
UN Democracy Fund: A First Year Analysis

December 22, 2006


Since its founding 65 years ago by Eleanor Roosevelt and Wendell Willkie, Freedom House has been committed to the incorporation of fundamental individual freedoms as a basic founding principle of the system. Since that time, global trends towards freedom have ebbed and flowed, as has the leadership role played by the UN in protecting and advancing the rights enshrined in the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

During the tenure of Secretary General , who leaves at the end of this month, a number of initiatives have been undertaken to strengthen the capacity of the UN to assist in democratic transition and consolidation. This report focuses on one of those initiatives, the establishment of a new UN Democracy Fund (UNDEF), which was created in July 2005.

The Fund is arguably the most visible outcome of the Community of Democracies process, which was launched in June 2000 in Warsaw, . At that meeting, leaders from over 100 countries reaffirmed the right to democracy for all the world’s citizens, and committed themselves to joint efforts to advance and protect democracy around the world. Since then, under the auspices of the Community of Democracies, a group of democratic nations have made efforts – largely ad hoc until the Democracy’s Fund’s establishment - to provide assistance to strengthen democracy.

The UNDEF was funded largely by direct contributions from democratic governments – with the largest donors including the , , and Australia. In August 2006, UNDEF began disbursing funds, selecting 125 projects totaling $36 million out of 1,300 submitted proposals. Grant awards ranged between $50,000 and $500,000.

Freedom House has analyzed the first round of UNDEF grant recipients, examining the types of organizations receiving funds, the beneficiary countries or regions, and the types of projects being funded. On the grounds that assistance should be prioritized towards those with greatest needs, Freedom House evaluated beneficiary countries according to the Free, Partly, Free, and Not Free rankings used in the organization’s 2006 survey of political rights and civil liberties, Freedom in the World.

The establishment of UNDEF marks a first attempt by the UN to provide direct support to civil society organizations that contribute to the strengthening and development of their governments. What this first analysis does not yet reveal, however, is whether a UN-established fund will have the latitude to be a genuine instrument for democracy promotion in those closed societies where funding is most critical. UN member governments may have different objectives from the nongovernmental organizations

1 working within their borders. Only time and close examination will illustrate whether UNDEF is willing and able to fund projects in countries where the governments are unsupportive of the endeavors or downright hostile to democracy promotion.

Key Findings

Freedom House noted that the majority of UNDEF grants were awarded to civil society organizations. However, in future years, Freedom House believes that a greater number of local nongovernmental organizations should be selected as recipients of grants, as opposed to American and international NGOs or existing UN bodies that already have substantial operating budgets.

Freedom House also noted that the target countries for project proposals primarily fell into the Partly Free and low-ranking Free categories, according to Freedom House rankings; these are countries where change is needed and operating space for democratic reform exists. The decision to fund projects targeting Not Free countries, where change is most desperately needed but may take longer to impact, is also welcomed. However, the selection of nine projects targeting eight of the world’s most Free countries (, and Nauru all receive a best possible average score of 1.0, while , , Israel, and South all receive a second-best average score of 1.5 on Freedom House’s scale 1) does not seem to be the best use of UNDEF resources. Freedom House encourages UNDEF to increase the number of grants to target Partly Free and Not Free countries in the future.

Finally, the concentration of the largest number of grants targeting countries in Africa is a positive development given the relative dearth of democracy funding for this region.

A full breakdown of data from the first disbursal of the UNDEF follows.

¾ Civil society organizations and NGOs, followed by the United Nations, received the majority of UNDEF funds (57% and 23% respectively). Other grant recipients included government agencies and bodies (8%), global or regional bodies (4%), quasi-governmental organizations (4%), academic institutions (3%) and cross-sectoral coalitions (1%).

¾ Over 50% of UNDEF projects are focused in one of two areas: Activities to Promote Democratic Dialogue and Constitutional Processes (26%) and Civic Education, Electoral Support, and Strengthening Political Parties (27%).

¾ Projects devoted to Human Rights/Fundamental Freedoms (9%) and Citizens’ Access to Information (6%) received the least amount of UNDEF funds.

1 Freedom House ranks countries on a scale of 1 to 7 in the categories of political rights and civil liberties. The combined average of these two scores determines the categorization of countries as Free (1 - 2.5), Partly Free (3 – 5), and Not Free (5.5 – 7). Additional information on Freedom House’s ratings can be found in the “Methodology” chapter of Freedom in the World.

2 ¾ Civil Society/NGOs are primarily using UNDEF to promote Civic Education, Electoral Support, and Political Parties (27%); Democratic Dialogue and Constitutional Processes (23%); and Civil Society Empowerment (21%) activities.

¾ Among UN agencies awarded grants, 72% of funds will support UN Development Programs. Thematically, UN agencies awarded grants are focusing primarily on Civic Education, Electoral Support, and Political Parties (31%); Democratic Dialogue and Constitutional Processes (28%); and Accountability, Transparency and Integrity activities (28%).

¾ Government Agencies and Bodies are principally directing UNDEF support to two thematic areas: Accountability, Transparency and Integrity (40%) and Civic Education, Electoral Support, and Political Parties (30%) activities.

¾ The majority of projects are country specific (79%). Most country specific projects are located in Africa (34%), followed by the Latin America and the Caribbean (19%).

¾ The majority of beneficiary countries for which UNDEF funds were given fall into the Partly Free category according to Freedom House rankings (43%), followed by Free countries (36%), and Not Free countries (21%).

¾ In Free countries, Civil Society Organizations/NGOs received the majority of funds (58%), followed by UN Agencies at 23%. The three top thematic priorities are: Democratic Dialogue/Constitutional Process (25%), Civic Education/Electoral Support/Political Parties (25%) and Accountability, Transparency, and Integrity category (25%).

¾ In Partly Free countries, Civil Society Organizations/NGOs received the majority of funds (56%), followed by UN Agencies at 26%. The two leading thematic priorities are: Civic Education/Electoral Support/Political Parties (31%) and Democratic Dialogue/Constitutional Process (26%). Human Rights/Fundamental Freedoms are the focus of 14% of projects.

¾ In Not Free countries, Civil Society Organizations/NGOs received the majority of funds (67%), followed by UN Agencies at 21%. Democratic Dialogue/Constitutional Process is the primary thematic priority (38%), followed by Civic Education/Electoral Support/Political Parties (25%), and Civil Society Empowerment (17%).

3 Tables and Charts

1). Types of UNDEF Grantees: UNDEF grantees included civil society and non- governmental organizations (57%); the United Nations (23%); government agencies and bodies (8%); global/regional bodies (4%); quasi governmental organizations (4%); academic institutions (3%); and cross sectoral coalitions (1%).

UNDEF Grantees

57% 60% 50% 40%

30% 23% 20% 8% 10% 4% 4% 3% 1% 0% l

s t d al c a s t i n n n UN n O oral e s io o i t an e t . i n G c m es l u g i m dem io e n es es it gs e i r di v a n t uas r lit di c e o R y/N c s S / Ci e Or t a o Q v n B s A v e o I al B gen C ci os Go r ob o Go A l C S G

2). Breakdown of UNDEF Funded Activities: UNDEF activities include Democratic Dialogue and Constitutional Processes (26%); Civil Society Empowerment (15%); Civic Education, Electoral Support, and Support for Political Parties (27%); Citizen’s Access to Information (6%); Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (9%); and Accountability, Transparency, and Integrity (17%).

UNDEF Activities*

30% 26% 27% 25% 20% 17% 15% 15% 9% 10% 6% 5% 0% l / /

a y y y l c t ral t t to i s ent i a t l o e e onal t y c i a en i ss n t ue/ s t r ci i enc t s e i o r c u abi o l ec i erm t l s c g t n og es i o o am m c t e c a par a i E S i al te P l / m t i v oc / r m m n r ount pow ns t vi r D In und i o s A Ci c o De ans P i ’ o m eedo F r f c Pa C Hu r C / n E at T A s F In ppor ze u ti duc S i ght i C E R

4 3). Types of Activities by Different Grantees:

Activities by Civil Society Organizations/NGOs: 71 projects total.

Activities by Civil Society Organizations/NGOs

30% 27% 23% 25% 21% 20% 15% 10% 11% 8% 10% 5% 0% l / / o a

y y l y c t ral t t i s ent i a l o e onal e t y nc c at i en m ss t n t r t s ci c i r ti s i o r re c u abi o l e i e t l g t s ogue/ n a o i es c t w cce e a i e a E p S i al t l Po o unt s i v / oc rt m p o n t vi D r In undam r i on/ Ci o c s A pr ans Dem i ’ m o eedom F r pa C fo c Hum C r / n p E at T A s F e In p z i t Su duc i ght i E C R

Activities by UN Agencies: 29 projects total.

Activities by UN

35% 31% 28% 28% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 7% 3% 3% 5% 0% l l / / o al a

y y nt l y c ra t t t i / s e i a c t l nt o e on e i t y c n i a e i m ss n t ue bi r t s c i e t i s o r a u c o m ec i er t t l ce g t ar s n og o i ol es m l c t c e a p e a i E da i a t P / m i s t il S v / oc do m r n oun pow ns t A v r In D un i o c Ci o s pr an De i ’ m or ee F r pa c fo C Hum r C / n E at T A s F In pp t ze u i uc h t d S i g i E C R

5 Activities by Government Agencies and Bodies: 10 projects total.

Activities by Government Agencies and Bodies

45% 40% 40% 35% 30% 30% 25% 20% 20% 15% 10% 10% 5% 0% 0% 0% l l t / / a al

n y y l c ra to ty t i / n e i s a c t l nt o s e i o e i t y c n a e m i s t n ue b ti r s c i r e t i e s r o c o m ec i e ta tu l c g t ar s og n o ol es m c n w ti c a p i e a E S da i al te P l / u o m s i s v i t / oc do m r m n o p n t A r v D r In un o c Ci o s p an De i ’ or ee F r pa Ci fo Hu r C / n Em at T Ac s F e In pp t z u uc h ti d S i g i E C R

Activities by Global/Regional Bodies: 5 projects total.

Activities by Global/Regional Bodies

45% 40% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 20% 20% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 0% 0% l / / o al a

t y y y c r t t i s ent i al t l o e onal e t y c i a ent ss m i t n r t s ci i enc t s i o u abi c o ec i er t l t n ogue/ o i es ol c t cce es egr a par i a E S i al t P l m i v / n m m pow ount t vi I D r undam i on/ Ci c ons s A proc ans De i ’ m eedom F r part C fo c Hu r C / n E at T A s F In ze uppor i t duc S i ght i E C R

6 Quasi Governmental Organizations: 5 projects total.

Quasi Governmental Organizations

90% 80% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 20% 10% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% l l l t / / o a a a n y y y l c r t i n e s a t o e o ilit i t y a ent m ic ss t n t ti r b c i enc s o r r gue/ a c lit sse o ec m i er tu l t ce g n o t a s o o e c n ti c a p e a i E c i al te P u m s i t v il S / o m m pow o n t r v D r In unda r i on/ Ci c o s A p ans De i ’ m o eedom F r par C c fo Hu r C / n p E at T A s F In p ze u i t S duc i ght i C E R

Academic Institutions: 4 projects total.

Academic Institutions

60% 50% 50% 40% 30% 25% 25% 20% 10% 0% 0% 0% 0% l l / / o a al a y t y y c r t

i n ent s al t o e o ilit i t y c i a ent m i ss t n b t r c c i enc r t s i r o r a c l e o sse m i e t tu l g t a n s ogue/ o e o c n w ti cce a p a i e E c i al te P u s i il S v t / o dom m m o po n t r v In r D unda i on/ c Ci o s A p ans Dem i ’ m ee F r par c fo C Hu r C / n E at T A s F In ze uppor i t duc S i ght i E C R

7 4). UNDEF Grantees by Location: Of the 125 projects, 8 are global projects (6%) and 19 are regional projects (15%). The remaining 98 projects (79%) are country specific.

UNDEF Grantees by Location

6% 15%


Global Regional Country Specific

Of these 98 projects, 33 are in Africa (34%); 19 are in the Western Hemisphere (20%); 15 are in and Eurasia (15%); 11 are in East and the Pacific (11%); 11 are in South and Central Asia (11%), and 9 are in the Near East (9%).

UNDEF Grantees by Region

9% 11% 34%


15% 20%

Africa Western Hemisphere Europe & Eurasia East Asia & Pacific South & Central Asia Near East

8 5). UNDEF Target Countries according to Freedom in the World rankings (including UN administered Kosovo and the Occupied Territories): 27 out of 75 countries receiving UNDEF are ranked Free (36%); 32 out of 75 countries (43%) are ranked Partly Free; and 16 out of 75 countries (21%) are ranked Not Free.

Freedom in the World Rankings for UNDEF Recipients

21% 36%


Free Partly Free Not Free

Breakdown of Ratings (1-7 scale) by Ranking Category (Free, Not Free, Partly Free):

Free Countries: 1.0-2.5; 27 countries The majority of countries in this category received a combined rating of 2 (37%) or 2.5 (33%). Three countries received a combined rating of 1.0.

Combined Average Ratings in Free Countries


33% Combined average ratings of 1.0 19% Combined average ratings of 1.5

Combined average ratings of 2.0

Combined average ratings of 2.5


9 Partly Free: 3.0-5.0; 32 countries: The majority of countries in this category received a combined rating of 3.0 (41%), the most favorable rating in this category.

Combined Average Ratings in Partly Free Countries

9% Combined average ratings of 3.0 16% Combined average 41% ratings of 3.5 Combined average ratings of 4.0 Combined average ratings of 4.5 22% Combined average ratings of 5.0 12%

Not Free Countries: 5.5-7.0; 16 countries The majority of countries in this category received a combined rating of 5.5 (69%), the most favorable rating in this category.

Combined Ratings of Not Free Countries


12.5% Combined average ratings of 5.5 Combined average ratings of 6.0 12.5% Combined average ratings of 6.5 Combined average ratings of 7.0 69%

10 Table of UNDEF Target Countries according to Freedom in the World rankings

Free Partly Free Not Free

Combined Score of 1.0 Combined Score of 3.0 Combined Score of 5.5 Chile Cambodia Costa Rica Iraq Nauru Kazakhstan Combined Score of 1.5 Georgia Kosovo Bulgaria Kenya Nepal Ghana Macedonia Occupied Palestinian Ter Israel Madagascar Pakistan Panama Niger Papua New Guinea Rwanda Combined Score of 2.0 Paraguay Tajikistan Togo Benin Combined Score of 6.0 Timor-Leste Cote d’Ivoire Croatia Combined Score of 3.5 DRC Combined Score of 6.5 Mongolia Guinea-Bissau Haiti Namibia Moldova Zimbabwe Sierra Leone Combined Score of 7.0 Sao Tome and Principe Combined Score of 4.0 Vanuatu Bangladesh Combined Score of 2.5 Burundi El Salvador India Liberia Malawi Senegal Combined Score of 4.5 Montenegro Armenia Trinidad and Tobago Gambia Ukraine Morocco Uganda Combined Score of 5.0 Afghanistan Bahrain

11 6). Types of UNDEF activities by Free, Partly Free, and Not Free countries:

Projects in Free Countries: 32 projects total.

Projects in Free Countries

30% 25% 25% 25% 25% 19% 20% 15% 10% 5% 3% 3%

0% l / / al o a

y c y y i s t al t ent ilit e tor e onal a c ent y i i i m t r ss t s n t enc i i c l c ab o ec tut i o er l n i o o ogue/ es t c a es i par P cce at i al tegr m / i t v il S t oc m n m ount pow undam v I D on/E i r ons i Ci c s A pr De eedoms ans F ’ o par m Hu C / r r c C at n E s F A T Inf uppor ze i S t duc ght i i E C R

Projects in Partly Free countries: 42 projects total.

Projects in Partly Free Countries

35% 31% 30% 26% 25% 20% 14% 14% 15% 10% 10% 5% 5% 0% l l / t / o a al

y y y l c r t t t i / s en a t n e ona ilit e to y nc i a e ic m ss t n ue b r t s ci c i e r s r o r a u c lit o m e i e t t ce g t s n og o i es o l m c n w t c pa a e i a El S da i a te P l / u m i t v / oc do m r m n o po ns t A vi D In r un r i o c Ci o s pr ans De i ’ m o ee F r pa t c C fo Hu r C / n p E a T A s F In p c t ze u i u t S i gh i Ed C R


Projects in Not Free Countries: 24 projects total.

Projects in Not Free Countries

38% 40% 35% 30% 25% 25% 20% 17% 15% 12% 10% 4% 4% 5% 0% l l t / / o al a a n y y y l c r t t t i / e s i a c t o l nt e on t y n i a e m ic ss t n r t ci c i r e s r o r gue u abi c o sse lit e m i e t l ce g t s n o o i e o m c w t c a i e pa a E S c da i al te P l o unt m i v t / o do m r m n/ p o ns t A r vi r In D un r i o Ci c o s p ans De i o ’ o ee F r pa t C f c Hu r C / n p Em a T A s F In p t ze u uc i t d S i gh i E C R

7). Types of Organizations Awarded UNDEF in Countries ranked Free, Partly Free, and Not Free:

Organizations Awarded UNDEF in Free Countries: 27 countries/ 32 projects

Types of Organizations Awarded UNDEF in Free Countries

70% 58% 60% 50% 40% 30% 23% 20% 10% 6% 10% 0% 3% 0% 0%

t d al c al i n UN nt ons or e s i onal i t an e s . n GOs c m s l e ut s i i m t io e n es e N i g egi i r d v adem n / t it uas r l e R c y s S / e Or Ci a t Q odi v n Bo s A v o e I B i o genc C c os Go r obal G o A l C S G

13 Organizations Awarded UNDEF in Partly Free Countries: 32 countries/43 projects

Types of Organizations Awarded UNDEF in Partly Free Countries

60% 56% 50% 40% 30% 26% 20% 14% 10% 2% 0% 0% 2% 0% l

al c a s i r UN ons O ent i onal and i ent . G m s cto l es ut s ons i m t i n es e e g i egi i t r v adem n t i r e odi R c y/N s / e Or Ci t odi Quas v n B A v oal e I o B ss S o genc C ci o G r obal G o A C S Gl

Organizations Awarded UNDEF in Not Free Countries: 16 countries/24 projects

Types of Organizations in Not Free Countries

80% 67% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 21% 20% 8% 4% 10% 0% 0% 0% 0% l

s al c a s i n n UN O ent oral s io o i and t ent t . i n G s m s s c es l u s o i m i a n e e e N it g eg i i t r di v adem n / t i r l d c e o R c y s S / a Ci Or e t Qu v n B s A v e I o Bo i o gen Co bal c os G r o A G l C So G

14 Addendum 1: Description of Eligible Activities:2

1). Democratic Dialogue and Constitutional Processes: Includes activities that improve people’s relations with the government; foster national dialogue, democracy, and reconciliation among diverse groups; and ameliorate civilian and military relations. Examples of approved activities include: Dialogue on Democratic Values in the Arab World; Legislative Strengthening and Capacity Building in Guinea- Bissau; and a National Campaign for Interethnic Dialogue in Guatemala.

2). Civil Society Empowerment: Includes activities that strengthen civil society’s capacity to participate in democratic processes. Examples of approved activities include: Empowering Civil Society by Training Women Leaders on Policy Advocacy in Latin America and the Caribbean; Building a Global Civil Society Network for Democracy; and Building the Capacity of Civil Society to Promote Democracy in Pakistan.

3). Civic Education, Electoral Support, and Strengthening Political Parties: Includes activities to increase people’s participation in elections; voter registration; and neutral support of political parties. Examples of approved activities include: Civic Education and Electoral Campaign in Burundi; Capacity Building of the State Electoral Commission in Croatia; and Reinforcing the Institutional Capacities of Political Parties in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

4). Citizen’s Access to Information: Includes activities that fortify the legal framework for access to information; increases the availability of information provided to the public by the government; augments the capacity of the media to provide democratic information; and promotes pluralism in sources of information. Examples of approved activities include: Monitoring the Legislative Houses and Representatives in Brazil Using the Internet; Training for New Journalists in ; and a Youth Radio Series on Human Rights and Governance Activities in Nepal.

5). Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: Includes human rights education activities as well as activities to promote access to justice for marginalized groups. Examples of approved activities include: Promoting Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms through Legislative Advocacy, Capacity Building, and Public Interest Litigation Initiatives in Ghana; Promoting Human Rights in Academic Texts and Schools in Madagascar; and Promoting and Protecting the Human Rights of Indigenous People in Thailand.

6). Accountability, Transparency, and Integrity: Includes activities to strengthen capacity of public agencies to monitor expenditures; improve Parliamentary capacity to perform oversight of the executive branch; and support watchdog groups, civil society organizations, and media focused on increasing transparency in public and private financial management. Examples of approved activities include: Organizing Women Against Corruption in Argentina; Achieving Consensus on Global Standards for Political Finance; and Capacity Building for the Ombudsman Office in Rwanda.

2 UNDEF, First Round 2006, Project Proposal Guidelines, http://www.un.org/democracyfund/UNDEF%20Project%20Proposal%20Guidelines%20Final%2006April 06.pdf.

15 Addendum 2: List of Locations, Applicants, and Project Titles:3

Location Applicant Title

Pilot Project for Joint Civil and Voter Registry (CVR) Afghanistan United Nations Development Programme in Afghanistan

Human Rights & Women's Rights in the Context of Afghanistan Equal Access Afghanistan Islam and Afghanistan

IPS Inter Press Service International Strengthening the Voice and Visibility of Women in Africa Association Elections

Electoral Reforms and the Political Participation of Africa SADC Parliamentary Forum Women

Strengthening Women's Engagement in Peace and Africa UNIFEM East Africa Office Recovery in the GLR

Dialogue des sociétés civiles pour la Démocratie en Africa Conseil des ONG d'Appui au Développement Afrique de l'Ouest

Role of Parliaments in Implementing UN Human Africa Inter-Parliamentary Union Rights Treaties

Democratic Reforms in Arab region; Focus on Socio- Arab States Arab NGO Network for Development Economic Processes

Non c'e' pace senza giustizia - No Peace Strengthening BMENA Civil Society in the Arab States Without Justice Democratic Process

Arab States Club of Dialogue on Democratic Values in the Arab World

Argentina Fundación Mujeres en Igualdad Organising Women Against Corruption

Eurasia Foundation Representative Office in Government, Civil Society and Media Participation Armenia Armenia Against Corruption

Councillor Training for Local Democracy and Good Asia and Pacific Commonwealth Local Government Forum Governance in South Asia

Civil Society Support to Democratic Processes in 5 Asia and Pacific The Pacific Regional Rights Resource Team Pacific Island Countries

Asia and Pacific UNDP Regional Centre in Bangkok Asian Young Leaders in Governance

Asia and Pacific Asia-Pacific Judicial Reform Forum Strengthening the APJRF

The Bahrain Institute for Political Supporting Democratic Governace & Civic Education Bahrain Development & Strengthening Capacity of New MPs

Clean Candidate, Clean Election Campaign, 2006 in Bangladesh Brotee Samaj Kallyan Sangstha Bangladesh

Benin Programme des Nations Unies pour le Appui à la mise en place d'un mécanisme de

3 UNDEF Approved Projects 2006, http://www.un.org/democracyfund/XProjects2006.htm.

16 Développement au Bénin gouvernance concertée

International Institute for Democracy and Democratic Dialogue and Consensus Building for Bolivia Electoral Assistance Constituent Assembly

Fundación Boliviana para la Democracia Bolivia, Conflicts, Communication, and Constituent Bolivia Multipartidaria Assembly

Association of Election Officials in Bosnia Bosnia and Herzegovina Money and Elections and Herzegovina

Monitoring Brazilian Legislative Houses and Brazil Transparência Brasil Representatives

Crime Prevention Fund - Initiatives and Civil To Serve and Protect: Fostering Local Ombudsmen Bulgaria Activities Foundation Elections

Coalition de la Société Civile pour le Burundi Campagne d'Education Civique et Electorale. Monitoring des Elections

Burundi Union Interparlementaire Soutien aux femmes parlementaires du Burundi

Committee to Promote Women's Political Promoting Women in Democratic Decision-Making in Cambodia Participation Cambodia

United Nations Development Programme, Chilean Initiative for the Reform of the Binominal Chile Country Office Chile Electoral System

Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias The Gender Equality "Social Watch": Following Chile Sociales - Sede Chile Bachelet's Government

Grupo Promotor Reforma Política National Dialogue for the Development of the Colombia (NGOs,Universities,UN Secretariat) Political Reform

Democracy Builders: Youth Capacities for Active Costa Rica Omar Dengo Foundation Citizenship

Education/Sensibilisation des femmes à l'exercice de Côte d'Ivoire Developpement et initiatives africaines leur citoyenneté

Capacity Building of the State Election Commission in Croatia United Nations Development Programme Croatia

Democratic Republic of Building Democratic Institutions through Gender Femmes Africa Solidarite the Congo Equality in DRC

Democratic Republic of Programme des Nations Unis pour le Renforcement des Capacités Institutionnelles des the Congo Développement Partis Politiques

United Nations Development Fund for Strengthening the Political Participation of Women Ecuador Women's Andean Regional Office Leaders in Ecuador

Fundación para el Desarollo Económico y Strengthening Dialogue and Democratic Institutions El Salvador Social and UNDP in El Salvador

Center for Investigative Reporting - Bosnia Transnational Crime and Corruption Reporting Europe and Herzegovina Program

Europe Global Rights - Partners for Justice Promote Democratic Practices in the

17 Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Capacity Building in East and South East European Europe Armed Forces Parliaments.

Gambia United Nations Devcelopment Programme Support to Capacity Building of Mass Media

Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy, and Supporting Ethnic Minorities for Democratic Political Georgia Development Participation

Promotion and Protection of Fundamental Human Ghana Centre for Public Interest Law (CEPIL) Rights and Freedoms in Ghana

Achieving Consensus: Global Standards for Political Global IFES, Inc. Finance

National Democratic Institute for International Knowledge Network of Women in Global International Affairs Politics (iKNOW Politics)

United Nations Development Programme - ACE Electoral Knowledge Network-Regional Global Democratic Governance Group Resource Centers and Capacity

Building a Global Civil Society Network for Global Council for a Community of Democracies Democracy

International Centre for Democratic Sustainable Democracy: Protecting the Rights of Global Transition Vulnerable Groups

Strengthening the Voice and Impact of Southern Global Conectas Direitos Humanos Human Rights Advocates

Implementing the Convention Against Corruption in Global United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Emerging Democracies

Global Oslo Governance Centre Communication for Empowerment

Centro de Investigaciones Regionales de National Campaign for Interethnic Dialogue: Our Guatemala Mesoamerica Diversity is Our Strength

Furthering Participatory Democracy and Democratic Guatemala United Nations System in Guatemala Dialogue

Asociación Estoreña Para el Desarrollo Citizen Formation and Action with the Q'eqchi' Guatemala Integral People

Interpeace - The International Peacebuilding Guinea-Bissau Peacebuilding programme in Guinea-Bissau - Phase 1 Alliance

Legislative Strengthening and Capacity-Building for Guinea-Bissau United Nations Development Programme Guinea Bissau

United Nations Development Fund for Haiti Supporting Women's Political Participation in Haiti Women

Enhancing Role Of Women in Strengthening India Centre For Social Research Democracy

Enhancing Women's Roles and Participation in Local India Actionaid India Society Governance

Indonesia Centre for Strategic and International Studies Empowering Civil Society Group to Promote

18 Participatory Governance

Lembaga Pengembangan Masyarakat Enhancing Women Political Participation in Local Indonesia Swadaya dan Mandiri Politics

Building a Sustainable Independent Nationwide News Iraq IREX Europe Agency for Iraq

Community Conversations: Empowering Democractic Iraq People in Need Dialogue in Iraq

Iraq Concordia Dove of Peace Program for Northern Iraq

Mossawa Center, the Advocacy Center for Israel Strengthening Democracy & Minority Rights in Israel Arab Citizens of Israel

Kazakhstan United Nations Development Programme Developing an Electoral Culture in the Population

Kenya National Commission on Human Kenya Monitoring General Elections in Kenya in 2007 Rights

Kosovo (UN Administered Strengthening Democracy Efforts in Kosovo through CARE International Kosovo Province) Peacebuilding Initia

Kosovo (UN Administered Kosova Women's Network Women's Peace Coalition Province)

Creating Demand for Accountability in Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime through the Anti-Corruption Mentor

Latin America and the Inter-American Dialogue National Dialogues on Democracy Caribbean

Latin America and the Building Dialogue and Networks - Political Parties Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Brazil Caribbean and NGOs in Mercosur

Latin America and the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences Empowering Civil Society by Training Women Caribbean (FLACSO Chile) Leaders in Policy Advocacy

Latin America and the UNDP, Regional Bureau for Latin America Pluralizing & Expanding the Network of Actors for Caribbean and the Caribbean Citizens' Democracy

Liberia Governance Reform Commission of Liberia Building a National Integrity Framework for Liberia

Encouraging Participation of the Youth in the Liberia United Nations Mission in Liberia Democratic Process

Promotion de la culture et de la defense des droits Madagascar Office de l'education de masse et du civisme humains a l'ecole

Malawi United Nations Development Programme Community Based Paralegal Project

Executive Secretariat of the Non Strengthening the Non Governmental Process of the Mali Gouvernmental Process CoD Community of Demo

Stronger Cooperation of Political Parties, Electoral Moldova, Republic of Association for Participatory Democracy Bodies and Voters

Mongolia The Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Support in Achieving MDG-9 on Human Rights,

19 Law, Academy of Sciences Democratic Governance

CB of local NGOs to Participate in Anti-corruption Montenegro United Nations Development Programme Initiatives

Promoting Women's Role in the Transitional Justice Morocco Consultative Council on Human Rights Process in Morocco

Support to the ACC on the Implementation of the Namibia Anti Corruption Commission -Namibia Anti-Corruption Act

United Nations Development Programme Nauru Nauru Constitutional Review Project (Fiji Country Office)

Inspire: Reconciliation and Democracy Building in Nepal Equal Access Nepal Nepal

United Nations Development Fund for Deepening Democracy: Women's Participation in Nepal Women Politics and Peace

Programme des Nations Unies pour le Niger Appui à la Prévention de la Corruption Développement au Niger

National Human Rights Commission of Monitoring the Role of Security Personnel in the 2007 Nigeria Nigeria General Election

Strengthening Women's Participation in Governance Nigeria Alliances for Africa in Nigeria

Occupied Palestinian The National Campaign for advocating the UNCAC The Coalition for Accountability & Integrity Territories provisions

Occupied Palestinian Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership Youth Rights Monitor Territories And Rights Activation

Citizens' Commission for Human Pakistan Strengthening Democratic Practices in Pakistan Development

Foundation for the Development of Civil Panama The Integrity Index for Panama's Public Institutions Liberties

Transparency International Papua New Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Education Papua New Guinea Guinea Project

Alter Vida Center of Study/Radio & Women Actions to Strengthen the Institutionalization Paraguay Communication Program FM Trinidad of Democracy

Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSS), Munich / Innovative System for Citizens' Participation with Peru Congressmen/women

Combating Corruption and Strengthening Peru United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Government Transparency in Peru

Center for Community Journalism and Media, Democracy and Development in the Philippines Development Philippines

Romania Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning I'm young, I get involved, therefore I count!

Russian Federation Non-Commercial Partnership 'Bureau for Development of Democratic Elective Process in the

20 Human Rights' North Caucasus Repub

United Nations Development Programme in Russia's Official and Civil Society Action Against Russian Federation the Russian Federation Corruption- ROCSAAC

Rwanda Ombudsman Office Capacity Building for the Ombudsman Office

Institut de Recherche et de Dialogue pour la Civil Society Enhancing Democratic Dialogue for Rwanda Paix Peace

Promoting Democracy and Accountability in São São Tomé e Príncipe International Alert Tomé e Príncipe

Association des Jeunes pour l'Education et le Renforcement de la participation des OSC aux Senegal Développement processus démocratiques

The Parliamentary Centre in partnership with Parliament in Transition - Strengthening Serbia ProConcept Accountability in Serbia

Democracy, Human Rights and Media in Sierra Sierra Leone Journalists for Human Rights Leone

Promoting a Culture of Equal Representation Sierra Leone Oxfam GB (PACER)

South Africa Institute for Democracy in South Africa School for Democracy/ Shule ya Ki Democracia

Engendering Democracy and promotion of women's Sudan Care International in Sudan political participation

Tajikistan Khoma The Forth Power Needs Protection

Highland People Task Force , c/o Inter Promotion and Protection on Human Rights of Thailand Mountain Peoples Education Indigenous and highland et

The former Yugoslav One Voter- One Ballot: Addressing Proxy and Family United Nations Development Programme Republic of Macedonia Voting in Macedonia

Training for New Journalists on Basic Journalism in Timor-Leste Timor Lorosa'e Journalists' Association Timor-Leste

Enhanced Participation of Political Parties and Timor-Leste United Nations Development Programme Women in 2007 National

Concertation Nationale de la Société Civile Programme de Renforcement de la Société Civile Togo du Togo Togolaise

Network of NGOs of Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Put a Woman 2006/7 for the Advancement of Women

Grassroots Women Leaders in Democracy (GWLD): Uganda Forum for Women in Democracy Project

Uganda Community Based Association for Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Uganda Child Welfare Awareness Project

Spreading the Democratic Culture in Small Ukraine Volyn Resource Centre Towns/Settlements of Ukraine

21 Extension of Workshops on Active Citizenship to Vanuatu Transparency International Vanuatu Improve Governance

Raising Civic Awareness Among Youth: Participation Yemen IFES & Community Service

United Nations Development Programme, Constitutional Reform: Support to Constituent Zambia Zambia Country Office Assembly in Zambia

Public Affairs and Parliamentary Support Zimbabwe Constituency Development Programme Trust