Sigillaria, It Is Necessary to Describe the Specimens on Which These Views As to the Systematic Position of This Species Have Been Founded

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Sigillaria, It Is Necessary to Describe the Specimens on Which These Views As to the Systematic Position of This Species Have Been Founded 560 MR. R. KIDSTON ON THE OCCURRENCE OF and he probably assumed the Indian specimens to be distinct. Until De Kotaris distinguished his 3. decipiens, the two species confused had passed as one ; but when they are divided, it is clear that Hedwig had already fixed the idea of P. adiantoides, by de- scribing it as dioicous ; and that the overlooked one was the one here enumerated as P. mujus, which the older authors thought to be a bog species, and which Dillenius describes, p. 264, as “Hypnunz taxiforme palustre ramosum, majus et erecturn.” The Hypnunz adiantoides of Linn. Sp. Plant., has I‘ fronde pinnata ramosa erecta medio pedunculifera.” Here the “ palustre ” is omitted. Bay had in his character “ aquaticus ;” and this mention of its habitat points rather to the species here marked as 3. majus, El adiantoides being more a rupestral moss. It is remarkable in this species that the specimens from America are all, as figured by Sullivant, very much smaller in all their parts except the floral leaves. It is probably the most generally as well as the most widely distributed species known.-The whole temperate northern hemisphere. 31. F. SUBBASILARIS, Hedw., Xull. Tcon. 26.-A small tufted species with erect fruit.--North America. 38. F. JULIANUS,Xaai (Fontinalis), Brid. ii. p. 678.-ItaIg and West France. It should be looked for in the clear streams of S.W. Britain. 39. 3’. HALLIANUS,Sull. et Lesp., Xull. Icon. p. 48, t. 28. A much shorter-stemmed and tufted species.-New Jersey and Illinois. On the Occurrence of Lycopodites (Xigillaria) Vawxemi, Gop- pert, in Britain, with remarks on its Affinities. By ROBERT EIDSTON,F.G.S. (Communicated by Dr. J. MUEIE,P.L.S.) [Read 4th June, 1885.1 (PLATEXVIII.) SINCEwriting my previous paper, ‘‘ On a new Species of Lyco- podites from the Calciferous Sandstoue Series of Scotland”’, Lesquereux, in the third volume of his Coal Flora?, has described * Ann, & Mag Nat. Hist. Bug. 1884, p. 111, t. Description of the Coal Flora of the Carboniferous Formation in Penn- aylvaniaand throughout.the United States, 701. iii. p. 778 (1884) : Harrisburg. LYCOPODITES VA’dNUXEMI IN BRITAIN. 561 four new species of Lycopodites :-Lycopodites arborescens, L. .&~ifoji~s,L. simp~ex,and L. Lacoei. Of these I think the last two must be regarded as doubtfully referable to Lycopodites, Goldenberg ; but L. arborescens and L. jkxifolius are two most interestiiy additions to Goldenberg’s (not Brongniart’s) genus. The firrt-mentioned author formed, or, more correctly, resus- citated the Brongniartian name Lycopodites in 1855* for a then new class of Palreozoic plants, “ true herbaceous Lycopods j ” but to enable Lesquereux to include his lately-discovered species in thia genus, he waa under the necemity of slightly modifying Goldenberg’s definition of Lycopodites, by adding the term “ or woody,” to enable him to place in it plants which were evidently not herbaceous, but which probably did not otherwise differ from those species previously placed in Lycopodifes by Golden- berg. The generic definition of Lycopodites, Goldenberg, so emended, must now read:- Herbaceous or woody plants zuifh dichotomous ram$cation ; branches with leaves placed spirally or in verticils, leaves of the same or of two djferent forms on the same branches; sporangia placed in the axils of the 1eaGes or forming terminal cones. The addition of the term ‘‘ woody ” was rendered necessary on account of the size of the stem of Lycopodites arborescens, Lesq., which in every other character is referable to Goldenberg’s genus : hence the slight modification of the generic terms of Golden- berg’s Lycopodites, as proposed by Lesquereux, seems quite legi- timate. It is also possible that Goldenberg’s type-specimens were only branches of a comparatively large-stemmed plant ; but whether Goldenberg’s plants were herbaceous or not, it is most improbable that Lycopodites arborescens, Lesq., or Xigillaria Vafiuxenzi, Giippert, mere herbaceous, the latter of which I now propose to include in Lycopodites, Goldenberg. Lycopodites (SiyiZZaria) Panuxemi was first figured by Vanuxern in 1842f. He gires a description of the plant without applying any name to it, but expressed the opinion that it more closely related to Zepidodendpon than to any other genus. This specimen was discovered in Allan’s Quarry, near @wego, New * 6 Flora Sarqontana Fossilis,’ Heft i. PP. 9, 10. i ‘ Gd. of New York,’ part iii. p. 184, fig. 51. 562 MR. R. KIDSTON ON THE OCCURRENCE OF Pork, in rocks belonging to the Chenning Group (Upper De- vonian). In 1852 Goppert named it Siqillaria Panuxemi". Although several notes on this species occur in the literature of fossil Botany, till the discovery of the British specimens, the type figured by Vanuxem seems to have been the only individual of the species known. Before fully stating the considerations which have led me to place this plant in Lycopoditest, in preference to retaining it in Sigillaria, it is necessary to describe the specimens on which these views as to the systematic position of this species have been founded. For the specimens of Lycopodites (Sigillaria) Panuxemi, which have been submitted to me for examination, and of which are figured on PI. XVIII. some of the more characteristic and better preserved examples, I am indebted to the Council of the Kendal Museum, as also to Mr. R. Bullen Newton,F.G.S., of the British Museum, South Eensington, through whose ageucy they were communicated to me. Description of Specimens. figure 1. This specimen, of which fig. 1 shows (natural size) the upper portion, is about 13 centim. long and about 2.5 centim. wide, though its original breadth must have been greater, as its full width is not shown in the fossil. The leaf-scars are more distinct on the upper than on the lower part, where they are somewhat obscured by coaly matter. They are hexagonal, about 6 millim. long by 5 millim. broad ; the angles formed at the point of junction of the slightly raised boundary lines of the leaf-scars me acute, though the two angles at the upper part of the leaf- scar have occasionally a tendency to become rounded. No dis- tinct trace of any vascular cicatricule is shown on this specimen. The broadest part of the leaf-scar is slightly above the middle. Zigure 2. This figure, which is natural size, shows the mode of growth of the younger branches. The specimen is not very distinctly preserved, but it exhibits at various poiuts the form and size of the leaf-scars, whose outline is defined by a carbo- naceous stain. On the upper branches the leaf-scars are much longer than broad, perfectly flat, and bear a single vascular * Foss. Flora d. Uebergangsgebirges, p. 249 (1852). + I have already stated my objections to the use of the generic name Lyco- podium for these fossils in Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. Bug. 1884, p. 114. LYCOPODITES VANUXEMI IN BRITAIN. 5 63 cicatricule, which is indicated by a dark point situated shghtly above the centre. The leaf-scars on the lower portions of the stems are distinctly hexagonal, about as broad as long, and sliow in several cases the scar of the vascular bundle, whict is indicated by a small dark point. The branchas appear to divide dichoto- mously ; but this character is better seen on some of the other examples. This fossil is labelled ‘‘ Shap Toll-bar, J. Euthven.” -Figure 3a. This shows a small fra,ment of a branch from an- other part of the same slab as that from which fig. 2 was taken, and gives the form of the leaf-scars on the younger branches. The stem here, as in the previous specimens, is flattened by pressure. The leaf-scars are indicated by a bron 11 carbonaceous outline. Fig. 3 6 is the same enlarged. Pigure 4. This is a small portion of a young branch, natural size, given to illustrate the form of the leaf-scars, which is broadly fusiform. 9igure 5. An enlarged sketch of a portion of a small branch (marked a on fig. 2) is given at fig. 5, to show more fully the form of the leaf-scars and their relationship to each other. They are broadly fusiform; the upper and lower extremities of the leaf-scars are separated by a slight interval, though the scars laterally rest upon each other. The hexagonal form of the leaf-scars, eventually assumed on the older branches, is evidently the result of mutual pressure and the lateral tension exerted on them by the increase of the stem in girth. The leaf-scars show a single elongated vascular cicatricule ; in the older stems (fig. 2 b) the -mscular cicatricule appears to be punctiform. Pigwe 6. One of the stems on this slab exhibits very clearly the dichotomous ramifications of the species. The brmch is shown in section, as the separation of the stone has passed through the central axis of the stem. Most of the leaves with which it is clothed are likewise shown in section, but towards the upper part of the left arm of the fork their form is indicated, though not distinctly. At the part marked a (fig. 6a gives an enlarged sketch) the shape of the leaves is more clearly exhibited, as one of them extends beyond the broken extremity of a small branch. Owing to the imperfect state of its preservation, no trace of a central vein is observable. 534 MR. R. KIDSTON ON THE OCCURRENCE OF General Remarks. The leaf-scars on the young branches are Lepidodendroid in form, but do not touch each other at their upper and lower extremities, though they meet laterally.
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