Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1949-09-04

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1949-09-04 No Paper'Tuesday ~ The Weather Mc.tly cloudy and mDd today with In o~£9. v cnc of Labor Day and in or­ wld.ly scattered .bowers or thunder de, Iv .ive the stai! (I v1ct.kencl _c ..- ahowertl. High temperature yes erday, lion, 'lbo Daily Iowan will nol be IJub­ owan at 73: low, 54. HIQh today. 78-84: low, SO- Udtec TU9Sday mornlnq, 1868 - AP Leaaed Wire. AP Wireph:>to, UP Leased Wire - Five Cenla Iowa City. IOWQ Sunday. September 4, 1949 - Vol. 83. No. 236 65. Irate Senator Sizzles Answer To Johns,on's Flying Economy Labor Weekend Toll WA, IIT .·GTON (VI') - Au irate 1;'llil tOI' "'limed j)pfensl' creta)'y Louis .Johnson ,Yl'st ('rday t hut he 1Il1l) hn \'1.' to start paying for lti" own air·pl~nl.' ridl'li if he ('lIts mil C.·(,(, 11 i I' tlJ\'(' 1 for l'ongress. 'r h ilt hu "POOll WII!; tllI'own at til(' . ~ r,·~t81'Y by , en. Elmer Over 100 On First Day Tholllll R. Oldl1 ., chnil'man of 1111 Ilt'metl St'I'\'i l'('S IlPPI'opriation ·;ubcol11 mitlpl'. ----- I've '~~ver Seen aOrunken Cow ... ,J ohnson h /1 ,1 w l' it tI' ll 1'110111111> I Eight Persons a lew days ago informing him that WESTFIELD. N.Y. (iP) - Have you ever seen a drunken cow? th ere would be no more military .law's Arm Vtluinllrlan C. L . Ullrich ha treated about 25 of th m in Ihe air transportation for congl'ession­ J)sst Ie" du)' . Killed in Iowa al commiltee ~ traveling abroad. Johnson County Sheriff He blam s it all on Thursday's windstorm. Th wind knoclced He suggested that the congress­ aOWII lJulihel Co l gre n appl s. The COWL at them. The appl s f r­ men could save the taxpayers' Gets Bail Jumper m nl d in Iheir st.m chs, forming aleohol. Traffic Crashes money by using commercial air­ The cur; pi nly of war m blankets, sodium thlosulfal !. an linES. Robert Eddy, "lew York, CIUCAC 1m - True to runn, returned to Johnson county jail untidot and adrenaUn and calfeine as stimulants. th surl,\ lIut-of-doo,lrll of n.illions The Oklahoma Democrat told yesterday through a chance meet­ of Americans on their Iss! summcr Johnson the seCretary's economy ing with Sh rift Albert J . (Pat) holid y br ught acddent I tl 'Jlh proposa L will be considered by his Murphy in Cleveland. to OVl'r 100 p I'sons Yl's 'ruay in subcommiitee. But he hinted h first day uf Ih IUIlt: Wt kend wra th[ully lhat the senate could M:urpby went to Clevelllnd YI,lgoslavia Denies Fear Thursday to wck up Eddy who Fl asant wpa th I' from coast to do little penny-pinching 01 its a is wanted here for (orteUure of coast c used h 'IV tr v I by 3uto, own. a. $2,500 bail bond on • bur&,­ ~ u s, rullroad and mI'. Thomas' reply sIzzled. He ask­ 01 Invasion by Russians larly cbar&,e. But a& 0:30 p.rn. (Iowa 11mI') ed Jobnson tor aJI accounUnr ot Cleveland authorities had pick­ BEU'RADE. \~ U ,0. TJAVIA (AP) - YU ~vsl8\'i ~' I 'r· 105 p an 0\' r the nation h;1I1 all the airplane rides he has been reported kill d In lid, y takcn at government expense ed up Eddy about two weeks ago day deni d its r ars any Russian invasion. on another charge and had re­ A r purt Ih t it i. thinking in t rms a possibl Red army accident. TratCil' deat"s tl't I, '1 .lnce he became, defense secre­ or 92, dro nln&,s (lVI', air crashes leas d him on $500 bond. attack wa caliI'd pure gut'. work. tary. two, lid ml cellaneoWi Ilcath! Murphy was eating brea kfast in (At» Wlrepbo'.' And the senator said he wanted An offi{'ial statl'm!'llt from Marshal Tito' g'ov('rnm('nt aid: six. a restaurant in the Ohio city .. n thl' l' ond of thi month, thl.' Unit('d Prl', , print{'(l nt'WIi to know how mueh free llying Vegetarian 'Tillie' Enjoys Her Cantaloupe One of tl e most tragic holiday President Truman and other exe­ Friday when Eddy walked in. He from 'officiaL Yugo lav 'O UTI'!',' waived extradition and returned SIX-MONTH-OLt> KITTEN "TILLIE" has jU8t finiShed her cantaloupe dlnnfr. The youn &' f~lInf', weekend in Iowa history np­ cutive om eel's have been doing. to th!' ('ff!'{'t lhat th!' Yugoslav pear d to b in lht> making on the He said maybe the taxpayers coUld with Murphy to Iowa City. owned by Mrs. R. J. Morris or Waterloo, sometimes east tbe rInd 100, Tlle .bove III lure orters II clorlal iovernment i, suppo!edl)' consid­ proot tbat TIIIII' IIllparently ellJo 8 her ve&,Uailon dl t. sta t 's high woys ye terday 3 ft r save something, too, by cutting out Eddy pleaded not guilty Oct. ering the possibility ot an Invasion LeHer from Agency 4, 1948, to all Indictment char&,­ ight penooll 9 di d in Jow l!'UfllC that kind of junket.ing. Of Yugoslavia by Russian troops. crashes. Thomas told Johnson tha~ his Ing him with bur&,larly 01 the "U II officially ltat.ed tbllt thll Of 'Five Percenters' The dad: subcommittee wants a full ac­ Igma Alpha [pslJon Iraterulb news to tbe effect lhaa Yu,o­ Edward W. Barth. till. Klln count'n~ by Sept, 20, coverln&' bouse about July 9, 1948. Troopers Ordered to Robeson (oncert Area lav official cIrcle. mllde IUch CU" Mo. all free ~rips made In govern­ He was bound over to the grand To Be Investigafed HI wife, Alma, 5 Kan- $ tlly. ment aircraft since Jan. I , by jury lor trial Jan. 17, 1949. He PEEKSKILL, N.Y. M - Three­ tl!ement I, In ordinary fabrl­ President Truman, Vice Presi­ hundred state troopers moved into cat'on and arbitrll')' &,uesswork WASHINGTON ()p) - A lettpr ~Irs. Delen cobb)', 35. von­ was released on $2,50() bond posted Arkansas Governor this area yesterday under ordeors dale, 1\10. dent Alben W. Barkley, the by a Walerloo man, but did not Financial Conference of . the correapo.ndent 01 the from a ~ubllc relations agency of­ from Gov. Thomas E. Dewey to Mrs. Nancy lie I ~ p, 48, J.. hl. h. heads 01 the armed forces and appear for the scheduied trial. fering to help busines..~men gel Add A prevent riotlni between "pro­ United Pre In Bel&,rade." Mrs. ;un tc ady. 65. On~low, other members ot the execut.ve "anythtng done In Washing'on" bra.llch, as well as by COllgress­ -------- resses mvers Communist" supporters of Neiro For Britain's Crisis (The United Pres! in New York Iowa. was tl~rned over yesterday It) sen mt n. Lightning Damages singer Paul Robeson and hundr ds had no comment on the denial Paul ChI! ,t r, 18, Albia. One of 11)e mGst publicized air­ of wur vet rans planning to dem­ To Open Wednesday Immed ia tely). ate investigators of fiv per~('ntpr' Ru~ ell MarUl''', 1'7, MOIlCi('rllo. plane "junkets" made recently was College Structure On Federal Bonus onstrate against him. 'lito's ministry of In formation The agency "modestly admitt d" KellneOl Hutler. 19. DenIson. also de,.ied II Voice of America havinR "ouJled 0 few rabbits Ollt Ba rkley's flight in a military plane Ten Ion wa amountln&' over W A~H1NGTON (A"}-For irlm The Bllrth und MI'. Scobby IOW A FALLS ()P) - An early DES MOINES (JP) - Gov. Sid the concert Robeson Is schedul­ months to come, Britain apparent· broadcast which said Belirade had of hats." It promised tbat all dit.d when their car era 'hed into 10 Paducah, 'Ky., where the vice complained to the InternatiOnal president kept a "date" with MrS. morning firc which partially de­ McMath of Arkansas got vigorous cd to &,Ive thl afternoon, and a Iy must rely on her dwindllnr ,.n business would be handled In the rear end or a .luwly moving Danube commls ion about the pre­ Carleton S. Hadley, a St. Louis stroyed thc main build ing of Ells­ applause when he declared at the> veteran counter - demonstra­ sources to cope with the doll r "strictest contldence.' truck on highwuy 6, foul' mill S tion. Dewey ordered ".11 avall­ sence of an armed Soviet ship Sen, Karl Mundt (ft-Sm, widow he is sUPpoSDd to be ro­ worth Junior college here cau ed Am vet fifth annual nationaL con­ "risis wcst of Adolr, y ~te\'d ...y. damage estimated at more than Ilble" tate poUce to OIl' scene. Officials noted this ye,tErdllY Ir on the Danube river lust month. maklnr the letter publle, 1011 Mrs. Heslop WitS kill d and two) mancing. Barkley packed a three­ vention yesterday "We do not ask piece band into the plane with $50,000, Dean J ohn H. Hill said In New York, U.s. District Judge measur!:s of po. sible American air "n Is otticlaU), Ilnnounced," reporters he hid rertn d It to other p rsons were Injured in a him. ye~terda:y. ror handouts." John Clancy refused to Issue an I' pc rt d re dy to b ubmitlE'd (l th mInistry. al d, "that tbe the .enate Invutl&'IUon suh. two-car collision at a road inter­ Thomas' subcommittee was Classes will be held in tempo":' As an oraanion.r of the Amen­ mjucnction to prevent the veterans the forthcoming top 1.'veJ Am ri­ news about this complaint I.
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