Football Team Went Down in Bitter Defeat at the Hands of the Strong New Haven Team
mm m 1' i>: i'S. 9 r '-V.'SS i i . ■ \ M ! i : • * . '•4$M m . tk rn t;> s I 9 WISTARIAN | ! I: ' 1 -* '■>. "• ' A • vV'-io'r s'.'"i'.^/'-^: ';>> TA V-' V'.: 'i*fvA 3$g mm«pi ■filllll®:-v ■>-. 'jS’V v' v -V •• 'f I i 1 Wistarian 1959 University of Bridgeport Bridgeport, Connecticut Staff r \ i! ; Editor Charles S. Huestis Assistant Editor John B. Stewart, III V;. :«***. ^ : Art Editor Robert Stumpek i. ! • Copy Editor Sally Ann Podufaly T, - & ■ i — . Advisor Victor Swain I *» Art Advisor Sybil Wilson > I- •t els \} M U»-T«ip»^9 I •t. •? = . ‘ V . • • .. • - - • t i t ■ 5 •, -----------I — v .... P L: r ■ «« m "" > N. / «' i ■. L 'KH A ,-iii 1 : V T vV i =U ■ ’ \ 5 tsrThe title of this article, slightly altered, I becomes the keyword of our generation. ' nForward. The word itself connotes the rest- 04 0 less undercurrent that has intensified man's recent advancement. We are now riding a crest of inventive achievement. New \rs ideas have spurred manufacture and trans portation. Very recently men have begun to muster their frail strength and utilize their intelligence to probe the mysteries of the universe. Gropingly, steadily, man continues to extend his mastery over the elements. The world we are about to enter is brilliant, tense, and challenging; it is a place where new achievements and new dangers are born simultaneously. During this time of explosive advances, we here at the University have lived exact- ly the same collegiate pattern which our predecessors lived years ago. We studied untii daybreak; then fortified with black coffcwe went doggedly to class to be tested: v/e shelved our books in favor of the bj.ketball games, "bull" sessions, or do* when the threat of mental combat was loss imminent; we spent countless hours discussing the administration, the world situation, the faculty, our classmates.
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