency, ex 5975, to North Korea at 1600-1700 in Japanese Mo/We/Th, in Chinese/Korean Tu, in English Fr, and in Korean/Japanese Sa/Su. (Ivanov, Feb 22)

6003, Voice of Hope, via South Korea, 1834, Feb 22, slow songs, talks in Korean, fair. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)

6135, Shiokaze Sea Breeze, via Yamata, Japan (100 kW / 280 degrees) now on this frequency, ex 5910, to North Korea at 1330-1430 in Japanese Mo/We/Th, in Chinese/Korean Tu, in English Fr, and in Korean/Japanese Sa/Su. (Ivanov, Feb 22)

6225, Democratic Voice of Burma, Tajikistan, 1428-1432, Feb 27, carrier already on, 1429:25 short tone followed by a long one :50-:60, *1430 s/on with traditional Burmese music, man with presumed ID, 1431:30 man and woman with news, 45333. (Sellers)

6250, Echo of Unification, Pyongyang, North Korea, 1545-1555, Mar 02, Korean talk, orchestra music with drum, 45333, new // on 3977.4 had not yet faded in here. (Petersen)

6518, Voice of the People, Rep. of Korea, 1436, Feb 27, Korean talk // 6600, both with heavy noise jamming, 31441. (Sellers)

9400, IBRA Radio/R Sadaye Zindagi, via Armenia, *1458:40-1501, Feb 22, instrumental music started, 1500 s/on in Dari with a couple of “salám” (hello), presumed news, 25242. (Sellers)

15515, R Xoriyo, via NEXUS-IBA IRRS SW via Radiocom, via Tiganesti, Romania (150 kW / 175 degrees), Fr 1500-1530 in Somali to East Africa is jammed with white noise like broadband DRM. (Ivanov, Feb 22)

15515, UNID, via NEXUS-IBA IRRS SW via Radiocom, via Tiganesti, Romania (150 kW / 175 degrees), Fr 1530-1600 in Arabic to East Africa, but this was not jammed with white noise like broadband DRM. (Ivanov, Feb 22)

15515, R Warra Wangeelaa-ti, via NEXUS-IBA IRRS SW via Radiocom, via Tiganesti, Romania (150 kW / 165 degrees), Sa 1500-1530 in Oromo to East Africa is jammed with white noise like broadband DRM. (Ivanov, Feb 22)

15530, R Tamazuj, via Dhabbaya, UAE (250 kW / 240 degrees), 0400-0430 in Arabic to East Africa, new frequency, ex 13800. (Ivanov, Feb 18)

15530, R Tamazuj, via Santa Maria di Galeria, Vatican (200 kW / 150 degrees), 1500-1530 in Arabic to East Africa, new frequency, ex 15535. (Ivanov, Feb 18)

15530, R Dabanga, via Dhabbaya, UAE (250 kW / 240 degrees), 0430-0600 Arabic to East Africa, ex 13800. (Ivanov)

15530, R Dabanga, via Santa Maria di Galeria, Vatican (200 kW / 150 degrees), 1530-1630 Arabic to East Africa, ex 15535. (Ivanov, Feb 18)

17540, R Impala, Madagascar, 1702-1735, Feb 09 and 23, the usual mixture of local vocal musical selections with a man announcer with English ID and anns proceeded and followed by local language equivalent, 24222. (D’Angelo and Ashar)

COLOMBIA 5910.07, Alcaraván R, Puerto Lleras, 0020, Feb 23, nice romantic songs, fair. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)

CUBA 4765, R Progreso, La Habana, 0210, Feb 24, songs, "el numero uno", then Cuban news, fair, over Tajikistan. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)


5025, R Rebelde, Bauta, 0510, Feb 28, ID "La estacion prefecta per la noche REBELDE!" , music, 44444. (Giroletti)

5040, R Habana Cuba, Bauta, 0043, Feb 23, nice Cuban music, good. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini). Also heard at 0645, Mar 01, English, reagge music "Bob Marley", 44444. (Giroletti)

CZECH Rep. 270 LW, Cesky Rozhlas, Topolna. It was officially announced Feb 27, that this longwave transmitter will stay in operation for another 3 years, but not without changes. Current high power transmitter (750kW) will be replaced by a new 50kW transmitter. (Honzik in HCDX). Cf. DX-Window no. 494. (Ed). Heard Mar 01 at 1011 in eastern Bavaria area near Nuremberg on the Czech-German border with S=9+20dB. But nothing heard now on 270 kHz anymore in all Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Poland and Ukraine. (Bueschel)

DIEGO GARCIA 4319, AFRTS feeder, Diego Garcia, 2030, Feb 24, USB mode, pop song, ID, 34344. (Giroletti)

DJIBOUTI 4780, RTV Djibouti, Dorale, 1804, Feb 22, Horn of Africa style songs, weak fair. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini). Also heard at 2054-2056, Feb 18, local song, 35333. (Mille)

EQUATORIAL GUINEA 5005, R Difusora, Bata, 2020-2135, Feb 22 and 24, news in Spanish, 33333. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini and Giroletti)

ETHIOPIA 5950, Voice of Tigray Revolution, Addis Ababa (presumed), *0259, Mar 01, apparent IS, repetitive fiddle tune, more melodic than your usual Horn of Africa music, poor signal. Enjoy this while you can, as WRMI has registered 5950 for 24- hour usage in A-14; while unlikely to use all of it, most likely will be on in our evenings. (Hauser)

6110, R Fana, Addis Ababa, *0257-0259, Mar 01, chime IS, poor signal, 0259 heard English words ”Broadcasting Corporation” amid sign-on in other language in Oromo or Amharic. (Hauser)

FINLAND 5980, Scandinavian Weekend R, Virrat, 1630-1640, Sa Mar 01, Finnish ann, English pop songs, heavy sideband QRM, 33322. (Petersen)

6170, Scandinavian Weekend R, Virrat, 1045-1100, Sa Mar 01, Finnish talk, pop songs, 25232 // 11720 (25222). (Petersen)

GERMANY 7265, R City, via Göhren, 1340-1350, Sa Feb 22, English ann "on 7265", Mexican songs, English lovesong, 55454. (Petersen). Scheduled Sa 1300-1400. (Taylor, Feb 21)

7265, Hamburger Lokal Radio, Göhren, 1340-1350, Sa Mar 01, German ann, pop song, interview with Gustav Winter - only in AM and USB! 45444. (Petersen). Scheduled Sa 0600-0900 and 1200-1600 on 7265. (Taylor, Feb 28)

Frequency change on Hamburger Lokalradio and other programmes from Mar 02: 0900-1400 on new 9485, ex 9480 (Göhren 001 kW / 230 degrees) to Central Euurope as scheduled: 1000-1100 1st Sun MV Baltic Radio English/German 0900-1000 2nd Sun Atlantic 2000 International French 0900-1000 3rd Sun European Music Radio English 1000-1200 3rd Sun Radio Geronimo English 0900-1100 4th Sun Radio Gloria International English/German 1200-1400 Sunday Hamburger Lokalradio German. (Ivanov, Feb 27)

15215.00, The Frisian station R Öömrang, Amrum island, via Wertachtal, *1600-1658*, Fr Feb 21, annual broadcast in Frisian, German and English with interviews with local residents about tourism and travels to/from the Amrum Island, reports from a party with much laughter, 55555 S9+25 in Stuttgart and Skovlunde (Bueschel and Petersen), weak but readable in Göttingen (Kuhl), fair signal some moderate fading (D’Angelo), blasting in here, in central continental USA (Perry) and a beautiful signal here in New York. (Herkimer).


R Öömrang verified an electronic report with a full data PDF attachment in 3 days indicating transmission site was Issoudun, not Nauen or Wertachtal, from v/s Michael Puetz, Sales Consultant, Business Unit Radio at Media Broadcast mentioning the report would be forwarded to the client. (D’Angelo)

GUATEMALA 4055, R Verdad, San Esteban, 0510, Feb 27, English programme, 23333. (Giroletti)

ICELAND 189 LW, Rikisutvarpid Ras 1+2, Gufuskalar, 0540, Feb 27, pop music, 33333. (Giroletti)

INDIA (4660), AIR Leh was not heard here, when I checked Feb 19 and 20. Maybe they have gone back to 4760? Sign off is at 1630. (Jacob). Feb 23 was hearing a good level open carrier (no audio as usual) on 4660 at 1518. Suspect the return of AIR Leh? (Howard)

4800, AIR Hyderabad, extended schedule past 1740, Th Feb 27, live broadcast in regional language "Telegu" on the ocassion of hindu religious festival Sivaratri heard // MW 738 - AIR Hyderabad, 837 - AIR Vijaywada and 900 - AIR Kadapa as the only live broadcasts of Sivaratri festival this year. (Gupta and Jacob)

4820, AIR Kolkata was scheduled to close down on Feb 22, 2014, as per orders from AIR HQ dated Feb 11. However due to protest from AIR technical employees union (Association of Radio & TV Engineering Employees), the same has been differed. So AIR Kolkata SW operating with 50 kW on 4820 and 7210 has got a life line for the time being. Heard on Feb 22 at 0055 with severe co-channel interference from China. On 7210 at around 0230 only a carrier came on and went off many times. Later it also stopped. (Jacob, Feb 21 and 22)

4910, AIR Jaipur, 0041, Feb 23, Indian songs, fair. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)

INDONESIA 3344.9, RRI Ternate (tentative), 1452-1501*, Feb 27, playing nice soft music, at 1501 a piece of music that almost sounded Polynesian, 23242, utility QRM. (Sellers)

9525.89, Voice of Indonesia, Cimanggis, 1828, Feb 22, German program, reports, fair-good. (BOC 32 Monferini & Bernardini)

9680.00, RRI Jakarta, Cimanggis, 1225-1235, Feb 20, music, live ID mentioning "... Jakarta ...", 1230 news. Jakarta mixing with a Chinese broadcast. Signal was fair. (Bolland)

IRELAND 252 LW, RTE Radio 1, Summerhill, 0650, Feb 27, swing music, 44444. (Giroletti)

ITALY 10000, Amici Italcable, 1801, Feb 22, time signal in Italian, music, fair. (BOC 32 Monferini & Bernardini)

15000, Amici Italcable, 2010, Feb 24, music, time ann, good, also 10000 music, not // . (BOC 32 Monferini & Bernardini)

JAPAN 3925, R Nikkei One, Nagara, 1321, Feb 27, Japanese, instrumental music, 55444 // 6055, 9595. (Sellers)

3945, R Nikkei Two, Nagara, 1317, Feb 27, Japanese, pop music, “Radio Nikkei” ID at 1320, 42432, HAM QRM. (Sellers)

KOREA, North 6400, Pyongyang Broadcasting Station, Kanggye, 1433, Feb 27, Korean, choir and orchestra, 45333. (Sellers)

KUWAIT 6050, R Kuwait, Kabd, 1958-2010, Feb 25, Arabic talk, it was easy to receive due to stop of Chinese program on same frequency today, 34333. (Wagai)


KYRGYZSTAN 4820.53, Kyrgyz R1, Krasnaya Rechka, Bishkek, 0020-0030, Feb 22, Kyrgyz talk with musical interludes - still here ex 4795, QRM Xizang 4820, 22222 // 4010 (45343). (Petersen)

LIBERIA 4760, ELWA, Monrovia, 0610-0640, Feb 21 and Mar 01, English religious talks, 23233. (Giroletti and Mille). Also heard at 2305-2315, Feb 26, programme of religious songs, 24322. (Cody)

LIBYA 1314 MW, Dimosia Radiofonia, Tripoli, 2123, Feb 23, is back now with // 729 MW. I suppose that DR is now occupying other ex- outlets. (Liangas)

MALAYSIA 6050, Asyik FM, Kajang, 1447-1502*, Feb 18, Bahasa Malay, Michael Jackson song, male DJ mentioning names maybe of listeners or for birthdays, more talk and another song, 1455 two “Asyik F-M” IDs, 1500 short and long tones, ID and national anthem by choir, 1501:30 some upbeat music until suddenly off, 44343. (Sellers)

7295, Traxx FM, Kajang, 2112-2150, Feb 22, songs, talks, IDs, 22332. (BOC 32 Monferini & Bernardini and Mille)

9835, Sarawak FM, Kajang, relay back to Borneo, 1347-1616, Feb 18 and 19, Bahasa Malay talk in a noisy venue, popular Malaysian music, 1625 a number of anns including a “Sarawak F-M” ID, 45333. (Hauser, Liangas and Sellers). Also heard at 1912-2001, Feb 23 and 24, nice songs, IDs, 33343. (BOC 32 Monferini & Bernardini, Liangas and Mille)

11665, Wai FM, Kajang, relay back to Borneo (tentative), 1354, Feb 18, music, 1402 news in American English about Pakistan, Thailand, Central African Republic, 1405 adv ? Not sure if still in English, but surprised to hear any English, so was this really Wai FM? WRTH shows no English on that station, but Bidayuh at 1000-1600 and other times, also in Kayan/Kenyah. (Hauser). But definately heard at 1553-1602*, Feb 18, Bahasa Malay, traditional songs until 1600 s/off with two time pips, ID and national anthem by choir, 1601:30 a modern song until off just after 1602, 35333. (Sellers)

MONGOLIA 4830, Mongoliin R 1, Altay, 0037, Feb 23, Mongolian talks, weak. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)

4895.00, Mongoliin R, Murun, 2305-2345, Feb 19, Mongolian talk, music and songs, 25222. Was off the air Feb 09, but now back, but 4830 Altay not heard. (Petersen)

7260, Mongoliin R 2, Ulaanbaatar, Feb 25, 0958-1001, classical music into a easy listening, (F.Liszt's Liebesträume No.3), closing is 15 o'clock, 34333. (Wagai)

12015, Voice of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, 1538, Feb 28, English talk about trade, export, product, 33222. (Ashar)

MYANMAR 5985.85, Myanma R, Yegu, Yangon (25 kW/ 176/356 degrees), 0026, Feb 23, music, weak. (BOC-32). Also heard at 1527- 1637, Feb 18, Burmese, song, 1529:15 anns to 1530 fanfare music, woman beginning English program with “Hello, good evening…”, frequency ann, news, 42442. At 1630 listening for listed s/off; playing electric guitar and vocals, 1635 man and woman in Burmese speaking over music, still going at 1637 but I had to leave listening. (Sellers). Also heard with new schedule at 1630-1700, Feb17, unconfirmed language, maybe English or Burmese, due to a strong QRM from CRI in Swahili on nominal 5985. (Ivanov, Feb 17)

6165, Thazin R, Pyin U Lwin, 1436-1444, Feb 18, English, a song, news, mostly from Asia, music, 32442. (Sellers)

NEW ZEALAND 11725, RNZI, Rangitaiki, *1859, Feb 22, start broadcast, news, very good! (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)

NIGERIA 6089.82, R Nigeria, Kaduna, 1841, Feb 22, talks in vernacular, weak, free channel. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)

15120, Voice of Nigeria, Abuja, 1847, Feb 22, DRM, African art interview, English, perfect no gaps. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)


OMAN 15140, R Sultanate Oman, Thumrait, 1850, Feb 22, Arabic talks, good. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)

PAKISTAN 11570, R Pakistan, Islamabad,1725, Feb 23, music, distortion modulation, 44433. (Giroletti)

PERU 4774.93, R Tarma, Tarma, 2310-2345, Feb 19 and 24, Spanish commentary on outdoor event probably field sports with frequent mention of Mario, clear ID at 2340, 24322. (Cody and Petersen). Also heard at 0124-0128*, Feb 27, live soccer game being announced using an echo effect. It sounds exciting, as he gets into the details rather enthusiastically; fair. (Bolland)

4809.74, R Logos, Chazuta,1108-1120, Feb 26, music with a male singing, threshold level with man made noise. (Bolland)

PHILIPPINES 9825, R Pilipinas, Tinang, 1918-1930*, Feb 24, talks in Tagalog, IDs, good. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)

RUSSIA 25900, Radio MTUCI, 1215-1256 fade out, Fr Feb 21, Russian program with studio talking, every now and then ID as ”Radiostation Moscow Technical University” (this in Russian), playing some beautiful Motorhead songs, put a splendid S9- Signal into Germany today with really good audio quality, but at 1256 conditions between QTH (Goettingen/Germany) and Moscow collapsed and the signal quickly went down into the mud. The band is wide open with countless Russian AM / FM pirate communications channels heard from 25 MHz up to 28 MHz and above. (Kuhl)

R “Zeleny Glaz” ("Green Eye") started to send QSL-cards by mail. Received acknowledgment from the station in 2013: Mar 31, 2013 on 25900 and Dec 31, 2013 on 1584. On the card lists all these radio stations, including location, transmitter power and antenna type used for broadcasts. Also interesting is placed for printing QSL. Mailing address: 115326, Moscow, Pyatnitskaya str., 25, b.1, RBT Ltd. E-mail: [email protected] . WEB: www.radiostation.ru , www.cqf.su . Plant manager Sergey Komarov said: "The station is in the air: On Fridays from 1200 to 1500 UTC. Frequency 25900 kHz AM - until the end of March. Then there will be a change of frequency - we are running out temporary permit for her." (Klepov in RUS-DX no. 756, Feb 23)

RWANDA 6055, R Rwanda, Kigali, 2029, Feb 23, vernacular ann, Afro songs, good. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)

9540, IBRA R, via Kigali, 1718, Feb 09, Oromo talk, African music, 24232. (Ashar)

SOLOMON ISLANDS 9545, S.I.B.C., Honiara, 0658-0801, Feb 20 and Mar 02, with R Australia’s Country music program, 0751 a song by ABBA followed by a song from the Islands, 0756 Tok Pisin anns, 0801 “SIBC” ID and into news in English, 25332. (Hauser and Sellers). Also heard in Ireland at 0855-0910, Feb 24, time ann “five to eight” followed by what sounded like a Thought for the Day-a short religious talk, anns about programmes followed by a programme of reggae music, 24322. (Cody)

SOMALILAND 7120, R Hargeisa, Hargeisa, 0340-0417, Mar 02, Somali talk, Horn of Africa vocals, ID and news at 0400. Fair. (D’Angelo). Also heard at 1740-1830, Feb 22, 23, 24, 25 26 and 27, long talks in Somali, 43444 in USB to avoid HAMs. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini and Giroletti)

SOUTH AFRICA 3320, Sonder Grense, Meyerton, 1824, Feb 22, sports live in Afrikaans, weak/fair. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)

SUDAN 9505, Voice of Africa, Khartoum, 1909, Feb 24, end of news, African songs, reported in Haussa, good. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)


TAIWAN 5010, R Taiwan Int., Kouhu, *2138, Feb 22, start with Chinese slow songs, ID in Chinese 2142 Taipei, good. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)

March 12, 2014, is a very important day for PCJ Radio International. It was on this date that after an absence of 14 years The Happy Station Show returned to the airwaves. A few months after that happened PCJ added other programs to it's schedule. For our 5 year anniversary we will present a special program looking back at the past 5 years and revisit some of the fun moments over the last 1825 days. It should be mentioned that this is not a Happy Station Show. But rather a special anniversary program. Times and frequencies: North America – 0130-0230 on 7730; Asia – 1330-1430 on 9335; Europe – 1330-1430 on 15455. If you would like to send us a recorded message to use in the show, please contact us no later than March 7, 2014 with your phone number and we can call you back or you can also send us an MP3 file up to 2 minutes. The e-mail address is [email protected] . (Perron via Berg, Feb 27)

TANZANIA 11735, ZBC Radio, Dole, Zanzibar, 1910, Feb 23, talks in Swahili, at 1915 silence for 1 min, good. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini). Also heard at 2040-2050, Feb 18 and 24, song and music, ID, 45444. (Giroletti and Mille)

THAILAND 9965, R Thailand, Udon Thani, 1948, Feb 24, news also about Italian football, English, ID also as “88 FM global news”, excellent. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)

UGANDA 4976, UBC R, Red Channel, Kampala, 2050-2054, Feb 18, African song, 25331-2. (Mille)

UKRAINE At 1300 on Feb 20, stopped broadcasting the second ("Promin") and third ("Culture") of the National Radio channels Ukraine. At frequencies UR-2 and UR-3 across the country to broadcast the UR-1. On Feb 22 at 0800, broadcasting UR-2 and UR-3 was restored. World Service Broadcasting in Ukraine still relays UR-1. (Diadischev in "open_dx" and RUS-DX)

Listening to RUI on-line at 0000, Feb 23 shows them co-channel with the 1st National Channel (NRCU 1). That's interesting, since the opposition has pretty much totally taken over in most parts of the country. I was expecting some new programming, but nothing yet. Just a cultural program about Tatar invaders from ancient times. Meanwhile, the TV channels on-line are full of showing the excesses of the deposed president (a lot like Sadam Hussein, IMHO). 24 Kanal, 5.ua, and Radiosvoboda.com, Spilno-TV all have 24/7 video feeds. Fascinating to watch! (Salmaniw in DXplorer). Just checked on-line at 1529 UTC and RUI is back with German programming. Suspect they will be solidly on the side of the temporary government, since the dismissal of the former regime. NRCU 1 is carrying the Verkhovna Rada (parliament). NRCU 2 is IDing as "Promin on-line", and also are carrying programming about the change of regimes. NRCU 3 is also carrying information about the Kiev Maidan. Solidly behind the present government now. (Salmaniw in DXplorer, Feb 24)

11980.09, Dniprovska Hvyla, Zaporizhia, 0810-0826, Sa Mar 01, sounds more like a preserve program of religiosity, ideology, literature, tradition, Ukrainian pop music, quite good in AM-mode, S-7. Crimean Tatar TV livestream on http://atr.ua/live . (Bueschel and Fransson)

UNITED KINGDOM/ SOUTH AFRICA 3255, BBC WS, Meyerton, 1826, Feb 22, English reports, interview, fair. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Two new registered frequencies of R Miami International, via Okeechobee, Florida: 0000-2400 on 5030 (100 kW / 160 degrees) to Central America English from March 9 0000-2400 on 5950 (100 kW / 181 degrees) to Caribbean English from March 9. (Ivanov, Mar 01)

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA/ BOTSWANA 4930, VOA, via Moepeng Hill, 1811, Feb 22, English reports, fair. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)

ZAMBIA 5915, ZNBC, R One, Lusaka, 1915, Feb 27, local music, 22333. (Giroletti)


¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ UNIDENTIFIED ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

6130, UNID in French (Laos?), 2030, Feb 23, talks, politics too, weak, at 2045 under Xizang PBS, Tibet, carrier opening at *2050. (BOC-32 Monferini & Bernardini)

¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ MISCELLANEOUS ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

Short Wave News A big SWN of 28 pages was issued on February 28. During the following weekend, the electronic version was at our website: http://www.dswci.org/members/index.html. (Ed)

Tropical Bands Monitor Owners of our Domestic Broadcasting Survey No. 15, please note that http://www.dswci.org/tbmonitor/2014.pdf was updated with the February worldwide loggings on Mar 04, as an extra service to their purchase. Any DX-er can download from http://www.dswci.org/tbm the complete view of monitoring of stations heard broadcasting on tropical bands during 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. (Ed)

DSWCI Annual General Meeting 2014 The DSWCI Board has decided, that the next Annual General Meeting will be held in my home at Udbyvej 11, DK 2740 Skovlunde, west of Copenhagen, on Saturday June 14, 2014, from 1400 till about 1700 local time. Every DSWCI-member is welcome! There is a cheap, new hotel only 3 kms west of my home. Please check its website with information in Danish and English at http://www.zleephotels.com/hotel/zleep-hotel-ballerup . You can get the cheapest rooms when booking early and paying online. It is also an excellent basis for your sightseeing in Copenhagen and North Zealand. After the AGM there will be a joint dinner on a local restaurant at your own expenses. Please inform me before the end of May, if you will attend this AGM. If you also plan to join our dinner, please tell me with how many persons. My e-mail address is [email protected] . (Petersen)

Invitation to the Conference of the European DX Council in France Dear DX Friend, We would like to invite you to the EDXC Conference 2014 to be held in the Southern France on 19-22 September 2014. The first part of the conference (19-21 September) will take place in a beautiful small village Saint-Dalmas de Tende situated approximately 80 km North-East from Nice. The latter part of the conference (21-22 September) will take place in the city of Nice. It is understandable that people are coming from and going to different places and different times. That is why we will try to be very flexible with the conference packages. The price for the basic package will be around 175 € (single) / 120 € (double) including: Accommodation: 2 nights in Saint-Dalmas de Tende Banquet dinner 2 Coffee breaks Conference fee.

The preliminary programme is as follows (All times in CEST): Friday, 19 September 2014 - 1330 EDXC Express leaves from Nice (an option for those who would like to travel to Tende together) - 1530 Arrival in Saint Dalmas de Tende and check in at the hotel Le Prieuré (www.leprieure.org) - 1630 EDXC conference check in starts - 1800-2000: Opening of the conference, some lectures and presentations - 2000 Dinner on your own

Saturday, 20 September 2014 - 0700-0900 Breakfast - 0930-1230 EDXC programme - 1230-1400 Lunch


- 1400-1600 A tour in Tende - 1630-1830 DX programme - 1900 EDXC Banquet

Sunday, 21 September 2014 - 0730-0930 Breakfast - 1000 Check out from the hotel + the Excursion "Visiting three countries in one day": · Ventimiglia, Italy: a short walk in the city and a coffee break · Monaco: a visit of the Radio Monte Carlo (Italian service) studios (to be confirmed), a tour around the city by walk, lunch on your own - 1800-1900 Arrival in Nice, check in at the hotel(s). Our recommended hotel is Hotel St Paul (www.lesaintpaul-hotel.fr), but we give participants free hands to book their accommodation in Nice - 1900- Free time in Nice, dinner on your own

Monday, 22 September 2014 - 0700-0930 Breakfast - 1000-1500 Excursion in Nice with possible visits at radio stations (Christian Ghibaudo is working hard to arrange us visits at radio stations in Nice) - around 1500 End of the conference

If you have anything to ask, please, do not hesitate to contact Kari ([email protected]) or the main organizer Mr Christian Ghibaudo ([email protected]). More information can be found also on EDXC blog (www.edxcnews.wordpress.com).

Once again, we would like to see you at EDXC conference 2014 in September. You are warmly welcome! (Kari Kivekäs, Secretary General of EDXC and Jan-Mikael Nurmela, Assistant Secretary General of EDXC, Mar 02)

¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ CONTRIBUTORS ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

DSWCI-0099 Anker Petersen, Skovlunde, Denmark and on Caribbean Cruise DSWCI-0771 Ralph W. Perry, Wheaton, Illinois, U.S.A. DSWCI-0798 Jerry Berg/DXplorer, Lexington, MA, U.S.A. DSWCI-0894 Rumen Pankov, Sofia, Bulgaria DSWCI-1046 Giampiero Bernardini, Milano/ Bocca di Magra (La Spezia), Italy DSWCI-1331 Wolfgang Bueschel/wwdxc BC-DX, Stuttgart, Germany DSWCI-1959 Richard D’Angelo/NASWA, Wyomissing, PA, U.S.A. DSWCI-2026 Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach/Ocean Beach, CA, U.S.A DSWCI-2281 Andreas Schmid, Euerdorf, Germany DSWCI-2248 Björn Fransson, Västerhejde, Gotland, Sweden DSWCI-2883 Patrick Cody, Nenagh, Ireland DSWCI-2897 Harald Kuhl, Göttingen, Germany DSWCI-2980 Jaroslav Bohac, Usti nad Laben, Czech Republic DSWCI-3043 Harold Sellers, Vernon, British Colombia, Canada DSWCI-3090 Glenn Hauser/DX Listening Digest, Enid, OK, U.S.A. DSWCI-3347 Christian Ghibaudo, Nice, France DSWCI-3365 Rolf Wernli, Thalheim, Switzerland DSWCI-3477 Ivo Ivanov/DX RE MIX News, Sofia, Bulgaria DSWCI-3642 John C. Herkimer, Caledonia, NY, U.S.A. DSWCI-3644 Alokesh Gupta/DX-India, New Delhi, India DSWCI-3696 Bernard Mille, Bailleul, France DSWCI-3740 Mauro Giroletti, Milano, Italy DSWCI-3765 Kari Kivekäs, Secretary General of EDXC, Helsinki, Finland

Tony Ashar, Depok, Java, Indonesia Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, Florida, U.S.A. Aleksandr Diadischev, Ukraine Karel Honzik, Brno, Czech Republic


Jose Jacob/DX India/ bcdxing, Hyderabad, India Anatoly Klepov/RUS-DX, Moscow, Russia Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece Dario Monferini/PLAY-DX, Milano/ Bocca di Magra (La Spezia), Italy. Jan-Mikael Nurmela, Assistant Secretary General of EDXC, Finland Keith Perron, PCJ R International, Taiwan Walt Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Canada Tom Taylor, European Music R, United Kingdom Tomoaki Wagai, Wakayama, Japan

Hardcore DX, CA, U.S.A.

¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ DX-Window policy ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

The DX-Window is a bi-weekly electronic newsletter made for members of the Danish Shortwave Club International. Its content is mainly based upon loggings and other information from our own members, but in a few cases extraordinary news from other DX-ers are included. Thus we depend on YOUR contributions which should be sent to the editor. Please arrange your contributions in the same order as in the DX-Window: Frequency, station name and transmitter location, time, date, language and programme, SINPO and add your last name in brackets after each item. All times are UTC and frequencies in kilohertz.

Perfect examples on contributions are:

AUSTRALIA 4910, VL8T, Tennant Creek, NT, 2132, Feb 08, ABC news, shark attack in South Australia, Winter Olympics, 24332. (Bell)

CANADA 6030, CFVP, Calgary, 2309, Feb 14, Valentine’s Day special, woman comedian describing how she met her comedian husband, ID as “24-7 Comedy”, 35333. (Sellers)

LIBERIA 4760, ELWA Radio, Monrovia, 0702-0715, Feb 16, English religious comments, 24322. (Méndez)

SÃO TOMÉ 9479.99, VOA, Pinheira, 1958-2005, Feb 03, ID, popular song: ”Dark Horse” with Katy Perry, 35333. (Wagai)

SOMALILAND 7120, R Hargeisa, Hargeisa,1640, Feb 01, local music, 44444. (Giroletti)

TAJIKISTAN 4765, Tajik R, Yangiyul, 1845, Jan 02, Tajik anns and music, 35443. (Beryozkin)

Please avoid the expressions male or female where not important for the understanding of the programme.

The DX-Window primarily deals with news and loggings of rare shortwave broadcasting stations, particularly domestic services. It must be news compared to our latest Domestic Broadcasting Survey. The editor is free to ”cut hard” and bring only the hottest items, he receives. Reproduction of single items from the DX-Window is allowed, provided that due credit is given to the contributor and to the DX-Window.

The DX-Window is distributed in three versions:

A) By e-mail as an attachment in .doc-, .docx- or pdf-format with all original graphics, or B) as a large e-mail in .txt-format where the graphics may be missing, but with no attachment. C) Can be downloaded from our website http://www.dswci.org/members/index.html . You can get your copy changed to another version at any time, or unsubscribe, just by telling the distributor.