Filosofia e saperi – 10 Sconfinamenti tra i saperi umanistici e le scienze della vita Crossing borders between the humanities and the life sciences Collana dell’Istituto per la storia del pensiero filosofico e scientifico moderno (ISPF) del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Book series of the Institute for the History of Philosophy and Science in Modern Age, National Research Council, Italy Diretta da / Editors Silvia Caianiello, ISPF, CNR, Italy Maria Conforti, University of Rome La Sapienza Manuela Sanna, ISPF, CNR, Italy The book series “Filosofia e saperi”, active from 2009, has renewed in 2016 its scientific mission, adding the subtitle “Sconfinamenti tra i saperi umanistici e le scienze della vita / Crossing borders between the humanities and the life sciences”, enlarging its Scientific Committee and accepting texts also in English and in the other major European lan- guages. Its scope is to promote research committed to a dynamical representation of the relationship between human sciences and life sciences and practices, and to stimulate new theoretical perspectives capable of supporting the communication and interaction between different disciplinary fields and thought styles. The research fields addressed by the book series are: • history and philosophy of the life sciences • bioethics • history of scientific concepts and metaphors • public understanding of life sciences • social and political history of life sciences • history of scientific collections and useumsm • art and life sciences iconography • scientific practices and sites of knowledge production in life sciences Contact for submissions:
[email protected] Copyright © MMXVIII CNR Edizioni
[email protected] P.le Aldo Moro 7 00185 Roma ISBN 978 88 8080 236 5 I diritti di traduzione, di memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzione e di adattamento anche parziale, con qualsiasi mezzo, sono riservati per tutti i paesi Non sono assolutamente consentite fotocopie senza permesso scritto dell’Editore I edizione: novembre 2018 Stampa Arti Grafiche Bruno - T.