The Dropout Problem Among Indian and Metis Students. INSTITUTION Dome Petroleum, Ltd., Calgary (Alberta)
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 042 528 RC 004 567 AUTHOR Goucher, A. C. TITLE The Dropout Problem Among Indian and Metis Students. INSTITUTION Dome Petroleum, Ltd., Calgary (Alberta). PUB DATE 67 NOTE 52p. AVAILABL*,- FRCM Dome Petroleum Limited, 706 - 7th Avenue S.W., Calgary 2, Alberta ($2.50) EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$0.25 HC-$2.70 DESCRIPTORS Academic Aspiration, *American Indians, *Boarding Schools, *Cross Cultural Studies, *Dropout Attitudes, Dropout Research, Economic Disadvantagement, Educational Research, *High School Students, Occupational Aspiration, Out of School Youth, Student Attitudes, Teacher Attitudes IDENTIFIERS *Canadian Indians ABSTRACT The primary purpose of the study was to investigate the problem of student dropout among Indians and Metis at Frontier Collegiate Institute, a residential high school, in Cranberry Portage, Manitoba, Canada. The study utilized student questionnaires regardingschool experiences, residential life, and student assessment of the situation. Teacher questionnaires dealt with assessment of the district's educational situation, teacher-student relationship, and solutions to the dropout problem. Of the 293 resident students at Frontier Collegiate in April of 1967, 251 returned questionnaires. From the 103 teachers contacted, 38 questionnaires were returned. Studies of 4 of the communities from which the students came revealed the same common factors affecting student dropout at the institution. There was a striking resemblance between the problems facing the Canadian Indians and those facing Indians in the United States. The problems are brought about by cultural and value differences arising from comparison to a dominant middle-class white culture. Because of this, the study included a tour of various institutions in Canada and the United States. The main purpose of the tour was to interview persons actively associated with either Indian educational programs or other programs designed to meet the needs of children from an alien culture, whether that be founded on economics, nationality, race, or geographical location. (EJ) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT. POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECES SARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU CATION POSITION 00 POLICY. THE DROPOUT PROBLEM AMONG LT, INDIAN AND METIS STUDENTS BY Cr, MRS. A. C. GOUCHER (FORMERLY MISS E. C. CLINTON) L.Laf TEACHER HARRISON HIGH SCHOOL BRANDON, MANITOBA DOME PETROLEUM TEACHING FELLOWSHIP 1967 DOME PETROLEUM LIMITED 706 - 7th AVENUE S.W. CALGARY 2, ALBERTA TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER II PURPOSE AND DESIGN OF THE STUDY 3 CHAPTER III FOUR COMMUNITIES WITHIN FRONTIER SCHOOL DIVISION 5 CHAPTER IV REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ON THE DROPOUT PROBLEM.... 7 CHAPTER V DATA FROM STUDENT QUESTIONNAIRES 12 CHAPTER VI DATA FROM TEACHER QUESTIONNAIRES 17 CHAPTER VII FOUR EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 23 CHAPTER VIII RECOMMENDATIONS 27 CHAPTER IX CONCLUSION 31 ADDENDUM A OUTLINE SUMMARY OF STUDY TOUR 32 ADDENDUM B STUDENT QUESTIONNAIRE 36 ADDENDUM C TEACHER QUESTIONNAIRE 41 ADDENDUM D BIBLIOGRAPHY 46 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank all those students, teach- ers, administrators and other persons interviewed during this study, not only for their kind and cour- teous co-operation but also for their generous giv- ing of their time, their ideas and the fruit of their experience to make this study possible.In par- ticular I wish to thank those whose names appear in Addendum A. Isincerely appreciate the fellowship awarded by Dome Petroleum Limited which made possible a most rewarding educational experience for me and, I hope, a profitable investment for the Frontier School Division No. 48. Mrs. A. C. Goucher May 1968. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The idea of making a serious study of the drop- communist as Public Enemy No. 1.The 1967 riots out problem at the locallevelisnot new. It in the United States might well have been sparked became apparent even as early as 1950 that local by American counterparts of Frontier Collegiate school division studies of dropouts should be made dropouts. to supplement the findings of provincial or national studies.The argument in favour of this contention This study of student dropout at Frontier Collegi- was that improvement in holding power must take ate was considered by the administration to be of place at the local level; hence it is the local school primary importance at the present point in the de- that must judge to what extent itis serving the velopment of the school. When Dome Petroleum youth of its community through its organization as Limited of Calgary awarded a fellowship to the an educationalinstitution.*7.entner's paper** in writer to carry out a research project, the selection 1963 confirmed the observatiors of educators, that of the topic was made by the principal of the a strong minority among the young people of In- Collegiate, Mr. J. W. Milner in consultation with dian descent have no identification with Indian cul- Mr. K. Jasper, the official trustee of the Frontier ture in its traditionai forms.They desire full and School Division and Mr. A. Bergen, administrative equal citizenship as Canadians and a share in that assistant to the official trustee.The aim of this world outside their reservations or remote com- study is to discover in the expression of student munities with which television, radio and other attitudes and of teacher opinion what factors con- mass media have brought them into contact. tribute to increase the number of dropouts.It also It aims to find out what has been done in similar remains only, as Zentner puts it, "for public policy situations to combat the dropout problem, by a and educational policy in particular.. .to be brought in line with these developments and to review of the literature and by a study tour to overcome the non-Indian cultural lag which ap- selected centres in Canada and the United States. pears to characterize the situation at the pr-csent The market is flooded with publications that time."** Frontier CollegiateinCranberry Portage have had a bearing on this study of the Frontier exists for this purpose: to bridge the cultural gap. Collegiate dropout.Because he is Indian he has some "common cause" with !ncEsns in other parts Another aspect of the dropout situation must be of Canada and the United States. There are some per- mentioned in this chapter.Various phrases, such sonality traits interwoven into his self-image that as the "outlaw pack", (Secretary of Labor, U.S.A., bear striking reset blance to those of his American W. Willard Wirtz), the "New Lost Generation", (M. counterpart.Therefore American educational pro- Harrington, author), and "Social dynamite", (James grams aimed at developing an adequate self-con- B. Conant) have all been aptly used to describe to- cept in the American Indian are of interest to this day's dropout.Of the three phrases the last ap- plies most adequately to the student dropout from study.Because he is for the most part a member Frontier Collegiate.His voice will increase the vol- of what we call the sub-culture (by way of compari- ume of the "red power" rumblings heard through- son with the dominant middle class culture)in out Canada.His feelings have been expressed in terms of economic status, then he is burdened by intermittent outbreaks even on Frontier Collegiate the same problems of the "educationally disadvant- campus.It was reported in an interview with a aged" who have gained such public notice in the member of the staff that a grade nine female stu- United States.Hence programs designed to solve dent confronted an administrative official whose re- the student dropout problem among the American ply to certain student demands had roused her an- "disadvantaged" also offer pertinent data for this ger with this retort: "It's a d good thing that study. there are some g--d Indians around or else Mulvihill, who knew and understood the Cana- a s.o.b. like you wouldn't have a job."This was dian Indian as well as any white man can, put the an indication that beneath the surface conformity problem in clear concise terms: tribalism in the and even the tranquility of classroom activities, traditional sense no longer exists.The small "is- there smouldered resentment to which a little ed- lands of Indian culture" have been eroded by mod- ucation had given form and fluency.This is only ern transportation and communications, and the to be expected.The student who spoke those words dropped out of school a month later. J. *Ruth C.Plenty, Readi -'gAbility and High School Dropout, Now Edgar Hoover, in a report on the outbreak of vio- York, McGraw-Hill Co., 19614 p.3. lence in nine northern communities pointed his **H. Zentner, "Attitudes Toward Graduation among Indian and Non- Indian students", Alberta Journal of Educational Research, a(4),1961, finger at the dropout rather than the racist or the pp 221.219. 1 white standard of living has won over the young opportunities offered there.The question "why?" Indian.By education, community development, is important but only ifit leads to an answer to etc., the Indians must be assisted to face up to "the the question, "What can be done about it?"Both normal struggle for survival where no favors are of these questions will be considered it this study asked and none granted " ** *This is the work Fron- with the major emphasis being placed on the sec- tier Collegiate is set up to accomplish. A high ond one. dropout rate indicates that many of those who should benefit from its activties are rejecting the ***James P. Mulvihill, The Dilemma, Ottawa, Oblate News, 1960, p.44. ROOM IN GIRLS' RESIDENCE AUTOMOTIVE (Industrial Arts) CAFETERIA HOME ECONOMICS (roods) I LIBRARY HOME ECONOMICS (Sewing) 2 CHAPTER II THE PURPOSE AND DESIGN The primary purpose of this study is to examine Frontier School Division No.