Internal Migration and the Transformation of Republican Italy Internal Migration and the Transformation of Republican Italy
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Internal migration and the transformation of Republican Italy Internal migration and the transformation of Republican Italy William Broadhead University College London Ph.D. ýý ý, +'' ýý1. 'ý': ýiºvý1. Abstract This thesis argues that the scale of independently motivated geographical mobility within Italy during the 3rd-1Stcenturies BC was much greater than is usually thought, and that the impact of this type of movement on political developments was correspondingly more significant. The study of this private phenomenon, affecting the demographic face of Italy independently of Roman state control, also provides a new perspective on the wider process of transformation in this period, restoring as it does the element of individual choice. The thesis begins by distinguishing the type of independent mobility in which it is interested from other types of population movement in the same period, before providing a brief review of work on mobility in Roman Italy and other parts of the Mediterranean world. Chapter 2 examines the various types of evidence for the phenomenon: literary, epigraphical, and archaeological. Two central chapters exemplify the phenomenon - and its connection to economic change - using the full range of literary, epigraphical, and archaeological evidence to reveal patterns of mobility in two chosen areas: southern Latium, with the focus on the two important sites of Minturnae and Fregellae, and the region of the Po Valley. The final section examines the relationship between the picture of a high level of mobility, as revealed in the case studies, and the political context of Roman rule in Italy in the middle Republic. First, it is argued that the so-called ius migrandi never existed as a privilege of the Latins, but was instead a restriction placed on colonies to maintain their demographic stability. Second, it is suggested that the difficulty of preventing individual migration had seriously disruptive consequences,especially for communities suffering from emigration in the 2"d century, which in turn contributed significantly to the strain on Rome's middle Republican framework of control in Italy. Table of Contents List of tables, maps and figures 6 Acknowledgements 7 List of abbreviations 9 Chapter 1: Introduction 11 Mobility in middle Republican Italy - some distinctions 11 Previous work on geographical mobility 17 Part I Patterns of migration and the context of change Chapter 2: Finding patterns of migration: sourcesand approaches 33 The literary evidence 33 The epigraphical record 43 The archaeological record 46 Approaches to the study of internal migration 48 Chapter 3: Southern Latium: Minturnae and the Liris Valley 55 Minturnae: the expansion of the maritime colony 57 From guardpost to port city: the transformation of Minturnae 63 The middle Liris Valley: the case of Fregellae 69 Conclusion 81 Chapter 4: The Po Valley: the land of opportunity to the north 88 Background 90 The economic geography of the Po Valley 92 Vacant land by the early 2"d century 97 The question of information 103 Some patterns of migration 108 Conclusion 120 Part II Political and Social Implications Chapter 5: The private phenomenon enters the political sphere 122 Chapter 6: Rome's migration policy and the so-called ius migrandi 128 The evidence 128 Weaknessesof the traditional view 130 a) Who supposedlypossessed the right? 130 b) When did the supposedright come into existence? 133 c) The alleged later restriction of the right 136 A different perspective 142 What is the lex of Livy 41.8.9? 148 4 Chapter 7: The crisis of migration and the political response 154 Demographic awareness 154 Concern to prevent emigration from local populations 156 Why the concern to prevent emigration from local populations? 158 Difficulty of preventing emigration on a local level 163 The crisis - principles and practical responses 165 Conclusion 172 Chapter 8: Conclusion 174 Social implications: family ties 177 Implications for the study of economic change 179 The transformation of Republican Italy 182 Bibliography 184 List of tables, maps and figures Tables page 1. Italian towns mentioned by Strabo as having grown 52 2. Italian towns mentioned by Strabo as having shrunk or disappeared 52 3. Italian towns mentioned by Pliny (NH 3) as having disappeared 53 Maps 1. Southern Italy including southern Latium 84 2. The Po Valley 121 Figures 1. Origin and destination factors and intervening obstacles in migration 54 2. A longitudinal representationof the migration process 54 3. Plan of Minturnae showing castrum of 296 and expansion to west 85 4. Minturnae: the castrum and the Republican forum 85 5. Fregellae: general plan of the city 86 6. Fregellae: plan of the central quarter 87 7. Non-Etruscan inscriptions of the 7th-6`hc. found in southern Etruria, 127 Lazio, and the Sabina 6 Acknowledgements I owe my thanks to a number of institutions and individuals who have directly and indirectly provided invaluable support over the past four years. The research here presented was carried out with the financial assistance of a Graduate School Research Scholarship from University College London, held from 1997 to 2000, and of a four-month Rome Award at the British School in Rome, held from January to April 2001. The Institute of Classical Studies in London played a central role in almost every aspect of the endeavour. The members of the library staff of the Joint Library of the Hellenic and Roman Societies provided friendly assistance whenever the need arose and contributed greatly to making the library there a setting in which I consider myself very fortunate to have been able to carry out my research. The postgraduate participants in the Institute's weekly Work-in- Progress Seminar, through the open sharing of their ideas in the seminar, taught me much about their areas of research as well as about my own. In less formal settings, these same individuals provided countless hours of companionship and support. Beyond the Institute, I thank Angela Poulter for many hours of mutual support over the last couple of years especially. I am fully aware of the high degree to which I owe my sanity and general contentednessto these friends and colleagues. Another group of individuals to whom I owe a great debt of thanks is the team of excavators with whom I have had the pleasure of working for the last three summers on the site of the Civita di Tricarico. It has been not only from the extensive knowledge and archaeological expertise of the director, Prof. Olivier de Cazanove, that I have benefitted, but also from the time spent and friendships built with the group of very sharp young people who work with him, among whom I thank especially Stephane Bourdin, Julien Dubouloz, Sylvia Estienne, and Anne Pallud. Prof. Jane Chaplin read the products of some of my earlier efforts and asked a number of questions that greatly clarified my thinking at an important stage in the process. Prof. Filippo Coarelli very kindly lent me two hours of his time one afternoon in Rome, during which he shared some of his extensive 7 knowledge of southern Latium and of the sites of Minturnae and Fregellae in particular. My Chapter 3 is considerably less naive as a result. Prof. Emilio Gabba equally kindly read and commented on my Chapter 4, with a similar result. I am also very grateful for the intellectual benefit and the enjoyment that has come from spending time discussing a wide range of matters with Dr. Emmanuele Curti, my second supervisor, and with Dr. Emma Dench, an unofficial third. Prof. Michael Crawford has been an ideal supervisor throughout the four years of the research. He could not have been more generous with his time and expertise, nor more proactive in his support of my work not only on the thesis but in all of my academic undertakings of the last four years. Finally, I thank Yumna Khan, the finest companion I could ever have hoped to be able to spend time with. 8 Abbreviations G. Bandelli, Ricerche G. Bandelli, Ricerche sulla colonizzazione romana della Gallia Cisalpina: lefasi iniziali e il caso aquileiese (Trieste 1988). Les bourgeoisies Les bourgeoisies municipales italiennes aux It et t' siecles av. J. -C., Atti del Convegno, Napoli, 7-10 dicembre 1981 (Paris-Naples 1983). P. Brunt, IM P. Brunt, Italian Manpower 225 BC-AD 14 (Oxford 1971; reissued with postscript 1987). Demografia D. Vera (ed.), Demografra, sistemi agrari, regimi alimentari nel mondo antico (Bari 1999). Fregellae 1 F. Coarelli and P.G. Monti (eds.), Fregellae 1. Lefonti, la storia, il territorio (Rome 1998). Fregellae 2 F. Coarelli (ed.), Fregellae 2.11 santuario di Esculapio (Rome 1986). Minturnae F. Coarelli (ed.), Minturnae (Rome 1989). T. Mommsen, RSt T. Mommsen, Römische Staatsrecht, 3 vols. (Leipzig 1887). Optima Via G. Sena Chiesa and E.A. Arslan, Optima via (Atti del convegno internazionale di studi Postumia. Storia e archeologia di una grande strada romana alle radici dell'Europa, Cremona 1996) (Cremona 1998). ORF`; E. Malcovati (ed.), Oratorum romanorumfragmenta liberae reipublicae, 3rded. (Turin 1967). Roman Statutes M. H. Crawford (ed.), Roman Statutes, vols. I-II (London 1996). A. N. Sherwin-White, RC A. N. Sherwin-White, The Roman Citizenship, 2°d ed. (Oxford 1973). Die Stadt W. Eck and H. Galsterer (edd. ), Die Stadt in Oberitalien und in den nordwestlischen Provinzen des römischen Reiches, Deutsch-Italienisches Kolloquium, Köln, 18-20 maggio 1989 (Mainz am Rhein1991). 9 TLE2 M. Pallottino (ed.), Testimonia linguae Etruscae, 2nd ed. (Florence 1968). A. J. Toynbee, HL A. J. Toynbee, Hannibal's Legacy, vols. I-II (Oxford 1965). 10 Chapter 1 Introduction The appeal of the subject of geographical mobility for the student of the history of Roman Italy is based on the simple observation that a series of changes in the distribution and composition of the population form one of the most important aspects of the transformation of Italy in the Republican period.