OLIVE GALL NEWCOMER /953 °CL<'~ Zea‘-;'7=3's: Fa 929.2 G162n 1953


George G. Newcomer September 10, 1953 To the Memory of

FENTON GALL whose appreciation and love for the Galls and Williams‘ and whose interest and untiring research made this Genealogy possible.

/,/‘é A,....,.,.,.,__/W4.’AM S4 ' I; 4’ (V,/ft / ff‘ 3 FOREWORD

Myfather, Fenton Gall, died on October 27, 1948 of heart failure. He was eighty—six years of age and had lived a very full and useful life. On October 29, 1905, he married Carra Pew of Montepelier, Ohio and Washington, D.C. Mymother died March 14, 1947. Both are buried in Fleetwood, Pa. Because so manyof our relatives went to school to him, a chron­ ology of his life is included. Olive Gall Newcomer Chronology of Fenton Gall's Life. Born January 4, 1862, Jackson Township, Highland Co., Ohio H Year Age 1867-78 5-16 Attended county school, October to March. 1878-79 16 Taught Smart's School, 6 mo. at $25.00 per mo. 1879-80 17 Attended 10 weeks Nat. Normal Univ. at Lebanon, 0. 1880-1881 18 Taught Smart's School, 6 mo. at $50.00 per mo. 1881-82 19 Taught Belfast School, 5 mo. at $25.00 per mo. (summer) 1882-85 20 Taught Elmville School, 6 mo. at $57.50 per mo. 1885-84 21 Attended Nat. Normal Univ. 40 wks. Received B. S. Degree 1884 22 Taught 10 weeks Normal School, Sinking Springs, 0. 1884-85 Taught near Leesburg at $45.00 per mo. 1885-86 25 Taugn:Upper RoomSinking Springs, 6 mo. at $50.00 per mo. 1886' 25 Was appointed School Examiner for Highland County, 5 years 1886-87 24 Taught Spargur's School, Paint Township, 6 mo. at $45.00 per mo. 1887-88 25 Taught school near "Uncle Wesley Gall's" 6 mo. at $45.00 per mo. 1888-89 26 Principal of North Liberty Academy, AdamsCo., 0. 1889-90 27 Principal NormalDepartment, Hillsboro College 1890-94 28-52 President of Hillsboro College, Hillsboro, Ohio 1895 55 Taught 10 weeks Normal at Marshall, Ohio and summerNormal at Fayette, Ohio. 1895-1917 55-55 Examiner and Chairman of the Board of Appeals, U. S. Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C. 1917-1946 55-84 Orchardist, Berkeley Co., Martinsburg, W. Va. 1946-1948 84-86 Retired, residence, Fleetwood, Pa. PREFACE

Fenton Gall began to collect and save information about his family as early as 1890. He concentrated on research on the Miller-Davis and Gall—Williamsfamilies several years before his death. I promised to publish the genealogies so we could share in his knowledge. The Miller­ Davis Genealogy was published late in l9h8. The cooperation of manyrelatives has enabled us to secure nearly a full record of Gall—Williams'descendants.

Thanks are especially due to Mrs. Carl Deck (Nikola Shannon Gall), Wilmington, Ohio, who has been collecting data since l9hO; to Mr. John F. Gall, Norwood, Ohio; to Mrs. Cloyd Smith (Mary Williams), Canton, 0. and to all of those whosearched old letters, Bibles, church records, tombstones or in libraries for names, dates and information to help com­ plete family "Lines". Weappreciate the information on John Gall, brother of George Gall Sr., sent by Mrs. Neil Wood(Myra Gall) and Mrs. Oscar H. Barklage (Ina Nothstine). The method of outline is simple. The children of George Gall Jr. are given numbers without exponents, the grandchildren numbers with an exponent l, the great—grandchildren numbers with an exponent 2, etc. b. (born) d. (died) In. (married) Manycan trace their ancestry back six or seven generations. Our ancestor, GeorgeGall's son, GeorgeGall Jr., married, first, Susannah Nicholas. They had eight children. His second wife was Catherine Roads. They had thirteen children. Four of these children married Williams’. Hence there will be brief sketches on the Galls, Roads and Williams families.

The Williams‘ ancestors probably came from Wales or England.

Palatinate.The Galls and Roads were of German descent and probably came from the THE GALLREUNION....Since l90h... TH GEORGEGALLMEMORIALASSOCIATION.....

August 29, 1905 Olive Branch Church, near where George Gall is buried. 125 present. Dr. Wm.J. McSurely of Oxford, presided. August 27, 190% Olive Branch Church, Daniel Wms.presided. 2hh present. August 26, 1905 Monumentunveiled to Geo. Gall by Anita Horst and Blanche Hiestand, gr,gr,grand­ daughters.‘ 271 present. August 25, 1906 HammondGrove, near Elmville. John Horst presided. Membership511. Deaths of Julia AnnGall, last surviving child of GeorgeGall, Ella Gall Seltzer and Wesley Gall were announced. August 51, 1907 Belfast CampMeeting Grounds. Daniel Williams presided.

I Meetings were held at Belfast until 1958. August 12, 1958 Ft. Hill. Decided then to hold meetings the Second Sunday in August at Serpent Mound. Meetings have been held at Serpent Mound ever since then.

August 9, 1953 Membership, #11. Clarence EdmundGall, Pres. Thomas Dorwin Gall, Vice Pres. Nikola Gall Deck, Sec. and Treas.

TH GEORGEGALL MEMORIALASSOCIATION....From the ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION... This association shall be knownas The George Gall Memorial Association, and its principal office shall be in Hillsboro, Ohio. The purpose of this association shall be to erect a monumentto the memory of George Gall, a soldier of the Revolution, whose grave is in "The Old Dutch Cemetery", in Brushcreek Township, Highland Co., Ohio. Only lineal descendants of the said George Gall maybecome membersof this association. Each membershall receive from the association a certificate of membership showinghis or her relation to the said George Gall.

This year, 1953, is the FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARYof the GALLREUNIONin Ohio and it is fitting that we have the GALL—WILLIAMSGENEALOGYatthis time.

A GALLREUNIONis held each year in Barbour County, W. Va., by the descen­ dants of George Gall Jr.'s third child, JOHNGALL,who married (1) SARAH HAYES and (2) MARGARETARBOGAST. HISTORY

....Most persons familiar with history knowthat the PALATINATE,usedin a geographical sense, existed in two territorial divisions, upper and lower, as early as the eleventh century. The Lower, Pfalz amRhein or Halatinate on the Rhine was situated on both sides of that river and was bounded by Wurtemberg, Baden, Alsace, Lorraine, Treves and Hesse. The Upper, or Ober Pfalz, on the east, was surrounded by Bohemia, Bavaria and Nuremberg. The Palatinates were compelledto change their religion frequently to conform with the tenets of their rulers; being Catholic, Calvanistic and Lutheran successively. (Koeppen's Middle Ages.) WhenQueenAnn, of England, through her ministers abroad began to aid the French Protestants and sentassistance to the Palatinates, in Holland, the exodus of the latter and manyof the former followed. William Penn made two visits to Germany, in l67l and l677. Colonists were attracted to Pennsylvania through his agency and other colonial schemes followed. \ \ Queen Anne donated land along the Braod, Saluda, Congaree and Wateree rivers in South Carolina, near the present site of Columbia, which is still known as "Dutch Forks". Rev. Joshua Kockerthall, whowas knownas the "Joshua of the Palatines" in 1706, at Frankfort, on the Main, wrote a volume extolling the wonderful resources of this land. The influence of his book and other pamphlets induced lh,OOO Germans, French, Swabians and others to forsake their native land and cast their lot with the Palatines. (Vol. VIII, IX Pa. GermanSociety Magazine.) Blue Bookof Schuylkill County, Pa...Elliott...l9l6 "Whenthe agents sent out by William Penn came to Germany at the end of the "Thirty Years War" and gave glowing accounts of the homes that might be easily founded in the land across the sea, the poverty stricken, starv­ ing people jumped at the chance that was offered and made their way as best they could to the nearest seaports and started for England as the first stage of their journey to the new homebeyond the sea. They went literally by the thousands. In Mayand June, l709, the Germansbegan to arrive in London, and by October between l5,000 and lh,OOO had come. The coming into England of so large a number of destitute people with no means of sustenance presented to the English people a problem which had to be met promptly. As Dr. Diffenderffer says, "Never before were emigrants seeking new homes so poorly provided with moneyand the other necessaries of life to support them on their wayas were these Palatines...From the day of their arrival in Londonthey required the assistance of the English to keep them from starving. There was little or no work; bread was dear, and the only thing to do was to bridge the crisis by raising moneyby pub­ lic subscriptions." "A large amount of moneywas collected and by direction of Queen Anne, one thousand tents were taken from the Tower of London and set up in the country outside of London. In these camps many of the emigrants were shel­ tered, while others were housed in barns and warehouses, and some in private homes. The government took active steps to get ridfi of the foreigners as quickly as possible. Nearly four thousand of them were sent to Ireland, where their descendants live to this day." (Dr. Diffenderffer is of the opinion that if these Germancolonists did not actually establish the linen industry in Ireland they gave it such an impulse as to makeit the most important textile industry in that country.) ManyRomanCatholics who could not take the Protestant Oath of Allegiance were returned to the places from which they had come. About three thousand abjured their faith and eventu­ ally found their way into Pennsylvania and settled in the Tulpehockenregion. II About 650 immigrants reached the junction of the Neuse and Trent Rivers, Carolina, early in l7lO and founded NewBerne, namedafter the city in Switzerland from which their leaders came....After muchtrouble with the Indians, twelve families and fifty others went North in April, l7lh, where they settled on the RappahannockRiver in Virginia. Other joined this colony. This was practically the beginning of the Germanemigration to America. A constant stream of Germancolonists followed, at first slowly, then in larger numbers,the greater numbers going to Pennsylvania. By l7l7 so manyof them had arrived in that colony that alarm was excited in the minds of the authorities. In that year Governor Keith recommendedthat the masters of all vessels bringing in foreign passengers be required to furnish lists of all such persons and that the emigrants be required to take the Oath of Alleg­ iance. Through this recommendationbeing, at a later period, enacted into a law a fairly accurate record of the number of Germanemigrants who came into Penn­ sylvania has been preserved. The records show that between I727 and l775 the number of Germans who came to Pennsylvania was 68, 872. (The German and Swiss Settlements of Colonial Pennsylvania, P. 57).


"The General Assembly, of Pennsylvania, June l2, I777, passed an Act requiring the menof the State to take an oath of allegiance and fidelity to the State. This oath required great courage on the part of those whotook it, for if the revolutionary cause should fail, their property wouldbe confiscated and they would be imprisoned." In Berks Co. nearly every mantook the Oath. The original lists contain about six thousand names. These menwere formed into eighty or ninety companies, of sixty—four men each, and many of them in turn served sometime in the field. Of the men of Berks Co. who served in the Revolution scarcely 2/5 of their names are on record. (The Blue Bookof Schuylkill Co....Elliott) In I752 the Governor of Virginia ceded to Jacob Van Meeter and John Jost Heydt, of Pennsylvania, twenty-five thousand acres of land, in the Shenandoah Valley, on the condition that they locate thereon two hundred or more families. This was acted upon and was the beginning of the great migration from Pennsylvania to that valley in Virginia.

There was no marked movement of the Germansfrom Pennsylvania into Maryland until the latter part of the second decade of the eighteenth century, and then one of the chief causes in bringing this movementwasthe indifference of the Quakerauthorities of Pennsylvania to the safety of the inhabitants of the back countries. They were satisfied to have these sturdy Germanson the western frontier to serve as a barrier betweenthemselves and the hostile Indians, but they were unwilling to go to any expense to provide the settlers with means of protecting themselves. (Pennsylvania Archives, first Series, Vol. I, P. 215). From a letter from D. W. Gall to Fenton Gall, August 5, 1950: "....The George Gall who was your grandfather was born in Berks County, Pa. which is knownas the Dutch settlement, and my grandfather, John Gall, was a regular Dutchman. Although raised in this country, there were a number of words he could not pronounce in our English way, for instance, he would pronounce the word vinegar, as winegar...Evidently the Galls landed at and became early settlers of Pennsylvania..." (D. W. Gall p. lh; Fenton Gall p. 21) ("Dutchman", a "Pennsylvania Dutchman", means he is of German descent. O.G.N.) III BERKS COUNTYPENNSYLVANIAHISTORY..... Berks Countyhas one of the finest genealogical libraries in its Historical Society of any county in the country. But even with the help of its very cap­ able archivist, Mrs. Leroy Sanders, research did not reveal anything about "our" George Gall. The John George Gall below, looked as though he could be our George Gall, Sr. until we found his wife's father's will which mentioned "Elizabeth Catherine's four children by her first husband". It is doubtful if an eighteen or nineteen year old would marry a widowwith four children for his first wife.


Christ Luthern Church records, Tulpehocken Twp., Berks Co., Pa. Birth Baptism Child Parents Sponsors Nov. 26 Dec. 2, 1759 JOSEPH George Lohr w. Maria Margaret Joseph Gall p. #0 Margaret­ Mar. 4 April A, 1762 ANNAMARIA John Adam Christ w. Eva John Gall p. #5

May 22 July 8, 176M JOHNGEORGEJohn George Gall w. Elizabeth John George Reid P- 51 On Whitsunday, 1762, JOHNGEORGEGALL,18 years was confirmed. Marriages are missing from l752 - l77l. Berks Co. Wills, 1752 - 1798 Casper Reed Tulpehocken, Jan. lh, l788 —Oct. 5, l789...Vol. 5 p. 107 ....children Elizabeth Catherine wife of John GeorgeGall...... daughter Elizabeth Catherine's four children by her furst husband, Hermanus Baddorff viz. Michael, David,Phillip, Casper .... August 27, 1789 —Oct. 21, 1798 Vol. 3, p. 108 FromChalkey's Abstracts, Vol. III P. 55h George Gall of Washington Co., Md. and wife Catherine Elizabeth, bought land in Rockbridge Co., Va. from Rev. John Brown and wife Margaret on Dec. 16, I111 and later sold part to Philip Poturph in l782 and bought it back again in 1784 and sold it to John Armstrong. Vol. II P. 554 Deed Book No. 22, Page 215,... l6 Dec. l777, Rev. John Brown and Margaret to George Gall of Washington Co. Md. Vol. I P. 229 Augusta Co. Court Records, Order Book No. XVIII, March l8, l785. "(9) Commission for Priv. Examination of Margaret, wife of John Brown. Deed to George Gall". Vol. II, P. 568 I Deed Book No. 2h, P. 170, 21st June, 1785, Privy Examination of Margaret, wife Of John Brown, Deed to GeorgeGall. l6 December, 1777. Before Andrew Moore and 9E=3=:%§§-9aI2I.>E§%%;...... _­ List of Deeds for Galls in Rockingham, Rockbridge, Augusta, Bath and Highland Counties, Va. Rockbridge Co.: Nov. 5, 1782, George Gaul and Elizabeth sold 20 acres to Philip Poturph, near Fairfield, June l, l78h. Potur h deeded back to George Gall same. (Poturph and wife signed in GermanScript.5

IV From Berks Co. Pennsylvania History, Vol. II, P. 897. Morton L. Montgomery1909.

JOHANNESGAULb. Hermanien, in the Pfalz of Hebelbeim, Germany, Dec. 18, 1759, son of HENRYGAUL. Emigrated to America 176A or 1770 and in 1785 was rated a large property owner in Berks Co. d. Feb. 21, 1816. m. Sept. h, 1767, BARBARAARBOGAST,who came from a place on the Rhine, Germany, b. Nov. 15, 17h2, d. Sept. 22, 1818. Both buried Sinking Spring, Pa. Cemetery. (L. & R. Church) 10 children, seven sons, three daughters. 1 Peter Gaul b. April 7, 1775, d. Sept. 28, 1826 m. Eliz. Kissinger 2 Abraham Gaul b. 5 William Gaul b. June 17, 1780 d. March 50, 1857 m. Rosina Miller and had ‘ eight children. 4 Christian Gaul b. Nov. 17, 1781 d. June 9, 1851 m. Mary Ann Kissinger b. 1795 d. 1877 5 Jacob Gaul m. Catherine Sharp 6 Johannes Gaul Jr. b. July 25, 1785 d. Dec. 25, 1852 7 George Gaul b. Oct. 15, 1796 d. April 22, 1861 m. Mar. 11, 1826...Catherine Potteiger

Gaull Jo annes, Dec. A, 176h, Ship SnowTryall, John Clapp, Master from Amsterdam. Rec'd, Feb. 12, 1765. ' Abstracts of Wills, Berks Co. Pa. Vol. II, P. 596 John Gaul, CumruTownship, March 12, 1816. Provides for wife Barbara...... Children: John, 500 pounds; Henr , the plantation purchased from George Jasper in Bern at 117 pounds, 10 sh.; Geor e, 500 pounds; Peter, the plantation in Bern purchased from Bered Addamat 7 5 pounds. 10 sh. Catherine Gerhard, wife of Peter Gerhard, 800 pounds; William, the new brick house, between 20 and 50 acres of land in Cumruand woodland at 1070 pounds. Anna Maria, wife of Michael Miller, 800 pounds; Christian, the plantation and woodland in Cumru for 2070 pounds and Jacob the farm in Cumrupurchased of George Merkel at 1900 pounds. Witnesses: Christian German, Executors: sons, William, Christian Christopher Sherrer

Hohn”s (fleidleberg) Church 17h5 —1805....J. W. Early 1906. Child Baptised Parents Sponsors GAUL,Catherine June 25, 1776 John G. & wf. John Arbogast & wf.Catherine Gaul, PETER April 15, 1776 John & wf. Peter Gerhard & wife Salome ' GAUL,Anna Mary April 17, 1777 John G. & wf. Michael Arbogast & wf.Anna Mary GAUL, Wm. July 2, 1780 John G. & wf. wm. Arbogast GAUL,Gertrude April 11, 1775 John G. & wf. Gertraut ARBOGAST,Margaret July 18, 1773 John Arbogast & wf. Geo. Arbogast Margaret Rieckin ARBOGAST,John Peter Dec. 26, 1780 John A. & wf. Peter Gerhard & wife Salome

_179o CENSUS...RENNSYLVANIA Free White Males of 16gyrs. & upward including Heads of Families JOHNGAUL 1 Franklin Co. 1 Free White Females P. 116 JOHN GAUL 1 Franklin Co. 1 " " " P. 117 JOHN GAUL u Berks Co. (5 Males under 16) 5 " " P. 51 Frederick Gaul 1 Phi1.Co.N.Liberties TWP. 2 " " p_ 292 ll ADAMGAUL 1 Lancaster Co. (1 " ' )" l x x P_ 150 CHAMBERSGAULl Phil. C0. Middle D1St.(§ ) 2 p_ 220 (Coppersmith) N. 2nd St. to Race St. W. side HNRY GAUL 2 Lancaster Co. (5 " ) P. 150 The Pa. German in the settlement of Maryland —Pa. German Society Book Vol. XXII, l9ll In Capt. EdwatHBurgess' Co. in the Flying Camp...Private Arthur LEGG,P. 209 2nd Lieut. Elisha Williams - P. 210. In Capt. Richard Smith's Co...Privates WILLIAMWALLACE...NicholasRODES... NICHOLASRODES, JR. P. 212. In Capt. Phillip Maroney's Co. Priv. ELISHARHODES...JACOBRHODES...P. 2l5—lh Herbert SHOEMAKER Private Joseph Williams P. 2l7; Private James Williams - P. 219; Private John Williams, P. 220. The Maryland Archives (Vol. XVIII P. 18h) give the following as a portion of the roster of the German Regiment..RICHARD GAUL, JOHN COLE, JOHN ROACH. Private BENJAMINCOLE, Corporals JACOBMILLER Jr., JACOBMILLER, Sr., JOHN MILLER...MICHAEL SHOEMAKER...Sergeant JACOBSHUTZ...Corporals JOHNWADE.. DANL. WILLIAMS...P. 226—9...JOSEPH WILLIAMS- P. 229. Muster Roll of Capt. Geo. P. Keeport's Co. of the First GermanBattalion Con­ tinental Troops. Sept. 19, l776...GEORGE COLE,lst Corpl. Privates JACOBSHUTZ.. JOHN COLE P. 252. Roll of Capt. William Heyser's Co. Oct. 25, l776.. Privates GEORGEMILLER..JOHN SHOEMAKER..JOHNROTHE...P. 254 Capt. Heyser's Co. which was enlisted in Washington Co., was arranged as follows on May 22, (Richards' "The Pennsylvania—Germanin the Revolu­ tionary War" p. 225) Sergeants..JACOB MILLER,Privates..JOHN SHOEMAKER... JOHN ROTH P. 25h-5...GEORGE MILLER. A list of Recruits belonging to the GermanRegiment, White Plains, N.Y..,. RICHARD GAUL 5 yrs. P. 239...FREDERICK SHOEMAKER,War; ABRAHAMMILLER, 9 mo.; BENJ. COLE, War; JOH ROACH, War; ANDREWSHULER, War; P. 259—hO.

History of Rockbridge Co. Va...Morton...Misc. Data Taxpayers prior to l772...WALLACE, JAMES, ll h l5 c ROBERT l s 9 h 15 c JOHN, no mention SAMUEL 2 s 7 h 20 c PETER, l s A h 12 c WILLIAM l s 5 h 12 c Soldiers of the Revolution from Rockbridge...... P. M05 WALLACE,ADAM,Capt. in Buford's Continentals, killed at Waxhaw " ANDREW,Capt. killed at Guilford " ...... died of smallpox in service. Colonial Families of the U.S.....Mackenzie Nathaniel Morgan, father, (Ancestor of John Pierpont Morgan) Joseph Morganb. Dec. 3, 1707 d. 7th Nov. l775..served in Capt. Josiah Kellogg's Co. at Suffield 1723 and in Capt. Wright's Co. at Brookfield, 1725, m. 12th May1755 Mary Stebbins d. 7th Dec. 1798, dau. of BenjaminStebbins. Issue...9 children... No. 8 HANNAHb. 29th Nov. l752 m. 1782 JOHN LEGGand had issue. ..____....-—...... ____--___—_____.....___-_....___.——.-.-.....___..___...... ___———.____..——____.._.._—_=.—_

DARRecord, Vol. #9, P. 206 JOHNSTULTZ(l75h-l865) enlisted 1776 from Pa. in Capt. Henry Fister's Co., Col. Nicholas Hanassegger's regiment of Continental troops. He was appointed corporal in 1778 and served until 1779. He was born in Germanyand died in Highland Co., Ohio. 1. John Stultz m. Magdaline Caplinger ll Anthony Stultz m. Sarah Tedroe 19 Peter Burnet Stultz m. Ella Miller 15 Anna Ida Stultz m. W. R. Neel VI FromPennsylvania Pioneer....Hinke Gall, Johann Friedrich (List 15%C) At the courthouse at Philadelphia, Sunday, Sept. 19, l7h9. The foreigners whosenames....Ship Patience, Capt. HughSteel, from Rotter­ dam, but last from Cowes,in England...usual qualifications to the Governor.. By the list 157, Freights 270, from the Palatinate and Duchyof Wirtenburg. (Johannes Michael Stoltz on this same ship.) ———_—...._--.-___—-——____—.a————..__-.___———..._._....—————————=.=.———___­ of Jacob Nicholas, deceased. Peter Nicholas Jr. was surety on the bond. (Rockingham Co., Va.)

From Miss F. F. Converse, Genealogist: Marriage Bond given George Gaul, Dec. 5, 1785 to Susan Nicholas, daughter of Jacob, RockinghamCo. Va....Records on RockinghamCo., Harrisonburg, Va. —_—————_...___-.__.__._—_._._—_....—_._—..__...____.._..._....._-——.—_————.______-..__—..—_.._._.._....__—-.­ RockinghamCo. Va., Marriages l778—18l6...Strick1and 1785 GAU ( 11) Susan Nicholas, (dau. of) Jacob, Peter Nicholas 1786 NICHOLA, PETER-Euly Boshang (father) Jacob (sponsor) same (Dec. 20) 1786 , HNRY-MollyCoffelt_ Vol. Coffelt (June 12) 1787 " , PETER- Eliz. Sellers wd. of Henry d. James Devier 1797 " , JACOB- Eliz. Bright Jno. same Breidt g. 1797 " , EDWIN—Eliz. Kring Jno. Fred Kring g.y. 1805 " , JAMES- Eliz. Ewin Jno. same Abraham Louderback m. Margaret AMON, April 10, 1786 —...___.._____.__.._.._..—..._..._.._—-..._____—_._____e,__..___—___._—._——_-....-_—._——.__..__..—.._¢.——.._... Cha1kley's V 0. II P.567 1781, Mar. 26, JACOBNICHOLAS'swill proved; Peter Nicholas exec. P. 581. 1750, Aug. 29, JACOBNICHOLAS,#00, between Jacob Pence and the Peeked Mt. P. h62...Augusta Parish Vestry Book, P. 271...l759 PETERNICHOLASandJohn Burk in Capt. Kirkley's Co. Chalkley’s Vo1.III P. l8..Wil1 BookI P. 272...hth Nov. l750...John Lawrence's Wil1,(In German and signed Hans Lawrentz) JACOBNICHOLASto have his choice of the two places and of testator's place, 100 acres to be added to Fe1ty's place and the remainder to be divided amongthe children in Pennsylvania. His estate in Germany,Jacob Nicholas and the other heirs of those that are alive of brother's and sister's children, either in Americaor Germany,shall have equal shares. Testes Valentine Bentz, Michael Carn, Henry Burgie. Proved 28th Nov. 1750, by Burgie and Bence, and others to be summoned. Proved, 27th Feb. 1750, by Michael Carn, and Jacob Nicholas qualifies adminis­ trator, c.t.a. (Nobonds appear here.) -—-----___———..—__.._—__-_-_.=——_.-__—..___.-..—.-..__—.....__.._—.-__..—.-——..._——..-_=_——_...—.—_-.—— Morton's History of Rockbridge Co. Va...Misc. Data... P. h88....GOUL CHISTIAN d. 1859 children: Betsy A.; wm; John; James. GEORGEm.Elizabeth...l782 ­ MARGARETE.m. Peter Nicholas, 1785 — — - — d. 1841 m. Nancy McCown P. 516... NICHOLAS BARBARAm. EdwaniGay1or 1789 ELIZ. m. John Price 1810 PETER m. MARGARETE. GOUL l785 —- - —m. Magdalene Coswell by 1805 _—=—.-.————-_-_..____.———___-__....__.._...______..—_..__.___..__.—_...-._..._.__—_—.._..-______,_,___ From Chalkey's Abstracts of Augusta CO. Va­ Vol. II P. 560 Marriages in Augusta and Rockbridge, (by Rev. John Brown, Pastor at NewProvidence in Rockbridge). "Rockbridge 1785, Nov. M, Peter Nihlus and Margaret Elizabeth Gaul." VII From Pennsylvania Pioneers ..Hinke Vol. I 295 Jacob Nicholas, 17 years, Marborough, Sept. 25, l7hl Vol. III Sh; Jacob Nicholass (List 575) passengers on board the Brig. Henricus, Capt. Martin Jager, from Amsterdam, Philadelphia, Sept. 22, 1792 (Germanpass­ engers). Vol. I 697 Peter Nicklas

Chalkley's Vol. II P. 2&8 (PHILLIP STULTZ)Deed, Nov. 1826 by Henry Moyer's and Margaret, his wife, late widow, devisee and exec. of ThomasMcKinseyd. to Phillip Stultz, the #6 acres above (nearly 50 acres). Stultz and McKinseyExecutors. O.S. 555 N.S. l28...5th Feb. 1799.

From records: Rockbridge Co. Lexington, Va E. P Tompkins, MD.genealogist Feb. 12, 19h8 "George Gall married to Catherine Roads, May 27, 1800 by Rev. George Baxter." From Histoy of Highland Co. Va. sent by Miss Virginia Cleek, Clerk, Bath Co. Circuit Court, WarmSprings, Va. Synopsis of Extinct Fami1ies.... C - 2 Gall--— S. Irish -- 1796 - L'pool. Gall, George, d. 1812 John m. Margaret Arbogast 1817 See p. 7 George ­ Misc. 1. Barbara Arbogast m. Bond granddaughter 2. Elizabeth Gall m. John Clark, 180% See p. 5 5. Jacob Gall m. Margaret McCann, 1809 See p. h h. John Gall m. Sarah Hayes, 1812 See p. 7 —..———_—____.——__——.=.———___—_—.._.______..—-.-..-__-..-.—_...._———...... ___....._—.._.._..__——._._..__. John Gall b. Nov. 1790 d. Jan. 8, 1878 m. (1) Sarah Hayes m. (2) Margaret Arbogast, 1817 Highland Co. Va. ....--.-————_.._—_____._—.a__---._....——-—..—..—.—-..__....-_..._——__--_—.____—_———_——_...... ___——--.__.. From Cha1key's Vo. II, P. 219, Augusta Co. Court Records Hays vs. Kinney ... O.S 29h; N.S. 10h. Will of Moses Hayes, wife Sarah, and her children, land in Harrison Co. on Monongahela. Daughters: Elizabeth Luce, Mary Stockdale, Hannah Halsey. Sons: James Hayes, Isaac Hayes, Richard Hayes, Winsted Hayes, William Hayes. Dated 21st July 1796, Proved in Augusta, 28th Sept. 1796. Bill filed 29th March, 1815 by William Hayes of Pendleton Co. MOSESHAYESleft five children besides the orator, viz. George, Susannah Hardi­ way, wife of John Hardiway; Nancy, now wife of Henry Cunningham, Sggah, now wife of JOHNGALL, and Peggy. Taxpayers prior to 1772 ...History of Rockbridge Co. Va. Morton. Goul, George, 5 horses, 18 cows.

Information about JOHNGALL, third child of GEORGEGALL,Jr. and SUSANNAH NICHOLASGALL,from a statement made by Francis Smith for Isaac Gall, Dec. 5, 1886, and a letter to Fenton Gall from Lafayette E. Gall of Freemansburg, W.Va. Nov. 20, 1899, and a letter to Fenton Gall from Phillippi, W. Va. March 7, 1928 from Mrs. Laura L. Ray, daughter of Burton Gall and granddaughter of John Gall. "Francis M. Smith was the son of Louisa Gall, daughter of John Gall, who married E. S. Smith. He attended school at Ada, Ohio at the same time as Jimmy Gall (Uncle Addison's son) and came home with Jimmie. As his mother was a Gall he made himself acquainted with Jimmie and this is how I knew there were Galls in W. Va. This resulted in myvisit to Phillippi, W. Va. to the homeof Jimmie's parents in 1899. Later I visited Francis Smith's family near Ivy, Albemarle Co. Va." Fenton Gall. See p. lh. VIII Lafayette E. Gall wrote: (from memory) See p. IM "Mygreatgrandfather (George Gall Sr.) came over during the Revolution­ ary War and enlisted in the army. He was killed on Long Island, N.Y. My grandfather, (George Gall Jr.) escaped from the British and cameto Virginia. Uncle John, that is myfather's uncle, movedto Franklin Co., Mo. after the close of the Revolution. George settled in Virginia and married there. His first wife died whenmy father was small, he being the youngest of eleven children. The second marriage also raised eleven children. They emigrated to Ohio and myfather was left behind to come on later. He got as far as Harrison Co. Va. (now Barbour Co. W. Va.) and there stopped with his family. Myfather was drafted in the Warl8lh and hired a substitute on account of the sickness of his first wife. Also Uncle George was drafted and went to Quebec under Hull. He was present when Hull surrendered the army. George, with others was bitterly opposedto the surrender and raised his gun to shoot Hull but Lieut. Lewis Cas jerked it down. George did not come home but vol= unteered to fight the Indians. Mygrandfather was at the surrender of Corn­ wallis, he went through the war." "Uncle Jacob Gall movedto St. Louis, M0. in an early day and died there." I "In l809, George Gall, Jr. emigrated to Ohio with family, with exception of eldest son John, whostayed in Virginia, while Jacob went farther West to Missouri."

From a letter from Hamton Williams, (son of Catherine Gall and Henry Williams) to Vella Gall Satterfield: "Aboutthe year l826 mymother's half brother (? O.G.N.) Jasper Poturve (son of George Gall Sr's first wife) rode all of the way from Virginia to see my grandfather (George Gall Sr.) when my mother was ten years old." Also from the same letter: “Aunt Julia Ann and mymother took care of their father and mother in their declining years." Roster of Soldiers of the Revolution buried in Ohio. Compiledunder the direction of Adjutant General Frank D. Henderson:

GALL GEORGEJR.(1766 - 1852) Enlisted from Rockbridge County, Virginia 1781 and served in Captain James Buckhannon‘s company, Colonel John Boyer's regi­ ment Virginia Militia and subsequently served under Captain Charles Campbell. Marched to Yorktownand was present at the surrender of General Cornwallis. After the war he movedto Pendleton County, Virginia thence to Highland County, Ohio where in l852 he applied for a pension and it was granted. Born, Berks County, Pennsylvania, June 28, I766, married (1) Susannah Nicholas, (2) Catherine Roads. Died l852, Highland County, Ohio. Buried Old Dutch Ceme­ tery, Brushcreek Township. Monumentunviled August 26, 19 5. Reference Number 45lhh, Volume 46, page 59. Further information Waw-Wil—a-Way Chapter, DAR,Hillsboro, Ohio.

'VHEORGEGALLJR. a Revolutionary soldier came to Highland County, Ohio in l 01 from Virginia. Born in Berks County, Pennsylvania, June 28, l766 went into Revolutionary Service from Rockbridge County, Virginia,f January l0, 1781 at the age of lh years. Hemarched against the British through the Dismal Swampunder Colonel JohnBoyer. After this campaign he was discharged. On the second day of September, 1781, at the age of l5, he again enlisted and maflchedimmediately to Yorktown, and was present at the surrender of the British, after which he was again discharged." Reference "A History of Highland County, Ohio", by Daniel Scott, Esquire, Chapter XX, page 88.

IX GEORGEGALL JR., b. June 28, 1766, d. October 1851. While a resident of Rockbridge County, Virginia, George Gall enlisted January 10, 1781, served three months as a private in Captain John Buchannan's Company,Colonel John Boyer's Virginia Regiment. He again enlisted Jan. 10, 1781, served three months as private in Capt. James Buchannan's Company, Col. John Boyer's Va. regiment. He again enlisted Sept. 1, 1781, and served in Capt. Charles Campbell's Va. Co. and marched to Yorktown, was there until the surrender of Cornwallis, after which he marched as a guard to prisoners to Winchester Barracks, under Capt. William Moore and Colonel Vance, and was discharged in Winchester, (Va.), having served three months. ‘Ref. for above: Veterans‘ Administration, Washington, D.C. A.D. Hiller, Ex. Assistant to the Administrator; and also from Official Roster of Ohio, Vol. P. 151. (Above record is on D A R papers of Metta Williams Horst, who was a member of Columbus, Ohio Chapter DARNo. 56459.)

Virginians in the Rev. Gwathmey *Gal1, George Corp. 10 CL, (also listed under Gaul) *Gal1, George Sr. Ohio Pens.

George Gall Jr. Also Record, Bureau of Pension, Washington, D.C. Application for Pension, August 28, 1852: "Battles engaged in: Yorktown". His claim was allowed. The foregoing was certified by H. Clay Evans, Com. of Pensions. (No page given.) "Pension Records” in the National Archives has a file (Gall, George Sr. S2 569) "Pertinent information in this file is summarized...Birth, on June 28, 1766, Berks Co., Pennsylvania, Children, Dates of Birth... To whomMarried.... Children of the first wife, Susannah Nicholas: Jacob Gall, b. Nov. 28, 1787; Elizabeth Gall Clark, b. MayA, 1789; John Gall, b. Nov. 7, 1790; Sarah Gall Burris, b. June 22, 1792; George Gall, b. Feb. 8, 179%; Susannah Gall Williams, b. Oct. 18, 1797; Michael Gall, b. Feb. 12, 1799. Children by second wife, Catherine Roads: Maria Gall Countryman, b. July 5, 1801; Rebecca Gall Turner, b. Aug. 51, 1805; Lydia Gall Jarnigan, b. May1, 1805; Elizabeth Gall Shoemaker, b. June 7, 1807; David Gall, b. March 19, 1809; Anna Gall Hammond,b. April 51, 1811; Rhoda Gall Hammond,b. Mar. h, 1815; Isaac Gall, b. Oct. 2p, l81h, Catherine Gall Williams, b. Oct. 22, 1816. Abraham Gall, b. Oct. 7, 1818; Sophia Gall Hammond,b. June 25, 1820; Matilda Gall Jarnigan, b. Oct. 12, 1822; Julia Ann Gall Williams, b. June 2, 182A.

GEORGEGALL,the father of the above named George Gall, and great, great grandfather of the applicant (Fenton Gall), was also a soldier of the Revolu­ tionary War. He served as a corporal in Captain John Mountjoy's Company, 10th Va. Regiment, commandedby Col. Edward Stevens. He enlisted Jan. 10, 1777, to serve three years, and died Feb. 28, 1778. See record in Pension Office, War Dept. The foregoing was certified to by F. C. Ainsworth, Chief, Record and Pension Office, Washington, D.C. June 2, 1899. No page of record was given. "The records show that George Gall served as a private in Capt. John Jones Co. lst (McArthur's) Regiment of Ohio Militia, War of 1812." His name appears on the Rolls for the period from May1, 1812 to May7, 1815, with remarks: "Com. of Service, May1, 1812." "EXpir- Of Service, May 7, 1815." Seal: WarLoan Office of the Director of Publicity". Treasury Dept. washing­ ton, D.C., Ancestor's Service. X HISTORYpertaining to JOHNGALLof Missouri, brother of GEORGEGALL,Jr. Records of Butler Co. Va. show: "Under roll of Captain Jacob Hull's Company,l8lh, "Jacob Gall, John Gall, Sr. Recommendations and Appointments ——--John Gall, Ensign 1817." "Records show that one Jacob Gall served in the war of 1812 as alprivate in Captain John H. Rogers’ Company,51st regiment (Amey's) Mar land Militia. His service commenced21 August 1814 and ended 18 November 1815." Wm.E Bergin, General, USA Office of the Adjutant General

"Warl812...Ro1ls 1814, Jadpb and John Gall, Sr." Chalkley's Abstracts of Augusta Co. Va. Vol. II P. 525...Marriage Bonds.. 1798, March 10, JOHNGALLof Rockbridge, of age. and John Ott surety. JOH GALL of Rockbridge and MARGARETFULWIDER,daughter of JACOBFULWIDER, deceased. JOHN GALL m. MARGARET FULWIDER.

Chalkleyvs Vol. III P 161 P. 22h.,.l5th Marchl782...Jacob Fulwider's estate appraised by John Fulton Patrick Hall, Craig Bright. Chalkley's III, P. 205.. P. 121, Auleric Fulwider, adm. to estate of Jacob Fulwider, deceased.

UlrickChalkley's Fulwader. Vol. II, P. #29, Tithables, 1791 Jno. Williams, Jacob Fulwider,

Vol. III, Page 255 Will Book No. X P. 517 ...25th February, 180%, Ulrich Fulwider's will... To wife Margaret; son, George (two entries made in Beverly's lands), to five daughters, Margaret Cline, Susannah Bright, MaryWearly, Betsy Hanger, Catherine Hefner (Margaret and Susannah are dead); son Henry (?)/ to Margaret Gaul; son John (Y) executors, Robert Harris and Margaret Fulwider. Teste: James and ThomasHarris. Proved, NovemberTerm, 1809, Margaret qualifies. ———--.--..—.————-——..—_...... —..——_-—..._...._-_.____..—.-...__—-_.—___—__.._..__..__.._.._—_._...———_...._— LAND GRANT TO JOHN GALL

“Land Patent 589, Dated May 10, 1825 Vol. 82, page 70, filed May 22, 1826 John Quincy Adams, President of the United States of America, to all to whom these presents shall come, Greetings: KnowYe, that John Gall, assignee of Phillip Miller, having deposited in the land office a certificate of the register of land at St Louis in Missouri, whereby it appears that full payment has been made for divison section 6 in township AMof rage 1 containing $599.57 acres of land, directed to be sold at St. Louis by the Acts of Congress, providing for the sale of the lands of the United States in Missouri. To have and to hold the same unto the said John Gall and to his heirs and assigns forever. In testimony whereof I have caused these leterrs to be madepatent, and the seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto af­ fixed. Given under my hand at the City of Washington, May10, 1825. By the President J. Q. ADAMS G. W. GRAHAM (Commissioner of General Land Office) XI "Historical Register of Virginians in the Revolution"....John W. Gwathmey Major's received 5,555 acres ' Captain's received #000 acres Lieut.acres Ensign, Cornet, Midshipment, Surgeon mate and Gunner received 2,666 Private's and Non—Com.Officers received 100 to 200 acres.

Received. from H. F. Hansen, Abstract Office, Union, Mo. (0.G.N.) 5/ll/55 Will Probate Office, Union, Mo. Dated Will Record B, page 595 March l8, 1862 I, John Gall, Sr. of Franklin Co., Mo. calling to mind the uncertainty of life and being now of sound and disposing mindiand memoryand desirous of h making a disposition of myproperty and effects do make, publish and declare mylast will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say: l) I give and devise unto mywife Margaret, she surviving me for and during her natural life mydwelling house and furniture, both of the house and of the kitchen, and l/2 of the land or tract on which I nowlive together with so muchof my stock, horses, cattle, sheep and hogs as she may choose to keep, also the negroes and farming utensils or as manythose of as she shall desire to have for her natural life'and also $500 in cash­ 2) I give and devise unto myson John Gall Jr., his heirs and assigns all the tract of land on which I nowlive,subject howeverto the life estate of mywife Margaret in the 1/2 as above including the version in the said half, after the expiration of the said life estate, whichhe will take estate.possession of after the decease of mysaid wife or at the ending of her 5) I give and devise unto Prudy Alice Hart, the wife of E. B. Hart and her;heirs forever $100. h) I give and devise unto Margaret Rilla Hart, wife of Joseph Hart $100 forever. 5) I give and devise unto the heirs of my deceased son Jacob Gall, $500 which is to be equally divided betweenthe severalfheirs of the aforesaid Jacob Gall. It is further mywill and I do hereby direct that all mystock and personal property of every description whatever excepting the property kept in the will, such as farming tools etc. be sold by myexecutors and the proceeds of the same after paying the legacies above specified given to my son John Gall Jr. And wereas my two sons David Gall and Jacob Gall are indebted to me in different_§ums of moneyfor advances andiother accounts it is mywill that they be each of them exonerated and discharged from all liability to myes­ tate in concequence thereof, excepting as against myclaims which they may hereafter Egfieagainst the estate. It is further mywill that all mynotes of hand be divided equally between my two sons David Gall and John Gall Jr. It is further mywill that after the death of mywife Margaret, that the negroes and their increase and other personal property bequeathed to her during her natural life shall be equally divided between mytwo sons David Gall and John Gall Jr. It is further mywill that in the division of the slaves that the girl Amandaandheir. her increase are not to be separated but all to go to the same And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint myson John Gall Jr. the Executor of this mylast will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills XII Will Record B, page 595 continued: and codicils whatsoever. IN TESTIMONYWHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 18th day of March, I862. / Signed in presence of JOhIl , Seal D. B. Jones Calvin Atkins

STATE OF MISSOURI ) ) SS.: IN THE COUNTY COURT County of Franklin ) —- Estate of John Gall Sr., deceased -­ Oct. 2, 1862 Record J, page 387 Will produced and admitted to Probate. Letters Testamentary granted to John Gall, Jr. Ordered to give bond in sum of $10,000.00. Note: John Gall, Jr. Executor, upon oath before M.L.G. Crowe, Clerk on October 2, l862, states that John Gall Sr. died testate Sept. 19, l862 leaving the following as his only heirs at law, to—wit: Margaret Gall, widow, David Gall, John Gall, Jr. Jacob Gall's heirs, Elizabeth Todd, formerly Gall, heirs

H. F. Hansen, 5/ll/55 —"Abstract copy of the estate shows that Elizabeth Todd was a sister of John Gall Sr." John Gall Genealogy - See P. 61 __—.._____...._____..______..__..__._..__-____....__—-_= -.__..—.___——__—a.,.-__ ROADS (RHOADS, RHODES, RODES, ROIH) HISTORY The Rhodes Family in America, by Nelson Osgood Rhoads, 1208 Merchant's National Bank Bldg. Los Angeles, Calif. 1920 (Feb.) Pub. by The Seaforth Press, Balt. Md. and L.A. Origin of the Palatinate Family.... During the reign of Louis IV (l6h5 to l7l5) a large number of Huguenots fled from to Germany,particularly to the Palatinate, which was a German State until 1620, when it was divided into Bavaria and the lower or Rhine Palatinate. At that time the nameRohde, Rhodes or other forms of its spelling, appears and continues to appear thereafter in the records of vital history of those countries. The coat of arms of the Palatinate families is a true composite of the German, and the French coast of Rodez. Descendants of these families are found in America. Although there were less than fifty emigrant ancestors there were in the 1790 census: Rhodes, Va. 157 from original families Md. lO9 from Mass. and Rhode Island Pa. 522 from original families "John Rhodes of Virginia".....This branch cameearly to the Americas and became prominent in the affairs of the Colony, afterward found in Ohio, Tenn. and Kentucky. #5 Bulletin #1 Vir inia Line John Rhodes b. I397, Hanover Co. Va. m. Mary Crawford Prominent among descen­ dants are: Clifton Rhodes; Judge Robert Rhodes; Gen. Robert EmmelRhodes; Dr. Charles Rhodes; Gen. David Rhodes; James Holland Rhodes; Nicholas RhOdeS_ XIII ROADS HISTORY - CONTINUED

The Palatinate Line 1755-1750 #1 Bulletin, line #11» Ohio Pioneer: John AdamsRhodes of Lancaster Co. Pa. m. Ellen Dorothy Descendants: Moses Rhodes, Manchester, Ind. Phillip Rhodes, California Addie (Crosier) Rhodes, Akron, Ohio MaryRhodes, Nellie Rhodes, California John Rhodes Harrison G. Rhodes, Chicago Richard Rhodes, Indiana Joe Rhodes, Kansas City Aaron Rhodes, Indiana Jacob Rhodes of Ohio __._——.=.=._.._——__=:—___-..—._—..__._.._.=._____-_...._..._—.._..__...... _.._._.._._____—____..__..__...._....—— Chalkley's Vol. II Augusta Co. Va. Records, 1745-1800 Circuit Court Cases ended... P. 259 Beard vs. Rhodes.. O.S. 256; N.S. 117; Bill, 1819 by Dicky Beard of Rockbridge In 1805 orator bought of ABRAHAMRHODESland in Rockbridge, which Rhodes bought from John Greenlee. At the time there was a suit about it between Greenlee and heirs of Benj. Borden. Greenlee”s title confirmed. Rhodes removed several years ago to Ohio. Deed, 17th March, 1757, by Archd. Alexander and Magdalene Bowyer, ea. of Bordon, to James Greenlee of Augusta, sold in lifetime of Benj. Jr. 518 acres, corner Jno. Davidson, corner Cahoon, corner McClure (no cert. of record). Rhodes’ answer in Highland Co. Ohio. 1820. See P. 59 Deed Book II, P. h9h, 150 acres adjoining Abraham Rhoads, $1.00 June 4, 1850, conveyed by George Gall by John Ruff, Commissioner, {which might indicate that Geo. Gall was no longer living. —--—.=-__.._—.__..__——.__.._...____..._..-._...._...... _....._—_...... __....____..__.._..___...... _..._—.._—___.___ Cha1kley's Vol. III P. 56h, Deed Book#9, P. 55, 18th Nov. 1760... JOHNRHODESof County Frederick to Henry Price of Frederick Co. I 15, H00 acres, at foot of Peaked Mt. Delivered to granteevs son, AdamPrice, 20th March, 1815. Deed Book #9 P. 256 (Chalkley‘s P. 582) 18th May, 1762 Henry Price to Augustine Price, Z 50, 121 acres patented to JOHNROADS,15th March, l7hh and conveyed by JOHNto Henry bet. Shanando River and Peaked Mt.; cor.Daniel Sinks. Delivered to A. Price, 8th June, 1789. Annals of Augusta Co. Va....Waddell 1886 P. 129 "The last hostile inroad by Indians into the Valley occurred about 176M. A party of eight Indians and a white man crossed Powell's Fort Mountain to the South Fork of the ShanandoahRiver, nowPage Co...They killed the Rev. John Roads, a Mennonist minister, his wife and three sons. A daughter, namedElizabeth caught up an infant sister and escaped by hiding first in a barn and then in a field of hemp. Twoboys and two girls were taken off as prisoners, but one of the boys and both girls were killed while crossing Powell's Fort. The other boy returned homeafter three years. The place where one of the lads was killed while endeavoring to escape is still called Bloody Ford." History of RockinghamCo. Va.....Wayland ....l7h8...April 2. Brother Gottschalk (MoravianMissionary)writes...... " and cameup the South Forth of the Shenandoahto the Massannutten settle­ ments. One night lodges with John Rhodes, the Menonite minister who was doubtless one of the pioneer settlers.’

XIV Va. Valley Records....Wayland P. 56 "The names of eight petitioners of 1755, who had bought land in Massannutten (Va.) of Jacob Stover in 1729 or 1750 were as follows: AdamMiller, who appears to have been the first settler of Rockingham, was born probably at Schreisheim, Germany, about the year 1700. Hans Rood, (John Rhodes), was doubtless the Mennonite preacher visited at Massannutten by Gottschalk in l7h8 and with his family was massacred by the Indians in l76h. See Va. Mag. of Hist. and Biog. July 1904, P. 69.

#5788 Conner, Edward (Rank) Cornet, 5 years (Mary Rodes and Eliza Hitchcock, P. #15 legal rep.) P. 605 Michael Reader's Co. RODE, MICHEL P, 265 RHODES,Jacob, soldier, Infantry ROADS,Geo. Jr. Sergeant, Inf. P. 265 ROADS,SAM. soldier, Inf. P. 495 # E860 ROADS,Wm. Soldier, War Warrantees (A-B) Rank and Service (C) Chalkley's Vol. III P. #88, Deed Book #15, P. 511 lhth April, 1769... Commission to Charles Lewis and DAVIDRODES,to the privy examination of Judith, wife of Wm.Howard, of Albemarle, as to deed by Wm. and Geo. SampsonMatthews, of date, 29th July 1767. Executed 29th April 1769. Chalkley's Vol. II "Marriage Bonds, Augusta Co. P. 298 1792, May29, George Rhodes and Elizabeth Feleiger (spinster) daughter of John Feleiger (consent); surety, Isaac Ong. —(P. 59 ? O.G.N.) P. 415 "Delinquents in Tax Levies, 1748", "Jacob Rhodes, not found." —————______—_ _ _ . . ——__ _ _ .=————————_ _ _ _ ———...... —-__—....___....._-_—.-._——_—___—._.._..__-___ Chalkley's II Vol. Augusta Co. Va. Records l[h§ - 1800 P. MH9 ABSOLOMROACH'SDeclaration. Col. Francis Taylor's Regiment (Road's ? O.G.N.) Major Roberts Capt. Ambrose Madison Capt. James Burton Waspresent at surrender of Yorktown. (Declaration by applicantvs for pensions.) P. 465 -.——...___....-____-..__._-______.._..__...... _...... ______—..__—_.=.—__.—.._.._..a_.__—..—...—_—..———___.. Virginians in the Revolution....Gwathmey

ROADES, MATHIAS (Rhodes 5 & A CL) (CL means Va. Reg.) JACOB E. WILLIAM Inf. nble. RHOADS, JACOB 7 CL also Rodes RHODES,JACOBWD(Record in War Dept.) Fifer 5 CL, 8CL, also Rodes Pitts RHODES, MATHIAS, 5 and 4 CL ROADS, JACOB (Rhodes) 8CL, l2CL, A, 8 & 12 CL, 7 CL -—_.._—..______.._.__.._..—.._.__._—__.._————._—_.._,....._-_._.______...... -.._...___.__.....___ —__._­ Official Roster...Soldiers of the AmericanRev. Buried in Ohio.... b. Germany RHOADS,FREDERICK,(Co. not stated).) Served 1778 to 1781 d. Ohio I8uI Further information DAR,Vol. 7h, P. 111. —-_—_.._—__.______....__.__._——_——__.._____...—_._—..-....-__._....____.____._...__.__._....__-_ From DARrecord: "Frederick Rhoads served 1778-81 as a ranger on the frontier, Westmoreland Co. Pa. He was born about 1757 in Germany, d. l8h1 in Ohio. Frederick Rhoads m. Sarah —————-­ Samuel Rhoads m. Mary Boyer Daniel Rhoads m. (5) Margard;Wi1litts Ida M. Rhoads m. J. B. butler (Born, Webster Co. Iowa.) #7529h ___—_.._—-__—___..____..__....__—._——_.-.-_—____.—....._....______-_._...._..__—___..—_—_._—_.__._.._ RHODES,NICHOLAS(Green Co.) Served as a farrier in Light Horse Harry Lee's Legion, Continental Troops. Pensioned in Ohio, 1829, for service as Dragoon, Va. Line. b. 1761 d 1850 m. Elizabeth Taylor. Ref. Vol. #6 DARP. 168. Nicholas Rhodes m. Elizabeth Taylor #fi5ho8 Walter Rhodes (1795-1861) m. Mary Rinehart 1826. (1811 - 1875) Phoebe Rhodes m. HermanL. Dresser, Urbana, Ill. .Hotten's Emigrants to the AmericanP1antations.. License to go beyond the Seas: P. 155 THOMASRODES20 years Oct. 15, 1655 "Amitie"

History of Rockbridge Co. Va. Morton Taxpayers prior to 1772 RHODES, 1 h.

P. 52h RHODES...Abrahamm. Elizabeth Thomas, 1810 *Catherine m. George Gall 1800 Catherine m. Andrew Lair 1805 Christian m. Sarah Ogden 1809 Eve m. Phillip Syler 1790 Jean m. George Good 1799 Margaret b. 1758 d. 1850 . ------—~Mary m. John Palmer 1802 ------————--——~-——-——-e=_­ Rev. WarRecords,Virginia ....Brumback # 5922 RODES,JACOBdec'd, private, 5 years (George Rodes, son & heir of) P.h9h Rolls of Vessels of the Va. State Navy "Congress" Sloop P. S-6 Marines on Board March 1776 HENRYRHODES, CORP.

___—_=.___-_..___..__...... _.=...-_ .. _ _....____.-_-._____-__, WILL or JAMESWILLIAMS,Probated Sept. 8, 1818 - See P. 65 In the name of God Amen: I, James Williams of Highland County, & State of Ohio, being weak of body, but of sound and perfect mind, and memory; blessed be Almighty God for the same, do make, and publish this my last will and testament in mannerand form following: (that is to say) First I give and bequest unto my youngest son James Williams his heirs and assigns all that mymessuage or tenement, on which I now live, to hold to him, the said JamesWilliams, his heirs and assigns forever for his particular assi­ duity &parental care, provided, howeverthat this gift, bequest, or device Shall not take place, or effect, till at, and after mydecease,and mywife Po11y‘s, provided further, that, while either of us maylive, the whole aforesaid tenement, shall be at our, or either of our disposal, and under Oursole direction: I further will, and order, that all the rest and residue of myEstate, goods, and chattels, of what kind and nature I

XVI WILL OF JAMES WILLIAMS - Continued soever, be equally divided, amongthe rest of mychildren; and lastly I appoint, and nominate, Jacob Roads and John Pulse, my son-in—laws, Executors, of this, mylast will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 22nd day of Novemberin the year of our Lord, Onethousand eight hundred and seventeen. Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named James Williams to be his last will and testament in the presence of us, who at his request, and in his presence have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses to the same. James Williams John Palmer James Williams (SEAL) John Countryman Philip Road

Will Book h, File 658, Page Mk8, Hillsboro, Ohio (James Williams‘ farm is now known as Frost Farm near Cedar Chapel. It consisted of 225%acres at the time of his death.)

.._.=.____—._--..___————_...._...... s.—..—_-—_..=___..._._..__...____—.——_———.=_—..__.._._._..__.._.__..___ l8lO Highland Co. 0. Tax List, Brushcreek Twp. James Williams , 150 A.



Abridged Compendiumof American Genea1ogy...First Families of America.. Frederick A. Virkus 1925 Appleton's Cyclopedia American Biography Augusta Co., Annals of...J. A. Waddell Augusta Co. First Marriage Records 1785-1815 American Ancestry Vol. II 1887 Bishop Meade's "Old Churches and Families" Culpepper Co. Abstracts from Court Records...A.M.Prichard 1765-1764 Colonial Families in the U.S....McKenzie Chalk1ey's Abstracts of Augusta Co. (5 Volumes) Va. History of Bath Co. Va....O. F.Morton History of Highland Co. Va....O. F. Morton History of RockinghamCo. Va....J. W. Wayland History of RockinghamCo. Marriages....Strick1and History of Rockbridge Co. Va.....O. F. Morton L. A. Burgess "Va. Soldiers of 1776".....5 Volumes Virginia Valley Records, Genealogical and Historical of RockinghamCo...... J. W. Wayland Virginia Wills and Administration...C1ayton Terrence 1652-1800 Rev. War Records Va....G. M. BrumbaughVol. I Va. Militia Rev. War....J. T. McA1lister St. Mark's Parish, Culpepper Co. (Fami1ies)....Rev. Phillip Staughler Va. Rev. War Records Historical Register of Virginians in Rev...Gwathmey Hotten's "List of Emigrants"(l600-1700) Trans—A11eghenyPioneers....Ioh.n P. Hale Greer's "Early Va. Emigrants" History of Barbour Co.W.Va....Maxwell Nugent's "Cavaliers and Pioneers" Colonial Families of the U.S. The Journals of the Va. House of Delegates 1855-1855 Howesand Campbell's History of Va. Lost Links...Francis and Moore Va. Historical Magazine Vol. 1 D. A- R- Records Rupp's Emigrants Armstrong's Notable Southern Families Pa. Pioneer“s....Hinke Talbot Genealogy-Library of Congress


GEORGEGALLb. 1750 (2) d. Feb. 28, 1778 m. 1765 (?) MARIE STULTS POTURVE, a widow who had a son, Jasper Poturve and a daughter Mary£(young). “"Lived in Rockingham Co. Va. many years before the Revolu­ tionary War."

I GEORGEGALLJr. b. June 28, 1766, Berks Co.,Pa. d. July 1, 1855, Highland Co. 0. m. (1) SUSANNAHNICHOLAS,Dec. 5, 1785 b. d. 1800. (Daughter of Jacob Nicholas, Rockbridge Co.Va.)


m. (2) CATHERINEROADS, May 27, 1800, b. 1779 :1. (Daughter of Abrahamand Marie Roads, and sister of Jacob Roads who married Sarah Jane Williams. Natives of Virginia. See page 59. "Married May 27, 1800, Rockbridge Co. Va. by Rev. George Baxter " Record: "In 1809 George Gall Jr. emigrated to Ohio with his family, with the exception of John, who stayed in Va.(See page 7) and Jacob, whowent farther west to Missouri." (See page 4)


II JOHNGALL b. Dec. 11, 1776 <1. Sept. 19, 1862 m. MARGARETFULWIDER,Rockbridge Co. Va. March 10, 1798 b. May 16, 1780 d. Feb. 16, 1872


III ELIZABETH GALL m. Todd DESCENDANTSof GEORGEGALL Jr. and SUSANNAHNICHOLAS (First wife) 1766 - 1855 —1800 PAGE 1. JACOB GALL...... m. MARGARETMcCANN, May 11, 1809.. E 1787 - 1821 1795 ­

2. ELIZABETH GALL...... m. JOHN CLARK, 1801 ...... 5 1789 ­ 5. JOB GALL...... m.(1) SARAHHAYESJan. 7, 1812 ...... 1790 - 1878 m.(2) MARGARETARBOGASTJan. 5, 1817... 7 1792 —1865 1. SARAH GALL...... m. BURRIS ...... 15 1792 ­ 5. _GEORGEGALL...... m. SARAH WILLIAMS June 25, 1817 ...... 16 1791 - 1851

6. BARBARA GALL <1. 11 years old ...... 25 7. SUSANNAHGALL.mm-1&2 ...... m. THOMASWILLIAMS um-1&5 Oct. 15, 1815 ...... 25

8. MICHAEL GALL ...... m. NANCY COOK ...... 55 1799 ­ DESCENDANTSof GE0RGE GALL Jr. and CATHERINE ROADS (Second wife) 1766 —1855 1779 :­

1. MARIA GALL ...... m. GEORGE COUNTRYMANSept. 12, 1820 ... 56 1801 ­

2. REBECCA GALL ...... m. JOHN TURNER ...... 55 1805 — 5. LYDIA GALL...... m. JOHN JARNIGAN Nov. 10, 1859 ...... 56 1805 — 1. ELIZABETH GALL...... m. GEORGESHOEMAKERApril 1, 1828..... 35 1807 ­

5. DAVID GALL ...... m. ANNA HAMOND ...... 57 1809 ­

6. ANNAGALL...... m. JACOB HAMOND (After Anna died, he N2 1811 — married Sophia.)

7. RHoDA GALL...... m. WILLIAM HAMOND ...... N5 1815 — '

8. ISAAC GALL...... m. SALLY HISER ...... Nu 181k —1887 1809 - 187M PAGE

9. CATHERINEGALL.. . . HENRYWILLIAMS...... 45 1816 - 1817 —

10. ABRAHAMGALL...... m. MARY ANN DUTTON...... M8 1818 —1887 1818 - 1902

11. SOPHIA GALL ...... m. JACOB HAMMOND...... 50 1820 —

12. MATILDAGALL...... m. ISAAC w. JARNIGAN Oct. 1A, 1845.. 55 1822 —

15. JULIA ANN GALL...... m. JOSIAH LEVI WILLIAMSMarch 9, I851 1824 - 1905 1852 - 1906

DESCENDANTS of JOHN GALL and MARGARET FULWIDER 1775 —1862 178p — 1872 1. DAVID GALL ...... m. MARY McDoNALD ...... 58 1798 —1868 1810 - 18hu

2. JOHN GALL, Jr ...... m...... 58 -»»aL15.».55. JACOB GALL...... m...... 58 DESCENDANTS of GEORGE GALL JR. and SUSANNAH NICHOLAS

1. JACOB GALLb. Nov. 28, 1787 d. 1821 m. MARGARETMOCANN, May 11, 1809 b. Jan. 10, 1795 Pendleton Co. Va. d. June 19, l85h Buried near Columbia, Ill. (Movedto St. Louis, M0. in 1820 with wife and three children. Jacob Gall died one year later. "Fell dead in his barnyard with a basket on his arm." Widow,Margaret later married William Agnew.) 11 Sgsan1 son Gall b. d. m. Goodin d. Belleville, 111. 22 daughter 21 John Gall b. Jan. 2, 181A Pendleton Co. Va. d. Jan. u, 187A of pneumonia, in Central City, Ill. m. Susan Crosby, Waterloo, Iowa, June 6, l8#l. 12 Sarah Jane Gall d. 22 James c. Gall 52 Jacob Wilbur Gall m. Edith Mapes 15 Susan Maud Gall d. 25 John Wilbur Gall d. 55 Clarence F. Gall m. (1) Retha Rankin (2) #5 Florence Pearl Gall m. John Thomas Boyd lu Mary Edith Boyd m. William T. Karcher 2 John Thomas Boyd, Jr. m. Jane Reid

33 ElizabethPaul W. Boyd Boyd m. Benn Hall 55 Infant d. #2 Addie Mary Gall m. Richard Jackson Stephens 15 Ethel Gertrude Stephens d. Jan. 15, 1952 (Retired professor of 5 I11. State Normal Univ.) 2 E mer Claud Kent SteP hens d. Oct. 18 2 l9h5 m. Charlotte Pitzer l Mgry Louise Stephens m. Larry White 1 Stephen White . 2h Ralph Arthur Stephens m. Madelyn Cecilia Belum 55 Samuel Homer Paul Stephens m. Elizabeth Armm(4057 N. Koster Ave. Chicago,Ill.) lu Pauline Elizabeth Stephens m. Henry C. Zehrer h 15 Paula Claudia Zehrer 2 John Richard Stephens d. st Edith Stephens m. William Bucke fin John Edgar Stephens m. Gladys Young 5 Paul Duane Stephens m. Hazel Pulliam . 15 P 1 Du St h J . 45 Edgar Ste::ens ane ep ens’ r 55 Myrtle Stephens m. Dr. Ralph Sabine 65 Richard Stephens 75 Ina Stephens 85 Tfiomas Goff Stephens m. Amalina Schmitt 1 Thomas John Richard Stephens m. Madeline Lux 15 Kathleen Gertrude Stephens 2 Gertrude A. Stephens m. Ferd Dehne 5 15 John Stephen Dehne A 9 Edna Louise Stephens 52 Infant d. 62 Elizabeth Watkinson Gall m. Daniel Reeder 15 Allen Reeder 25 Mary Reeder m. Snow (R children) 1 5. 51 Jacob Gall, Jr. m.(l) Nancy Ann Johnson m.(2) Mary Crosby Cook, Waterloo, Ia. (No Children) John Gall 2 James Gall m. Meno Mull

15 Bfirtha1 William C. Gall Jacob m. KienzlerCharles Kienzler m. Mary Olive Luallen 15 William Terry Kienzler Josephine Kienzler m. Michael Sulya 15 Michael Sulya Charles Arthur Kienzler m. Irene Muchlhausler 15 Shirley Kienzler M” James Kienzler m. Betty Forgach 5“ Mildred Kienzler 6h Loraine Kienzler June Kienzler 52 Mary Margaret Gall m. James McKee l5 1+ 1 #2 Joseph Gall d. young 52 Susan Gall d. young 62 Sarah Gall d. young 72 William Theodore Gall m. Elizabeth Cowley l5 John Gall m. EmmaWood 25 William Theodore Gall Jr. m. (1) Jessie Hopkins 14 Filmore Gall ——————————————————————————--m. (2) Elizabeth Standard 14 Blanche Gall m. Lane Paneguin 2h William Gall m. Jeane Smith 55 Blanche Gall m. William McCarron 14 Kenneth McCarron (adopted) 24 Delores McCarron (adopted)

2. ELIZABETH GALL b. May A, 1789 d. m. 180A JOHN CLARK 11 Mary Ann Clark m. Hugh McSurely 12 William Jasper McSurely m. Huldah Taylor 15 Ella Glen McSurely 25 Jfimes E. McSurely m. Teekin Walker 1 James E. McSurely Jr. m. Frances Howe 15 James E. McSurely III 25 Hugh McSurely 2“ Alexander McSurely m. Getrude Helmeth 15 Marian McSurely 25 Jane McSurely 55 Alan McSurely 5h Sarah McSurely, single 55 W lliam Henry McSurely m. Mary Cadman 1 William CadmanMcSurely 24 Marion McSurely m. Alfred Schnoor 2 15 Alfred Schnoor Jr. 22 S. M. McSurely 5 Sarah McSurely, single George Clark 51 Rebecca Clark 41 Jghn1 Jasper A. Clark Porter m. MargaretClark Porter daughter daughter Sarah Elizabeth Clark, single Mary Ann Clark, single James A. Clark m. Susannah McCoy l John Clark 8) Andrew Clark 5? Samuel Clark Margaret Clark (several children) Lawrence Clark m. Barbara (no children) S rena Clark m. Ted Graham lu Fred Graham 2“ Mary GraceGraham 5 Selina Clark m. William Edgar Browning 2lu ElizabethWilliam Edgar Betty) Browning Browning Jr. 85 George Clark m. 95 Grace Clark m. 105 Sylvia Clark m. (several children) 72 William Clark m. EmmaThoromo l5 Laura Clark m. John McElfresh l Lloyd McElfresh 2» Mary EmmaMcElfresh 25 Clyde Clark m. Rowena Courtney (3 children) 55 Charles Clark m. Alice McElfresh (2 children) John Allen Clark m. Anna Steek l5 Mfiry Bertha Clark m. (1) Harvey Crawford 1 Thelma Crawford m. Harry Hartley Rhoads,Jr. 15 Mary Alice Rhoads 25 Harry Hartley Rhoads III ------—-m. (2) Orval L. Leach Oscar Stewart Leach m. Olive Abbott Hebel M%nnie Maye Leach m. J. Vernon Matthews l Agnal Isabel Louise MayeHarner Matthews m. Orville David Harner 26 John Vernon Harner Thomas Baxter Clark 102 Margaret Selina Clark m. Cyrus Myers 15 Alta1 Lawrence Esther Myers Allen m. White c. w. White l5 Lawrence Allen White Jr. 25 Donald Earl White 2h Anna Margaret White JOHNGALLb. Nov. 7, 1790 d. Jan. 8, 1878 in Elk Twp. near Phillipi, W.Va. m. (1) SARAHHAYES,Barbour Co. W. Va. (Daughter of Moses and Sarah Hayes who owned land in Harrison Co. on the Monongehela. See P. ) m. Jan. 7, 1812 b. d. 11 Margaret H. Gall b. Nov. 7, 1815 d. Jan. 21, 1815 m. James Coberly, Gilmore, W. Va. b. d. (H children) JOHN GALL m. (2) MARGARETARBOGASTof Highland Co. Va. Jan. 3, l8l7 b. Sept. 25, 1792 d. Feb. 25, 1865 11 George William Gall b. Mar. 22, 1819 d. Nov. 11, 1904 Rockbridge Co. Va. m. Elizabeth Talbott, Oct. 1, l8hO b. Dec. 15, 1819 d. Oct. 17, 1908 ("Aunt Betsy Gall" was an invalid for thirty-five years and was greatly loved by her relatives and friends and neighbors.) 1 Claudius Erastus Gall 22 Gustavius b. Mov. (Gus) 27, 18u1 Hale d.Gall June b.July 16, 187512, 1 ésingle) n5, d. Sept. 24, 1918 m. (1) Martha Leach Oct. 7, 1859 b. Aug. 20, l8h2 d. June 1, 1881 Phillipi, w. Va. 15 Lair DowdenGall b. d.Jan. A, 1950 m. EmmaMartin 1“ Robert Gall 2“ Martha Gall m. Glen Gainer 23 Andrew Jackson Gall b. July 27, 1862 d. Oct. 1, 1950 Moatsville, W. Va. A 7 m. Martha E. Myers 1 Dowden Calvin Gall b. Feb. 5, 1889 m. Carrie Simmelman 2% V. Grace Gall b. Jan. 15, 1891 m. Waitman T. Wilson 5 EmmaGinevra Gall b. April 11, 1895 4% Mary Augusta Gall b. June 1, 1895 5: Ruth Gall b. June 8, 1898 m. George Lee 6 Ada Evelyn Gall b. Aug. 20, 1901 m. Ray Duckworth 7“ Glenna Beryl Gall b. Aug. 2 d. 8” Juanita Gall b. Jan. 21, 1909 55 James Wesley Gall b. Mar. 19, 186A d. 1950 m. (1) Lucinda O. Barbury Jan. 7, 1886 14 Ella Gall b. Dec. 8, 1886 m. Jasper Rose 15 Charles Rose 25 Virginia Rose u 5 Thomas Rose 2 Jessie E. Gall b. May 15, 1889 m. Charles H. Grose l Donizan Grose 25 Dellas Grose 55 Doris Grose 5” Gusta Gall b. Oct. 7, 1891 m. Bentzel #4 Arta M. Gall b. Feb. 1h, 189a m. Mary Stemple 15 Helen Gall 25 James Gall 55 Owen Gall 5” Chesley A. Gall b. Oct. 25, 1896 m. (1) (2) Irene Lamp M Lineberg 6 James B. Gall b. May 1M, 1915 m. Daughter d. Dec. 2, 1865 Elias J. Gall b. Dec. 12, 1866 m. Flora Tremple 2lfi BGertie anche Gall Gall m. m. Ollie Ora Leach Cross 1 Paul Leach 25 Margaret Leach 55 Geraldine Leach 5“ Abbie Gall ht Opal Gall m. Hug Proudfoot 5 Ruby Gall 54 Infant d. 65 John Gall b. Dec. 5, 1868 d. Aug. 24, 1869 George Granville Gall b. June 26, 1870 d. March 17, 1951 Elkins, W. Va. m. (1) Va. Catherine Zinn Mar.28,l9OO u b. d. 1909 .1 Lena Margaret Gall (*) b. Feb. 11, 1906 m.Roy Israel ------em. (2) Della Holdsberry 1918 Marie H. (Bub) Gall b. April 7, 1872 d. 1959 m. Estella Zinn lu Delta Gall m. DuncanHanlieter 15 Layman Gall 2” Eva Gall, single 5” Madge Gall b. d. Mary Elizabeth Gall b. June 20, 187% d. July 21, 1955 (Nurse) Harriett Ann (Hattie) Gall b. May20, 1876 m.E1za Barba 1“ Beatrice Barba m. (1) 2) J. K. Moon Haven, Kansas 15 Livera Moon : 25 Maxine Moon 55 Dorsey Moon 115 Flora1 Artnold E. Gall Taylor b. April m. 25, 1878 Swearinton m. Abe L. Taylor 2“ Ethel Taylor m. Ball 15 ‘Betty Jean Ball. ” 2 Wanda Lee Ball 5 Blanche Taylor m. Dinley ha Fred Taylor m. (1) Chapman 5h Virginia Taylor m. (2) Durland McElroy 76: RuthMargaret Raylor Taylor m. m. Ed Post Abbott Dorsey Taylor 125 AmosBosworth Gall b. Sept. 16, 1879, d. 1950, Granfton, W.Va. m. Ada Rose, duaghter of John Rose. Brooks Gall Clinton Gall b. d. Dorsey Gall Charles Gall (*) "Amongthe maternal ancestors of Lena Margaret Gall, were descendants amongthe earlier settlers of Iowa. Margaret Gal1's grandmother Gall (Leach) was brought back from Iowa to Virginia when a child because her parentsmhaddied and left their children orphans. The father's brother . brought the children backto Virginia.". .Talbot Genealogy, 1952...... 65h AmosBosworthAda Olive Gall Gall Jr. u Wayne Gall 9u HaroldJohn Gall Gall Mildred Gall 22 Gustavius (Gus) Hale Gall m. (2) S. Jane Soffel Aug. 7, 1881 b. Mar. lu, l858 d. Feb. 17, 1892 Phillipi, W.Va. 15 William1 Edward B. Gall b. Oct. 16, 1882 m. Minnie Smith 24 Dorothy Gall m. Evans 5 William B. Gall Jr. 25 Lillian (Lily) Gall b. June 5, i884 m. Hilbert 55 Everett Gall b. Oct. lo, 1886 m. (1) Louella Lantz (2) Alice Rogers lh Infant son d. 2“ Rgy1 BettyGall m. Jean Mildred Gall Brinkley 5u 25Clara Mariann Hattie Gall Gall m. Arthur H. Peet l5 MaryElizabeth Peet b. d. 25 Charlotte Peet 55 Arthur H. Peet, Jr. M: Henry David Gall 5 Margaret1 Dolores Gall Ann m. Sandonas John Sandonas

76: §eyw§rdGG:l1 oy . a m. Evelyn Roberts Charles E. Gall m. (1) Lucille Bartlett \ (2) Betty Coffman A5 Estella Gall b. Aug. 14, 1887 55 Dora B. Gall b. July lu, 1890 m. Elmer Ramsey 65G?me®y%flb.%m.M,m%1 Carl Gall m. Lena Way 15 Carl Donald Gall Gustavius (Gus) Hale Gall m. (5) Sarah Henderson Feb. 5, 1895 b. July lb, l86l d. Feb. l7, l926 Grafton, W. Va. 15 Myrtle (Mertie) Gall b. l89u m. Haymond lu Robert Haymond 2 Sara E. Haymondm. William Gilbreath 25 Isora Victoria Gall b.Ma 28, 1895 d. May 5, 1897 55 z. Gay Gall b. Aug. 9, l896 m. William Hennings 14 Carl Hennings 2h James M. Hennings Alma Hennings uh Virginia Hennings 5h Austin Hennings 6h Viola Hennings Jean Hennings 8” Dale Hennings 95 William Hennings, Jr. Helen Gay Hennings 10.

A5 Daisy D. Gall b. Jan. 15, 1898 m. Greene 1 Evelyn Greene 2” Elinor Greene 55 DeweyGall b. April 6, 1899 d. June 25, 1900 Leslie Gall b. Mar. 10, 1901 d. Sept. 8, 1902 76: E. Velma Gall b. Mar. 8, 1902 85 Ffied1 Fred R. Gall R. Gall, b. July Jr. 17, 1905 m. Georgia Lowther Lucinda (Cindy) B. Gall b. May 11, 18)-L5d. Jan. 1, 1925 m. Elias Leach Harrison Co. Va. 15 Charles Louis Leach m. Anna Smith 1” Ora Leach m. (l) Blanche Gall (2) Pauline 15 Paul Leach 25 Margaret Leach 55 Geraldine Leach b. d. 45 son d. 25 Cora Leach b. d. 55 Viola Leach b. d. #4 Artie Leach b. d 54 Dora Leach m. Beulke 6” T eodore Leach m. Louise Santz 1 Harold Leach 25 Dorothy Leach 7“ Orville Leach b. d. m. Clara Baker 15 Charles Leach 84 Elsie25 Orville Leach Leachm. Ralph Jr. Cross 15 Richard Cross 25 Elizabeth Ann Cross 95 Curtis Leach m. Helen 25 M. Victoria Leach m. Alva Hartsaw 1” Winifred Hartsaw m. Mary (5 Infants d.) Mfirgaretl Floran Esther Felton Leach m. m. Audrey George Phillips C. Felton l5 Betty Jean Felton m. Henry Hunt 25 Lora Felton 55 George Felton #5 Alla Felton 55 John Felton 65 Margaret Felton 75 Charlotte Felton eh Lolita Felton m. Shirley Bartlett 15 Uriel Felton m. Flora Riley 25 Audrey Felton m. Lantz Garrico 55 Grace Felton 45 Ronald Felton 55 Glenn Felton 65 Brooks Felton 3“ Tracey Felton m. Edna Willis 15 MaryVirginia Felton 25 Pearl Louise Felton #5 Uriel Felton m. Pauline Overfield l5 Hilda Felton 25 Donald Felton

5M 55Ocean Louanna Pearl Felton 11.

Elizabeth Ann Leach m. (1) Dan M. Wolfe 1A Paul Wolfe m. Zelma m. (2) Wilmath Louis A. McNemar 15 Richard Wolfe Adeline Leach b. d. Mary1 Margaret B. Leach Jean m. Wm.Floyd Talbot Talbot Melissa Bee Leach (twin) b. Oct. 15, 1878 Hollis Delbert Leach (twin) m. Ora Yates 15 Vonda Leach m. William Gregory 15 Warren Hollis Gregory 25 Calla Dell Gregory Elias Leach m. Edna 15 Delbert Leach 25 Elda Leach 55 Gloria Leach b. d. Walena Leach (twin) Wilnene Leach (twin) Ancel Leach (twin) Alma Leach (twin) Infant d. ~ Elda Leach b. d. Adolphus Leach Dorothy Leach Catherine Leach 95 Wfildronl Waldron Leach Leach m. Emma Jr. m.Haddox Inez 15 Waldron Dowden Leach 25 Fairy Leach 55 Patricia Kay Leach (twin) #5 Lowel Leach (twin) 55 Denver Leach Harold Leach m. Maxine 1 Harold Leach Jr. Theodore Leach g Gloria Leach 45 Thomas Leach Julia Ann Gall b.Jan. 21, l8h7 d. Nov. 13, 1891 m. Henry H. Proudfoot (No children) Margaret Jane Gall b. Aug. lh, l8h8 d. Dec. 16, 1917 m. William K. Hall (No children) Mary Devitta Gall b. April 28, 1850 d. John J. Gall b. Nov.15, 1851 d.Mar. 10, 195A Belington, W.Va. m. Elizabeth Ann (Betty) Carpenter Dec. 50, 1875 Barbour Co. W. Va. b. April 50, 1858 Harrison Co.Va. (Daughter of Allen and Harriett HuffmanCarpenter) d. Aug. 8, 19h}, Belington, W. Va. 13 Alva Dowden Gall b. Nov. 5, 1876 m. Edith Ingram Mar. A, 1905 1M Harold Gall (Live in Ohio) Dorothy Gall John J. Gall Jr. AMartha Ronald Gall 25 Morris Adbert Gall b. Nov. 29, 1878 d. Feb. 5, 1882 55 William Bradford Gall b. May 30, 1881 m. Dona Baughman Jan. lO, 1905 14 Anna Evelyn Gall b. Dec. 16, 1908 m. Rupert Knight May 21, 1927 12. 2” Vincent BaughmanGall (twin) b. May 6, 191a. 5M Virginia ' - Elizabeth Gall (twin) d. b. April May6, 1955191A m. Dr. Junior W. Myers A5 Marvin Lucion Gall b. Nov. 9, 1885 1A Robert Gall m. (1) b. MarieJan. 6, Carney 1922 Mar. 51, 1920 ------——m.(2)Margaret Davis l9h2 Lora Linden Gall b. Dec. A, 1887 d. Jan. 6, 1888 55 Dessie Dove Gall b. Sept. 25, 1889 (DAR) m. Charles Stacy Rowe, Jan. 8, 1918 Junior, W. Va. 1A Kenneth Rowe b. May 6, 1920 d. May 6, 1920 EH John Benjamin Rowe b. Jan. 5, 192A m. Betty Rosalie Foy, Aug. 5, l9h6 BA Mary Elizabeth Rowe b. May 25, 1925 m. Carl Ellis Moats Aug. 9, 19u6 A 15 Ellis Andrew Moats b. Sept. 12, 19u8 4 Andrea Jean Rowe b. Nov. 15, 1926 (DAR) 5A Charles m.Stacy John Rowe, Maynard Jr. Dennis b. Jan. July 18, 20, 1929 l9h9 Orion Hoyt Gall b. Aug. 51, 1895 m. Edna Summers Sept. 1, 1925 Moundsville(Daughter of S. . Va. O. and Olive Flora Summers) lu George Thomas Gall ’ 24 Martha Ann Gall Andra Ann Gall b. Aug. 27, 1895 m. Bruce Barnett Lambert Aug. 2M, 1956 DeweyLee Gall b. Jan. 6, 1898 m. Nellie Virginia Zinn Oct. M, 1957 Morgantown, W. Va. 105 George Allen Hugh Gall b. Feb. 19, 1905 m. Goldie Ellen Wilson Oct. n, 1957 1M Judith Ann Lewisburg,Gall b. W Va.19h6 82 Overton Hironamus Gall b. June 11, 1855 d. May 5, 1956 Las Animas, Col. m. Jemima Shroyer Jan. 20, 1881 d. Oct. 27, 1952. Both buried Buffalo, Okla. Ernest Gall b. d. George Shroyer Gall m. Ethel Davis Gordon Gall m. Elsie Hupp 21: HowardGallGordon Gall Jr. 54 William Gall lHfiyward Florine Gall Gall m. Fern m. Monhollen Pryor Deloris Gall m. Hoffman Jane Gall m. Lanfiaster Elizabeth Gall Madge,GallPatricia Gall Janet Gall Virginia Gall HeywardGall Jr. Thomas Gall 55 lHfirbertEthel Gall Gall m. Bess Zollinger 2 Verna Gall l5. 5: Clara Gall 65 Fitzhughh Hugh GallLee Gall b. d

lO ElamIsora Dowden Victoria Gall Gall b. Nov.b. Dec. 20, 16 1856 1854 d. Nov.8. May27, 16, 189 1Eu1 m. Effie C. Matlick Apr. 25, 1888 (Later in life she married Wm.D.Zinn,awidower) - d. Aug. 19uo Phillipi, W. Va. 15 Earl M. Gall b. May 9, 1889 m. Elsie Smith 1 Virginia L. Gall b. Mar. 9, 1919 2“ Kathleen E. Gall b. Oct. 8, 1920 25 Hubert D. Gall b. May 12, 1890 m. Della West Stealy (No children) 55 Alwyn B. Gall b. Nov. 20, 1891 m. Mary B. Haddix 18 Virginia M. Gall b. April 12, 1922 24 Doris Lee Gall b. Nov. 26, 1926 #5 Eiam Dowden Gall b. Jan. 18, 1895 m. EmmaM. McKown lh Mary Martha Gall b. Jan. l2, 1919 2 EmmaByer Gall b. Dec. 26, 1922 d. May 5, 1926 119 George W. Gall Jr. b. May 25, 1859 d. Jan. l8, l929 m. Madora (Dora) Talbot, Phillipi, W. Va. b. July 25,1862, d.Feb.7,l952 Harrison Co.W.Va. 15 Bessie Gall m. Dr. Frank Casteel, Washington, D.C. 25 Edna Claire Gall m. Faye T. Darr,Washington, D.C. l2 Lora Linda Gall b. July 17, l862 d. Apr. 29, l955 m. James Henry Felton Sept. 22, 1885 15 Gietchen1 Craig Felton Bolton m. A.c. Bolton (DAR) Belington, W.Va. 2” Margaret Bolton 25 Prudence Felton m. Richard S. Arthur (DAR)Charleston, W.Va. 55 Mfinniel Richard Felton Dilworth m. Clarence Dilworth (DAR)Belington, W.Va. #5 Grace Felton m. R. Morris Wylie, Huntington, W.Va. 21 Sara Ann Gall b. Nov. 29, 1817 d. 1886 m. (1) John Carlin (2 sons, 5 daughters) 31 Henry A. Gall b. Feb. 15, 1821 d. m. Eunice Marteney,Phillipi, W.Va. 12 Ben. Gall m. Nancy Zimm 15 Anna Gall b. 1877 a. 1918 m. Frowd. Buried in Chicago. 25 Wesley Gall 22 Lloyd Gall m. Estaline Corder 15 Walter Gall m. ' ’ Chenowith 52 Melcine Gall m. David Smith 13 Willa Smith m. (1) Charles Zimm l Roscoe Zimm Pearl Zimm 5” Blanche Zimm Mu Mary Zimm ------m. (2) Arthur Wells lh Inez Wells (twin) m. Thorn 2“ Dolly Wells (twin) m. Cross 42 Almira Gall m. Wesley Talbot Nov. 21, l86l b. l8§9 13 EmmaRosetta Talbot 1h. 25 Estella Lee Talbot m. B. P. Mustgrave Minnie MayTalbot d. Feb. 1, 1951 Buried Phillipi, W.Va. m. Charles Bruce Sturm 45 Adela (Della) Talbot m. William Marteney 41 John J. Gall b. Sept. 2, 1825 d. m. Rebecca Sayre -12 Jane Gall m. Cyrus Wolfe 15 Hfirbert Wolfe m. Blanche Findley 1 Ngva1 Harry Wolfe Baughman m. (1) Carl Baughman 25 Herbert Baughman 55 Neva Baughman ———————————--m.(2) Forest Fitzwater 15 (twin) 25 (twin) David W Gall b. July 25, 1851 m. June, 1876 Hennie Reger (DAR) CAppointedto position in b. 1851 Phillipi, W.Va. the Treasury Dept. under President ). l5 Minnie R. Gall 25 John Camden Gall 55 Albert Gall 52 Sarah Gall m. William Houser 15 Bertha Houser m. R. H. Woodford 25 John Houser 51 David w. Gall b. July 8, 1825 d. young 61 Susan Gall b. Sept. 22,1827 m.Jacob Shank, Soldier in Mexican War. 2 Phillipi, W.Va. 1 John Shank m. Leone Dickenson 15 Andra Shank

25 Bfiy1 Shankson m. 2” Charmaine (5 daughters m.) ‘ Lewissa Gall (twin) b. Sept.l5, 185%m. Erastus Smith Nero, W.Va. 19 Ella Smith m. Robert Reed 22 Anna Smith m. Emmet Hudkins (12 children) 52 Margaret Smith m. Crites #2 Virginia Smith m. Leo Hudkins (h children) 59 Lee Smith m. 62 Perry Smith 72 Francis M. Smith 81 Lafayette Gall (twin) b. Sept.15,l854 m.(l) Elizabeth Rankin,Augusta 12 Jackson Lee Gall m. Mary Lyons Co. Va. 15 Hettie Opal Gall m. Charles Taylor 22 Mary Ellen Gall m. William Osborne 15 Fred Osborne 52 Martha Gall m. Claude Burnside 81 ------m. (2) Henrietta Robinson of Taylor Co. W.Va, 12 Charles Gall m. Sara Hall 91 Mary Jane Gall b. Dec. 22, 1851 m. William P. Keys 1860 b. 1811 d. 1891 15.

12 Anna M. Keys m. Walter P. Scott (DAR) 15 Pauline Scott 22 William P. Keys Jr. m. Bertha Holt 15 William T. Keys 25 Harry Keys 55 Howard Keys 59 d. Bgrtram M. Gall b. May 12, 1857 d. m. Eliza Hull 1 Sidney Gall m. Booth 1 Snider 5 Fanny1 Stella Gall m.Snider 2 A Mary Snider 25 W itman Gall m. R. Callagham 1 Waitman Gall Jr. m. Robinson 15 daughter 25 daughter 55 George Gall n5 d. Jan. 1926 lLfiuraArnetta L. Gall Roy m. Houston Roy b. 2 M Seymour Roy Carl Roy Betty Roy m.

l 65 Yvette Roy 11 Andrew J. Gall b. Oct. 15,1859 Pendleton Co. W. Va. d. m. Mary E. Corder April 11,1867 Barbour Co. W.Va. (Daughter of A. E. and Margaret Talbot Corder) 12 Rgbert B. Gall m. Delilah Reynolds 1 Wayne Gall m. McCartney 52; RubyOpal GallGall. m. m. Thorne Varner #5 Ernestine Gall m. Findley 55 Robert Gall Jr. 65 Donley fall 75 George Gall 35 Pearl Gall 2 95 Rosalie Gall 2 Egmal E. Gall m. Burton Rohrbaugh 52 E%la1 Lolita A. Gall Brown m. Bruce m. White Brown lh daughter 2h daughter 25 Leota5 daughter Brown b. d. 55 Juanita Brown #2 Rissa Gall

SARAHGALLb. June 22, 1792 d. m. BURRIS \ 16.

5. GEORGEGALL, b. Feb. 8, 179a, d. Oct. 1851 m. June 25, 1817, SARAHWILLIAMS 11 James Gall b. d. m. June 25, l8l7 (1) Jane Turley 2 (2) HepsyAnnTurley (sisters) 1 Hepsy Ann Gall b. d. m. (l) James Patton) 15 Harry H. Patton, single 25 Cfiarles Clarence Patton m. Kate Kisling l Dorothy Justine Patton m. Leonard Parshall l5 Doris Jean Parshall 25 Marilyn Lee Parshall 2H R‘chard55 James Patton Parshall m. Edna Burns 1 Richard Patton Jr. A5: JamesCharles Patton Edwin Patton Mfirtha Patton m. Clarence W. Tener l Mabel Patton Tener m. Harry Douglas 15 Tener Douglas 25 Paul Douglas 25 Russell Tener m. Mildred Lawrence 15 Willa Jean Tener 2 Glenna Joan Tener 55 Carolyn Tener u #5 Dan Tener 5 Anna Jane Tener m. Joseph Summers 45 uth Anna Patton m. Samuel H. Bumgardner 14 Cereta Bumgardner 2 Charma Bumgardner m. Everett Glaze 15 Kathy Glaze 55 Ruth Marilyn Bumgardner m. Joe Childress 15 Chrys Childress gesse G. Patton m. Bess Cameron 1 Helen Lorene Patton m. Floyd Grover 15 Frank Raymond Grover 2 Ruth Louise Grover 55 Robert Eugene Grover 2 Méldred Cameron m. James Uhrig u 1 Sandra Sue Uhrig ’ 5 Margaret Pauline Patton m. John A. Wilson 15 Judith Ann Wilson 25 Janice Wilson u 55 John Michael Wilson 4 Lelia Maud Patton m. John Adams 15 David Adams 2 Frances Louise Adams 35 Mary Ellen Adams 55 Frank Ronald (Buddy) Patton m. Shaffer ‘Margaret G. Patton m. Roy McKeehan James Samuel Patton d. rank Patton m. Etta Wright 1 Bernice Patton m. Eli Miller 2“ Mildred Patton d. ganette (Nettie) Patton m. Carl H. Griffith lu FirmanPatton Griffith 2h Dale J. Griffith 5 Igis Griffith m. Kenneth McManus l Harry Kenneth McManus 17. A 4 Phyllis Griffith m. (l) (2) Wesley Gall l5 John Alfred Gall d. young 2 George Sampson Gall b. July 51, 1856 d. Dec. 5, 1952 m. Flora Adelia Suiter, May21, 1878 b. Oct. 9, l858 d. Nov. ll, l959 Both buried, Cedar Chapel..See P.l8 Wms.Gen. 16 Nellie Gall b. d. June l95l m. Robert Anderson 17 Féora Martha Anderson m. Richard Wright l8 Richard Wright, Jr. 2 Ann Wright 27 Georgia Anderson m. Frank Mcwilliams 26 Harley Gall m. Millie Lowman 17 Joseph Walter Gall m. Wanda Bacon 27 B anche Gall m. Nelson Cadwalader , 1 Richard Cadwalader

lNatalie Betty Gall Lavonne m. Herbert Countryman Countryman 28 Ronald Countryman 58 Gary Countryman 0 en Gall m. Andra McGee l Glenda Arleen Gall 1Ggorge George Gall Gall, m. Mabel Jr. Miller 28 Joseph David Gall 5 Thomas Gall h8 son Lgrene Gall m. Elwood Bloom 18 Phyllis Elaine Bloom 2 Daryl Lee Bloom 58 Etta Bloom 48 Robert Bloom 56 James Arza Gall m. (l) Mina Tincher b.Apr.5,l889 d. Mar.lo,l95u 17 Rgssell1 Joyce Leroy Elaine Gall Gall m. Mary Elizabeth McClaughlin 28 Larry Lee Gall 58 Judith Gall #8 Sandra Sue Gall 27 E8 Linda Lou Gall b. Jan. 28, 1951 gwrenceArdith Wesley Kaye Gall m. Bonnie Byers 28 Donna Lee Gall 58 Jacquelyn Gall Agdra1 Ernest Marie Leroy Gall m.Haack Ernest Haack 23 Stephen Joy Haack 5 John Richard Haack d. infant M8 Beverly Haack d. infant, May l95l 47 38ne Dguglas a m. A§zadH%ac% re ro erg b. May 18, 1955 1 Nancy Lynn Froberg 28 Fred Frober , Jr. 56 James17 Donald Arza Gall m. (twin 2% Mary Roberts 2 Ronald Winford Gall (twin) #6 Cora Anice Gall d. at 16 months 55 John Alfred Gall d. l 18. 2 Sara Jane Gall m. Isaac Jarnigan 1 James Milford Jarnigan m. Bessie Snodgrass 1 Cleo Jarnigan m. Florence Brayton 5 1 Marjorie Jarnigan 2 Welthe Jarnigan m. George Kilgus lh Donald Kilgus 2 David Kilgus 55 Gertrude Jarnigan #5 Alva Jarnigan Huron Jarnigan m. Edith McDona1d,l2l2 w.llth St. Port Ange1us,Wash. 15 Ffiancis Jarnigan m. Helen Buckner lu Pat Jarnigan 2 Ann Jarnigan 25 Vlosti1 Fred Jarnigan Anderson m. Richard Anderson 2 Sandra Anderson AmandaElla Jarnigan m. Charles Holden 15 Vera Holden m. Floyd Grant 1” Vivian Grant Alice May Jarnigan m. L. G. Wise 15 Dgrothy Wise m. William Brayton 1 Agatha Mae Brayton m. C. G. Bare 25 Exerett1 Paxton Wise Wise m. Ida Klos 2“ son d. 55 Gilbert Wise m. Inez Hathaway 1 Dene Wise 24 Russell Wise k5 Leroy Wise d. 55 iscilla Wise m. James Leeper lu Yvonne Leeper m. William Zirgow 2 James Leeper 65 LEslie Wise m. Betty Whitehouse 2la LindaRichard Wise Wise Alfred Marion Jarnigan (twin) m. Hary Hastings 1 Elsie Jarnigan N llie Jarnigan (twin) m. Ray Guthrie 15 Harold Guthrie 2 Juanita Guthrie m. Carol Dunn 512 S. 6th Ave., Newton, Iowa 7 Eric Jarnigan d. (single) 82 Cedora Jarnigan d. (single) 92 Flora Jarnigan d. (single) A1fredGa11d. (single) Daniel Gall d. (single) William Gall Wesley Gall b. April 23, 18b0, d.Mayl5,1903,m.Dec.l,1859,Sara Virginia See Miller Genealogy P.55 Hatcher b.Oct.l5,l8h5,d.Feb.10,19o1 12 Joshua Joseph Alfred Gall, b.Nov.28,l860,d.Nov.2l,l929 m.EmmaViola Storer, April 19,1888 b.Jan.7,1869, d.Nov.7,19u5. 15 Jennie Arnetta Gall, b. July 25, 1895, d. June 27, 1958 m. June 26, 1925, Grover West l9. 25 Clarence EdmundGall, b.Oct.l7, 1897, m.Nov.7,l9l8, Grace B. Boyd u b. Mar. 22, l899 l Nikola Shannon Gall, b.May l5, l920, m. June 6, l9h2, Carl W. Deck b. Sept. l2, l904 2lg Thomas Edmund Deck, b. Dec. 5, 1945 24 Clarence Eldon Gall d. 1950, infant ( 58 Clarene Ellen Gall d. l952, infant Q #5 Judith Ann Gall, l956, d. infant ( 55 Leone Lucille Gall, m. (l) Ernest Harris (2) NormanInskeep 9 l“ Ellen Lucille Inskeep b. #9 Mary Margaret Gall m. Adelbert A. Dullaghan, July, l9hO 2 lg Robert GordonDullagan b.July 27, l9hl 2 MaryFlorella Gall b. 1867 d. sept. 11, 1881 8 Elias Gall d. young 7 John Gall b. July 14, 1820 d. April in, 1885 m. Margaret Elizabeth Miller, Feb. 29, l8h8 b. July 2%, l828 d. March ll, l925 (Moved from Loudon Co. Va. to Highland Co.Ohio when eight years old.) { 12 Sara Ellen Gall, b. Dec. 25, l8u8, d. Sept. 1, l9u4 ’ 5 m. Oct. 25, 1876, Wm.E.Butlerb.Jan.5,l8h9, d.Mar.l7,l91o 1 John James (Jack) Butler, b. June 27, 1878, m.Apr.4,19o6 Bessie Eubanks A b. Sept. l7, 1879 1 Wm.Henry Butler, b. Mar. 5, l907, d. Jan. 25, l9l5 2“ Louise Butler, b. Oct. 18, 1908 2 25 Nellie Butler,b. Jan.27, 1885, d. Nov. 27, 1955 2 AmandaJane Gall, b. Aug.2h,l850, m. Sept.26,l87l, James A. Burnett 5 d. June 20,1888, b.l85l, d.l929 15 John E. Burnett, b. Nov.23,l874, d.July ll, l952 m.Edith Lucas_ A b.July 17, 1875 l Helen Burnett, b. Sept.9,l9OO m.Nov. l9l8 Benson Butler b.Aug. l899 15 Lois Butler, b. Dec.2l,l9l9, m.19u6, Ernest Paul Brown 16 Susan Lee Brown, b. Nov. 21, 19A6 2 Stephen Brown 56 Michael Brown 25 Jack D. Butler, b. Oct.22,l92l. Lieut.U.S.Marine Corps,World War II Killed on Tinian Island, near Saipan,Aug.l,l9hh. A Buried, Sinking Spring,Ohio, June l7, l9h8. 2 Frank Burnett, b. Jan. 6, 1905, m. June 8, l926, Ruth Price b.Jan.5,l9o2 15 Rgbert1 Robert Edwan1Burnett, Edward Burnett b. Feb.29,l928, Jr. d. m.Jane Hiser,b.Apr.l8,l927 26 Debra Ann Burnett b. May 28, l952 25 John Richard Burnett, b. Jan. 1, 1951 5 55 Linda Lou Burnett,b. Oct. lh, l956 2 Myrtle Burnett, b. sept. 1A, 1872, m. Mar. 17, 1891, John W. Hunter h d. April 27, 1955 l Wilfred B. Hunter, b. May22, l895, m. Ebba Clause,B.July l,l898 15 John Clause Hunter b. Nov. 18, 1927 u 25 Mary Ebba Hunter b. April 15, 1955 2 Willene Hunter, b.Aug.l8,l895, m. Margaret Williams,B.l902. d.l92h 15 James Williams Hunter, b. May 2A, 192A, m. June 28, l9h5 1 James Emery Hunter Ann Emery b.Aug.29,1925 55 Gfirtrude Burnett, b. June l2, l88l, m.May8,1901 Carey (Cade) Beavers 1 Margaret Beavers, b. Jan.22,l90h ‘b. Oct. 5, 187A #5 James Fenton Burnett, b. Oct. 28, 188k, m. (l) Susannah Roush (2) Madge Boris 20. 32 Frances Ann Gall, b. Mar.25,l852, d. June 24, l9hl m.Sept.6,l882,Benton Kesler 5 b.Aug.27,l85h, d. Nov. h,l921 1 Mortimer Fenton Kesler, b. June 16,1885, m.Oct.l8,l908 A m. Maud Knisley, b. Dec.7,l889 1 Clara Frances Kesler, b. Sept.lO,l909, m. Dec.2, 1959 A Donald Murphy, b. Aug.l6,190h 2 Helen Kesler, b. May 8,1912, m. June 7,1957, RaymondJones, u b. Nov. lh, 1904 5 Dorothy Kesler, b. MayA, l9lh, m. Feb. 15, 1945, John Brewster Holding, b. Mar. 1912 l5 Elizabeth Jean Holding (twin), b. April 25, l9A7 4 25 Barbara Ann Holding (twin), b. April 25, l9A7 A Millard Benton Kesler, b. Feb. 21, 1917, m. Feb. 7, 19h5 Mary Ellen Shaw, b. 1918 A Lieut., navigator in Air Corps, World War II; plane shot down 3 in Italy; prisoner of War, Staleg Luft, Germany,until liberated by the Allies. AwardedAir Medal and Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster. 15 David Lee Kesler b. Jan. 21, l9u7 25 MaryElizabeth Kesler 25 James HamptonKesler,b. Aug.l5, 1886, m. Nov.2h,l910, Mabel Leone Kelley 4 b. Sept.28,189l. 1 Clara Margaret Kesler, b. May21,1915, m. May50,1955, Clyde Hubert Main, b. July 9, 1907 15 Joyce Ann Main, b. June 7, 1956 u 25 Gary Lynn Main, b. March 17, 19h8 2 Joseph Laverne Kesler, b. May 17, 1918, m. May 25,19h2, Irene Cox b. March 25, l92A 55 Leone Kelly Kesler, b. Sept. 8, 1925, m. May20, 1945, Robert Richard Boyd, b. June 15, 1917 7 l5 William Allen Boyd, b. Nov. 5, l9A6 MaryAlice(Allie) Gall, b. June 29,185h, d.Oct.2h,l9hh, m. Dec.l7,l89l James A. Burnett, b.1851, d.l929 George Aaron Gall, b. Feb. 1856, d. Oct. 18, 1860 Rachel Virginia (Jennie) Gall, b. Apr.5,l858, d.May17,1885 James HamptonGall, b. March 10,1860, d. Mar.5,l95l, m.F1ora Wolfe 5 b. 1861, d. Feb.17,l95l l Autie Floyd Gall, b. Jan.l2,1882, m.Aug.50,l907, Evelyn Byrd b. Aug.7,l886, d. July 2%, 191A u (Descendant of Co1.Charles Willing Byrd) 1 Ruth Bernice Gall, b. July 29, 1908, m.July 18,1951, Elmer A Fulton b. May 2A, l9oo l5 ThomasAlfred Fulton, b. May 5, 1958 2“ James Byrd Gall, b. Aug. 2A, 1910, m.Nov.29,l95A, Leota McClure, b. Sept. 9, 1915 Colonel in World War II —with more than 57 months overseas service - CombatInfantry Badge, Bronze Star and awardedthe Silver Star for gallantry in the liberation of Manila. 5 l5 Robert Phillip Gall, b. Sept. 21, 1956 2 Grace Gall, b. dec. 25, 1885, d. Jan. 25, 189% 21.

82 Wesley F§nt9n_gall, b. Jan. A, 1862, d. Oct. 27, 19h8, m. Oct. 29, 1905 Carra Few, of Montpelier, 0., then superintendent of Sibley Hospital, Washington, D.C. b. Feb. 16, 1875, d. March 1u,l9u7. Both buried Fleetwood, Pa. 15 Olive Agnes Gall, b. August 25, 190%, m. Lionel Eastman Newcomer, Harpers Ferry, West Va. May 17, 1950, b. Jan. A, 1903. Manager, A Berks-Lehigh Cooperative Fruit Growers, Inc. Fleetwood, Penna. 1 Margaret Louise Newcomer, b. March 2, 1958 (adopted) 24 Daniel Gall Newcomer, b. Nov. 21, 19h1 (adopted) 25 John Wesley Gall, b. June 16, 1906, d. Nov.29,l906, 55 Margaret Gall, b.Feb.l8,1908, d. Sept.2l, 1908 93 Addison Mortimer Gall b. March lO,186h, d. June 12, 1897 lo Dora Vella Gall, b. May6, 1866, d. July 20, 1942, m. Dec. 20, 1900. Frederick Satterfield, b. Jan.6,l87l, d. May27, l9u6. 15 CharmaKelly Satterfield, b. June 29, 1907 (adopted) m.Sept.9,l957 Thomas Murphy, b. Dec. 9, 1902 112 Letitia Olive Gall, b. Sept. 20, 1868, d. June 8, 1895, m. Spahr N. Glaze Dec. 25, 1889. b.Sept.8,l862, d. Aug.3,l9h5 15 Mary Margaret Glaze, b. Nov.28,l892 (DAR) m. Sept.18,l925 August Joseph Schmitt b. March 10,1890 u 7h5OTrevanion Ave., Pittsburgh 18, Pa. 1 MaryEllen Schmitt, b. April 10, 1925, m. Frederick Henry Clark Sept. 10, 1949, b. June 8, 1925 15 Daird Philips Clark b. Dec. 12, 1950 2“ John August Schmitt, b. Mar.25,1928, d. April 8, 1951 A Served in Korea in World War II 5 Frederick Milton Schmitt, b. Feb. H, 1951, m. Mar. 28, 1955, 2 AmyCarolyn Roden b. Feb. 8, 1950 l2 ThomasAlva Gall, b. Feb. l8, l87l m. June 15, 1904, Mabel Williams b. Jan. 21, 1882 4l7—25rd Ave. E., Duluth, Minn. 15 Jean Alice Gall, b. Feb. 17, 1908 1 25 Ruth Gall, b. April 1, 1911 9 Thomas Gall m. Malinda Setty 12 Wm.Milford Gall b. m. Sarah Margaret Maxwell, b. d d. l9u2 15 Jfihn1 Mary J. Gall, Louise m. Gall Sidney m. MurphyLowell Hollinger 15 Larry Dean Hollinger u 25 Deborah Kay Hollinger b. Nov. 20, 1952 22 America 2 MettaDale Wm.Gall, Gall m. Allemiahm. Shirely Suiter Kathrynn Dodd 15 Florence MaeSuiter d. 52 Margaret Susan Gall m. Joseph Kinzer 13 Bessie Kinzer m. Roy Wood l Roland Wood,m. Katherine Hartzell 2” Paul Wood, m. Josephine Freid 5“ wm. Everett wood, m. Thelma Strait uh Roscoe Wood, m. Florence Clevenger 15 Jack Wood, m. 25 Nora Kinzer, m. (1) Bauer (2) Charles Ulmer 1“ Madeline Ulmer, m. Fred otto 15 son 22. A2 Sara Jane Gall, m. Lorenzo West 15 A ton Milford West, m. Anna Ophelia Stewart 1 Zania Yvette West, m. Dewitt Talmadge Johnston 15 Anna May Johnston 25 Eugene Talmadge Johnston 55 wm. Edward Johnston 45 James Milford Johnston 55 June Ann Johnston 25 Frank Edmund West 55 Oscar Emerson West, d. 45 T omas Birdsal West, m. Pearl Shepherd 1 Herbert West, m. Leola Lorraine Donegen 15 Robert Lee West 25 Herbert Darwin West 24 Milford Elizabeth West 5“ Thomas Richard West 48 Wilbur Eugene West 55 Qfiinter Birdsal West, m. Mae Kain l Vesta Mae West, m. Roland Car Schroeder 15 Joanne Schroeder 25 Roland Cafl_Schroeder, Jr. 2“ EdmundBirdsal West, m. Opal Perry 15 Dorwin Perry West 5 Gaylord Kain West, m. Grace Furag 65 Dgn West, m. Vernia Todd lu Vivian West, m. Vergil Nathan Sullivan 2 Donald Earl West, Jr. Roland Todd West, killed in Germanyin World War II, l9uh #4 Thomas West, m. (Mt. Morris, Mich.O 15 Herbert West, m. Lela Donigan 25 Richard West, m. 55 Wilbur West m. 45 Mildred West m. Charles Fleming 75 Lulu Maud West, m. Wm. Franklin Cook 851 Lillie June Katherine Eileen Albert West, m. Harry Chester Albert MaryElizabeth West, d.infant Eliza F. West, d. Malissa Orpha West, d. son, d. son, d. daughter, d. lOl George Gall m. (1) Margaret Janet Turner, 1850 ------—-(2) Sara Jane Grabille, 1867 l2 Margaret Gall, d. ------<5)Mary Wylie, 187% l2 Amanda Gall d. l9h5, m. Will A. Smart 15 pha Smart d. m. Marion Hastings, d. 1 Charles wm. Hastings m. Jean Sheets l5 Judith Ellan hastings 22 Herman Clifford Gall d. m. Nora Mae Walker 15 Elma Lorene Gall (twin)m. Harrison Frazier 1 l E na Lois Frazier m. Gerald Newman 1 Jane Lynn Newman b. May 18, 1952 2k James Frazier 54 Wm.Harrison Erazier 25. 25 V lma Corene Gall (twin) m. Ernest Bryant 1 Velma Jean Bryant 2# Robert ErnestBryant d. Jan. 6, l9hl 5 Phyllis Ann Bryant Leroy Collins 55 Mfiry1 Sharon Madeline Mae CollinsGall m. 45 Thomas Dorwin Gall m. Frances Montgomery 2lu KarenJohn Thomas Gall Gall Florence Gall m. Chester Brown l Paul HermanBrown d.infant 2; James Chester Brown d. 1957 5 Leo Wylie Brown m. Dorthea Barley 45 Ralph Virgil Brown m. Mae Ozment 55 Clara Mary Brown m. Richard Francis Henry 14 Janet Henry 2 Richard Francis Henry, Jr. 65 Lloyd1 Leroy George Brown, Brown Jr. m. Frances Hockett 5 2“ David Brown 7 Margaret Louise Brown m. Woodrow Demmy 42 Amanda Gall m. wm. A. Smart

l5l Oipha Charles Mae Smart Wm.Hastings m. Marion Hastings 111 Addison Gall b. Sept. 9, l825, d. aug. l8, l90l m. Sarah Franklin Spargur (daughter of John W. and Mariah Franklin Spargur) Nov. 26, l85h (Great niece of Benjamin Franklin) b. Nov. 20, 1857, d. Feb. 16, l908. 12 Alice Gall m. Wm. G. Keech 15 Dart Franklin Keech m. Martha Hollis Anderson (Gulf Rd. Elyria, Ohio) 1” Neal Corbin Keech 24 Dart Franklin Keech Jr. 453 MarthaSarah Louise Hollace Keech Keech 25 Gladys Keech m. Henry Ihnken 2lh ElaineCharlene B. Gall Ihnken Ihnken 5% Henry Keech Ihnken 35 Nial Keech d. May 50, 1898 Ida Gall d. July 29, l860, infant, buried M.E.ChurchCem'y, Marshall,O. John W. Gall, d. Aug. h, l87O (single) " " " " Joel A. Gall, d. Sept. 22, l870, 5 mo. " " " ” Loretta Gall d. July A, l875, 2 years II M H " James Nelson Gall. b. June 5, 1865, d. l9h2 (single) Roberta (Berta) Gall, d. 194k Nannie Eugene Gall m. James Johnson Carlisle Mary Jane Gall m. Oscar Keys l5 P arl Keys m. Florence Ethel Monroe lu Lloyd Emerson Keys 2 L9151 Thomas Nellie Norman Keys m. Towns Howard Towns Bi Beverly Delores Keys m. Paul Hecker 4 Arleigh Norman Keys 5” Pearl Keys, Jr. 2h.

23 Claude Keys m. Mae Rutherford l Edna Muriel Keys m. Dallas Vreeland l5 Arden Mae Vreeland 25 Barry Vreeland 2” Alice Keys m. Wilbur Ricketts 5“ Elbert Oscar Keys 1&1) Maxine Keys 111.Allen Dobson l5 Allen Dobson, Jr. 54 Arkly Claude Keys m. Peter Peterson u l5 Peter Vance Peterson 6h HughEllsworth Keys (infant buried Garrison, North Dakota) 7 Delton Elsworth Keys 84 Darrell Rutherford Keys 55 Floyd1 Florence Harry Keys Mae Keysm. Hortense m. Oliver Brown Slavin (Wihaux, Montana) N Lyle Oscar Keys #5 George William Keys 55 Muriel Keys m. Frederick Hesselgrave 65 Euna Mae Keys m. (l) Deval Harry Cassidy (2) Emil Kircheis 121 Effie Janelh Gall Deval m. Harry JohnTolle Cassidy, Jr. Killed in NewGuinea, Jan.l5,l945 l2 George Elbert Tolle m. Nina Helen Evans 15 Hfilen Jane Tolle m. Norman Stephens l Richard Uhlen Stephens 2” John David Stephens 25 Elizabethl daughter (Betty) Evans Tolle m. Blair Dennison 55 Catherine Louise Tolle m. Richard Davis A5 A Tolle m. William Nye 2 1 Jane Evans Nye b. March ll, 1952 2 Rglph Howard Tolle d. m. Lois Bean 1 HowardBruce Tolle. World War II. Killed in l9hh in airplane crash. 25 Mary Scott Tolle m. Lt. Charles Martel 1 David Charles Martel 55 Peter Bean Tolle m. Arlene Baker 131 Catherine M. Gall m. William Edward Noble 12 Byrl Spargur Noble Pfc. World War II. d. Italy Dec.l5, lguu. Buried Hillsboro, O. 22 William Gall Noble m. (l) Edna Caldwell (2) Geneva Ludwick 13 Mfirgotl Jeanie Abbey Paulson Noble m. (adopted) Raymond Paulson , lhl Adda (Addie) Marie Gall m. Clarence Patton l2 Charles Gall Patton m. Betty Collins (from Wales) 1 Janice Annette Patton 22 Virginia Louise Patton m. Robert Moore 15 Leslie Allen Moore 25 Elizabeth Charlene Moore 52 Georgia Eleanor Patton 42 William Creed Patton d. Dec. 18, 1920. Buried Prospect Church, Hillsboro, 0. Elizabeth Jane Patton, infant, d. March19, l920. Buried Prospect Church, Hillsboro,O. 25. 151 Lewis Leota (Lote) Gall m. Mary Alice Williams 12 Eugene Williams Gall m. Violette E. Compton 1 Eugene Williams Gall, Jr. 25 Mary Adele Gall 22 Mary Catherine Gall m. James Mazzoil 52 Alberta Helen Gall m. Ray Middletown 215 VickyWilliam Middletown Lewis Middletown 161 Minnie Gall, d. at 5 months. Buried, Marshall, Ohio 6. BARBARAGALL, d. at 4 years 7. SUSANNAHGALLb. Oct.l8,l797, d.Apr.lA,l882 m.Oct.l5,l8l5 THOMASWILLIAMS b. I791 d. Sept.5,l875, buried, Old Dunkart Churchyard near North Union, Ohio. See Williams Genealogy, P. 1 ll Mary Ann Williams, d. young 21 William Williams b. l82l d.l897 m.l8A2Elizabeth(Betsy)Hiser, b. l825, d. l905. (Sister of Sally Hiser, wife of Isaac Gall) p.uh, l Clara Williams, d. 16 years 22 John Minor Williams b. Sept. 25, l857 d. Oct. l7,l9A7, buried Old Dunkard Church, Highland Co. Ohio m. Nannie Carlisle, Apr. 50,1885, b.Feb.h,l865,D.Nov.50,1859 15 D rma Marie Williams (DAR)m.Abraham L. Hayman, Mt.Sterling,O. 1 Eugene Hayman m. Wilma May Self 5 l5 Roger Hayman 2 Charles Carlisle Williams m.(l) MabelArmstrong 4 m.(2) Roberta Bently, Grove City,O. l Audrey Williams m. Samuel Arnold, Palo Alto, Calif. 55 Harry1 Hazel Ray MarieWilliams Williams m. (l) Fanny M. Unger, Kingston, 0. 24, Alice Nelle Williams m. Bernard George, now George Bernard, Columbus, Ohio 15 Alice (Princess) Marie Bernard ------—-m.(2) Ruth Filkins, GroveCity, Kansas In Paul Richard Williams m. Joyce Applegate, Osborne, Kansas 15 Kathleen Louise Williams

45 Rfith1 Nancy Pauline Linder Williams m. Paul c. Linder , d. March l9u8 2h Paul C. Linder Jr. Columbus, Ohio 55l Clara Maxwell Grace WilliamsTaylor Zahn (DAR)m. Maxwell Zahn 2” P ter Albert Zahn m. Coleman, Daytona Beach, Fla. 1 Peter Albert Zahn, 5rd. Bi John Minor Zahn, Columbus, Ohio A Ruth Ann Zahn m. Major Rocky Triantafeller, Air Corps, England, World War II 15 RockyTriantafeller, Jr. 52 Thomas Wesley Williams m. Anna Hastings 15 Olive Williams m. George Setty lh Grace Setty m. John Hopkins

l51 Ggrald Dean Hopkins Hopkins m. m. Hazel (1) WilliamsDonna Dodds (2) Edna King I7 Twyla Hopkins 2 Mary Margaret Hopkins 26. 26 Joy Hopkins m. Clarence Emery 17 Sharon Emery 56 Paul Hopkins 25 Maryl Kathryn Hopkins Winsonhaler m. Joe Winsonhaler 26 Joanne Winsonhaler 55 1OgalBarbara Hopkins Burton m. Jesse Burton 26 John Burton 6 Charles Burton 6 Marlin Burton E a Williams m. William Setty lfim James Setty m. (1) EmmaHottinger (2) Mrs. Marley 15 1JgsephineClara MaeMillerSetty m. RaymondMiller 26 son John N. Williams Emerson1 Willard B. Williams Williams m. Orland J. Williams Wlliam Minor Williams m. Theodotia Reed ar Williams m. Della Huston l Egg Egnest1 Thomas Edwin Williams Williams m. Joe Ann Toper 25 Evelyn Williams 56 Louisa Williams #6 Ernest Williams 56 son 25 lDgrothy Geneva Williams Heathcools m. Samuel Heathcools 26 Samuel Heathcools, Jr. 56 Mary Jane Heathcools Wlliam Williams m. Madalene Conner 16 Lowell Williams 526 RachelJanet Williams Williams 45 Robert Williams Mary Williams A a Williams m.Charles R. Astore 1 Anna Mae Astore 52% RichardJesse Earl Astore, Astore d. 1Ggace Russell Williams Edward m. Russell Handy Handy Edgar Williams Ruth Ann Williams Wendell L. Williams 2” Clara Williams m. Warren Osborne, Wilmington, O.R.D.#5 15 Egangeline‘Osborne1 Linda Lou Vanderwont m. Richard Vanderwont 26 Shirley Vanderwont 56 Gloria Dale Vanderwont 27. 25 Nancy Osborne, d. 55 Wayne Osborne, d. 5h Charles Williams m. Grace Lawrence l Maynard Williams m. Doris Devoe 25 Egrll Karl Williams Williams m. Harriet Beal u 55 Carl Williams m. Kathaleen Mason M Elmer Williams m. Bessie Smith .15 Denver Williams 54 Anna Williams m. Robert Martin l5 William Robert Martin 25 Clara Martin 55 Harold Martin #5 Thoedoscia Martin 55 Anna Martin 65 Betty Martin 5 Shirley Martin 5 Mary Martin 95 Ina Jean Martin 51 George Williams m. Mary (Polly) Zink 12 Susannah Williams m. James Kester 15 Hannah Myrtle Kester 2 Margaret Kester m. (1) Porter A. Berryman 1 Porter A. Berryman, Jr. m. Ruth Achor 15 Rgbert1 Robert Berryman Berryman, m. Dorothy Jr. 26 Richard Berryman 56 William Berryman #6 Juanita Berryman ------—-m. (2) Harry Bower, Columbus, 0. l“ Harriet Bower m. Bernard F. Michels. 2886 Neil Ave. h Columbus, o. 215 Sarah John Jane Nordenbrock Bower m. Henry Nordenbrock; Tontitown,Ark. 25 Ann Nordenbrock 5 Thomas Nordenbrock 5“ George H. Bower m. Maizie Fout 151 Jganne son Bower m. George Black 25 Frances Bower 55 Harry Lee Bower #5 Margaret Bower 55 Benjamin Bower 65 Wanda June Bower 75 Charles Bower Etta Olive Kester d. George Pearl Kester m. Lucy Martin; Lockland, O. Ova Leslie Kester m. Mary Varley N ie Blanche Kester m. Wilson Jones 11 CharlaRobert Mildred Klein Jones Jr. m. Robert Klein 25 Richard Klein 22 Alleniah Williams m. Sara Williams (Daughter of Theopolis, see p. 60) 15 Wfinifred1 Sara RachelLelia Williams Lineburg m. Bruce Lineburg 25 Thomas Roche Williams 28. Roy Delos Williams m. (1) Byrl Puthoff McConihay (2) Marie Siegle Burgemo Emily Marie Williams d. Harry Wallace Williams d. Dwight Emilie Williams m. Opal June Corley (twin) lh June Eloise Williams 2h Georgia Irene Williams 5 Jack Dwight Williams Clark Emerson Williams (twin) m. Marie Elizabeth Jewett lu Barbara Marie Williams 2h Carolyn Elizabeth Williams 5 Clark EmersonWilliams, Jr. 52 Daniel Zink Williams b. l85h d. Aug. 15, l9h8, Martinsville, Ohio m. Margaret Vanpelt 15 C arence Williams m. lu Diana Williams 2 Samuel Williams 34 Joseph Williams #1 Lydia Williams m. (1) Albert Dunlap l Bertie Dunlap m. James McConald --———2------—(2) James Sargent 1 Ella Sargent m. Jacob Hartzell Lfislie Hartzell m. Ruth Martin l Dorothy Hartzell Blake Lydial Hazel Hartzell Rose Blakem. Bertie MaeHartzell Quindaro Hartzell Mary C. Hartzell Samuel Hartzell John D. Hartzell Victor William Hartzell ) Plyley 51 Alleniah Williams m. Martha Rothrock 1 daughter d. 22 Edgar Williams m. Maggie Leith Sgsan Williams m. Sanford Haigh 1 Mary Ellen Haigh m. W. Spencer Cornelius 15 V rnie Cornelius m. Wylie Knedhlty Glenn l Cornelius Glenn m. Mary Copeland 15 Mary Imogene Glenn 2; BarbaraOra May Glenn 35 Betty Glenn 55 Linda Ann Glenn u 65 John Glenn 2 Imogene Glenn m. Henry Falldock 15 Maryetta Falldock 25 Henrietta Falldock 25 John I. Cornelius m. Alice Williams l Robert Spencer Cornelius m. Agnes Smalley 15 Thelma Cornelius 25 Robert Cornelius 29. 25 Mary Urmaline Cornelius m. Thomas Hazelbaker 15 Betty Joe Hazelbaker u 25 Dale Hazelbaker 5 Paul Cornelius ht Mildred Bernice Cornelius 5 Margaret Ruth Cornelius m. Dale Swittle 65 Anna Cornelius 75 James Cornelius Lillie Flo Cornelius m. Charles Lyon l Wendell Lyon Milford Haigh Cornelius m. (l) Lelia Lyon (2) Nellie Hull 1% Ella Louise Cornelius d. 2h lLyon Dean Cornelius Cornelius m. Pauline Bryant 25 David Lyon Cornelius Onda Mae Cornelius m. Lewis Glaze 15 Lewis Lionel Glaze 25 Orda Darlene Glaze Waldo Cornelius m. Donna McClure l5 Lelia Sharon Cornelius 25 Kathryn Louise Cornelius Lois Cornelius m. Harold Dragon 15 Linda Ann Dragon Olive Cornelius m. Roy Wylie l Martha Wylie m. Robert Pence l Glenna Fern Pence 25 Mary Wylie m. Jessie Ruark Jr. 54 Marlin Wylie 45 Mauricel Janice Wylie Wylie m. Donna McClellan 25 Larry Keith Wylie Haigh m. Stelle McClure Earl McClure m. Isobel Glascow 1Gfiace Forrest McClure King m. Homer King 25 Marguerite King 55 Alice May King m. Ralph West 15 Richard Lee West 5 William Spencer Haigh m. (l) Myrta Williams (2) Clara Walker Elma Grace Haigh Mary Lucille Haigh d. John E. Haigh m. Anna West lu Elsie Marie Haigh m. Denner Donohoo 15 Ann Ellen Donohoo 25 Mary Elizabeth Donohoo 55 John Haigh Donohoo W'lma Genevieve Haigh m. Harold McKenzie 1 Betty Kay McKenzie 24 Wilma Jean McKenzie

h5h MaryAnn Eleanor Ellen McKenzie McKenzie 55 Tfiomasl Susan Sanford Haigh Haigh m. Mildred Redkey 24 Martha Louise Haigh #2 Birdsel Haigh d. 50. Isaih Williams b. Feb. 14, 1852 d. June 18, 1899 m. (1) Mary Ellen (Polly) Frump d. Feb. 11, 1889 m. (2) Kester 12 Flora Alice Williams m. MasonEllison 1 Molly Ellison m. Arthur Naylor 5 15 Harold Arthur Naylor 2 Florence Alice Ellison m. Adams 55 Otto Burdsell Ellison d. A5 Minnie Ellison Oscar Ellison Martha Williams b. d. Sept. 25, 1876 Buried Pisgah Cemetery 15 son b. Aug. 1876 d. 1880 52 Mary Ellen (Ella) Williams b. Dec. 1, 1861 d. Mar. 2, l9h6 m. Lanta C. Campbell, Dayton, Ohio 15 Olive Campbell 25 William Campbell m. Pearl Kelly, Dayton, Ohio 1 Helen Campbell m. Chester Kinney 2“ Wanetta Campbell m. Otto Urban 1 James Urban 5 Hobart Campbell m. Peterson 15 William Bruce Campbell #4 Kelley Campbell m. Hill 15 David Curtis Campbell 55 Robert Campbell Thomas William Williams b. Nov. 15, 1865 d. Sept. 9, 1865 John Minor Williams b. Nov. 11, 1866 d. Sept. 11, 1928 5 m. Nettie Mae Jacks, Mar. 10, 1886 l Zora Glenn Williams b. Oct. 2, 1889 m. DonW. Robinson Jan.2,l922,d.Aug.l5,1951 (No children) 25 Fay Williams (twin) d. 5 days old 55 Fern Williams (twin) d. 5 days old 45 Opal Margaret Williams b. Sept. 5, 1895 m. Chas. Theo. Vandervort, Oct.22,1926 15 Charles T. Vandervort, Jr. b. Dec. 20, 1929 m. Mary Louise Calvert, Nov. 17, 1950 55 Hazel Lucille Williams b. Sept. 50, 1896 m. Morgan Gay Townsend, May 26, 1915 (no children) 65 Gladys Pauline Williams b. July 7, 1899 m. William Henry Robinson, Oct. 19, 1921 15 William McFarland Robinson, b. Sept. 11, 1926 5 :11.Barbara Palmer Oct. 22, 19149 . 1 Marilyn Catherine Robinson b. Feb. 19, 1952 2” Carolyn Gay Robinson, b. Sept. 5, 1951 m. Charles Allen Bonecutter, May25, 1955 Joseph Sanford Williams b. Dec. 28, 1869 d. Sept. 2, 1899 (single) Verda Williams b. April 15, 1880 m. William Mustard 15 Hope Janet Mustard 25 June Cathryn Mustard 55 Marian Ellen Mustard Sarah Ellen Williams m. Jacob Turnipseed 12 Thomas Turnipseed m. Hattie Mullens 22 William Turnipseed m. Carrie Layton 1 Lutie Turnipseed m. Sam Lee 51. George Lee Mildred Lee m. Carol Arn A (2 daughters, 1 son) 5 Maude Lee m. Calvin Martin 1 Dixie Martin 25 Candy Martin Albert Given Turnipseed m. Clara --­ Sgnford Lloyd Turnipseed m. Josephine Berger 1 Efiward Sanford Turnipseed m. Kay 2lu sonJohn Lloyd Turnipseed Charles E. Turnipseed m. Belle Emmous 15 Allan1 Mildred Lloyd LloydTurnipseed Turnipseed m. Dean Owens George H, Turnipseed m. Jennie Valentine 1 Vivian Turnipseed m. (1) Frank Lykens m. (2) Happy Gardner lu William Lykens 25 Giorgia1 son Turnipseed m. Hal Tanner 24 son 55 Lgrene1 Patricia Turnipseed Blair m. Charles Blair 2% Charles Blair, Jr. 45 Eficuline1 Jane RingTurnipseed m. Paul Ring 2h son son son 5h daughter d. 91 Daniel Williams b. Sept. 28, 1859 d. May28, 1950--See Miller m. Mary Hatcher, Feb.15,186O Gen. P.5h b. Oct. 15, 18h}, d. Jan. 15, 1915 12 Mary Almetta (Metta) Williams b. Dec. 21, 1860 d. Feb. 8, 19h2 m. Aug. 25, 1886, John R. Horst 15 Anita J. Horst, b. Feb. 7, 1888 m. June A, 1911 Paul Harsha lu Charles M. Harsha, b. April 19, 1915 m. Inez Walker 2h Mary Edith Harsha b. May h, 1915 m. Lester E. Johnson 15 Anita Louise Johnson u 25 Calvin Harsha Johnson 5 Harsha b. Dec. 17, 1916 m. Clifford Stoechle 1Jane Susanne Jane Stoechle u 25 David B. Stoechle 41 Cgtherine Patricia Harsha, Jane Adamsb. Jan. 50, 1919 m. John Arthur Adams 25 Paul Horst b. March 21, 1892 m. Joan Berry 1 Bgtty1 Patricia Berry Horst Elliott b. Nov.,l9l6 m. Frank Elliott 2 Joan Horst 54 Mary Patricia Horst 55 John Robert Horst Jr. b. Feb. 15, 1895 m. Blanche Guest, Columbus, Ohio Pricilla Williams b. Feb. 22, 1865 m. John Hiestand, Mar. 5, 1885 b. Sept. 17, 1855 d. Jan. 8, 19h6 15 John Albert Hiestand d. 23 N&naBlanche1 Marjory Katherine Hiestand Evansm. Samuel Evans - 52. 2h John Robert Evans m. Roma Hull 1 John Larry Evans 25 Susanne Evans 55 Donald Lee Evans 45 Brenda Evans 55 Clarence Hiestand m. Sara Perin 2lh HelenJohn Perin Hiestand Hiostand m. John m. F.Joan Miller West 15 John L. Miller

ha MargueriteRuth Hiestand Hiestand m. John Lamb 5: Beatrice Hiestand 6 Dorothy Hiestand m. Harper Sommers 1 Linda Sommers u 2 Harper Daniel Sommers 7 Virginia Evans m.James Morrow 15 Richard Michael Morrow 84 Daniel Evans

52l JgsephMary Wesley Josephine Williams Williams m. Mary b. JaneOct. 21+,1895 (Minnie) Brown 11* Richardm. Cloyd Williams Smith Nov. Smith 29, b. 1922 Nov. b. 5, Dec. 1925 11, 1892 h m. Betty Jane Jackson, Aug.50,1952, b. Aug.15,195o 2 David Hamilton Smith b. May 17, 1951 25 Harry Dane Williams b. April 50, 1900 u m. Kathryn Sanders, Dec. 1925, b. July 1899 1 Paul Tennyson Williams b. Jan. 11, 1925 m Marianna Hamilton, Aug. 1947 15 Tracey Lynne Williams b. April 19, 1950 h 25 Shellaine Williams b. Oct. 14, 1952 52n Emily Donald Williams Wesley Williams b. April b. 19, April 1955 29, 1955 h2 Joshua Sanfondwilliams b. Aug. 29, 1868 d. Aug. 28, 1897 15 Heber m. Dewit Ruth WilliamsE. Sanders, b. Jan.Nov. 7,28, 1897 1895, b. Sept. 25, 1871 m. Cecile M. DeVors Oct. 1, 1927, b. Nov. 50, 1901 5859 Forest Lane, , 20, Ind. 21:‘ RichardSusanne WilliamsKent Williams b. Oct. b. April 29, 1929 h, 195W m. 0 ive B. Williams m. Milton Glenn Lucas 1 R th Lucas m. Howard Pence 1E Joan Pence (adopted) 25 Daniel Dewitt Lucas m. Blanche Fetro 53 Mlton Gilbert Lucas m. Sara West lh Milton Gerald Lucas m. Joan West 2 Sara Ruth Lucas m. John Rhoads, Jr. Thomas Elmer Williams b. June 21, 1875, d. Oct. 11, l9h7 m. (1) Effie Mary Johann, Dec. 20, 19011 15 Lucille (2) Marian Ona WilliamsGlover, August b. Nov. 1941 5, 1905 m. Wendell Nipper b. Dec. 15, 1898, d. March H, 19MB

~«v,-‘,.—.__..;_..___.,1,, 55.

la Thomas Scott Nipper b. Nov. 19, 1929 2 Florence Nipper b. Nov. 50, 1950 25 Mary Virginia Williams b. Nov. 29, 1907 m. Robert Amos Neff, Dec. 21, 1955 b. July 22 1907 1“ Mary Ann Neff b. June 1, 1§58 2h RobertAmos Neff, Jr. B. April 21, l9hO 5 Martha Elizabeth Neff b. Jan. lh, 19h5 ThomasElmer Williams, Jr. b. April 8, 1915 m. Mildred Matthews, Aug.l5,1956 A b. Jan. 16, 1914 1 Betty Louise Williams b. July 7, 1958 2: ThomasElmer Williams III, b. Sept. 28, 1959 5 Mildred Elstner Williams, b. Mar. 7, l9h9 Jennie Florella Williams b. May6, 1876 m. Thomas Fulton, Aug. 17, 1899 5 b. Jan. 15, 1869 d. Feb. 5, 19th l Homer D. Fulton m. Agnes Thorman 25 Elmer Alfred Fulton b. May2h, 1900 m. Ruth Bernice Gall, July 18,1951 see p. 20 4 b. July 29, 1908 1 Thomas Alfred Fulton b.May 5, 1958 82 Infant girl d. 8. MICHAEL GALL m. NANCY COOK b. Feb. 12, 1799 11 John Zacheriah Gall m. Elizabeth Steen 12 Mary Frances Gall m. Charles Pierce 15 Charles Jerome Pierce 25 Hattie Pierce m. Stein 55 Mrtha Ann Gall Pierce m. Paul Wray 1 Harriett Ruth Wraym. J. w. Englert 15 Martha Joanna Englert 25 Jo Wolford Englert (2 sons, 2 daughters) Mrtha Ellen Gall m. John Buckley 1 Maggie Buckley 2 John Buckley m. 1 Frances Buckley 2” Leo Buckley (5 other children) Nancy Alice Gall m. John West Jay West George West Charles West Daisy West m. Hay Mary West Hattie West Jennie West Lillie West 21 L di a Gall m. Nicholas Funk 15 William Turner Funk 22 Joann Funk m. Jerry Fields 15 OnnoFields 51 Rufus E. Gall m. Pauline Schultz 12 William Gall m. (2 sons) 3h. . Lewis Wesley Gall 52l Charles Velma Michael Gall Gall m. 49 Edgar c. Gall m. Matilda Molte l5 Herbert Forrest Gall 52 J. Fred Gall 69 Otho Gall 72 James Forrest (Farr) Gall m. 15 Charles Gall 25 James Forest Gall, Jr. 82 Prudence Gall 92 Martha Gall d. David Gall m. Mary Ann Staley l2 Ora Clarence Gall d. infant 22 Latha Irene Gall m. Chalmer A. Zanister 52 David Emerson Gall #2 Newton S. Gall m. Lottie May Winslow 15 James Gall 52 Bernice Evelyn Gall m. George E. Willey 15 Mary Louise Willey Jacob Andrew Gall Rhoda Gall m. Charles Kelley lg Henry Kelley 2 Charles J. Kelley m. Catherine Sweeney 1 Modesta Kelley 25 Rhoda Kelley 2 55 Alloysius Kelley 5 John T. Kelley m. Mary Agnes Benett 15 Vincent Howard Kelley 25 Fabian Kelley #2 Anna Kelley m. Maurice Shine 15 Marthers Shine 25 Ella Shine 52 Michael Kelley 62 Mary1 Charles Kelley H.m. KarnesJohn H. Karnes 25 Maria V. Kearns 55 Rhoda A. Karnes 45 Zite M. Karnes 2 55 Edward Karnes 7 Susannah Kelley m. O'Hiern 82 Rhoda Kelley m. Keenan 15 Veronica Keenan ‘Henry Nicholas Gall m. Mary Ann McMonigle 12 daughter, d. infant 2l Jghn Ilo Michael Gladys Gall Gall m. m. Margaret HowardVansel Permelia Henry Butcher 25 Wilson WayneGall, d. infant 55 Hfinry1 Morris Fenton Fenton Gall, Gall b. l905, m. Georgia Jeannette Morris 24 John Lewis Gall #5 0 en Otho Gall m. Clara Lucille Reed 1 Richard Olen Gall 55­

55 Nfiva May Gall m. John Ferdinand Pairan 1 Charles Leonard Pairan 55 John Francis Gall m. Angelin Cecelia Havlin Maul 5758 Montgomery Rd. Norwood 12, Ohio 5 Minerva M. Gall d. infant he Margaret Nancy Gall m. Arthur Dever l5 V'ola Marie Dever m. Floyd Chapman 1 Margaret FlorenceChapman 2” William Dever Chapman 25 William3 James Vernon Curtis Dever Chapman d. infant 55 Henry Nicholas Dever m. (1) Lucille Battey 1u Patricia Lou Dever (2) Wilma Foster #5 James Irvin Dever d. infant 55 David P. Dever d. infant 65 Ifiene Dever m. Irvin Quigg 1 Albert Henry Quigg m. Audrey DeHayes 1 Jean Quigg 25 Marie Quigg 55 Allena Quigg (twin) 45 Albert Quigg (twin) Jr. 55 Dortha Quigg 24 Homer Chandler Quigg m. (l) Dortha (2) Mary Miller 5h Horace Emerson Quigg Au Orville Otho Quigg m. (l) Arelia Lusk (2) Katherine Sh Leona Blanche Quigg m. Nevin G. Crabbs 15 Betty Lee Crabbs d. infant 2 Joann Louise Crabbs 55 Jane Ann Crabbs 45 Shirley Kay Crabbs 75 Rhoda Dever m. Edwin W. Butler 1 Thelma Ruth Butler m. Jack Helmit 15 Wanda Helmit 2h Frank Nicholas Butler m. Virginia Howe 15 Herbert WayneButler 54 son d. infant uh Walter Meridith Butler d. infant 5h Ivan Cloud Butler 6h Bernice Lenore Butler m. Chester Jenks 7h Harry EdmundButler 5 8h Margaret Audrey Butler 8 Lfinora Dever m. Liberty P. Hull 1 Mary Lenora Hull 95 Edith Mae Dever m. (1) Frank Mason (2) Warren E. Reams 14 Doris Cleo Mason m. Delbert Foit 1 Donald William Foit d. infant 25 James Mason Foit 81 Perry Gall m. Lenore 9 Martha Ann Gall m. (1) Dr. Schaeffer (2) Elmer Putman 56.

1. GEORGEGALLJr.b. June 28, 1766 d. July 1, 1855 m. (2) CATHERINE ROADS b. 1779 d» l. (Sister of Jacob Roads m. Sara Jane Williams, See p. 65 ) MARIA GALL b. July 5, 1801 m. GEORGECOUNTRYMAN,Sept.l2, 1820

2. REBECCAGALL b. August 51, 1805 m. JOHN TURNER ll James J. Turner m. Jemina Tener 12 S. Ami Turner b. June 2, 1862 m. Alice Littler (Daughter of Harvey Littler, a direct descendant of Wm.Penn. The house on the Turner farm built in 1870 of bricks made on the farm.) 151 JfimesBeulah H. Turner Turner m. Susie Mitchell 25 Grace L. Turner m. Frank Jones 55 LymanA. Turner m. Ethel Aitkins d. 1 Helen Jean Turner m. Thomas Simpkins 15 Thomas Simpkins, Jr. 25 Sally Jean Simpkins 55 2h William Turner m. Beatrice Hill 1 William Turner Jr. 25 Craig Hill Turner R. Turner m. Alleniah E. Williams Spees Williams d. Carlton Williams d. Laura Williams d. young Inis Williams m. Chester Roads d. Gfiace Williams m. Martin Bryant l . Maynard Bryant m. Janice Detwiler 15 daughter A 2 Elsie Bryant 5h Eleanor1 son Bryant m. William Bollard 4% Robert Bryant 21 Susan Turner m. Josephus Hammond 12 Anna Hammond 22 Ellen Hammondm. Watson Custer 13 Margaret Custer m. Jones 52 Elizabeth Hammondm. John W. Yeager 15 Afina1 Velma Myrtle Lewis Yeager m. Leom. John Edingfield Lewis 15 Leota E. Edingfield 2 Helen Edingfield m. James Smith 5 Donald Edingfield 2% Melma Lewis m. Alton Caplinger 15 Walter Eugene Caplinger #2 Mary Hammond m. Custer 52 John Hammond 5. LYDIA GALLb. May 1, 1805 d. m. Nov. lO, l859 JOHN JARNIGAN b. d. M. ELIZABETH GALLb. June 7, 1807 d. m. April l, 1828 GEORGESHOEMAKER b. d, 37­

5. DAVIDGALLb. March l9, 1809 d. m. ANNA HAMMON ll John w. Gall m. Hepsey Lewis 12 William A. Gall m. (l) Kate Shipley (2) Bertha Tumbleson 5 ' (no children) l Oxa Ransom (Rance) Gall m. Stella MayneApril l, l906 lh Eliz. Fay Gall b. Nov. l906, d. June l924 2 Ruth Annetta Gall b. Aug. 22, l908 d. Jan.l6,l9hh 5 . m. Quentin Cox Sept. 50, l927 l5 Quentin Cox Jr. b. Jan. lh, 1929 M 25 Marilyn Cox b. Nov. 25, 1952 25 Tobe 5 Gall Stephen m.Isa Reddick Cox b. July 28, 1958 35 F ye Gall m. Frank Kelley d. lfi Carshall Kelley m. Beatrice Treftz

:3 BarbaraWeldon Eugene Kelley Kelley 55 Sandra Kelley 45 Shirley Kelley H5 Lfirenl Jean Gall Gall m. Marguerite Suiters 55 Herschel Gall m. Grace Williams george F. Gall m. Sara Burnett l W'lliam Russell Gall m. WyomaPowell 21% SueGeorge Ellen William Gall Gall 25 sylvia Gall m. william Daugherty 55 Nellie Gall m. Kenneth Coomer A5 A tie Gall m. EmmaSuiters l Nola Gall 2h Dorothy Gall d. 54 Artie Gall Jr. Au5 MaryNellie Imogene Gall Gall 55 Clarence Floyd Gall m. (l) (2) Lydia McDonald 14 LowenGall m. Isabelle Ursell 1;Vicky Jean Anne Lynn Gall Gall 24 Donald2 Gall 54 Robert Gall ha Norman Gall 5“ Llo Gall 6“ William Gall Clarence Floyd Gall Jr. 52 Thomas W. Gall m. Wealthy Charles l5 K£ngl Viola DeweyGall Gall m. Nellie Davis 2h Sheldon Gall m. Mary Anna Bloom 15 Daniel Gall 25 Anthony Gall 55 Rebecca Leah Gall sfi Richard Gall m. Martha Rhoads 5 h Harold Gall 2 Hfizel Gall m. (1) Ernest Frump 1 Victor Dale Frumpm. (l) Geraldine Nelson (2) Juanita Hunt 15 Jerry Dale Frump A 25 Judith Frump d. infant 2 Meryldean Frump d. infant 58. 25 Hazell Gall m. (2) Herschel White 24 RobertJames White White 54 Paul Thomas White Dora Gall m. John Q Yankee 15l Gfildie Ines Yankee Freeze m. m. Wrenza Robert Freeze Post l5 Louella Post 25 Dorothy Post 55 Robert Post d. #5 Reba Post (twin) 55 Ruby Post (twin) 65 Ruth Post 75 daughter 25 Ofitie Oscar Yankee m. Eliza Taylor l Lawrence Yankee m. Dorothy Wilkin 15 Jerry Yankee 25 Lawrence Yankee Jr. 2” Helene Yankee m. Roy Caplinger l5 Margaret Caplinger 25 Marie Caplinger 5i Mary Yankee uh5 RobertDonald Yankee 55 C ara Yankee m. Ben Ward l . Norma Ward m. Ervin Kerr l5 Ernie Kerr (adopted) 2h Sara Frances Ward m. Glenn Porter 1 Pamela Ann Porter #5 Homer Yankee 55 Mgnnie Yankee m. Chester Crum 2luMartha Calvin Crum 5h Dale Crum Janice Crum Sh Victor Crum 65 T d Lawrence Yankee d. l9h5 m. Ella Roads 1 Betty Yankee m. William Vance 2h Harold (1 son, Yankee l daughter) d. l9h8 52 Minor Gall d. 1952 m. Margaret Ward l5 Kenneth Gall d.

25 wfilma1 William Gall m. Cox Thad Cox gu Robert Cox E KathyJohn Wesley Ann Cox Cox 55 Opfil Gall m. Art Broughton 2lu DonnieJames Broughton Broughton #5 Louise Gall m. (1) William Goddard, killed May 15, 19k5_ (2) Glenn Russell 55 Carolyn Gall m. Charles Fulton lh Thomas Fulton 2h Robert Fulton 5 Glenn RaymondFulton ha John Philip Roger Fulton 59­ Rgth Gall m. (1) Roger Wenzel (2) Howard Kibler 1 Brice Kibler (twin) 2” Bruce Kibler (twin) 75 Betty Jane Gall 62 Mary Ellen Gall m. George H. Yarger l Albert Yarger 25 Mary Frances Yarger d. m. William Enos d. 55 Cgra Yarger m. Ned Davison l Lena Davison m. Arnold Olson 15 Charles Olson 25 Alfred Olson 55 Stanley Olson #5 Richard Olson 55 Harvey Olson u 65 Margery Olson 2 Frances Davison m. Willard Todd 15 Jean Todd d. 55 Ned Yarger #4 George H. Yarger m. l5 Ronald Yarger 25 Georgia Mae Yarger 5“ Cora Yarger 6” infant 45 a Elsie Yankee m. William Alexander 1 Ora Louise Alexander m. M 15 Judith ­ 2 William Don Alexander m. Dorothy l5 Rosa Alexander 25 Joe Alexander 5 55 Janette Alexander m. Cecil Talmadge l5 Kenneth Talmadge 25 son 4h C arles Franklin Alexander m. June l Shirley Alexander 25 Eddie Alexander 55 son #5 daughter 54 Edgar Alexander m. Maxine l5 Betty Alexander 25 Linda Alexander 65 Ruth Gertrude Alexander m. Charles Bryant 15 Stanley Bryant 7” Dorothy Alexander m. Guy Decker Jr. 8h Robert Alexander Gflover Arbanas Yankee m. (1) Ellen Holliday l Alma Yankee d. (2) Flora Chenette 2” Kathryn Yankee m. Walter Floyd Yankee m. Susie Lewis 14 Esther Yankeem. Ralph Shirtleff 15 Joan Shirtleff 2% Melvin Yankee Jasper Austin Yankee m. Mhry Hedges 14 Margery Yankee 24 William Yankee 55 Ardath Yankee ho.

. LE‘ George Yankee m. (l) Bertha (2) 15 George Yankee Jr. B rtha Yankee m. Floriano Franch l Flori Gene Frangh Nila Marie Franch 52:: Celia Jane Franch Ah Dorothy Mae Franch 72 John Riley Gall m. Mary Jane Burnett 15 lCfiarlesDelbert Gall Gall m. Eula m. Mildred Hess Stover 15 Kay Gall Harold Gall m. Maribelle Gaier Clarence Gall m. Marriett Wigdahl Anna Jeanette Gall m. Harry McCabe lh Edith Jeanette McCabe Arthur Gall Ruth Gall e Gall m. Charles Hafer l Roy Hafer m. Ethel Strattenberger l5 Irene Hafer 25 Warren Hafer 55 Martin Hafer #5 Geraldine Hafer 55 Barbara Hean Hafer (twin) 55 Shelba Jean Hafer (twin) Louise Hafer m. Charles McCormick 15 Betty McCormick 25 Ruth McCormick 55 Glenn McCormick I a Hafer m. Leonard Graves l Bobby Graves 25 Billy Graves Richard Hafer Howard Hafer Katherine Hafer m. Fred Steiner 15 Fred Steiner Jr. 25 Shirley Steiner Mgryl Sandra Jane Hafer Wallingford m. Richard Wallingford 21 James R. Gall b. m. Lavina Setty 12 James C. Gall d. l9h5 m. Aralda Charles 15 Roy Gall m. Amanda Myers 2 Ivan Gall m. (1) Eva Yahn 1A Virginia Gall 2h Helen Gall ------m. (2) MableBayhan in Paul Gall 2% Earl Gall ------m. (3) MaryGrasser 5 Mary Jane Gall m. Levi Setty 12 William Setty m. Verdie Turley e Setty m. Lester Beekman 15 Efisil Wendell Beekman Wilma Beekman 52:: Guy Beekman Ah #1. 22 David Setty m. Amanda Reed 15 George Setty m. Bews Ward 25 Wfilter Setty m. Edith Noland 1 Barbara Ann Setty Flora Setty m. William Snyder 15 Earl Snyder m. Ethel Ricky 25 Auta Snyder 52 Bess Snyder m. William Satterfield R Marguerite Snyder m. (1) Hubert Stine (2) True Titus 1 Mary Lois m. (1) Richard Sink (2) Robert King 55 F ank Snyder m. Martha Rickey 1 Ruth Snyder d. 65 Rfiy Snyder m. Wilma Garman lu Roy Snyder Jr. m. 2 Joanna Snyder Albert Setty m. Rella McKeehan 15 Mary Ruth Setty m. (1) Dorsey Peney (2) Harlan Nealis 1 Richard m. Mary Rhoads 25 Marguerite Setty m. Austin Fontenen Minnie Setty m. Ralph Peterson d. 15 Evrett Peterson Pearl Seaman 25 Walter Peterson m. lu Marie Peterson 2h Mary Peterson 5” Anna Peterson 4 Ralph Peterson II H rbert Peterson m. Doris Bryant 1 Larry Peterson 2” Marcia Peterson Margaret Setty m. SampsonSetty

15 RfinsonElmer1. James WoodrowSetty Setty d. m. Ferry Fraysier 2” Stanley Setty m. Virginia Burnett 25 Clara Setty m. Little 55 Lottie Setty m. James Garrison #5 Alva Setty 55 Fflank Setty m. Effie Andrews lu HowardSetty 2 Irma Setty 65 O a Setty m. Lucretia Helth l Arlene Setty 2“ Viola Setty d. 75 Molly Setty d. m. Sanford Hottinger d. 85 M rgaret Setty m. RaymondPage 1 Delbert Page m. Belle Kinzer

l51 Pgyllis Page m. William Ellison 25 Howard Page 5 Clifford Page h 3 Betty Ellen Page (2) Hawkins 2% Lulu Page m. (1) Florence 5 Glenn Page m. Ruth Duffy 15 Peggy Page 25 Robert Page 55 Gale Page #2.

6. ANNA GALL b. April 21, 1811 m. JACOB HAMMONDb. d. l Mgrtha Ellen Hammondm. John Setty l Ollie MaySetty m. SamGillespie d. 22 C r a Setty d. Jan. 2h, l9H5 m. William Gillespie 13 Mildred1 Ernest Gillespie Morris m. Morris 25 Afina Mae Gillespie m. Frank Ward lh Dolly Ward m. Ralph Murphy 2 Dorothy Ward m. Paul Smithson d. l Bertha Jane Smithson h 25 Judith Ann Smithson 5 Sara Dell Ward HowardGillespie d. Glenn L. Gillespie Lucille Gillespie d. infant Willard Gillespie d. infant Loren Paul Gillespie m. (1) Viola Hart d. 194k (2) 1“ Clara Ruth Gillespie 2” Loren E. Gillespie Jghn Ervin Gillespie m. Violet Hottinger lu Patricia Gillespie 2h Robert Gillespie 5h Kenneth Gillespie 4 Karen Gillespie 5” Terry Gillespie 95 lOflion Corrine Gillespie Gillespie m. Winnie McLaughlin 2: Robert Gillespie 5 Clarence Gillespie 105 Gr ce Gillespie m. William Goins 1%h Nikola Faye Goins 52h WilliamHelen Goins Goins Jr. ll5 Ada Ermaline Gillespie m. Clarence Henry 52 Jacob Minor Setty d. m. Myrtle Devoe 42 George Setty d. m. Olive Williams Setty m. J. E Hopkins 15 Grfice1 1Ggrald Dean Hopkins Hopkins m. m. Hazel (1) WilliamsDonna Dodds (2) Edna King 16 Twyla Hopkins 26 Mary Margaret Hopkins 25 Jgy Hopkins m. Clarence Emery 1 Sharon Emery u 55 Paul Hopkins 2 Mary Hopkins m. Joe Vinsonhaler 15 Kathryn Vinsonhaler 25 Joanne Vinsonhaler 1Opal John Hopkins Burton m. Jesse Burton 25 Barbara Burton 5Mary Charles Burton Burton 5 5 Marlin Burton hi.

21 Fgank Hammondm. Elizabeth Snider l M nnie Hammondm. Fred Moore 1 Wlbur Moore m. Alice Caplinger l Glenn Moore 24 Donald Moore 25 Cfirl Moore m. Della Davis 1 Betty Moore A 2# Oakley Moore 5 Vernon Moore 44 Raymond Moore 54 June Moore 6 Teddy Moore 55 Finniel Mary Moore Louise m. EakinsGrover Eakins H5 Elza Moore 22 C arles Hammondm. Clara Tumbleson 1 Ruth Hammondm. Charles Rhodes 25 Lfirenel Carline Hammondm. Stultz Carl Stultz (2 children) RHODAGALL b. March h, l8l5 d. ~ fl. WILLIAM HAMOND 11 Sarah Hammondm. Daniel Palmer 2 Biucel Ross Hammondm. Hammond m. Leatherwood 2 Dora Hammond m. 1 52 son m. 5 ' Ira Hammond d. #1 Ella Hammond d. 51 Sgphia Hammondm. John Conoway 1l IgaWilliam Conoway Lovettm. James m. Lovett Ethel Strain 25 Ashton Lovett m. (1) Pearl Fawley (2) Mae Haines 55 Gilbert1 Paul Lovett Lovett d. d. l9u7 m. Nettie Lemon 45 Ego Lovett d. l91+9 m. Henry Smith lu Raymond Smith m. Eileen Day 2 Hgward1 Howard Smith Smith m. Maribel Jr. Williams 25 Larry Smith 51* Russell Smith 111.Dorothy McGath 15 Patty Smith 25 James Smith 35 Rosalyn Smith 44 Pearl Smith m. (l) Branson Boatman 15 Branson Boatman Jr. ------——m.(2) Leslie Donaldson “ 65: ~Fred Harry Lovett Lovett d. m. Nellie Cochran 75 Carey Lovett d. 85 C arence Lovett m. (1) (2) l James Lovett 24 22 James Conoway m. Isa Hammond 15 Rey Conoway m. (l) Thelma Swisshelm (2) Trudy Moore 1 Grace Conoway (2 other children) 25 Faye Conoway d. Ah.

8. ISAAC GALLb. Oct. 20, 181A m. SALLYHISER b. March 25, 1809 1 d. June 6, 1887 d. Aug. 25, 187% 1 William Gall m. Delilah Ann Williams 12 Adelia (Lelah) Gall m. Joe Cochran 15 N llie Cochran m. Dee Holliday lu Robery Holliday 2h Fred Holliday m. Eleanor Morris 5 Charma Holliday 25 Dewey Cochran m. Marie Earning l Irene Cochran m. Glen Hinkle 2 l5 Fonda Hinkle 2 Elizabeth (Libbie) Gall b. m. Luther Harshbarger d.Nov.l9h5 15 Alva1 Walter Harshbarger Harshbarger d. Nov. m. Conniel9h5, m. Cline Mary Johnson 15 Paul Allen Harshbarger A 25 daughter 2h Lois Harshbarger m. John Huntington 5 Eleanor Harshbarger m. Robert Powell 15 Mark Marion Powell 25 Terry Lee Powell 25 Elmer Harshbarger m. Eleanor Bennett 1 Virginia Ann Harshbarger 2h Marilyn Harshbarger 5 David Harshbarger 55 Clement Harshbarger m. Helen Walker 45 S lome Ann Harshbarger m. Ora Roberts 1 Sherman Roberts m. Vernon Marsh 15 David Marsh 25 Norman Marsh 55 Forest Marsh A5 Rose Marsh 55 Oakley Marsh 2A 65Oletha Iris Roberts Marsh m. Frank Simsey 15 James F. Simsey 25 Richard Simsey 5h Thelma Roberts m. Alfred Byers 15 Hugh Byers 2 Dean Byers A 5 Carol Byers A Vgrnie1 Helen Roberts Mcconnaughey m. Nobel McConnaughey 25 Martha Mcconnaughey m. Willard Reese 55 Norma McConnaughey m. William Bowers 5” Clinton Roberts m.Bessie Smith 1 Bett Ann Roberts 2 25 Loue la Roberts 5 Lona Gall m. Ora Roberts Ellen Gall m. Samuel Custer (Lived in Missouri) George Henry Gall m. Mary Louisa Miller - see Miller Genealogy p.h6 2lg MaudLouella Isaac HamptonGall Gall d. 32 FredHerbert Gall Gall d. at H yrs. H5. 2 5 ThurmanGall m. (l) Tressie Frump, Hillsboro, Ohio 5 (2) Edith Countryman 1 ThomasDwight (Flash) Gall (Lieut. World War II, Guadacanal, three Service Bars.) 5 m. Connie Thornberry 2 G orge Erwin Gall m. Mary Ellen Dawson

2lu George E. Gall II #1 Sara Elizabeth Gall b. Mar. 28, 1850 d. Jan. 18, 19u1 m. John Satterfield Dec. 14, 1882 b.April lO, 1850 12 Harry V. Satterfield m MaryMilligan d'Feb' 10’ lgeu 2 15 AnneElinor Satterfield 22 William N. Satterfield m. Bessie Snyder 3 Hgmer F. Satterfield m. Lee EmmaGroves l Nglson1 Marilyn Satterfield KaySatterfield m. Leona Washburn 5 Jghn Nelson Gall m. NancyWashburn d. Jan.5l,l9l5,S1nking Spring,o l M nnie Gall m. Thomas McClure b. d. l9h7 l Jfihn Wilson McClure m. Gladys Wickerham 22 Melva 1 McClure Thomas m. McClure William Patton 15 Jghnl John Patton Patton m. (1) Jr. Luella m. Elaine (2) Bertha Gilbert 15 Carol Ann Patton 2 daughter u 55 daughter 2h Melva Patton m. Carl Krouse 5 Dgrothyl DonCarl Patton Foster m. Charles Foster Ru Mgrggiritaaron gagton a y m. Claude Batty a 5 Ralph Patton m. Ann (2 children) 25 Beatrice MayPatton m. Frank Enterline 9. CATHRIN GALLb. Oct. 22, l8l6 or Oct. 25, l8l7 m. HENRYWILLIAMS,b. Jan.l,l8l7 (Fifth child of Elias and Christenia CountrymanWilliams. See p. 67) 11 Jasiah Williams b. Feb. ll, 1858 m. Deborah Kelley 1 James H. Williams m. Mary Weaver 15 Nellie Williams m. Charles Secrist 1“ Ruth Secrist m. Wendell Bobbitt 2u Charles15 Joy SecristWendellyn (Wendy) Bobbitt h5: LouiseRobert Secrist m. William Welshiemer _l5 Carolyn Welshiener 25 Phillip Welshiemer 5 Ruth Ann Welshiemer 35 Catherine Welshiemer 5 David Welshiemer 25 Cfiar es Addison Williams m. Ruth Reno lu Jack Williams 2 Charles Williams m. Joann Fender, May 29 5 Eugene Williams m. Beverly Villars #6. 4h David Williams m. Lois Ann Snider A l5 WayneAddison Williams b. March 15, l955 Sh Richard Williams 6h Robert Williams 7h Phillip Anderson Williams 8 Karol Williams 55 Jfimes Edgar Williams m. Millie West 1 James Edgar Williams, Jr. m. Barbara Predmore 15 James Anderson Williams 2 Margaret Ellen Williams m. James Colliver #5 Margaret Williams b. d. m. Wilene Hunter 1 James Hunter m. Edna Emery EmmaWilliams d. March, l9h8 m. James Malcolm 15 Eihel Malcolm m. DeweyKelly 1 Malcolm Kelly m. Thelma Pegan l5 Barry Malcolm Kelly 25 Randy Kelly 52 E l a Williams d. l9h7 m. Marion Smart d. 1% Homer Smart d. May, l9h7 m. Ollie Siders l Wanetta Smart m. Eldred Peterson 25 HomerSmart, Jr. m. Juanita Garrett 15 infant d. 25 Larry Smart 5 Homer Lane Smart Egithl Ervin Smart Kerr m. Williamm. Norma Kerr Ward d. 4 l Ernest Kerr (adopted) 2 L cille Kerr m. Lawson Walker

3h Naomil Henry Kerr Lawson m. Charles Walker Reno II l5 Charles Reno, Jr. 25 David Ray Reno killed May, l9u8 4A William55 Mary Edsel Joann Kerr m. Laverne Larders 15 David Lee Kerr R th Smart m. Glenn Stanforth 1 Charles Stanforth 2 Mabel Stanforth J. Frank Smart m. Elma Wisecup 1“ Mary Josephine Smart m. A. Raymond Brady h 15 Mary Jo Smart m. Fred Shank 2 Geneva Faith Smart m. Harry Boatman

15 Raymond1 Ray AnnB. Boatman Boatman m. Joan Jones 26 Carolyn Boatman 25 Zglmal Russell Boatman Frazier m. Gene Frazier 35 Otis Smart (World War II) m. Mary Gilbert H. Kempster Smart (World War II), m. Evelyn Hisey 15 Carol Ann Smart Maynard Smart (World War II) m. Martha Cane 15 Monda Lee Smart Gracssmart m. Meb Combs 15 Stephan Combs #7.

7h Dgrothy Smart m. Shelby King (World War II) 2l5 MarylinMarlin King King 55 Mavreen King 8” Thomas Smart 9“ Theodore C. Smart m. Clarice Haas u l5 Diana Smart 10h Beatrice Smart (twin) m. Robert Estep ll Brice Smart (twin) _ George HamptonWilliams b. April 6, l8h8 m. Lou Chambers lJglia Charles Williams Custer m. Jacob m. Custer 15” Charles Custer Jr. 25 son 22 Gladys Custer m. Burch Young 2 l5 Robert Young '5 Nellie Custer m. Norris Murphy 1Sarah G Malissaace Clark Williams m. Dr. m.Charles Stephen Storer Clark 1 Vernon Storer m. Helen Zearing 25 Russell Storer m. Ada Maxon 21h DanJudy Storer Storer 2 85hloe Malissa Clark m.Storer Caskey Glascow l Earl Glascow m. Dorothy Knox 25 Ruth Glascow m. McCoy 55 Paul Glascow m. Catherine White #5 Alice Mae Glascofi Mary Minerva Williams b. Jan. 26, 1851 m. Henry Guthrie 12 Maggie Guthrie 22 Effie Guthrie Floyd Guthrie George Guthrie Ollie Guthrie 52 Pearl Guthrie 7 Orville Guthrie Egma Williams m. Louis Roherds 212 EdgarKatherine Roherds Roherds R2 LuluCharles Roherds Roherds Henry Clinton Williams b. Aug. 17, l8hl, m. Sara Kelly 12 Mary Williams m. James Hill 15 G ace Hill m. Fre1’.Chambers 1 James Chambers 2” Dale Chambers Bu faul Chambers Au Roger Chambers 5“ Delano Chambers Ivey Hill m. Henry Williamson lh Dorothy Williamson m. Kenneth Peart 2 Charles Williams m. Blanche Simmons . 15 Guy Williams m. Lucille CrumHilterbran 25 Wgodrow1 son Williams m. 55 Charles Williams, Jr. m. Freda (1 son and l daughter) M8. lO. ABRAHAMGALLb. Oct. 7, l8l8 d. May 25, 1887 m. MARYANNDUTTON(“Ancestors came over with Wm. Penn.") b. June 20, 1818 d. Aug. 27, 1902 11 Ella Gall m. Samuel Selzer 12 Marie Selzer m. Hugh Puckett 15 H ward Puckett m. Nettie Ellen Setty lu WaynePuckett 21 Dayne Puckett hSh DelorisDonald P Puckett ckett 25 H old PUckett m. Vernice Plummer l ThomasEugene Puckett b. Mar. 21, l9h9 2“ Judith Ann Puckett b. April 8, 1951 22 Leone Selzer m. Ove Swisshelm 15 Imogene Swisshelm m. Loren Worley 1% Jerry Worley 25 Evelyn Swisshelm d. 21 Eliza J Gall m. Thomas C. Weaver 12 Lulu Augusta Weaver m. Farris B. Cummings 15 Mfiry1 Dorothy Caryl Cummings Ellen Shoemaker m. Homer m. A. John Shoemaker Roosa 1 1 Mary Katherine Roosa 2” Homer A Shoemaker 5 Mary Emily Shoemaker fin John Thomas Shoemaker 25 1Paul Barbara Edward LucilleShoemaker Shoemaker m. Margaret Lucille Grover 2“ Constance Pauline Shoemaker 5 Shirley Sue Shoemaker 1“ John Paul Shoemaker (twin) 5” Ferris Paul Shoemaker (twin) 6“ Mary Lue Shoemaker lCgarles Charles Ralph Ralph Shoemaker Shoemaker, m. Mary Jr. Olive Moore 2” Joyce Ann Shoemaker 3” David William Shoem er 45 Erothy Genevieve Shoema er m. Charles H. Wright 211 RalphCharles Morrow CummingsWright Wright Mary Weaver m. Simeon Overhultzer 15 Orland Overhultzer m. Mina Muller East Ave.28, Los Angeles l1 Martha Overhultzer m. Leroy Markin 51, Cal. 21 Elizabethl5 Dennis Overhultzer Dean Markin m. RaymondLeffel l DonnaLeffel 2 RaymondLeffel, Jr. 55 Martha Carolyn Leffel 4afi RobertRichard Overhultzer Overhultzer Joseph Ellis Weaver (Greenfield, O.) m. (l) Blanche Ferguson 15 Elsie Weaver m. Kearns Franklin, Ohio, R. 1 25 Howard Weaver (2 ) Bessie 49.

12 O Albert Weaver m. (l) Mabel Ruth Frantz, Los Angeles, Calif. 5”‘ George Thomas Weaver m. Jane Yarger 2lu LouThomas Ella Weaver Weaver ------—-m. (2) OnaActon 15 1Ciara Caryl Jane Travis Weaverm. Jan. 2l, l955 (l) Forest Travis _-_...—-_—.-_—._.._....—— m. (2) sylvester Franklin Ditty Martha Jane Ditty Ruth Ellen Ditty Roseanne Ditty Elizabeth Fay Ditty Rgbert Joe Weaver m. (l) Lorean Bogardus 11 Joseph Earl Weaver' 2” John Fred Weaver 5 Rebecca Sue Weaver ------——m.(2) Jayne Celeste Zacha la Sandra Terese Weaver 55 Rose Ellen Weaver m. Charles Orlando Haynie 11 Charles Rose Haynie 2 David LeRoy Haynie 5 Bonnie Rose Haynie 51 Joseph F. Gall m. Alice Christman (no children) Al Isaiah Gall b. May25, 1845 d. Dec. 29, l929 m. Martha Mary Ashton May 28, 1868 1911 2 b. Dec. ll, l8Hl d. NOV.20, 1 Anna Clara Gall b. Jan. 20, l87l m. James Frost, Dec. 28, 1892 b. Nov. 25, 1865 d. Oct. 28, l9hl 15 Wilbur E. Frost b. Mar. 22, l89h 1 m. Eliza Johnson Nov. 2%, l9l5 l Josephine Frost b. Aug. 22, 1916 m. Stanley Galbraith Dec. 2h, 1955 15 Mary Martha Galbraith b. Nov. 6, 1956 2 Beverly Galbraith b. Aug. 9, l9hO 5 Shirley Galbraith b. June in, 19h5 Donald Frost b. July 2h, l9l9 m. Nov. 50, l9h5 m. Alice Jones 15 David Edwin Frost b. Oct. 18, 1950 2 Arthur E. Frost b. Jan. 28, l952 , Jessie Kathryn Frost b. Nov. 50, 1898 ‘m. Louis J. Schauseil May 15, 1919 1 b. Sept. 16, 1890 James Copeland Frost Jr. b. April 30, l90l 11 Rachael m. A. Ruth Frost CrumApril b. Feb. 8, in, l9h5 19th Martha Louisa Frost b. Feb. l5, l909 m. Sept. 2, 1926 1 m. Ray Johnson b. Aug. 29, 1895 2 l Eleanor Ann Johnson b. Sept. 3, l95l 2 Matilda (Tillie) Gall b. Jan. 20, 1875 m. U. Ashton Swisshelm (516 28th St.,Cairo,Ill.) 15 Lucille Swisshelm b. April 21, 189k m. Dr. W. R. Knight 1 (Peebles, 0.) July 2, l92O 1 Jean Knight b. July 25, l92l m. l9h7, Jack Billman 25 HowardAshton Swisshelm b. Feb. 2h, l896 (Peebles, Ohio) d. June 27, 1920 (Louisville, Ky.) 55 Ulysses Emmett Swisshelm b. July 5, 1898 50 m. Feb. 21, 1925, Beatrice Johnston A 5 1 George Ashton Swisshelm b.Jan. 6, l92b 4 Ralph Walker Swisshelm b. Dec. 18, 1900 Portsmouth, 0. 55 Dorothy Velma Swisshelm b. June 25, igou 5 (Namedafter VelmaGall Satterfield, see p.21) 6 Eleanor Eunice Swisshelm b. Feb. 21, 1907 (Portsmouth, 0.) la Mar tfi. .a guiy s on 25£ eig 19:6, b. Jghn ug. R;charEuLe1gh , 19 85Edwin Swisshelm b. Aug. 22, 1909 Portsmouth, 0. m.M ay 29W1l;5g mJ _osep - 31- ne 3: ogen 191 (Portsmouth, Ohio. 13 Mary Virginia,Swisshe1m b. Dec. 11, 19h2 2 2 William Holcomb Swisshelm Jr. b. Nov. lh, l9hh 5 Joseph Edwin Gall b.Mar. 5, 1869 m. Rose Anna Taylor 15 Elsie1 Olive Gall Rose m. Joseph Bazler E. m. Bazler William (Columbus, E. A 1 Ohio)‘ A 15 Danna Rose Apple Pp e 2h Mary Helen Bazler 5 5 Josephine Bazler 2 Pauline1 Joseph Gall Markey m. Frank J. Markey 55 H mer B. Gall m. Anna Hunter 1 Roger Gall 2t HomerB. Gall Jr. 5 5 Charles Gall A Harold1 Barbara Gall m.Gall Gillian m. Peter Stevenson Kienle . . 2” Richard Gall 55 Wlter Gall m. Charlotte Kleisner 1 Ronald J. Gall 65 Ellen Gall m. Wm.Kopleman 2 1 William Kopleman Jr. A Bessie E. Gall b. Oct. 7, 1879 m. W. Edward Redick Sept. 22, 1908 15 Sgmmers Redick m. Mildred Keesler 1 Ned Edward Redick ll. SOPHIAGALLb. June 25, l82O d. m. JACOBHAMOND(Jacob Hammond's first wife was Anna Gall see p. #2) ll Josephus Hammondm. Susanne Sturnbaugh 12 Thomas Hammondm. Reta Fettro 1 Vfirnon Hammond m. (1) Grace McGrew l Leroy Hammondm. Louise Rogers 1 Barbara Hammond 2 Gary Hammond ------—m.(2) Williamson 1” Betty Hammond 52% RobertThomas Hammond 52% FMerthlon ora Hammondm. Hammondd. James young Vanpelt 1 Mae1 VanfieltR c ard Williamsm. Bellany m. Williams Virginia Davis 1 Sharon Williams 2 James Dale Williams 25 Eggene1 Williams m. June Smittle 26 DanielDonald EugeneWilliams Williams E55 ErvinRuby Williams Williams ­ 51.

55 Sgirleyl John Williams Swingley m. Henry Swingley 25 Shirley Swingley u Holbart Vanpelt m. McMullen 5 Harry Vanpelt m. Lucille Hill 15 Harry Vanpelt, Jr. 25 Virginia Vanpelt A 55 Robert Vanpelt Gertrude Vanpelt m. Arthur Caplinger l Doris Caplinger 6A MarieGrace Vanpelt m. Albert Baratt 15 Glenn Baratt 7 Verdie Vanpelt m. Ed Hopkins l5 Margaretl Verda Hopkins Ann Newkirk m. George Newkirk 25 James Hopkins m. Leone l6 Lucille Hopkins 2 Phyllis Hopkins 56 Donna Hopkins 55 Dgnaldl Jackie Hopkins Hopkins m. Louise Vaughn 2g Daniel Hopkins 56 Patricia Hopkins h Darlene Hopkins #5 Pgrry Hopkins m. Blanche Craft 2l6 ElaineRonald Hopkins 55 Fged1 Freda Hopkins Hopkins m. Oscar Vanpelt m.Agnes Knauff l5 James Vanpelt 95 Joseph Vanpelt m. Ruby HammondFettro 15 Evelyn Vanpelt 25 Rex Vanpelt 55 Janet Vanpelt #5 Charlotte Vanpelt 55 Glenn Vanpelt H5 Eg Hammondm. Blanche Post l Alta Hammondm. Floyd Tira 1 .James_Tira 2 Robert Tira ­ 55 Larry Tira h Nancy Tira 25 M tle Hammondm. Francis Main l William Main 25 Ronald Main 55 Mary Frances Main 5 #5 Judith Main 5 Kathryn Hammondm. Charles Vanzant 2lu MyrtleRoy Vanzant Vanzant 52

65 RaymondClifford Hammondm. Myrtle Stanley d. l925 lu Jennie Hammondm. Orie Hopkins Ferris Hammondm. (l) Lora Engle (2) Imogene Kesler (5) MaudButler l5 Dglmis Hammondm. Kathryn Reed 16 Gloria Jean Hammond 5 Ann Hammond h 2 Wilfred Hammond Eh UnaNettie Hammondm. Ellen Hammondm. Robert Johnson Howard Puckett 1 Robert Wayne Puckett 25 DonaldPaul Duafle P ckett Puckett M Z Delores Puckett 5 Nellie Hammondm. (1) Richard Williams 15 Bgatrice1 Patsy Williams Sue Brook m. Paul Brook 25 Helen Williams 55 Clifford Williams ------m. (2) Gayle McAdams 15 Doris Jean McAdams ------m. (5) Miles Stupp ‘ 1 6h Infant daughter d. 2 Isabelle Hammondd. single 51 Catherine Hammondm. Lewis Countryman (Hoguam, Washington) 12 ggrry Countryman m. Edna Towne (590h Park St.,Kansas City, Mo.) 25 1 22 Homer Countryman 4 Dglla Hammondd. Feb. l6, l9h6 m. Milton Fisher 1 Edgar Fisher m. Hazel Caton (l605 High St., Council Bluffs, Iowa) 15 Robert Fisher 2 Rosco Fisher SS Fisher u Egna Fisher m. (l) Clyde Lehigh 1 Jfihn Lehigh m. Anna Lewis ------1 Mackie -- m. %ehigh 2 Bryant Lossiter 1 Alden Lossiter 2 Verda Lossiter E;Marie Charles Lossiter Lossiter m. L. R. Curby 51 Sarah Hammondd. April l9h5 m. William M. Kelly 13 Lulu Maud Kelly 21 O%aMable Irmaline Kelly Eyre m. d. (1) Ottis Eyre 25 Daisy Eyre d. ------m. (2) Joe Cooper 2 15 Joanne Cooper m. John L. Walker 5 Archie Wilson Kelly m. (l) Ethel Kesler d. l9u6 (2) Lucille Roherds 15 Christie Kelly d. 255 AlicePhyllis Kelly Kelly (adopted) d. 55­ Frank Kelly d. m. Faye Gall 15 Cfirshall Kelly m. Beatrice Treftz 1u Barbara Kelly (adopted) 2 Weldon Kelly '5” Sandra Kelly 4” Shirley Kelly George Hammond m. Fisher Mable Hammond 12. ILDA GALLb. Oct. 12, 1822 m. ISAAC W. JARNIGAN, Oct. 14, l8h5 Mfii May Jarnigan m. Wise Ella Jarnigan m. Holden Nellie Jarnigan m. Guthrie Milton Jarnigan Joe Jarnigan George Jarnigan m. Anna Isaac Jarnigan (The information on the children of this family is vague and may not be correct.) 15. JULIA ANNGALLb. June 2, l824 d. Oct. 1, 1905 m. March 9, 1851 LEVI WILLIAMS(Son of Elias see p. 72) b. Sept. h, 1852 d. July 28, 1906 Buried Dunkard Churchyard near Elmville, Ohio 11 Marion Clinton Williams b Dec. 51, 1852 m. (1) Fannie Fry Nellie Williams m. Walter L Wilbanks 15 Afistin1 Marion Wilbanks Wilbanks m. WandaSpitler 2“ Lois Wilbanks 5 Sharon Wilbanks 25 B dette Wilbanks m. Louise Cockran 1 Marilyn Wilbanks 24 Barry Wilbanks

55 Wendell5 Gary Wilbanks Wilbanks #5 Mona Wilbanks Lilly Williams m. James Wilbanks 15 J. Odell Wilbanks m. Bernice Daugherty 1 Jan Joseph Wilbanks 2” John Phillip Wilbanks m. Elizabeth winter 15 David James Wilbanks 5 25 Phyllis Ann Wilbanks 2 Susan Wilbanks m. Truman Mcconnaughey 55 Mildred Wilbanks #5 N llie Margaret Wilbanks m. Archie Newbry 21% JenniferJames Albert Jane Wilbanks Wilbanks 55 Norenewwilbanks m. Lester Grimm 65 Mable Wilbanks m. William Fry 75 Vfirnice1 Sally Wilbanks Hopkins m. Ivan Hopkins 2“ Sandra Hopkins 85 Phillip Wilbanks 95 Jane Wilbanks 54.

105 Dgrothy Wilbanks m. Robert Ayers 1 Robert Lee Ayers ------—-(2)IdaMayCarlton 12 Stanley Carlton Williams m. Maude MayFlowers 15 Sfianley Carlton Williams Jr. m. Dorothy Friebert 25 1 Susan Carlton Williams DamonEmersonWilliams1 Joyce Lucille Williams m. (1) Lucille Jane Littrell ------(2) Mrs-Bernice CarolynPuckett Hogue DamonEmerson Williams m. Bernice Almira Smith 1 Wallace1 John Eugene Wallace Williams Williams m. Emily Ann Adams Ray Mitchell Williams m. Florence Thereas McLaughlin 15 Florence Bernice Williams m. Samuel Glascow 1 Samuel Wayne Glascow 2h Susan Bonnel Glascow 25 Ray1 RayMitchell Mitchell Williams, Williams Jr. m. m. Carolyn Mary Frances Alyce NicholsHaffner 55 Robert James Williams , 42 DgweyDale1 Arthur WilliamsDale Williams m. Anna Ella Houston 52 Louis Ronald Williams m.Margaret Zora AmandaWilliams b. June 10, 1854 d. April 18, 1929 m. William Shoemaker 12 Frank Shoemaker m. Stella Shannon 151 Cfira Susanne Shoemaker Shannon m. (1) Hunter H. B. Bauta (2) Virgel P. Hunter 25 Elva Marie Shoemaker m. Fred Weaver

55 Axonelle1 Russell Shoemaker Shoemaker m. Estelm. Norma Simmons Jane Duncan u 15 Rebecca Shoemaker 2 Joseph Shoemaker 54 Sandra Sue Shoemaker ha David Eugene Shoemaker 43 1Pfiarl Joyce Shoemaker Annette m. Barrett Edward d.Barrett Harley Shoemaker m. Lide Creed, d. 1; Virgil William Shoemakerm. (1) Ellen Surface (2)Esther Hargis 2 Mfirven1 Janet C. Shoemaker m. Hazel Smiley 2h Richard Shoemaker A5t MarieDoris ShoemakerJean Shoemaker 5“ Ruth Ann Shoemaker 6% Charles Smiley Shoemaker

55 Hgmer1 Dorothy Alton Shoemaker m. Caryl Cummings 2h Mary Emily Shoemaker 5” HomerAlton Shoemaker,Jr. 3 A” John Thomas Shoemaker A AithurMarion Shoemaker Arthur m. Shoemaker Geneva Carter in Loella Shoemaker BeKay t Irene Shoemaker Shoemaker Orvi le Shoemaker Bruce Carter Shoemaker Ronald Shoemaker 55­

65; LaunettaMargene Shoemaker, Shoemaker d. young 52 Agna Shoemaker, d. m. Russell Ashmore 1 Ray Ashmore m. Dorothy Bridgeman #2 Marion Shoemaker m. (1) Eva Harris 5 (2) Lizzie Suiters l Hfinryl Chester Shoemaker Shoemaker m. Anne Thomas Sara Shoemaker

Ah EddieMary Ellen Shoemaker Shoemaker 55 Yvonne Shoemaker 6“ Richard Shoemaker 25 Vernon Shoemaker 55 Elsie Shoemaker m. Charles Countryman 1 Linda Countryman #5 Edna Shoemaker m. Walter Brown

2lu MarjoriePhillip Brown Brown Sfi F oyd Shoemaker m. Marie Countryman 2luEleanor Clarence Shoemaker Shoemaker 65 Alice1 Ernest Shoemaker Sonner m. Jr. Ernest Sonner 5 3 Charles Sonner, d. 7 G y Shoemaker m. Mildred Badgley 21” KennethHarold Shoemaker Shoemaker 35 Ronald Shoemaker Bgrtha Shoemaker m. John Vance l1 Oiville Elizabeth.Ann Vance m. Mary Vance Hamilton m. Charles William Caldwell 15 Janie Sue Caldwell 25 Margery Caldwell 25u_ Orville5 Margaret William Ann Vance Caldwell m. Joan Collins 5 15 John Richard Vance 2 Lfira Vance m. George Igo 1 Roger Igo 35 w llard Vance m. (1) (2) l Wilma Ann Vance 25 Sara Frances Vance 55 John William Vance 45 Mary1 Doris Margaret Jean Vance Walker m. Herschel Walker 2“ Galo Walker m. Dolly Milburn 15 John Edward Walker 25 Carol Walker 55 Zora Vance m. Edgar Londell 15 Laverne Londell m. William Kerr 2u Galo15 David Londell Lee Kerr 55 Galen Londell m. Mabline Berry 15 Theodore Londell 25 Jennifer Londell u Shirley Londell 5 Edgar Londell Jr. m. Arlene Larson 56. l m. Louella Matthews 5 EgorgeCarl Henry Williams Williams d. b. Dec. l8,l858 d. 2 Grace Williams b. May l0, l896 m. T. Herschel Gall 5 Frank Williams m. Margaret Hammond 15 M rk Williams m. Beulah Chrisman 1 Tony Williams he Bellamyl Williams m. Mae Vanpelt 5 Richardl Williams m. Virginia Davis u Sharon Williams 52h Danielinfant Williams Eugene Williams m. June Smittle 1 Daniel Williams Irvin Williams Ruby Williams 1SflirleyJohn Williams Lee Swingley m. Henry Swingley, Jr. Ml Mary Matilda Williams b. Mar. ll, l86l d. Feb. 5, l95O m. John Devoe Wilmington, O. 12 Chester A. Devoe m. (1) Sarah Jones m. (2) Countryman 15 N llie Devoe m. Joseph McFadden l Mildred McFadden Ann McFadden m. Charles Bumgardner 54 Eleanor McFadden Mu Ruth McFadden 5“ Jane McFadden (twin) b. Oct. 5, l9u8 6h Joe McFadden (twin) Eflna1 Roger Devoe Leslie m. George Leslie 2: Ralph Leslie in Richard (Lucky) Leslie Mfiry Devoe m. Raymond Smith 2lh RosalieWilliam Smith 5“ Charles Smith 45 W'lana Devoe m. Harold Ankeny l David Arthur Ankeny 2: Robert Ankeny 5 Sarah Jane Ankeny 22 Laura Devoe m. James Jones 15 Stanley Jones 25 Zora Jones Beulah Jones 2 55 5 Marion Devoe m. Grace Aerhart 15 Geneva Devoe m. Floyd Heines la Bonnie Heines 2h Ronnie Heines 5 Sharon Heines 51 Martha Ellen Williams b. April 26, l862 d.Dec. l6, l895 m. Jacob Post 12 Clarence Melvil Post d. m. Chloe Suiters 61 Daniel Franklin Williams b. Nov. 25, 1865 m. (1) Anna Post (2) Mary Parke 12 Blanche Williams m. Ed. Hammond 57­

5 l A ta Hammondm. Floyd Tira 1 James Tira 52: RobertDonald Tira hi Larry Tira 5 Nancy Gayle Tira 25 Myrtlel Ronald Hammondm. Main Francis Main 2” Donald Main 3: MaryJudith Frances Main Main Harry Williams m. Lillian 15 Stanley Williams m. Louise lu Gailyn Williams 2” Nancy Williams Roy Williams d. Clyde Williams m. Helen 15 Dorothy Williams 25 Clyde Williams, Jr. 1Gladys Mary Mae Frances Williams Holden m. Holden 2 Barbara Holden 58.


II JOHN GALL b. Dec. 11, 1776 d. Sept. 19, 1862 (Buried Union Co.,Mo.) m. MARGARETFULWIDER March 10, 1798 b. May 16, 1780 d. Feb. 16, 1872 "Movedto Franklin Co., Mo. after the Revolution."

l. DAVIDGALLb. Dec. lO, l798 d. Feb. 20, l868 m. Mary McDonald, Dec. 25, 1827 b. May A, 1810 d. Sept. 12, 18Au 1 Livingston Gall b. Mar. M, 1852 d. Feb. 9, 1912 m. Narcissa E. Chitwood April 5, 185% b. April l8, l855 d. April 30, l92O 12 Adolphus George Gall b. Dec. 15, 1858 d. Jan. 20, 1959 m. Margaret Jane Galbraith b. d. April 11, 1951 15 Roy Gall b. NOV. H,l88O d. Oct. 8, l95O u m. Sara Wilkinson b. Jan.l9,l88O d.Dec. 16, 1908 1h Harold Gall b. Dec. 16, 1908 2 Margaret Gall b. June 9, 1915 58 Virginia Gall b. Nov. 10, 1917 A“ Roy Gall, Jr. b. Oct. 16, 1921 B dge Gall b. Feb. 29, 188A d. Feb. 22, 1954 1 Marion Gall b. Feb. 26,1915 m.Margaret Bromel b.Oct.ll,l889 Annie Gall b. Nov. lh, 1890 m. Rev. Stephen Paxson Marge Gall b. Feb. 8, 1895 m. Arthur W. Ohlendorf Gfiorge Gall b. m. Hattie Springgate b. Nov. 27,1900 2luRichard Georgia LeeLivingston Gall b. Gall Jan. b. A, Aug. 1928 9, m. 1955 Cowan 2 William Emmett Gall b. Nov.1A,1861 d. Feb.8,19A5 m. Annie B. Galbraith b. Aug.5,1862 d. sept.1A,19A8 Glenn Gall b. Aug.7,l892 m.Pear1 Morris 21: Hester Gall b. May10,1895 55 Myra1 Don Gall Neil b. Woodb.July 17,1899 Feb.l8,l952 m.Neil Wood b.Dec.16,1898 Melvina Agnes Gall b. 1870 d.Jan.6,l951 m. Elias W. Nothstine Dec.25,l889 b. d. Nov.l5,l929 15 Elmer Dewitt Nothstine b. OCt.5,l89O m. (1) Eccilda Cheyne 1911 b. April 1,1892 m. (2) Josephine Mueller 1927 ll,’ Dorothy Nothstine b. Jan. 17, 1915 m. Hoevel 15 Doris Jane Hoevel b. April 16,1959 25 Bernice Hoevel b. Dec.7,19h2 h 5 Patricia Eccilda Hoevelb.Feb.l7,l9h7 2 Robert Elmer Nothstine b. June 21,l91h 15 Beverly Ann Nothstine b. June 11,1958 5u J2 hn Judith Dewitt Ann Nothstine Nothstine b. Aprilb. June l5, 2h, l9l6 19ho u 1 David John Nothstine b. Oct. 50, 19h8 4 Robert Dewitt Nothstine b. Aug. 6, 1928 59­ 23 Iva Mabel Nothstine b. May 6, 1894 m. Oscar H. Barklage m. Nov. 50, 1911 4 b. Sept. 7, 1889 l Oreon Nothstine Barklage b. Ju1y 16, 1912 5 m. Bertha Jett NOV.l7, l9h5 b. July 28, 1925 1 Agnes Ann Barklage b. Oct. 21, l9h6 2‘ Betty Laverne Barklage b. Dec. 7, 1951 2 Wilbur Livingston Barklage b. July 15, 1915 m. Mildred MoosmanJune 5, 1955 b. June 14, 191k 15 Bert Kenneth Barklage b. April 12, 1955 u 25 Joan Dorothy Barklage b. Mar. 20, 1959 5 John Kenneth Barklage b. Nov. 6, 1915 m. Dorothy Short July 17, 1957 b. April 1, 1918 l5 Ina Rae Barklage b. Nov. 28, 1959 25 Robert Oreon Barklage Jan. 5, 19h2 55 Susan Elaine Barklage b. July 1, 1955 Albert Livingston Nothsdne b. April 2h, 1895 u m. Allie Mealer Jan. 5, 1916 1 Martha Agnes Nothstine b. Oct. 26, 1917 ' m. Harry Gephardt lg Herbert Andrew Gephardt b. Jan. 2, 1958 2 Patsy Ann Gephardt b. Feb. 2, l9hl 55 Michael Albert Gephardt b. July 7, 19u5 h 45 Harry Allen Gephardt b. Feb. 11, 19u9 2 Alnown Nothstine b. Oct. 17, 1919 m. John Strain .15 Julie Allie Strain b. May51, 19uo 25 James Albert Strain b. June 15, 19u2 55 John David Strain b. Nov. 50, 19h; u 45 Janet AlnownStrain b. Feb. 15, l9h9 5 Albert Livingston Nothstine, Jr. b. Sept. 7, 1922 m. Gwen 15 GwenElayne Nothstine b. June 7, l9h7 25 Charlotte Ann Nothstine b. Mar. 2, 1950 Earl Evan Nothstine b. Aug. 10, 1899 m. Anna Marie Sullivan Dec. 25, 1918 h b. NOV. l7, l897 1 Bgrnard1 Bernard WoodsNothstine WoodsNothstine b. Oct. b. Aug. 15, 6,1919 19h5 h 25 Debrah Kay Nothstine b. June 28, 1951 2' John Evan Nothstine b. May 15, 1921 ‘ 15 Donald Even Nothstine b. July 17, 1942 25 Dale G David Nothstine b. July 2, 19u5 u 55 John Kevin Nothstine b. June 15, 1952 3 Betty Ann Nothstine b. Feb. 5, 192A m. Charles Friese 2lg JoyceDianne Ann Marie Friese Friese b. b.June June lh, 11, 1950 l9h7 55 Barbara Gail Friese b. April 12, 1952 60. A4 David Earl Nothstine b. Dec. 18, 1952 5 m. Mae Jean Wehmueller b. Jan. 5, 1952 5 1 Anna Christine Nothstine b. July A, 1955 5 John RaymondNothstine b. June 15, 1902 m. Helen Wilson Feb. lb, 192% b. Dec. 51 1902 lu Gloria Helen Nothstine b. Feb. 5, 1929 5 m. Edward Burke Sept. 50, 1950 15 Michael John Burke b. June 25, 1951 A 2 Bruce Edward Burke b. May A, 1955 5 2 Theodore John Nothstine b. July 15, 1951 1 6 Martha Agnes Nothstine b. April 28, 1905 2 Clinton(Gal1Lived in"Went California West during in 1868) the Gold m. Rush" 12 E . Gall m. Anna Inez (Stockton, Calif.) l Aflita Gall m. E. L. Hunt (Farmington Calif.) 1 Hunt m. Clifford Lombardi (Wilseyville, Calif.) 25 Elmer2n Leland M. Gall Hunt (Ripon,(Spokane, Calif.) Wash.) 23 Sidney M. Gall (Ripon, Calif.) 5 Arline Gall m. Bianchi (Ripon, Calif.) (Information on Clinton Gall family received too late for verification)

2. JoH§1 GALL, Columbus JR. Gall 12 Dora Gall 21 Lafayette Gall d. (Drownedon way to California.)

3. JACOB GALL b. d. Before l862 m. ROXANNA (children)

III ELIZABETH GALL m. TODD (There is a question as to whether Elizabeth Todd is a sister or a daughter of JOHNGALL,Sr. She is not mentionedin his will but is listed by the son as one of the heirs. Mr. Hansen, Abstract Office, Union, Mo. says she is a sister. O.G.N.) See XIII of Preface 61.


ABRAHAM(ABSOLEM) ROADS m. MARIA Rockbridge Co., va. "Hadnine children before 1800." JOHNROADS b. d. 1850, Chillicothe, Ohio (2 sons) PHILLIP ROADS b. d. m. (went west) (1 son, 2 daughters) JACOBROADSb. 1779 d. July 28, 18hh Buried Roads Cemetery, Paint Twp.,o_ m. JANE (JENNIE) WILLIAMSJuly 26, l8O9 b. 1786 d. Mar. 15, 1878 ( sons, 5 daughters) see p. 70 1 Sara Jane Roads m. Rev. George Murphy see p. 74 21 Daniel S. Roads m. (1) Maletha Spargur see p. 75 m. (2) Katherine Haigh 51 James W. Roads m. Catherine Kearns see p. 82 ISAACROADSb. Feb. 21, 1795, Rockbridge Co. Va. m. NANCYSTITT b. March 8, 1797, Mason, Ken. Married in Va. and Movedto Ohio about 1818. (6 sons, 5 daughters) 11 Samuel Roads m. Betty Weir 12 Lyda Roads m. Epperson 21 Cornelius P. (Neely) Roads m. Eliza Pulse see p. 87 l2 John Pulse Roads m. Kate J. Works 22 Isaac Roads m. Mattie Pershing 5 Harry Roads m. Anna 1 he Nancy Roads 5 Levi M. Roads m. Juliann Pulse Turley see p. 87 1 Emma Roads 22 Charles Roads #1 E izabeth Roads m. John Pulse, Jr. see p. 87 1 Clara Pulse 1 22 Ella Pulse m. Lawrence Spargur 51 Harrison Roads m. Liza Russell (no children) see p. 87 6 William1 Laura Roads Roads (twin) m. Thomas m. Sarah Harrington Catherine d. l9h7 (Kate) Turley 2 Zorah Marie Roads d. at 5 years 52 Infant d. 87% RachelThomas Roads m. (twin) George m. Smalley Rebecca Carnes George Roads b. d. m. (Went West) (5 or 6 children) David Roads b. d. m. Barbara Grabill (1 son, 6 daughters) CATHRINE ROADS b.1779 d. m. GEORGEGALL Jr. May 27, l8OO see p. 56 b. June 28, 1766 d. July 1, I855 ELIZABETHROADSb. June 25, 1809 d. June 25, 1885, Buried Mt. Latham NANCYROADSb. Feb. 10, 1815 d. Oct. 5p, 1882 Buried Mt. Latham 10. MARIAROADS b. Sept. 11, 1825 d. Sept. 7, 1875 I ll. MARYA. ROADS b. 1825 d. 1916 Buried Prospect Cemetery 12. ALLENw. ROADS b. May 10, 1850 d. Mar. lh, 1890 (Went west) 15. BEN ROADS (Kansas) 1h. LYDIA ROADS d. Infant 62.


JAMESWILLIAMS,"Went from Rockingham Co., Va. to Ohio in l902." "Married both wives in Virginia." b. d. Will probated Sept. 8, l8l8. Buried, Frost Cemetery, Highland Co. Ohio. m. (1) REBECCAWALLACE(Scottish descent) 1. WILLIAMWILLIAMS("Preacherand teacher in Marshall, Ohio".) Buried Old Dunkard Churchyard near North Union, Ohio m. REBECCA (BECKY) STRANGE, July 24, l8l9 2. SANFORD WILLIAMS 5. MORGANWILLIAMS "Went West". A. HENRYWILLIAMS "Settled in Adams Co., Ohio. One son was a Captain ' in the Civil War." 11 Theopholis Williams, b. 1851 d. July 12, 1899 m. Emily Jane Dick, 185M, b. Dec. l7, 1856 d. Sept. l5, l9l8 Both buried, Presbyterian Cemetery, Marshall, Ohio 12 Sara E. Williams m. Alleniah Williams (Son of George and Mary (Polly) Zink Williams, grandson of Thomasand Susannah Gall 2 Williams. see p. 25) 2 Nathaniel Wallace Williams, b. Jan. 29, 1865 d. April A, 1889 52 Henry GrahamWilliams, b. Nov. 17, l865 d. June l5, 1928 m.'Alice Dove, Sept. 8, 1886 b. 1868; d. 1955. Both buried IOOFCemetery, NewVienna, Ohio ("Henry G. Williams was 3 Prominent educator, editor, former Dean of State Normal School at Ohio University, President of Wilmington (0.) College and head of l5 Clara the DuncanOhio Teacher's (adopted) Bureau.") m. R. Phillip Rose A Qginton1 Lawrence D. Williams Williams b. Nov. 22, 1876 d. m. 25 G enn D. Williams m. Mae Graves l John D. Williams 2” Phyllis Williams 55 John L. Williams 52 Theopholis Othello (Otto) Williams b. May15, 187k (*) History of Highland Co. Page 70:...."...During summerand fall of l802 there were several families whomovedinto the present township of Brushcreek. Amongthem were Simon Shoemaker Jr. and his brothers Peter and Martin from Virginia. George Suter, James Williams, Jacob Roads, David Evans, Peter Stultz, Dr. John Caplinser, Captain 1812. John Roads all movedinto the township in 1802 from Virginia and are now dead." Page 146...."..The voters of Brushcreek Township in Mayl807 were 98 in number including Elias Williams, John Roads, James Williams, John Miller, John Miller, Jr., Jas. Washburn,Jacob Miller, Jacob Roads, Joseph Hiestand, Peter Shoemaker,Peter Stultz, Jr. etc....." (*) Because of conflicting namesand dates of the families of James, William, Sanford and Henry Williams, an addenda will be added as soon as research proves successful. O.G.N, 65.


l. NANCY WILLIAMS 2. ELIAS WILLIAMS b. Dec. l78l d. Feb. 25, 1858 m. (l) CHISTENIA COUNTRYMANb. l78l d. Aug.28,l879 m. (2) BERNIVAVANPELT, April 1850 5. JANE (JENNIE) WILLIAMSb. 1786 d. March 15, 1878 m. JACOB ROADSJu1y 26, 1809 b. 1779 d. July 28, 18AM H. SARAHWILLIAMS m. GEORGEGALL June 25, l8l7 see p.l6 b. Feb. 8, 179A d. Oct. 1851 1 James Gall m. (l) Jane Turley (2) HepsyAnn Turley (Sisters) Sara Jane Gall m. Isaac Jarnigan A 31~ Alfred Gall d. single 41 Daniel Gall d. young 51 William Gall d. young 61 Wesley Gall m. Sara Virginia Hatcher 7 Elias Gall d. young 81 John Gall m. Margaret Elizabeth Miller 9 Thomas Gall m. Malinda Setty lO1 George Gall m. (1) Margaret Janet Turner m. (2) Sara Jane Grabill m. (5) Mary Wylie lll Addison Gall m. Sarah Franklin Spargur l2 Effie Jane Gall m. John Tolle l12%Adda Catherine Marie M. Gall Gall m. m. Clarence William Patton Edward Noble l5l Lewis Leota Gall m. Mary Alice Williams 161 Minnie Gall d. young 5.:ELIzABETH (BETSY) WILLIAMS b. Sept. 19, 1790 d. 18AO m. JOHNPULSE, Sr. July 5, 1810 b. Oct. 7, 1789 d. 1858 6. THOMASWILLIANS b. 1791 d. Sept. 5, 1875 see p. 25 m. SUSANNAHGALL, Oct. 15, 1815 b. Oct. 18, 1795 d. April In, 1882 l Mary Ann Williams d. young 21 William Williams m. Elizabeth Hiser 1 George Williams m. Mary (Polly) Zink A Lydia Williams m. Albert Dunlap 51 Alleniah Williams m. Martha Rockrook 61 Susan Williams m. Sanford Haigh 871 SarahIsaih WilliamsEllen Williams m. Mary m. (Polly) Jacob Turnipseed Frump Daniel Williams m. Mary Hatcher 7. MARY(POLLY) WILLIAMS m. (1) JOHN WADE, March 18, 1819 see p. 26 m. (2) AUSMANLARRICK, June 17, 1829 see p_ 28 8. JAMS WILLIAMS,Jr. b. Mar. 1797 d. May 5, 1872 see p_ 51 m. (1) NANCYJOLLY, June 19, 1820 b. 1802 d. Oct. 18, 1850 m. (2) SARAHWOLFE, Dec. 25, 1852 b. d. May 5, 188A 6h.

NANCY WILLIAMS ELIAS WILLIAMS b. Dec. 1781 d. Feb. 25,1858. Buried Coss Cemetery, near North Union, 0. m. (1) CHRISTENIA COUNTRYMAN,b. 1781 d. Aug.28,1879 1 m. (2) BERNIVAVANEELT,April 25, 1850 b. d. ll Mary (Polly) Williams b. Mar. 10, 1805 d. m. Tener 2 John Williams b. June 18, 1807 d. July 26, 1895 m. (1) Mary (Polly) Duncan b. June 12, 1812 d. June 16, 1905 m. (2) Elizabeth Duncan(sister of Polly) (See Miller Gen. P. 57 - P. 51) 12 Elizabeth . Williams . . b. Nov. 15, . 1855 d. March 6, 1920 m. James Mestin Suiter, b. Nov. h, 1855 d. April 19, 190k Both buried, Cedar Chapel near Sinking Springs, 0. 15 Alleniah Franklin Suiter b. March 15, 1869 d. June 2%, 19h2 Buried near Seaman, O. m. (1) Sarah Marie (Sally) Stultz Aug. 8, 1895 b. Sep. 1, 1867 d. Oct. 17, 1898 Buried Presbyterian Cemetery, Marshall, 0. -m. (2) Mettie Gall 1h Elizabethm. (5) Florence Suiter d. at 6 years d. Mar erite Suiter m. Loren Gall 15 Jean Gall Ada Suiter b. April 17, 1866 d. Jan. 1A, 1952 m. Joseph Cummingsb. Oct. 1866 d. June 5, 1907 Both buried, Pisgah, near Marshall, 0. h Mabel Cummings m. Elmer Garen 2h Ethel Cummings 5 Guy Cummings #4 Tressie Cummingsm. Wilbur V. Williams 15 D nald Vernon Williams m. Katherine McCormick 1 Ralph Edgar Williams 26 James Robert Williams 25 Dgyle C. Williams m. Noni Humble 216 DeborahDeloris Williams

55 Kgnneth1 Beth Lawrence Williams Williams b. Feb. 20,m. RomaTreftz 1955 Curtis Suiter m. Eva Countryman d. 14 Chloe Suiter m. (1) Melvin Post d. m. (2) James Robinson 45 1Hfirley RoySuiter Suiter m. m. Dollie (1) Violet Smith Everetts (2)..... 1 Jean Suiter 25 Harley Oakley Suiter m. 55 Robert Suiter

2uMilford k5 Wallace Suiter Suiter m. Katestethen b. d, 58 Ruth Suiter m. Ho1bartBennington

15 Lgrry1 son Bennington m. Flora Adelia Suiter b. Oct. 9, 1858 d. Nov. 11, 1959 m. George Sampson Gall May 21, 1878 b. July 51, 1856, d. Dec. 5, l952,both buried Cedar Chapel. (See p. 17) 65. lh Nellie Gall b. d. June 1951 m. Robert Anderson 15 Flora Martha Anderson m. Richard Wright

216 AnnRichard Wright Wright, Jr. 25 Georgia Anderson m. Frank McWilliams

2” Hgrleyl Joseph Gall Walter m. Millie Gall Lowman m. Wanda Bacon 25 B%anche1 Richard Gall Cadwalader m. Nelson Cadwalader 55 Ngtalie Gall m. Herbert Countryman 162 RonaldBetty Lavonne Countryman Countryman 5 Gary Countryman 45 0 en Gall m. Andra McGee l Glenda Arleen Gall 1Ggorge George Wesley Wesley Gall Gall, m. Mabel Jr. Miller 25 Joseph David Gall 55 Thomas Gall #6 son 55 L rene Gall m. Elwood Bloom 1 Phyllis Elaine Bloom 522 EttaDaryl Bloom Lee Bloom 46 Robert Bloom James Arza Gall m. (1) Mina Tincher b. Apr. 5, 1889 d. March 10, 195% 15 Rgssell Leroy Gall m. MaryElizabeth McClaughlin 216 LarryJoyce ElaineLee Gall Gall 55 Judith Gall H? Sandra Sue Gall 5’ Linda Lou Gall b. Jan. 28, 1951 Lgwrence Wesley Gall m. Bonnie Byers 216 ArdithDonna Lee Kaye Gall Gall 56 Jacquelyn Gall Andra Marie Gall m. Ernest Haack 16, Ernest Leroy Haack 26; Stephen Joy Haack 55 John Richard Haack d. infant A5 Beverly Haack d. infant, May 1951 5 Douglas Arza Haack b. May 18, 1955 45 J ne Gall m. Fred Froberg 216 FredFrobergNancy Lynn Froberg Jr. A J s Arza Gall m. (2) Mary Roberts 5 lgme Donald Gall (twin) 25 Ronald Winford Gall (twin) hh Cora Anice Gall d. at 16 months.

22 Agnes1 Florence Williams Ina m. Bonhamb. (1) William May Bonham 6, 1880 m. Charles RaymondBoyd, Jan. 9, 1898, b. Oct. 9, 1875 lh Grace Boyd b. Mar. 22, 1899 m. Clarence EdmundGall Nov. 7, 1918 b. Oct. 17, 1897 66.

Nikola Shannon Gall b. May 15, 1920 6 m. Carl W. Deck, June 6, 19h2 b. Sept. l2,190h 16 Thomas Edmund Deck b. Dec. 5, 19h5 2 Carla Jean Deck b. Jan. 18, 1952 25 Clarence Eldon Gall d. infant 1950 5; Clarene Ellen Gall d. infant 1952 u 4 Judith Ann Gall d. infant 1956 2 Ngttlelee1 Joanne Agnes Eakins Bonhamm. d. Joseph Herbert Eakins (5 infants d.) Thelma Ellen Bonham (twin) m. Ivan K. Findlay 1 Charles Lee Findlay 25 Ivan Ray Findlay u 55 Sandra Ellen Findlay h Zelma Evelyn Bonham(twin) m. William H. Clifford 15 Bobby Ray Clifford m. Catherine Selby 25 Jack William Clifford m. Alice Lou Frankenburg — — — — — — — — — — — — — ..—m­ (2) John Frump John William Frump m. Anna HammondFields b. d. 1952 T omas Frump m. Sylvia West 1 Ernest Frump m. (1) Hazel Gall 15 Victor Dale Frump m. (1) Geraldine Nelson (2) Juanita Hunt 216 JudithJerry Dale Frumpd. Frump infant E nest Frump m. (2) Helen Wells A 1 Ernest Frump Jr. 2 Clarence Frump m. (1) Byrl Hiser 5 (2) Freda Newman(divorced) 1 Mary Elizabeth Frump m. Robert Barger 5 Tressie Frump m. (1) Thurman Gall 15 Thomas- Dwight Gall m. El; 2 CorneliaDonna Ellis Thorneberry 16 Thomas Gall 25 Mary Ellen Lawson 1Ggorge George Erwin Erwin Gall Gall m. II A 55------Mary Josephine --m. (2) Gall Charles d. infant Nye

151 James Jane William Evans Nye Nye m. Ann Tolle 25 John Robert Nye m. Betty stout 5 Mart£5 a Frump Charles b. Nye, 1872 Jr. d. 1957 m. Charles Hale E5 [Ella Frump b. 1867- d. Jan;l6, 1900 m. Will Ferguson b. 1895 d. Dec. l9hO, buried Beaver Cemetery, h near Rainsboro, Ohio 1 Ralph Ferguson b. 1892 d. Sept.-l9hO 2h Grace Ferguson m. David Albert Murphy 15 P tricia Lee Murphy m. Lewis CrownFrank, Jr. 1 Patricia Frank 26 Ellen Frank 25 RgzellaDavid Carolyn Albert Murphy Groves m. Ray Groves 16 Stephen Groves 67.

55 Maxine Murphy m. Earl Rice 16 Cynthia Lee Rice 5 2 Diana Berk Rice A Agbert Winston Murphy m. Martha Stutson 16 Sharon Murphy u Th 2s FMichael e Murphy in Wifii Fergigzgnm Laura 5 Floyd Ferguson b. d. 1905

1Ora AmbroseFrump m. Portwood Jack Portwood m. (1) Esther (2) Grace 1952 52h MableLuora Portwood m. Frank Ruwe b. d. 2 A es Williams m. (5) John Koger

1 Earl1 Anne Hulitt Koger Koger m. d. Ricketts m. Blanche Painter 25 Rgbecca1 Michael Koger Chastine m. Charles Chastine 25 Susan Kay Chastine b. April 11, 19h6 59 Rachael Ann (Anna) Williams b. Mr. 17, 1858 d. Mar. 15, 1955 m. Sept.12, 1885 John Nationa Dumlap b. Nov. 26, 18u5 d. Oct. 16, 1955 15 Nellie Dunlap m. Foster Cunningham 25 John Dunlap m. Mrs. Ruth Shorter 55 Rfiymond1 Helen Dunlap Dunlap m. m. Minnie Felton Howard Rentz 15 Patricia Rentz m. 4 25 David Rentz 2h Mary Frances Dunlap 5h Norman Keith Dunlap M Judith Kay Dunlap 1950. #5 Gfiace1 Leona Dunlap Miller m. Burwell m. Robert Miller Graham b. d. 15 James Douglas Graham 25 son 55 Mfilva1 Martha Dunlap Jean m. BoydSam Boyd m. Dennis Fraley 15 Joyce Ann Fraley 25 Beverley Jean Fraley 2 Evelyn Boyd m. Charles Wheelee 2 65 Ethel Dunlap d. infant h Martha Williams m. Charles Pemberton Dunlap b. d, 15 Jfimes1 James Dunlap Francis m. Berdie Dunlap Craig m. Janie Boring 25 Charles Russell Dunlap m. Belva Bales 1” Charles Russell Dunlap Jr. m. Mary Summers 15 Tommy Dunlap 25 Harold Russell Dunlap 2M Francis55 Charles Willard Ronald Dunlap Dunlap m. Mattie Batson 15 Paul Glenn Dunlap 25 Karl Harry Dunlap 68. 5 5 J hn Clyde Dunlap m. Pearl Mason 1 Maryandra Dunlap m. Claude Groves 15 G ne Groves m. Virginia Drake l Loraine Groves 26 Ellen Groves 25 Bobby Groves 35 Martha Joe Groves m. Byron Dunn 22+ Mason Dunlap m. Dorothy Ropp b. d. 15 John Mason Dunlap A 25 Karen Dunlap 5 5 Rollo Dunlap m. Ethel Spencer d. l9hh h Lfilal Dunlap m. TomMiddleton b. d. 2u RoyHarold Middleton Middleton b. d. l9h5 5 m. Mary Carback 152 TommyMiddletonBetty Joan Middleton u 55 Wilma Jean Middleton b. d. 5 Wilton Middleton m. Goldie Devoe l5 Lola Imogene Middleton m. Harry Woodburn l6 Patti Jo Woodburn 26 Shirley Woodburn (twin) 5 sandra Woodburn (twin) 25 L ura Middleton m. Darrell Martin

2l6 RogerJerry Martin «ThomasWilliams b. d. (single) Susan Williams m. Samuel Suitors l5 Lewis Suitors m. Elizabeth Landon 25 willie Suitors b. d. Eliza Williams da infant AmandaWilliams d. infant E len Williams m. Lance Cross 1 Molly Cross m. (l) Thunderbird 25 Clark Cross d.infant (2) Walter Speck 55 John Cross m. Clara 45 Blanche Cross m. Garrett 55 Nellie Cross b. d. 65 Clifford Cross b. d. 75 Flora Cross b. d. 10 Alleniah Williams m. Iza Turner 21; LauraSpees Williams b. d. 55 Inis Williams m. Chester Roads b. d. n5 Carlton Williams b. d. 55 Gfiace Williams b. d. m. Martin Bryant 1 MgynardBryant m. Janice Detwiler AElise 1 daughter Bryant 5Bu Robert Bryant hh Eleanor Bryant m. William Barrard l son 69. Elias Williams b. May6, l8ll NancyElizabeth Williams b. l5, l8l5 Henry Williams b. Jan. l, l8l7 m. Catherine Gall b. Oct. 25, 1817 Anna Williams b. July 6, l82l d. m. Willlamhgewis 12 Milton Lewis m. Lavenia Hetherington 15 Efial Alice Irvin LewisShannon m. m. James Eleanor Shannon Gray d. 1949 A 1 Larry Shannon 2 L%llianl Shannon m. Herschel West 22 Clinton Lewis m..Anna Miller 15 Albert1 Ralph Lewis Lewis b. m.July (l) 27, Estella 1872 m. Wade Clara Early b. Sept. 22, 1872 m. (2) Effie Hite 15 daughter 2h Pearl Lewis m. Darrel Kline

l5 Mgbell Mary Kline Esther m. Elmer Johnson Johnson 26 Rodney Johnson 56 Roger Johnson A 4 Robbin Johnson 5 Herman Lewis m. Faun Thompson M (6 children) 4 Roy Lewis m. Geneva Luttrell 5 (M children) 2 Ffledl Harold Lewis Lewism. m. Doris Burr Carr 15 C rr F. Lewis m. Margaret Frame

216 JoyceCarlene Ann Lewis Lewis 25 Dgnna1 Lynn Lewis Pickering m. Donald Pickering 2% Rita Pickering 2 E6 Charles Pickering d. l952 5 John Lewis m. Ganie Fenner 15 Alvinl Mildred Lewis Lewism. (l) m. MaudeRitenour Dr. Smith (2 sons) l5 ------=m. (2) Ruth Chitty m. (5) NonaMoore 25 Wilbur Lewis m. (1) Minnie Hanghey (5 children) 25 ————————m-Flm. (2) Golda Faucett (Mchildren) 55 Nfillie Lewis m. Haden Flanghr 1 Margery Flanghr m. Denver Bloom 2h Harold (5 children) Flanghr m. Neva Pickens 5h Kenneth (5 children) Flanghr m. Gertrude Thomas (2 children) flu Richard Flanghr 45 Elsiel Letha Lewis Wilt m. Anselm Wilt 70.

55 Maggie Lewis m. Elmer Wolary 1 Reva Wolary m. Roy Pickering n (h children) 2 Dgrtha Wolary m. Burch Pierson 65 Anna 1 Lewis Genevieve m. Alford Pierson Shirk Edward Lewis m. Nora Shaw , 1 Ora Lewis m. 25 Maurice Lewis m. 55 Herbert Lewis m. #3 Wilda Lewis m. Harold Fettro 55 Lora2 children Lewis m. Thomas Lewis m. Callie McCoy 15 Afina Alice Lewis m. Kelly Roberts 2u MargeneJames T. Roberts Roberts m. Effie Duff‘ 15 Sandra Roberts 5 Paul Lee Roberts d. 1929 ha Harry Roberts d. l9hO 5” Raymond Roberts 6” Roger Roberts m. Shirley Duffey 15 Carol Jean Roberts ’25 Linda Sue Roberts Jgy Joan Roberts m. Paul Dehart h 1 Paul Dehart Jr. 8 Herschel Roberts 25 Emma Lewis 55 HarryGeorge Lewis Lewis m. Clara Baker 2in James Lewis L5 S uel Lewis m. Della Eew .1 Larry Lewis William Lewis m. Mollie Early 15 Lgnie1 Ernest Lewis Lewis m. Taylor 25 Estel Lewis m. 5 Bertha Lewis m. 5 Calla Lewis 55 Ethel Lewis lPgoebe Effie Lewis Ridings m. William m. Ridings 25 Mollie Ridings m. 55 Minnie Ridings m. #5 Willie Ridings 55 Crum Ridings Nancy Lewis m. William Link 15 Mackie Link m. 25 Alva Link m. 55 Delbert Link m. (several children) Elizabeth Lewis m. Lewis Eyre 1 Aflna1 Vernon Eyre m. Pittenger William Pittenger 71. 25 Bertha Eyre m. Joe Cooper 1 Daughter m. Hugh Pence 15 daughter 55 Eva Eyre m. Harry Worth 102 Anna Lewis d. 112 Cecelia Lewis m. Lewis Eyre 15 M&ldred Eyre m. Arthur Mercer d. 214 NelleCharles Mercer Mercer d. m. Ethel King 25 Elizabethl Irma Doster Eyre m. Charles Doster 55 N ncy Eyre m. Jo Eyler

l MgryEyler1 Robert m.Kelly Robert Jr. Kelly 25 Joseph Kelly 21+ Cary Eyler m. 15 Janet Eyler m. Robert Steelman l Karen Steelman 2 Michael Steelman Jerry Eyler

\J'l\J'I \Nf\D Dgnald Eyler m. 16 Richard Eyler 2; Thomas Eyler E5 William Eyler 55 Carolyn Eyler Egward Eyre m. Ida Bridge 2lh LevitaStella Eyre m. ClarenceOran Kendall Plennie Bu Lillian Eyre m. Frank Carter Lfiwisl Eileen Eyre Eyrem. Alice m. DeleplaneHenry Jilg 15 Jack Jilg 25 Jeri Jilg Jfiseph H. Eyre m. 1l Jgseph Calvin Eyre Eyre m. Camellia Smith 25 Joseph Eyre Jr. 2u 5Charles Alice Eyre Eyre m. Esther Williams l5 Carey Eyre m. Kay Baker 2 Dora Eyre m. John Hammond E5 DenzilCharles Eyre Harris m. VirginiaEyre d. Dennison 652 ForestRobert Eyre 75 Phillip Eyre 4 85 Wayne eyre 5 Lgnn1 Victor Erwin Eyre m. Meryl Best u 25 Erwin B. Eyre 4 Jghn R. Eyre m. Nettie Bridge 15 Joseph Eyre m. Carly DeClaire 2 Hugh Eyre 55 Dean eyre A5 Jean Eyre 72. 55 Alvan Eyre 65 Marvin Eyre 75 Chester Eyre William E. Eyre m. Minnie Howland 15 Leroy Eyre d. 25 Wyonia Eyre m. John Hanlin 5 Mable Eyre m. Charles Edminston u A5 William E. Eyre Jr. 6 Lewis Henry Eyre m. Clarice Newman 15 Mary Eyre m. Virgil McKee h 2 Joseph Eyre 7 Ottis Eyre m. Ola Kelly 15 Daisy Eyre d. M 2 Irmaleen Eyre d. 8 Opall FernMelvin Eyre McClellan m. George m. AliceMcClellan Pence 25 D nna McClellan m. Maurice Wylie l Janice Wylie 55 Lois McCle1land A5 Gail Erwin McClelland 87% ElizabethsmmmwunmsaJmeu,[email protected]%,w% (Eliza) Williams b. April 6, 1827 m. Agnes Rebecca Miller 12 Mary Ellen Williams b. Sept. 25, 1852 d. Mar. 21, 1858 22 Edgar Fenton Williams. 2. t Sept. ' 2, 185Md. May 28, 1950 Nevada,Mo. 15 Roy Willigms afilayouié lng 25 Rfiy1 WilliamsRuth Williams m. Maude m. Joe Horine Stephens 55 Edgar Williams m. Alta Lunday 2lh RalphBilly BobRay Williams m. Genevieve Susanna Mangold John Aaron Williams b. Feb. 7, 1856 d. Nov. 30, 1858 Ida AmandaWilliams b. Aug. 30, 1858 d. Oct. 18, 1865 CharlesWashington Mortimer HamptonWilliams Williams b. b. Aug. Jan. 15, 25,8%86l l 5 d. d. Sept.29,l957 Sept.25,1865 5 9 m. Addie Earp b. Mar. 21, 1862 d. April 10, 1918. 1 Dana Edna Williams b. Aug. 15, 188A (10 W. 66 Kansas City,Mo.) m. John F. Chappell ‘ 25 Luther1 Dorothy M. Williams Edna Chappell b. Sept. b. 11, Oct. 1886 4, 1916d. June d.Nov. 17, 15,19hu 1951 m. Elizabeth Holland lu Dana Edna Williams b. May 16, 192k m Melvin Wilkey 2A John15 Douglas Cordell Allen Williams Wilkey b. Feb.b. Jag. , 1921952 35 Carl M. Williams b. Nov. 1, 1890 M m. AmandaHellrung b. Sept.50,l89l d. July 10,1951 1% Christine Marie Williams b. Nov. 18, 1919 2 Frances Edna Williams b. Dec. 1M, 1921 m. Donald Sloper (#518 Santa Tomas, L05Aneeles,cal.) 5” Charles M. Williams b. April 17, 192A m. Joanne Mayer b. Oct. 25, 1956 75­ Albert L. Williams b. Ja . 50, 1895 m. Alice Wood 15 Nadine May Williams ?tWin) b. May 5, 1922 25 Norma Jane Williams (twin) b. May 5, 1922 6 m. E. C. Owens 16 Dorothy Jane Owens 2 Nancy Jo Owens 5h Charles W. Williams b. Sept.l5, 1899 m.E1eanor Seymour 15 Donald Edward Williams 2 7 EmmaLouise Williams b. May 5, 1865 d. Dec. 25, 19h8 m. George Leonard Sterling, Jan. 15, 1887 (Brother of Laura Sterling, Wife of Edgar Williams) b. May 27, 186A d. July 19h5 15 zoe Wilma Sterling b. Mar. 25, 1888 m. Sept. 25,191h Ernest George Baade d.Ju1y l9hO lh Louise Ernestine Baade b. Aug. 18, 1915 m. Otto Thomas Sticht June 8, 19h7 15 Barbara Jean Sticht B. Nov. 17, 19h9 , 25 Beverly Kay Sticht b. Nov. 17, 1949 d.Nov.l9,l9u9 21 Zoe Wilma Baade b. May 18, 1925 m. Gerald Frank Reid Jan. 15, 1986 15 Daniel Ernest Reid b. Jan. 5, l9u7 Francis Albert Williams b. June 10, 1867 d. June 1, 1951 m. Rena M. Goodson April 20, 1892 15 Opal Williams b. Oct. 16, 189A, Hizer, Kansas m. Forrest Leroy Davis Oct. 6, 1920 b. April 18, 1895, Blackwell, Okla. 1A James Arden Davis b. July 26, 1921 2h Forrest Leon (FL II) Davis b. Aug. 29, 1925 5 m. Patty Kelly Jan. 1, 19h9 15 Kelly Lee Davis b. Sept. 12, 19h9 M 2 Forrest Lance (FL III) Davis b. Apr.17, 1951 15h AlbertFrances Ross Alberta Davis Davis b. Nov. b. Au 20, .5,1951 1925, Dodge City,Kansas 25 Gladys Bertha Williams b. May2 , 1895 m. Cecil E.Davis 1 Bette Jean Davis b. March 11, 1918 m. Philip L. Snedaker 15 Deborah Jean Snedeker b. Mar. 25, 1951 William Sanford Williams b. Feb. 10,1870 d. May1,1951 m. Mary EmmaWildin Mar. 10, 1905 b. April 21, 1878 1:5. Goldia WilmaWilliams b. Feb. 15,19oh (Newton, Kansas) m. Walter John Ensz Jan. 20, 1955 A b. Aug. 21, 1908 d. June 15, 1951 la John Walter Ensz b. April 1, 1957 2 Mary Ann Ensz b. Jan. 16, 19h1 viola MaeWilliams b. Jan. 1A, 1906 m. Fay Kimes Aug. 2, 1951 b. Oct. 2h, 1905 5 Orville Leonard Williams b. Sept. 27, 1907 m. Harriett Elizabeth Kellam April A, 19h2 h b. Sept. 5, 1907 1 Billy Fay Williams Marion William Williams b. Feb. 5, 1909 d. NOV.19, l9h6 4 m. Gladys Myres Aug. 15, 1952 b. Oct. 5, 1910 1 Janet Erlene Williams b. May 22, 1956 m. TomEvans Aug. 1950 7h. 55 Mildred Agnes Williams b. Feb. 5, 1909 A m. Earl RaymondO'Hara June 1,1950 b.July 7,1908 l Judith Elaine O'Hara b. Feb. 8, 1956 65 Freda2 Gary Electa Earl Williams O'Hara b. b. Mar. Oct. A, M, 1946 1911 (Living with her mother in Partridge, Kansas) m. Ralph A. Ross June 28, 1956 b. Mar. 7, 1910 l ]%&aJoRwsb.&me5,l%8 2 Marcia Marie Ross b. Dec. 20, 1959 5 Patricia Jane Ross b. Dec. 2h, l9h2 4-F‘-F‘-F‘-P‘ David William Ross b. Aug. 29, l9h5 91 Levi Williams b. Sept. 4, 1852 d. July 28, 1906 m. Julia Ann Gall Mar. 9, 1851 b. June 2, 182% d. Oct. 1, 1905 see p. 55 5. JANE (JENNIE) WILLIAMSb. 1786 d. March 15, 1878 m. JACOB ROADS, July 26, 1809 (Brother of Catherine Roads who married George Gall. See page 56). b. 1779 d. July 28, 184%. (Buried Rhoads Cemetery, Paint Twp., l Rainsboro, Ohio.) l Sara Jane Roads b. Jan. 6, 1828, Rainsboro, 0. d. March 16, 1905, Buried Mt. Latham. m. Rev. George Murphy, Methodist minister, 2 Columbus, 0. July 26, l8h9. ­ 1 Campbell (Cam) J. Murphy m. Harriett Hiestand, Columbus, Ohio 1 George Murphy III d. 7 ears old 25 Rfiy1 Murphy d. m. l) Maud Skinner Maxine1 Richard Murphy Johnson d. m. Shubert Johnson 25 ------—-m. (2) 2 (six children); 2 Adelia Murphym. Edward S. Burnett, Marshall, 0. (no children)

521 Ogpha G Murphyadys Harvey m. Thomas m. Harry M. Harvey, Manuel Topeka, Kansas 1% Robert Manuel m. Ethel Baumgardner h 15 Donna Dean Manuel 2h William Manuel m. Helen Duerr H54 PaulDonald Manuel Manuel m. m. Bernita Rosemary Hershey Kaimburg 5: Betty Manuel 6 Wayne Manuel 42 James Alder Murphy m. Molly Evens, Richmond, Ind. l5 Hazel1 James Murphy Newbitt, m. James Jr. Nesbitt 2R Molly Nesbitt 52 EmmaMurphym. Lewis E. Suiter, Liberty, Ind. 1 Alder Suiter m. 25 Wfilliam1 Jane A. Suiter Suiter m. m. Mortimer Nelle McGary Davidson 2u Nancyl5 Karen Suiter Davidson 75­

6 Rgbecca1 Stanton Murphy Allen m. Frankm. Allen, Lincoln, Neb. 25 E er Allen m.

lh2 EdwardAllenBecky Allen 55 Averil Allen 82 GeorgeDaniel MurphyP. Murphy d. m.at 19Olive years Butters, Marshall, Ohio 15 Myrtle Murphy m. Homer Pence l Eldon Pence m. Betty Murphy

25 Willard1 Richard Murphy Murphy m. Nellie m. Betty Bloom Hickman 15 Judith Ann Murphy u 25 Patricia Joan Murphy 2 Eileen Murphy m. Homer Hoover l5 Richard Hoover d. 2 William Hoover n 55 Robert Hoover 5 Lois Jane Murphy d. 92 Roberta Murphyd. infant lO2 Cedora Murphy d. 6 years 112 Eliza Murphy d. infant (The above addresses for children of Sara Jane Roads Murphy were given in her obituary notice of 1905.) 21 Daniel S. Roads b. Dec. 7, 1814 d. July 27,1896 Buried Prospect,o_ m. (1) Maletha Spargur, Feb. 27, 1857 b. Dec. in, 1817, d. Oct. 50, i865 (Daughter of Henry Spargur and sister of Alfred Spargur) 12 Williamm. (2) Nov. Roads 2h, b. 1867, Dec. Katherine21, 1857, Haighd. Mar. (no H, children) 1926 m. (1) Ellen Anderson, Dec. 25, l8h2 b. April 28, 18A2, d. July 51, 189A Both buried Highland Cemetery, Hillsboro, O. 15 James Edgar Roads b. Oct. 10, 1859 d. m. Abbie Marie Hixon, Feb. A, 1880 b. April 10, 1857 d. March 17, 1899 u Both buried Highland Cemetery,Hi1lsboro,O. 1 Marie Alice Roads, b. July 12, 1882 d. m. John Herbert Strain, Aug. 5, 1901 b. July 1880 d. Nov. 29, 1925 5 Both buried at Hillsboro, 0. 1 HelenJune Strain 2 , b.1925 Oct. 17, 1905, M, Elmer Vogel A 16 Caroline Vogel b. May 1%, 1951 2 Clifford William Roads b. Nov. 10, 1885, d. July 23, 19h; m. Hazel Worley, Jan. 5, 1918 b. Nov. 7, 1889 d. Nov. 16, l9uo Both buried Hillsboro, O. 15 Virginia Roads b. Feb. 14, 1921 16 Sara m. MayFling Albert Fling, b. May8, Oct. l9#l 15, 1958 2% Mary Jane Fling b. July l5, lghg 5 Janet Fling, b. May10, lghh 76.

Oliver Newton Roads b. May 9, 1861 d. 1912 m. Margaret Daniel Wesley Roads b. Jan. 8, 1865 d. l9hh m. Arabella Adams, Nov. 4, 188A b. Dec. 10, 1861 d. Jan. 1, l9h6 Jessie Roads, b. Dec. 29, 1866, d. m. (1) Feb. 25, 1909 HomerBarrett 1“ William Roads Barrett, b. May10, 1910 m. July 16, 1951 Dorothea Mae Hess, b. Aug.l7,19l1 Barbara AnnBarrett, b. Jan. 25, 1954 Carolyn Jean Barrett, b. March 50, 1956 Marilyn Lee Barrett, b. Feb. 12,l91+5 5 William Wesley Barrett, b. Oct. 24, l9u6 #5 Jessie Roads m. (2) Charles Smith 19h7 William Roads m. (2) Alice McLaughlin b. 0ct.5l, 1859 d. Mar. 11, 1957 15 Charles Foster Roads, b. Mar. 15, 1897, d. July 51, 19h8 A m. Nov. 25, 1924, Thelma Brown, b. April 1%, 190A 1 Barbara Lynn Roads, b. April 27, 1929 2“ William Brown Roads, b. July 28, 1955 Jacob Henry Roads, b. Jan. 25, 1859, d. Jan. 18, 1928 m. Jan. 25, 1864 Melissa Anderson b. June 10, 1945, d. June lu, l9ou Bothburied Pittsfield Illinois 15 Artemus Roads b, dec. 1+, 1864: d. Oct. 15, 1951, m. July 50, 1885 Martha Foreman, b. Dec.20,l866 1A Myrtle Clyde Roads, b.Oct. M, 1887 d. Dec. 6, 1911 1, In. July 7, 1909, Thomas R. Gasser b. Jan. 8, 1877 2h Elmer Hardin Roads, b. Nov. 50, 1895, d. Dec. 25, 1905 5 Russell Wesley Roads, b. Oct. 2, l897,’m. May26, 1951, 15 Eleanor WayneRussell, Pauline Marshall,b. March 27, b. 1928Oct. 21, 1905 25 Lee Allen Roads, bu May 21, 1950 Howard Foreman Roads, b. April 21, 1901, m. Aug. 11, 1951, Vera Ryan, b. March 16, 1905 k 15 Connie Jean Roads, b. April 15, 1952 5 Harofidyr E:ym§ndlRo:ds£ e ng an , . bA ug. Jun:O28i9ég05, , m. March 50,1929 15 Mary Ann Roads, b. May 19, 1951 Gracsernon ElsieRRoadsé yan . bA pr M::cg722i9é§08, m. Sept. 1, 1951 15 Patricia Ryan, b. Oct. 8: 1952 25 Edward Roads, b. Jan. 6, 1865, d. Dec. 19, 1887 5 Thomas Roads, b. Feb. 2, 1868, d. 5 EmmaClyde Roads b. Oct. 15, 1869 d. NOV. 28, 1951 55 Walker Elmer Roads b. July 25, 1871 d. June 15, 1927. m. Aug. 15, 1895, Lydia May Hayden b. July 6, 187R 1” Ina Pearl Roads, b. Dec. 1, 1895 m. Orville Blaine Dell, Aug. 8, 1951 b. Dec. 9, 1890 15 J. w. Floyd Dell b. Oct. 26, 1911 m. Aug. 8, 1951 Alice Emelie Killis b61 Aug. Floyd 17, Robert 1915 Dell b. Aug. 51, 1955 77­ 25 Orville Harold Dell b. Oct. 20, 1915 35 Helbourne Vincent Dell d. infant l92O a5 Virginia Lee Dell b. April 50, 1921 Daniel Walker Roads b. Oct. 22, l895 m. Lavina Ethel Main b. Feb. 21, l92O 15 Mandell Beryl Roads, b. Oct. 19, 1920 25 Daniel Allen Roads b. Nov. 20, l925 55 Donald Eugene Roads b. May 28, 1925 45 Marilyn Roads b. Dec. 5, 1928 Homer Lewis Roads, b. Aug. 27, 1898 m. Dec. 25. l922, Leona May Norton l’5 Maxine b. Lucille Aug. A, Roads, l905 b. Aug. 25, l925 25 Anna May Roads, b. Dec. 12, 192k 55 Helen Rosabella Roads b. Oct. 15,1927 45 Earl Lewis Roads b. Feb. 5, 1952 Charlotte Clyde Roads, b. July l9, l90l l5 Winfred m. Russell (l) May10, Tippetts, l9l9 Alvahb. May21, Tippetts 1920 25 Lyndle NormanTippetts, b. Aug. 8, 1921 d. Mar. 26, 192M 55 Kathleen Elizabeth Tippetts, b. Mar. 28, 192R ------um.(m mme22,1%Q

l5 WandaLee Charles Trephahn Walter b. Trephahn Aug. l9, b. l95O Nov. ll, l897 25 William Roads Trephahn b. sept. 25, 1952 Helen Roads b. Mar. 5, l905 Russell Johnston Roads, b. May20, l905 m. March 21, 1925, Ada Conkright b. July 25, 1907 15 Vincent Russell Roads b. May 25, 1926 25 Robert Gerald Roads, b. Oct. 16, l928 55 Lyndle Norris Roads, b. Sept. 5, l950, d. Nov. 26, 1952 45 Ralph Walker Roads, b. Jan. 1, 1955 Ellen Marie Roads, b. Feb. l5, 1907 m. May2, 1950, Joseph Russell Shrader b. Jan. 19, 1906 15 Faye Marie Shrader, b. July 7, 1952 65 Delmer Henry Roads, b. Dec. 9, 1876, d. Mar. 25, lghl m. Dec. l2,l9lO, Carrie Haughtman d. Aug. l2, l955 Anna MayRoads b. Nov. 19, l9ll Ellen Aruther Roads b. Aug. ll, l9lh Infant d. l925 Lena Carolyn Roads, b. Dec. 6, 1926 5 Infant, d. l928 75 Lela Pearl Roads, b. June 29, 1887, d. Feb. l9, l925 m. June l6, l9l6, Harry Alford Orr, b. Jan. 5, 1890 lh Evelyn Jane Orr, b. Mar. 25, l92l 52 Hardin Roads (Prominent merchant Hillsboro, 0., later banker, Muncie, Ind.) b. Feb. M, 18ho, d. May 7, 1925 m. Jan. 1, l865, Lucretia Ellen Vanzant b. July 1, 1845, d. Mar. 25, l9l7 (no Children) Both buried Muncie, Ind. 78. A2 Minerva Roads, b. Oct. 10, 184%, d. Mar. 11, 1927 m. Feb. 25, 1866 Joseph Storer b. June 9, 18uo, d. March 27, 1921 5 Both buried Muncie, Ind. 1 Dan1el Wesley Storer, b. Sept. 5, 1867, d. Oct. 28, 19h5 m. June 14, 1888, Kate Claudia Moore u b. June 26, 1869 Leslie RaymondStorer, b. Jan. H, 1889, d. Aug. 25, 1890 $3 Rosa Mabel Storer, b. Sept. 5, 1890 3, Joseph Edward Storer, b. Mar.5,1892, d.Ju1y 16, 1915 4 Martha Florence Storer, b. Nov. 25, 1895 5” Harry Ernest Storer, b. July 25, 1895 m. Jan. 25, 1951, Lillian Kantner b. Sept. 50, 1910 1% Patsy Lee Storer, b. Nov. 20, 1951 h 2 Peggy Susan Storer, b. May21, l9hl 6 Oliver Robert Storer, b. Aug. 5, 1897

b-m. Aus-Feb. 19,20, 1891912, Celestis Doris McCannisson 15 Oliver Robert Storer, Jr. b. Sept. 27, 1926 m. June 1, 19h6 Jerflemin 25 Daniel WayneStorer, b. July 13, 1950 m. July lh, l9h7, WandaWaters A 16 Gregory Allen Storer b. Nov. 19, l9h7 7 Daniel Hardin Storer, b. Jan. 27, 1900 m. (1) June 21, 192%, Alma Marie Mulhollin b. March l5, 1905 15 Robert m. (2) Eugene Sept. Storer, 5, l9h2, b. AprilDaisy Batesl5: 1925 d. April 20 1925 25 MadonnaMarcia,Storer, b. Jan. 25, 1927 55 Harold Bendelle Storer, b. Dec. 26, 1928 #5 Kathlena Joanna Storer, b. Nov. 1, 1950 5; Beveriy Jean Storer, b. May15, 1955 u 6 Carol Jean Storer, b. Jan. 1, 1955 8 Minnie Katherine Lucille Storer, b. March 15, 1905 m. Nov. 1, 1957, Rev. Herbert Perry 15 Herbert Perry, b. Oct. 27, 1959 98 Mary Marcella Storer, b. Sept. lh, 190% m. Jan. 1, 1955, James C. Smith 15 Michael Lee Smith, b. Nov. 18 19h6 25 Oliver NewtonStorer, b. Sept. 25, 1869 m. Feb. 25, 1909, Pearl Black 2 b. June ll, 1875 5 James Roads (Civil WarVeteran) 2hth Ohio Vol. Service, A years) b. Feb. 8, 18h} d. Mar. 9, 1950 m. Sept. 5, 1868 Sara Ellen Medsker b. Aug. 2,l8u7 d. Aug. 4, 1951 Both buried Hillsboro, Ohio 15 Thomas Hardin Roads, b. Aug. 9, 1869 d. m. (1) Aug. 29, 189k, May Rayburn b. May 5, 1875, d. Feb. 17, 1901 m. (2) June 21, 1905 Nellie Creed b. Oct. 27, 1377 lA d. Lucille Nov. 10, Roads, 1916 b. Buried Mar. at16, Highland 1905 Cemetery, Hi11sboro,0. 31- Aug- 51) 1950) Edward MCV-ey:b- Oct-9,1905 79­ 15 Loretta McVey 25 James Thomas McVey 2“ May Roads b. Feb. 19, 1906 5“ James Roads, b. July 19, 1909, m. Midge Grandele 15 Mary Ellen Roads, b. 20, 19A2 u 25 Shirley Roads, b. Nov. 22, 1958 A George Roads, b.June 10, 1909 25 Rose Roads, b. Sept. 9, 180 111.Oct. 24, l89§, J. W. (Wes) Rogers b. Dec. 9, 1865 d. Aug. 12, 19AA Buried, Hillsboro, Ohio Ellen Rogers, b. Sept. 9, 189A m. April 25, 1922 E. W. Gableman 5 b. Dec. 12, 1888 1 Barbara Gableman, b. July 6, 192% A m. Sept. 1, 19h6, Gordon Bell 2 James Dwight Rogers, b. June 2, 1897 m. Feb. 11, 1921 Charlotte Stevens b. April A, 1905 15 Shirley Rogers, b. April 6, 1925 m. Sept. l9h5 Robert K. Miars 16 James Kenneth Miars 25 John Burris Rogers b. Jan. 29, 1925 55 Sudie RoadS,b. Feb.6,1875 m.Dec.16,l898, Will Powell 1” Gladys Powell b. Aug. 9, 1900 m. Nov. 2, 1951 Delmer Cherryholmes u 15 Lois Jean Cherryholmes b. Nov. 12, 1952 2 John Powell b. Aug. 5, 190A m. June 10, 1950 Elizabeth Holmes N5 Nellie Roads, b. Nov.18,1888 d.19A6 A m. Benson Holloday b. Sept. 17, 1890 1 Sarah Ellen Holloday b. Aug. 12 1915 2: Dorothy Holloday b. Nov. 5, 1916 2 5 Harry Benson Holloday, b. May 19, 1926 Susan Jane Roads b. Mar. 29, 18AMd. Feb. 10, 1861 62 tmmmsw.mmm,b.dm.5,l&5d.Fw.2a R65 S2 Mary Ann Roads b. Nov. 1%, l8h6 d. April 2, 191A m. May 25, 1869, John B. Swiger b. June 5, 18A6, d. June 27, 1907 Buried Masonic Cemetery, Shinnston, W. Va. 15 Silas Swiger b. Feb. 5, 1870 d. Sept. 16, 1871 25 Merta U. Swiger (Jeweler) b. Aug. 1, 1871 55 Minnie Ellen Swiger b. Aug. 28, 1872 m. Mar. 25, 1892 Charles Leslie Harmer b. Oct. 22, 1867 lh Hardin Roads Harmer b. July 12, 1899 m. Aug. 18, 1927 Virginia Page Gibbons 15 James b. Allen Nov. Harmer2, 1905 b. Sept. 28, 1928 25 Page Ann Harmer b. Nov. 2, 1952 2k Nancy Blanche Harmer b. May A, 1905 m. Aug. 29, 1925 Harvey Bird Bowman b. Mar. 51, 1898 80.

92 Noah Roads, b. April 7, 18h8 d. Dec. 11, 1959 m. June 25, 187A, Ruth.Anna Carlisle b. Nov. 1850 d. Oct. 1, 1905 Both buried Hillsboro,O. Myra Katie Roads, b. June 25, 1875 Lethe Ellen Roads, b. Sept. 7, 1876 Sterling Leslie Roads, b. April 2, 1878 d. Feb. 15, l9h2 Buried Auburn Chapel. m. Feb. lh, 1912, Edith Trop Medsker b. Nov. 2, 1881 Erma Ann Roads (twin) b. Nov. 15, 1912 m. Nov. 5, 1959, Robert Tiedt A b. Nov. 7, 1908 (no children) Norma Ruth Roads (twin) b. Nov. 15, 1912 David Harold Roads b. Aug. 24, 191k u Carolina Medsker Roads, b. Dec. 11, 1917 5 Daniel Spargur Roads b. Dec. 8, 1919 Noah Roads b. July 11, 1921 m. May 2, 19h7 7h Paul Helyn Congee Louise Roads Murray b. July 5, 1924 5 m. Mar. 2%, 19h5, Grace Darling h 1 Aaron Paul Conger Roads b. Dec. 19, 19h5 John Phillip Roads b. Feb. 25, 1926 Lost in Pacific Ocean, World War II, March 15, 1945, Percy Clyde Roads b. Jan. H, 1880 m. Sept. 17, 1909, NaomiEllen Rolfe b. April 18, 1889 (no children) John Daniel Roads b. Nov. 25, 1881 Jane Grace Roads b. Nov. 28, 1885 Samuel Hardin Roads, b. May 19, 1885 Guerney Conger Roads, Capt. b. Mar. 9, 1887 u m. Mar. 9, 1919, Gladys Magruder 21” BarbaraDaniel Carlisle Roads b. Roads April b. 9, Mar. 1928 29, 192A Mary Elizabeth Roads, b. Feb. 11, 1889 d. April 5, l9h7 Henry Walden Roads, b. Feb. 6, 1891 Naomi Carlotta Roads b. Sept. 5, 1895 m. (1) Aug. 1h, 1916 Howard Hamilton 18 Howard Hamilton Jr. b. Oct. 20, 1918 2“ Nancy Jane Hamilton b. m. Fanker (5 children) ——————————————————--m.(2) Aug. 25, 1926 William Davis Sampson 1: Mary Ellen Sampson b. May 1927 2A Doris N. C. Sampson b. Nov. 1, 1957 5 David Sampson 4: Ruth Ann Sampson 5 Minnie Sampson 6: Josephine Sampson (twin) 7h Joseph Sampson (twin) 2 8 Jackie Sampson 10 Sarah MandyRoads b. July 7, 1850 d. Aug. 15, 1956 m. Dec. 16, 1878 Thomas B. Jaynes b. Dec. 12, 1852, d. 1957 Both buried Hillsboro, Ohio 81.

112 Samuel Roads b. April 8, 1852 d. June 10, 1919 (see Miller Gen_ p. 61) m. Feb. 15, 1872, Martha Jane Miller 5 b. Oct. 25, 185k d. Sept. 21, 1952 l Elsie MayRoads b. June 8, 187A m. Dec. 25, 1905 Roscoe McCoppin h b. Oct. 25, 1877 d. Oct. A, 1955 1 Samuel Hardin McCoppinb. Nov. 22, 1910 d. 0ct.21,l928 2 Donald McCoppin b. Oct. 7, 1907 5 m. April 6, 1929 Alma Haines b. June, 1907 15 Frances Lee Mccoppin b. April 5, 1951 25 Patricia Ann McCoppinb. Aug. 1, 1952 5 5 Donald Allen Mccoppin b. Nov. 25, 1955 525 MarthaMyrtle RoadsLeone Roadsb. June d. 25, infant 1882 d. June 25, 1887 12 EmmaRoads b. Oct. 6, 1855 d. Feb. 1, 1925 15 John Q. Roads b. Oct. 9, 1855 d. Sept. 7, 1946 m. (1) Mar. 5, 1878 Rachel N. Berry 5 b. Nov. 6, 1855 d. Jan. 5, 1899 215 WilburEdith Alberta Berry Roads Roads (Dr.) b. June b. Feb.12, 1879 26, 1880d. June 17, 1890 h m. Mar. 15, 1908 Madge Stevens b. May 5, 1885 1 Margaret Roads b. Mar. 8, 1909 m. (1) Oct. 1926 Virgil Roberts 15 Virginia n. (2) 1955, Roberts Elmer b. May29,Rogers 1927 2. Sept. 5, 1946 John Hawkins 1 John Michael Hawkins b. June 25, 1917 3 25 John Elmer Rogers b. Sept. 5, 1958 5 Maletha Ellen Roads b. Aug. 15, 1887 d. Dec. 17, 19hO Buried Marsland, Neb. m. Aug. 20, 1912 1A HoardJohn Howard Furman Furman b. July b. 1887 Dec. 14, 1915 m. Jan. 9, 1955 Frances E. Marshall b. Dec. 29, 191A 7 15 Stephen Furman (adopted) #5 Hardin Humphrey Roads, b. Nov. 189% m. June lh, 1922 Mildred Westfall b. Nov. 19, 1899 1 Doris Roads b. March 51, 1950 2 Kenneth Roads b. Dec. 12, 1955 152­ ————————————--m.(2)Feb. 20, 1902 Carrie K. McMullen 15 Mary Louise b. RoadsJune 9, b. 1867 June 5, 1905 u m. June 5, 1928 Russel Davis, b. Jan. 1905 1 Mary Katherine Davis b. Sept. 27, 1950 24 Martha Ellen Davis b. June 25, 195A 51 William Russell Davis b. Nov. 5, 1958 25 Millard McDaniel Roads b. Jan. 26, 1905 m. April 15, 1929 Harriett Tidd b. Jan. 11, 1912 (no children) 55 John Floyd Roads b. May 2h, 1909 m. Jan. 28, 19h8 Mary Quillen it? George W. Roads b. Oct. 1, 1857 d. Sept. 15, 1865 15 Millard F. Roads b. Oct. 18, 1859 d. Dec. 20, 186% 82. 51 James W. Roads b. Nov. 28, 1811 d. Mar. 29, 1897 m. Catherine Kearns b. Jan. 1, 1811 d. Sept. 8, 1881 2 Buried Hartman Cemetery, Rainsboro, O. 1 Elizabeth Roads b. Nov. 25, 1855 d. April 19, 1901 15 Wilson Rainsm. (1) Ishmeal Rains 12 ------25 EmmaRains -—m.(2) d. Daniel Anderson 22 Sanford Roads b. Nov. 6, 1857 d. Dec. 23, 1911 m. (1) Maggie Coleman d. m. (2) Margaret Spargur b. Feb. 20, l8h9 5 d. April 29, 1950 l Lulu B. Roads b. Jan. 5, 1870 d. April 2, l9h7 25 Charles T. Roads b. May 9, 1871 m. Flora Sidner of Eldorado, Kansas 1 Pearl Roads m. Days 2 Blanche Roads m. Nobbs, Hollywood, Calif, 5 5 Charles Neal Roads b. June 25, 189% 5 John Roads b. Oct. 11, 1875 5 m. Kate Russell (no children) 1 Alice Roads b. Jan. 17, 1876 d. Dec. 6, 1946 n m. Aaron Stalker lu Infant d. 2 Joseph Stalker m. Nettie Humphries

5 Margaret1 Frank Stalker Bobb, Jr. m. Frank Bobb 25 Joe Bobb

5 Flora1 Charles Roads M.b. Feb.Upp d.17, 1878 m. m. Christiana Harry W. Upp, Williamson Rainsboro, Q. 15 Sylvia Charlene Upp 6; Benjanin H. Roads b. Aug. 17, 1888 m. Bessie Blair 7 Beulah Roads b. June 25, 189k m. Aug. 29, 1925, Clay Wilcox 5 John Roads b. May 10, 1859 d. Feb. 5, 1915 m. Emaline Hulitt d. 15 Jfi Curless Roads d. m. Mary Upp 2lb JuliusDwight Roads 5h Homer Roads flu Eva Roads 25 I ma Roads d. m. Belle Jones daughter m.P.F.Bmmn 55 811a1 Leslie Roads Brownd. 24 Stanley Brown d. 5 Bessie Brown d. #5 Julia Roads d. 55 Ada Roads m. (1) Stewart Taylor d. m. (2) John Montgomery 65 Ruth Roads d. m. Harry Pepple d. 75 Leslie Roads d. 85 John H. Roads m. Mabel Cameron 95 Todd Roads 105 Cfinrad1 John Roads Purcell m. Helen Roads Purcell 2 Daughter 85. Henry Kearns Roads (Federal in the Civil War.) b. Feb. l5, l8hl d. Jan. 8, 1905 m. Martha Ann Bundy at the close of the Civil War b. Oct. 22, l8h6 d. Nov. 25, 1928 15 Margaret Catherine Roads d. m. l894 Ethan A. Allen d. l Harriett Allen m. Scott Mathis 15 Margaret Scott Mathis 2H Clyda25 Clyda Allen Ann Mathis EdwardBundy Roads d. m. Jessie Browning l Faye Roads m. (Lives in NewYork) 2“ Martha Lydia Roads m. Rouch (2 sons, 1 daughter) Jfissie Marie Roads m. Lionel Swift d. l L onel Vance Swift m. (l) Iva States (2) Lucille 1 Marilyn Jane Swift 2u Garber15 Harriett Cunningham Marie Swift Swift d. m. Leone White 15 Hglen Kay Swift m. J Marion Foster 216 PatrickJudith Kay Foster Foster 1Nfiwton Harold McBride Roads Roads m. Stella m. Myrtle Akers d. 15 Jack Roads 4 25 Shirley Roads 2 Dgrothy1 Gary Roads Harold m. Roads, Capt. in the famous h5th Div, World War II Cordelia Roads d. Jan. l9l9 Elsie Carrie Roads (Teacher, Enid, Okla.) J mes William Roads m. Sadie Campell 1 Charles M. Roads m. Josephine Kemp 15 Marjorie Lee Roads Mfiryl WilmaJo M. Roads Goldsmith m. Clarence m. E.Herschel Goldsmith, I. Bules, Pond FighterCreek, Okla. pilot, World WarII 15 ArmynRanell Bules 1Jghn Eleanor Roads m. Roads Laura m. Glendening Lewis Llewellan 15 Richard Llewellan 25 Robert Llewellan 55 Laura Jean Llewellan 105 E ith Blanche Roads m. Ernest J. Hamblem l Jacqueline Ann Hamblem 115 Harold Bundy Roads, World War I Christopher Roads d. infant l512% Frederick Roads d. infant 52 Phillip Roads b. Oct. 12, 18u6 d. June'2u, 1901 m. LaRue Scott b. Oct. 13, 18u6 d. Jan. 22, 1925 15 Zeffie Sylvia Roads b. June l5, l878 d. April 12, l9h8 Buried Hillsboro, O. m. Stewart Johnson. Edna Johnson m. Eyre, Leesburg, Va. R. 2 Dorothy Johnson Mildred Johnson

-F’-F’-FTP’ -F'\N|'\)!-’ Clifford Johnson 25 Dollie Roads m. Luther Workman (no children) 84.

lClarence David Beecher Roads Roads m. Minnie Frump Wfisley Roads m. Carrie 1 Margaret Roads m. l5 daughter 1Pfircy Helen M. Roads Roads m. Ella Seaman 2” Margaret Roads David M. Roads m. Sept. 2h, l909, Mae Gladys Moss, Tulsa, Okla. 1: Lois Roads b. July 16, 1910 2 Kathryn Roads b.Oct. lO, l9lh 53 D. M. Roads, Jr. b. Mar. 2h, l9l8 M Billie Nell Roads, b. Feb. 10, 1920 M. Jan. l94h, 5 Kenneth Ray Neel l Cathleen Linda Neel b. Oct. 22, l9h6 73 Herbert Roads Jacob Roads d. Brice Roads m. Jane Ward d. Blaine Roads d. :5 5 Edgar Roads m. (Maryville, Mo.) 5 Ida Roads d. R3 Fannie Roads m. Hackett (2 children) 3 5 Gertrude Roads m. Staples Hazel Roads m. 76: Frank Roads m. 85 Lynn Roads d. Catherine Roads m. Will Logan Absolom (Tip) Roads b. Dec. 26, isuu d. Feb. 20, 1927 m. (l) Aug. H, l87l Margaret Foreacre b. June 28, 1850 d. Feb. 20, 1875 15 John Virgil Roads b. Oct. 19, 1872 m. Oct. 6, 1905 Ruby A. Cannon 1 Elizabeth.Almeda Roads b. Nov. 22, 1905 m. Ralph Stone Smith a 15 Sherry Sue Ann Smith b. Nov. 20, 19u1 2 Howard Canon Roads b. Nov. ll, l907 d. July 51,1908 5: Dorothea Elaine Roads b. June 28, l9lO d. May28, 1913 M Roberta Louise Roads, b. March 17, l9l3 m. March l7, l9hO, James B. Allen (no children) Lizzie Ann Roads b. Dec. 26, 1875 m. Thomas B. Ladd (2 infants d.) J cob Horace Roads b. Feb. 5, l875 m. Susan Smith 1, Smith Roads m. Lois Post (no children) 2 Homer Roads (Dr.) m. Mary Aimee Smith l5 John Horace Roads m. Bernice Elizabeth Powers 25 Don Roads 55 Mary Ann Roads #5 Susan Marie Roads Bu Clinton Glen Roads (Dr.) m. Ada Garrett l Betty June Roads 25 Gary Roads 2 9 ------——m.(2)NOV.8, AlmedaEllen Kesler b. Mar. 28, 1855, d. Feb. 1, 1916 15 Benton Roads b. Nov. 15, 1877 d. Nov. 7, l9hl m. Nora L. Overstreet 85.

-F‘ 1-’ Lillian B. Roads b. May2, l908, d. Dec. l5, l9Hl Clarence Eugene Roads b. Oct. 25, 1909 m. Louise Bisell 15 Marilyn Joyce Roads b. Jan. 2, 19h6 2 Helen Louise Roads b. July 9, l9h7 Lester Fay Roads b. April 9, 1912 m. Clarice Duke A 15 James Benton Roads b. May 25, l9H8 h Vivian Roads b. Sept. 16, 1919 m. SamAllen 215 RitaJanice Jean Lynn Allen Allen b. b. Oct. April 10, 15, 19uo 1945 Lavena Roads b. Oct. 12, 1922 m. Richard Van de Walker 15 Steve Allen Van de Walker b. Aug. 22, 1942 25 Leonard Roads Van de Walker b. July 5, 194A 55 Claudia Ann Van de Walker 6 Theodore Roads d. Josiah Roads b. July 7, 1879 d. Dec. 7, 1958 H m. Dec. 18, 1907, Lenna Nelson 1 Frances Louise Roads b. June 1, 1915 m. J.Lawrence Deen .15 Frances Darlene Deen b. May 16, l9hh Bessie Roads b. Aug. 11, 1881 m. Sept. 15, 1901 Verne J. Sabin u b. May 7, 1878 d. Dec. 10, 1910 1 Edward (Tip) Sabin b. Aug. 6, 1902 m. July 20, 1920 Beulah Vanderwork 15 G ne Sabin b. Dec. 2, 1921 m. Lois Powell 1% Deryl Gene Sabin b. Sept. 15, l9hh 25 D ra Mae Sabin b. Dec. A, 1925 m. Walker L. Kreger 55 Kenneth1 Ronald Sabin Kreger b. Nov.7,l92 b. Jan. 29, l9hh 16 K a thy L ou §.bMayb1lfi a in . e %9hZ, . , Clgfigie Lou Williams #5 Treva Lee Sabin b. Dec. 1, 1928 55 Edward (Tip) Sabin b. Sept. 20, l9hh 2“ S:ch:?§a§:b:§nb.dEeb. 4, 190a m. Oct. 2h, 1950, La Vera Goode 15 Patricia Lou Sabin b. Aug. 7, 1951 u 25 Grace La Nelle Sabin b. Sept. 5, 1941 5 Clifford G. Sabin b. April l7, l908 m. Jan. 9, 1952, Lorene Nail u 15 Connie Jo Sabin b. Sept. 15, 1953 4 Claire Sabin b. May12, 1906 d. July 8, 1908 5“ James Walkley Sabin b. March 16, 1910 m. Feb. 1%, 1951, Agnes Jarolin 15 James Vernon Sabin b. Dec. A 195 Leslie Roads b. Oct. 5,1885 d. June’17, i946 Bertha Roads b. Dec. 29, 1885 Clara Pulse Roads b. M ch 12 1888 m. 2l?rOct. Sept. 51 26, Samuel Kesler Roads b. Nov. 22, 1;§§Z5‘,‘°i‘r§£‘{£r»"v‘."°i§y“i‘é%'154918 m. Dec. 7, 19 0, Anna Haygood Melia Dee Roads, b. Nov. 50, 1 91 HarryIrwin EllisRichard Roads Roads b. b. June May 27, 12, 18ghé 1 9 d. Mar. 12, 1895 m. Nov. 22, 1950 Goldie Hayes b. Mar. 17, 1907 1 Barbara Clara Roads b. April A 1956 2“ Deanna Mae Roads b. July 27, 1957 86.

5. ELIZABETH(BETSY) WILLIAMSb. Sept. 19, 1790 d. l8uo m. July 5, 1810 JOHN PULSE, SR. b. Oct. 7, 1789 d. 1858 ll Mary Ann (Folly) Pulse b. Oct. 5, 1815 d. 189A, single 22: Jacob R. Pulse b. Dec. 2, 1815 d. 1840, single 5 Sarah (Sally) Pulse b. Feb. 15, 1818 d. Al Mar 1 n d a Pu 1 se b. July m. 9, Jogn 1 20, Young d. March (Lived 1900, in West - no children) 2 m. Nov. A, 1855 Abraham Hurst b.1825, d. June 25, 1901 1 Florence Katherine Hurst, b. July 25, 1856, d. Dec. 50, 1952 g.. gat une NgwMgggeta , , . Ogig) e . Sept. , 1955 9, 1880, Warren L. Kelley 5 Both born near Belfast, Ohio 1 Walter C. Kelley,Johnston m. (£uMass.) d. 19 1915, Carolyn P. 1h Warren S. Kelley : graduate of Oberlin College and Rochester, N.Y. Medical School 15 Caro ’lm. yn Xiv§a§lBurritt . e ey of Rochester, NewYork h 25 Joan B. Kelley 2 Oliver J. Kelley —graduate of Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio. m. Muriel Maunder of England. 15 Oliver J. Kelley, Jr. 4 25 Edith M. Kelley 5 Walter C. Kelley, Jr. (twin), graduate of Dartmouth A Colleg and Yale Law School 4 Jean F. Kelley ftwin) graduate of Wellesley College, m. Dr. Francis C. DeLorenzo of Montclair, N.J. All three boys were in the Navyduring World War II. Daughter in Red Cross work in England during World War II. HomerHurst Kelley, b. 1891, killed by lightning June 28,1910 \N\)J KNID Myrtle Kelley, m. James Herron Newby l1 Cyrus John Newby, Newby m. (twin) June 6, 195A, Mary Gaymame 25 Robert Newby (twin) u 5 James Newby 2 Katherine Herron Newby, m. Aug. 27, 1955, Donald Cameron Saws 15 Carolyn Anne Saws 2 Donald Cameron Saws 2 John Hurst, m. Alta Blanche Satterfield 15 Nflna Helena Hurst, m. June, l92u, Noah A. Bryant 1 John Craig Bryant, Chaplain in General Patton's Army during World War II. 25 Myrtle Lamond Hurst, m. Dec. 1925, James A. Edwards of Hillsboro, Ohio 55 Edith Leontine Hurst, m. Dec. 15, 1926, Leonard Earl Day h of Westerville, Ohio, R. 1 1 J. M. Day 2: Leonard Elmont Day 54 Nancy Blanche Day an5 ArlynTahna EleneHurst Day R5 John Elmont Hurst m. Grace Evelyn Shaw, nu Daniel St., 87, A Dayton, Ohio. . 2lu ShirleyNina Sharon Alice Hurst Hurst 51 Eliza Pulse, b. Nov. 27, 1848, d. Sept. 8, 1889. Buried Bedford,I. m. Cornelius P. (Neely) Roads (Rainboro, Ohio) Oct.12, 1848, b. Nov. 25, 1819, d.oct.17,1899, Bedford, 1_ (see below)

11 Jghn Roy Pulse Roads Roads m. Kate J. Works (see p. 61) 5 Jay Roads 55 Ven Roads R5 Edna Roads m. M.C.L.Morris Ray Roads 65 Lura Roads 75 Lila Roads 85 Nancy Roads 2 Isaac Roads m. Mattie Pershing 15 Nina Roads 25 Lula Roads 55 Earl Roads #2 Harry Roads 5 Lela Roads 65 Carrie Roads 7 Mary Roads 5 Verrell Roads

5 Harry1 Hubert Roads Roads m. Anna 25 Helen Roads 55 Hermia Roads 2 45 Beryl Roads A Nancy Roads Jgliann Pulse, b. May1, 1825, d. m.(1) Zachariah Turley 1 Sarah Catherine (Kate) Turley m. Willam Roads (son of Isaac Roads b. Rockbridge Co. Va. Dec.1798 d. 186% and Nancy Stitt b. Mason Co. Ken. 1797 d. 186M, brother of 5 Elizabeth and Neely). 1 Laura Roads m. Thomas Harrington, d; 1947 21L KatherineCecil Harrington, Harrington d. young m. Scott Free 15 Scott Free, Jr. m. Maxine Smith of Cadiz, onio 25 Zorah Marie Roads, d. at three years of age 55 Infant, d. Juliann Pulse m. (2) Levi M. Roads (brother of Elizabeth Roads) 2 (see below) (See p. 61) 12 EmmaRoads, went West 2 Charles Roads, went West John Pulse, Jr. b. Aug. 5, 1828, d. June 12, 1908, m. Elizabeth Roads, b. Dec. 31, 1850, d. Se t. 27, 1915. (Daughter of Nancy Stitt and Isaac Roads) (See below —see p. 61) 12 Clara Pulse, single 22 E la Pulse m. Lawrence Spargur 1 Josephine (Josie) Spargur, b. July 5, 1879, m. Vernon Hohnes, d. _ 25 Inez Spargur, died at seven years of age 55 Ffied1 Florence Pulse Spargur Elizabeth m. Wilma Spargur Eubanks m. Frank Wilkin A 15 Wanda Louise Wilkin, b. 1958 2 Lgwrence1 Barbara Henry Jane Spargur Spargur, m. b.Virginia 1952 Austin 25 James Chester (Jimmie) Spargur, b. 1956 88.

81 s san Pulse, b. Oct. 5, l85o d. l Jesse Steel m. Leonard Steel, went West 2 2 Lizzie Steel m. Frank Pershing, a cousin of General Pershing (World War I) whomhe is said to resemble. "Lizzie canned someprized fruit for the General." 9l J mes Pulse, b. May 8, 185k, d. 1907, m. Salome Garman 2 Hannah Elizabeth Pulse m. Thomas N. Grove (no children) 2 Mary J. Pulse m. Charles H. Littler l Cyrus Walter Littler, died young Ralph Dodrigee Littler m. Eula Michall (no children) Charles Earl Littler m. Leora Kelley (no children) Julia MarieLittler, single ThomasVirgil Littler m. DorothyAlice Phillips, u Wellston, Ohio 1 ThomasHenry Littler, b. I950 Sophronia Belle Pulse m. Jackson Knedler 1; Percy Kedler 2 Hgmerl Edith Cecil Lee Knedler Knedler m. m. Eva Mack Mae Snider Pinkerton 15 Edna Mae Snider 25 Homer Leroy Snider Brenda Jean Snider Marie Knedler m. Gilbert Irwin l RamonaL. Irwin Frederick L. Irwin Chester Irwin Larry Irwin Dorothy Ellen Irwin 5 Clarence C. Knedler m. (l) Annie Grubbs 15 Elizabeth Ann Knedler u 25 Charles Wayne Knedler 5 C arence Knedler m. (2) Helen Whited 215 MarthaJo Ann KnedlerKatherine Knedler Stanley L. Knedler m. Elizabeth Barger (niece of Bessie Eubanks Butler, wife of Jack Butler) I5 John Knedler (see page 19) 25 Patricia Ann Knedler 55 Rex Leon Knedler 7. MARY (POLLY) WILLIAM m. d. Buried near North Union, 0. m. (1) JOHN WADE, March 18, 1819 " " " " n m. (2) AusmanLarrick June l7, l829 " " " 11 Elizabeth (Betsy) Wadeb. Mar. 25, 1820 near Belfast, O. d. June 1, l907 m. Nov. 1, l859 Allen W.Spargur (son of Joseph Spargur) b. Oct. 20, 1815 d. Feb. n, 1865 (Betsy was"raised" by George and Sarah Williams Gall) 2 see page 16 l Mary Ann (Jane) Spargur m. Elisha Beavers l5 Elizabeth Beavers b. 1862 d. 1952 m. Walter S.Freshwater d. 1959 2; Estelle (Stella) Beavers d. young 5 DempseySinclair Beavers b. l866 d. l905 single n5 Niscea Beavers m. Holmes d. 89. Joseph Allen Beavers m. Elizabeth Clark 1% John C. Beavers m. Thurza McCoppin 2 Martha Lee Beavers m. William Clark 5 Louise Beavers m. 1952, Winston Metcalf (Both H. S. Teachers, Hamilton, 0. 19h?) Cfirey A. (Cade) Beavers b. 187k d. 1951 m. Gertrude Burnett l Margaret Beavers (Music Instructor Greenfield, 0. Schools) H nry Richard Beavers m. Ella Morris 2lu JosephineIsabel Beavers Beavers m. Edwinm. Fred Bull West Joseph (Kibby) Spargur b. 18AMd.l924 m. Clara Murdock b. 1851 d. 192k Olive M. Spargur d. m. Joseph W. Watts d. Ernest W. Spargur, single Leon Spargur, disappeared E izabeth Ann (Bessie) Spargur m. Dr. W.W.Davis 1h Clara Olive Davis (California) 2 Leone Davis m. Dr. D. J. Weber, Richwood, O. 15 Joel Weber (adopted) Roy Spargur, single d. Herbert W. Spargur m. Jessie Winstance Henry W. Spargur b. 18h9 d. 1930 m. Elizabeth Karnes b. 1852 Ida Spargur d. infant Katie Spargur d. infant Afina Spargur m. Hugh Kramer l Loren Kramer m. (Children living in Columbus, 0.) George Spargur d. young Herman Y. Spargur m. (2 daughters)

1Nfillie Fred Spargur Camp m. Kelley Camp (Fort Wayne, Ind.) 24 Helen Louise Camp John Sumner Spargur b. 1852 m. Anna Murdock b. 1852 d. 1897 15 L na Spargur b. 1882 d. 1918 m. Albert Stultz lh Joe Stultz 2 MaryMargaret Stultz 3h Elmer Stultz Mu Louella Stultz Mfiry1 John Spargur Clark m. Charles Clark Anna Mary Clark 521» Charles Clark H: Neel Clark 5 64 Francis Spargur m. (1) c. P. West A m. (2) Oscar Bayham lu Clifford West m. Thelma Armentrout 2 Homer West

LHci11e1 Spargur m. Dr. Gail W. Butte 2h GailJulia W. Butte Butte m. Jr. Robert m. JaniceNewcomb Bondi Joseph Spargur d. young 90. 52 Marinda (Rinda) Spargur b. l858 d. 5 m. Emily Franklin Lucas 1 C arles Lucas d. m. (l) Grace Sams (2) Mary West 2.lh InfantGeorge Franklin d. Lucas m. Lena Wilkin 25 Nfillie Lucas m. C. Clyde Barrett l Elizabeth Barrett m. Duvall Saum 2 Doris Barrett Lu.W. Albert Smith Jr. 15 Bgverly Smith m. John Thompson l( Dianna Thompson 5 2’ Vicki Thompson 2 Ralph1 David (Pat) Barrett Smith Smithm. Madonna Murphy 55 A leen Smith m. Paul Githens 2I6 SharonPenny Githens Githens 5 56 Cathy Githens M Jeannette Smith m. Billy James Williamson, 62 Infant son d. Sept. 21, 1952 7% Jane Spargur d. Infant 1 8 Bowater Spargur d. Infant 2 Sallie Wade d. m. Samuel Wolfe, Pike Co. 0. d. 2 Buried at Harmon Chapel 1 Jane Elizabeth Wolfe m. Evan Burba 15 Efima1 Carl Burba West m. George West 25 Etta Burba m. Bruce West, brother of Georgewest 55 Blanche Burba A5 George Burba 55 Walter Burba John Wolfe Burch Wolfe Sanford Wolfe m. Alice Teeters r\)r\>r\3r\> George Wolfe m. Nancy Faulk U1-l‘—‘\Nf\) 51 Sanford Wadem. Martha LIsle (N. W. Missouri) l2 Harvey Wade b. d. M1 Jane Wade m. Jackson Beavers (Cousin of Elisha Beavers who married MaryAnn Spargur.) 12 Almyra Beavers m. Sams (Valisca, Iowa) 23 Burch Beavers 52 John Noble Beavers (Omaha, Neb.) 4 Mary Beavers m. Chase (Omaha, Neb.) 52 Jack Beavers (Valisca, Iowa)

7. MARY (POLLY) WILLIAMS m. (2) AUSMANLARRICK 11 James Larrick b. d. Andersonville Prison during the Civil War. 21 Martha Larrick m. BenjaminElliott (no children) 51 Mary Ann Larrick m. Richard Emery 12 Elizabeth Emery d. young 22 Jame Emery d. young 52 Sylvester Emery d. young #2 Sarah Ellen Emery m. Moses Vance l5 Hfirley Vance m. Lena Lamonda l Gaynelle Vance m. John Groves 15 Doris Jean Groves m. OwenPierce 91.

1Lillian Helen Vance Kesler m. Bernal Kesler 25 Deloris June Kesler m. Doan Williamson Monta Vance m. Clarence Ward (Hillsboro, O.) 15 J mes Ward m. Phillips l James Ward Jr. 25 Joan Ward m. John Wilkin Clara Vance m. Henry Hatton Carl Vance m. Annabelle Newkirk l5 RichardVance Margene Vance m. Delbert Michael 15 Phyllis Michael 2 David Michael 35 James Michael Faith Vance m. Albert Edenfield l5 Joyce Ann Edenfield 25 Ronald Edenfield 35 Billie Edenfield n5 Larry Edenfield Evelyn Vance m. Clarence Brown l5 Carolyn Brown 25 Brenda Brown 55 Donald Brown #5 Roger Brown 9h Mary Frances Vance m. Paul Barnes l5 Sharon Barnes lOu Gladys Vance d. young 25 F nk Vance b. d. m. Florence Kidd lia Marie Vance m. Clarence Smith l5 Anna Mae Smith 25 Thelma Jean Smith 55 Clarence Smith 0 al Vance m. Davis Godlove l Doris Jean Godlove 25 Janice Godlove 55 John F. Godlove #5 James Godlove 55 Dale Godlove, d. Arthur Vance m. Georgia Ellen Wood l5 Florence Vance 25 Patricia Vance 55 Francis Arthur Vance RaymondVance m. (l) Maxine Lafferty 15 David Vance 25 Darrel Vance 55 Ronald Vance ------—-m.(2) MargeneBilderbac_ 15 Roger Vance ' 25 Charles Vance 55 Robert Vance Thelma Vance d. young nley Vance m. Pearl Miller l3;; Cletus Vance m. Marian Martinson l5 Karen Vance 2h Irene Vance m. Doyle Stevenson 15 Shera Lynn Stevenson 2 Janet Lee Stevenson 92.

iiWayne Ruth Vance Vance m. Dayton Fresh #5 Lfiu Vance m. Wilbur Harris Hillsboro, Ohio 1 Elwood Harris m. (1) Marie Tener m. (2) Edna Stevens 55 Afina1 Helen Vance Robinson m. Frank m. Robinson Edwin Rhoades b. d. 15 Mary Lou Rhoades 2: Frances Robinson m. Ernest Doss A5” FranklinMary Ellen Robinson Robinson m. m. Isobel Kenneth Warnock Spargur 54 Ruth Robinson m. Harold Overstoke M 15 Lynn Overstoke 764 WarrenJohn Robinson Robinson m. Anna Lucas Nellie Vance b. d. July 27, 1950 m. Charles Fender la Velma Fender m. Dwight Simpkins 15 Charlotte Simpkins 4 25 David Simpkins 2 Ruth Fender m. Orvie Harshbarger 1 Donna Harshbarger 2 Carolyn Harshbarger u 5 Kenneth Harshbarger 5 L ttie Fender m. (1) Lee Marconette (2) Orpha Martin AL 1 cille Roberta Fender Fender m. Milton m. Doyle Grabill Ware l $glaRG£ab%lfig.tRfibertJMcCutcheon0 er . Feb. 10, 1951 25 Dana Grabillc u C eon r 35 Elbert Grabill 1+5 Beulah Grabill b. April 21+, 1958 55 Francis Grabill b. June 1, l91+O 5 E a Fender m. Laurence Yochum 1 Ngomi Yochum m. Lewis Dolph 5 % Connie Dolph 21 gttie Yochumm. John Morris 2’€ StephenJimmie Morris Morris 55 P ul Yochumm. Eloise Martin 16 Michael Yochum 2 Mitchell Yochumb. April 22, 1955 h A5 Ralph Yochum 6% Essie Fender m. Henry Hathaway 2 7 Jessie Fender d. young » 5 J. Frank Emery b. Nov. 10, 1855 Danville, O. d. May 1952 m. Mary Ann Fender Perry Emery m. Lee Moberly Effie Emery m. Robert Euverard Homer Emery m. (1) Ollie Workman (2) Helen A va Emery m. Mary Betts 1 Robert Emery 2“ Jgan1 Beth Emery Emery m. Charles Nolan Nolan Myrtle Emery m. Jennings McNeil Rae Emery m. Jessie Vaughn Elmer Emery m. Minnie Rotroff 95­ 1 A William Larrick m. Nancy Cox 12 Minnie Larrick d. Infant 25 Blanche Larrick d. Infant 5 Everett Larrick, killed in Battle of ArgonneForest 1918, b2 Dv id L arrlc woylg wardl . (Kill e d by llghtning) ' m. Eva Stroup 1 Efitel1 Charles Larrick Larrick m. Verna Webb 2A daughter 2 25 Verda Larrick m. A, A. Van der Griff (no children) 5 Lou Etta Larrick b. d. l9h8 M Joshua Armstrong 15 James Armstrong (Adopted) 52 Ida Larrick m. David Pond d. 1 Ruth Pond 5 Gladys Pond m. Wendell Cade 5 William Pond m. Harriett Garey 214 BobbyDavid PondJoe Pond 7 an Sharon Pond 1Ebert Julia Pond Ann m. Pond Julia Nester 2“ Tommy Pond 7 Florence Larrick m. Cloyd Jasper 1 Donald Jasper m. Clarice Pembleton (no children) 525 garl nna Jasper Jasper m. m. Tgelma eorge Clevenger Drake b. (no d.children) 1 Roger Drake 2A Judith ._ Drake . Hiram Larrick b. Jan. 22, 185A m. (1) Sarah Campbell lM artha Jane b. Larrick Sept. 19, b. 1855 d. June 8, 1935 2 Margaret Larrick d. young John Larrick h Charles Larrick 5:: Frank Larrick 62 Anna Larrick (Retired teacher Wilmington, Ohio) d.Feb.5,l95O 7 Wglllam Larrick (Highland, 0.) d. April 1951 m. Ida Clevenger 1 Lfiroy Larrick m. Bertha Moore 1 Leroy Larrick Jr. gfi Dorothy Larriék m. Clyde Mosley, Osborn, o. 5 Vivian Larrick.m. Charles Schwendeman,Highland, 0. 1 Ch 1 R S h d 25 Liidaegchfizndgmgfin eman -, ————————--m.uh Joanna (2) Larrick Catherine m. EllisonWilliam b.Boatman, Dec. 8, Highland 8&1 d. 0. 13 E lison Larrick m. Grace Feris 2 1 Evelyn Larrick, Cincinnati, Ohio 2 Nellie Larrick m. Luther Campbell b. d. 1950 15 Kathryn1 David Campbell Luther Winklem. Virgil b. Winklel9h7 5 Clifton Larrick m. Elva Biggs 13 Robert Larrick m. Anne Myers Viola Larrick (Retired teacher, Wilmington, 0. schools).

8. JAMES WILLIAMS b. 1797 d. May 5, 1872 Buried Old Dunkard Church m (1) NANCEJOLLYJune 19, 1820 North Union, Ohio b. 1QO2 d. Oct. 18, 1850 m. (2) SARAWOLF Dec. 25, 1852, Ida Grove, Iowa b. d. May 5, 188% Buried Old Dunkard Church, W. Union, 0. INDEX TO CHONOLOGICAL DATA

Abbott, 8 Bayhan, MO, 89 Achor, 26 Bazler, 50 Acton, #9 Beal, 27 Adams, 16, 50, 51, 5h, 76 Bean, 2% Aerhart, 56 Beavers, 19,88,89,9o Aitkins, 56 Beecher, 84 Akers, 85 Beekman, MO Albert, 22 Bell, 79 Alexander, 59 Bennett, Ah Allen, 75, 85, 8%, 85 Bennington, 6% Anderson, 17,18,25,65,75,76,82 Bentley, 25 Andrews, #1 Bentzel, 7 Ankeny, 56 Berger, 51 Apple, 50 Bernard, 25 Applegate, 25 Berry, 51,55,81 Arbogast, 7 Berryman, 27 Armentrout, 89 Best, 71 Armm, A Betts, 92 Armstrong, 25,95 Beulke, 10 Arn, 51 Bianchi, 60 Arnold, 25 Bilderbac, 91 Arthur, 15 Bigss, 95 Ashmore, 55 Billman, A9 Ashton, #9 Bisell, 85 Astore, 26 Black, 27, 28 Austin, 87 Blair, 51, 82 Ayers, 5h Blake, 28 Bloom:-1-7;57:65:69:75 Baade, 75 Boatman, h5,h6,95 Bacon, 17,65 Bobb, 82 Badgley, 55 Bobbitt, H5 Baker, 10,2h,70,71 Bogardus, #9 Balls, 67 Bolton, 15 Ball, 8 Bondy, 89 Ballard, 56 Bonecutter, 503 Banta, 5h Bonham, 65, 66 Baratt, 51 Booth, 15 Barbe, 8 Boring, 67 BmbmV,7 Boris, 19 Bare, 18 Boyd, u,l9,2o,65,67 Barger, 66, 88 Bower, 27 Barley, 20 Bowers, Rh Barklage, 58, 59 Bowman, 79 Barnes, 91 Brady, #6 Barrard, 68 Brayton, 17, 18 Barrett, 5h, 76, 85, 90 Bridge, 71 Bartlett, 9, 10 Bridgeman, 55 Bates, 78 Brinkley, 9 Battey, 55 Bromel, 58 Battson, 67 Brook, 52 Batty, #5 Broughton, 58 Bauer, 21 Brown,15,19,25,2h,52,55,75,82,91 Baughman, 11, 1h Browning, 6, Baumgardner, 7h Bryant» 23:29,56,59,h1,68,e5 Bucke, # Chenowith, l5 Buckley, 55 Cherryholmes, 79 Buckner, l8 Childress, l6 Bules, 85 Chitwood, 58 Bull, 89 Chitty, 69 Bumgardner, 16, 56 Christman, #9 Bundy, 81 Chyne, 58 Burba, 90 Clark, 6,2l,#7,89 Burgemo, 28 Clause, l9 Burke, 60 Clevenger, 2l, 95 Burnett,l9,20,57,#O,#l,7# Clifford, 66 Burns, l6 Cline, ## Burnside, l# Coberly, 7 EHr,69 Cochran, #5,##,55 Burris, l5 Coffman, 9 Burton, 26, #2 Coleman, 25, 82 Butcher,5# Collins, 25,2#,55 Butler, l9,55,52 Colliver, #6 Butte, 89 Combs, #6 Butters, 75 Compton, 25 Byers, l7,##,65 Conkright, 77 Byrd, 20 Conner, 26 Conoway, #5 Cade, 95 Copeland, 28 Cadman, 5 Cook, 5,22,55 Cadwalader, 17, 65 Coomer, 57 Caldwell, 2#,55 Cooper, 52, 71 Callagham, 15 Corder, l5, l5 Calvert, 50 Cornelius, 28, 29 Cameron, l6, 82 Countrymanzl7,56,#5,52,55,65,6#,65 Camp, 89 Courtney, Campbell, 50, 95 Cowley, 5 Campell, 85 COX:20: 57: 58: Cane, #6 Crabbs, 55 Canon, 8# Craft, 5l Caplinger, 2#,56,38,#1,#3 Craig, 67 Carback, 68 Crawford, 6 Carlin, 15 Creed, 5#, 78 Carlisle, 25, 25, 80 Crites, l# Carlton, 5# Crosby, # Carney, 12 Cross, 8,lO,68 Carpenter, ll Crum, 58, 1+7,5o Carr,69 Cummings, #8,5#,6# Carrico, 10 Cunningham, 67 Carter, 5#, 71 Curby, 52 Cassidy, 2# Custer, 56, #7 Casteel, l5 Carter, 5#, 71 Darling, 80 Caton,52 Carr, 15 Chambers, #7 Daugherty, 57, 53 Chapman, 8, 55 Davidson, 75 Chappell, 72 Davis, 12,2#,57,#3,5o,56,75,81,39 Charles, 57, #0 Davisson 59 Chastine, 67 Day, #5, 86 Chenette, 59 Days, 82 Deck, 66 Ellison, 50, #1 DeC1aire,71 Effender, 92 Deek, 19 Elliott, 51,90 Deeker, 59 Ellis, 66 Deen, 85 Ellison, 50, M1 Dehart, 70 Emery, 19,26,h2,H6 DeHays, 55 Emmery, 90, 92 Dehne, H Emmons, 51 Deleplane, 71 England, 76 Dell, 76, 77 Engle, 52 DeLorenzo, 86 Englert, 55 Demmy, 25 Enos, 59 Dennis, 12 Ensz, 75 Dennison, 2h, 71 Enterline, 45 Detwiler, 56 Epperson,52 Detwiller, 68 Estep, #7 Dever, 55 Eubanks, 19, 87 Devoe, 27,H2,56,68 Evans, 9,2h,51,52,75 Devors, 52 Evens, 7h Dick 62 Everetts, 6h Dickenson Euverard, 92 Dilworth, 15 Eyler, 71 Dinley, 8 Eyre: 52:70) 71: 72 Ditty, 49 Dobson, 2h Falldock, 28 Dodd, 21 Fanker, 80 Dodds, 25, M2 Farnnig, hh Dolphe, 92 Faucett, 69 Donaldson, H5 Faulk, 90 Donegan, 22 Felton, 10, 15 Donohoo, 29 Fender, #5 Doss, 92 Ferguson, 66 Doster, 71 Fetro, 52 Douglas, 16 Fettro, 50, 51, 70 Dove, 60 Fender, 92 Dragon, 26 Fenner, 69 Drake, 68, 95 Feris, 95 Drew, 70 Fields, 55, 66 Duckworth, 7 Filkins, 22 Duerr,7h Findley, lu,l5,66 Duff, 70 Fisher, 52, 55 Duffey, #1, 70 Fitzwater, 1h Dullaghan, 19 Flanghr, 69 Duke, 85 Fleming, 22 Duncan, 5h,62,6h Fling, 75 Dunlap, 28,65,67,68 Flowers, 5% Dunn, 18, 68 Foit, 55 Durland, 8 Foracre, 8h Foreman, 76 Eakins, A5, 66 Foit, 55 Early, 7 Forgash, 5 Earp, 72 Foster, 55, M5, 83 Edinfield, 90 Foster, 55,h5,85 Edingfield, 56 Fmm,27 Edmonson, 72 Foutenen, Ml Edwards, 86 Foy, 12 Fraley, 67 Gall, Blanche 5,8,10,17,65 Frame, 69 Ben 15 Franch, 40 Bernice 5h Frank, 66 Bertha 5 Frankenburg, 66 Bertram 15 Frantz, #9 Bessie 15, 50 Frazier, 22, M6 Brooks 8 Fraysier, #1 Bub 8 Free, 87 Budge 58 Fresh, 92 Carl 9 Freshwater, 88 Carolyn 58 Freeze, 58 Clara 9, 15 Fried, 21 Clarence h,l9k57,hO,65,66 Friebert, 5A Catherine l,2u,A5,65 Friese, 59 Charles 8,9,lh,5h,4o,5o Froberg, 17, 65 Chesley 8 Frost, #9, 50 Clinton 8,58,6O Frowd, 15 Columbus 58,60 Fry, 55 Cora 17,65 F-rump: 50:57:85: 59:66:81‘ Daisy 10 Fulton, 2o,55,58 Dale 21 Fulwider, l, 58 Daniel 18,57,65 Funk, 55 David 1,lh,54,57,58 Furman, 81 Delbert #0 Furag, 22 Deloris 12 Delta 8 Gableman 79 Dessie 12 Gaier #0 Dewey lO,l2 Gainer 7 Donald l7,57,65 Galbraith A9, 58 Donley 15 Gall, Abbie 8, A.B. 8,9,15 Donna 17,65 Abraham 1, 48 Dora 9,3§,58,6O Ada) 7) 9 Doris 15 Adda, 2h, 65 Dorothy 9,ll,57 Addie A, 65 Dorsey 8 Addison, 25, 21, 65 Dowden 7 Adolphus, 58 Earl 15,40 Albert in Ed. 60 Alberta, 25 Edgar 54 Alfred 18, 65 Edna 15 Alice 25 Edward 9 Almira 15 Effie 2h, 65 Alva 11 Elam 15 Amanda 19, 22, 25 Elias 8,19,65 Andra 12, 17, 65 Eliza #8 Andrew 7, 15 Elizabeth l,h,5,12,56,57,uu,58’5o Anita 60 Ella 7,l5,h8 Annal,ll,l5,uo,A2,u8,5o Ellen 50 Annie 58 Elmer 60 Anthony 57 Elsie 50 Ardith 17, 65 Emma7,l5,l5 Arline 60 Ernest 12 Arta 7 Ernestine 15 Artie 57 Estella 9 Arthur #0 Eugene 25 Autie 20 Eva 8 Barbara 1,25,5O Everett 9 Gall, Fanny 15 Gall, John lJu)5}7)8)9)ll}lh)l7)l9) Faye 57:55 2l:25;55:54:55;57:“O:58:60:55 Fenton 21 J0SePh l7:49;5Q565 Filmore 5 Joyce 17,65 Fitzhugh 15 Juanita 7 Flora 8 Judith 12,17,19,65,66 Florence h,25 Julia 1,11,55,7h Florine 12 June 17 Frances 20 Karen 25 fred 9, an Kathleen 15 Gay 9 Kay #0 G.a.Hugh 12 Kenneth 58 Georgel:7:8)9;l2:l5:l5 King 57 16,17,20,22,56,57,hh Lafayette 1h,58,6O #5,58,6l,65,65,66,88 Lair 7 Georgia 58 Larry 17,65 Gertie 8_­ Laura 15 Glenda 17, 65 Lawrence 17, 65 Glenn 58 Layman 8 Glenna 7 Leone 19 Gordon 12 Leota 25 Grace 20 Lena 8 Gusta 7 Leslie 10 Gustavius 7, 9 Lewis 54, 65 Harley 17, 65 Lewissa lh Harold 9, 11,57,hO,50,58 L llian 9 Harriett 8 Livingston 58 Hazel 57,58,66 Lloyd 15 Helen 7, ho Lora 12, 15 Henry 9: 15: 38 Loren 57, 6% Herbert 12, ha Lorene 17,22,65 Hester, 58 Lorretta 25 Herschel 57, 56 Louise 58 ‘ Hettie lb Lowen 57 Herman 22 Lucinda 10 Heyward 12 Lydia 1:55:55 Homer 50 Mae #0 Howard 12 M. Agnes 58 Hubert 15 Mae #0 Hugh 15 Madge 8, 12 V Ida 25 Margaret 9, 11,2l,22,55,58 I10 5”; 57 Marge 58 Irene 5h Maria 1, 56 Isaac l,25,hh Marion 58 Isaih #9 Martha 7,11,12,1h,55,5u,55 Isora 9,15 Marvin 12 Ivan #0 Mary 5:7:8:l5>lu:l9;20 21 2 2 Jackson 1h 35,37,uo,66 ’ ’ 3’ 5’ Jacob l,u,5,5h,58,6o Matilda l,h9,55 Jacquelyn 65 Maud 44 James u;5:7:8:l722O:25:5h:uO: M.E. 59 65,65 Melcine 15 Jane 12,14 Melvina 58 Janet 12 Mettie 6h Jean 21,57,6h Michael l, 35 Jennie 18 Mildred 9 Jessie 7 Milford 21 Joel 25 Minerva 55 Gall, Minnie la, 25, 65 Gall, Thurman 45, 66 Minor 58 Tobe 57 Morris 11,5h Vella 21 Mort 21 Velma 25, 5h Mma58 Verna 12 Myrtle 9 ' V. Grace 7 Nancy 55 Vicky 57 Nannie 25 Vincent 12 Natalie 65 Viola 57 Natilie 17 Virginia l2,l5,uo,58 Nellie 17,57,65 Walter 15,50 Neva 55 Waitman 15 Newton 5h Wayne 9, 15 Nikola l9,66 Wesley 15,17,l8,65 Nola 57 Wilma 58 Norman 57 William5:9,ll;l2;l8:3§:57;h4; Oley l7,5h,65 58:65 Olive 21 Wilson 5h Opal 8,15,58 Gardner 51 0.R.57 Garen 6% Ora 5h Garman hl,88 Otho 5h Garne 95 Overton 12 Gaymame 86 Owen 7 Garrett 46,811+ Patricia 12 Garrison Ml Paul #0 Gasser 7% Pauline 50 George 25 Pearl 15 Gephardt 59 Perry 55 Gibbins 79 Prudence 5h Gilbert h5,h6 Rachel 20 Gilbreath 9 Rebecca l,56,57 Gillespie H2 Rhoda 1,5h,h5 Githens 90 Richard 57,5h,5O Glascow 29,h7,5h Rissa 15 Glendening 85 R.L.17,58,65 Glenn 28 Robert 7,12,l5,20,57 Glover 52 Roberta 25 Goddard 58 Roger 50 Godlove 91 Ronald 11,17,50,65 Goins #2 Rosalie 15 Goldsmith 85 Roy 9,58 Goode 85 Ruby 8,15 Goodin M Rufus 55 Goodson 75 Ruth 722022-1:55:57: 597110 Grabill 65,92 Sandra 17 Grabille, 22 Sara l,h,5,l5,1h,l5,18,19, Graham 6, 67 22,45,65,88 Grandell 79 Samuel 65 Grant 18 Sheldon 57 Grassers ho Sidney 15,60 Graves #0, 62 Sophia 1,50 Greene 10 Sue 57 Gregory 11 Susan h,5,lH Grey 69 Susannah 1,25,62,65 Griffith 16, 17 Sylvia 57 Grimm 55 Thomas12,17,20,2l,25,57, Grose 7 62,65,65,66 Grove 88 Grover 16, M8 Hedges 59 Groves h5,66,68,9O Heins 56 Grubbs 88 Hellrung 72 Guest 51 Helmeth 5 Guthrie 18,u7,55 Helmit 55 Helth 41 Haack 17,65 Henderson 9 Haas 47 Hennings 9 Hackett 8h Henry 25,54,h2 Haddix 15 Hershey 7h Haddox ll Hess #0, 76 Hafer #0 Hesselgrave 2h Haffner 5% Hickman 75 Hale 66 Hiestand 7% Hall u,11,1u,15 Hill 50, 56, a7, 51 Haigh 28,29,61,65,75 Hilterbran #7 Haines 45,81 Hlestand 51, 52 Halfoway 92 Hilbert 9 Haistings 18 Hinkle hh Hamblen 85 Hironamus 12 Hamilton 52,55,8O Hiser 19,25,uu,65,66 Hammond56,57,u2,u5,5o, Hisey M6 51, 52, 55, 56, 57,71 Hite 69 Handy 26 Hixon 75 Haughey‘69 Hockett 25 Hanlieter 8 Hoevel 58 Hamlin 72 Hoffman 12 Hargis 5h Hogen A9 Harmer 79 Hogue 5h Harner 6 Holden l8,55,57 Harrington 61,87 Holding 20 Harris 19,55,91 Holdsberry 8 Harsha 51 Holland 72 Harshbarger bk Holliday 59, an Harshberger 92 Hollinger 21 Hart #2 Holloday 79 Hartsaw 10 Holmes 79,87 Hartzell 21,28 Holt 15 Harvey 7M Hopkins 5,25,26,h2,51,52,55 Hastings 22,25,25 Hooppaw #9 Hatcher l8,5l,65 Horst 51 Hathaway 18 Hotten 90 Haughtman 77 Hottinger 26,4l,h2 Hawkinshl,8l Hoover 75 Hay 55 Houser lh Hayden 76 Houston 5h Hayes 7, 85 Howard 67 Haygood 85 Howe 5, 35 Hayman 25 Howland 72 Haymond 9 Hubert 20 Haymie 49 Hudkins 1% Hazelbaker 29 Hull 29,52,55 Heathcools 26 HU1itt 82 Heatherington 69 Humble 64 Hebel 6 Humphrey 82 Hecker 25 Hunt 1o,57,6o,66 Hunter l9,h6,50,54 Kinney 50 Huntington hh Kircheis 2h Hupp 12 Kisling 16 Hurst 85,86,87 Klein 27 Huston 26 Kleisner 50 Kline 69 I80 55 Klos 18 Ihnken 25 Knauff 51 Iney ll Knedler 88 Ingram 11 Knight 11, A9 Inskeep 19 Knizer 21, #1 Israel 8 Knox 47 Koger 67 Jacks 50 Kopleman 5O Jackson 52 Kramer 89 Jarolin 85 Kreger 85 Jarnigan l8,56,55,65 Jasper 95 Ladd an Jaynes 80 Lafferty 91 Jenks 55 Lamb 52 Jerflemin 78 Lambert 12 Jett 59 Lamonda 90 Jewett 28 Lance 75 Jilg 71 Landon 68 Johann 52 Lantz 9 Johnson 5,51,uh,5o,52 Landers #6 69,7u,85 Larrick 61,88,90,95 Johnston 22,h9,86 Larson 55 Jolli 65 Lawrence 16,27 Jones 2o,27,56,h6,5o,56,82 Lawson 66 Kain 22 Layton 50 Kaines 89 Leach6,7,8,lO,ll Kainsburg 7h Leatherwood #6 Kantner 78 Lee 7,50,51 Karcher M Less 65 Karnes 54 Lehigh 52 Kearns 59, 82 Leeper 18 Keech 25 Leffel M8 Keenan 5h Leigh #9 Kellam 75 Leith 28,56 Kelly 5O:5h)57)u5;u6:u7:52: Lemon #5 55,7l,72,75,86,88 Leslie 56 Kemp 85 Lewis 36:57)59:52)69:7O:7l Kendall 71 Llewellan 85 Kerr 58,u6,55 Linden 25 Kesler 20,52,8h,9O Lineburg 7 Kessler 50 Lineburg 27 Kester 27 Link 70 Keys 1h,l5,25,2h Little #1 Kibler 59 Littler 56, 88 Kidd 91 Littrell 5% Killis 76 Lisle 90 Kienle 50 Logan 8h Kienzler 5 Londell 55 fll@s18 Lossiter 52 Kimes 75 Lovett M5 King 25;29)h2:u7:7l Lowman 17 Lowther 9 McGrew 50 Loykens 51 McKee 5, 72 Luallen 5 McKeehenl6,hl Lucas l9,52,89,92 McKenzie 29 Ludwick 2H McKown 15 Lusk 55 McLaughlin 76 Lux h McManus 16 Lynn 22 McMonig1e 5h Lyons 14,29 McMullen 51,81 McNeal 92 Magruder 80 McNewmanll Malcolm #6 McSurely 5 Main 3O:5l;57;77 Mcvey Mapes H Mcwilliams 17 * Manuel 7h Mealer 59 Marconette 92 Medsker 78 Markey 5O Medsoar 80 Markin H8 Mercer 71 Markey 26 Metcalf 89 Marshall 76, 81 Miars 79 Martel 2h Michall 88 Marteney l5,lh Micheal 90 Martin 7,27,28,51,68,92 Michele 27 Martinson 91 Middleton 68 Mason 27,55,68 Middletown 25 Mathis 8} Milburn 55 Matthews 6,55,56 Miller 16,17,19,26,52,55,uh Mattick 15 63,65,67,69,72,8l,91 Maul 55 Milligan us Maunder 86 Mitchell 56 Maxon H7 Moats 12 Maxwell 21 Moberly 92 Mayer 72 Molte 5h Mayne 57 Monroe 25 Mazzoil 25 Monhbflen 12 McAdams 52 Montgomery 25,82 McCabe HO Moon 80 Mccann h Moore 2h,h5,#8,69,78 McCannison 78 Mooseman 59 Mccarron 5 Morris 5u,h2,hu,6o,87,89,92 McCartney 15 Morrow 52 Mcclaughlin 17,h2,5u,65 Mosley 95 McClellan 29,72 Moss 8h McClure 20,29,h5 Muehlhansler 5 McConiboy 28 mmD£r58 Mcconnaugher hh,55 Mulhollin 78 Mccoppin 81,89 Mull 5 ' McCormick hO,6h Mullens 50 McCoy6,u7,7o Muller #8 Mccutcheon 92 Murdock 89 McDonald18,28,57,6o Murphy 66167271575; 90 McE1fresh 6 Murry 80 McElroy 8 Mustard 50 McFadden 56 Mustgrave lh McGary Myers 6,7,l2,hO,95 McGath N5 Myres 73 McGee 17,65 Nail 85 Perry 22,78 Naylor 50 Pershing 59,87,88 Nealis 41 Peterson 2u,5o,ui,u6 Neel 84 Pew 21 Neff 55 Pickens 69 Nelson 57,66,85 Pickering 69,70 Newby 86 Phillips 10,88 Newbry 55 Pierce 55,90 Newcomb 89 Pierson 70 Newcomer 21 Pinkerton 88 Newkirk 51,91 Pittenger 7O Newman22,66,72 Plennie 71 Nesbitt 74 Plummer 48 Nester 95 Plyby 28 Nicholas 1 Pond 95 Nicholsi54 Porter 5,58 Nipper 52,55 Portwood 67 Nobbs 82 Post 8,58,51,56,64,8h Noble 24,65 Powell 57,44,79,85 Noland 41,92 Powers Nordenbrock 27 Poturph 1 Norton 77 Poturve 1 Nothstine 58 Predmore 46 Nye 24,66 Price 19 Proudfoot 8,11 O'Hara 74 Pryor 12 O'Hiern 54 Puckett 48,52 Ohlendorf 58 Pulse 59,63,86,88 Olson 59 Purcell 82 OT? 77 Putman 55 Osborne l4,26,27 Osment 25 Quiss 55 Otto 21 Quillen 81 Overfield 1O Overhultzer 48 Rains 82 Overstreet 84 Ramsey 9 Overstroke 92 Rankin 4, 14 Owens 51,75 Rayburn 78 Reaves 55 Page 41 Reddick 57 Pairan 55 Redick 50 Palmer 50,45 Reedl4,26,54,4l,52 Painter 67 Reeder 4 Paneguin 5 Reese 44 Parke 56 Reger 14 Parshall l6 Reid 4,75 Patton l6,24,45,65,86 Reno 46 Paulson 24 Rentz 67 Paxson 58 Rhoads 1,6,52,57,41 Peart 47 Rhoades 92 Peet 9 Rhodes 45 Pegan 46 Rice 67 Pelem 4 Ricky 41 Pemberton 95 Ricketts 24,67 Peney 41 Ridings 70 Pence 29)52:71) 72:75 Riley l0 Pebble 82 Ring 51 Perin 51 Ritenour 69 Roads 56:58:§l)68:7u.Z2:Z§ Shipley 57 Z1:$(§»12:_8_9:§_l.»§2_:§2: Shirk 7O Shirtleff 59 Roberts§E,§2,§1h 1,7,9, h,65,70,8l Shoemaker 56,h8,5u,55 Robunsoni5,5o,6u,92 Short 59 Roden 21 Shorter 67 Rogers 9250279181 Shrader 77 Roherds h7,52 Shroyer Rolfe 80 Slavin 2h Ropp 68 Siders #6 Roose #8 Sidner 82 Rose 7,8,6o,62 Simmelman 7 Ross 75,74 Simmons h7,5h Rothrock 28,63 Simpkins 56,92 Rotroff 92 Simsey hh Roy 15 Sink #1 Rouch 85 Sloper 72 Roush 19 Smalley 28,61 Rowe 12 Smart 22,25,h6,u7 Ruark 29 Smiley 54 Russell 58,59,82 Smith 5,9,1o,15,1u,27,52,u5,uu, Rutherford 25 5“:55:54,59;7l;76,78,8h, Ryan 76 87;90,9l Smithson M2 Sabin 85 Smittle 50 Sabine h Snedaker 75 Sampson 6h,8O Snodgrass 18 Sams 86 Snider u5,u6,88 Sanders 52 Snow M Sandonas 9 Snyder h1,h5 Santz 10 Soffel 9 Sargent 28 Sommers 52 Satterfield 2l,h1,h5,h9 Sonner 55 Saum 90 SPar8ur 2326l:65275:82:87:88:89:92 Sayre lh Speck 68 Schaeffer 55 Spitler 55 Schauseil 50 Springgate 58,60 Schmitt h,21 Staley 5h Schnoor 5 Stalker 82 Schroeder 22 Standard 5 Schultz 55 Stanforth #6 Schwenderman 95 Stanley 52 Scott 15,85 Staples 8h Seaman hl,8h States 85 Secrist 45 Stealy 15 Selby 66 Steek 6 Self 25 Steel 88 Selzer #8 Steelman 71 Setty 2l,25,26,hO,hl,h2,h8,65 Steen 55 Seymour 75 Stein 55 Shaffer 16 Steiner R0 Shank 1h,h6 Stemple 7 Shannon 5h,69 Stephens M, 2h Shaw 2o,7o,87 Sterling 72,75 Shepherd 22 Stethen 6% Sheets 22 Stevens 79,81,92 Shine 5h Stevenson 91 Stewart 22 Towne 52 Sticht 75 Towns 23 Stitt 61,87 Townsend 36 Stoechle 31 Travis #9 Stout 66 Treftz 57,55,6u Storer l8,#7,78 Tremble 8 Stover #0 Trephahn Strain #5,59,75 Triantafellor 25 Stnait 2l Tumbleson 57$“5 Strange 62 Turley l6,#O,59,63,87 Strattenberger #0 Turner 22,56,65,68 Stroup 93 Turnipseed 30,3l,63 Stultz #3,6# Uhrig l6 Stupp 52 Ulmer 2l Sturm l3 Unger 25 Stutson 67 Upp 82 Suiter l7,2l,6#,7# Urban 30 Suiters 57,55,56 Ursell 37 Suitors 68 Sullivan 22 Valentine 3l Stultz 89 Vance 58: 55: 90: 91: 92 Sturnbaugh 5O Van der Griff 93 Summersl2,l6,67 Vanderwont 26 Sullivan 59 Vanderwork 85 Sulya 5 Van de Walker 85 Surface 5# Vanpelt 28,50,5l,56,63,6# Swearington 8 Vanzant 51,77 Sweeney 3# Varley 27 Swift 85 Varner l5 Swiger 79 Vaughn 51,92 Swingley 51,56 Villars #5 Swisshelm #3,#9 Vinsonhaler #2 Swittle 29 Vogel 75 Vreeland 2# Talbot7,ll,l3,l# Talmadge 39 Wade 63,69,88 Tanner 31 Wallace 62 Taylor 5,8,l#,50,70,82,85 Wallingford #0 Teeters 90 Walker 5,22,29,##,#6,55 Tener l6,36,92 Ward38,#l,#2,#6,8#,9l Thomas 55,69 Ware 92 Thompson 69,90 Warnock 92 Thorman 33 Washburn #5 Thorn l3 Waters 78 Thornberry #5,66 Watts 89 Thorne l5 Way 9 Thoromo 6 Weaver #5,#8,#9,5# Thunderbird 68 Webb 95 Tidd 80 Weber 89 Tiedt 80 Wehmueller 60 Tincher 17,65 Weir 59 Tippetts 77 Wells 15,66 Tira 51,57 Welshiemer #5 Titus #1 Wenzel 39 Todd 1,22,39,60 West l8,22,29,32,33,#6,69,89,90 Tolle 2#,63,66 Westfall 81 Toper 26 Wheelee 67 White #,6, 58,#7,85 Williams, Elbert 75 Whited 88 Elias 55,65,6#,69 Whitehouse l8 Ella #6 Whiting l5 Ellen 50,68 Wickerham #5 Eliza 68 Wigdahl #0 Elizabeth 65,6#,72 Wilbanks 55,5# Emma26,#6,#7,75 Wilcox 82 Emerson 26 Wildin 75 Emily 28,52 Wilkey 72 Ernest 26 Wilkin 58, 87:90:91 Erwin 50 Wilkinson 58 Esther 71 Willey 5# Eugene #5,50,56 Williams, A.D. 5# Evelyn 26 Ada 26 Fay 50 Agnes 65,67 Fern 50 Alleniah 27,28,56,62,65,68 Florence 5# Alice 25,28 Frank 56 Amanda 68 Frances 72 Anna 27,69 Francis 75 Audrey 25 Freda 7# Barbara 28 Gailyn 57 Beatrice 52 George #7,56,65 Bellamy 50,56 Georgia 28 Beth 6# Gladys 50:57:75 Betty 55 Goldia 75 B.F.75 Grace 26,56,57,56,68 Blanche 56 Guy #7 Billy 72 Harry 25,28,57 Carl 27,56,72 Hazel 25,50,#2 Carlton 56,68 H. Dana 52 Carolyn 28 Heber 52 Clara 25,26 Helen 52 Charles 25:27:l"5))"'7:72)73 Henry #5,62,69 Clarence 28 Hepsy Ann l6 Clark 28 Ida 72 Clifford 52 Inis 56,68 Clinton #7 Irwin 56 Clyde 57 Isaih 50,65 Damon 5# Jack 28,#5 Dana 72 James l6,#5,#6,50,62,65,6#,72 Daniel 28,5l,50,56,65 Jane 6l,65,7#,85,86 David #6 Janet 26,75 Deborah 6# Jennie 55 Delilah ## John 25,26,5o,5#,62,6#,72 Deloris 6# Joseph 28,50,52 ‘ Denver 27 Josiah #5 Dewey 5# Joyce 5# Diana 28 Julia #7 Donald 32,5o,6#,75 June 28 Donna 25 Karl 27 Dorothy 26,57 Karol #6 Doyle 6# Kathleen 25 Dwight 28 Kenneth 6# Eml27 Laura 56,68 Edgar 26,29,72,75 Lawrence 62 E.E.26 Levi 53;7h Williams, Louis 5h Williams, Wallace 5h Louise 26 Washington H. 72 Lowell 26 Wendell 26 Lucille 52 Wilbur 6h Luther 72 Willard 26 Lydia 28,65 William 25,26,62,65,75 Mabel 21 Winifred 27 Margaret l9,#6 WoodrowH7 Maribel #5 Zora 50,5H Marion 75 Williamson h7,50,82,90,9l Mark 56 willis lo Martha 50,56,67 Wilmath ll Mary25,26,5l,52,35,u7,56 Wilson 7,12,16,60 65,6u,72,88,9o Wilt 69 Maynard 27 Winkle 95 Mildred 55,74 Winslow 5% Morgan 62 Winsonhaler 26 Myrta 29 Winstance 89 Nadine 75 Winter 55 Nancy 57,65,6h,69 Wise l8,55 Nathaniel 62 Wisecup M6 Nellie h5,55 Norma 75 Yahn ho Olive 25,52,h2 Yankee 58,59 OPE-150:75 Yarger Orland 26 Yeager 56 Orville 75 Yochum92 Paul 25 Young h,h7,86 Phyllis 62 Zacha #9 Phillip M6 Zahn 25 Priscilla 5l Zanister 5h Quinton 62 Zearing #7 Rachel 26,67 Zehrer h Ralph 6u,72 Zimm 15 Richard 52,5o,52,56 Zink 27,62,65 Robert 26,h6,5# Zinn 8,l2,l5 Roy 28,5u,57,72 Zirgow l8 Ruby 50,56 Zollinger l2 Ruth 25,26,72 Samuel 28 Sanford 62,72 Sara l6,27,5o,56,u7,62,65 Sharon 50,56 Shellaine 52 Shirley 5l,56 Spees 56,68 Stanley 54,57 Susan 28,5u,63,68 Susanne 52 Susannah 27 Theopholis 62 Thomas25,26,27,50,52,55, 65,68 Tony 56 Tracey 52 Verda 5O Viola 75 NOTE

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August 1, 1955 Mrs. L. E. Newcomer 21 Walnut Street Fleetwood, Penna.