148 GES 02|2019 1 2 Borisova K. Olga * Corresponding author:[email protected] Multicentennial In DOI-10.24057/2071-9388-2018-64 Sustainability, Vol.12, No2,p. 148-161 Tere-Khol During Siberia, Basin,Southern The Late Holocene. Geography, Environment, Period, pollenanalysis, south-eastern Tuva China. composition ofspeleothemsinSouth of the Asianwell monsoon, established by to the oxygen-isotope changes in the activity phasescorrespond towardsthe generaltendency wet alternating anddry aridization, production andthe concentrationofcosmogenicisotopes inGreenland ice. Against this background reconstructed correspond well from to 14C changes in solar activity Hemisphere, andthecentennial temperatureNorthern detected against fluctuations trenddetermined towards adecrease insolarradiationtemperate latitudesofthe in theAltai-Sayan region. The generalcoolingtrend corresponds to anastronomically largelyThe corresponds establishedclimate to variability otherclimate reconstructions 700–400years agoandmore humidclimate interval inthelast400years.a relatively dry from warming 400tobeen relatively 250years ago. coldwithashort includedThis period BP. BPto relatively fromvaried 1.1–0.7kyr cold1.35-1.1kyr warm The last700years have BPwasrelatively humid. 1.35-0.7kyr Against thisbackground,interval thetemperatures BP. BPandrelatively 2.6-2.05and1.7-1.35kyr warm 2.6 and2.05–1.7kyr timeThe next Against thisbackground, temperature 2.8– occurred: relatively fluctuations cold intervals BPwas relatively from on average. 2.8 andwarmer toof the studied interval, 1.35 kyr arid established, andchangesinheatmoisture occurred non-simultaneously. The firsthalf and covers thelast2800years. andcold-warm epochshasbeenThe ofdry-wet alternation of Lake Tere-Khol (southeastern Tuva). loams consistsofpeatoverlapping lake The section et al. 2004; Wanner etal. 2008; Marcott et interglacial 2003; Mayewsky andJones (Mann thepresent during Holocene variability decades have addressed the natural Many paleoclimatic studiesover thelasttwo INTRODUCTION Citation Key Abstract Lomonosov State Moscow University, Moscow, ofGeography,Institute RussianAcademy ofSciences, Moscow, Russia words The : Olga K. Borisova, Andrei Borisova, OlgaK. V. Panin (2019)Multicentennial ClimaticChangesIn The . Pollen analysis was carried out on an 80-cm sedimentary section ontheshore section sedimentary Pollen outonan80-cm analysiswascarried : Late Holocene, short-term climate Late changes, Holocene, LittleIceAge, short-term Medieval Warm Tere-Khol , During 1* , Andrei V. Panin The Basin 1,2 Climatic Late conditions untilthemiddle oftheHolocene, at thebeginning oftheHolocene, warm of pattern temperatures shows a rapid rise data from all around theworld. Overall, the proxy oflandand marine-based a variety airtemperature, using the meansurface al. 2013;andother). They reconstructed , Southern , Holocene Changes

0.7°C below theaverage of1961-90occurred and minimumtemperatures thatwere about 1990, occurred around 1000-900 years ago, before inthe20thcentury those observed et al. (2005),hightemperatures, similarto (2003)(Fig.Jones 1b, c).According to Moberg reconstructions, and includingthatby Mann thanmostprevious multi-proxy variability shows muchlarger multicentennial-scale thousand years by Moberg etal. (2005) Hemisphere temperatures for thepasttwo Thus, reconstruction of themean Northern in reconstructed temperature amplitude. ‘Little IceAge’, butsubstantialdifference such asthe ‘Medieval Warm Period’ and agreement onmajorclimaticepisodes, oscillations over theLate Holocenereveals multicentennial-scale temperature ofreconstructions Comparison Little IceAge, about200years ago. temperatures the oftheHoloceneduring BP),culminatinginthecoolest 5.0kyr (after through thesecondhalfofHolocene wasfollowedinterval by ~0.7°Ccooling BP)warm Holocene (11.3to 5.0calibrated kyr to this reconstruction, theEarly-Middle 2013 for thepast 11,300 years. According Hemisphere reconstructed by Marcott etal. anomalies record for theNorthern Figure 1ashows anexampleoftemperature and acoolingtrend over thelast5000years. Borisova, AndreiOlga K. V. Panin Fig. Hemisphere temperature 1.Northern reconstructions (a)Marcott etal. 2013;(b) Mann andJones 2003; (c)Moberg etal.Mann (2005). Temperature anomaliesina,bandc are to with respect the1961–90 average shown by dashedline Multicentennal earlier earlier ofeachinterglacial, middlepart the warm According to thisscheme, withinthe an interglacial, includingtheHolocene. changesduring scheme ofthehumidity outageneral (1960)worked Grichuk M.P. large. Basedonpalynologicalvery data, temperature, as the regional is variation more complicated problem than that of theHolocenerepresentduring aneven ofclimate changes ofthehumidity Estimating theglobalormacroregional changes. for improving predictions of future climate background knowledge provides necessary understanding ofclimate variability, and Holocene climate isessentialfor better continue infuture, reconstructingtheLate to islikely As thislarge naturalvariability oftheLateof theclimate Holocene. stability suggests significant adjustments to theidea about 400years ago. This reconstruction northern by Khotinski (1977). Eurasia by Khotinski northern largethe Holoceneinvarious regions of changes inheatandmoisture supplyduring corresponds ratherwell to thereconstructed optimum). Onthewhole, thispattern (theinterglacialto themaximumwarming corresponding distinguished, theirboundary thermohygrotic (more humid) phases can be thermoxerotic andthelater (drier), Climatic Changes In ...

149 GES 02|2019 150 GES 02|2019 kyr BP)hasbeen followedkyr by warming Holocene(12-11 climate of the Early arid the southwesternal. 2016).In Tuva, the et the region BP(Bezrukova about2.5kyr occurredby in anincrease inthearidity insolation. Further coolingaccompanied the Westerlies, and the decrease of summer summer Asian monsoon, strengthening of explain thesechangesby ofthe weakening et al. BP(Bezrukova 2016). kyr The authors 5.5 after ofclimate started continentality temperatures andanincrease inthe theEastSayan Mts.,In adecrease of Central . Altai-Sayan region andinadjacentareas of the Holocenehave beenobtainedin the landscape andclimate changesduring thepastdecades,Over detaileddataon al. 2004). et monsoon (Tarasov etal. 2000;Mayewski ofthe weakening Westerlies andtheAsian associated withthestrengthening/ the strength anticyclone), oftheSiberian in thedepthofIcelandicLow and Hemisphere (changes fields intheNorthern dynamics long-term of the main pressure location inthecontinent. They reflectthe changes in Eurasia due to theircentral for theanalysisof Holoceneclimatic (Altai, Sayan and Tuva) region are akey The mountainousareas Siberia ofsouthern regions theHolocene during andintheadjacent Siberia of Southern Climate changesinthemountain regions dramatically. moisture in the atmosphere altered for capacity regions andthecarrying winds in the monsoon of moisture-bearing inlow latitudes, asthedistribution aridity circulationof atmospheric and increasing bymainly characterized an intensification hemispheres withintheHolocenewere climate cooling inhighlatitudesofboth concluded thattheepisodesofrapid etal.the Holocene. (2004) Mayewski ofthehydrological variability during cycle regions indicate aconsiderableshort-term registered inpaleorecords from different monsoon activity, andregional humidity levels,The inlake large fluctuations GEOGRAPHY, ENVIRONMENT, SUSTA INABLTY humidity 700 to 450 yearshumidity ago. et al. Dirksen Late Holocene, with the onlyincrease in conditions persisted there theentire during its maximum approximately BP. 2.5 kyr Dry today. reached Asubsequent aridization intheregion washigher than et al. BP the (Bezrukova 2013), 5 to 4 kyr sediments lake data ontheKhall AccordingLake. toBaikal the palynological was reconstructed for thearea west ofthe different sequenceofclimate changes 2013; Sharova et al. 2015).Asomewhat etal.BP (Bezrukova 2014;Reshetova etal. and took place 6-7 kyr from more humidconditionsto more arid BP.kyr region, thetransition theBaikal In beginning atabout 4 ofrapidaridization forest occurred inthearea, andthe BP,kyr when a transition from steppe to increase of climate 10.0-10.5 in humidity and Rudaya etal. (2009)reconstructed an Mongolia, northwest Tarasov etal. (2000) proxy studiesoftheHoton-Nur basin in late Holocene. Thus, basedonthemulti- inthe Holocene andincreasing aridity the most humid conditions in the middle reconstructed for theHolocene, including and Tuva, similarclimaticchangeswere theregionsIn adjacentto theSayan one.modern than the climate wasbothcolderanddryer BPthe so thatatapp.and drying, 3.2kyr BP,climate 8.0-5.3 kyr followed by cooling Holocene, andhumid early warm and dry the Altai-Sayan mountainous region: cold the following mainclimaticphasesfor Tchebakova etal. (2009)distinguished 2007). Basedonthepalynological data, andIlyashuk 1.8 thousandyears (Ilyashuk BP, thelast phaseduring andcolddry BP,kyr cold and humid phase 5.9-1.8 kyr BP,12.1-8.5 kyr phase8.5-5.9 anddry warm phase theHolocene:coldanddry during in Tuva indicate four mainclimaticphases andGrushalakes sediments oftheAk-Khol of Chironomidae compositioninthe et al.2008).Analyses 2007;Blyakharchuk BP (Blyakharchuk pronounced 2.0 kyr after isregistered,increasing aridity especially steppe vegetation causedby coolingand replacement offorest formations by BP.until 5.5-5.0kyr Later, aprocess of and increasing humidity, whichpersisted 02 (12)2019 30 mabove sealevel, within thebelt 1300 depression liesatthe heightofabout Khol (50°37´N, 97°24´E). The bottom ofthe Tere- depressionintermountain ofthesamename Tere-Khol issituated inthe Lake Tuva (Fig. 2). shore ofthe Tere-Khol insoutheastern Lake andmire ofthelake sedimentsatthe section method. As aresearch we chosea object, microfossils, reliably dated by radiocarbon of high contents andgoodpreservation with astable accumulation regime, with rank is a detailed pollen analysis of sediments and climaticchangesofthemulticentennial A promising methodfor studyinglandscape Physiography and vegetation are stillscarce.territory oscillations inthelate Holocenefor this However, climatic thedataonshort-term spread ofsteppe vegetation. about thedeclineofforest andagreater BP.pronounced 2.0 kyr after They brought BP.kyr These processes becameespecially inthelast5.5-5.0 andaridity continentality way to acoolingalongwithincreasing Holocenegave amelioration oftheMiddle the Altai,Sayan, and Tuva Mts. theclimate considerably over thelarger area, butin time oftransitionto thethird phasediffers andthemosthumid.both thewarmest The Holoceneclimate was theMiddle humidity; bycharacterized low temperatures and the Holocene. Holocenewas The Early climatic phasescanbedistinguishedwithin adjacent region ofCentral Asia three main regions andinthe Siberia ofSouthern reconstructions, withinthemountain Therefore, of according to themajority 2007). BP–present etal. (Dirksen BP and1.5kyr werekyr identified: 3.6-2.8 intervals dry BP.7.6 kyr Within thelatter, relatively two BP,kyr andalater more humidphaseafter one 11.7-7.6 early main phases,two a dryer Yenisei floodplain. River distinguished They depression andonthe in theMinusinsk lakes pollen dataonthesedimentsoftwo theHoloceneusing of climate during (2007) reconstructed changes in humidity Borisova, AndreiOlga K. V. Panin Study area

Multicentennal term changesintemperatureterm andhumidity. mountain steppe communities reflect short- of subalpineand of speciescharacteristic depression. Changesinparticipation Khol vegetationto themodern in Tere- predominance ofmountain taigasimilar indicate composition ofthepollenspectra andPanin, 2008). BP (Bolikhovskaya The accumulated sinceapproximately 6kyr 120 cm of the Tere-Khol sediments Lake a pilotpalynological studyoftheupper performed N.S.Bolikhovskaya the lake. by a greaterwas marked water supply to entire Holocene. Overall, the20thcentury of climate forto the maximum aridity the from 2000to 100years ago, corresponding oflow water level,intervals includingtheone ofhighwater level andthreethree intervals sediments, distinguished data onlake they the Holocene. Basedonthemulti-proxy the development ofthe Tere-Khol in Lake Panin of etal. (2012)studiedthehistory meadows occur. with areas of subalpine shrubs and alpine 1975). Above thisbeltthemountaintundra 2200-2300 mabove sealevel (Koropachinski of thedepression, issituated ataltitudesof on theSangilen ridge, lyingto thesouth forests pine-larch limit ofthebeltSiberian 1950). developed (Sobolevskaya The upper speciescompositionofforbswith rich are of the depression, steppe communities patches ofthebottom and onwell-drained slopes ofthesteep southern lower parts ofPinus sibirica the with theparticipation . In depression are occupiedwithlarch forests the mountainssurrounding the Tere-Khol shorethe southern ofthelake. The slopes of rivers andstreams. forests Spruce-larch cover layers, as well as meadows, stretch along sibirica shrub andgrass withwell-developed spp.).(mainly ofSalix Larch forests ofLarix sedge andgrass swampsandshrubthickets from itispaludifiedandcovered by reed, around andalongtheriversflowing thelake low snowiness ofwinters. Part ofthebasin annual temperature and of-6°С,severity of the Tere-Khol basindueto the average permafrost. Permafrost existsinthebottom of the zones, boundary near the southern theforestthe transitionbetween andsteppe forests. The Tere-Khol depression islocated at of mountainlarch andlarch-Siberian pine Climatic Changes In ...

151 GES 02|2019 152 GES 02|2019 GEOGRAPHY, cm sediments are frozen. permanently sandysilt.Below thedepthof80 lacustrine depositsareof peatis49 cm. Underlying flood. a spring ice during lake Total thickness weredebris probably brought to the site by schist 6x3x0.3 cm at the depth of 32 cm. The a singleinterlayer containingfragments of without visiblemineraladmixture, except for and entire shellsofterrestrial Gastropods sedge peatwithabundant fragmented dark-brown highlydecomposedgrass and PB-208includes section theupperpart, In above itswater level (Fig. 2). bankofLake the southern Tere-Khol 1.5 m (50.61032N, 97.40346E)located 50mfrom changes, PB-208 we section selected To studytheLate Holoceneenvironmental Study site reconstructions ofthe Late Holocene. cannot provide areliable archive for detailed mixing. That iswhy sediments thelacustrine inthepastthatcouldcausesediment cycles to repeatedbeen subject freeze/thaw deposits may of havelacustrine upper part the mostsevere winters. Therefore, the conditions for itsfreezing to bottom during 0.6 mand2.0respectively) provides (average andmaximumwater depthare Unfortunately, theshallowness ofthelake ENVIRONMENT, Fig. 2.Location mapofLake Tere-Khol PB-208 andsection SUSTA INABLTY 2017) and IntCal13 atmospheric curve curve atmospheric 2017) and IntCal13 calibrated using OxCal v 4.3.2 (Bronk Ramsey, (indexLU).laboratory The dates have been provided by theSaint-Petersburg University base ofpeatlayer, one scintillationdate was Geography RAS(labindexIGANAMS). At the silts were produced of intheInstitute from lacustrine date (TOC) ontotal carbon (AMS) dates on macrofossils and one AMS 1). Three accelerated mass-spectrometry method(Table established by radiocarbon was Geochronology ofthesection as well aspercentages ofspores. based uponthetotal terrestrial pollensum, (NAP), andthoseofaquaticplantswere based uponthenon-arboreal pollensum percentages plants were of herbaceous of forest andshrub communities. Pollen it easierto tracechangesinthecomposition upon the arboreal pollen sum (AP) to make of trees and shrubs were calculated based was counted. Relative frequencies ofpollen of 400pollengrains andspores persample (cadmium iodine)separation.Aminimum (1940): theprocessing liquid includedheavy technique ofGrichuk the pollenextraction for pollenanalysisand processed using wereeach, at2to 3cmintervals, subsampled 26 samples from PB-208, 1 cm thick section METHODS 02 (12)2019 *counting from AD1950 PB-208 (Table 1) permitted to construct the to 1)permitted PB-208 (Table construct dates from ofradiocarbon The series section (Bronk Ramsey, 2017). calculated andvisualized inOxCal v4.3.2 modelwas etal.(Reimer 2013).Age-depth Borisova, AndreiOlga K. V. Panin RESULTS Depth, cm Depth, 48-49 57.5 38.5 25.5 9.5 Table dates 1.Radiocarbon andcalibrated agesfor section thePB-208 Dated material macrofossils macrofossils macrofossils gyttja (TOC) plant plant plant peat Fig. modelfor section the PB-208 3.Age-depth 1680±100 1950±20 1160±20 670±20 14 40±20 C age Cal BP*±1σ 1595±120 Multicentennal 1900±25 1085±55 of sedimentationat2.8thousandyears. provides theestimationoftotal duration rate to (80cm) thebottom ofthe section ofthis cm per1000years). Extrapolation at aratherconstantrate of0.27mm/yr(26.7 sandyloamoccurred 10 cmandunderlying the accumulationof peat below thedepth of model (Fig. 3), age-depth which shows that 625±40 75±60 Cal BC/AD, yr AD 355±120 AD 1325±40 AD 1875±60 AD 865±55 AD 50±25 Climatic IGANAMS-5173 IGANAMS-5172 IGANAMS-5171 IGANAMS-5170 Changes Lu-6052 Lab. No. In ...

153 GES 02|2019 154 GES 02|2019 et al. 1977).Pollen ofAbiessibirica occur (Sokolov to thenorth site isabout 100km rangeclosestto the ofitsmodern the part does notgrow inthe Tere-Khol depression; and Among arboreal pollen(AP), Pinus sibirica 4). identified sixlocalpollen zones (LP PB-208,we insection of thepollenspectra Based onthechangesincomposition GEOGRAPHY, exaggeration ofbasecurves. Analyses by O. Borisova. 1–siltand sandysiltdeposits, P. sylvestris pollen dominate. The latter Fig. percentage PB-208 pollendiagram. 4.Section represent Clear curves x5 ENVIRONMENT, SUSTA INABLTY 2 –grass andsedge peat Z) (Fig. forests. larchwhere andmixed itparticipate taiga of (5-7% ofAP)andare adequate to therole contents of spruceare relatively stable in Tuva issimilarto pine. that of Scots Pollen present geographicalsequence. range Its in minorquantitiesthroughout theentire Picea obovata inthelocalvegetation, 02 (12)2019 etc.), algae(Pediastrum andBotryococcus), Potamogeton, Utricularia, Nymphaea, (Lemna,shallow lakes Myriophyllum, flowing of stagnant and weakly typical The presence ofpollenaquaticplants the steppe communitiesincreased. of more plants in mesophilous herbaceous relatively humidphases, theparticipation the depression thanatpresent. the During of meadow- occupiedlarger part phases, drier meadowsthat during and great of NAP species indicates variety communities on south-facing slopes. A indicate thatthere were mountain steppe (Ephedra, Eurotia ceratoides, Polygala, etc.) Presence xerophytes ofpollentypical . contents ofChenopodiaceaeandArtemisia Among NAP, Lake. Khol there are quite high widely spread on the shores of the Tere- belong to reed (Phragmites communis), still lower, might ofthesection sandyclay part ofthegrass polleninthe considerable part shapesuggeststhata of thecharacteristic (20-30% of NAP). The presence of phytoliths margin. Poaceae pollenisalsoabundant groundwaterlogged alongthewater by speciesofsedgesgrowing onthe family, which is probably locally produced 40-60%), 60-75%belongto Cyperaceae of thenon-arboreal pollen(NAP)(upto thelayers withthehighestabundance In caused by relative orcooling. warming ofthevegetation belts altitudinal shifts of trees andshrubs, allow tracingthe spp., etc.), or more species thermophilous Fruticosae,sect. Alnaster fruticosus, Juniperus with pollen of microthermal shrubs (Betula Betula forming species(Larix, Pinus sibirica, Picea, the abundanceofpollenmainforest- vegetationmodern inthisarea. Changesin predominance ofmountaintaigasimilarto spores a throughoutreflects thesection general, thecompositionofpollenand In on theslopesof Tere-Khol depression. although PB-208 is only 5% of AP,sample of section The content ofLarix polleninthesurface percentages of probably themaincauseofrelatively low in the deterioration sediments is Low resistance oflarch pollento Borisova, AndreiOlga K. V. Panin Albae,sect. etc.), incombination L. sibirica dominates intheforests in pollen spectra. Larix in pollen spectra. Multicentennal LP the section. conditions compare of to thelower part these changes are indicative ofthecolder stony patches inhighmountains. Overall, pineand larchSiberian woodlands andon and oftheregioncharacteristic (J. sibirica constantly present. speciesofjuniper, Both thepollenofJuniperusis of thesection, of theregion, alsoincreases. this part In forms theuppertreeline inthemountains pollen content ofPinus sibirica, which the amount of larch pollen increases. The forest beltintheregion, decreases, while ofthe ofthelowercharacteristic part 4-6), thepollenpercentage oftree birch, (LP ofthesection theupperpart In PB-208. ofsection occur inthelower part grows inthesubalpineandalpinebelts, Nanae,yet anothershrubwhich B. sect. Sangilen mountains. pollengrains Rare of to thesite from thesubalpinebeltof microthermal shrubs could betransported Alnaster fruticosus, occurred. Pollen ofthese FruticosaeBetula sect. and, more seldom, of themires, andintheforest undergrowth, at present. Along the rivers, on the margins forest compositionwasthengreater than time. The role oftree birch inthetaiga of themountainforest belt,asatthepresent forests. pinegrew Siberian intheupperpart inthese soil,fertile spruceparticipated its bottom. Onthesufficientlyhumidand of depression, butalsoaconsiderablepart then not only the slopes of the Tere-Khol suggests thatlarch forests occupied The compositionofAPinLP BP theaccumulationofpeathasbegun. formation ofthemire, where about1.7kyr andthe ofthelake of themarginal part process ofshallowing andovergrowing of hydro- andhygrophytes reflect the Changes inthecompositionofpollen inland at thesite. farther time extended whichatthat ofthelake, the coastalpart accumulation ofsedimentstook placein other) inLP Sparganium, Polygonum amphibiumand hygrophytesand various (Typha latifolia, PB-4 is characterized byZ PB-4 is characterized the largest J. pseudosabina),grow insubalpine Z PB-1-3indicates thatthe Climatic Changes Z PB1-3 Z PB- In ...

155 GES 02|2019 156 GES 02|2019 increased. Within LP also Caryophyllaceae, andRanunculaceae Chenopodiaceae, Asteraceae, Apiaceae, the entire sequence. of The proportion reached their highest abundances for andPoaceae the pollenofArtemisia decreased (to 15%от sharply NAP),and ofCyperaceae pollen 5, theproportion At thetransitionfrom LP occurred atthesite. and Nuphar, also such asNymphaea aquaticplants,Relatively thermophilous arboreal species(Alnus andFrangula). by thepresence ofpollenmesophilous offorbs,of NAP)anddiversity aswell as increase ofCyperaceae pollen(upto 80% content of Pinus sylvestris pollen,the GEOGRAPHY, pollen in РВ-1-3. Proportion ofArtemisia offorbsdiversity here islower thaninLP other families occur inthislayer, but the Apiaceae, Cichoriaceae, Rosaceae, and plants ofCaryophyllaceae, Asteraceae, Pollen ofmeadow andsteppe herbaceous decrease sharply.percentages ofArtemisia almost to thelevel ofLP Cyperaceae again pollencontents rise the entire sequence(up to 50% of AP). ofPinusproportion sibirica pollen for increased, assuggested by thehighest pineinthelarchSiberian communities and ofAbies,of thezone, Picea pollencurves , theupperpart total terrestrial pollen.In for theentire sequence–80%ofthe ofAPreaches itsmaximum proportion pollen grain ofTilia, were registered. The ), aswell asasingle andRibes Sambucus grains of relatively shrubs thermophile ofLP thelower part In mountain steppe communitiesatthesite. conditions andincreasing role ofthe andcold indicate dry in pollenspectra are found inthislayer. These changes andEquisetum spores plantago-aquatica ground onlypollenofSparganium, Alisma plants growing peaty on the waterlogged content atthemire decreased, asofthe registered here again.Probably, thewater Betula decline, whilepollenof Larch pollencurve Bupleurum, andPleurospermum) occur. steppe xerophytes (Eurotia ceratoides, sect. Albaedecline. Betula sect. The role of sect. sect. Nanae and ENVIRONMENT, PB-5, pollen of typical Z PB-5,pollenoftypical Alnaster fruticosus is Z PB-6,rare pollen Z PB-4to PB- Z PB-4,while SUSTA INABLTY Z intervals. intervals. and The most pronounced dry differences and cold warm between phases decreasedof warm with increasing relatively moist conditions. The duration corresponded to partly cooler intervals mentionedabove altered: the and drying correspondence ofthephasescooling Holocene. thisperiod, the During oftheLate thepreviousduring part conditions were generallycolderthan (1350 yrBP–present), the reconstructed (LP ofthesection upper part At the time of peat accumulation in the BP). 2.6 kyr ofthesequence(LP part earliest cold conditionsare reconstructed for the theseintervals. and during The mostdry an increaseofclimate inthecontinentality were atthesametimecolder, whichmeans phasesseveral hundreddrier years long ones. conditionsthanmodern arid The (up to about 1350 yr BP) occurred in more ofthesection deposits inthelower part of theLate Holocene. The formation of climate general background ofcoldanddry years each,whichoccurred againstthe lastingseveral hundredwarmings/coolings of wetter phasesandrelative anddrier PB-208,reflectthealternation on section reconstructed from thepalynological data over thelast2.8thousandyears, depression andsurrounding mountains Changes invegetation inthe Tere-Khol pollen spectra. inthecompositionof climatic variations reflection oflow-amplitude andshort-term the surrounding area leadto adistinct associated withthemountainrelief of exposure differences in vegetation combination withaltitudinalbeltsand positionofthesite in The boundary found. Lycopodium clavatum and spores ofEquisetum andclubmossspecies, and the moistground, pollenofSparganium also registered there. plantsgrowing Of on grains ofChenopodiaceaeandEphedra are LP DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Z РВ-6 is up to 5% of NAP; rare pollen , aswell as Alisma plantago-aquatica L. annotinum, are 02 (12)2019 Z PB-1,2.8- Z PB-4-6) Tuva. Agatova et al.two (2012) identified the ones reconstructed inthis studyfor SE BP.0.2 kyr phases are similar to These dry BPand0.7- 2.2-1.5kyr intervals, dry two inthe Mire West Sayan Mts, reconstructed on thepalynological data ontheLugovoe (2013),based andChernova Blyakharchuk BP.this minimumbeganabout 0.85-0.8 kyr however, a general coolingtrend thatledto are alsoreconstructed BP; for 0.55-0.2kyr BP.1.4 and1.3kyr Lower Julytemperatures ofcoolingoccurred between period short Altai Mts)(Rudaya etal. 2016) show thata on the Lake Teletskoye pollen record (NE ago. The climate reconstructions based 700years after accompanied by drying BPandthecooling phase 1.7to 1.3kyr et al.(Blyakharchuk 2004)indicate an arid situated inthecentralAltai Lake Kol Thus, palynological dataontheUzun- commonfeatures.region shows certain Late HoloceneintheAltai-Sayan-Tuva other reconstructions obtained for the depression (SE Tuva mountains)with reconstructed for the Tere-Khol oscillations oftheshort-term Comparison of theLate Holocene(seeFig. 4). climate long, ofthecolddry inthecontext phases, that were several hundred years phases, aswell asrelatively andcold warm of reflect thealternation wetter and drier palynological data from PB-208, section thousand years, reconstructed from the surrounding mountainsover thelast2.8 in the Tere-Khol depression andin Thus, changesinthe vegetation cover ofclimate.slightly higherhumidity 700-400 years and agoby lessseasonality climate differs from thecryoxerotic phase inLP spectra aridization. The compositionofthepollen it wasnotaccompaniedby noticeable there cooling, has been a new although shrubs andforbs. thelast250years, In by thepresence ofpollenmesophilous the largest content ofPinus sylvestris pollen, phasesisemphasized thewarm by during lessening oftheclimate continentality 700 yrBPandfrom 400to250 yrBP. The andhumidphases: fromwarm 1100to PB-5). separated relatively two This interval cold phasewasfrom 700to 400yrBP(LP Borisova, AndreiOlga K. V. Panin PB-6 shows that the modern Z PB-6shows thatthemodern Z Multicentennal to Earth’s and to solar variations orbital that changes in insolation related both with climate forcing suggests time series of paleoclimateComparison records manifestation, butlesspronounced. in theirdirection, durationandtimeof 208, are above similarto thosedescribed from PB- palynological dataonsection Warm/cold fluctuations, reconstructed called often events”“Bond (Fig. 5d). numbers indicate coolertimeintervals, icebergs. IRD drifting by Higher southerly (IRD) wereAtlantic deposited in the North (2001) demonstrated debris that ice rafted (Fig.changes insolaractivity etal. 5c).Bond werefluctuations mainly due to the it can be assumed that the temperature etal. 2008), isotopesand 10Be (Wanner reconstructed from thecontents of 14C of solar radiation changes in the intensity and of thepaleotemperature curves Age” (Fig. 5a).Basedonthesimilarity around the AD1600,during “Little Ice Period”, andthegreatest coolingoccurred theso-called 1100, during “Medieval Warm years wasreached AD1000and between temperature for thousand the past two by Moberg etal. (2005),thehighest Hemisphere meantemperature variations According to theestimationsofNorthern and theirprobable drivers. climate changes reflect boththeshort-term which (2005) andwiththeproxy-data, Hemisphere by Moberg etal. Northern the temperature reconstructionfor the scale to with facilitate theircomparison are inFigure depicted 5onthetime- PB-208 palynological dataonsection reconstructed fromof humidity the andoscillations The warmings/coolings permafrost aggradation. thus indicatingtheLate Holocenestageof etal. BP(Blyakharchuk 2004), to 2.25kyr Chuya Depression in central Altaiis dated The beginning ofpingoformation inthe was thegreatest inthelastmillennium. minimum inthemiddleof19thcentury BP.kyr They pointed outthatthethermal BP and 0.7-0.15 SE Altai Mts: 2.3-1.7 kyr main stagesoftheglaciers’ advanceinthe Climatic Changes In ...

157 GES 02|2019 158 GES 02|2019 in phase with the ice-rafting events inthe in phasewiththeice-rafting occurred fall in the Asian monsoon activity severe separate episodes of a particularly monsoon strength BP, from 7.0to 0.5kyr from the decreaseshow ofthe that,apart timeresolutiona high(upto one-year) etal. 2005) with China(Wang southern of stalagmite from cave theDongge in composition ofoxygen inthecalcite Data onchangesintheisotope the rapidclimate changes. forcingbe themostlikely mechanismfor etal.et al. 2004)seemsto 2001;Mayewski changesininsolation(Bond on long-term insolaroutput)superimposed (fluctuations etal. variability 2004).Solar (Mayewski scale changesinclimate oftheHolocene played a central rolevariability in the global GEOGRAPHY, paleodata. a. Multi-proxy reconstruction of Northern Hemispherepaleodata. a.Multi-proxy meantemperature reconstruction ofNorthern variations AD1–1979withits>80-yr component AD133–1925,andtheinstrumental 14 from palynological data on section PB-208; c. Reconstructions of the solar activity ofthesolaractivity c.from Reconstructions PB-208; palynological data onsection debris in North Atlantic etal. (Bond debris inNorth 2001); e. Oxygen isotope record from Dongge (in relative units)basedon record (Moberg etal. 2005);b. Fluctuations intemperature inferred andhumidity C production rateC production (Wanner etal. 2008);d. Changes oftheice inthe quantity rafted Fig. climatic oscillations 5.Short-term in thelate Holocene indicated by different ENVIRONMENT, Cave speleotheminsouthern China (Wang etal. 2005) SUSTA INABLTY 10 Be concentrationsBe measured intheGRIPice core and Basic Research Project 19-05-00863. 0005 andto theRussianFoundation for Research Program, State Task 0148-2019- Academy Fundamental ofSciences This to studycontributes theRussian strengthening/weakening. well tofairly thephasesofAsian monsoon intheLate Holocene,Siberia correspond in themountainousregions ofsouthern general background ofclimate aridization which manifested themselves againstthe inferred from thePB-208pollenrecord, al. 2008). phases The relatively humid/dry et al. 2005; Atlantic (Wang WannerNorth et ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 02 (12)2019

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