C CENTRE R DERECHERCHES M MATHÉMATIQUES AnnualReport 2011 2012 C CENTRE R DERECHERCHES M MATHÉMATIQUES AnnualReport 2011 2012 Centre de recherches mathématiques Université de Montréal C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-ville Montréal, QC H3C 3J7 Canada
[email protected] Also available on the CRM website http://crm.math.ca/docs/docRap_an.shtml. © Centre de recherches mathématiques Université de Montréal, 2014 ISBN 978-2-921120-50-0 Contents Presenting the Annual Report 2011–2012 1 Thematic Program 3 Thematic Programs of the Year 2011–2012: “Quantum Information” and “Geometric Analysis andSpec- tral Theory” ................................................ 4 Aisenstadt Chairholders in 2011–2012 : John Preskill, Renato Renner, László Erdős, Elon Lindenstrauss, and Richard M. Schoen .......................................... 5 Activities of the Thematic Semesters ...................................... 9 Past Thematic Programs ............................................. 21 General Program 23 CRM activities .................................................. 24 Colloquium Series ................................................ 36 Multidisciplinary and Industrial Program 39 Activities of the Multidisciplinary and Industrial Program .......................... 40 CRM Prizes 45 CRM–Fields–PIMS Prize 2012 Awarded to Stevo Todorcevic ......................... 46 André-Aisenstadt Prize 2012 Awarded to Marco Gualtieri and Young-Heon Kim ............. 47 The CAP–CRM Prize 2012 Awarded to Luc Vinet ............................... 48 The CRM–SSC Prize 2012 Awarded