The Yellow Jacket

February 18, 2016 Howard Payne University . Brownwood, TX Volume 106, Issue 7 Inside HPU President Dr. Bill Ellis explains university’s this decision to obtain a Title IX exemption What is Title IX? at the time, Title IX was is- Jaclyn Bonner LGBT Debate sued, “sex” was defined as edition Title IX was drafted in man and woman, period. In Staff Writer Page 8 – Both sides 1972 under the Nixon admin- of the issue at Howard 2012, the Obama Adminis- istration. It mandated that all Payne are examined. tration determined that “sex” Editor-in-Chief Column....2 Last semester many stu- federally funded institutions, should be based on orienta- The secret to life is our atti- dents were flabbergasted including colleges and uni- tion rather than biology. In tude toward life’s challenges. and some were even riled to versities, abide by Title IX. Department of Justice sum- 2014, the DOE added trans- discover that Howard Payne The primary explanatory marizes the Educational gender as a protected class in Research Help...... 4 University received a Title IX clause of Title IX reads, “No Amendment by saying, “The Title IX, redefining the DOE’s Two HPU students receive exemption from the Depart- person in the United States principal objective of Title IX interpretation of “sex.” financial help with chemistry ment of Education (DOE). shall, on the basis of sex, be is to avoid the use of federal research projects. A blanket lack of under- excluded from participation money to support sex discrim- What is the legal standing surrounded the in, be denied the benefits of, ination in education programs justification Cool Library...... 6 controversy. Social media or be subjected to discrimi- and to provide individual for exemptions? HPU’s library is blowing posts staged HPU’s decision nation under any education citizens effective protec- away any past stereotypes. as an anti-LGBT statement, program or activity receiving tion against those practices.” Although waivers were but unreported legal justifi- Federal financial assistance.” However, HPU President made available in the 1990s, Healthy Students?...... 7 cation suggests otherwise. The United States Dr. Bill Ellis points out that, few institutions applied for Eating and living a healthy them. Religious institutions lifestyle in college are chal- have always been an excep- lenging, but possible. tion in Title IX. With the re- definition of “sex,” schools New Group...... 7 began to apply for waivers There’s a new sorority on in 2012. Howard Payne’s campus. legal advisers suggested HPU apply for a Title IX exemp- Religion Column...... 11 tion in order to be recog- We should use the gifts God nized as a religious institu- has given us. tion by the DOE with the rights to draft and abide by Backyard BBQ...... 12 their own policies, rather than The best backyard barbecue those mandated by the DOE. around is 8 miles away in “We took advantage of le- Bangs. gal opportunity given to us by the DOE to be acknowl- Spring Sports...... 13,14 edged as a religious institu- Softball and baseball sea- tion by them,” said Ellis. sons begin at HPU. Ellis assured it was not a hasty decision, saying that On the Verge...... 15 the administrative counsel The HPU Lady Jackets can thought about it for two to win the ASC West in basket- three years. Ultimately, the ball on Saturday. president made the deci- sion to file for the exemp- tion, and HPU requested the YJ Photos Howard Payne President Dr. Bill Ellis talks last week to the Yellow Jacket newspaper about the Title IX exemption. Ellis → Page 9 Opinion P AGE 2 FEBRUARY 18, 2016

News Briefs Attitude is more important than circumstances Campus Yet I find myself complaining here, and while schedules and everything else. It happens, HPU athletes Cody Cain, lydia heinrichs about having to go to class or classwork can be overwhelm- and we shouldn’t be expect- Danyel Bradley and Celina do assignments … as if I re- ing, life itself warrants a good ed to “be OK” all the time. Ortiz received recent hon- Editor In Chief ally have to instead of get to. attitude. Our 8 a.m.’s and her- But even in the worst of cir- ors. In baseball, second base- “Ugh, I have two meet- meneutical essays would be cumstances, we can choose man Cain was named to the ings tonight.” Oh, you mean a lot easier, and a lot more how we respond to life. national Bad days happen. Alarms the ones for the organizations beneficial, if we only came at Some situations are change- team of the week for Feb. don’t go off. Keys get lost. you signed up to be a part of? them with the right perspec- able, but you won’t change 14-20 after collecting seven Arguments arise. Class “Ugh, I have to write a 10- tive – an attitude of thank- them for the better with a sour hits, four runs and four RBI schedules get overwhelming. page paper.” For the class, fulness and determination. outlook. Others are inevitable, in the Yellow Jackets’ three- But have you ever had one which you’re paying to learn Of course not every situ- so why let them overtake you? game series against Schreiner. of those days where you’re about, that’s preparing you like ation is easy to face with a Your attitude affects your In women’s basketball, Brad- just on cloud nine all day? no high school degree could? good attitude, and I’m not whole day – more than ley was named the ASC West Where nothing bad that hap- I’ll be the first to admit it’s saying there won’t be times the things that happen. So Division Player of the Week pens affects your mood? Most a struggle. The truth is that when all I want to do is lay why not make the most of (Feb. 7-13) for the fourth time likely there was something we’re all pretty fortunate to be in bed all day and forget every day we are given? this season. The senior guard you went into the day with that averaged 24 points, 6.5 assists changed the outcome of the and 5 steals in wins over Mc- entire day regardless of what What’s the Buzz? Murry and Hardin-Simmons. bumps came up along the way. In softball, third baseman Or- That something tiz was honored as the ASC was a good attitude. To submit items and events to this HPU campus calendar, email [email protected]. Co-Hitter of the Week (Feb. A solid 90 percent of life 7-13) after getting eight hits is how you respond to what Through March 5: Art Exhibit, Ruben Salinas, Doakie Day Art Center. in 10 plate appearances over happens to you. To quote three games, including a home Captain Jack Sparrow, “The Feb. 1-29: Cultural Awareness Month. run. She also had four RBI. problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude Feb. 22: Food Pantry, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., former Physical Plant next to ORC. Local about the problem.” We’re given a choice to take what Feb. 22: University Singers, 6:30 p.m., DMC Choral Hall. Amber Corley, a 2014 Howard we’re faced with every day Payne graduate and Brown- and make the most of it. Feb. 22: Central Texas Community Band, 7:30 p.m., DMC Band Hall. wood High School Spanish The funny thing is, as I Feb. 25: Symphonic Band Spring Concert, 7:30 p.m., Mims Auditorium. teacher, died last week in a ve- have been at HPU, I have hicle accident near Comanche. recognized more and more Feb. 25-27: HPU Theatre Department Spring Show “Inventing Montana,” 7:30 p.m., Funeral services were held my tendency to have a bad Monday in the Dallas suburb attitude about the things for HPU Theatre Building. of Richardson. Corley was which I should be most thank- the daughter of Brownwood ful. I’m here – by incredible Police Chief Mike Corley. blessing – to learn and be pre- Feb. 28: HPU Theatre Department Spring Show “Inventing Montana,” 2:30 p.m. pared for my future career. National In a recent Title IX lawsuit Photographers Faculty Adviser The 2015-2016 Andria Garza, Rachel Mahagan, filed against the University Mike Lee Yellow Jacket Morgan Ashmore, of Tennessee, multiple “Jane Rebekah Lytle, Aimee Orozco (325) 649-8112 Doe” plaintiffs alleged the Editor-in-Chief university created a “hostile Lydia Heinrichs Reporters The Yellow Jacket is a student sexual environment” favor- Gabi Guest, Rebekah Lytle, Andrea publication of Howard Payne Uni- ing student-athletes. Cited in Photo Editor Balderas, Lazhay Winn, Aimee versity. It aims to cover the pulse of the lawsuit? The alleged inci- Andria Garza Orozco, Chad student life as well as the interests dent in 1996 between Peyton Anders, Morgan Ashmore, Rachel of faculty, staff, administration and Manning and a former athlet- Hughes, Vanessa Albert, Christo- Page Designers Brownwood at large. Letters to the ed- ics trainer. A New York Daily pher Freeland Lydia Heinrichs, itor are welcomed and may be reprint- News story last weekend resus- Rachel Hughes, Emily Villarreal, Columnists ed at the behest of the editorial staff. citated documents from a 2003 Lydia Heinrichs, Dr. Robert Alex Lemus, Aimee Orozco, Adam Please send any feedback to yjacket@ defamation lawsuit against Mangrum, Daniel Harris, Jaclyn Bon- Snyder with “Letter to the Editor” Manning, winning quarterback ner, Andy Zambrano, Adam Jones, in the subject line. in this month’s Super Bowl Adam Snyder 50 for the Denver Broncos. News & Features FEBRUARY 18, 2016 PAGE 3 Clark and Sommers top debaters at TIFA YJ Submission “Braxton has been a tre- Christopher Freeland, Reagan mendous leader for SSB over Grisham, and Aimee Orozco. Howard Payne University the last two years. His leader- “Our team did exception- debaters Braxton Clark and ship has helped to grow our ally well. Braxton and Isaac Isaac Sommers won the open team as he has taken an active fought hard to advance and parliamentary debate divi- role in coaching the freshmen their victory was well earned. sion at the Texas Intercolle- and sophomores,” said Dr. I’m proud of the way our team giate Forensics Association Julie Welker, SSB coach and performed, and we are con- Spring Championship tourna- professor of communication. tinuing to prepare for upcom- ment held at Howard Payne Clark also won sixth place ing tournaments,” said Welker. University earlier this month. top debate speaker, and Student Speaker Bureau host- HPU competed against Sommers was named 10th ed the three-day tournament on 22 teams from 16 col- place top debate speaker. the Howard Payne University leges and universities. Students on the team campus. Almost 200 competi- Clark, a junior, was named also competed in individual tors, judges, and coaches were to the Texas All-State Fo- events, including extempo- on campus for the weekend. rensics Squad, a prestigious raneous speaking (current HPU will travel next to YJ Photo group of students who are events), impromptu speak- Point Loma Nazarene Univer- Members of the HPU Speech and Debate Team that competed nominated by coaches and ing, prose, poetry, informa- sity in San Diego, California, in the Texas Intercollegiate Forensics Association Spring Cham- meet stringent criteria includ- tive speaking, and persuasive in March to compete in the pionship on the HPU campus earlier this month included, from ing win/loss records in speech speaking. Also competing National Christian College left, Isaac Sommers, Braxton Clark, Morgan Ashmore, Reagan were team members Morgan Forensics Association national Grisham, Andrea Balderas, and Christopher Freeland. Not pic- and debate, GPA, commu- tured is team member Aimee Orozco. nity service and leadership. Ashmore, Andrea Balderas, championship tournament. Howard Payne love story connects generations

by HPU Media was a bit anxious. dren’s ministry. Brett, a music Relations “I was really excited and I performance major, plans to just couldn’t wait,” he said. attend seminary and pursue Like many men who are Shannon happily ac- a career in music ministry. getting ready to “pop the cepted his proposal and the Shannon said she still question,” Brett Ellis, How- couple will be married on teases Brett about the cir- ard Payne senior, wanted to the HPU campus this June. cumstances of their first date. plan the perfect proposal for “I think it’s really fun be “Before we went to Prima Shannon Matthews of Brown- a part of this family tradi- Pasta, he asked me if I wanted wood, also an HPU senior. tion,” Shannon said of the to go and meet his parents,” “I originally wasn’t sure proposal. “It’s really neat to she said. “So on the first date, what I was going to do,” me to be a part of that story.” I met his parents who are also he said. “Then I talked to The couple met in choir dur- the president and first lady of my dad and my grandma.” ing Shannon’s freshman year the university I’m attending. Brett’s father, HPU Presi- and Brett’s sophomore year. It was a little nerve-wracking. dent Dr. Bill Ellis, and “I think it started on Easter But his parents were so nice.” grandmother, Nancy Ellis holiday,” said Shannon. “We Through his engagement ’48, are quite familiar with had a three-day weekend and to Shannon, Brett has en- HPU romances. Nancy met he messaged me on Facebook joyed learning more about his her husband, Dr. Ray El- to ask how my break was go- family connections at HPU. lis ’50, at the university and Photo by Rindy’s Photography ing. The more we talked and “It’s really cool hearing her parents met there as well. Brett Ellis and Shannon Matthews at the tree under which Brett the more we saw each other my grandma talk about how “They told me about a proposed last spring. in choir, the more we clicked. she met my grandpa here and tree out at Riverside Park By the second week of talk- how her parents met here,” the tree, complete with the dating,” said Shannon. where my great-grandparents “He told me he wanted to ing, we both thought, ‘OK, he said. “I enjoyed getting to got engaged,” Brett said. same meals they ordered I really like this person.’ ” hear the stories from her point from Prima Pasta on their do something special. We “Later, my grandmother didn’t even get to start eat- Following graduation, of view. It’s great to have that showed me the exact tree.” first date two years before. Shannon, a family studies connection with my future “I thought it was just go- ing before he said he had Brett planned a picnic something to ask me.” major, plans to pursue a ca- wife in the same place, walk- lunch for Shannon under ing to be a celebration of reer in education and chil- ing around the same campus.” our two-year anniversary of Brett admits he News P AGE 4 FEBRUARY 18, 2016 Beyond Chem Lab Local businessmen fund two students’ research projects

by HPU MEdia Computers in Early, to gauge of outside donors funding Relations the men’s interest in funding research projects for HPU the projects. Following pro- undergraduate students. Two students in How- posals by the students at the “I’m proud of Samuel and ard Payne’s Research Prob- end of the fall semester, Smith- Sarah’s achievements and lems in Chemistry course son chose to support Parmley’s thankful for the support of have received donations project while Allen elected to Mr. Allen and Mr. Smith- from area businessmen to fund Van Remmen’s project. son,” Smith said. “I hope aid in the completion of un- The students will spend the that this exercise provides dergraduate research proj- remainder of the spring 2016 a model for obtaining com- ects. The students, seniors semester completing their munity sponsorship of stu- Samuel Parmley and Sarah studies and will use the funds dent projects in the future.” Van Remmen, each received to purchase needed materials. $300 to fund their studies. Parmley is creating a library of Photos by HPU Media Relations narcotics with an ion trap spec- Dr. Derek Smith, associ- Top: Paul Smithson, left, ate professor of chemistry, trometer, a system that could presents a check to Samuel teaches the course. After potentially aid law enforce- Parmley, center. Pictured at consulting with HPU’s de- ment agencies in the future. right is Dr. Derek Smith. velopment office and being Van Remmen is studying the encouraged to move forward, active ingredients in sunscreen Bottom: Zac Allen, right, he reached out to Zac Allen, and the degradation of these presents a check to Sarah owner of Lazy Eight Ranch- ingredients with normal use. Van Remmen, center. Pic- es in Coleman, and Paul According to Smith, this tured at left is Dr. Derek Smithson, CEO of Apollo is the first time he’s aware Smith. Sommers and Puente finish in top 32 at Moot Court national competition team about the constitution- national competition featur- Rachel Hughes ality of a certain law. During ing several hundred in which the debate, a panel of at least the contestants submitted le- sTAFF wRITER two or three judges will ques- gal arguments in scholarly- tion the debaters to test their level written form. In this The American Collegiate knowledge of the Constitu- competition, Sommers and Moot Court Association tion, Supreme Court cases, and Puente placed third. Puente (AMCA) National Cham- understanding of legal issues. states that the writing contest pionship is an annual com- On the first day of the was “almost more important petition hosted by various tournament, Sommers and than the oral competition as locations across the country. Puente competed in three it introduces aspiring lawyers Only the top 25 percent of rounds, placing high enough to the art of legal writing.” Moot Court teams make it to to move on to the second day. According to Sommers, the National Championship. On the second day, they won Moot Curt “trains you to This year it was hosted the first round, but narrowly speak articulately and pro- at California State Univer- lost the second. In the end, fessionally, while still being sity, Long Beach. Howard the Sommers-Puente team conversational and relatable, Payne students Isaac Som- placed among the top 32. and you have the opportu- mers, a sophomore, and Re- “It was a very nerve-wrack- nity to form valuable con- beca Puente, a junior, were ing but exciting experience nection with other future Courtesy photo among 80 teams competing. overall,” Puente said. “Just be- attorneys, and even current HPU students Isaac Sommers (left) and Rebeca Puente Moot court is a type of de- ing able to represent HPU there lawyers and sometimes judg- participated in the 2015-16 American Collegiate Moot Court bate where a team of two stu- at nationals was an honor.” es. And as an added bonus, Association National Tournament last month at California State dents argue against another There was also a separate Moot Court is really fun.” University, Long Beach. Entertainment P AGE 5 FEBRUARY 18, 2016 Daddy’s Home hits home with Wahlberg-Ferrell duo biological father of Dylan and at each other work. Their performances and the charac- character development. The Adam Snyder Megan, comes back into town. strong chemistry is the back- ters they played, and I found final parts of the film show The main plot of the film bone of the film, and with- them all to be enjoyable to how far both characters have Movie Columnist is dad vs. stepdad in a rivalry out it, the film doesn’t work. watch. But the best support- come, and how anybody can where they both compete for Another good thing that ing actor hands down has to grow through experiences. the affection of the children. this film does is that there is go to Thomas Haden Church, Lastly, the final part of Daddy’s Home is in theaters And to see who the true al- a good amount of physical who plays Ferrell’s Boss. I the film teaches a really now and stars Mark Wahl- pha male is. I really enjoy comedy that is actually pret- really like this actor in any good message, and it does berg and Will Ferrell. The films that are comedies with ty funny. Probably the best movie that he’s in, and I find warm your heart because it basic story line is that Fer- a rivalry serving as the main scene of the physical comedy him to be hilarious. In this gives you a better view on rell, who plays Brad Whita- plot – if it is done correctly. involves Ferrell and a mo- film he doesn’t disappoint as life and how things could ker, is a stepdad to his wife’s This film definitely does it torcycle, and hilarity ensues. he has some of the best lines be better between people. two kids, a boy named Dylan right, and is really funny. One last thing about the in the film. All of his scenes Overall, I thoroughly en- and a girl named Megan. This is Ferrell’s and Wahl- comedy in the film is that it is with Ferrell are just as good joyed the film, and I think Brad is just starting to get berg’s second film collabo- very clever with the pop ref- as the scenes between Wahl- that if a person is looking the desired affection from ration, and you can see why erence jokes that they make berg and Ferrell as far as for a funny, relatively light- his two step-children, and because of how much chem- with real world aspects. For comedy and actor chemistry. hearted film that they can they are just starting to ac- istry they share. A lot of the example, there is a scene The strongest part of the watch to relax, and to enjoy knowledge him as a dad. But comedy comes from how with some good frozen jokes film is definitely the third act their free time than I defi- then everything turns upside well Wahlberg and Ferrell that gave me a good laugh. when everything comes to- nitely recommend that they down when Dusty Mayron, bounce off one another. Plus, As for the rest of the gether, and really see the two give this film a watch. I give played by Wahlberg and the a lot of the jokes they throw cast, I liked all of the main characters show strong it a very solid seven out of 10. 10 songs – and performers – that are turning 10 He currently has branched out chart with endless hits. She bands from Canada to achieve Aimee Orozco of the music industry into the currently welcomed her sec- such success. The band has business and acting world. ond son with European Soc- gone through its share of Music Columnist cer Player Gerald Pique. members here and there, 2. : All but overall, is still involved American Rejects 6. Jesus Take The Wheel: within the music industry. It’s hard to believe how quick- Carrie Underwood ly music changes with time. The American Rock Band 9. Temperature: One day you’re on top, and from Stillwater, Oklahoma, American Idol’s sea- Sean Paul the next you’re headed in the and created by Tyson Ritter son No. 4 winner is also a opposite direction. We see art- in 1999 is still around today proud mom of a fast growing The Jamaican rapper ists come and go, some last- producing more music. But 8-month-old, and is prepar- went on to appear in the ing years, while others sim- they have yet to overpass their ing for a tour later this year. film “Belly” released in ply become one-hit wonders. biggest hit, “.” 1998. Paul also continues in In the last 10 years alone, 4. Gold Digger: Kanye 7. I Write Sins Not Trag- the music industry, but has the music industry has gone 3. Don’t Cha By: The West featuring Jamie Foxx edies: Panic At The Disco yet to surpass this top hit. in countless directions. Pussycat Dolls featuring Some of the artists who once Busta Rhymes Much like 50 Cent, we have The American rock band 10. Sugar We’re Going were on top no longer exist. seen just about everything from Las Vegas, and formed Down: Fall Out Boy Below are only a few Founded in Los Angeles, from Kanye. Currently, he is in 2004 and featuring vocal- of the chart toppers back this “All Girl Ensemble” married to Kim Kardashian ist and multi-instrumentalist Created by Pete Wentz, Fall in the day, and a look at was transformed into a mu- and is a happy father of two Brendon Urie was mainly rec- Out Boy has gone through where these artists are now. sic franchise in 2003. Not to children. However, I think ognized by this hit song. They some crazy life experiences as long afterwards in 2009, they we have yet to see the last of have recently been featured a band. Overcoming a breakup 1. Candy Shop: 50 Cent, would officially announce West. Word on the street is in Macy’s Thanksgiving Day in 2010, it wasn’t long before featuring Olivia their breakup. Lead singer Ni- he could be a potentially be a Parade and the Today show. they got back together. Now cole Scherzinger went on to presidential candidate in 2020. stronger than ever, after com- Born Curtis James Jackson become the most known fig- 8. Photograph: pleting a “Boyz of Summer 3rd, “50 Cent” has experienced ure from the group and made 5. Hips Don’t Lie: Shakira Nickelback Tour” with Hoodie Allan, Max his fair share of life. From rap- guest appearances on shows featuring Wyclef Jean Schnider, and Wiz Khalifa last ping, acting, getting arrested, such as “Project Runway” A Canadian rock band year, Fall Out Boy is now having frozen accounts, this and “Dancing with the Stars.” Colombian singer/song- formed in 1995, Nickel- preparing for “Winter Tour,” man has had it pretty rough. writer Shakira continues to back has been one of the few scheduled to kick off in March. Features P AGE 6 FEBRUARY 18, 2016 Our Dynamic Library Stagnant stereotype is becoming a second home to students going happening on campus. and general improvements Christopher Freeland It’s really about being moti- of the various rooms suitable vating and being positive.” for their respective function. Staff Writer Some upcoming hits in- The library staff also ex- clude a Women’s History pressed a strong desire to work Month collaboration with Dr. more with the student body. Being a freshman who lives Maxwell, a Baptist Women in “We’d be more than happy off campus, I am frequently Ministry display, Resurrec- to take suggestions on future asked the question, “Which tion Week in March, and of display ideas,” Ezzell said. dorm are you in? I haven’t course National Library Week “We would love to collaborate seen you around much.” in April, along with plans with groups on campus if they Sometimes I jokingly point to honor graduates of 2016. have ideas. The displays are to the Library. It certainly Certainly the most memo- meant to be interacted with, felt like a second home to rable past displays included and we love it when people me, since I did spend a lot the banned books theme and stop and ask about them.” of time there, but not just the student social work col- On-campus organizations for what you would expect. laboration on poverty. When I as well as individuals are en- I am proud of our cam- asked which past display was couraged to contact Wade pus treasure, what I lovingly the staff favorite, Sypert hesi- Kinnin, the instruction and call our dynamic library. Our tated only for a few moments. outreach services librarian, staff challenges the stereo- “The one we did with the for suggestions and collabo- type of strict and stagnant Alumni Association was the ration proposals. We are truly college libraries by provid- author’s theme, and that was blessed to have a library that ing interactive displays, in- awesome to see people who values student body inter- Photos by Lydia Heinrichs tellectually satiating work- were published authors with a ests with such enthusiasm. Above: Juanita Sypert (left) and Kelli Ezzell work on a shops, and opportunities connection to HPU. Since then, Before we know it, our dy- display at Walker Memorial Library. for exciting collaborations. others authors have contacted namic Library may soon feel It seems something is us as a result,” Sypert said. like a second home to everyone. Below: From left, Kelli Ezzell, Wade Kinnin and Juanita happening every time I Besides talk over creative Sypert diagram plans for Resurrection Week in March. walk in Howard Payne’s displays, recent renova- Walker Memorial Library. tions such as the installment Today, I paused to consider of whiteboard tables and an oversized patriotic ribbon, new study group areas has held with an outstretched arm begged the question: What by Juanita Sypert, the HPU li- future changes are in store? brary collections and govern- “We helped lay them out, ment documents coordinator. but the whiteboard tables were Sypert, who has served HPU all Mrs. Riggs’ idea.” Ezzell for over 22 years, is one of said, referring to Dean of Li- the members on the library braries Alexia Riggs. “Next team dedicated to create dis- is going to be the lobby this plays, themes, and events. summer – just to update it and With her was Kelli Ez- bring some paint changes.” zell, our HPU library infor- When I asked for the reason mation services coordinator behind all the changes, the for a year and a half now. impetus seemed to come from A simple inquiry led to full a regime change. Riggs has blown discussion concern- only recently taken her posi- ing future library plans. tion as Dean of Libraries, but “We’ve talked about ideas has brought positive changes for election day,” Sypert said to the library, with more to excitedly. “We made a cal- come. There are developing endar, and pay attention to plans for maintaining displays student interests and current throughout the library, more events. We just watch what’s comfy study group areas, Features FEBRUARY 18, 2016 PAGE 7 Getting healthy in college is challenging but possible challenging to eat healthy or hitting the gym four days weight is around 1,500. For being fit, but it is also impor- Morgan Ashmore while in college. It is so con- a week? Several studies have males, it’s 2,400. These num- tant to remember that it is OK STAFF WRITER venient to drive and get fast suggested that diet — cut- bers are according to the av- to have a cheat meal every food when you’re hungry, ting calories from food — is erage size male and female. once and a while. Most nu- grab late-night study snacks or the key player here, since If you hate counting calories, tritionists even recommended College is the best time overeat when we are stressed. working out burns far fewer just simply decide to watch that we have at least one cheat to get in shape, physi- The saying “weight loss is calories (and takes far more what you eat. Eliminate junk meal a week. You have to give cally, while we are young 75 percent diet and 25 percent time) than most people think.” food out of your dorm room. your body a chance to satisfy and have some free time. exercise” seems to make us Working out is a great way Don’t go for that Whataburger its cravings, so sometimes Whataburger runs and roll our eyes because we hear to get healthy, but it doesn’t run. Choose healthier options. it is OK to indulge yourself late-night snacks won’t do it so much. But it’s true. You burn off as many calories as Almost every fast food place with slice of pizza or a cookie. much for our fitness and can’t expect to lose weight people think. For instance, has healthy alternative options Overall, it is so important to health. Working out is a by working out a couple a 30-minute cardio workout rather than a burger, fries, or love your body and take care great way to achieve your days a week while eating may burn about 350 calories, fried chicken. Chick-fil-A has of it. This is the only body fitness goals, but if your diet junk food at the same time. but that’s nothing if you are tasty grilled chicken nuggets we are given, and we should is unhealthy, working out is For example, if you are con- consuming 2,500-plus calo- that are under 200 calories, strive to get in the best shape not going to do much good. suming over 1,000 calories ries in one day. If you are and McDonald’s has meals for possible. We all know that I constantly hear my friends more than you are burning keeping a low-calorie diet under 400 calories such as the it only gets harder as we get say, “I’m working out every while working out, exercise and working out at the same grilled chicken wrap and Egg older, so we should take ad- day, but I just can’t seem to is not doing much for you. time, the two will work to- McMuffin. These healthier vantage while we are young. lose weight.” They say this Erin Browdwin states in an gether to help you stay in options are actually really ap- Challenge yourself to as they chew on their Chick- article published by Business shape and lose some weight. petizing and won’t leave you eat cleaner and value your fil-A chicken nuggets. We are Insider, “When it comes down The average daily amount feeling so full and bloated. health this year. Your body all guilty of this to some ex- to it, which is more important: of calories that should be con- Having a healthier diet is will definitely thank you. tent, and let’s be honest, it’s Getting a salad instead of fries sumed for a female to lose obviously a huge element in New HPU sorority, Pi Theta Chi, formed on campus

lydia heinrichs just sort of fell into place. The putting everything together and pieces all came together, and figuring out how everything Staff Writer it was pretty obvious that God needs to work. Even though orchestrated the whole thing.” it’s been a lot to work with, it’s The sorority, officially active all worked out pretty smoothly. We all know how it is when as of Feb. 1, is oriented around It’s been fun to hear all of the good friends get together service and missions. The 15 awesome ideas our members to hang out. We joke. We charter members initiated on have come up with already.” laugh. We come up with Monday each hope to show the The sorority is open to any crazy plans. And some- love of Christ on campus and female at HPU, and rushing times, we actually do them. in the Brownwood community. for current students will be- At least, that’s what the mem- “It’s really all about promot- gin in the fall semester, fol- bers of Pi Theta Chi, the new- ing Jesus, showing positiv- lowed by the interviewing and est sorority at Howard Payne, ity, and pushing other girls bidding process. Later this did when they got together on campus to step into ser- semester students can look and dreamt of something big. vice leadership,” Morris said. forward to getting to know Pi “It all started as a joke,” said Of course, starting a brand new Theta Chi at a “meet and greet” Courtesy photo sophomore Aryn Morris, Pi organization from the ground and likely a service event. Some of Pi Theta Chi’s charter members: Tara Carroll, Theta Chi’s co-president. “Our up is no easy task. From pa- “I thought it would be cool to Aryn Morris, Marissa Godbey, Sierra Bennett, Raliaha freshman year Marissa God- perwork to building new tra- be a part of something new,” Lightner, Camila Cotter, Cheney Cover, Abi Miller, Kalyn bey and I laughed about start- ditions, founding Pi Theta Abi Miller, the sorority’s first O’Conner, Andrea Baldares, Rebekah Lytle,Candace ing a new sorority on cam- Chi has been no small feat. Vice President of Member- Motgomery, Lorien Rubio. pus, but the more we talked “It’s been a lot of work,” said ship Development, said of where they are and be lights excited and thankful for all of to some of our friends about Godbey. “The whole pro- joining Pi Theta Chi. “It’s and witnesses to everyone.” the support they’ve received it the more we thought, ‘We cess started in December, and another community to grow As the members continue to from students and faculty. should actually do this!’ ” thankfully, we’ve had Fran- in. I love what this organiza- work on constructing their They look forward to shar- Godbey, also co-president of cie (Clark, director of Stu- tions stands for, and I hope constitution, membership edu- ing the love of Christ with the organization, added, “It all dent Activities) to guide us in and pray we can meet students cation, and traditions, they are fun ideas and open hands. Opinion P AGE 8 FEBRUARY 18, 2016 Examining the LGBT issue at HPU LGBT exemption allows Possibility of discrimination Howard Payne to protect hangs in the air over LGBT and defend Christian values issue at Howard Payne

Third, and final, if a student did not always agree with. I have been chad anders feel discriminated against, the fac- Gabi Guest asked to change my outfit because I staff Writer ulty and staff would still do ev- Staff Writer had two inches of stomach showing. erything within its power to assist I have been asked to “tone down” them. We’re not going to dehuman- my appearances for performances or When the Title IX exemption ize someone for their life choices. My Facebook account blew up the events where there would be several was granted to Howard Payne, HPU has made a choice to defend first week of December over an article alumni or prospective students pres- I was 110 percent against it. its Christian beliefs as governed published by The Column revealing a ent. Although these instances have Originally, I viewed our request as a by the Baptist General Conven- list of 27 religious universities in 17 been frustrating, I have usually com- way to discriminate and force our be- tion of Texas. It’s as simple as that. states that had applied for waivers to plied because I agreed to attend a liefs onto those who may not view life This would be similar to McDon- Title IX based on their religious beliefs. university that held some ideals I do the same way we, as Christians. This alds passing a rule to keep its employ- Title IX is known as the “anti-dis- not necessarily always agree with. really bothered me at first – until I came ees from eating Whataburger while at crimination” law, and is meant to pro- But I have been willing to sac- to a very eye-opening realization. work. The University obviously can’t hibit discrimination in any federally rifice these things because of This is not HPU attempting to keep a student from being a homosex- funded educational program or activity. the fantastic learning opportuni- discriminate. Instead, it’s HPU re- ual, just the same as McDonalds can’t The article published by The Col- ty provided to me through HPU. ceiving permission to defend its keep their workers from grabbing umn showed a map with a pinpoint on Having said this, I understand Christian values and beliefs. Just as a Honey BBQ Chicken Strip Sand- each university that had applied for a Howard Payne’s thought process be- many other schools across the na- wich on their way home from work. waiver to any portion of Title IX, and hind applying for and being granted a tion have decided to do as well. While the school has no right to what they asked for – or were granted waiver based on these things. They are Many schools have used this waiv- tell students how to live their lives, I – a waiver to discriminate based on. all things that are very typically “not er to deny homosexual students from think during a stent here at HPU, the Howard Payne was granted a waiver Christian” things to submit to or be a living together, to keep transgender students should do their best to live a to discriminate based on marriage, sex part of. These are the things are always students from being given special Christian lifestyle. If they don’t want outside of marriage, sexual orientation, the most debated about in churches, privileges, and even to punish stu- to give that a shot, Tarleton State is gender identity (including, but not lim- especially where young people in dents who are in a non-marriage rela- a 50-minute drive up Highway 377. ited to transgender status), pregnancy, the college-age group are concerned. tionship that live together. Now, even No sin outweighs another, as I stat- and abortion. At least two of our sister I am a Christian. But everybody’s though one sin does not outweigh ed before. But I am proud to attend schools, East Texas Baptist Univer- definition of that term is slightly dif- another, as a proclaimed Christian a Christian university that will take sity and University of Mary Hardin- ferent when you get down to specifics. university we need to do all we can the required steps to defend what the Baylor, were also granted a waiver For me, I believe the biggest part of to show love within the confines of school and the Bible believes to be true. to discriminate on the same ideas. being a Christian is trying to live like enforcing Christian values and ethics. Yes, all sins are equal in God’s From the information I’ve been Christ and to show love. My favorite If someone attends our univer- eyes, but we should do what we can to given, Howard Payne did this mostly bible verse has always been 1 Corin- sity and doesn’t agree with our help our fellow brothers and sisters in as an insurance to protect the religious thians 16:14, “Do everything in love.” stand as Christians, the Registrar’s Christ from stumbling in sin. This Ti- nature of the university. Sexual orien- From the minute you begin attend- Office can assist you with transfer- tle IX waiver and how it relates to the tation will not be a question discussed ing Sunday School, you are taught that ring. I say this for a few reasons. LGBT community is to help us and on applications to HPU, just as appli- Jesus loves you. He loves you so much, First, you can’t attend a Chris- help others see that sacrifices must be cants are not asked if they are Chris- in fact, that he died for you and your tian school and then get mad when made to live a pure, Christian lifestyle. tians. Apparently, the big point of HPU sins. Jesus was the earthly personifi- they take action to enforce that fact. Attending HPU maybe the only receiving this exemption is mostly to cation of God’s love for us, meant to Second, while we have taken the God many students get to experience. prevent the organization of LGBT display for a short time what it was action to enforce our beliefs, that While many people would much rath- organizations, protests, or displays. like to truly live out of love. We all doesn’t mean we’re going to treat er just view sin as something that is Now we all knew upon applying can – and have – quoted several differ- any student differently. Everyone going to be forgiven no matter what, to HPU that we were applying to a ent bible verses discussing love. The is still viewed as equal in the eyes they need to realize that a sinful life private, Baptist university. With that most obvious is 1 Corinthians 13, but of the administration. It’s not like doesn’t please God, or His people. descriptor tagged on, I was aware they are going to ask your sexual So let us show them His mercy, that I was getting myself into a con- preference on a college application. but let us also teach them His laws. servative environment that I may Possibility → Page 9 News & Opinion FEBRUARY 18, 2016 PAGE 9 From Page 1: by the government could not getting the waiver from Ti- process. The administration questions have arisen re- discriminate against people. tle IX is a big deal. It actu- specifically hires professing garding HPU’s position on Ellis Explains While Howard Payne students ally is not,” said Ellis. “It is Christians to be professors. transgenderism and how the Title IX Exemption can receive federal funding to an administrative action that This has always been a right Title IX exemption effects it. pay for their education, HPU has no effect on policies.” of the private, faith-based in- Ellis could not provide any exemption in March 2015. as a university is a private body Simply stated, nothing has stitution. It contributes to the definitive statements regard- He said that the federal gov- and is not federally funded. changed. For these reasons, moral fiber of the university, ing the university’s position ernment returned the granted The DOE provides exemp- the faculty and students were characterizing Howard Payne on transgenderism because exemption in one month, a tions if an institution meets not involved in the exemp- as a unique, Christian place. no policies are in current- very swift response in com- one or more of the following tion decision or formally The exemption also protects ly in place. He did claim parison to the time HPU three stipulations: the institu- notified of its acquiescence. HPU in its housing choices. that the waiver has noth- spent making the decision. tion is a school or department However, many disgruntled Since HPU is a small, private ing to do with it, though. HPU’s choice was not rogue of divinity designed to prepare students have voiced concerns university, it expects certain “We begin with the assump- or contrary to the law though. students to enter the ministry that the Title IX exemption is standards of morality to be tion that human life is sacred The university is guided by field; a personal statement of indeed a big deal. Apprehen- maintained among its stu- because all people are created the Baptist General Conven- faith or involvement in the sions about discrimination of dent body, namely celibacy, in the image of God,” Ellis said. tion of Texas (BGCT), which religion of the organization is the LGBTQ community in the and unlike state schools, it “As a Christian university, we governs and is largely respon- required of faculty, students, enrollment process has been can regulate this in housing. are here to provide a Christian sible for assembly HPU’s or employers; the mission voiced, along with the fear HPU holds all students – education with expectations Board of Trustees. All of statement or official governing that current students may be regardless of sexual orienta- of student behavior which Howard Payne’s sister schools documents explicitly state the expelled from the university. tion – to the expectation of are clear and aligned with and fellow Baptist univer- institution is under the guid- HPU does not discrimi- sexual purity, as mandated the Christian faith teachings sities – Hardin-Simmons, ance of a religious organiza- nate in its enrollment process by the student handbook. of scripture and the BGCT.” Mary Hardin-Baylor, East tion and the administration though. Students are not asked “As long as students’ be- Ellis noted that gender issues Texas Baptist, Dallas Baptist is appointed by a religious if they are Christian, and no havior respects university are currently challenging so- and Wayland Baptist – have organization or facet of it. probing questions regard- policies, they will not be ciety, churches, and religious filed for an exemption or are HPU qualifies for not just ing their sexual orientation asked to leave,” Ellis said organizations alike. “We want in the process of doing so as one, but all of the above, are issued. Admission poli- regarding coerced exemp- everyone to get a good educa- well. Furthermore, according and therefore is legally justi- cies are formed by the board tion of LGBTQ students. tion and come out of this uni- to the DOE, religious institu- fied to acquire an exemption. of trustees and they have re- versity more spiritually mature tions are exempt from por- mained the same for years. What about and in love with the lord than tions of Title IX that are in- What are the The Title IX exemption transgenderism? when they got here,” he said. congruent with the religious implications of the does not alter the hiring pro- Regardless of the exemption, standards of the organization. exemption? cess, either. Ellis pointed out Since Title IX has of- social controversy, and criti- Title IX was established to that the university already dis- ficially added a statement cism, Howard Payne’s mis- ensure that institutions funded “The perception is that criminates in the employment about transgender students, sion will remain unchanged. From Page 8: I knew I had nothing to fear. Possibility of Even though this waiver Southside Village Apartments Discrimination has been granted only as in- $100 Discount upon move-in for HPU students, faculty or staff! surance, the university is still also Luke 6:35, Romans stating that although they 12:9, Mark 12:31, 1 John probably won’t discrimi- 4:7, and many others. nate, they have the option if My biggest problem with they choose to exercise it. Howard Payne’s granting of As we think on this manner the Title IX waiver is that our as Christians, I would like for university has decided to pub- us all to think about 1 Peter licly state and say, “For the in- 4:8, “Above all, love each oth- dividuals who fall under these er deeply, because love covers categories, we may decide to a multitude of sins.” Whether turn you away rather than ac- you believe that premari- cept and love you.” There are tal sex, abortions, or being a some individuals – includ- member of the LGBT commu- ing me – who were initially nity is sinful, I implore you to hesitant to attend a religious remember how much you were affiliated university because reminded that Jesus loved you of a fear of being discrimi- as a child, and that Jesus not Call: (325)603-3359 or (325)646-1749 nated against for whatever only died for the pure and righ- Check out our website at: reason. However, after I was teous, but also for the worst 2801 4th Street, Brownwood greeted so warmly on my sinners – who are also your Our office is Building 700 first Yellow Jacket Monday, brothers and sisters in Christ. Religion P AGE 10 FEBRUARY 18, 2016

Black History Chapel Religion & Features FEBRUARY 18, 2016 PAGE 11 Learning to use the gifts God has given us others like it. True, you don’t Enlightenment. I recently and Romans. From a Chris- This takes a lot of pres- Daniel Harris want to slack and not do a watched a Ted Talk by Eliza- tian perspective, we have the sure off of us to do well. good job on what you are beth Gilbert about this idea. Holy Sprit who guides us and My urge to all reading this Religion Columnist creating, but this mindset She did a study on how the gives us gifts for his glory. is to go out and use the gifts that a lot of artisans have has Greeks and Romans viewed In I Corinthians 2:12-13 God has given you. Go and God created. He created us led many into depression. creativity. They thought Paul writes, “Now we have write, paint, make music, and everything on this planet. This is true in my life there were these spirit be- received not the spirit of the preach! Use what God has Being made in God’s im- when I am working on ings that guided their arti- world, but the Spirit that is given you and don’t worry age, we are creators in and of something I usually think to sans to create, releasing all from God, so that we may as much of how you are do- ourselves. God created us to myself, “Well, no one will of these pressures to do well. understand the gifts bestowed ing or what other people create reflecting His glory to care anyway. Who am I to People are now focused on us by God. And we speak think because the Spirit is all of those our creations are say these things?” Truth be on how they individually of these things in words not living inside of you guid- seen, heard, tasted and felt by. told, I’m thinking that as can make a creation rather taught by human wisdom ing you on what to say or do. But there’s a problem, I’m writing this right now. than how something outside but thought by the Spirit, Imagine what the world there’s a lot of pressure to This pressure to do well our realm can guide them to interpreting spiritual things would be like if all the create. There is a huge pres- comes from the individual- create. I’m not saying you to those who are spiritual.” Christians that are on the sure to do well in the things istic nature of our thought should try to listen to these If God has bestowed us earth used their gifts cre- we create to make sure that process that came from the spirits that guided the Greeks with gifts, why not use them? ating as God first created. Taking a glimpse of Howard Payne in 1933-34

Dr. Robert were rebuilding Old Main and science those materials colleges, 80 ministerial stu- when compared to other Mangrum so that it would be in har- which are known by actual dents, 294 students in Bible colleges offering ministe- mony with the rest of the observation and test to con- class with 58 in Greek, 10 rial and missionary programs. university campus architecture – with tribute directly to the building buildings, an endowment of An adamant statement historian the one making such a dona- of the highest type of Chris- $220,000, and the value of that HPC was not a junior tion would have the building tian character.” HPC’s goal buildings and grounds was college precedes the obser- The university, from time named for him. Other needs was to offer a curriculum as $600,000. The college’s debt vation: “That in Howard to time, creates new publica- included a brick dorm for “definite and distinct from was $136,767 with a nota- Payne College the Bible tions as a means of informing boys, a brick gym, paying state and endowed education tion that this was the small- has first place and the- stu their constituencies. Such was the $20,000 debt on the Ath- as medicine varies from law.” est debt in the southwest dent the second place.” the case in the fall of 1933 letic Park (and the subsequent Student conduct was out- when The Wings of Howard dedication of the park to that lined in the next article. No Payne was first published. donor,) endowing the presi- fraternities, secret societies Southside Village Apartments Extant copies of this publi- dent’s office, endowing the or purely social organiza- cation run from December Bible department, endowing tions were permitted. Every $100 Discount upon move-in for HPU students, 1933 through August 1934. scholarships, paying the col- organization on campus was faculty or staff! The first issue, featur- lege debt, and raising the under the supervision of a ing a good photo of HPC college endowment to a teacher or chaperone. Stu- President Dr. Taylor on the level to meet accreditation dents living on campus were cover, extended Christ- requirements. By raising an required to observe study mas greetings. Inside, one additional $500,000 in en- hours at night. The college finds some interesting ads, dowment HPC could join the further discouraged the use of which give today’s reader a regional accreditation agen- card playing and tobacco use. glimpse into life in central cy, the Southern Association Dancing, drinking, gam- Texas during the depression. of Colleges and Schools. bling and card parties were Boasting a fall enrollment Next the curriculum was prohibited. A promise of swift of 603, HPC promised through discussed and noted HPC discipline was followed by a “an economical program of was “steadily re-organizing pledge to parents that “stu- administration that passes on its curriculum along definite dents are kept busy with worth- to the student reduced costs of Christian lines.” Centering on while activities so that little operation . . . a thousand lib- the training of Baptist min- need is felt for severe action.” eral arts students on campus isters and preparing students A miscellany of facts could Call: (325)603-3359 or (325)646-1749 during the next five years.” for Christian lay service, the also be found in this first is- Check out our website at: Another article suggested college had selected “from sue: 791 students, 30 faculty 2801 4th Street, Brownwood investment opportunities literature, history, philosophy holding 42 degrees from 36 Our office is Building 700 for HPC’s friends. Included Features P AGE 12 FEBRUARY 18. 2016 Best backyard barbecue is in Bangs was a nice day the breeze was Andy Zambrano blowing, the birds were chirp- ing, and the sound of country Chipster’s Grill Food Columnist music filled the air from a CD 409 W. Hall St. player near the ordering area. Bangs, TX 76823 Just waiting for the food I have gone all over Texas was a wonderful experience, 325-998-0239 looking for some of the best but when the food did come, places to eat barbecue. I have I entered paradise. So when been to Salt Lick, Frank- where he and his son and his I opened the foam to-go box, wife work together to provide lin’s Barbeque, Cooper’s what was inside could only Barbeque, and many more. the best that they can offer. be described as a work of When I asked what it takes Locally, Underwood’s art. The meat was perfectly Photo by Andy Zambrano Cafeteria, Smitty’s Bar-B- Chipster’s Grill owner Chip Barker (right) and his son, Blake to prepare such works of cu- cooked as the spices and sea- linary art, he told me that he Q, and Sticks are excellent sonings had caramelized to Barker. barbeque restaurants. But starts the grill the day before the meat. The beans were a that made for an excellent ad- in a moments, his son Blake 7 in the evening by cleaning it it always bothered me that deep rich brown that showed there weren’t any new BBQ dition to the meal as it added Barker came and sat with us. out. By 4 in the morning, the they had been cooked for the much needed heat to the I had a few questions for grill is fired and ready to smoke joints near Brownwood. the perfect amount of time, Now, there’s a new restau- meal. Even better was that it him. The first one was how brisket for about 21 hours to and the potato salad was a sliced thin enough to fit per- did he make Chipster’s Grill. be served fresh on Friday. rant out in Bangs and only an bright yellow from the mus- eight-minute drive from the fectly between to pieces of He told me that it was always The ribs that literally fall off tard used to make it and had bread to make a great bar- his dream to own his own res- the bone take about eight to 10 Howard Payne campus. Of smooth and creamy texture. all the barbeque restaurants I beque sausage sandwich com- taurant, but initially, he never hours to cook because he uses Of course for me visu- plete with onions and pickles. had the time. He worked in his own process to tenderize have been to, Chipster’s Grill ally impressive foods are in Bangs stands out as unique. Next was the brisket. At this the past with others in vari- the ribs and breaks down the one thing, but what really point I was in the clouds and ous cooking jobs and had enzymes that hold the meat to The first feature that struck matters is the taste. So I me is that this place is in the all I could see was rainbows regular job with Pepsi as your the bone to ensure that signa- took a rib and went to take a and hear an angelic choir in average 9-to-5 working man. ture quality. We talked for a literal backyard of the owner. bite until of all of sudden it At first I was a bit unsure the background. But, the bris- Hard times came around while longer, and what I was slipped off the bone. Liter- ket simply took me from a when he and his wife were both able to understand from him about eating from a stranger’s ally, the whole rib meat had backyard. Yet when I took state bliss – to a state of bar- laid off from their workplaces. was that he is a hard worker. just fallen off the bone, and I beque enlightenment where I One day he was having a chat He’s a person who strives to step into Chipster’s, the first was left with a clean bone in thing I noticed was the dé- was one with the world and with a friend who mentioned provide the best to his cus- my hand. I just stared at the its meaty and saucy good- the idea of making a small tomers and ensured that the cor. There are lawn chairs and bone because I was shocked. tables set up with a shaded ness. The brisket had been establishment where people quality of the food is perfect. Never before had I had a rib cooked for several hours, and could come and get some real But at the same time, Chip area. There are also pallets just fell off the bone literally. that surround the waiting/din- the seasoning had fused it- and homemade barbeque. He is laid back and just a fun guy So with a fork I picked up self with the tender meat and thought it was a fun idea, but who would give a friendly ing area to make a makeshift the rib meat and took a bite. wall, and in the far corner is had made it to where each at the time, he could not af- hello and a handshake and That bite, that single bite, sim- bite was simply perfection. ford an actual establishment. ask how you’ve been doing. the massive pit used to cook ply blew my mind. Even now the meats. In essence the dé- At this point I was stuffed So one day he went for a So it was eventually time to I still can’t find the words to and could not even get to the walk. A walk around some leave. I said my goodbyes cor was not something that describe the flavor other than emanated elegance, but rath- sides. I had to save them for pecan trees in his backyard. and got back into my truck it was perfection. It was ten- later. But one thing was on There he offered a little and looked back at Chip- er humility and relaxation. der, yet firm. It was juicy, So after taking in the sights, mind, and that was I had to prayer to God for a little help. ster’s Grill. I could see that and every drip was an explo- meet the owner. So I got up In the moment of solace a this place was more than just I finally decide to a step in- sion of flavors that worked side the small shed that made and went right back to the or- small little idea popped into a small barbeque joint where in perfect harmony to pro- dering area to ask where the his head: “Why not make you could come and pick up up the ordering area. I look duce a sensation that cannot through the menu and or- owner was. The staff member it here in my backyard?” a plate, but rather an escape. be described through words, merely pointed to the back So he had a small chat with It’s a place to come and relax dered a three meat plate that but rather has to be experi- consisted of brisket, ribs, and and there he was in the kitch- his wife and they agreed to the and for a fleeting moment es- enced in order to truly grasp en making his rounds check- notion and decided to give it a cape the trouble of the world sausage so I could get a taste the nature of this work of art. of what all they had to offer. ing to ensure all was well. shot. They were granted per- while you just grabbed a There was more as I still He then came out and mission by the state to operate fork and enjoyed your meal. The friendly staff member had the sausage and brisket took my order, and I went to shook my hand with a big and were open for business I can say with great confi- left. So I moved on to the smile. So we sat down and on July 19, 2014, and have dence that Chipster’s Grill has one of the lawn chairs and sat sausage. The same thing hap- down and waited for bit. It had nice chat. He introduced been open ever since. Chip become one of my absolute pened. It was juicy and spicy himself as Chip Barker, and told that it was a family effort favorite local barbeque joints. Sports FEBRUARY 18, 2016 PAGE 13 Softball starts 4-4, hosts UMHB this weekend

by Yellow Jacket In the 8-2 win, HPU’s Ce- Staff lina Ortiz collected two hits, two runs and two runs bat- The Howard Payne soft- ted in. Tayler Rushing and ball team lost two of three Kyra Chapa also had two hits games to the University each. Pitcher Celese Tirres of Ozarks last weekend in improved to 3-2 this year in the American Southwest the complete game victory, al- Conference opening series lowing two runs on five hits. at Clarksville, Arkansas. In the 13-3 loss, Ozarks HPU finished the week- scored 10 runs in the first two end 4-4 overall and 1-2 in the innings. HPU’s Allison Ea- ASC. The Lady Jackets will ton had two hits and drove in host Mary Hardin-Baylor at two runs. Rushing (1-1) was 1 p.m. Friday in a double- tagged with the loss after al- header and again at 12 p.m. lowing six runs in 1.1 innings. Saturday in a single game. In Saturday’s series finale, Last weekend at Ozarks, Ozarks beat HPU 4-2. Ea- HPU split Friday’s dou- ton and Rachel Hitt each had bleheader, winning the two hits for HPU. Tirres (3-3) opener 8-2 but dropping took the pitching loss, allow- the second game 13-3. ing four runs on seven hits. Photos by Rebekah Lytle Sports P AGE 14 FEBRUARY 18, 2016 Baseball opens by going 2-1 against Schreiner

by HPU Sports Information

The Howard Payne base- ball team took two of three games in its season-open- ing series against Schreiner University last weekend. The Yellow Jackets’ next home game is scheduled for 2 p.m. Tuesday against Mc- Murry at Don Shepard Park. In last week’s season- opening game on Friday, also in Don Shepard Park, HPU’s Matthew Daniel hit a two-run walk-off home run that gave the Yellow Jack- ets a 5-4 win over Schreiner. In Saturday’s double- header, HPU won the opener 10-1, but Schreiner took the second game 8-6. The Jackets used a six- run first inning to cruise to Photo by HPU Sports Information a 10-1 victory in Saturday’s HPU second baseman Cody Cain (6) tags a Schreiner baserunner last weekend. first game. It started when Cody Brown was hit by a in the seventh to lead 8-3. pitch with the bases loaded HPU eventually rallied to TADC Urban to score Blake Laney. Then a within 8-6, but left the bases Scholarship Zachary Rodriquez fielder’s loaded in the final inning. for 2016-17 choice plated Brandon Gar- Laney and Cain each re- application opens March 1 rett. Cody Cain tripled to left corded two hits in game two. field to score three runs, and a Laney finished with two RBI. David Groves double to right Pitcher Shawn Brody got center brought home Cain. the loss in the start, allow- In the sixth inning, Ro- ing six runs on nine hits in driquez hit a two-run homer. three innings. Chad Anders Criteria: saw 4.2 innings in relief, al- Cain was 3-for-4 at the You must have an plate with three runs batted lowing two runs on five hits. In Friday’s game, the Jack- EFC = 0-50 on your 2016-17 in for HPU. Brandon Gar- FAFSA. rett, Will Roberts, Zachary ets were down 4-3 entering Rodriquez and David Groves the bottom of the ninth, but You must have graduated each finished with two hits. Brandon Garrett reached base from a high school in in one Pitcher Tyler Colburn got on a single. Then Daniel sent a of these cities: the win, going five innings shot over the left-center field and allowing just five hits, fence to give HPU the win. Abilene, Amarillo, Arling- striking out four and walk- Cain was 2-for-4 at the plate ton, Austin, Beaumont, ing none. Jonathan George with one RBI, and six other Brownsville, Carrollton, and Matthew Parks each Jackets recorded a hit. Kyle Corpus Christi, Dallas, Den- pitched one inning in relief. Ramon pitched 5.2 innings in ton, El Paso, Fort Worth, In game two, Schreiner the start, allowing two runs on Frisco, Garland, Grand Prai- scored two runs in each of three hits and striking out eight rie, Houston, Irving, Killeen, the first three innings and in the no-decision. Michael Laredo, Lubbock, McAllen, took a 6-0 lead. The Jack- Cannon threw one inning of McKinney, Mesquite, Mid- ets battled back scoring one scoreless relief. Adrian Acosta land, Pasadena, Plano, San run in each of the next three. picked up the win despite al- Photo by HPU Sports Information Antonio, Waco, and Wichita Schreiner scored two more lowing two runs in 2.1 innings. The Yellow Jackets celebrate a win over Schreiner. Falls. Sports FEBRUARY 18, 2016 PAGE 15

Lady Jackets’ win streak stopped at 10, HPU Sports Update Women’s Basketball but a win Saturday clinches the West Record: 15-9, 9-4 in ASC Feb. 4: HPU 78, McMurry 68 Feb. 6: HPU 85, HSU 66 chad anders Feb. 11: HPU 67, Concordia 65 Feb. 13: UMHB 68, HPU 58 sports columnist Feb. 20: Sul Ross at HPU, 1 p.m. Feb. 25-27: ASC tournament, TBA.

Before the Howard Payne wom- Men’s Basketball en’s basketball season tipped off Record: 9-15, 4-9 in ASC in November, Lady Jackets head coach Meia Daniels’ goal was a Feb. 4: HPU 75, McMurry 69 stern one: Win the American South- Feb. 6: HSU 81, HPU 66 west Conference West Division. Feb. 11: Concordia 66, HPU 63 It’s a goal the Lady Jackets are one Feb. 13: UMHB 74, HPU 65 win away from reaching – with one Feb. 20: Sul Ross at HPU, 3 p.m. game remaining in the regular season. HPU (15-9 overall, 9-4 in the ASC) hosts Sul Ross at 1 p.m. Saturday in Baseball the regular-season finale. If the Lady Record: 2-1 Jackets beat Sul Ross (4-20, 1-12), HPU will secure the West title and the Feb. 12: HPU 5, Schreiner 4 division’s top seed for the conference Feb. 13: HPU 10, Schreiner 1 tournament, which will be Feb. 25- Feb. 13: Schreiner 8, HPU 6 27 at the University of Texas Tyler. Feb. 23: McMurry at HPU, 2 p.m. Mary Hardin-Baylor at 8-5 is Photo by Rebekah Lytle the only team that can tie HPU for HPU’s Micah Cisneroz (22) looks to pass inside to teammate Ashley Caldwell Softball the West Division championship. (23) during a recent home game. Record: 4-4, 1-2 in ASC The Lady Jackets put themselves in position to win the West because of a and above 50 percent only once. games that were pretty big for us. Pre- Feb. 12: HPU 8, Ozarks 2 10-game win streak that was halted Daniels didn’t seem sur- sley McKethan, too, just on Saturday Feb. 12: Ozarks 13, HPU 3 with a 68-58 loss to UMHB on Sat- prised when asked about the (Feb. 6) she went 6-for-7 from beyond Feb. 13: Ozarks 4, HPU 2 urday in Brownwood. The streak be- lack of offensive efficiency. the 3-point line. A lot of our success Feb. 19: UMHB at HPU (2), 1 p.m. gan Jan. 9 and finished last Thursday “Our teams have pretty much been comes from our younger players.” Feb. 20: UMHB at HPU, 12 p.m. with a 67-65 win over Concordia. based off that for the past, I don’t even While scoring comes and “I don’t think it’s really about the know how many years. The great thing goes, the Lady Jackets main- Men’s Tennis win streak,” Daniels said. “They about our team though, is it’s not the ly focus on their defense. Record: 1-5 look at it from the angle of they’re same two or three kids,” Daniels said. “It’s all we talk about and focus playing better basketball. The more “Danyel Bradley will always do her on,” Daniels said of defense. “Scor- Feb. 12: HPU 8, Centenary 1 they win, the more confidence they part for us, but the great thing about ing is going to happen, so you need to Feb. 12: Ozarks 7, HPU 2 build as a team. We kind of throw it is so many players balance each limit the other team from doing so.” Feb. 13: Sul Ross 9, HPU 0 it out to them, but we don’t put other out and help pick up the pieces.” This was the backbone for the win Feb. 13: Schreiner 7, HPU 2 too much hype around it. We fo- Helping pick up the pieces is right. streak, and the entire season as well. Feb. 20: HPU at Dallas Baptist, 1 p.m. cus on the fact that the more games Especially for 5-foot-11 forward Ash- Especially since Howard Payne is we win going into to tournament ley Caldwell, who leads the confer- in the top three in the conference in time, the better we play as a team.” ence in blocked shots as a freshman. blocks, seals, and turnover margin. Women’s Tennis Playing as a team is exactly what “Ashley has stepped up huge. We In the 67-65 win last week over Record: 4-2 this unit is doing during this confer- had played over half of our games and Concordia, Bradley finished with ence tournament warm-up. They she only had about 20 blocks, but then 27 points, six rebounds, four assists Feb. 12: HPU 9, Centenary 0 are beating teams by an average of over a three-game span, she had about and three steals. Post Sarahi Castillo Feb. 12: HPU 8, Ozarks 1 just above nine points, and haven’t 20 more blocks. She’s been helping recorded a team-high 10 rebounds Feb. 13: HPU 6, Sul Ross 3 given up more than 70 points. Scor- us on offense as well,” Daniels said. and a game-high seven blocks. Feb. 13: Schreiner 9, HPU 0 ing has been a bit of problem for Daniels continued, “Getting good In the 68-58 loss to UMHB, Feb. 27: HPU at A&M-Kingsville, 12 the Lady Jackets, though. During playing time from Caprica Brooks has the Lady Jackets shot just 31 per- p.m. the win streak, they shot better than helped us a lot. Valarie Matlock has cent from the field for the game 40 percent from the field just twice, helped us a lot on defense, and on of- and 20 percent in the first half. fense she’s really stepped up in some Features P AGE 16 FEBRUARY 18, 2016

Delta Chi Rho and Zeta Chi Super Bowl Watch Party Photos by Morgan Ashmore