Zurbriggen Swiss J Geosci (2020) 113:10 https://doi.org/10.1186/s00015-020-00362-6

Swiss Journal of Geosciences

ORIGINAL PAPER Open Access Banded in the : a new interpretation in relation to early Paleozoic peraluminous magmatism Roger Zurbriggen1,2*

Abstract The Strona-Ceneri Zone is located south of the Insubric line, where Alpine overprint is mainly brittle and of low grade or even absent. Apart from the unmetamorphic Permo-Carboniferous sediments and intrusiva the Strona-Ceneri Zone is an Ordovician complex composed of paragneisses, migmatites, peraluminous orthogneisses and banded amphi- bolites associated with meta- and meta-ultramafcs. Despite of the individual characters of the other Ordovician gneiss terranes north of the Insubric line, most prominently the Aar Massif, the Gotthard, Silvretta and Ötztal , they show analogous lithological formations and pre-Mesozoic structures indicating similar genetic processes. A revision of geological maps and new feld observations in these gneiss terranes indicate characteristic spatial relationships of banded formations with migmatites and orthogneisses. The contrasting chemistries of the peraluminous rocks (para- and orthogneisses) and the basaltic amphibolites with a lack of intermediate in between can be explained by the setting of peraluminous arc magmatism within a subduction–accretion complex. In this model the amphibolites represent primary basalts which ponded at the base of the subduction–accretion complex and delivered the heat for the production of peraluminous melts. Volume estimations indicate a “zone of intermingling” composed of immiscible basalts and peraluminous melts with a total thickness of several kilometers. In this “zone of intermingling” the protoliths of the banded amphibolite formations were generated. Steep strike-slip faults, which are important structures for the syn-mag- matic cratonization of subduction–accretion complexes, provide pathways for the emplacement of , migmatites and intermingled materials. This results in the formation of steeply oriented sheets of orthogneisses, deformed migmatites and banded amphibolite formations, respectively. Finally, the paper lists many other peri-Gondwanan regions with an early Paleozoic peraluminous arc magmatism, indicating a similar setting on a global scale. Keywords: Banded amphibolites, Pre-Mesozoic basements in the Alps, Cambro-Ordovician orthogneisses, Peraluminous arc magmatism, Cratonization of subduction–accretion complexes, Early Paleozoic Cenerian , I-S line

1 Introduction (i) in late Paleozoic related to the formation of Pangaea Albert Heim (1921, p. 65) stated that “Te Alps, despite and subsequent Permian transtension, or (ii) during of the many magmatic rocks, are not a magmatic oro- the Ordovician orogeny at the periphery of Gondwana gen.” Tus, the majority of magmatites is much older (Bussien et al. 2011; Zurbriggen 2015 and references than the Alpine orogeny. Tey were generated either therein). Von Raumer et al. (2015) and Villaseca et al. (2016), just to mention two of many more studies, developed comprehensive reconstructions of the early Editorial handling: E. Gnos Paleozoic magmatic event, for which Zurbriggen (2017) *Correspondence: roger‑[email protected] has suggested the new term “Cenerian orogeny”. Te 1 Institute of Geological Sciences, , Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Cenerian orogeny is distinctively diferent to the Pana- association with and ultramafc rocks, or (ii) as frican, Cadomian, Caledonian and Variscan , bimodal metavolcanics due to their compositional band- regarding timing, tectonic setting and paleo-latitude. ing (Giobbi Mancini et al. 2003). Both tectonic settings Te of the Variscan and Cenerian orogenies is are supported by chemical analyses of case studies. But recorded in the pre-Mesozoic basement units of the Alps. from a general perspective of subduction–accretion tec- Heim (1921, 1922) already described in detail their tonics of the Ordovician orogeny (Zurbriggen 2017) they lithological and structural analogies, namely between cannot serve as main setting due to following reasons: the Aar, Gotthard, Mont-Blanc, and Aiguilles A clear ubiquitous ophiolite stratigraphy is lacking and Rouges massifs (pp. 234, 257), and between the East- obduction is the exception rather than the rule in accre- ern Alpine crystalline basements of the Ötztal and Sil- tionary complexes. Furthermore, a rhythmic alteration vretta nappes and the Southern Alpine “Seengebirge”, the of acidic and basic layers of volcanic rocks might occur Strona-Ceneri Zone (pp. 780, 820). A common structural as local phenomenon but is unlikely to explain banded feature of these units is the moderately to steeply dipping amphibolite formations over geographically large dis- schistosity of the schists and . Tese are discor- tances. By the way, the banded amphibolite formations dantly overlain by Permo-Carboniferous sediments, as are associated with gabbros indicating a plutonic rather described and drawn in the many profles of Heim (1921, than a volcanic environment, and Ordovician volcan- pp. 6, 46, 159, 160) and Heim (1922, pp. 823, 829, 830a). ism is dominated by rhyolites and dacites, but poor in Te pre-Carboniferous schists and gneisses are also andesites (Heinisch 1981). referred as “Altkristallin”, a Swiss term which is still in use Tis study provides new feld observations from the (Gnägi and Labhart 2015, pp. 89, 91) to denote the coun- Strona-Ceneri Zone and other pre-Mesozoic basements try rocks of the Variscan granitoids. In all of the above units from the Alps. It highlights the role of the banded mentioned pre-Mesozoic basement units, the “Altkristal- amphibolite formations in the context of the widespread lin” consists of paragneisses, migmatites, peraluminous Ordovician anatexis and peraluminous magmatism. orthogneisses, and banded amphibolites. Furthermore, a comparison of studies from other peri- Regarding the Strona-Ceneri Zone, age data of Franz Gondwanan terranes indicates that peraluminous mag- and Romer (2007 and references therein) indicate that matism was a global phenomenon in early Paleozoic accretion of the pelites and greywackes, eclogitization of times. It was related to two factors: (i) An extraordinary the amphibolites, migmatization of the sediments, intru- large sediment input from the eroding Transgondwanan sion and deformation of the orthogneisses occurred in a Supermountain (Squire et al. 2006) into (ii) a circum- remarkable short time interval of 12 Ma (462–450 Ma) Gondwanan subduction system (Rino et al. 2008). Tis and clearly indicate an Ordovician orogenic evolution for triggered on a global scale the formation of subduction– the Strona-Ceneri Zone. A similar geology is reported for accretion complexes, which cratonized during peralumi- other pre-Mesozoic basement units in the Alps: Schalteg- nous magmatism (Zurbriggen 2017). ger et al. (2003) indicate a time span of 35 Ma (480– 2 Methodology 445 Ma) including gabbroic intrusions (478 ± 5 Ma), their HP overprint followed by anatexis between 456 2.1 The importance of rock volumes and the method and 450 Ma in the Aar Massif. Ordovician ages of 460– to estimate percentages 470 Ma for eclogitic subsequently fol- Other than collisional orogens with subhorizontal nap- lowed by anatexis and magmatism are also reported for pes or continental arcs composed of complex spheroidal the Gotthard (Oberli et al. 1994; Mercolli et al. batholiths, cratonized subduction–accretion complexes 1994) and for the Ötztal–Stubai Complex (Hoinkes and create a steeply structured crust consisting of interca- Töni 1993; Töny et al. 2008). Te Silvretta Nappe lated sheets of paragneisses, orthogneisses, migmatites shows similar rock associations (Schaltegger et al. 2003). and banded amphibolite formations (Zurbriggen 2015). Von Raumer et al. (2003) mention that in the Aiguilles Tis steep geometry and the fact that the lithologies gen- Rouges/Mont-Blanc area magmatic ages of c. 450 Ma erally show the same dip (thus, no correction necessary have been obtained for both, eclogitized basic rocks and for diferent apparent thicknesses as a function of difer- orthogneisses. ent dip angles), allows to estimate the volumetric rock Tere is consensus regarding the protoliths of the percentages by estimating the map area percentages. gneisses and migmatites. But the protoliths of the banded Tis in turn, allows to make a couple of rough but funda- amphibolites are under discussion. Most studies interpret mental calculations such as (i) the percentage of crustal the banded amphibolites (i) as members of an ophiolite versus mantle material, (ii) the amounts of peraluminous sequence due to their MORB signature (Buletti 1983) and and metaluminous orthogneisses, and (iii) the amount of Banded amphibolites in the Alps: their relation to early Paleozoic peraluminous magmatism Page 3 of 24 10

hidden basalts necessary for the generation of migmatites Gulf of Alaska, where forearc granitoids were gener- and peraluminous granitoids. ated by the melting of fyschoid sediments (greywackes). Area percentages were gained by the following working Tese granitoids refect compositions and isotopic sig- procedure: natures of their sedimentary source rocks, which them- selves have inherited compositions and signatures of 1. Maps of the areas of interest are copied. the eroded rocks in the hinterland. Barker et al. (1992) 2. Te diferent lithologies are classifed according to write at the end of their abstract: “Tese Alaskan grano- the predefned lithological groups. For this study four diorites do not ft into the alphabetical classifcation of lithological groups were defned: orthogneisses, mig- Australian workers. Being melts of sedimentary rocks, matites, paragneisses and amphibolites (including they should have S-type character. Because the source ultramafcs). fysch is quartzofeldspathic and of arc origin, however, 3. Te defned lithologies are cut out from the map cop- the granodiorite shows I-type character. Our results also ies with a scissor and the pieces are grouped accord- highlight a problem with Pearce et al.’s (1984) and Harris ingly. et al.’s (1986) purportedly tectonic-discriminant plots for 4. All pieces of the same lithological group are weighted granitic rocks. Tese diagrams classify our granodiorites together with a high precision laboratory balance as “volcanic arc ” and refect their source rocks having an accuracy of 0.1 mg. rather than their tectonic environment of origin.” 5. Te total weight of all pieces of a lithological group is Conclusively, it can be a misleading practice to apply divided by the weight of a standardized piece with a genetically pre-interpreted tectonic discrimination dia- known area, e.g. 100 km2. By this normalization the grams to peraluminous granitoids generated by the amount of km­ 2 per lithological group can be calcu- melting of greywackes. In fact, Zurbriggen et al. (1997) lated. has shown that the peraluminous orthogneisses of the 2 6. Te absolute ­km can be further calculated to a cor- Strona-Ceneri Zone show a Rb-(Y + Nb) pattern (Pearce responding area %. et al. 1984), which is identical to the inherited volcanic arc signatures of their metasedimentary host rocks. Te accuracy of this weighting method is good. But the Winter (2010, p. 385) gives another important state- challenge is the quality of the maps and how lithologies ment about an uncritical use of chemical discrimina- are grouped and cut out. Terefore, (i) a careful working tion diagrams to identify a standard tectonic setting: “I is needed and (ii) the numbers should be interpreted at a am not a great lover of classifcations. In spite of having given you several (see his compilation in Table 18-4), I level of about ± 3 area%. However, this precision is good enough for rough volume estimations needed to describe think classifcation force the lovely variability and conti- an orogen and its major processes in a semi-quantitative nuity of nature into inappropriately neat compartments, manner. and they commonly have the same efect on our thought processes.” 2.2 The critical use of geochemical diagrams—descriptive In fact, the attraction of a straight forward geochemi- versus tectonic discrimination cal granite classifcation let us forget that (i) the early Von Raumer et al. (2003) classifed the early Paleozoic Paleozoic granitoids are surrounded by metagreywackes orthogneisses inside and outside of the Alps according with similar chemical composition and isotopic signa- to Maniar and Piccoli (1989) as oceanic plagiogranites, tures, (ii) the majority of granitoid material derived by rift-related granitoids, island arc , continental melting of these greywackes at deeper crustal levels, and arc granites, continental collision granitoids and post- (iii) greywackes themselves indicate an active margin sce- orogenic granitoids. Tey then concluded that the Cam- nario and not a rifting or collisional setting (Barker et al. bro-Ordovician evolution was a sequence of oceanic and 1992; Zurbriggen 2017). continental rifting followed by arc settings and a fnal col- Tis critical review of applying tectonic discrimination lision, as indicated by some Ceneri gneisses plotting into diagrams to peraluminous granitoids has led myself to the feld of collisional granitoids (see caption of Figure 3b favor the A-B plot of Debon and Le Fort (1988) for the in Von Raumer et al. 2003). Other workers confrmed purpose of discussing magmatic processes rather than these tectonic settings by similar chemical discrimination pre-defned standard tectonic settings. Te A-B plot is plots with the result that in the literature the early Paleo- recommended for several reasons: (1) It is purely descrip- zoic orthogneisses are well established as rift-related and/ tive without tectonic interpretations. (2) It diferentiates or collisional related granitoids. between metaluminosity and peraluminosity (A-factor) Here the fundamental criticism of Barker et al. (1992) and felsicity and mafcity (B-factor), which represent two must be considered. It is based on a case study in the key aspects for the discrimination of granitoid suites. 10 Page 4 of 24 R. Zurbriggen

(3) All types of mafc inclusions have B-values > 200, but Regarding the pre-Permian orientation of the Strona- metasedimentary and gabbroic inclusions are difer- Ceneri gneisses, the highly discordant Permian stata on ing by positive and negative A-values, respectively. (4) It top represent the most important reference. is insensitive for the typical back-reaction of K-feldspar Another reason to focus frst on the Strona-Ceneri to muscovite in S-type granitoids (White and Chap- Zone (Fig. 1b) are existing studies on the chemistry, pell 1990), which creates a shift in the QAP diagram petrology and age of the Ordovician metagranitoids (e.g., towards the tonalite feld. (5) It allows to identify trends Zurbriggen et al. 1997), the banded amphibolites (e.g., of magmatic processes such as fractiona- Pinarelli et al. 2008) which were partly overprinted in the tion (metaluminous series), migmatization, mix- facies during the Ordovician (Franz and Romer ing and miscibility gaps. (6) Debon and Le Fort (1988) 2007), the main Ordovician metamorphism (e.g., Handy defned three descriptive classes of granitoids, ALUM et al. 1999) and the Carboniferous Schlingen folding (aluminous), ALCAF (alumino-cafemic) and CAFEM (Zurbriggen et al. 1998). Te geology of the Strona-Cen- (cafemic) series, which are in some analogy to the geneti- eri Zone is discussed in more detail in Zurbriggen (2015). cal classifcation of Chappell and White’s (2001) S-type, In the following a summary of data of the Ordovician low-temperature I-type and high-temperature I-type, metagranitoids (orthogneisses; Table 1) and new feld respectively. (7) Villaseca et al. (1998) further specifed observation of the banded amphibolites (Figs. 1c, d, 2) of the A-B diagram with respect to peraluminous grani- the Strona-Ceneri Zone are shown. toids. (8) Finally, A-B plots are increasingly used by mag- Looking at the geological map of the Strona-Ceneri matic petrologist like Castro et al. (2009), Villaros et al. Zone (Fig. 1b) one can observe a spatial association of (2018), or García-Arias et al. (2018). metagranitoids with the major horizon of banded amphi- bolite along the border between the northern gneiss unit 3 Geology of the Strona‑Ceneri Zone and the southern schist unit. Te banded amphibolites From all pre-Mesozoic basement units (see Fig. 1a) the are associated with -bearing amphibolites, meta- Strona-Ceneri Zone is of special interest, because it is eclogites and ultramafcs and were denamed as “Strona south of the Insubric Line, where Alpine metamorphism Ceneri Border Zone” by Giobbi Mancini et al. (2003). did not exceed subgreenschist facies conditions (Frey Tese linearly arranged formations occur on both sides et al. 1974). Tus, any high-grade structures are of pre- of Lago Maggiore and form km-scaled folds with steep Mesozoic origin, which is helpful for feld studies of the axes, so-called “Schlingen”. Tree Schlingen folds banded amphibolites. However, in a 2–3 km distance are indicated with their axial planes as red dotted lines from the Ivrea-Verbano Zone, the Strona-Ceneri Zone in Fig. 1b. Schlingen folds deform the compositional was overprinted during Permian magmatism along the banding of the amphibolites and the main schistosity Cossato-Mergozzo-Brissago Line. Zurbriggen (1996, p. of the gneisses under amphibolite facies conditions at 119) defned between Cannobio and Brissago the Nuova 321.3 ± 2.3 Ma (Zurbriggen et al. 1997). Pace Line, north of which the Strona-Ceneri Zone is Te map diferentiates between diferent types of tectono-metamorphically overprinted by the Permian Ordovician metagranitoids, which are characterized in events related to the Ivrea-Verbano Zone. Important to detail in Table 1. note is that the Ivrea-Verbano Zone is younger than the About 20 area % of the map are composed by Ordo- Ordovician orogeny, but its complicated uplift history vician metagranitoids, which were classifed into three caused moderate to strong tilting of certain regions in the types by Zurbriggen et al. (1997). Type 1 are hornblende Strona-Ceneri Zone, which is important for the recon- bearing metatonalites like they crop out at Molinetto struction of the original orientation of the Ordovician (Fig. 1c). Teir signatures indicate a mantle heritage. and Variscan high grade structures (Handy et al. 1999). However, they represent a 10% minority compared to Key evidence comes from east of Lago Maggiore, where types 2 and 3, which have crustal signatures and can be Permian strata overlay steeply dipping gneisses with a regarded as S-type granitoids according to Chappell and high angular unconformity. Zurbriggen (1996) did a feld White (1974). Type 3, Ceneri gneisses represent inclu- survey and measured at nine diferent locations in the sion-rich diatexites, which are characteristic for such Malcantone and Valtravaglia areas these unconformities gneiss terranes (Zurbriggen 2015). (see also Figs. 10c and d in Handy et al. 1999). Te sta- Te banded amphibolite of Ponte Falmenta (see Fig. 1b tistics confrm the profles in Heim (1922; Figs. 242, 243 for location) is about 40 m thick and at its eastern end and Tafel XXXIV). On page 823 Albert Heim states « … (in Val Cavaglio) it is intensively folded by the San Bar- im ganzen Gebiet des Luganersees zwischen dem steil tolomeo Schlinge. North of the Falmenta bridge a stehenden Altkristallin und dem fach transgredierenden 3 m × 0.6 m big talc-rich lens is contained in the banded Perm …» amphibolite. Te central part of the lens consists mainly Banded amphibolites in the Alps: their relation to early Paleozoic peraluminous magmatism Page 5 of 24 10

a b Geological map of the Map of the Alpine belt Wien Strona-Ceneri Zone Salzburg

O D Ceneri gneiss A S (type 3) Genève G Bolzano 100 km R M C E Banded Torino Mica F amphibolites C gneisses Genova Orthogneisses (types 1 and 2)

R : Aiguilles Rouges Massif M : Mont Blanc Massif A : Aar Massif c Profile of Molinetto G : Gotthard Nappe d C : Strona-Ceneri Zone S : Silvretta Nappe O : Oetztal Nappe Mica D : Deferegger Alps schists

Permian granites N Permian 10 km Lago volcanics d'Orta

Fig. 1 a Map of Alpine belt (after Von Raumer et al. 2013) with high-lighted pre-Mesozoic basement units for which Ordovician orthogneisses and large-scale Schlingen folds are reported. b Geological map of the Strona-Ceneri Zone (after Boriani et al. 1990). The types of orthogneisses are defned in Table 1. (Abbreviations: C: Cannobio, F: Ponte Falmenta, E: location of eclogite sample from Franz and Romer (2007), SBS: San Bartolomeo Schlinge, MGS: Monte Giove Schlinge, GS: Gambarogno Schlinge). c Road profle of Molinetto (Villa Elisabeth, c. 1.5 km south of Cannobio, Italy). Sample Z135 (Swiss coordinates: 2ʹ698ʹ055/1ʹ100ʹ650) is a meta-Spn-Hbl-Bt tonalite (Zurbriggen 1996); sample Z137 (Swiss coordinates: 2ʹ697ʹ980/1ʹ100ʹ380) is a banded amphibolite (Zurbriggen 1996). d Typical banded amphibolite (Swiss coordinates: 2ʹ698ʹ074/1ʹ100ʹ083)

Table 1 Selected characteristics of the Ordovician metagranitoids of the Strona-Ceneri Zone () Propertiesof Ordovician Meta-quartz Metagranites, Augen Ceneri Meta- orthogneisses of the diorites, metagranodiorites gneiss gneiss pegmatites Strona-Ceneri Zone metatonalites Mineralogical Poor / free Kfs Bt rich Leucotonalitic, Hbl bearing characteristics of Hbl phenocrysts selvedges 0-15% Kfs Zurbriggen et al. (1997) Type 1 granitoids Type 2 granitoids Type 3 granitoids Outcrop area 3.0 %9.5 %2.1 %6.3 %< 0.1 % Alkaline signature Sodic Mainly potassic (87Sr/86Sr) <0.706; i >0.708 >0.708 -- Boriani et al. (1995) >0.708 Percentage of all 15 % 45 % 10 % 30 %< 1% metagranitoids 10 % 90 % I-S typology I-type S-type Chappell andWhite (1974) 10 Page 6 of 24 R. Zurbriggen

a b c B OOB B O B

200 µm 200 µm

deBasaltic layer Banded amphibolite Paragneiss

2 cm

Basaltic layers

Fig. 2 Outcrop fotographs from the banded amphibolite formation at Molinetto, c. 1.5 km south of Cannobio in Italy (see Fig. 1c for location). a Micrograph of basaltic layer (located in d and e) with b fner grained rim. c Intercalation of basaltic (B) and orthogneiss (O) layers. d The person to the right stands in the paragneisses right at the contact to the northern banded amphibolite body (Swiss coordinates: 2ʹ698ʹ003/1ʹ100ʹ519). See map of Fig. 1c

of talc with some chlorite and serpentine. Te talc miner- intercalation of basaltic and metagranitoid layers als defne a crude schistosity. Relicts of anthophyllite and (Fig. 2c, d). The pervasive schistosity of the metagrani- cummingtonite pre-date the replacement by talc. Antho- toid layers (denoted with “O” in Fig. 2c) indicates a phyllite indicates temperatures around 650 °C and might significant deformation of a formerly more isotropic be coeval with the Ordovician main metamorphism or intercalation of the two materials, which is an impor- the Variscan Schlingen folding. Much larger anthophyl- tant observation. In the southern amphibolite body, lite-bearing ultra-mafc lenses occur in Val d’Isone, east at the lake shore (same outcrop of Fig. 3a), one can of Lago Maggiore (Spicher 1940). observe distinct basaltic and coarser grained gabbroic The amphibolites of the Strona-Ceneri Zone are layers. Locally these basaltic and gabbroic layers are strongly banded in all scales—from mm to meter scale boudinaged. and on a map-scale they are intercalated with meta- granitoids, as can be observed along the 600 m road 4 Comparison of pre‑Mesozoic basements cut at Molinetto (Fig. 1c). In fact, at Molinetto there in the Alps are two banded amphibolite bodies, a northern and Similar relationships between banded amphibolites and a southern one. At the northern border of the north- orthogneisses or augen gneisses can also be made in ern amphibolite body (see map of Fig. 1c) the band- the other pre-Mesozoic basements (Fig. 3). Figure 3b, c ing reveals to be a set of basaltic layers, each 5–10 cm show the association of banded amphibolites with augen thick with finer-grained rims (Fig. 2a, b, d, e), or an gneisses in an undeformed state. In the Aar Massif the Banded amphibolites in the Alps: their relation to early Paleozoic peraluminous magmatism Page 7 of 24 10

a Feldspathized amphibolite b Banded amphibolite

Banded amphibolite Augen gneiss

Banded amphibolite

Banded amphibolite 10 cm

d c Banded amphibolite

Orthogneiss Augen gneiss

Banded amphibolite Amphibolite

Fig. 3 Relationships between banded amphibolites and orthogneisses. a Feldspathized layers in a banded amphibolite (Strona-Ceneri Zone, south of Molinetto, Italy, Swiss coordinates: 2ʹ698ʹ120/1ʹ100ʹ035; for localization see also Fig. 1c). b Agmatite composed of schollen of banded amphibolite in a matrix of augen gneiss (Aar Massif, forest road from Betten Dorf to Martisberg, , Switzerland, Swiss coordinates: 2ʹ649ʹ608/1ʹ136ʹ702). c Reaction rim between amphibolite and augen gneiss (Aar Massif, Chazulecher, Valais, Switzerland, Swiss coordinates: 2ʹ647ʹ461/1ʹ139ʹ792). d Banded amphibolite with intercalated layer of orthogneiss (Gotthard Nappe, Northwest of Lago die Dentro, Val Piora, Ticino, Switzerland, Swiss coordinates: 2ʹ699ʹ394/1ʹ156ʹ545)

banded amphibolites are obviously associated with orthogneisses. Bächlin (1937), Spicher (1940), and migmatites as mapped by Labhart (1977) and Abrecht Graeter (1951), who mapped the Swiss part of the (1994) and shown in Fig. 4. Trails of schollen amphibo- Strona-Ceneri Zone east of Lago Maggiore referred lites (agmatites) grade into banded amphibolites indicat- to literature of the Silvretta Nappe, where similar ing that the banding generates with increasing shearing. amphibolites and relationships with para- and orthog- Amphibolitic agmatites in a matrix of augen gneiss neisses were described. But none of the pre-Mesozoic (Fig. 3b) or intermingling structures between augen basement units contains more amphibolites (22% of gneiss and amphibolitic schollen with reaction rims the map area) than the Silvretta Nappe. Tese amphi- (Fig. 3c) indicate the simultaneous presence of basaltic bolite formations alternate with long-shaped bodies and felsic materials. Figure 3d shows an intercalation of of ortho- and paragneisses. Tis map-scale interlayer- orthogneiss with banded amphibolite in the Gotthard ing produces peculiar patterns in the entire area north Nappe, as observed in the Strona-Ceneri Zone, as well of Zernez. Important observations in a 200 m thick (Fig. 2c). banded amphibolite formation can be made along the Te banding of the amphibolites is an intrinsic char- road cut south of the Sassella road gallery (c. 4.5 km acter with a fractal pattern, manifested at all scales, north of Zernez). What is mapped as one unit reveals to from millimeter to kilometer. Figure 4 gives an impres- be a large variety of lithologies such as banded amphi- sion how banded amphibolite formation can be inter- bolites, gabbros and interminglings of coarse gabbros calated on a map scale with migmatites. In the Silvretta with fne-grained basalts intruded by tonalites, Grt Nappe (Zernez area), like in the Strona-Ceneri Zone bearing amphibolites grading into paragneisses, aplites, (see Sect. 3) a similar intercalation on a map-scale and sets of several cm thin basaltic layers (metadykes) can be observed between banded amphibolites and in a matrix of paragneisses (Fig. 5). Tis road profle 10 Page 8 of 24 R. Zurbriggen

Fig. 4 Extract from the geological map of Lötschental, between Wiler (Swiss coordinates: 2ʹ626 516/1ʹ139 256, 1419 m) and Schafbärg (Swiss coordinates: 2ʹ630 084/1ʹ137 787, 3239 m). It shows the characteristic intercalation of banded amphibolite formations (green bands) and associated ultramafc bodies (indicated by stars) with migmatites (M) and paragneisses (P) (Source: GeoCover from https​://map.geo.admin​.ch) displays the large lithological variety within banded indicate, according to Pearce et al. (1984) a volcanic arc amphibolite formations. signature, and the strontium isotope signatures (Boriani As argued in Chapter 2.1 the estimation of the volu- et al. 1995) classifes 90% of them, according to Chappell metric proportions of the orthogneisses, migmatites, and White (1974) as S-types (Table 1). paragneisses and amphibolites is an important aspect In order to investigate the chemical relationships in the investigation of the “Altkristallin”. Te statisti- between orthogneisses, migmatites, paragneisses and cal analysis (Table 2 and Fig. 6) reveals that c. 20% of amphibolites, samples of all these major lithologies these gneiss terranes are peraluminous orthogneisses where plotted in an A-B diagram of Debon and Le Fort and another c. 8% are migmatites. C. 7% are banded (Debon and Le Fort 1988; Fig. 7). For reference, the amphibolite formations, whereas their abundance can mean compositions of a greywacke and a pelite (after strongly vary from c. 2% in the Strona-Ceneri Zone to Pettijohn 1963), a mean basalt (after Le Maitre 1976), c. 22% in the Silvretta Nappe. Te majority of banded I-type granitoids of the Lachlan Fold Belt (Chappell and amphibolite formations in all of these gneiss terranes White 1992) and the diorite-tonalite series of the Fusht is associated with meta-gabbroic and meta-ultramafc Complex (Southern Oman; see Fig. 15 for location; rocks. Terefore, they have a plutonic origin and are so- data from Hauser and Zurbriggen 1994) are plotted, called “ortho-amphibolites”. as well. Both, the Fusht Complex, a 790 Ma old Pan- African pluton (Mercolli et al. 2006) and the Lachlan 5 Geochemistry and mineralogy of rocks I-type granitoids represent CAFEM suites (according from the Strona‑Ceneri Zone to Debon and Le Fort 1988), which generated by frac- Tis study is reviewing published geochemical data. Te tionation of hornblende from more mafc precursors. references are given in the captions of Figs. 7, 8, 9. Te paragneisses of the Strona-Ceneri Zone (metape- Te majority of the Ordovician orthogneisses of the lites and metagrewackes) defne a compositional feld Strona-Ceneri Zone are potassic granites, granodior- (grey feld in Fig. 7) with A-values from 10 to 200 and ites and tonalites. Teir minor elements (Rb vs. Y + Nd) B-values from 50 to 210. Banded amphibolites in the Alps: their relation to early Paleozoic peraluminous magmatism Page 9 of 24 10

ab c

Fig. 5 Road cut through the 200 m thick banded amphibolite formation south of the Sassella gallery (Silvretta Nappe, 4.5 km north of Zernez; Swiss coordinates: 2ʹ801ʹ778/1ʹ179ʹ591). Three details (a–c) are located within the sector 220–160 m distance from the gallery: a Intermingling of basaltic schollen in a gabbroic matrix at 216 m south of Sassella gallery. b Banded amphibolite at 184 m south of Sassella gallery. c Swarm of basaltic dykes at 168 m south of Sassella gallery. Each dyke is indicated by an arrow. Some are locally boudinaged (indicated by circles)

Table 2 Square km and area percentages per main from the diferent pre-Variscan gneiss units Aar Tavetsch Gotthard Silvretta Ötztal Strona-Ceneri Zone Sum Massif Nappe Nappe Nappe Nappe

Amphibolites 82 km2 0.1 km2 16 km2 447 km2 81 km2 17 km2 643 km2 7.3% 0.1% 3.2% 22.0% 1.7% 2.0% 7% Orthogneisses 229 km2 0 km2 184 km2 645 km2 659 km2 173 km2 1890 km2 20.3% 0% 37.1% 31.8% 14.2% 20.0% 20% Migmatites 622 km2 18 km2 66 km2 0 km2 0 km2 0 km2 706 km2 55.0% 20.2% 13.3% 0% 0% 0% 8% Paragneisses 197 km2 71 km2 230 km2 939 km2 3892 km2 675 km2 6004 km2 17.4% 79.7% 46.4% 46.2% 84.0% 78.0% 65% Sum 1130 km2 89 km2 496 km2 2031 km2 4632 km2 865 km2 9243 km2 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

The data is plotted in the diagram of Fig. 6. Analysis is based on data taken from Zurbriggen (2015) for the Strona-Ceneri Zone, Geological Map of Switzerland, 1:500,000 (2008) for the Silvretta Nappe, Egger et al. (1999) for the Ötztal Nappe, and Berger et al. (2016) for the Aar Massif, Tavetsch Nappe and Gotthard Nappe. Note: In case of the Aar Massif, the Gärsthorn Gneiss Complex was classifed as orthogneiss, Guttanen and Lötschental Gneiss Complexes as paragneisses, and the Ofenhorn-Stampfhorn, Erstfeld, Innertkirchen- and Massa Gneiss Complexes as migmatites

Te (strongly) peraluminous inclusion-rich Cen- 1996). Ferrosilicic magmas are generated by near-total eri gneisses (type 3 orthogneisses, red X-symbols) plot melting of metagreywackes at temperatures of at least into the left half of the grey paragneiss-feld. Tus, Cen- 1000 °C (Castro et al. 2009). eri gneisses have identical composition than their host Te metatexites of the Strona-Ceneri Zone (formed at rocks, from which they derived by anatexis to form dia- a lower degree of melting) form leucosomes and mela- pirs of diatexites. Te Ceneri gneisses, and similar Ceneri nosomes, which diferentiate by their B-values, along the gneiss-like lithologies of the other pre-Mesozoic base- brown dashed line with the two arrowheads. Mobilized ment units are ferrosilicic orthogneisses (Zurbriggen leucosomes formed pegmatites (yellow crosses), which 10 Page 10 of 24 R. Zurbriggen

Fig. 6 Map area percentages (data of Table 2) of the amphibolites, orthogneisses, migmatites and paragneisses in the pre-Variscan basement units of the Alps

plot at very low B-values in the feld “felsic peralumi- microgranular enclaves and are poor in mafc mem- nous”. Both, metapegmatites and Ceneri gneisses are bers. Te same can be observed for the orthogneisses related to the anatexis of paragneisses and are therefore of the other pre-Mesozoic basement units in the Alps grouped together as type 3 orthogneisses. (Zurbriggen 2015). Tese characteristics are typical for Type 2 orthogneisses plot into the paragneiss-feld and peraluminous arcs in cratonizing subduction–accretion to the left of it into the feld “felsic peraluminous”, espe- complexes as shown in Fig. 9, a compilation of batho- cially the augen gneisses. With some exceptions, type 2 lith types from diferent settings. Te diagram is taken and type 3 orthogneisses plot into the S-type feld (above from Villaseca et al. (1998) and modifed as follows: the green stippled I-S line). Te group of continental arcs is completed with the Type 1 orthogneisses bear hornblende and plot as Fusht Complex. Te Lachlan Fold Belt and the Strona- both, S- and I-types. Te latter are metaluminous. But Ceneri Zone are according to Zurbriggen (2015) attrib- unlike the metaluminous Fusht Complex, there are no uted to the setting of subduction–accretion complexes. mafc members with B-values > 160 associated with the Important to note are the percentages of the mafcs, orthogneisses. such as gabbros and diorites. Tey are very rare in per- Te fourth lithological formation, the amphibolites aluminous magmatic suites of subduction–accretion (Grt amphibolites and dark bands of banded amphi- complexes. bolites) plot far from the ortho- and paragneisses and migmatites. Tey have B-values between 250 and 410 6 Discussions 6.1 Discussion of the early Paleozoic peraluminous and A-values mostly < − 100. In the AFM plot (Fig. 8) they reveal both, tholeiitic and calc-alkaline composi- magmatism tions. However, before attributing standard tectonic It could be shown that c. 20 area % of the steeply struc- settings according to the AFM plot it is suggested to tured Strona-Ceneri Zone consist of peraluminous depict the feld observations and the lithological variety orthogneisses, which are almost entirely (> 90%) com- within banded amphibolite formations, as will be dis- posed of crustal material. Similarly, about 20 area% of cussed in Chapter 6.2. the pre-Variscan gneiss terranes of the pre-Mesozoic Te orthogneisses of the Strona-Ceneri Zone are basement units are peraluminous orthogneisses (Fig. 6), strongly related to the paragneisses, they lack mafc mostly S-types (Zurbriggen 2015). According to Fig. 6 Banded amphibolites in the Alps: their relation to early Paleozoic peraluminous magmatism Page 11 of 24 10

200 Strona-Ceneri Zone Hbl orthogneiss (type 1) 150 Orthogneiss (type 2) Augen gneiss 100 strongly (type 2)

a P peraluminous Ceneri gneiss C h-P

2 (type 3)

+ Metapegmatite

a 50 G (type 3) N f-P m-P peraluminous + I-S Bt-rich restite

K in Ceneri gneiss

( l-P

-) 0

Resisters in metaluminous Ceneri gneiss Al

= Garnet

A amphibolite -50 Banded amphibolite

-100 Amphibolites References of SCZ I-S line (Villasecaetal. 1998) B -150 FushtComplex,Oman (Hauser andZurbriggen1994) I-type granitoids,LFB -200 (Chappell andWhite 1992)

0 100 200 300 400 B = Fe + Mg + Ti Fig. 7 A-B diagram after Debon and Le Fort (1988) for orthogneisses and paragneisses (data from Zurbriggen et al. 1997), garnet amphibolites (data from Buletti 1983) and dark layers of banded amphibolites (data from Pinarelli et al. 2008) of the Southern Alpine Strona-Ceneri Zone (SCZ). Data of I-type granitoids from the Lachlan Fold Belt (LFB, Australia) and the tonalitic Fusht Complex (southern Oman) are from Chappell and White (1992) and Hauser and Zurbriggen (1994), respectively. Mean compositions of pelites or shales (P) and greywackes (G) are from Pettijohn (1963), and mean composition of common basalts (B) is from Le Maitre (1976). I-S line and felds for h-P (highly peraluminous), m-P (moderately peraluminous), l-P (low peraluminous) and f-P (felsic peraluminous) are drawn according to Villaseca et al. (1998). For explanations see text

the ratio of orthogneisses to paragneisses is 20:65. If Assuming upper amphibolite facies conditions at the the migmatites are counted with the orthogneisses, base of a 30 km thick accretionary complex the ana- then the ratio of fully and partially molten rocks to tectical layer must be additionally heated by 200 °C to paragneisses is 28:65. Te paragneisses represent the reach at least 850 °C, the minimum temperature for crustal material in subduction–accretion complexes the production of large volumes of granites (Aranovich (Zurbriggen 2015), which by anatexis delivers the per- et al. 2014). aluminous magmas for the orthogneisses. Conclusively, Te necessary heat must have been contributed by about 25% of the paragneisses must melt to produce mantle-derived basalt of a similar volume as estimated this volume of orthogneisses and migmatites. Assum- by Barker et al. (1992) and Aranovich et al. (2014). Te ing a thickness of the accretionary complex of 25 km, latter critically discuss the literature about granite pro- then the lowermost 6.25 km of the accreted greywackes ducing processes and reach the following conclusions: and pelites must melt. In case the complex is 30 km Firstly, melting by dehydration of micas and amphiboles thick, then a basal layer of 7.5 km must entirely melt. is not delivering the necessary volumes. Secondly, the 10 Page 12 of 24 R. Zurbriggen

F Tholeiitic Iceland, Mid-Atlantic Ridge Columbia River Basalts, Hawaii (Irving and Baragar1971)

Grt amphibolites, SCZ Tholeiitic Calc-alkaline Dark layers of banded amphibolites, SCZ

Cascade volcanics (Irving and Baragar1971)

A M Fig. 8 AFM diagram (Irving and Baragar 1971) showing composition of banded amphibolites and garnet amphibolites of the Strona-Ceneri Zone (SCZ). Data for Grt amphibolites are from Buletti (1983). Data for dark layers of banded amphibolites are from Pinarelli et al. (2008)

Fig. 9 Percentages of mafc (indicated by numbers), intermediate and felsic intrusiva in batholiths of three diferent settings: (i) island arc, (ii) continental arc and (iii) subduction–accretion complex. Data are from Villaseca et al. (1998), Hauser and Zurbriggen (1994) for the Fusht Complex, and Zurbriggen (2015) for the Strona-Ceneri Zone Banded amphibolites in the Alps: their relation to early Paleozoic peraluminous magmatism Page 13 of 24 10

Table 3 Sources of material and heat, and processes of peraluminous arc magmatism in subduction–accretion complexes

Material sources Pelites, greywackes Large amounts of (strongly) peraluminous S-type melts are generated in a temperature range between 850 and 875 °C (Vielzeuf and Holloway 1988) Basaltic rocks Hbl bearing tonalites (high-temperature I-types, Chappell et al. 2004) and banded amphibolites indicate basaltic source rocks Magmatic processes Hornblende fractionation Crystallization of hornblende is a major fractionation process in CAFEM series (Debon and Le Fort 1988) Dehydration melting Muscovite dehydration melting can produce leucosomes of metatexites and pegmatites, thus, biotite dehydration is necessary to produce diatexites allowing for diapirism (Vielzeuf and Holloway 1988) Mixing of compatible magmas Felsic magmas (B < 170) with similar viscosities at similar temperatures of c. 850 °C are compat- ible and can mix Heat transfer between incom- Mantle-derived mafc magmas begin to solidify at 900 °C. Due to viscosity contrast they cannot patible magmas mix with anatectical melts (Barker et al. 1992) Heat source Mantle Hot mantle and/or large amounts of mantle-derived basaltic magmas are necessary to transport advective heat in order to release it across the Moho (Aranovich et al. 2014)

melt extractability from migmatites cannot deliver the In the A-B diagram of Fig. 10 the major granite produc- necessary volumes, as well. Tus, Aranovich et al. (2014) tion processes are visualized: (1) Basaltic magmas can regard the intrusion of large amounts of mantle-derived evolve (a) by fractionated crystallization (e.g., Hbl frac- basalt into the lowermost crust or their ponding below it tionation) and (b) contamination by crustal rocks along as the major heat source and delivery of fuids and mate- the CAFEM feld and produce high-temperature I-types rial for granite production. like those of the Lachlan Fold Belt or the tonalite-diorite Barker et al. (1992) described in detail what happens series of the Fusht Complex. Te projection of continen- in the lowermost part of an accretionary prims, when tal margin calc-alkaline batholiths in the A-B diagram basalts from the subducting plate are ascending. Given would show that the majority of the data plot in the met- by the density contrast between greywackes and basalts, aluminous feld, with the most acid varieties plotting in the latter would pool in the lowest parts of the prism. Te the low peraluminous feld (Villaseca et al. 1998). (2) If basaltic magmas immediately quench upon contact with greywackes and pelites melt, they frst produce peralu- the much cooler greywackes and prevent mixing. On the minous to strongly peraluminous leucogranitoid melts other hand, the sediments undergo fast heating and melt and melanocratic restites. Te former can be extracted diapirs develop. to form pegmatites, aplites or smaller plutons. Higher Figure 5g of Laumonier et al. (2014) confrms this sce- degrees of melting (> 30%) produce diatexites, which can nario from an experimental point of view. A greywacke- hold the solids and enclaves due to high viscosity (see dis- basalt system in the lower crust can only mix, when the cussion in Aranovich et al. 2014). Diapirism of such dia- viscosities of the two materials are identical, which is texites produces Ceneri gneisses or similar inclusion-rich the case at a basalt fraction of 58% and a temperature S-types (Zurbriggen 2015) such as the Paradis gneiss and of 1017 °C. Both conditions are probably not reached the similar Schmitzengneiss (Gotthard Nappe), the Mön- in general, because the greywacke melts tend to ascent chalp granite (Silvretta Nappe), the Winnebach granite before they reach 1000 °C. and the similar Sulztaler, Inziger and Schlosskopf granites Such greywacke-basalt systems could explain a cou- (Ötztal Nappe). If diatexites are further heated (due to ple of observations: (1) Te banded amphibolites could continued intrusion and ponding of basalts) they liquefy represent deformed interminglings of basalts and felsic until segregation of denser enclaves, resisters and xeno- materials, which mutually penetrated each other but did liths produces homogeneous S-types, which are poor in not mix homogeneously. (2) Tere are no hybrid chemis- inclusions such as the Streifengneiss (Gotthard Nappe) or tries between paragneisses (metagreywackes) and amphi- the Flüelagranitic gneisses (Silvretta Nappe). (3) Basalts bolites (metabasalts). Instead a clear miscibility gap and greywackes cannot mix due to viscosity contrasts at (black stippled line with two arrowheads in Fig. 7) occurs temperatures below 1000 °C (Laumonier et al. 2014). (4) between the two lithologies. (3) Te possibility of heat- Magma mixing on a large scale is only possible between ing greywackes near to their liquidus might represent a granitoid magmas at temperatures of about 850 °C. Tis mechanism to lower their viscosity and allow the segre- would explain the existence of low-temperature I-type gation of inclusions. Tis could produce very homogene- granitoids, which bear characteristics of both, crustal- ous S-type granitoids poor in enclaves. derived and mantle-derived material. 10 Page 14 of 24 R. Zurbriggen

Fig. 10 A-B diagram (Debon and Le Fort 1988) with indicated sources of material and heat and magmatic processes (as listed with references in Table 3) for the genesis of peraluminous arc magmatism in subduction–accretion-complexes. For explanations see text

Te processes of peraluminous magmatism are sum- rhyolites, as well. But if the steep shear zones intersect marized in Table 3 and the block diagram of Fig. 11 a “zone of intermingling”, then a banded amphibolite is visualizes the “zone of intermingling” at the base of a produced (see no. 2 in Fig. 11). Because amphibolites subduction–accretion complex. It shows an approxi- are denser, the probability to ascent is lower, therefore mate 1:1 proportion of basalts and greywacke melts banded amphibolites are generally less abundant than according to Barker et al. (1992) and Aranovich et al. orthogneisses. It can be assumed that such intermin- (2014), who estimate that the melting of greywackes glings are too viscous for eruption and can reach higher needs the heat input of an approximately equal amount crustal levels only by subsolidus shearing along deep of basalts. Hot basalts are intruding the lowermost reaching zones. Tis would also explain the rare- metagreywackes as sills, dykes and stocks. Te much ness of mafc volcanics during the Ordovician (Hein- cooler metagrewackes get heated and melt, while the isch 1981). basalts congeal and crystallize providing further crys- Te paucity of mafc orthogneisses has two reasons: tallization heat. Viscosity contrast between the solidi- Firstly, basalts are signifcantly denser and tend to accu- fying basalts and liquefying greywackes do not allow mulate at the base of the accretionary prism (Barker homogeneous mixing. As a result, only heat is trans- et al. 1992). Secondly, the ponding basalts are overlain by ferred from the basalts to the greywacke melts, which a several km thick zone of migmatites (agmatites in the intrude higher levels of the accretionary complex and “zone of intermingling” with greywacke diatexites and get deformed to end as peraluminous orthogneisses metatexites on top), which are well ahead of ascending in paragneiss country rocks. Te role of crustal-scaled with regard to their higher position in the crust. shear zones in transpressional orogens, such as subduc- From the perspective of the above model of a “zone of tion–accretion complexes, is crucial for the mobiliza- intermingling”, situated at the base of the subduction– tion of magmas and interminglings to higher levels (see accretion complex, banded amphibolites are of also D’Lemos et al. 1992). If these steep shear zones interminglings or other types of heterogeneous mixtures intersect a zone of peraluminous magma, then an of diferent materials as illustrated in Fig. 12. Tus the orthogneiss sheet is produced and in case of eruption “zone of intermingling” also acts as a trap for materials Banded amphibolites in the Alps: their relation to early Paleozoic peraluminous magmatism Page 15 of 24 10

r: rhyolite d' : dacite r s: S-type r d'r i: I-type i s m: metatexite s d: diatexite m m m m b: basalt m 10 km m m p: m s si 2 m m Om m m m 500°C s m m m m m m 20 km s m m s 650°C: Solidus of pelite m i S m s m m m m m m m Zone of m m m G C m m m d m m m A d m m intermingling d d d 1 d m 30 km d 900°C: Liquidus of pelite, solidus of basalt b b b b b b p p p p p

Fig. 11 Schematic block diagram of intermingling zone at the Moho. It visualizes the generation of the four main lithologies (para- and orthogneisses, migmatites and banded amphibolites) during the cratonization of a subduction–accretion complex (Zurbriggen 2017). Abbreviations: 1: frst production step of banded amphibolites by intermingling, 2: second production step of banded amphibolites by shearing, O: Ötztal Nappe, S: Silvretta Nappe, G: Gotthard Nappe, C: Strona-Ceneri Zone, A: Aar Massif. The units are located according to their individual lithological characteristics. For further explanations see text

ab such as tectonic mélanges which can ascent as cold dia- pirs (Timm et al. 2014; Cruz-Uribe et al. 2018) and peri- dotites from the mantle wedge, which are sheared into the accretionary complex.

6.2 Discussion of the tectonic setting and the role f c of banded amphibolite formations Figure 13 is an illustration of the many simultaneous pro- cesses during the cratonization of a subduction–accre- tion complex. “Cratonization”, a process described by Crook (1980), means the transition from a cold accre- tionary prism to a hot accretionary complex during per- e d aluminous magmatism (Zurbriggen 2017) to result in a stable cratonic crust. Te magmatism inverts the crust by the ascent of the magmas from the “zone of intermin- gling” along shear zones to emplace at higher levels of the accretionary complex as orthogneisses or extrude as rhy- olites. As a result, new crust is formed at the periphery Fig. 12 Scheme of possible protoliths (a–f), which are of the growing continent. Te material for this new crust metamorphosed and deformed (red arrows) to result in banded amphibolite is mainly of crustal origin (c. 97% in case of the Strona- Ceneri Zone; Zurbriggen 2015). Tus, the cratonization 10 Page 16 of 24 R. Zurbriggen

ice shield

accretionary complex Gondwana craton 5 Celtic Ocean 0 km 5 5 10 km 6 5 20 km 8 7 lithospheric mantle 650°C 30 km 4 8 3 9 rhyolites and 40 km peralum. orthogneisses 0 1 50 km 0 andesites (rare) and 2 Hbl tonalites (subordinate) 60 km 0 (meta-)greywackes/pelites 70 km a banded amphibolites zone of intermingling 80 km b underplating basalts c 90 km serpentinized mantle 650°C 100 km 30° asthenospheric mantle Flow of materials Dynamics in subduction channel Protoliths of amphibolites and meta-ultramafics in SAC

strike slip a hydr. peridotite tectonic 1 basalts by hydrous melting 6 slices of sea mounts mélange in subduction b sediments subduction 2 basalts by decompr. melting 7 slices of oceanic crust corner flow c MORB channel 3 gabbros, diorites 8 slices of (hydr.) peridotite ascent of magmas deliberated fluids 4 schollen amphibolites 9 diapirs of hydr. peridotite inflow of hot mantle eclogite (21 kbar, 710°C) 5 andesites (rare) 0 diapirs of mélange Fig. 13 Tectonic setting of the early Paleozoic subduction–accretion complex (SAC) exposed in the pre-Mesozoic basement units of the Alps (Zurbriggen 2017). The fow paths of materials are symbolized with diferent arrows (see left part of legend in the lower box). The dynamics in the subduction channel (Cloos and Shreve 1988; see middle part of legend in the lower box) produce tectonic mélanges, which can be dragged to large depths and rise as cold diapirs. Possible protoliths for amphibolites and associated meta-ultramafcs are indicated with numbers (see right part of legend in the lower box). P–T data of eclogites are taken form Franz and Romer (2007), who dated the eclogites of the Strona-Ceneri Zone to be Ordovician

of subduction–accretion complexes is a recycling of terri- 1. It acts as a collector for a large variety of litholo- geneous sediments. However, the heat for the cratoniza- gies, which refect the many dynamics in the mantle tion is delivered by mantle-derived basalts intruding the wedge. Te deliberation of fuids from the subducting base of the accreted sediments, as described by Barker plate induces melting of the overlying mantle wedge et al. (1992) for the forearc granitoids in the accretionary (fux melting) and the production of calc-alkaline prism of the Gulf of Alaska. basalts. Upfowing hot mantle produces tholeiitic With growing width of a subduction–accretion com- basalts by decompression melting. Cagnioncle et al. plex the lithospheric mantle underneath is thinned and (2007; see their Fig. 13) mention that in subduction asthenospheric mantle can fow upwards. Terefore zones both, fux-derived melts and decompression both, fuid-induced melting of lithospheric mantle and melts can be generated in order to explain the com- decompression-melting of upfowing asthenospheric positional range. In sum, large quantities of difer- mantle produce calc-alkaline and tholeiitic basalts, ent basalts ascent, underplate and intrude the base respectively, which is refected in the chemistry of the of the accreted greywackes, initiate regional anatexis amphibolites (Fig. 8). and cause peraluminous magmatism. Due to (a) Te “zone of intermingling” plays three major roles: the downwards fow of the subducting plate carry- Banded amphibolites in the Alps: their relation to early Paleozoic peraluminous magmatism Page 17 of 24 10

ing mélanges to eclogitic depths and (b) the upward 2. Te “zone of intermingling” acts as a heat exchanger, fow of mantle and magmas, the isotherms form ver- where the hot basalts transfer their heat to the melt- tical “fngers” in the mantle wedge and in the prism ing greywackes. Te efciency of heat exchangers is (Fig. 13). Along these “fngers” materials and heat are dependent on the diferential temperature, the ther- rapidly transported to higher levels. Tis converts the mal conductivity and the interfacial area. Te latter initially cold prism into a hot accretionary complex is strongly increased by dyke intrusions and hetero- with peraluminous magmatism (see Fig. 2 in Zur- geneous intermingling. Tese mechanism result in briggen 2017). However, the upward fow of man- intercalations of banded amphibolites with migma- tle-derived materials generally stops in the “zone of tites (Fig. 4). intermingling”, and the peraluminous magmas start 3. Te “zone of intermingling” acts as a granite kitchen, to rise from there and transport heat further up and the production site for peraluminous magmas. Tis initiate migmatization at higher levels. Tere, mixing scenario is supported by contemporaneous gabbros and mingling between felsic magmas and migma- in all these terranes (Von Raumer et al. 2013). tites can cause the formation of felsic MASH zones as described by Schwindinger and Weinberg (2017). Te numbers in Fig. 13 indicate possible protoliths for Tis explains the stepwise heat transfer form basalts amphibolites and meta-ultramafcs. Andesitic volcanics to deep-crustal metagreywackes to generate peralu- are indicated as a possibility, but according to Heinisch minous granites, and from the latter to migmatites (1981), andesites are rare compared to the large volumes in higher crustal levels. However, the primary heat of rhyolites and dacites. is provided by the mantle, but the mantel-derived Another aspect of such gneiss terranes are the many materials generally remain in the lowermost crust or transitional species (so called “Mischgneise” as discussed below the Moho. in Zurbriggen 1996, p. 33) between para- and orthog- neisses and banded amphibolites, which locally can be

Fig. 14 P-T diagram illustrating production of banded amphibolite formations in two steps: Step 1: Magma interaction processes in the “zone of intermingling” (c. 5–10 km thick) at the base of the accretionary complex. Step 2: Steep thrusts cut the accretionary complex and intersect the “zone of intermingling”. The tectono-metamorphic and magmatic processes correspond to the illustrations in Fig. 13 10 Page 18 of 24 R. Zurbriggen

feldspathized. Te occurrence of K-feldspar porphy- Tis global feature was the result of a combination of two roblasts is discussed in the context of fuid and/or melt factors, both of which were unique for the post-Panafri- infltration by Pinarelli et al. (2008). Tese mechanisms can era. are very probable because subduction brings large quan- tities of fuids into the mantle wedge and the overlying 1. Te assembly of Gondwana was associated with the accretionary complex, and large volumes of melts are closure of the oceans between cratons and a jump of generated in the mantle and in the accretionary complex, subductions to the periphery of the supercontinent as which are ascending to higher levels and even extrude. described for East-Gondwana by Foden et al. (2006). Te tectono-metamorphic and magmatic processes of Terefore, Gondwana was framed at the beginning of a cratonizing subduction–accretion complex can also be the Paleozoic by two major subduction systems (e.g., visualized in a P–T diagram (Fig. 14). In the center of the Rino et al. 2008), the Avalonian-Cadomian one facing P–T-t evolution is the “zone of intermingling”, wherein the Celtic Ocean, and the Ross-Delamerian one fac- the protoliths of the banded amphibolites (the frst pro- ing the Paleo-Pacifc Ocean (e.g., Zurbriggen 2017). duction step as denoted with no. 1 in Figs. 11 and 14) 2. Te erosion of the Transgondwanan Supermountain occurs. Note the many fow paths of diferent materials delivered an estimated volume of sediment of > 100 into the “zone of intermingling”, which generate the large Mkm­ 3, which corresponds to a 10 km thick layer variety of rocks, fuids and magmas. Important to men- covering the entire USA (Squire et al. 2006). Tese tion is the mechanism for the exhumation of eclogites. sediments were transported by river systems and ice Tey ascent as fragments in cold mélange diapirs through shields into the trenches of the circum-Gondwanan the mantle wedge. If they remain in the “zone of inter- subduction systems and caused the formation of fast- mingling” they convert to granulites or amphibolites. growing subduction–accretion complexes (Fig. 15). But if the residence time is short, because they are read- ily sucked and sheared into a crustal shear zone, eclog- Te purpose of Table 4 is to show that peraluminous ites can emplace in the accretionary complex. However, magmatism is a circum-Gondwanan phenomenon during the majority of the dense eclogites will be subducted, but the entire early Paleozoic. Te diferent magmatic events enclosed in mélange diapirs and intermingled magmas are related to regionally diferent orogenies, but I doubt they can ascent fast enough and survive as such. the general relationship of peraluminous magmatism Te second production step of banded amphibolites to rifting or collisional settings for reasons raised in the occurs by mobilization of intermingled magmas along methodological part (Sect. 2.2), and because greywackes deep-reaching fault zones (see no. 2 in Figs. 11 and 14). are a basic element of active margins (Barker et al. 1992; Tis mechanism would also explain why in the feld the Zurbriggen 2017). Te data compilation of Table 4 should banded amphibolites are linearly arranged and associated lead the reader into the direction of looking at peralumi- with orthogneisses, migmatites, (meta-)gabbros, (meta-) nous arcs from the perspective of cratonizing subduc- eclogites and (meta-)ultramafcs. tion–accretion complexes, a hitherto poorly recognized In contrast to peraluminous rocks (metapelites, meta- circum-Gondwanan tectonic setting in early Paleozoic greywackes, migmatites and orthogneisses), which have a times. similar density and are more evenly distributed across the Regarding the provenance of the protoliths of the crust, the banded amphibolite formations vary strongly pre-Variscan paragneisses in the Alps the following can in percentages, because of their relative high density. Tis be said. According to Fig. 7 of Pinarelli et al. (2008) the explains their variable occurrence in diferent regions by augen gneisses of the Strona-Ceneri Zone have protolith a factor of 10, ranging from c. 2 area% in the Strona-Cen- ages indicating the Cadomian and Grenvillian events. eri Zone to 22 area% in the Silvretta Nappe. Also their Te same age memory is shown by Austroalpine parag- association with ultramafcs and their degree of myloni- neisses (see Fig. 8d of Siegesmund et al. 2018) indicating tization can vary strongly, because of the heterogeneous the Arabian-Nubian Shield (the host of the Fusht Com- distribution of these rocks at depth and below the accre- plex) as provenance. Tis is also supported by recon- tionary prism, and because each banded amphibolite is structions of Avigad et al. (2017). the result of an individual shear zone. Figure 15 is a compilation of the peri-Gondwanan ter- ranes with early Paleozoic peraluminous magmatism 6.3 Discussion of the early Paleozoic circum‑Gondwanan indicating the anatexis of metasediments within the set- setting ting of cratonizing subduction–accretion complexes. A comparison with many studies from peri-Gondwanan Foster and Goscombe (2013) mention that 20% of the terranes (Table 4) indicates that peraluminous magma- outcrop area of the Lachlan Fold Belt are composed of tism was a global phenomenon in early Paleozoic times. granitoids and half of them are S-types. About 70% of all

Banded amphibolites in the Alps: their relation to early Paleozoic peraluminous magmatism Page 19 of 24 10

) 9 (201 al. et Österle

(2013) al. et Lin

) 5 (201 al. et Hu

) 2015 ( al. et Rossetti

Koralay et a. (2012) a. et Koralay

) 9 (201 al. et Cruciani

) 2013 (2011, al. et Balintoni

) 7 (200 Linnemann

Siebel et al. (1997) al. et Siebel

Casas and Murphy (2018) Murphy and Casas

) 2019 ( al. et Stephan

Gondwanan basement units basement Gondwanan ) 2013 ( al. et Raumer Von

Arias et al. (2018) al. et Arias - Garcia

Zurbriggen (2017) Zurbriggen

Villaseca et al. (2016) al. et Villaseca

Zurbriggen (2015) Zurbriggen

) 2016 ( al. et Pouclet

) 2 (201 al. et Ballèvre

-Alvarado et al. (2016) al. et -Alvarado Díaz

) 2008 ( al. et Fernández

Rossi et al. (2002) al. et Rossi

) 2012 ( al. et Farina

) 2007 ( Goodge

) 8 (200 al. et Schwartz

) 2006 ( al. et Foden

Foster and Goscombe (2013) Goscombe and Foster Chappell and White (2001) White and Chappell 0 0 7 0 8 0 0 5 3 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 48 [Ma] 492-44 500-47 496-45 550-51 522-47 430-37 550-48 555-51 494-47 510-43 560-54 550-53 575-53 486-48 495-46 Magmatism

) and other pre- f ) ) ) lex (Thailand rican and Occitan Compilation of references for early Paleozoic peraluminous magmatism in peri - magmatism peraluminous Paleozoic for early of references Compilation s ) ) ) mp mo an Massif rian ny ny nt unit ) asu terrane and Lan Sang ania ean orogen orogen ) mi ma ma me ains of the Variscan Belt (France) Menderes Massi (Rom Peri-Gondwanan base Lachlan Fold Belt (SE Australia Dela me (SE Australia Ross (Antarctica) Saldanian orogen (South Africa Pa mp (Argentina) Iberian Variscan belt (Spain South Ar dom Strona-Ceneri Zone Mesozoic basement units of the Alps Saxothuringian zone (Ger Bohe (Ger Carpathian Sicily (Italy (Turkey) Kuh-e-Sarhangi region (Iran) South Qiangtang terrane (North Tibet) Sibum gneiss co 4 Table felds: studies of specifc regions grey studies; light felds: comparative Dark grey included as well. are or augen gneisses S-type granitoids, granitoids, related Anatexis 10 Page 20 of 24 R. Zurbriggen

Fig. 15 Map of Gondwana in the period of 550–500 Ma with indicated Paleozoic orogenic sutures, along which material (mainly detritus) was accreted and recycled by the cratonization of subduction–accretion complexes (see Table 4). The Cenerian (490–440 Ma) and Lachlan (430–370 Ma) orogenies occurred later and are therefore in brackets. The Strona-Ceneri Zone is part of the Alpine Basement (AB). The Fusht Complex in southern Oman (790 Ma) belongs to an older Pan-African arc system (drawn after Kröner and Stern 2004; Schmitt et al. 2004; Linnemann 2007; Fernández et al. 2008; Foster and Gray 2008; Schwartz et al. 2008; Ustaömer et al. 2009; Torsvik and Cocks 2011; Koralay et al. 2012; Foster and Goscombe 2013; Lin et al. 2013; Hu et al. 2015; Santosh et al. 2014; Rossetti et al. 2015; Shafaii Moghadam et al. 2015; Villaseca et al. 2016; Avigad et al. 2017; Li et al. 2017; and Zurbriggen 2017. Pre-Variscan basements of the Alps, including the Strona-Ceneri Zone (SCZ), were located according to Von Raumer et al. 2015)

Lachlan granitoids are peraluminous (Chappell and White Ollo de Sapo formation of Iberia (Spain). Villaseca et al. 2001). Schwartz et al. (2008) have compared the early Pale- (2016) regarded the Ollo de Sapo formation as a part of a ozoic orogenic belts of the Terra Australis Orogen (Fig. 15) transeuropean Cambro-Ordovician mainly peraluminous namely the Pampean (Argentina), the Saldanian (South arc system, which corresponds to the Cenerian belt of Zur- Africa; see also Farina et al. 2012), the Ross (Transantarc- briggen (2017). tica; see also Goodge 2007), and the Delamerian (Australia; Evidence for similar early Paleozoic anatexis and per- see also Foden et al. 2006). With the probable exception aluminous magmatism is also reported from the Fichtel- of the Ross orogen, the common feature of these belts is gebirge in the Saxothuringian Belt (Siebel et al. 1997), an arc-related magmatism including strongly peralumi- the Bohemian Massif (Linnemann et al. 2014) and the nous suites. Schwartz et al. (2008) focused on the Pampean Romanian Carpathians (Balintoni and Balica 2013; Bal- orogen, more specifcally on the Eastern Sierreas Pampea- intoni et al. 2011, 2014). Te broadest comparison along nas, which is divided into an Eastern Calc-Alkaline Arc northern Gondwana is done by Stephan et al. (2019; see Belt (555–525 Ma) and a western Metasedimentary Belt Table 4) with reference to the Cenerian orogeny along hosting migmatites and peraluminous granitoids (525– the eastern part of the Peri-Gondwanan shelf. 515 Ma). Te boundary in between corresponds to the In Turkey (Ustaömer et al. 2009; Koralay et al. 2012) I-S line of Rossi et al. (2002), who studied the Ordovician and Iran (Shafaii Moghadam et al. 2015; Rossetti et al. Capillitas batholith about 500 km further to the NNW. 2015) 550–530 Ma old orthogneisses indicate that the late Te Capillitas batholith is just west of this I-S line and Cadomian arc system (Linnemann et al. 2014) has con- resembles to the Cooma granodiorite, the type locality of tinued eastwards over Turkey, Iran to Asia (Kröner and Chappell and White’s S-type granitoid in the Lachlan Fold Stern 2004). Hu et al. (2015) describe early Ordovician Belt. From the Capillitas batholith northwards Fernández S-type magmatism in Tibet. Lin et al. (2013) and Österle et al. (2008) studied the Cambro-Ordovician peraluminous et al. (2019) identifed 470–500 Ma old orthogneisses in magmatism of the Eastern Puna Eruptive Belt (Argentina) the Sibumasu terrane and the Lan Sang gneiss complex and found similarities in age, volumes and chemistry to the of Tailand. Tese studies connect the early Paleozoic Banded amphibolites in the Alps: their relation to early Paleozoic peraluminous magmatism Page 21 of 24 10

European-Asian arc system with the Terra Australis Oro- sion-rich S-types (e.g., Ceneri gneiss-like litholo- gen to one circum-Gondwanan subduction system. gies). Te latter generated by the total-melting of Te works of Ustaömer et al. (2009) and Shafaii greywackes (type 3). Moghadam et al. (2015) point to a late Cadomian I-type 3. Volumetric estimations indicate that the lower- magmatism in Turkey and Iran, respectively. Tis is in most 6.25–7.5 km of a 25–30 km thick accretionary line with a general change from an I-type dominance complex must melt to provide the necessary quan- during the Cadomian orogeny (Andean type continen- tity of peraluminous orthogneisses and migmatites. tal arcs) to a S-type dominance during the Cenerian 4. Te required heat must be provided by a similar orogeny (Alaskan type subduction–accretion com- amount of mantle-derived basalts. Tey can have plexes) as shown in Fig. 6 of Zurbriggen (2017). calc-alkaline or tholeiitic signatures, because both However, the dominance of I-type or S-type magmatism types of partial melting of mantle can occur under- is a function of the subduction rate and sediment fux. If neath large subduction–accretion complexes, such subduction rate is high and/or the sediment fux is low, the as fuid induced melting related to the subduct- magmatism becomes increasingly metaluminous, because ing plate and decompression melting of ascending the primary basalts are not rapidly cooled by melting asthenospheric mantle. metasediments, and diorite-tonalite series evolve by frac- 5. Te basalts quench in contact with the relatively tional crystallization. It becomes evident, that the I-S lines cool metagreywackes and homogeneous mixing of Chappell et al. (1988), Rossi et al. (2002) and Zurbriggen cannot occur due to viscosity contrast between (1996) for the Lachlan Fold Belt (Australia), the Pampean solidifying basalts and liquefying greywacke-melts. ranges (Argentina) and the Strona-Ceneri Zone (South- Terefore mainly heat is transferred from basalts to ern Alps), respectively, mark borders, where the amount greywackes in the “zone of intermingling” and due of transferred material at the Moho changes. If only heat to their higher density the mafcs tend to sink and transfers and no basaltic material, then a pure peralumi- remain at depth, while the peraluminous magmas nous magmatism develops. If basaltic material is trans- ascent to become orthogneisses. ferred as well, then a mixed metaluminous/peraluminous 6. Tereby, transpressive shear zones play an impor- or even e pure metaluminous magmatism develops. In the tant role for the emplacement mechanism causing evolution of a cratonizing subduction–accretion complex the sheet-like geometry of the orthogneisses. (SAC) a change in the angle or rate of subduction or a 7. Intermingling of basaltic magmas and greywacke change in the rate of sediment fux from the hinterland can melts create the protoliths of the banded amphibo- cause a shift from peraluminous towards a metaluminous lites. If they are sheared into the accretionary com- magmatism or vice versa, generating I-S lines. plex (similarly as the orthogneisses) banded amphi- Te circum-Gondwanan arrangement of subduc- bolites are generated. tion zones caused transpressive tectonics, which play 8. Te “zone of intermingling” is also a trap for diapirs a key role in the emplacement of magmas as indicated of serpentinized peridotite and cold subduction in Fig. 11. In fact, both, Linnemann et al. (2014) and mélanges. Te latter can carry eclogitic fragments. Schwartz et al. (2008) indicate transpressive tectonics for Terefore, banded amphibolites (mylonitized the Cadomian and Terra Australis Orogen, respectively. interminglings) are locally associated or linearly arranged with trails of (meta-)eclogitic and (meta-) 7 Conclusions ultramafc lenses. Tis explains the large litho- Following conclusions can be made: logical variety in banded amphibolite formations, which can be observed in all pre-Mesozoic gneiss 1. Te orthogneisses, paragneisses, migmatites and terranes of the Alps. amphibolites of the pre-Variscan basement units 9. Te banded amphibolites represent mafc com- in the Alps indicate a common history during the plexes containing the primary basaltic melts, which Cenerian orogeny in early Paleozoic times. initiated anatexis followed by felsic magmatism. 2. Te Ordovician orthogneisses represent peralu- But because the basalts mainly provide the heat for minous to strongly peraluminous metagranitoids, anatexis without a substancial material input, the which were generated mainly by anatexis of meta- magmatism is peraluminous to strongly peralumi- sediments with minor material input from the nous and mafc microgranular enclaves and mafc mantle. Tey can be grouped into subordinate endmembers are rare. Hbl-bearing orthogneisses (type 1), most abun- 10. Peraluminous magmatism is a global peri-Gond- dant homogeneous peraluminous orthogneisses wanan phenomenon in early Paleozoic times. It is and augen gneisses (type 2), and ferrosilicic inclu- caused by the extraordinary sediment fux (from 10 Page 22 of 24 R. Zurbriggen

eroding Pan-African belts) into a circum-Gond- Aranovich, L. Y., Makhluf, A. R., Manning, C. E., & Newton, R. C. (2014). Dehydra- tion melting and the relationship between granites and granulites. wanan subduction system. Tis resulted in the for- Precambrian Research, 253, 26–37. mation of subduction–accretion complexes, which Avigad, D., Morag, N., Abbo, A., & Gerdes, A. (2017). Detrital rutile U-Pb perspec- cratonized during peraluminous magmatism. tive on the origin of the great Cambro-Ordovician sandstone of North Gondwana and its linkage to orogeny. Gondwana Research, 51, 17–29. 11. Te dynamics in the mantle below subduction– Bächlin, R. (1937). Geologie und Petrographie des M. Tamaro-Gebietes accretion complexes are very fast. Tis is due to (südliches Tessin). Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische the (i) deliberation of fuids from the subducting Mitteilungen, 17, 1–79. Balintoni, I., & Balica, C. (2013). Carpathian peri-Gondwanan terranes in the East plate, (ii) ascending diapirs of serpentinized peri- Carpathians (Romania): A testimony of an Ordovician, North-African dotite and cold mélanges containing eclogites, (iii) orogeny. Gondwana Research, 23, 1053–1070. intensive partial melting of lithospheric and asthe- Balintoni, I., Balica, C., Ducea, M. N., & Hann, H.-P. (2014). Peri-Gondwanan ter- ranes in the Romanian Carpathians: A review of their spatial distribution, nospheric mantle providing large volumes of calc- origin, provenance, and evolution. Geoscience Frontiers, 5(3), 395–411. alkaline and tholeiitc basalts, respectively. Balintoni, I., Balica, C., & Hann, H. P. (2011). About a peri-Gondwanan—North 12. Tus, the dynamics in hot accretionary complexes African enlarged acceptance of the Caledonian orogeny. Studia UBB, Geologia, 56(1), 29–32. with peraluminous magmatism are rooted in the Ballèvre, M., Fourcade, S., Capdevila, R., Peucat, J.-J., Cocherie, A., & Fanning, dynamics of the mantle underneath. C. M. (2012). Geochronology and geochemistry of Ordovician felsic volcanism in the Southern Armorican Massif (Variscan belt, France): Implications for the breakup of Gondwana. Gondwana Research, 21, Acknowledgements 1019–1036. I thank Ivan Mercolli, Alfons Berger, Marco Herwegh, Jürg Meyer and Jürg Barker, F., Farmer, G. L., Ayuso, R. A., Plafker, G., & Lull, J. S. (1992). The 50 Ma Abrecht for important discussions and valuable hints for feld excursions and granodiorite of the Eastern Gulf of Alaska: melting in an accretionary outcrops in the Alps, and Mario Bühler and Dragana Paripovic for assistance prism in the forearc. Journal of Geophysical Research, 97(B5), 6757–6778. in the feld. I am grateful to the anonymous reviewers for their suggestions for Berger, A., Mercolli, I., Herwegh, M., & Gnos, E. (2016). Geological map of the improvement. Aar Massif, Tavetsch and Gotthard Nappes. 1:100’000, No. 129, Swiss Ivan passed away on November 26th 2019. Despite of his severe illness, Geological Survey. Ivan appreciated to discuss geology, and he was always a source of inspiration Boriani, A., Burlini, L., & Sacchi, R. (1990). The Cossato–Mergozzo–Brissago Line and motivation. We miss a great geologist and true friend. and the Pogallo Line (Southern Alps, Northern Italy) and their relation- ships with the late-Hercynian magmatic and metamorphic events. Authors’ contributions Tectonophysics, 182, 91–102. The author read and approved the fnal manuscript. Boriani, A., Giobbi Origoni, E., & Pinarelli, L. (1995). Paleozoic evolution of south- ern Alpine crust (northern Italy) as indicated by contrasting granitoid Authors’ information suites. Lithos, 35, 47–63. This manuscript provides new feld observations and a reinterpretation of Buletti, M. (1983). Zur Geochemie und Entstehungsgeschichte der Granat- existing geochemical data in the context of a new model for the Ordovician Amphibolite des Gambarognogebietes, Ticino, Südalpen. Schweizer- orogeny in the Alps. This new model was published by the same author in ische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 63, 233–247. 2015 and 2017 (see reference list). Bussien, D., Bussy, F., Magna, T., & Masson, H. (2011). Timing of Paleozoic magma- tism in the Maggia and Sambuco nappes and paleogeographic implica- Funding tions (Central Lepontine Alps). Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 104, 1–29. As stated in the waiver request and confrmed by the head of the institute Cagnioncle, A.-M., Parmentier, E. M., & Elkins-Tanton, L. T. (2007). Efect of solid there is no funding and sponsoring of my studies. fow above a subducting slab on water distribution and melting at con- vergent plate boundaries. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112(B09402), Availability of data and materials 1–19. https​://doi.org/10.1029/2007J​B0049​34. There is no unpublished data contained in the manuscript and all data is Casas, J. M., & Murphy, J. B. (2018). Unfolding the arc: The use of pre-orogenic carefully referred. constraints to assess the evolution of the Variscan belt in Western Europe. Tectonophysics, 736, 47–61. Ethics approval and consent to participate Castro, A., García-Casco, A., Fernández, C., Corretgé, L. G., Moreno-Ventas, I., Not applicable for this section. Gerya, T., et al. (2009). Ordovician ferrosilicic magmas: Experimental evidence for ultrahigh temperatures afecting a metagreywacke source. Consent for publication Gondwana Research, 16, 622–632. Not applicable. Chappell, B. W., & White, A. J. R. (1974). Two contrasting granite types. Pacifc Geology, 8, 173–174. Competing interests Chappell, B. W., & White, A. J. R. (1992). 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