Raport De Activitate Pe Anul 2009
Raport de Activitate - 2009 Colectivul IMAR January 26, 2010 1 Lucrari publicate la finele lui 2008 si necontinute in Raportul pe 2008 1.1 In reviste cotate ISI 1. Belinschi, Serban; Nica, Alexandru: On a remarkable semigroup of homomorphisms with respect to free multiplicative convolution, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, volum 57, No.4 (2008), pag. 1679 – 1713 2. D. Beltit¸˘a,K.-H. Neeb: A non-smooth continuous unitary representation of a Banach-Lie group, Journal of Lie Theory 18 (2008), no. 4, pag. 933–936. 3. C. Calinescu, J. Lepowsky, A. Milas Vertex-algebraic structure of the principal subspaces (1) of certain A1 -modules, II: higher level case , Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 212 (2008), pag. 1928– 1950 4. Dorin Cheptea, Kazuo Habiro, Gwenael Massuyeau: A functorial LMO invariant for Lagrangian cobordisms, Geometry & Topology 12:2 (2008), pag. 1091 – 1170 (MR 2403806) 5. Alexandru Constantinescu Hilbert Function and Betti Numbers of Algebras with Lefschetz Property of Order m, Communications in Algebra, 36 (2008), pag. 4704 – 4720 6. Bruno Benedetti, Alexandru Constantinescu, Matteo Varbaro Dimension, Depth and Zero-Divisors of the Algebra of Basic k-Covers of a Graph, Le Matematiche, Volume LXIII, Issue II, (2008) , pag. 117–156. 7. Alexandru Constantinescu, Le Dinh Nam The Standard Graded Property for Vertex Cover Algebras of Quasi-Trees, Le Matematiche, Volume LXIII, Issue II, (2008), pag. 173–183. 8. I.Aberbach, F. Enescu: Lower bounds for Hilbert-Kunz multiplicities in local rings of fixed dimension, Mich. Math. Journal vol. 57 (2008) special volume in honor of M. Hochster, pag. 1-16 9.
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