APP 02

Application Number: 17/00483/FUL

Description Demolition of existing buildings and the erection of 34 dwellings with associated access, parking, landscaping and external works.

AT 82-84, Newport Road, New Bradwell, , MK13 0AA

FOR Paul Newman New Homes

Target: 5th June 2017

Extension of Time: No

Ward: Parish: New Bradwell Parish Council

Report Author/Case Officer: Allen Sacbuker Senior Planning Officer (Dev Control) Contact Details: 01908 253101 [email protected]

Team Manager: Katy Lycett - 01908 252313, [email protected]

1.0 RECOMMENDATION (The decision that officers recommend to the Committee)

It is recommended that planning permission is granted subject to the conditions outlined within this report and a S106 agreement.

2.0 INTRODUCTION (A brief explanation of what the application is about)

2.1 The Site The site is located within the residential area of New Bradwell. To the East, West and South of the site lie a number of residential properties of which the majority front Newport Road. To the north lies the and open countryside.

The application site is an existing brownfield site located within the designated residential area of New Bradwell. Whilst it is acknowledged that the footprints of the existing buildings take up only a small proportion of the total site area, nearly the entire site is covered with hardstanding (a mix of concrete and tarmac) and gravel.

2.2 The Proposal The application seeks full planning permission for the erection of 34 homes, consisting of a mix of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom properties together with access, parking and landscaping.

Amended plans have been submitted as part of the application. The application has also been supported by: - Ecological Appraisal - Arboricultural Report - Sustainability Statement - Ground Conditions Assessment - Flood Risk Assessment

2.3 Reason for referral to committee The application has been referred to the Development Control Committee as the application was submitted under the previous Scheme of Delegation, and received more than 2 public objections and an objection from the New Bradwell Parish Council.

3.0 RELEVANT POLICIES (The most important policy considerations relating to this application)

3.1 National Policy

National Planning Policy Framework

Paragraphs 6,7,8 and 14 - Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development Paragraphs 11-16: Presumption in favour of sustainable development Paragraph 17: Core Planning Principles Section 4: Promoting Sustainable Transport Section 6: Housing Section 7: Design Section 8: Promoting Healthy Communities Section 10: Meeting the Challenge of Climate Change & Flooding Section 11: Conserving and Enhancing the Natural Environment Paragraph 173: Ensuring Viability and Deliverability Paragraphs 187 &187: Positive Approach to Decision Taking Paragraphs 196 & 197: Determining Applications Paragraphs 203-206: Conditions and Obligations

3.2 Local Policy

Milton Keynes Core Strategy (Adopted 2013) - Policies:

CSA: Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development) CS1: Milton Keynes Development Strategy CS2: Housing Land Supply CS10: Housing CS11: A Well Connected Milton Keynes CS12: Developing Successful Neighbourhoods CS13: Ensuring High Quality, Well Designed Places CS17: Improving Access to Local Services CS18: Healthier and Safer Communities CS19: The Historic and Natural Environment CS21: Delivering Infrastructure

Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011 (Adopted 2005) - Saved Policies:

D1: Impact of Development Proposal on Locality D2a: Urban Design Aspects of New Development D2: Design of Buildings D4: Sustainable Construction NE2 Protected Species NE3: Biodiversity and Geological enhancement H4: Affordable Housing: target and Site Thresholds H5: Affordable Housing: Site and Market Conditions H7: Housing on Unidentified Sites H8: Housing Density H9: Housing Mix T1-T5, T9, T10, T11 and T15: Transport T17: Traffic Calming HE1: Protection of Archaeological Sites L3: Standards of Provision P04: Percent for Art

Supplementary Planning Guidance/Documents

New Residential Development Design Guide (April 2012) Parking Standards (January 2016) Sustainable Construction (April 2007) Affordable Housing SPD (March 2013) Social Infrastructure Planning Obligations (September 2005) Planning Obligations for Education Facilities (December 2005) Planning Obligations for Leisure, Recreation and Sports Facilities (December 2005) Milton Keynes Drainage Strategy (May 2004)

3.3 Human Rights Act 1998

There may be implications under Article 8 and Article 1 of the First Protocol regarding the right of respect for a person's private and family life and home, and to the peaceful enjoyment of possessions. However, these potential issues are in this case amply covered buy consideration of the environmental impact of the application under the policies of the development plan and other relevant policy guidance.

3.4 Equalities Act 2010

Due regard, where relevant, has been had to the Milton Keynes Council's equality duty as contained within the Equalities Act 2010.

3.5 Screening Opinion: Not Required.

4.0 MAIN ISSUES (The issues which have the greatest bearing on the decision)

Principle of Development Design and Layout Landscaping and Trees Residential Amenity Land Contamination Parking and Highway Safety Flood Risk and Drainage Ecology Sustainable Construction Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing

5.0 CONSIDERATIONS (An explanation of the main issues that have led to the officer recommendation)

Principle of Development 5.1 This site has previously been granted outline consent for up to 37 dwellings, under application reference 13/02153/OUT. Whilst this has established a principle of developing the site for residential development, this consent has expired and as such, residential development of the site must be reconsidered in line with current national and local planning policies.

5.2 The application site is located within a residential area on the Milton Keynes Local Plan Proposals Map 2001 - 2011. Policy H7 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001 - 2011 (Housing on Unidentified Sites) requires proposals to be assessed against a set of 6 criteria and, in the case of this proposal, would satisfy the set 6 criteria for the reasons set out in paragraph below.

5.3 Housing development is compatible with existing land uses in the surrounding area, which are mainly residential, and the site has been previously developed (as a car showroom, but is now used under a temporary planning permission for a car hand wash and valeting service). The site is in a good location in relation to local day to day facilities. As the site has previously been used as a filling station and is in close proximity to the River Great Ouse, due consideration should be given to potential contamination issues and flood risk. There is sufficient capacity in existing infrastructure including water supply, drainage and other utilities and the applicant has agreed to make financial contributions towards community facilities such as schools and health facilities to mitigate any deficiencies in community facilities and infrastructure as a result of the proposed development. Therefore the principle of development on the application is acceptable.

Design and Layout 5.4 In terms of policy context, policies D1(iii), D2 and D2A of the Local Plan and CS13 of the Core Strategy require the decision maker to have regard to the design and visual impact of new development and to the context within which it is placed.

5.5 The proposed layout shows dwellings fronting a T-shaped internal road layout with footpath. Whilst it is acknowledged that this layout differs from the linear form of

properties fronting Newport Road, consideration must be given to the existing extent of the brownfield site and how best to make efficient use of the land. The existing site contains a relatively small footprint of buildings at its centre, however, is covered almost entirely with hardstanding. As such, the entire site is considered to be a brownfield site and the proposed layout makes an efficient use of the land and site.

5.6 The design provides a mix of 2 and 3 storey properties, using these taller properties as key focal buildings to add visual interest to the site. The homes would have a contemporary appearance. Within the local area there are a mix of residential property types and designs and this development is considered to respond positively to the local area and provide identifiable design. A condition requiring the submission of material details has been recommended within the report.

5.7 The proposed development would provide a mix of 1 and 2 bedroom flats and 3 and 4 bedroom houses. This is considered to be an appropriate mix responding to the mixed character of the local area and the needs of the community.

5.8 Overall, the contemporary design approach, layout and mix of dwelling types is considered to accord with saved policies D1(iii), D2 and D2A of the Local Plan and CS13 of the Core Strategy.

Landscaping and Trees 5.9 Saved Policy D2 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001 - 2011 details that proposals should include landscaping that integrates with the surrounding area. Indicative landscape proposals plans have been submitted to the Authority, which shows the general principles for new landscaping proposals. Whilst it is acknowledged the Landscape Officer is requesting further details, this would be controlled by the recommended condition requiring the submission of a landscape scheme.

5.10 The Arboricultural Officer notes that the Root Protection Area proposed within the submitted Aboricultural Survey is sufficient at 15 metres, raising no objection and has suggested a number of conditions which have been included within this report.

5.11 As such, it is considered that subject to the approval of details through the recommended conditions, the development would comply with saved policy D2 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

Residential Amenity 5.12 Saved Policy D1 of the local plan outlines that planning permission will be refused where it would adversely affect residential amenity. This is echoed in guidance contained within the NPPF which requires that development proposals provide a good standard of amenity for all existing and future occupants of land and buildings.

5.13 The proposed development has been carefully sited such that there would not be a harmful impact through direct overlooking, by causing a visual intrusion or by leading to a loss of light to existing properties along Newport Road. This is because the proposed properties at the front of the site, along Newport Road would have a side by side relationship with the existing neighbouring properties.

5.14 Along the eastern and western site boundaries the dwellings have been situated with their rear gardens against these shared boundaries with the dwellings fronting the internal T-shaped road. The spacing and separation distances of around 16 metres to the closest point of the dwelling, indirect siting from the rear of the existing dwellings and placement of windows ensures that there would not be harm caused to the amenity of adjacent properties where these align perpendicular to those fronting Newport Road. There would be potential for overlooking of the garden spaces, however, this is not considered to be unacceptably harmful such that a refusal would be warranted.

5.15 Within the proposed site layout, the development has ensured that where dwellings would have a side to rear relationship, the separation distance lies in excess (around 15 metres), of the required spacing and separation distance of 13.7 metres which is outlined within the New Residential Development Design Guide. Many of the properties have a side to side relationship or are semi-detached within the proposed layout. Whilst there are no required spacing and separation distances, these tend to be separated by parking spaces and careful placement of windows to habitable rooms to ensure that there would not be harmful overlooking in these cases.

5.16 Overall, it is considered the proposed development would comply with saved policy D1(iii) of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011 in terms of the impact on residential amenity.

Land Contamination 5.17 A Phase 1 and Phase 2 Ground Condition Assessment has been submitted and has identified that as a result of previous industrial uses on the site and the sensitivity of the proposed development there is a need for further ground investigation prior to works starting. It has therefore been recommended by the consultant and the Environmental Health officer that further ground investigations are undertaken and secured by condition. This can be imposed and suitable conditions have been recommended within this report.

Parking and Highway Safety 5.18 Saved policies T10 and D1 of Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011 seek to ensure that development proposals provide sufficient access and manoeuvrability within a site and do not lead to a harmful increase in traffic movements.

5.19 The Highways Officer has confirmed that the expected number of trips associated with the current use of the site, for a hand car wash facility and commercial use would likely be similar to that for the proposed development of 34 homes. In addition, that in terms of the residential use of the site, the Highway Officer has confirmed that this is more appropriate than a commercial use and that the existing local road network would see a benefit from an expected reduction in HGV movements.

5.20 The layout is considered acceptable and provides suitable turning spaces for vehicles to exit the site in a forward gear, including a refuse truck. The proposed access from Newport Road has been assessed and considered acceptable. During

correspondence with the Highways Officer's the existing bus stop has been relocated and a Road Safety Audit carried out which highlighted some concerns. Amended plans have since been submitted and confirmation from Highways is being sought with regards to the acceptability of the amended bus stop position. An update will be provided to the Committee.

5.21 It is considered the proposed development would comply with saved policies T10 and D1 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

5.22 Saved policy T15 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011 seeks to ensure that development proposals provide sufficient parking spaces to meet the requirements outlined within the Parking Standards SPD.

5.23 Below is an assessment of the proposed provision of homes and required Parking Standards, for homes to be located within Zone 3: - 6no. 1 bed flats requires 6 allocated plus 1.98 unallocated spaces -10 no. 2 bed flats requires 10 allocated plus 7.5 unallocated spaces - 9no. 3 bed homes requires 18 allocated plus 4.5 unallocated spaces - 9no.4 bed homes requires 18 allocated plus 4.5 unallocated spaces

5.24 A total of 52 allocated spaces with 18.5 unallocated spaces would be required.

5.25 In total, 52 allocated spaces, meeting the above requirements would be provided by the development and 22 unallocated spaces.

5.26 Whilst it is acknowledged that there would be an additional requirement of 1 space per 2 dwellings, where tandem spaces are to be provided and that the development does not meet this requirement with a shortfall of 5 spaces, the Highways Officer has confirmed that the number of spaces to be provided is acceptable, raising no objection to this point.

Flood Risk and Drainage 5.26 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) in paragraph 100 details that inappropriate development in areas at risk of flooding should be avoided by directing development away from areas at highest risk, but where development is necessary, making it safe without increasing flood risk elsewhere. This guidance is echoed under Saved Policy D1 of the Local Plan 2001-2011 which advises that planning permission will be refused where inadequate drainage is identified. The NPPF also provides a sequential test to steer new development to areas with the least probability of flooding (paragraph 101) and states that development should not increase flood risk elsewhere (paragraph 103).

5.27 The submitted Flood Risk Assessment confirms that the site lies within Flood Zone 1 with low probability and risk of flooding. The Environment Agency have confirmed the submitted Flood Risk Assessment is acceptable and have not raised objection to the application. On this basis, the proposed development is considered to accord with Development Plan Policy D1 and the principles outlined in the NPPF with regard to drainage and flood risk.

Ecology 5.28 Saved Policies NE2 and NE3 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001 - 2011 and Core Strategy Policy CS19 seek to protect wildlife and protected species and encourage biodiversity enhancements. This is supported by the NPPF which aims to conserve and enhance biodiversity (Paragraph 118).

5.29 An Ecological Appraisal has been submitted and concludes that the ecological value of the site is low and no protected species are likely to be harmed as a result of the proposed development. Appropriate biodiversity enhancements will be secured by conditions recommended within this report.

Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing 5.30 Policy CS21 of the Core Strategy and saved policies D4 and PO4 of the Local Plan require developments of this scale to adequately off-set the impacts of the development on local infrastructure. The calculations for these impacts are derived from the following Supplementary Planning Documents/Guidance Notes (SPD/SPG): o Affordable Housing SPD (2013) o Education Facilities SPG (2004) o Leisure recreation and Sports Facilities SPG (2005) o Social Infrastructure SPD (2005) o Sustainable Construction SPD (2007)

5.31 Saved policy H4 of the Local Plan and the Affordable Housing SPD seek 30% affordable housing with a tenure mix of 25% Affordable Rent (at a range of rental levels of up to 80 %, including 5% of the development at levels broadly equivalent to social rent) and 5% Shared Ownership. This would be secured through a S106 agreement.

5.32 Based on the size of the residential development, financial contributions are required for social infrastructure, education, leisure recreation and sports. Contributions are being sought as part of this application and are currently under negotiation, an update outlining the specific contributions being sought will be provided prior to the Committee meeting, however the applicant has agreed to the requirements as set out in the Supplementary Planning Guidance and Documents and the provision of 30% Affordable Housing in accordance with the Affordable Housing SPD.


6.1 The principle of re-using an under used previously developed site for housing would be acceptable. The applicant would provide 30% affordable housing and a tenure mix which would accord with the Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document. The applicant is prepared to mitigate the impacts of the development on existing infrastructure and community facilities in accordance with the Supplementary Planning Guidance Notes and Supplementary Planning Document. The revised plans which accompany the application shows how a development of 34 units would be laid and designed. It is recommended that planning permission is granted subject to the completion of a S106 agreement for the provision of affordable housing and financial contributions and the conditions set out in section 6 below.

7.0 CONDITIONS (The conditions that need to be imposed on any planning permission for this development to ensure that the development is satisfactory. To meet legal requirements all conditions must be Necessary, Relevant, Enforceable, Precise and Reasonable)

1. The development hereby permitted shall begin before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: To prevent the accumulation of planning permissions; to enable the Local Planning Authority to review the suitability of the development in the light of altered circumstances; and to comply with section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. No development shall take place above slab level until samples of the external materials to be used in the construction of the development have been submitted and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The development shall thereafter be carried out in full accordance with the approved details prior to the first occupation of the development.

Reason: To ensure that the development does not detract from the character and appearance of the area in accordance with Policy CS13 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013 and Saved Policy D2 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

3. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking and/or re- enacting that Order) no fences, gates or walls shall be erected within the curtilage of the dwellinghouse(s) hereby permitted other than those shown on the approved plans without the specific grant of planning permission from the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To prevent harm being caused to the amenity of the area and on the amenity of adjoining residential occupiers in accordance with Policy CS13 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013 and Saved Policy D1 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

4. No development shall take place until a Biodiversity Enhancement Scheme and Management Plan has been submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved details prior to the occupation of the development.

Reason: To maintain and enhance local biodiversity and ecology in accordance with Policy CS19 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013 and Saved Policy NE3 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

5. Notwithstanding the approved drawings, no development shall take place above slab level until full details of both hard and soft landscape works have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

These details shall include existing trees and/or hedgerows to be retained and/or removed accurately shown with root protection areas; existing and proposed finished levels or contours; means of enclosure; visibility splays; areas of hard surfacing materials; proximity between street lights and tree planting; pedestrian access and circulation areas; civic space / public park furniture, play equipment, bins etc.; proposed and existing functional services above and below ground such as cables, pipelines, substations. Soft landscape works shall include planting plans at a minimum scale of 1:200 with schedules of plants noting species, plant supply sizes and proposed densities; written specifications (including cultivation and other operations associated with tree, plant and grass establishment; and the implementation programme.

Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. If within a period of two years from the date of the planting of any tree or shrub, that tree or shrub, or any tree and shrub planted in replacement for it, is removed, uprooted or destroyed, dies, becomes severely damaged or diseased, shall be replaced in the next planting season with trees and shrubs of equivalent size, species and quantity.

All hard and soft landscape works shall be carried out prior to the occupation of the building(s) or the completion of the development whichever is the sooner or in accordance with a programme agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To protect significant trees and hedgerows, safeguarding the character of the area and preserving habitat and to minimise the effect of development on the area in accordance with Policies CS13 and CS19 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013 and Saved Policy D1 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

6. No building or use hereby permitted shall be occupied or the use commenced until the car/vehicle parking area shown on the approved plans has been constructed, surfaced and permanently marked out. The car parking area so provided shall be maintained as a permanent ancillary to the development and shall be used for no other purpose thereafter.

Reason: To ensure adequate parking provision at all times so that the development does not prejudice the free flow of traffic or the safety on the neighbouring highway in accordance with Policy CS13 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013 and Saved Policies D1, T3 and T15 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

7. Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby approved details of the proposed bicycle parking shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be completed in accordance with the approved details prior to the first occupation of the development and shall thereafter be retained for those purposes.

Reason: To ensure the provision and availability of adequate cycle parking in accordance with Policy CS13 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013 and Saved Policy T15 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

8. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the mitigation details submitted as part of the Flood Risk Assessment 28541001 October 2013.

Reason: To ensure the development provides suitable mitigation for flood risk.

9. Prior to any development taking place, the developer shall carry out an intrusive ground investigation to assess the risk from ground, groundwater and gas contamination of the site.

The results of this survey detailing the nature and extent of any contamination, together with a strategy for any remedial action deemed necessary to bring the site to a condition suitable for its intended use, shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority before construction works commence.

Reason: To ensure that the site is fit for its proposed purposed and any potential risks to human health, property, and the natural and historical environment, are appropriately investigated and minimised.

10. Any remedial works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved strategy and validated by submission of an appropriate verification report prior to first occupation of the development.

Reason: To ensure that the site is fit for its proposed purposed and any potential risks to human health, property, and the natural and historical environment, are appropriately investigated and minimised.

11. Should any unforeseen contamination be encountered the Local Planning Authority shall be informed immediately. Any additional site investigation and remedial work that is required as a result of unforeseen contamination will also be carried out to the written satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure that the site is fit for its proposed purposed and any potential risks to human health, property, and the natural and historical environment, are appropriately investigated and minimised.

12. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the details proposed for the mitigation for any harm to bats as outlined within the submitted Ecological Appraisal, February 2017

Reason: To ensure suitable mitigation for the protected species of bats.

13. The existing trees and/or hedgerows shown to be retained on the plans hereby approved shall be protected in accordance with BS 5837:2012 and

shall not be damaged or destroyed, uprooted, felled, lopped, topped or poisoned during the construction period of the development without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To protect significant trees and hedgerows, safeguarding the character of the area and preserving habitat and to minimise the effect of development on the area in accordance with Policies CS13 and CS19 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013 and Saved Policies D1 and D2A of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

14. No building or use herby permitted shall be occupied or the use commenced until a lighting plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. If any lighting is required within the vicinity of existing or newly created bat features, it shall be low level, with baffles to direct the light away from the features, thus preventing severance of bat commuting and foraging routes. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved details prior to the first occupation of the development or the commencement of the use and shall be subsequently retained in that form thereafter.

Reason: To ensure the Protected Species is adequately protected and in accordance with Saved Policy NE2 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001- 2011 and Policy CS19 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013.

Appendix to 17/00483/FUL

A1.0 RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY (A brief outline of previous planning decisions affecting the site – this may not include every planning application relating to this site, only those that have a bearing on this particular case)

This site has previously been granted outline consent for up to 37 dwellings, under application reference 13/02153/OUT. Whilst this has established a principle of developing the site for residential development, this consent has expired and as such, residential development of the site must be reconsidered in line with current national and local planning policies.

A2.0 ADDITIONAL MATTERS (Matters which were also considered in producing the Recommendation)


A3.0 CONSULTATIONS AND REPRESENTATIONS (Who has been consulted on the application and the responses received. The following are a brief description of the comments made. The full comments can be read via the Council’s web site) A3.1 Highways

Vehicle access The layout of the access is acceptable although on the ground the centre chevrons should be broken to allow for right hand turns into the site.

These items can be included when drawings are submitted for the s.278 agreement.

Internal road layout is acceptable.

Pedestrian access Footways are provided on both sides of the street. Close to the site's access width appears to be slightly below 2m and this should be increased to 2m so is consistent across the site to the standard footway width.

Bus stop The site's location removes the bus stop. It may be possible to include a 12m length of bus cage between the site's access and access to number 32. I have contacted Passenger Transport for further advice regarding this point.

Car Parking There is a shortfall due to the number of instances of tandem parking. This is not an excessive shortfall as 3 additional spaces were provided out of the 7 extra requirement. As such I raise no objection on this point.

Most of the plots are not compliant with the residential development design guide in term of dimensions as they lack the 0.5m / 1m circulation space and in some cases e.g. plot 9 have width below 3m which would make use of the space difficult. The applicant should check individual plots and submit a revised layout. Noted - the proposed layout has been amended.

Car port plans for units 33 and 34 to be provided.

Cycle Parking The cycle store for the flats does not appear to be large enough - note hanging or lifting style racks are not acceptable. Store needs to be a secure, lockable structure.

For the houses, cycle storage can be provided in sheds in gardens. (houses with garages do not need a separate storage facility). The applicant may with to change units 1 and 32 to garages as these plots have 2 open parking spaces outside of the car ports.


No analysis has been carried out but I am not expecting any significant differences between the proposals and the existing use of the site. I would point out that in highway terms residential uses for this site is more appropriate than a commercial use and the network will see a benefit from reduced HGV movements.

A3.2 Landscape Services (Trees) The amended layout is an improvement from the arboricultural point of view; The Western Red Cedar is now within a rear garden and there is plenty of room to accommodate it and its root protection area without the need for special construction techniques etc. There is increased space between the dwellings and the riverside Willows although it is difficult to see if the full 15 metres standoff has been provided as the trunk positions are not marked. The west end of the east block may come within 10m of the adjacent willows – perhaps this block could be stepped? So overall an improvement with perhaps a tweak to give the 15 metres standoff across the board.

A3.3 Landscape Architect The layouts amendments requested in my consultation response dated 24th April should be addressed, these need to be accommodated.

For 34 new dwellings the proposal can only accommodate 3 trees a Birch and 2 comparatively rare (and costly) Lebanese wild apple trees which are small trees and will make little statement against the mass and height of the flats and houses. Overall the proposal does not equate to an acceptable landscape scheme.

As I previously commented the majority of proposed ‘trees’ shown on site layout will not be trees and are specified as shrubs (Phormiums and Photinias).

Numbers and density of planting is not given, and the drawing is so faint I cannot read the details.

Noted. The landscape scheme submitted is indicative and a condition requiring the submission of a full landscape has been recommended.

A3.4 Urban Design o The part of the development which is seen in the context of existing development is the frontage to Newport Road. In my view, the proposed dwellings on this frontage should relate to the adjoining dwellings and therefore I would argue that these dwellings should have pitched roofs. The dwellings behind the Newport Road frontage will not be seen in the context of the adjoining existing dwellings and therefore flat roofs would be acceptable. o Details of proposed walling and roof materials should be provided. o At the northern pinch point, the street trees should be located within the public realm with the footway having a straight (not kinked) alignment. o Sufficient space should be provided along the public edge of the side boundaries of plots 2, 34, 9 & 26 to allow for landscaping to soften the impact. Boundary treatments should be brick walls. o Submission of landscaping and boundary treatments details should be conditioned.

A3.5 New Bradwell Parish Council Welcome the principle of redevelopment of the site for housing but make the following objections: Transport - drawings do not reflect the existing highways markings - relocation of the bus shelter and ownership issues

Design - flat roofs are incompatible with New Bradwell - design proposed is similar to developments in Wolverton and Oakridge Park, not New Bradwell

Trees - Trees T6-12 should be retained and not cut to ground level

Ground Conditions - no commitment to the removal of the 5 burined petrol tanks, the Parish Council believe these should be removed prior to new dwellings being constructed. Noted. Further ground investigation is required by the recommended conditions and any mitigation works necessary would need to be approved. Should the tanks require removal, these would be dealt with by the conditions.

A3.6 Countryside Officer Comments summarised below: o Proposals for landscaping that includes planting native trees and shrubs, an artificial Otter holt and adjacent fencing, appropriate bat friendly lighting and bat roosting and bird nesting assets will need to be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval. o Precautions regarding bats as outlined in the Ecological Appraisal will need to be conditioned.

A3.7 Anglian Water No objections raised and no conditions requested. Sufficient capacity within the local sewerage network to serve the development.

A3.8 Environmental Agency Response received, no objection subject to a condition securing the mitigation methods proposed within the Flood Risk Assessment.

A3.9 Environmental Health Comments as below: The above site includes land that been subject to a previous industrial uses and the proposed use is particularly vulnerable to contamination. Therefore, I agree with the conclusions of the Phase I report submitted with the application (Peter Brett, September 2013) that further ground investigation will be required to confirm the ground conditions and inform the remedial strategy design.

A3.10 Internal Drainage Board No response received.

A3.11 Ward Cllr Marland No response received.

A3.12 Ward Cllr Miles No response received.

A3.13 Ward Cllr Middleton No response received.

A3.14 Third Party Representatives 2 representations from neighbouring properties have been received. One raises objections and the other initially raised objections that were later withdrawn.

A summary of the objection made:  Design would be out of keeping with the local area