On the Inside Th.Weath.r Bed Sox Gain on Yanka RaiD aDd cooler today. Occ:adonal ... POQ8 2 Mowers aDd ~l.. lomorrow. Hllih Mc:n Wins Noodle PrIze temperature today 6G-10. low. 54. High ... Paq. 5 owan yesterday, 76: low. 40. lt1dnapped Child SerJo 1868 - AP Leaaed WIre. AP Wueph;,to. UP Lecmed Wire - Five Cent. Iowa City. Iowa. Sunday. Sept. II. 1949 - Vol. 83. No. 240 Supreme' Court Justice Wiley Ru'tledge, Former SUI Dean Of Law, Dies At 55 (oOon Belt Non-Political, Liberal Jurist Trains Oul .Named 10 High (ourl by FDR y RK. ~tE. - 'upreme 'our! .Tu, ticl' Wil y Blunt Rut­ ledgl', 55, former dean of tb .' T law collrgl', di d I rlly ft. r After Tie~Up 7 p·m. JIl - night artt'r two,,' kg in a b ' pilalurr~ring from a h ST. LOUI. lUI - The Cotton art condition. Belt railroad, which with a big 011 Justic Rutlt'dge lIau i>el'n "8eali ning at nl'arby gunquit. refinery had been paralyzed by wh n trick n with a e rebral hemorrag . the Mlssourl·Pllcitlc slrlke, an­ The jl1ri'lt had br('n in {\ coma ---=------­ nounced last night that its pickel milch of the tim ... sinf'e Rf'f'lL 2 Ington university In St LouIs halled trains have begun to roll. His doctor had Issutvl a "',,ll'm-n where he becam dean four year A raliroad spollesman said as­ late yesterdllY whit'h indc ted tater. surllnces from unton leaders had that death was Vf'rv elo. e. lie moved to 10_ It In cnt crew! aboard their strike­ RuUedre'. ""ath es",,, If' ~ 1935 as dean and t~w prDle r bound trains and that crews were tban two month_ after tbat of at Uf. There he remained until beginning to stralghlen ouL trat­ another R~ev .. 11 a ",",10 Lee 10 Pneldent Roosevelt appoh)~d ne snarled 0 v era day by the the hllh !rlbullal. Jwrtlre Frank RuUedn to Ihe ourt of ap- , trike. Murpb7 died of a heart allJnent puh tn 10S8. The C';llton Belt runs its trains In Detroit, ,lull' II. Mr, Roosevelt. on Jan. 11 , 194;1, CIO Officials Read Fad Finders Report lver the Mi,: ouri-Pacl!ic system. Rutledll:e. Presld nt ROQsevelt' ~ tinally nom1nnteci him to fill thp Mi tsouri-PaciCic strikers picket only supreme court BDpo1ntee who supreme court vacancy I fl by elO UNITED STEELWOFKERS' PRESIDENT. Philip Murray, read" In P Usburgh, Pa., lor Lhe fir II t lines had h~ld Colton Belt trllin had no pollllcal .backJ!T ~und, was .Jllmcs F. Byrne! ' resiRnatlon. HI.' lime, summary of tbe fact finders report sent to President Truman ycsterdil-)" I '~lel1'l\l:' st IrlL I ~ Walt"r a. crews away from work. one of the court's most outspokpn W8ll confirmed by the nail' Jo·eb . \\tU\.b~T. \w,ad or U\~ e[o united auto workers. with David McDonald. II teelworker lIecretarJ-Creasurer, defenders 01 civil Uberties. 8 and took hIs seat n week latl'r aL center. :Murray would not comment on tbe recommendations. Nine 1I0urs 01 neroUatloM be­ The •••U"n he • ed to put The Rutledees had thr chil- tween railroad ollieials and &0 hIs law ,tuden" at J b~ · dren, Mary Lou. J an Ann and lead~rs of Ute four unloM Ilrlk­ came bls pJde lor Jud ..llI •• u - Neal The ju tlce was fond of Intr alaln t the MlfIIOurl-Paelf­ preme eoarl cue~: "Of what sports, particularly trout flsh l n~ . Ie resulted In urance. to Cot. nod I, the law If It dGel! not HI~ vacali:m. \lsua:!y with th In­ Steelw9rker Pay-Raise Vetoed; ten Belt crewmen that the7 Rrve bumall IIted.,,, mill'. most often was spent In mlaht uke train out Ev~n when hIs views were un- the mounUlns 01 Colorado or th l! Shortly aftcr 10 p.m. (Jowa Supreme Court Justice Wiley B, Rutledge popular with current public opln- woods of MalOe. President Asks for Extension time), a company official said that Former Dean of SUI Law School Ion. he did not hesltllte to speak * * * 'I locomotive had been coupled to out. one stranded freight traIn. It lelL He protested that the court was As . t S Boa rd Recommends spokesmen withheld consent on Easl St. LouIs at 10:20 p.m. (lowlI reviving the anli-I,')or-lnJun tlcm socIa es ay •.• the board's proposals and the U.s. Industrial O~tput tim). An 11 :30 p.m. passenger laws when the majority upheld 1he WASHINGTON IU'I - The dt'1lh President's appeaL But all indica­ train will leave on schedule, he u~s.,. Britain, Canada 10 Tap con temot convle len of John L. f S C t J t· Wil Lewl 1n 1946 0 upreme our us Ice cy Insurance, Pension tions were that they would agree said. s ..r am not ,.'ad leal In an), lense Blout Rutledge Ilt the height d to the extension, probably on Mon­ Swells After Decline Three more were scheduled to WASHINGTON fI~ - President day. of the word." autledre once saId his Judiclnl career last n i l\ ~t WASHINGTON (IP') - Tbe na­ leave by midnight. before he JoIned the bench. ''But brought words of sorrow Crom Truman appealed ~' r an ll-day Priyale~ · Public Capilal for Aid 11I ~ Mr. Truman said he asked for lion's industrial output is swell­ R. E. DavldflOn, IlpOkelman I eannot remaln blind &0 t.he Ills court colleagues. extension of tm steel slrike truce more time "in the public interest" ing upward again after 10 months yesterday aIter his fael - finding lor the en.-lneeR, trainmen. rlre WA!)lHNO']'O' (A P) 'rill' lillitl'c/ t1tlltl'~, Britllin and of the preRnt. U tem Ind I am JusUee Hugo 1.. Black said the because the fact - lindlng report steady decline. th 'President's eco­ men and aonduetors who walked ('Slllldll IUll1oflncl'd .\"I'-.trr(\lI), tllt·y wonl" try til lap Wall trrl't Interested In _I... them re- court had suffered "two !! r e Ii t board had vetoed he CIO steel­ must be studied and all concerned nomic advisers reported yesterday. workers' demand for a fourth­ o'f the Job at the Mlllllouri-Pa­ and two big j(ovrrnnH'nt bllllks for some of thl' t!olllll'K Britain meclled .. 'ar .. _Jble." losses" in the d lithe of J~sll cc given a chance to try agaln [or a They said August production ..lie Jesterda, tal ~ e·u, Lab r c.~es found him nearly RuUedge and late Justice }o rnnk ~ ~e-\)(t..,st. .eltlemQnt. He ordered the gov­ jumped seven points above the IIPcd" to brl'ak it· cOllouli(' 'ri ill. With 500,000 steelworker(l Wall .... rerrett.ble mlsunder- always on labor's side _ but work- Murphy who died Juty 19. ernment's mediat., n facUities preceding month to notch the first All tall·d offi('iully, th . thrre ~1)\ ·I· rnlflf'nts agn'('c\ to ('('k ,. " poised ror a s trl~ e at 10:01 a.m. standln•. " He said the Cotton Ing for the working man rather "Mr. Justice RuUedg was nnt made available to the disputants. 1I10\'al ()f obl>ta'l Ii to fOI·(·ign inyC'~tml'l1t /)f "pI'ivat!' ('apital, " (Iowa Hme) Wednerday. Mr. gain since October, 1948. when the Belt trains woutd be aHowed to than the union. Early In his car- only 8 greot judge, but a good and peak mark was reached and the Truman fired off telegrams to "I urn aU parties In the tro throll(h. Hilt! to ('ncollI'agr 10811 reqlll's!- to I --- eer on the high court, he voted greet man," Blaek aai d. . CIO President Philip Murray and steet Industry labor dispute to long slump began. the World bank and till' I .•. Ex" pokcsman, Is reported already to lIealnst the NLRB and for an em- Justice Robert II. Jackson t ald The economic council did not Meanwhile, the Texas and Pa­ tbe steel ('ompany heads asking cooperate with this reQues~," dtic announced at Dallas it was tIt b k have assured that his governmen pi oyer he thought had tried tJ that Rutledge, "a most consci n­ that the dradline be pushed back Mr. Truman said in telerr~ms a ttempt any forecast of the Iuture. por - ~por an. . . I hopes to cu t its national costs ma- deal honesUy with his emPloyes. lious and sincere public servRnt but Jts findlngs followed on the temporarily tUspendLng operation Aclton along boLh Itnes, If sue- t rlaJly, including reductions in at least to Sept. 25. to Murray and eompany oW­ of six passeng r trains which It although by-passing a union com- . . .overtaxed his slrf'ngth con­ heels of the census bureau's re­ cess fully carried through by the It s budj(l!t; meanwhile taking mittee. Ltantly through devotion to h is The steel un i on already had cia Is. He directed Federal Me ~ operates over MitSouri-Psclfic tystponed from July 16 to Sept. dlatlon Dlrec&or Cyrus S. Chin .. port that employment spurted to three government~ , would have steps to channel goods into dollar In Februu7) 1943. when Pres- work." Jackson added. the highest point of the year in tracks to Texarkana, Tex. These the effect of pumpmg une5tim8ted carning American markets. Ident. 1l000Ievdt filled In the "The death of Justice Rutird!( 14 the deadline for the walkout, "&0 make available to the part­ included the Texas Eagle which tes every facility at bls di.posal August while the number of job­ millions 01 do\lars into EI"\gland T Q t d I commlnllon blank ror hi elrhth tills me with deep sorrow," Jus­ should make wh ich it called to enforce de- will be dl$contlnued ellst of Dal­ ra ury ..,ecr~ aty n7 er I to ' assl8t them In reacbln&" less feU 406.000 below July's record and other parts of the emp ireo undeniood to bave Indlclted to and 1.. & appointment &0 the IIU- lice Harold H. Burton said. " III' as plenti. las. Fortunate· al'reement," total. The announcement, made b7 tbe British a ravorable oAmerl - preme eoart.. he wrote alter Rut- was II lovable personality, II con­ These two developments were Eflects 0' I h e ,.,.llIout of Secretary of the Treasurr Jolm can attitude towlrd (1) Brlt- letllfe'l name: "from Jowa." sclenliouc scholar and a justice Comm issiooer Ifhe board report dealt a severe 5.000 key operatinr penonnel Report in Brief to seized by government experts :1S Snrder after yesterdaY's RIIlon Wn's plea. for &"Teater freed!>m While a staunch believer in with the hl&,hest ideals." of t.!le sta'e blow the drive tor a fourth were spreadlnr io eGmmunltl. post-war general wage increase be­ lndicating that the downward sOi­ of tbe Lh.ree-)JOwer finanolal In spendtnr Its Mar ball plan most new deal policies, Rutledge * * hy~iene is WASHINGTON (IP) - These and Industries on the MIs!!OuJ't· * ing pushed by unions representing ral in the naUon's economy had talks here. COMmuted rim dt - dolll\rs and (2) rec:olnUlon of never was aetive In politics. His in this d ~ · are the Presidential fact-find­ PaCllllc·. '1.2oo-mlle SyltelD. more lhan 3-million workers. been hailed - provided that the cloaure of .n a&Teemen!. sin e I asseried need to dillllrlmlnate supreme court appointment was Hancher Says ing board's recommendations unsettled labOr situation dOes not At Wichita, Kan., an oil refinery not political but it was "politic." ••• for settling the I teel dispute: " We think the report affords a ofNelals md here las' Wedne - allalnsL American loodl and bring lor\J1 a series of crippling which ships 500 to 600 tank cars Rutledge Will born July 20, SUI's President Vjrgil M. Han- Wages - no Increase. Tile basis for settlement," DaugherlY slrikes. a month. was Isolated. The firm day.. .ave dollar b7 bU71nl else- 1884, in tiny Qloverport, Ky., the cher saId last nlghl: told newsmen alter a 20-mlnute Informants sald there would be where. union had asked a 12 .5-cent planned 10 build emergency son of a Baptist minister, Wiley "'1"i:1e death of Justice Wtl y conference with Mr. Truman, He hourly boost. SENATOR INJURED h'ocks to olher railroads nearby. other public reports, climaxing in Best informed, officials con­ Blunt Rutledge, and the former Rutledee Is an occasion tor deop Pensions - a plan to rive a said the board is "certainly" hope­ SALElM, ORE. (IP) - Sen. Wayne Another oil firm used trucks to a communique now expected to be sider d that the investment de­ Mary Lou Wigginton. When young sorrow among those who knew worker $70 monthly on retire­ ful that its report will avert a Morse (R-Oregon) was thrown haul its products to other r a I 1- issued tomorrow night. cisions announced yesterday prob- Riley was six, the family moved him in the University ot Iowa and strike. ment whiCh, coupled with his from his horse last night at the roads. Together, aUlhor1Ues expect, the ably would make definite, but to AshvLUe, N.C. In Iowa. City. average $30 monthly t ocial se­ Oregon State Fair horse show. He Trucking firms in the ll-state disclosure wlll eilher declare or relatively small, contributions to Rutledge lot his high school ed- , curity from the government, ucaUon In Mlaryvllle, Tenn., col- "They were oroud of his ab!:.ity * * * was taken to a Salem hospital in area served by the railrolld pre­ indi~ate a broad program ot a 'lion Britain's current doUar shortage nd were dell~hl d to see him would give him about $100 8 wha was describEd by lair offi­ pared for "land office" business by 1111 three nalions and cover hal! emergency and to its long-range lege's preparlltory department and Murray Denial . .• attended the collele itself for awarded the hIghest professional month. Details on the plan to cials as "a possibly serious con­ as Indications for a long s t r ike a dozen or more major points. rroblem o[ permanently Increas- three years. There he studied the honor that can ome to any law­ be worked out by March I, PITTSBURGH IU'I - CIO Pres­ dition." mounted. Sir Stafford Cripps, the British Ing its dollar inlake. S! 1950. The cost of the pension. ident Philip Murray last night de­ classics. includ11l1 Greek under the yer, but above all they loved tum to be paid by the companies, nied reports tha l he was prepared tutelage at a YOUIll gIrl [rom as a friend. was estimated to average about to call off a threatened strike if Michigan. Annabel Person. In "Wiley Rutledge had a gemu 6 cents an hour per working the steel industry accepls the re­ Mother Prostrate with Grief !clter Baby Electrocuted 1917, he mllrried her. [or friendshif1. It was a con a iOWl employee. The union had asked commendations of President Tru­ For his final school year. Rut- gift which spread joy and happi­ 11.23 cents an hour toward man's ract-finding board. led,e went to the University (II ness wherever he went 1L was a pension •. He also denied that he made up Wisconsin, and received his B.A. rare gift lind it will be greatly Insurance - an employer­ his' mind to accept the President's degree in 1914. missed. fin anced plan costi ng $80 a plan to extend the strike deadline While teachlne In Boulder, Rul- "The death of Wiley Rutledge Year, or four cents an hour, for to mJdnight Sept. 25. ledge finally completed his law deprives the nation of his re:i each workel. The union had "I have made no such state­ work. He won his degree at the abilities, but even more it means asked 6,27 cents an hour for in­ ment nor have I hinted any such University oC Colorado and was that there is less kindliness and StU'ance, thing," Murray said at his home admitted to the Colorado bar In friendship and happiness in a here, "The whole situation is up 1917. world which sorely needs these mands or a 12 1-2 cent-an-hour to the (CIO united steelWorkers) In 1928, Rutledee went to Wash- things." wage increaso plus insurance and international executive board and Pension benefits adding up to an­ the wage-policy committee which oth er 17 1-2 cents an hour, will meet with me Monday. Indications were that the union "Whether the wage-policy com­ will grant the truce appeal. mittee agrees to extend the truce, Waiff Retires, Feldman Scolded The pre ~ldential fac' flnden. or whether it agrees to IIccept the who have been sludytn, the case W ASHlNOTON lUI - The army findings ot of the fact-finding forced (' ne major general into re- amounced that ".0 the best in­ alnce July. reJeeted altoretber board, we'll have to wait until Ihe pay raise drmand. But the,. Monday to Hnd out." Murray said. tirement and publicly reprimanded terest of the service" Waitt has recolnnlpnded 11I8urance and another yesterday lor getting mix- been fired Irom his COlI'mand. He !tension benefltJ amountlnr to 1. ed up in the five percenter scan- said he has accepted WaHL's "vol­ tent~ an bour. dal. untary" application for r::tirement, The board said it turned down Stassen To Exa mine Squeezed out of the service for effective Sept. 30. the wage raise because it might "irregular actions" was 56-ye -old Gray reinstated Feldman in his lead to a fourth-round spiral in British Health Plan Maj. ·Gen. Alden H. Waitt. chid quartermaster c'mmand yesterd-tY other industries that could upset of the chemical corps and a ve ~- - the general's 80th birthday - the nation's whole economy. PHILADELPHIA 111'1 - Harold eran of 30 yean' .tandinl. with a warning that any more The steel workers and U$. E. Stassen, UnlverLlty of Pennsyl­ The reprimanded o.ficer was "errors Of judimmt" like the Hunt Steel company, largest Industrial vania preSident, will leave for Maj. Gen. Herman Feldman, 80, .affair woulcl COlt him his job. I member, saId they would have noo England tomorrow for a three­ army quartermll5ter leneral Who The only charle substantiated comment on either the board's enlisted as a private in the ranks agllinst Feldman was that he gave findings or the appeal for exten­ week study of the Brltlsh national health program, almost 42 years al0. The army Hunt a list of the quartermaster sion 01 the strike deadllne until said he had been JUilty of "errors corps' procurement needs. Hunt Monday. The former Minn.ota governor of judlment" which he must not was said to have boasted of great However. "Bethlehem Steel com­ an4 presidential aspirant said he repeat. lD1luence with Feldman, but Feld- pany. agreed to keep its plant would Itudy the program's partic­ &lib men had Men under tem- man tesUfied that none of the flve open so long as its employes work- ular effect on medical education. porary suspenaiona linee July III percenter's clients I!ve. got a con­ ed. Inland Steel company also He will visit medical schoois in when eIlar.. were made linking tract from bim. aareed l<> the ex tension. , the London are.. and at Edin­ (AP w.... , ...., them to Jam. V. Hunt, the cen- Much 01 the senate tel;timony The board Aid the steel com· burgh and Belfast. PROSTRATB IN m. ARMS or NBIGRBOJl8, u.c me&ber ., 1flY­ eftwUnr on Door IIIld II bel:end to have coDlplded &be eil'll1lU tral filUre in the Rnale's InvtsU" against Waitt involved Hunt's el­ panles could allord to pal' the StaueD .llO will study the so­ en-monill-old Cralr Allen Sa-ler, IOn of Mr. aD4 Mrs. D.C. Slaler, willi a d.leeUve lamp b, rrabbilll' Ute lOp or a hot. 1'eI:.ter. Ria gaUon of five percenters-brokers forts to get a chemical corps can­ additional lIOCIlal benefits with. cial security pl'Ocram of England, Waterloo, ,eta IIOlIlforted yeaterda), .. members of t b e Waterloo .au.. tel. police tIIat the babr'a mntber t,.. pae o..... e ••.,. who make a livin, by getUn, gov- tract for the Deering - Milliken ollt ralllnr prices. and ita economic, SOCial and fin­ lire deparlmen' Inhalator lIluael Dlake a f1IWe a''''''' to Mve the a IMrl Ume" wben &be acel.ent hapJpeDed. , ernment contracts for their clienh. ReRarch trult. Greenwich, Conn. Both union and manallement ancial impUcations, child'. 11:. alter he was electroeutecl ill his h .... The ~ a b, _ Arm" Secretary Gordon Gra" The contract never wu awarded. P4G£ TWO _ THE DAILY IOWAN, SUNDAY, SEPT. 11, 1949 Hawks Polish Plays Yankees -Divide; Red Sox Close IA, 9-1 As Team Prepares I For 1st Scrimmage ~ats Win, 4-3, Dr. iEddie Anderson sent his Bosol Behind Ha wkeye football team through a three-hour dummy drill this Then Lose~ 8-1 afternoon as a linal tuneup for By One Game the contact scrimmages that will NEW YORK (JP) - The last start next week. place Wasbi~ton Senators scared PHIIJADELlPmA (JP) - The hot The first team was quarter­ the pants Oft the ~e", York Yan­ Boston Red Sox leaped closer to backed by Glenn Drahn, signal kees yesterday, defeatln, the caller who handled the defensive American league trant-runners, the New York Yankees in the American league pennant race quarterback pOSition last year 4- in the first ,game of a dou'bl - when Al DiMarco was around to header before bowing, 6-1, in the Yesterday by slugging the Phila­ delphia Athletics, 9-1. the Hawkeye offense. fin ale Two sophomores, Don Wood­ The split cut the Yanh' lead The Sox moved at least tem­ house, right halfback and Mike over the rampaging B04tOn Red porarily to within One-half game Riley, 210 - pllund fullbaek, So~ to a single game, lowest edge of the first place Yanks who lost teamed with Drahn and Half­ the Yanks have h~ld since the the opener of a doubleheader with back Mearl Naber in the top be~jnnil'\g of the season. A defeat Washington, 4-3. It was the closest backfield. in U\esecond game, called after Boston has been all season. But Veteran Right End Jack Ditt­ the Senator eighth because (If the Yanks took the nightcap, 6-1, mer, unable to practice during darkness, would have sliced the to pull a full game in front. the lirst week because of hay Yank lead to four percentage Southpaw Mel Parnell held the fever and asthma, worked out points. A's to three hits for his 22nd with the second team, as did Bob Rae Scarborou,h tamed the victory against seven defeats. McKenzie, left end. Bob Hoff and Yanks in the first game, out­ His teammates jumped on pitch­ Dick Woodard manned the ends Jlitching Vic CRaschi who was seek­ er Dick Fowler for six runs in the tor the first team yesterday. ing his 19th triumph. The Sena­ first inning. The remaInder or the first tors wrapped up the game in the Boston added another run in line bad DOll Winslow, lett lack­ sixth with a two run rapy. Jack the tilth on a walk and two er­ Ie; Don Lage, left guard; J·ahn Early doubled home the first run rors. With two gone in the seven­ Towner, center; Earl nanks, left and Raschl forced home the sec­ th Bobby Doerr tripled to center pard; and Harold Bradley, rlgM (AP Wlnpbtlo) ond when he walked Gil q,an to Score Ted Williams and Vern taekJe. with the bases loaded. Stephens. The second unit fflid Hubert The Old College Try The Senators battled the Yanks The A's scored in the third on Johnston, right tackle; George Vrame, right guard; Joe Paulson, lor six innings in the nightcap , a by Pete Suder off the TAKING A SPILL In Wightman Cup Illay Is ,l . before the Yanks iced the game . left field wall and Fowler's single. center; Lou Ginsberg, left guard Jacksonvllle, Fla., who coes down as she returns a drive from Mn. J oost made the only other Mack and Andy Buntz, left tackle. Betty Hilton. Miss lIa.rt's victory in the ollenlng slll r ies m a h ~ with a five run blast in the (M Wlr.pbo •• · seventh. hit, a single to left in the sixth. Fred Ruck, sophomore quarter­ cliuched the CUll for the Americans Yesterday. Both her racquet aJJ4 The Yanks entertain the Sena­ BLOCKING HOME PLATE Is Yankee Catcher Yogi Berra (8) as sliding Sherry Robertson, Waashing­ It was Boston's 14th Victory back who will probably share the the ball are flying t'hrough the air as she falls. The matches too k tors in another doubleheader to­ ton second baseman tries to score. He was out when be tried to advance on Ed Stewart's ,rounder to over the 'A's in 19 games. quarterbacking with Drahn, di­ place in Philadelphia. day while the Red Sox clash with Billy Johnson at first. Johnson's throw caught Robertson in first game action of a doubleheader. Wash­ BOllon ., , " ...... 600 010 200-9 11 0 rected the second team. His back­ !ncton won the opener, 4-3, bui dropped the second to the Yanks, 8-1. Phlladel»blt ' ..... ' .001 ()(H) 000-1 S 4 field mates were Bob Longley, the Athletics in a bargain bill Parn.1I (%2-1) and T.bb.II.; Fo ... le" at P hiladelphia. Ba ..1s (8) IDd Guerr.. L •• lnr plt.ber, Jeft half, Don Fryauf, right half I Fowler ( 12 .. 10) and Bill Reichardt, fullback. Wublnrlon ... ,.,., .tlO lot 800--4 10 I Girls Win Wightman (up N .... York .... ,., ... 101 010 100-3 1~ u.s. Scarborourb and Early; Ra.cbl, PHI. Football Domination .lIe (II. Bux.on (8) .D" B..... LP. Cards Win on Musial's Homer PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Bl'itain's fllintly fJick'fillg Ka•• bl. UK-M.p.. , Tennis Tournament Br,aves.Edge Phillies Wa.hlnrlon , ...... 00() 00() I_I S I hDpe of l'egaining the Wightman Cup perished in just 22 min· N .... York ...... 1ItO 210 6x-8 1 0 CINCINNATI (AP) - Stan (The Man) Musial took per· By Ex-Servicemen utes on the sun-drenched Merion cricket club court, and last night (C.lled 1\~, d.,kD.II) sonal charge yesterday to protect the St. Louis Cardinal' on - Harrl., Wel~roth anel Evan.: ByrD', Here, Sept. 15-18 AsSpahn Whiffs 11 the prized WOITH:! n's internatioll­ Par. (1) .nd Berr., HR8: NY.DIM.rrlo, game leael over Brooklyn in the tight rational league pennant Brown. WP-B,,.e. LP-HarrJa. Now Disappearing SUI Tennis 0 -ach Don Klotz has a I tennis trophv is in tlw pos­ Cardinals Buy Howerton rlice. He blasted a into announced an Iowa City closed BOSTON (JP) - Lefty Warren ~ess ion of the United States for the right field bleachers wit h The ex-servicemen who ,have tennis tournament, to be held on Spahn struck out 11 balters la~t the 19th straight year. From Columbus Farm two on and two out in the first of dominated footb:Jll squads since the university courts, Sept. 15-18, night in pitching the Braves to a Miss n tcok Miss Doris Hart of ST, LOUIS (~ - The St. Loult Indians, 41 Games Dodgers Tip Giants 1945 slowly are giving way to 1he 1-0 decision over the Philadelphia both SUI the ninth to give the Cards a 6-5 It will be restricted to players JacksonvllJe, Fla., Just 22 min­ Cardinals .announced last night youngsters who were under-age Phillies, snapping a Boston losing chu rch in victory ovec the Cincinnati Reds. whose homes are in Iowa City Or utes to defeat Mrs. Betty Hilton, that they have purchased BiU Ho­ during the later stages of the streak which had run through Behind, Squeeze by The towering blast, which To Keep NL Pace to players who have been in con­ 6-1, and 6-3, In the "must" werton, Columbus Red Birds ,out­ 'fhe war. nine games. The victory enabled was fair by only about five feet, stant residence here since June, matoh as far as the Engl!sh girls fielder who collected ]75 hits, in· p.m· BROOKLY.N (/P) - The Brook­ Take the 1949 Hawkeye foot­ the Tribe to jump back into fourth came just after the Reds had 1949, including students. were concerned. clumng 21 home runs, for bra. Lowly lyn Dodgers edged the New York ball squad, for example. Of the Trophies will be furnished fOr place in the National league, a hal! .:m Browns, 2-1 taken a 4-3 lead In the last of average with the Ameri can asso· Giants, 5-4, yesterday, scoring the 56 men Issued game uniforms, winners and runners-up. Players game ahead of the New York GI-· The Americans had won the The the eighth. It was Musial's 29 th two singles and one doubles match ciation club thIs season. ST. LOUIS (JP) - The Cleve­ winning run in the ninth inning only 19 of them were In the must bring one can of tennis ants, horner of the season. Friday and needed only one vic­ A Cardinal spokesman sa id Ho­ land Indians, refusing to be count­ on a ground ball that traveled armed forces. Thirty-one are balls, with the winner taking the The shutout was the fourth of At that, the Cards barely stag­ tory out of the four matches yes­ werton, who lives in Scranton, ed

.' TII'E DAn.y IOWA~, UN'D £liT. 11, 1941 - PAGI FIVB Registrar Notifies Man Wins State Fair Award Storm at Sea Kills New SUI Students Nine; Two Survive CLASSIFIED SECTION Of Time to Report NANTUCKET, MASS. lUI - Nine of 11 persons aboard a 38- Sludents enrolling at sur lor foot cabin cruisel- perished duriol .;;toa...... ;.;.t_an~d_ro.;...UD~d______l;..;;I Help Wanted ---u IWanted - to HeDt ~ Miscellaneous tor SOle LO' the' time were notitied yes­ a ~ torm.-swept niaht oU Nantucket f the times they must island when their pleasure craft F u I I time, pari time or student Funushed or unfurnished apart- Reconditioned Singer wing ma- to HoW te.rcd,. ______.;3;;;1 help wanted. Reich's Gate. rnent for youn, workin, couple. chines, $35.00 and up. Other loundered, it Wall revealed yes­ Ge;;;.;;;;n;;;8IOl=;;....;se=IV1~· ..:ca..:::. rtport by Ted McCarrel, registrar. Dial 5526. make machines $20.00 and up. terday II! the bodi bobbed in on Student!l! Call Herbs Pick-up. Young man for route ales work Th • cnrolling in liberal arts Guaranteed. Singer Sewing Ma­ Farm the tide. Rubbi h. Phone 5981. between age of 23-30. Apply at ft/ho have had no previous college M rried coupl expecting child in chin Co., 125 South Dubuque St. The victims, who died ot ex­ I:Sen<11x sales and service. JaclLtsoo', Coca Cola plant. 409 East Was.h­ November de ire small 8Pl1rt- 1Phone 2413. at Ames ft/or~ .ould report to 'Macbride posure or drowned, were suppOrt­ Electric and Gifl inglon. m nt or larJre room with cooking , ______ball at 9:15 a.m. Thursday, Mc­ ed by life-jackets. Hundreds ot Bag'lIRe and Rubbish. Light haul­ Wanted at once, p:lrt time or full privileg . C 11 Paul Nicholson, ewly decorated, completely fu~- ev ninp 9140. I nl hed apartment In Summlt - Inwa Itr. Carrel said. Those transferring persons lined the shor as the sea log. Dial 2914. time stenograph r tor general office work. Shorthand not nece - , Apartment building; Cooperative own idllS /rOm other colleges must report cast up its dead. 5 ry. Write Box 8P 0 ily Iowan. Wheie Shall We Go 51 plan. 2500 will handle. balance farm proCllll! .t.'.Maellridc at 8 a.m. the same One of the survivors was the I $30 per month. Dial 7510 . will lit day. A series or tests will be cruiser's skipper, Russell C. Palm­ S18tistlcs show U1at five out of ten I .- themsel' er, 24, a Cape Cod man. He stum­ pven liberal arts students Thurs­ call ge rn n Jret married within bled up the beach y~terday after two years after gr duatlon nd day. Friday and Saturday. T .t swimming 13 houn in the heavy Wanted: Part time hom ono­ the other five Ji\'e happily ever ypew I ers MeCarrel said students en- seas. Th other survivor was Hu­ Autoa fOr SCile - UHd 21 ~19;.;3;;;6;;C;..;;h.;:ev:;.r..:o;;.;le;;:t:;:..De-lu-x..:e=4:;:d-oo-r.-..:se;:.;;- mics t aeher in school eoJeterin. after Live happily at the ANNEX. 1t1'Iht the colJete .al enclneer­ bert A. Allenby Jr., son of a Fal­ Stop in and see the new dan. New motor. Low milea,e CaU University extension 2075, IIII' for the first time should mouth, Mass., minister who per­ M'uaic and Radio 103 Ko I Portable. Dial 2943. or alter 5 p.m. 80766. report to the electrical enclneer­ ished with tour other family Dependable radiO repairs. Pick-up We repair 011 mnkes at type- In. building- at 8:30 a.rn., Sept. Tn mbers. Experienced waitress tull lime. and dellver. Woodburn Sound writer . Viclur Adding Marhln. nn.tl 1940 Chev. Sp. Deluxe conv. Radio Th Huddle. Service, 8-0151. tur lmm tllol d ilv ry. I;, new pharmacy students Palmer laId the !ltory ot the and hater, new top. Motor lC- should report to the pharmacy traRedy which occurred 500n aller c Hent condlttun. Call 2061 b for Ottice Secretory: Woman 01 '"25to ------WIKEL bullalng at th same time. his cruis r, th Constance, set 5 p.m. or D & L Grill between:l 40 ye:lrs ot age. To t r a Ins Guaranteed r P.irs for .11 m keo INew COO1mE'rce sludents and out for Falmouth at 2:45 p.m. and 8 p.m. tor Bob Baker. Can b trav!:l co un lor and office s cre­ Home and Auto r dlO!O We pick. Typewriter up .nd deUver. Sutton Radio Serv· , Exchange Ihose cntering graduate college (Iowa time) Friday. en at 403 So. Dubuqu St. tary In new Iowa City oWe. Must lIlust I'(>pol't to University hall, Ice. 331 E. Market. Dial 2239. /124\: E. Colle&t! Phon 8-10~ 1 Fifty minutes after they were ._..-_--...... --,------:MI have I n ral oWc experience In- be~inm S pt. 19 and not later at s a th wind reached gale Printing and Typing 3S cludin, lypinJr; ble to meet t h t' than noon, Sept. 21. force. A cloud bunt followed. Then public and wlllin, to sume re- Student, cntl'ring dentistry for the motors died and the frail craft NOlary public, mim ographlng sponsibilily. Knowledge ot trav I th~ fit ' . time alC asked to report was swomped and torn apart by and typing. Mary V. Burns, 601 II n d uta In!.uranc h Iptul. Ex- .1 the olrice oC the dean in the the savage sea. I.S.B. and T. Bldg. Dial 2656. cell nt opporlu ity tor advanc _ Denlnl building on Sept. 19 or Residence 2327. belpre noon, Sept. 20. Pitchect ways Ul ~ .. Il nur car IS wllh a Daily Iowan TRANSFER their own surplus crib space, Funeral services for Prof. Wil­ army as Its chief Inspector, were lei a Want Ad start working for You today I A frlendly named 3S the Hungarian plot lead­ Wont A of Saturdays ...... Noon taIs officials said. teet. "unauthorized leave." Chtclr YO'Jt ad In Ill. mat lillie 1\ appear.. TIle OaJl)' Iowan ClIn be re­ ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT It said the charge ot desertion,

i",REE 5O..ID 1-10000S NCoN. AND T~.-;r GUY .•• UNL.ESS IT'S- " WILD BCWl ·· .. ~SN'T IWLL.EO OIlER 10 MUFFLE IT I

PAUL ROBINSON , e,-,tor" 'nit .llli.l.... will NOO'III' Y m,rlriIi -- ORL~N8Iif (r:' frestuna" eh in terpsted -_I___ ~. el'9lty's ' Scot~ I b? held fn on S:ituraif, owlng Um~ ; ---=- . • heglli Wi b 9-1% IhoJ6 wb~ M to Z,. IJI ~u'U ban to move, dear~'~ ••0£ SIX - TIlE DAILY IOWAN, SUNDAY, SEPT. 11, 111ft Navy's Attack Favorites in Miss America Contest U,S. Schools' Face Kidnapped 4-Year-Old Sale' 'Most Critical' Year, PHILADELPHIA (IP) - Blonde little Janie E'ranz. 4. safe and sound after a night with a strange Power Falling, McGrath Announces man. told her daddy yesterday. "I'll never go riding with a WASHINGTON lIP) - Ameri­ stranger again." can schools. jammed as never be­ The man she said took her in (aptain Claims fore. are up against their "most , his auto Friday irom her Trpn'n~ . WASHINGTON (JP) - A navy critical year." U.S. Education N.J., neigh.borhood was charged captaJn said yesterday that the Commissioner Earl J ames Mc­ with kidnapping and indecem db­ Grath taid yeSterday. sault. He was docketed as Gerald navy's attack power is being A. Hutt. 35. of Bridgep9rt. Conn .. wrecked in the Pentagon and that McGrath Is a former dean of the SUI liberal arts college. and said he was a brush salesman he. is throwing away his 30-yea.r estranged from his wife anu two And Federal Security Adminis­ children. career by saying so publicly. trator Oscar R. Ewing declared it He said the furore over 1he is a situation calling for aid of Hutt waived extradition. He was alrforce's B-36 bomber sprang congress as well a ~ state and lo­ taken to Trenton later for arraign­ mcnt last night. Under New Jer­ partly from an attempt to keep cal action, sey law, maximum punishment military policy makers from "Teacher and school housing for kidnapping is Life imprison­ "erqa!lculatlng ..the offensive po­ shortages cannot be overcome by tential of the tls. navy." states and communities with their ment. Capt. John G. Crommelin. mem­ limited flnances." Ewing said in a Janie and her falher. John b~ of Qle staff that dOes spade­ statement. The office of Education Franz. Trenton t;'uck dl·i ver. were wpm on America's top secret war is a part of his department. reunited in a police station here, pl"ns, protested that the navy's McGrath Laid that overcrowding The little girl sat on her daddy's oiten~ive power is "being nLbbled and hall se~.sions will "short lap as hc strokcd her head, They to.death" and its morale destroyed. change" many boys and girls. spoke i.n whispers, He told reporters he is trssing Elementary school cnrollments ' "I wouldn't lake a milliO'il overboard his career by speaking will be rising a million aye a r dollars tor this moment." Franz oUt because the navy's fighting for several years, he said. said. Itplrit Is "going to pot" and "I McGrath hac predicted a rec­ The little girl was reported j1,lht can't stand it any longer." ord enrollment of 32.671.500 in missing late Friday. Playmates fol'm finished." he said. "This elementary and secondary schools said a stranger took her into a m~ns \ my naval career. But J and colleges this fall. The 1948- battered car and d:'ove away, She ~ope : this will blow the whole 49 total was 31.880.000. was found yestcrday morning thIng open 'and bring on another standfng beside the Philadelphia­ copgressional Investigation," Trenton highway. JOHN FRANZ KISSED and held tightly his flve-year-old dalll'let , ~ri a prepared st!ltement. Crom­ "1hank God. th&nk God." Janie In a police station yesterday shortly after the lirl was 10 .... melin said much d the s9mefeel­ Jaycees' Regi'onal sob»ec:\ the mother when are· Pollee said the child had been kidnapped whde playinr In Ironi tI In~ as ne holds may have "goad­ pOrter' told her the child was her New Jersey home when Gerald A. Hutt drove UP In his ear ali ~d" the late Secretary of Defense Meet to Open Here' safe. took her away. JIutt Is being held without ball. James V. Forrestal to suicide. As they sat talking with re­ < He said. too. that Forrestal told The Iowa City junior chamber porters in the police station. Franz Trenton when I ran out of gas him July 1. 19.,17. 1hat some alr­ of commerce will be host today asked his daughter why she went Sioux Citian Blasts force officers using "wild state­ and decided to remain in the car to the re~iona) meeting of the away with a stranger. ments and acts" were "sniping at until Monday. I let the girl off on Northeast Iowa junior chamber oj The child who wlll be five in Attorney General the army anej navy to such an commerce. November. replied. "He called me the highway and told her to ask extent that I am afraid they will SIOUX CITY (A')-'Fred H, FI'!t, undermine the security of the The rne-day meeting will be di­ over. Daddy. and llaid. do you a mo torist for a ride to Trenton," country." vided into three sessionl) and will want to lake a ride with me. I Special Officer Raymond Michel 77-year-old critic of the cit1 The country needs the navy as be heard by representatives from said no. He said, sure you want f Rahway, N.J .• discovered Janie council. declared yesterday tIilt never before. Crommelln told re­ nine Iowa cities. The topic of to take a ride and pulled me tnto as he drove with his wife and Robert Larson, Iowa attorney gen­ discussion will be the relationship 'amily along U,S. route 1. the JY.'rters. But he said its fighting the car. eral. "doesn't dare stick his nOle between local, state and national "I said I want to see my mom­ main Philadelphia-Trenton high­ e'f,flciency is going to pieces be­ in here" to investigate Fret'l ClIuse the armed services are do­ chamber of commerce organiza­ my and daddy but the man said, way. Michel was off duty. But he J'Qinated by "the general staff." tions. we'll go for a little ride and then recognized Janie and stopped to charges of graft and corruption, 'I'l1is Is the army planning body. lAP Wlrnholo) National Director Dan Whalen. I'll bring you home," pick her up. The former city attorney sold He also contended the navy is AMONG THE FAVORITES In the Miss America be. u'y contes' at Atlantic City, N.J., are the s e four Davenport, will .be in charge of "I'll never (0 for & ride with Then Michel sped after the Larson was afraid of politics, HI stib1ect to "decision of two men beauties. each a winner in preJlmin&ry bathing suit judgings. They are (left to right) Jacque Mercer. the forum -on the national level. a stranger again D&ddy." battered car, and was joined by smashed at wha\ he said was Lar. on the joint chiefs of staff who Miss Arizona; Jone Pederson, Miss California; Sylvia Canaday, Miss Colorado, and Trudy Germl. Miss Iowa President Don Hutchings. Des Police testified the unshaven. Fairmount Park guards. Aiter a son's statement that Sioux CitJ m~y have a landlocked concep­ illinois. M.ss Mercer won the Miss America title late las' nl,ht. Moines, will discuss the state level disheveled Hutt admitted taking three-mile chase at speeds that now "is cleaner than it has been tion of national defense." and Wayne Putnam. state vice­ the five-year-old child inlo. his reached 80 miles an hour on traf­ in 30 years." . , president will conduct the talks , bn the j('int chiefS of staff are car and sleeping with her Friday flc-jammed Roosevelt boulevard That might be true at presen~ on the local level. the chief of naval operations and night. • the police overtook Hutt at· a he admitted. but he declared it b Cities represented at the meet· the, chiefs of staff of the army Miss Arizona·Wins Beauty Tille Vandenberg Leads When Detective Bernard Mc­ diner. true only because "when the cat·s ing. to be held at the Jefferson and alrforce. Crommelln is on the Loughlin quoted Hutt as having around. the mice get in their slaft working under the joint ATLANTIC CITY CAP) - " ,Miss At-izona" - Dllrk-hail'ed hotel. are Muscatine. Davenport. chiefs. Compromise on Aid Clinton, Dubuque. MarshaUtown. holes. They're there now and Jacque Mercer of Litchfield - became Miss A mcrica last night. , " Wa terloo. Independence, Cedar Ra­ Federal Road Fund they'll stay there until alter the --.., Gov. Alfred E. Dl'iscoll of New Jersey placed It jeweled crow" To China Br II pids and Iowa City. grand jury has met." Demoerats Teach on the bead of the 18-year-old ranch giL'! to the cherI'S of 22,000 First of the sessions is sche­ . ,pectator . duled for 10 a.m. For Iowa Announced WASHINGTON (IP) - Senator Demand Demilitarization It was thl' first t jill e in 29 Arthur Vandenberi (R-Michl WASHINGTON (IP) - Allot­ 'leal Poll'tl'es years of the pageant that a public Praet Explorer Implicated took [he lead yesterday in a move ments to the states from the $45- Of Panama Canal Zone ." official took part in the crowning to compromise a growing senate Nebraskan Orders million authorizcd for the year MEXIlCO CITY (11'1 - Orators at ceremony. fight over arms aid to non-Com­ " QlirCAGO (11'1 - Vice President ending June 30. 1951. for improve­ Miss Mercer won a $5,000 schol­ In 'Jea~ l ousy' Shooting Vice Crackdown the leftist Continental Peace Con­ Alben Barkley. Senator Scott Lu­ munist China. ments to primary. secondary and arship. a $3.000 automobile and gress demanded yesterday thlt cu of Illinois. Governor Adlai Vandenberg would not com­ LINCOLN. NEB . (JP) - Attor­ urban roads were announced yes­ numerous contracts for personal OANTON (IP) - Explorer Le­ the Panama qanal zone be de­ Stevenson of Illinois and 'Mayor onard Clark said yesterday his ment but friends said he hc>pes to ney General James H. Anderso!'l terday by Secretary of Commer:e appearances. Charles Sawyer. militarized. Martin K~nnelly of Chicago - all host. William Freeman. "pulled a lay before the senate foreign re­ last night ordered a statewide She was selected from among Iowa was aUoted $9,841.917 for They also suggested that pr ies!5 Delftocrats, gave 3:1..560 persons a jealousy act" during an argument lations and armed setvices com­ crackdown on gambling and di­ 52 girls from 45 states. four major its share of the road improvement and ministers be restrained from delJ.'0nstr.ation of practical politics that ended in the wounding of the mittees tomorrow a compromis~ rected that all law enforcement cities. Puerto Rico. Hawaii and fund, Funds for the Iowa primary Uoverstepping their authority in ye~terday. two Americans and the dcath of on this dispute swirling about the agencies. local and state. be mar­ Canada. roads totaled $4.913.437; secondary secular matters." • ,uI four attended the Chicago a Briti[h friend. administration's $1.314.010.000 for­ shaled for the drive. Be~rs and New York Giants foot­ These are the new Miss Ameri- eign military aid bill. The attorney general said if it r ('ads. $3.5 13,955 and I.Irban roads. A steady stream of arm-waving for, a " ca's statistics: Attractive. bldnde Maya FJ;ee- were necessary he would utilize $1.414.525. speakers flowed across the stag! baU game and were Introduced at man insisted her husband was not Committee members voted 12 to eral every agency of the sta te, includ­ Sawyer said that the individual at yesterday's continuous sessio~ Hillt-tlme to the Wrigley !ield au­ Five feet, four Inches tall, jealous about the 41-year-old San 9 Friday to write into the meas­ Sur gee ing the safety patrol and men states are rcquired to match the in which the congress is trying dience. 106 pOunds. 3!l-lnch bust, U- Francisco explorer. who has ure a section giving President such an from his own office, to enforce funds put up by the federal gov­ to clean up the backlog ot 30 "Being in politics." Barkley told Inch waist. Sol-Inch hips. claimed he recently found a pealk Truman a free hand on deciding human the prohibition. ern ment. Allotmen ts [or the yea r liberals. left-wingers and Com­ 1h~ crowd, "I /would like to see on upon it. The four runners up to Miss higher fuan Mount Everest. how - or whether - to spend His order applies to all forms GERALD A, HUTT become available Oct. 1 and will munists who want to address Ill! aile team win. and being in poli­ $75-million to bolster anti-Com­ The America and the scholarships "There wasn't anything to be of gambling with the exception of Accussed Kidnapper remain available to the state un­ "peacc" assembly before it ends tics; I won't say which one I they won: Jealous about." said the vivacious munist forces in any part of Asia. wish." pari-mutuel horse racing which is til June 30. 1953. today. "Miss Mississippi" - Katherine Polish woman in an interview. Stevenson, Lucas and Kennelly Senator William Knowland (R­ specifically exempted under the said he slept with the girl at a were more outspoken. They said Wright. Pascagoula. $3.000. Qhinese police said they had Ca lif.) called this provision. spon­ Nebraska law by conlllitutional farmhollse. liutt shouted: they were rooting for the Chicago "Miss Illinois" _ Trudy GermJ. been unable to determine who sored by Cl,Jairman Tony Connally amendment. "I did not. I did not." Bears. Barkley quickly returned to Chicago. $2.500, wielded the .32-caUbre pistol (D·Tex) of the foreign relations Anderson specifically cited slot McLoughlin said Hutt told him the •microphone and said: "Miss Colorado" _ Sylvia Can- :;:~ which all three men were group. "totally unacceptable" and machines and bingo. but said that he did not assault the girl but "These other men have said aday. Denver, $2.000. Th N . h ' , h only an "cmpty gesture" to those other forms of gambling, includ­ did undress her and molest her. they were in politics. and there­ "Miss California" _ 'Jone Ann e of\~eg18n p YSIClan w 0 Tho want some effective help giv­ ing punch boards in public places. Dr. Morris Seltzer, police WELCOME BACK fore I would like to change my Pederson, Santa Rosa, $1.500.' works for the world health organ- en fighters aga,inst communism in must be halted. physician. examined the rlrl at ization said he was extremely hina. Phll&delphla ,eneral ·hoIlPltal. position., T would like to see the The new Miss America told the pessimistic over F'reeman's chance Bears win." audience she plans to. 1I0 to Stan- of recovery. Vandenberg was reported work­ U.S. Searching Party He told reporiers the examina­ TO SUI AND ing on a proposal under which the tion showed the chUd had not The Bears did, 20 to 17. ford unive~sity to study dramatics.· The dead man was liarold Har- "Plans for the f.tare · are $75-million could be spent at 'the Can't Find Noah'. Ark been ass&ulted. .. ris. 45, a Shanghai-born British Presiden t's direction on projects Janie's only testimony was tt' marrla,e ftnt, career seconct, subject who like Clark was a ISTANBUL. TURK'EY (11'1 - An Five Men Break out which had been approved in ad­ nod affirmatively when Magis­ Ihe sal~. • guest at the Freman home. American expedition seeking the trate Thomas Costello asked her. Of Council Bluffs Jail She did not name any young From his bed in Canton's de- vance by American military iead­ remains of Noah's Ark on IMI. "Just tell me if that's the man man a~ her prospective husband. ~r epit emergency hospital. Clark, ers. Ararat in southeastern Turkey has COUNCIL BLUFFS (JP) - Five 'rhis apparently would increase whose car you were in." men chopped their way free from She IS the daughter of Mr. and in an interview. told this ver­ ended in failure. according to re­ chances of aid for any segment of ports reaching here yesterday. Later. Sitting in a small cell. the Pottawattamie county jail last Mrs. Arthur L. Mercer of the X- sion of events that led to the nationalist China which could A reporter for the Turkish Hutt totd a reporter his version night. Bar-X ranch. Litchfield. Ariz. shooting: way. demonstrate tha t the military ljUP­ newspaper Vatan who accompanied of. the ride, We're all ready to welcome in the new ltudenll cmd Officials 5'IIid they cut a foot­ The dark-eyed beauty has been "After Maya went to bed we And the expedition said miserable wea­ "[ stopped on a street corner." square hole' through an 18 - inch studying at Phoenix. Ariz., junior contlOued drinking. My pistol was plies involved would be put to welcome back lhe old crowd with lome brand NEW million wi ther forced the Americans to give he said. "and the mtle girl brick' wall on the southwest cor­ colIeU in preparation for Stanford. on top of the n)ght table where I good use. :rear endil Her trim f\cUre was rated usually keep it. up after 15 days. (Janie) ,ot In the car. I drove lervicea and departmental fiiht agal ner. of ·the old building. until we came to a farm about The prisoners were discovered toPII In a bathln.. lull durin, "We somehow got into an argu­ PARAGUAY PRESJm}NT QUITS is more th a mile 'rom 'he Philadelphia. misting at about 8:10 p.m. by JaH­ preliminaries earlier In the ment. As far as I remember, Bill ASUNCION. PARAGUAY (JP) - CAUFORNIAN D[.£8 granted I: city line." er O,tto Gudath. making a routine week. (Freeman) pulled a jealousy act. President Felipe Molas Lopez. who NEEDLES, CALI-F. (JP) - Rep. The gra "We had supper at the farm checkup on j all cells. Miss Mercer replaces 1948 Miss "The lied thing I knew we seized power in a coup last Feb­ Richard J. Welch. 80, of San Fran­ 24 HOUR PHOTO FINISHING SERVICE lewa t America. Bebe Shopp of Hopkins, were milling abOUt. Then some­ ruary. resigned last night after a cisco, died yesterday. He suffered and slept in separate bed~ over­ • Itre .f • a heart attack on an eastbound night. HawaUal'l Arbitrater. Minn,. whose year-long reign thing struck me in the chest ana dispute with leaders of nis ruling .... came to an end at midnight. I was out of it." Qolorado party. Santa Fe train Friday night. "I was taking the child back to NEW REFRIGERATED CANDY CASE ~inneal Report No Progr~'1 , While the 52 candidates were ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ • Minnesota narrowed last night to 15 finalists, Keeps our complete line of tions to I . . NEW YOllK (RY) - ~ffortl to then five and, finally one. Miss candies lDedical c end Hawali's 1\lpll . 1 us furnish your needa - we 4177 . Where everybody meet. nerybociy erltle Lell JUmlIfG MONEY are a Friendly Pharmacy. Jactjon' ~ TH qoi •. FORT WAYNE, IND. 1m - An pO 80 Dubuque .yery clayl . "r"e la amateur photo-enl!'aVelo hil em­ Drug Shop Electric aDd QUt J.J:~-rr~otIl ,AI' brOUCht h plo,.r and a former f.now work­ " n!Jllt. Ser 108 8. Dubuqu. , CUnton cmcl Waabinqton er ....r. arrel~4 ' here yeltarday Itt 8etI&h Da.,..s. I. p;rn. We. tor ~\ID\erte1Unf f20 billa. Ul I . itutltcl,e.n