Real Estate Insurance
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BIGHT THE HBW.U—HBWPOBT, B. I,, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1953 MUSING STUDENT FOUND Jamestown Motorist fined SCHOOL BEODTBATION GROWS horse bomber of World War H. Piccard Dives WELLESLEY, Mass to— Welles- B36Jet The Air Force said some B36 County Breaks • The dfite of arraignment outfit ley< police said today that Sylvia . Public school registration 'con- (Continued from Page 1) models have had .their horsepower pair in court here IB indefinite, CfrL, Plath, 20, a Smith College senior On Reckless Driring Count tinues to move ahead of last year's stepped up 300, for each piston (Continued from Page 1) Edgar F. Hussell of the Portemouth as officials prepare for opening o have, been described, by the De- engine. barracks said today, inasmuch as 5 8th Mile In missing since Monday, had been schools on Tuesday, Sept. 8. fense Department as capable of plicated in the Newport County they face charges by police In found. John R. Collart, 19, of Clin- Yesterday, the second day o carrying atomic bombs. breaks, after hundreds of finger- Massachusetts. Both have criminal She was taken to Newton-Welles- ton Ave., Jamestown, was finec registration, 187 applications were So the/combination seems to pro- Fraud Against State prints were checked by police. The records as juveniles. ley Hospital by police who refused made compared with 153 last year vide a formidable merger of speed, men admitted being involved, ac- His Bathyscafe further, details immediately and $25 and .costs in police cour The two-day total was 510 as com range and killing power.. ; cording to Sgt. Thomas F. Strat- REAL ESTATE. declined to answer when askec today after pleading nolo to Increases, Says FBI Head ton, in command of the Portsmouth about the truth of a report she hac pared with 490 in 1952. This morn The six piston engines and four state police barracks. been located in the cellar of her charge of reckless driving On ing 56 registered as compared to jet engines of the B36 give it a ABOARD THE CORVETTE own home. Conanicus Avenue, Jamestown an all-day-total of 74 on the cor speed of more.than 435 miles, an WASHINGTON IB—FBI Director ; The intensive investigation was FENICE OFF CAPRI, Italy m — responding day last year. hour and an over-all range of 1 conducted by state police, aided by When she left home Monday the Aug. 13. 10,000 miles, assuming a 10,000- J. Edgar Hoover said today there Chiefs Benjamin P. Phillips of Gilbert A. Ramloie Auguste Piccard, stratosphere bal- girl left a note for her mother say- Jamestown Police Chief Graf pound bomb is dropped midway, was an alarming, increase last Portsmouth and Oven L. Nolan of loonist of the early '30s, plunged ing she was going for a hike. ton Greenleaf said Collart was United Nations or a combat radius of 4,000. year in attempted frauds against Tiverton' and Inspector George five-eighths of a'mile deep into the driver of a car which (Continued from Page 1) The swept-wing F84F, with its the government. Thomas of the Fall River police. the Mediterranean in his bathy- Firemen's Pay knocked down a boy who was speed of more than 600-miles an His-agents, he said, had been scafe today. The successful de- crossing the- street. Peter An sembly must decide if she should hour, has a combat radius of about called upon to investigate 1,620 REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE INSURANCE scent was made after two previous (Continued from Page 1) derson, 4, son of Mr. and Mrs attend. 850 miles. such cases during the 12 months He paid scant attention to the The Air Force said its new de- ending June 30. Hoover reported dives failed. were borrowed. The Kiwanis- John M. Anderson of Lincoln velopment was the first known ar- The Swiss scientist took his box- donated radio now in the ambul- Street, Jamestown, suffered minor hitter attack made on India the hat prosecutions resulting from SERVICE shaped steel-hulled device down head bruises. night before by Y. T. Pyun, South rangement for flying a full-size these inquiries had resulted in 202 ance would be transferred to the : Korean foreign minister. Pyun said combat plane from a mother air- convictions, up 96 from the previ- FOR SALE 45 THAMES ST. 1,051 meters, to the bottom of the electricians' truck. Norman F. Dufault, 23, it was impossibfe for his country craft, although small experimental ous fiscal year. sea two miles south of the tourUt Dugan complained that under Mapleville, pleaded nolo to a planes have been so flown. Isle of Capri. the fire department's plans, only charge of speeding on Eas to sit at a peace table where India Tel. 1921 That was deep enough to beat about $526 would be left for the Main Road, Middletown, Tuesday was a U. N. representative. The fighter is lowered out of the REAL ESTATE!, INSURANCE the 90-meter dive Sir William police. This would not be enough and was fined $25 and costs bj Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., head of BSo's bomb bay on a tripod gear NEW Beebe made in his bathysphere off to equip one motorcycle. The Judge Arthur J. Sullivan. the U. S. delegation, insisted that before its engine is started. It is Bermuda in 1934, but was no chal- plan, appxwed last spring by the Ralph E. Ratliffe, 41, oi the U S. opposition was based not released until its engine has lenge to a record held by the budget committee, he noted, would Evans Avenue, Tiverton, retract only on the fact that India was a been started. BUNGALOW 8-Room Cottage French. provide radios for the chief's car, ed an earlier plea of guilty and neutral and the Americans contend One of the photographs shows the the patrol wagon and two motor- only belligerents should be on the F84 snuggled well up into the huge Careful insurance 4 Bedrooms Piccard said earlier that if the pleaded innocent of reckless U. N. team at the peace confer- Capri test succeeded he may try cycles. driving on Park Avenue, Ports- bomb bay, in position for being planning to safeguard 2 Baths within a f(w weeks for 3,000 met- Committee Chairman Josiah S. mouth, Aug. 6. He was placed ence. If that parley is successful carried. PORTSMOUTH ers in the deep between Ponza and Bliss contended that it was agreed in $200 bail for a hearing Sept lie said, there can be a general The Air Force also disclosed your property values. Eustis Avenue Sardinia. that the two radios used by the 4. Far Eastern conference and for yesterday that the power of the In his first test dive of the day, fire department would be re- that the United States will work to 336 had been stepped up in new Our plan is interesting and -Good Buy- he got his odd water-exploring de- turned to the police and the latter have India seated. models so that it can take off at it works. An explanation Herbert W. Smith vice only a short distance under would get an additional radio for Little Compton Gets 4 Acres Vishinsky Files Resolution weights up to 400,000 pounds, com- will cost you nothing. Real Estate—Insurance $15.000.00 the surface of the sea off this one motorcycle. Andrei Y. Vishinsky, the Soviet pared with the previous 358,000 famed Mediterranean resort is- Dugan argued that car radios delegate, told the committee that jounds. The new maximum is al- LS2 Bellevue Avenue land. At that point the sea is a could not be used in the three- In liver ton Line Dispute the conference cannot succeed if nost three times the maximum LAWTON-HAMMETT little more than 3,000 feet deep. wheeled motorcycles. He recalled only belligerents are seated across takeoff weight of the B29, work- AGENCY, INC. Tel. 810 CAREY & RICHMOND Dr. M. Osmond Grimes' motion in the table. to RellevM. Piccard; , a Swiss scientist who LITTLE COMPTON Uf) — This made a 10-mile balloon ascent in April "to give each chief what he Vishinsky came in with a new ?EAL ESTATE. INSURANCE 1932, had his bathyscafe hauled wanted." town has gained four acres in a resolution increasing from 11 to 15 back to the surface after being $100 Added settlement of its town line dispute he number of nations he proposed submerged only three minutes. After considerable figuring, the with adjoining Tiverton, town offi- 'or the conference. Sweden, which Joseph F. Kirwin General COUNTRY HOME ! An hour and a half later he committee agreed to add another cials announced today. lad refused Vishinsky's original 4 BEUHOOM C. F. MURPHY Agency jockeyed his device with its $100 to the $526 balance, thus giv- bid, was dropped and Czechoslo- Insurance bubble-like observation compart- ing the police the cost of one ra- Since colonial days, the town vakia, Indonesia, Syria, Egypt and Insurance COTTAGE ment into a diving position again. dio for the cycles. With the fed- boundary has run southwest from Mexico were added. Both Vishin- All Xlnei U Acre of Land Insurance Once more the cable lines were eral government matching this the Massachusetts border to the sky's old and new lists contained 3 .LilciM ' Ave. and a car caram Tel. 3844-W Seen br paved out from an accompanying figure, the city would then -get vicinity of Pamomquit Pond and he United States, Britain, France, Appointment Italian naval corvette, the Fenice. the two light radios required. from there the last 300 feet have lussia, North Korea, South Korea, Only Fire-Auto-Life which carried the official obser- Under this procedure, the two followed a small stream from the Communist China, India, Poland, Real Estate vers and newsmen.